Holy SH*T!!! I made my own cheese at home 🧀

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Wow if you watch this channel you know I love food projects it's one of the main reasons I built this studio out there space to really explore an experiment but when I was building the studio I had no time to do that I've been desperately waiting to have a day or just some time to really experiment more and today is that day I have so many food projects different fermentation stuff and generally I would just make this and not film it but I thought it would be pretty cool to take you behind the scenes because there's a lot of cool stuff going on so get ready for what's probably way too many food projects for one day right now alex is kicking it off with the sourdough starter so that's the first thing we'll do well we just did it feed the sourdough starter because that takes like four or five hours to activate so my sourdough starter was pretty dormant it was in the fridge for a while so Alex actually brought over hers it's never the best to travel with these I mean I travel with sourdough starters I've taken mine to California for god sakes but hard to judge the results when your starter is traveling but this is fed we're gonna let that actually we want to put this in a warm place maybe with the light on just to speed it up so we're gonna put the oven light on here we should get like 10 more degrees of temperature and we'll see this thing in about four hours when it's ready to hit the dough so this site right here is really the best for cheese making you can order all the supplies on here and it has a whole list of recipes and you can put in your ingredients and it will tell you what cheese's you can make full recipe below with pictures and we're really just gonna follow it cheese making is just kind of following the steps and what I love about food projects like cheese making bread making kombucha you're always a little nervous at first any type of fermentation or molding process like cheese it's scary but I've done cheese-making once and I already feel a hundred percent more confident I feel so much better about this around and I'm excited to keep growing and learning more skills and that's what we're gonna do today we're gonna just experiment and learn new skills so this of course is a special temperature controlled machine so dear to the works great for cheese making it kind of works as a double boiler where this is controlled at the right temperature so we pour water in diffuse and then we have this kettle with the milk in it sitting in the double boiler slowly coming up to temperature which is good for cheese so you don't to worry about any type of burning but you could just put the NIST kettle right on to the burner and just slowly bring it up to temperature as well all right so our milk is yeah just about 98 degrees well 99 so we're gonna add our cultures go that right on the top let that sit for five minutes sort of hydrate in so you don't get lumps and then we'll just stir it in right so the milk has been sitting at the 98 degrees or just a little over 60 minutes we're gonna add our reddit for separating the curds in the way and then calcium chloride to help that process out and then we'll just stir we're gonna keep that at this temperature for 30 minutes and then we're gonna turn the heat up for another 30 so it's been 30 minutes on the cheese pick this out see how that has coagulated and you're just looking for a clean break pretty clean right there the curds and let them sit for five minutes [Music] you can see the wisp really cuts the curds into smaller pieces and once they're there cut down like this now we're gonna stir at the 98 degree temp for 10 minutes then we're going to bring the cheese up to 118 degrees and cook it a bit so this is a pretty cool process right here you can see the curls I'm just stirring the curds up making sure they don't clump together too much right now I'm set for 118 so I'm bringing this up to temperature as you cook it and as you stir the curds continue to lose way so they get a little more dense and they really turn into serious cheese curds they have that classic squeak enos that chewiness and you can eat these curds right now and they're they're delicious I could eat a whole plate of those things I have last time I made cheese I so many curds but these are just good on their own of course this is how poutine is made with cheese curds melted over fries so once this hits temperature once this is at 118 we're gonna keep it there and stir it for about another 20 minutes and then we'll be ready to drain the cheese curds all right so it's time to strain this way off and the curds should be settled in the bottom yep I can see them and I'm gonna save most of the way but I don't need it all so I'll just save this much I can make some ricotta see the carrots beauty amazing how little curds there are compared to way with all of that milk that's what Jesus expensive my friends alright now I'm gonna press this cheese up get it in our mold I just got so excited to press the cheese that I completely forgot about the main reason I'm making this cheese which is to add this special ingredient so let me show you something real quick so quick shoutout to sub does that sub S sub does I believe this is an Australian company and look what they sent me a whole bunch of cool stuff including this beast right here truffle slicer but star of the show we're going to drain our third mass look how that sticks together where's our truffle did you steal my truck all that great oh my god looks like a nutmeg so I'm just winging this there's no recipes really for fresh truffle shoes out there maybe half of this thing wow these are beautiful thank you sub that's this guy I'm gonna just apply right now 20 pounds of pressure and we'll let that sit for about an hour and then we'll come back and we'll flip it and we'll apply more pressure [Music] so it's just telling Alex you can see the spelt is on top and obviously you need to feel it but the difference is amazing because there's two main types of flour they're soft and there's hard and the spell has a soft feel which you would generally use for pastry and then if you dig down to the bottom with the hard red winter wheat it's denser compared to the lightness of the spell and we need to sift off a lot of the brand which is the outer shell of the wheat grain and to do that it is very simple you