Holiness Unto the Lord conference 1990 #6

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I think tonight's going to be like the wedding of Cana I think we've received we've kept the best wine for last [Applause] let's just welcome our little old winemaker Paul Kane [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] well that slipped up on me how many of you glad to be here tonight let me see your hands are you really glad to be here I'd you rather be here than to be in war how'd you rather be here than to be in the finest hospital in all of Great Britain how'd you rather are the United Kingdom had you rather be here than there well so had I tonight I have a very important theme to talk about but I have a very important request please do not look at your work books if you do you'll confuse me because tonight the Lord has prompted me to preach a message entitled the emergence of the victorious Church but he called upon me this morning to rearrange the categories of the message and for some time I've been feeling there's something missing insofar as the categorization of that message and the Lord spoke very clearly and then confirmed it through another brother and the Lord and it was just a wonderful thing so tonight we're going to talk about the emergence of the Victoria's Church and I not only want to talk about I'd like to see it really a man and we're gonna talk about some wonderful things that will be happening in the last days but don't lose sight of what you can be doing now I believe we're to occupy with Christ's occupation with Jesus Christ is the most important thing that we could be doing we need to occupy with him and be patient for the time when he will pour his spirit out upon all flesh so it's wonderful just to be a knock occupied with the Lord now I mean by that do whatever you see needs to be done if your Ministry of the sink will there's plenty of people to to pray for people who are hungry to minister for the Lord and minister on the Lord's behalf they often come to us and say well what can I do I told you friends there's so many things to do pure religion and undefiled before God the Father is to visit the fatherless and the widows in their affliction and their hundreds of thousands of people in rest homes and I have a heart for the the young children who can't help themselves and then the elderly who can help themselves so I'll never run out of ministry and it's not just in the big crowds and it's not being God's man for the hour our God special handmade it's available ministry is available and so until we get to the greater works I think we should be satisfied in doing whatever we see the Lord telling us to do or showing us to do well I don't waste any time but we had a difficult time getting here we hail'd three or four taxi cabs and none of them knew where this place was we tried to get on the tube and there's some kind of fire we couldn't get on the tube to get here and this must be on God's calendar tonight for one of the greatest visitations we've had because we never experienced such difficulty and getting here then all of a sudden bumper-to-bumper traffic and we well I'm just so glad to be here that's a I said all that to say I'm just so glad to be here [Music] if nothing happens tonight I know it will I believe we've experienced revival to the extent that many marriages are back together again the other night at dear woman was pointed out who was having very serious domestic problems and a a prophecy came forth for her and that prophecy was being fulfilled in another part of well another nation and while that prophecy was coming forth God was on the other end of the line repairing that woman's husband for a reconciliation and before the the morning was over the following morning there was a reconciliation and the works I think that's just wonderful so praise the Lord for that so there were hundreds of marriages I believe that were affected the other night and many you know were experiencing the lack of domestic tranquility had a healing we've just had one report after the other we don't have to have these reports we believe God and if we were faithful and we try and do exactly and precisely what the Lord tells us to do then the rest is up to him many times the Lord will give me something outlandish to say and people would say aren't you afraid to say something like that no I'm really not because sometimes I say well their Lord I obeyed you now you'll have to get out of it the best way you can that's the truth and that's so that's that's the way we feel about it tonight I'm trying to speak on the prophetic church but I'm a little different than most speakers I'm waiting until I get a signal or something from the Lord that I can handle this this is too much for me unless I get the unction to function and you may not understand that I'm an extemporaneous preacher I really know what that means except I can't preach whether huh a mighty anointing and so I'm waiting for the preacher and most of the days when I stay shut in all day I get very lonely and some people say now we have it this man is so lonely he preaches long messages and keeps the people all night so he'll have company and won't be alone and but that's not the reason so tonight I believe the Lord is going to help us let's pray one more time father in the matchless name of Jesus I pray that it will illumine my mind with the light of the Holy Spirit and give me words of knowledge and words of wisdom to speak that I could not ordinarily speak and will give you the praise glory honored and recognition in the name of holy Jesus thank you Father or your darling son for your love for your church amen and amen now there are several categories of the prophetic church or rather the victorious church I want to talk about tonight and the first should be intimacy here we talk about the church being unequaled in power and unequal in unity but we can't have those things without intimacy and purity so to begin with if you have your Bibles turn