Holly Loses it Over 'Demonic' Chihuahua's Adoption Plea | This Morning

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[Music] now this is prancer a two-year-old chihuahua who was recently on the lookout for his forever home but although prancer might look quite cute and cuddly his foster carer tiffany wanted to make sure that all prospective owners knew the truth in her very honest adoption post she described prancer as a demonic man-hating animal-hating child-hating dog who physically resembles a gremlin she went on to compare him to a haunted victorian child living in sorry living in the body of a small dog and claimed he had held her family hostage for six months but they say there is someone out there for everyone and surprisingly prancer has now found his forever home so we're gonna be meeting his new owner in just a moment but first his former foster carer tiffany joins us now hi tiffany hi it's lovely to talk to you thank you for joining us today so you've been fostering um animals since you were 14 and the dogs that have been through your doors all sorts of different dogs all sorts of different personalities um how did prancer arrive on the scene at first um when i first got him he was really scared um so his owner went into assisted living and couldn't keep him anymore um and the family had given him to me because they they didn't they weren't able to take care of him um so first he was just really really scared and you bonded you bonded with him yes yeah he was so scared he bonded to me um very quickly he never tried to bite me um but it was once he got bonded after like the first week that's when his personality started to come out okay well the personality traits you've described one of them being demonic so what sort of behavior did he start to display um once he became very bonded to me um he hated all of the other animals um he really hated my dad and it just kind of became constant um barking growling nipping at ankles um stuff like that but i mean it this escalated so much you said you were held hostage in your own home yes not so much myself but for my dad absolutely um and for my other animals absolutely you could not go in a room without him losing his mind well you said one of the things he described him as was chucky doll in a dog's body yes yeah so he um yeah he would make a lot of noise so even you know i had to be on top of him all the time um because if he was with the other animals alone or if my dad came in the room and i wasn't around he would just go crazy so i mean you did try it before you were so brutally honest in that adoption post you did try and get him adopted beforehand and you were attracting the wrong types of people i guess the types of people that were coming forward were people that wanted a cute little lap dog that you could kind of hold and of course prancer is not that yes yeah um i uh oh sorry i just got confused by what you said um dog's barking in the background that's all that's all right no i was just saying i was just saying that he was he he attracted the wrong person because i guess when you look at him in an image it's kind of like butter wouldn't melt in his mouth he looks very cute and adorable but he's got all these other personality traits yeah so a lot of people that wanted him thought that they could change him they thought that you know he would get along with their animals but i fostered a lot and he was definitely the most challenging and there was no way he was accepting other animals or men so you decided that you would post you didn't know that the post would go viral um which he did and he became world famous but you were brutally honest yes yeah um i just wanted people to um understand his actual issues um because there was a lot of people that again he is a really cute dog in a weird way so he was attracting a lot of the wrong the wrong candidates well after being brutally honest surprisingly a lot of people showed up and still displayed interest in prancer and one of them was ariel so how did why did you pick ariel specifically um yeah so she actually a lot of the people that had applied just sent an application she sent an application but also uh paragraphs about her life and how she thought she would be a good fit for him and it was very personal and that was what um drew us to her well ariel joins us now in his new home his forever home hi ariel lovely to talk to you so when you saw that ad which did not paint prancing a particularly good light what made you think that's the dog for me um when i read the ad i was able to relate a lot to some of the characteristics that he was described as i cared for a dog about seven years ago that was very similar to prancer and i think that tiffany did a really good job of bringing humor to some of his um more demonic sides but um at the end of the post she explained that he was very loyal and that he was quiet and non-destructive when he was left alone and those are some really great traits to have in an animal so um i thought hey why not just uh shoot out an email and see what happens and and there you are and actually you describe your relationship with the dog now as being life-changing for you it's been very life-changing um he's really done a lot to help get me out of the house i was very sedentary at the time i went to work i came home and i was a homebody now that i have cancer um i'm always going on walks and i'm trying to you know find new ways to take pictures of him i've learned how to use instagram which was not something i did before and he's really helped me open up my um my social network as well well i um i was looking at uh at his instagram um this morning right for the first picture of him arriving at your home and he's in the car at prancer the chihuahua if you want to have a look um so what was it about your home your life that prancer fitted into bearing in mind there are lots of things that he doesn't like um i'm a single woman um i'm also a lesbian so there's going to be no men in my life for the foreseeable future i am i live with another female i have no animals i have a job that is very conducive to taking care of him my hours are good i live close to my work so i can come home if there's anything that needs to be done oh my goodness and has he changed has he calmed down or is it did he still if you were to come into contact with a guy or another animal would he still react in the same way or do you think he's tempered a bit oh no he's absolutely demonic when he meets him i'd have been disappointed if he wasn't oh prompter oh bro very spot on um when he gets into situations that are stressful for him he i see all of the qualities that she discussed on this in the post um but when he's you know alone and being taken care of with women i brought him to um my work a couple of times i work at a women's long-term rehabilitation center and he's met a couple of the girls and had really positive experiences with him so i'm working with a trainer as well to try and help him become a little bit more social uh in the long run he looks very happy now he does look happy i mean it is a perfect match a perfect forever home and tiffany you say his adoption was one of the best days of your life uh yes it was very peaceful coming home without him but i did miss him a lot yeah thank you both thank you great story and a brilliant ending and thank you for joining us today it's all about finding the right home isn't it there you go thank you very much thank you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 1,448,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: tQuf_4KxYAI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 35sec (515 seconds)
Published: Thu May 06 2021
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