just take the flour put it through a sifter sift like that and most of the bran will stay and you can reserve the brand for muffins it's good for sourdough starters and you'll have beautiful bread flour so there you go this is the bread flour and then over here we have the sifted off-brand you can see it's super horse what do you think of your first time making it's soft I know there's you see that all flowers are not made the same it's inspiring to make bread like this right all right we just decided on a bonus recipe we're gonna make banana blueberry bran muffins Alex you have a rescue are you looking at the recipe 1/2 cup of shortening I use oil 1 cup sugar I reduce that flour baking soda salt 3 bananas ok so this isn't a bran muffin recipe oh no but you can add bran to it ok it's a very forgiving recipe ok let's do it here we go we have blueberry walnut banana bran muffins with no egg really is the only thing you didn't have but Alex assures me that these will be delicious so these are going in the than for a long 18 to 20 minutes for a delicious fermentation snack well that's the only thing we're not forever all right 20 minutes so ramen for lunch followed by a blueberry walnut banana bran muffin and these are delicious good job Alex so I'm gonna take that flour and start working on the dough for the sourdough and this is the auto beast process where you're basically hydrating the dough you're starting the gluten bonding and of course this isn't a full detailed recipe so if you want the details and all the timing make sure you click this link above these are my sourdough timetables that will give you a checklist of all the proper timings to make sourdough around your schedule if your 9 to 5 if you're freelance if you're a night out person these sourdough checklists will give you the perfect timetables so I'm gonna use a mix of flowers here we're gonna go with half all-purpose so 500 grams of all-purpose flour and then we have another 500 grams of this fresh milled flour this is the hard red wheat and the smell so I'm gonna keep the hydration levels at around 75% just because the olives will add a little bit of moisture this by the way is a dough with you know a lot of people asked when I use this tool and it's great for mixing a wet dough like this a Danish dough whisk and you can tell right here this is actually pretty wet or just 75% hydration because we ground our fresh flour flour has much more moisture since it hasn't dried out so you got to take that into account when you are milling your own so our starter looks pretty active you can see it started there it's rose by more than double so I'm gonna add this to our auto lease dough and we'll add a little bit of salt those are our main ingredients and then the additional ingredients the olives I think I'm gonna add figs they'll come later stick up some olives here and I've got some figs here I've never tried this so we'll see what happens but I'm just going to chop this up so we can add it to the sour garden so it performs one stretch and fold on this and you can see there's actually some pretty good lutein development already I'm going to add my olives and my figs and I'll probably do three rounds of stretch and folding including the one where I'm adding this right now I'm gonna do is let this bulb rise at room temp for maybe two hours to gain a little bit of size and then I'm gonna let it sit in the fridge overnight to ferment so here we go fermented kombucha so I made this about 10 days ago I got to give it a try but I think this is ready for the second fermentation or the carbonation process which is just adding flavor to your kombucha and bottling it up for carbonation now I have a ton of videos online for making kombucha but if you want all of the details on this tricked-out set this is my ultimate kombucha brewing kit makes perfect kombucha every time we got the heat wrap thermometer volume marked off here everything you need for perfect kombucha click the link right there for all of the information on this set so back over to ya what I have right here is some Concord grape juice i juice this when the grapes were in season a few months ago and then I froze it because I love Concord grape kombucha so I'm going to pour this in some of those glass jars right there and then we'll add our kombucha and let it from right so now the best part about this setup is you just bring it over to your tap and you top off your they get a little bubbly so you just let that settle move on and then you can go back to that last one but there you go we will cap these off we're gonna let these sit for about it depends maybe it's cold right now in the studio so it could take up to a week if it's hot to three days but luckily we don't have to wait that long because I made a batch of Concord grape that I still have in the fridge ready for consumption all right I have another food project to the list it's getting insane over here so I remember hearing that you can make ricotta using just way I looked it up how to make way ricotta using way laughs cheese making or a dream from yoga-maya nightosphere creamy ezra kind of made using whole milk traditional ties I wonder for me to realize way that might be normally decided so what a thing is you can use a gallon of milk with the way which increases the yield but it's optional and I don't have extra milk so I'm just gonna try to use only the way and see what we get this is very exciting possibly a game-changer for cheese making it was meant to be because I stream this right into the perfect pot so what I'm gonna do is slowly heat this up to 195 and all you do is stir in some vinegar so we brought the way up to temperature it's almost at 190 they're making sure to not let it boil over alex is going to add half a cup of vinegar and this again will hurtle it and hopefully separate the rest of the fat oh we've got ricotta draining it needs the gravity so it has to become it's straining under its own weight into there so there's already a ton away coming off we're gonna let that sit for at least an hour the longer of course the thicker the ricotta I've never done this so I'll start with an hour and go from them you can see how much whey check that out all of that way has come out so let's see what's going on in here whoa Wow truffle cheese holy [ __ ] wow that is incredible in a really good form this is in the final form Wow that's special right there the truffle I hope