to Daniel 11:32 chapter 11 Book of Daniel 11:32 [Music] while you're turning there there was a man standing here playing that funny-looking instrument the man of the mandolin had a white shirt on where'd he go where are you stand up what do you there you are okay brother I just feel the Lord spoke a word of grace to be I just saw the number five I don't know what that means but it means someplace where the Lord has visited you does that make any sense to you and Nancy is that your wife there's a grace package coming to you let's praise the Lord for that in Jesus name I just saw you and the Lord just spoke that to me glory to God there's your grace package let's praise the Lord for that in Jesus name Amen well that's all right isn't it now if you were an Englishman I would say sir Lawrence but now that you're an American I'll just say Larry is that all right let's praise the Lord's that's your name well good you don't have a badge on do you two would make a bit of difference praise the Lord anyway I'm doing my best to do what Jesus did when he both began to do and to teach I didn't feel the excitement level right too high but it sure did in him I'm gonna have one person listening to me for the rest of the evening whether you do or not he's gonna be listening because that will mean something to him there is a grace package there's a new expression for this man's life and fulfillment and like last night Larry is a god of a second chance he's a God that speaks the second time he's speaking to you the second time you're gonna be fulfilled Daniel 11:32 and here it is I believe we're ready now just took that little added excitement to get me all stirred up sometimes I pray Lord aluminum my mind and I think while I was I'm praying that Lord if you can't illuminate eliminate it and have your way and speak and I pray that the words that I speaking to you will be not those of my own choosing but that I'll be able to fall right in line with the Lord is saying there will be the emergence of the victorious church and it will be unequaled the church the victorious Church will be unequaled in intimacy and the Lord showed me that it's intimacy that we need first we must have intimacy in Daniel 11:32 and such as do wickedly against the covenant shall be corrupted by flatteries but the people who do know their God shall be strong and do exploits I tell you with a promise like that even in the Old Testament it's worth making some strides forward to achieve you know everything in America seems to be geared around achievement self-improvement like John Wimber said the other night and but let me tell you there is something to achieve there is some power available and God will give it if we're power hungry for all the right reasons if we want something with the right purpose in mind God will act accordingly but we must act accordingly I believe that intimacy is the most important thing in the world it's the most important thing for the world it's the most important thing in the church J I Packer the theologian says we not God to determine the degree of intimacy that we have with him and we're just as close to God at this very moment as we ourselves choose to be that's a pretty serious statement but we are as close to God as we ourselves choose to be so when he said the place that Saint John the Beloved st. John the Divine who was at that time Jesus's bestfriend according to one version of the Bible the place where he leaned on Jesus brass is available you can still make Jesus Christ your magnificent obsession and follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth you can still walk in the garden in the cool of the day like Adam did when he was fresh from the fingertips of his maker you can have that intimacy you can have that no matter how it got interrupted through Jesus Christ we are brought so near to God and he's brought so near to us that we can walk with Him and have fellowship with him and talk with him I'm so glad that most of you tonight believe in a God that can not only write and put words in a book but he can speak he's still alive he's yet alive and we're seeing signs of that it seems that our God who is a God of sovereignty and righteousness and justice and love and eternal life and omnipotence and omniscience and omnipresence and immutability and veracity it seems like this God should never be cheated out of a place in the lives of people in the 20th century Church when God can both speak and we can hear Jesus at 15 times in the New Testament of course he that hath ears to hear let him hear meaning he must be planning to say something he was planning to say something to his disciples you know when Peter got so excited and and cut the soldiers ear off when they came to arrest Jesus but after the garden experience somebody said I they thought he was aiming for the guy's head it was going to cut his head off and missed it missed his throat and cut his ear off but Jesus picked it up and put it back on said here you're gonna need this he that hath ears to hear let him hear a little bit out of context wasn't it well anyway I'm just gonna take a couple of rabbit trails tonight and just say a couple of things like that well let's get on with it I understand that John Wimber today pulled out all the stops and told you about Joel's army I'm so proud of him I tell you John I'm so proud of you I could give you my King James Bible really I've never been so excited about anything in my life somebody rang my room today and said you're not gonna believe it but oh if you could have heard John it was just absolutely magnanimous super colossal and I don't even know what those words mean but I know it was wonderful it was powerful and it just made my heart rejoice because in spite of what you've been told in spite of what I've heard there will be a church a victorious church and there will never be anything like this church from Adam clear down through the end of the age and there will be an army of God and there's never been an army like this