Home Arcade Tour

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hey what's up everybody today I'm going to give youall a very special tour my home arcade you know what I mean I got the name Mr home arcade I'm going to show youall why okay so we're going to work our way down the steps now right there to the right that's the arcade but we ain't going to start over there I'm going to show you all the Motu rooms right there is my chup box I love the way the lights look at that right above that you see SP Spiderman and Venom and then over here we're going to start in mul room number one now in this room I got most of my diarama displays all set up different types of stuff that I might want to incorporate in my commercials but mainly to display my figures and right there on the big screen you see Masters of the Universe is the mulu room so that's what plays in here right there is the nice palace of atoria big old eternals Palace got heatman on the wall and right here we got Castle great SC that's where he- man lives at nice Motu sign right there and then you might be wondering where where all the figures at you know what I'm saying well I got them all put away right now just because I'm in the process of doing new Motu commercials new Motu stories and I need that room you know what I mean right there is moss man's layer you just seen where Snake Mountain is and then right here that is the fright zone and then underneath the fright zone all the different layers with they torture different Palace cards all that type of stuff and then starting right here right there that bottom part that's hold ax layer has little throne room and and right there that's where the snake people live at above that that's just another area just so I can create different scenes and outlooks the palace and then right there that's just a special P didy room for the palace you know what I'm saying they get them special parties in right there there's various figures I'm going to put in the video coming up and then right here look at that Sky y'all see that that is hot I can do various things with the lights different effects and whatnot but let's move on to motor room number two now in this room I got mostly all my different specialty figures right there on the red shelf different figures that I bought off of different people and then right there on all these black shelves that's all figures that I made I know that there's Bunch missing right there you'll see why in a future video working our way down over here we got the different displays as I need more once I'm done all my commercials and I got to display these figures in nice areas it's like I can you know what I mean up there I got all my Mondo and then right here is the anti turnia area I still got to add a few more things to that like a castle that I'm waiting on where you have Ren FX but other than that all these other things right here various vehicles that I bought that I love same thing with that right there that big ass wh tank then right there that's where the Toria sits at and then all them figures I was talking about they all have in them boxes I got to hide them somewhere but that's it for Motu room number two see Skeletor guarding the door and and then right in here we're going to start working our way into the arcade but right here you know I need a little bathroom so there it is right there it ain't nothing fancy and then moving on right here I got the KN right there next to the video arcade sign where we going to work our way over here seeing the first arcade the ACT games Legends ultimate with the quad controller up on that right there we ain't going in that room that is restricted area that for channel members only now right here this Ste th Co piter he signed that for me you see that now right here working the way around you are about to see the home arcade now a couple years ago I used to really be into the whole home Marque Community or whatnot but I end up moving on but I still got him sell nothing so we going to start off right here we got the Red Bull machine with Red Bulls On Deck I need that then right there we got a movie playing right there you got to you know what I'm saying have a little Ambiance in the room we got the mystery block right here we got this big ass speaker setup plays all types of videos music and then over here we got the t2 arcade oneup followed by the NFL plitz followed by The Simpsons machine classics all these is classic right there we got another TV player with the X-Men on Deck right here right next to that we got the NBA Cham now all these cabs pretty much got online play I can play with random people from across the world right there we got the theater sign for the theater room which I'll show in a second but right here folks We Got The Infinity Gauntlet with the cap Shield we got Thor's hammer Iron Man's helmet and then that last Medallion right there if you know you know it's from from the never- Ending Story and then right here folks that home arcade main room all these games is over with 38 almost 40 games up in this plus the TVs that can play various games got the Mortal Kombat right there on Deck with some CPR car playing got to have some Cobra car up in there got the Killer Instinct the mvc2 and the street fighter Pig Blue oh I love it right here we got the Rampage on Deck the MK2 the final fight and the street fighter vers X-Men now if y'all don't know most of these CS they got a whole bunch of games on that but these just the ones I got on them right now right there we got the Lego Batman playing and then right here we got the ACT games Legends pinball machine I don't know why I hit that button by accident but that works pretty good right next to that we got the arcade oneup Marvel cab followed by the the out run is a pretty good cab right there the Street Fighter 2 turbo and right here oh yes we got the golden axe revenge of death Addam right there we got the nvx Neo Geo cab I got the hook up on that then right there we got the Big Buck Hunter followed by The Ridge Racer then right there on the end we got the icade Double Dragon Black Edition with the extra screen just so people can see what I'm playing and right there we got another at games Legends gamer hooked up to the big ass TV with various games underneath if I want to hook it up today I can we got my first one right there multi- Cade of every game known to man and then right there just various decorations on the wall oh I love that classic right there two classic games I had to get them big and blown up and put them right there right there we got another multicade with every single game you might want to ever play followed by Pac-Man followed by centipede asteroids Miss Pacman right there on Deck right next to that we got turtles in time he's got the other Turtles game up on there Raphael on the top chilling and then we got a movie playing up top followed by the dragons layout icade and the golden te 3D golf cab oh I love the music on that right there I got a basketball court want to play it flip it down and I can play it and then right there's the movie room with the nice carpet with the nice Velvet Rope and that's the movie room folks we going to walk in there right now first thing I got to do ishook The Velvet Rope you know what I mean it's VIP so I keep this locked up now right here we go into the movie room big screen we got some Invincible playing on Deck right there big ass speaker and these movie chairs with the lights that light up back part reclines front part reclines then the top it off I got the nice steer the pillows got some nice signs up here different various things to show youall that the snack bar is right here I want some snacks and I can eat it up right here whole bunch of different variety but right there folks that is the home arcade and there's something I want to show you real quick I want yall to listen to this right here you hear that that's that whole arcade experience the Anan the music that takes me back you know what I'm saying just listen for a second yeah that right there takes me back to a time when I was a child and that's why I end up buying all this right now but right there that's the movie room all closed up had to put the Rope back on that in there the meat and then working our way out the room that's it this is why I got the name Mr home arcade because I do have a whole marcade I don't show it very much right here I got the those I'm saying oh popcorn type of jelly beans and pictures tastes good but that's it folks thanks for taking this toour with me I'm glad I finally got settled in aret display it properly and now it's time for me to get up out of here but other than that folks thanks for watching and I'll see you on the next video thanks for watching folks and if you like what you saw do my a favor and drop me a like subscribe to the channel while you at it it ain't going to hurt you is it come on now go and hit the button I know you asked hit the button hit that goddamn Buton drop and like all right I'm out of here
Channel: Mr Home Arcade
Views: 3,178
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #home arcade, arcade tour, man cave, motu, motuorigins, arcade1up, atgames, iircade, netflix, movie room, video arcade
Id: DCHNJzZtu_o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 19 2024
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