this works it's the craziest thing I've ever seen so what we're gonna do is gonna flip it over so the recipe says 25 pounds of force for four to six hours I won't be here in four to six hours so I'm just gonna do like twenty-two pounds or overnight and see what happens I'll probably be a little firmer but that's all right so we've been at it all day and that's a wrap for the day tomorrow we'll bake off the sourdough I got this ready to go to the fridge I want to sample some kombucha tomorrow is there anything else we have to do oh we have to finish off this - never mind we're not done I'm gonna show you this real quick because this is done draining that's like a nice mozzarella ball size of ricotta cheese no not that much but definitely worth doing I mean that's like a nice serving of ricotta right there oh my god that is good oh my god try that try that yeah I don't even know what to compare it to like normal ricotta is usually [ __ ] unless you're less you're like in Italy yeah it's so good worth sitting over the stove and waiting it yeah yeah you go through all of this effort to make aged cheese it's not an easy process it takes you know you saw it takes time and then you have to age it so you don't get the reward till a few months down the line this is like a quick little reward you right after so you still get some product and you don't have to wait months so day two on our food project adventure we've got the the dough shaped pretty sneaky wasn't the easiest but it's done so I'm really excited to see how those turn out if cheese is done pressing so I'm gonna take that al I do have to brine the cheese that's the last step and then it goes into the aging cave so let's check out this cheese real quick so the last step in the cheese-making process oops [Music] this is just really salty water with a little bit of vinegar and if it doesn't cover the top you can hit it with a little bit of salt and it's gonna stay in there for three hours and I'm gonna flip it over at an hour and a half but I'll preheat my oven to 500 degrees let that go for about 45 minutes until we're ready to bake mark and paper so they'll probably be a lot of excess flour yeah I used a lot of flour because it was a pretty wet dough brush that off into the oven at 500 for 20 minutes all right all right there you go just came out of the oven now this is a really weak rice probably one of the weakest breads I've made and a while probably didn't help the sourdough starter travel from Alex's house to here on the same day that we bake but the best part about sourdough is one you're gonna learn every time you bake I learned a valuable lesson there and - this is still gonna be delicious it might be a little more dense but I'm so excited to try the flavor of fig and olive which I've never had before you also never want to cut into it when it's hot but I'm breaking another rule there because I haven't eaten anything and I'm starving no it actually has a pretty light crumb again you can see like there's so much steam coming off that you want this steam to actually continue to cook the bread or your texture will change but it's like you know to eat hot bread straight out of the oven is not the worst and I'll probably eat this whole thing right now for lunch with Alex of course they got our bread we got our truffle ricotta from yesterday now that is a celebration of fermentation home crafted goods right there homemade fresh truffle ricotta with a fig and olive sourdough straight out of the oven oh my god that's why I couldn't wait all right there's one more thing we have the sample tumbler job like I said before I made those Concord grape kombucha zand they have to ferment but I had a batch that was actually ready to go in the fridge chill carbonated oh my god oh my come on beautiful Concord grape kombucha right there Cheers [Music] Alex doesn't like intense carbonation but I was explaining that this is effervescence right here this is natural carbonation small bubbles compared to like a soda like a coca-cola which is forced carbonation which is why it hurts when you drink it like if you get a coke from McDonald's with those wide straws and hits you and it's like why does this hurt to drink this is it doesn't get better than yes this was a marathon but there's nothing better than food projects I don't necessarily suggest making 15 at once remember if you want the sourdough checklist guides you can click below and also the kombucha kit if you want to see how I put together my kit for making kombucha that is just absolutely incredible click the link below and let me know if you like this style of video behind-the-scenes recipe testing experimenting because there's plenty more experimenting coming alright let's do a little check in here this is the cheese cave we open up this boy it's just a mini fridge that's converted can see I've got to I lied to you guys the truffle cheese was my second cheese I ever made this cheddar was made a week before so in total this is been aging for around five days I would say and I just flip it every few days and it's looking good no mold growth yet or nothing really going on and basically if you want your own cheese cave it's really simple this thing right here plugs into your fridge and your humidifier and what it does is it controls the temperature of the fridge and the humidifier so I have it set for 50 degrees in the fridge and 80% humidity and when it gets too cold or too humid it just turns off these machines so it's pretty simple regulation but these cheeses will be aging for months and I hope to fill up this whole thing and keep you guys updated on the entire journey follow me at life by Mike G for daily updates and I'll be doing a taste test video once these babies are fully aged
Channel: Pro Home Cooks
Views: 318,748
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cheesemaking, cheese making, homemade aged cheese, truffle cheese, what to do with truffles, cheese cave, homemade ricotta cheese, whey ricotta, sourdough recipe, flavoring sourdough, milling flour, how to mill flour at home, mill your own flour, cheddar cheese recipe, pecorino cheese recipe, hard cheese recipe, how to make hard cheese, aging cheese, cheese curds, mike greenfield, pro home cooks
Id: Jyd9dBTxDZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 57sec (1497 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 19 2020
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