one and there never will be an army like this because there will be made up of people who have had intimacy with God and then all of the other things fall in line in Joel 2:28 and 29 it says it shall come to pass afterward that I'll pour out my spirit upon all flesh your sons and daughters shall prophesy your old men shall dream dreams your young men shall see visions and upon both male and female I'll pour out my spirit now and we had in the last days I believe these are the last days I'm not here to argue any point if we just had long enough to stick around you'd find out that there will be a victorious church but there's a lot of things in the meantime that we need to hear God say he wants us to draw closer to him lay down our crowns lay down our ministries lay down everything that would keep us in hindrance from the intimacy that we need to share with him but in these last days I believe there will be an outpouring of the Holy Spirit where men and women boys and girls will be used think of a God of perfect equality and perfect equity who were proud his spirit not only on the vicar's and the priests and the pastors and evangelists and the teachers and the apostolic teams not only will it do that but he'll proud is spirit upon children on young people on boys and girls on young men and young women and old men and older women and there's going to be a plenitude supply of signs and wonders and signals from God and all kinds of activity in the prophetic there'll be prophetic visions prophecies and dreams and the old testament only a few people in each century seem to have this sort of intimacy with God but in the last days the Lord is showing us that it's open to all the god of equality the God of perfect equity is not just giving it to a few old men even he's giving it to some precious young ladies and women he's an equal opportunity God he's giving it to all in the last days you may not get a fair shake from the government in America and you may not get a fair shake you feel you may not get a fair shake from your government wherever it may be but God is going to give you a fair shake because he is a God of perfect justice and perfect equality and so just stay around and you're going to be mightily used of God but I cannot emphasize enough that you do whatever you see to do if we just start out doing the little things then all of a sudden we would be into the big works before you know it we have a friend in America famous evangelist who has a song leader that enjoy is leading crowds like this and the old song give me that old-time religion and he gets to that part where it says it makes the Baptist love the Methodist and makes the Methodists love the Baptist and he said you know every time he gets to that part I think I'd be very happy if the Baptist's love the Baptist you know I was in Ireland the other day and I said you know I I'm sure a lot of you would be happy if just the Irish love the Irish or the English love the English or the Americans love the Americans but whichever it may be there are works these works and greater works now I'm getting ahead of my message I've forgotten all my Roman numeral it's a Navy season 0.123 that's not gonna bother me let's back up and start all over again now Lord if you haven't illumined my mind yet please eliminate it so we need to would need to make this very clear all right in Philippians 3:10 the Apostle Paul is saying in the closing hours of his life maybe in the closing days at least of his life he's saying all that I may know him and the power of his resurrection and the Fellowship of his sufferings being made conformable unto his death can you imagine a man like Paul wanting to know the Lord better why wouldn't you settle for just knowing him exactly the way Paul knew him at this point in his life I think I'd be tempted to but nevertheless in spite of that God is going to give us intimacy beyond anything we ever dreamed of oh that we could walk with him and talk with him and know that where is very on and know that were the apple of his eye and know that he's watching us and and he's as close to us as the breath that we breathe the the air that we breathe and incidentally there's a wonderful presence of God here many of you can experience a conscious presence of God you're experiencing it now the presence of God is here the very air is impregnated with the presence of God and this would be a good time to really link yourself with what the Lord is saying about intimacy I tell you I want to know him I want to know him I'm more interested in knowing him than getting all the know-how in the world I'd rather not have the know who than the know how because if you have a know who you'll automatically have the know-how so to know him now come on that was a pretty good point I wasn't quite now stating that but if you have the no food you'll not have to worry about them know how so Paul really knew him but in spite of the wonderful way Paul knew him there was still more intimacy available Mike Bickle says something wonderful and I guess it's in the Bible there it's too wonderful to be from any other source but it goes something like this anybody can quit but a man in love that maybe in Proverbs that be a wise place for it but anyway any man quit but a man in love and so I told you when you have intimacy with God it's impossible for you to to quit you just want to go on and knowing you want to go on and know him better even in Paul's final bread he was willing to risk everything just that he might know him more intimately in the Fellowship of his sufferings and even being made conformable and his death whatever it takes he wants to know the lord better I'll tell you it pays to know him he alone has omniscience he alone has omnipotence he alone his not prison where could you go without finding him you couldn't find a place where God does not exist he is ever-present everywhere David said if I make my bed in Hell lo thou art there wherever you go God is with you I tell you God is with us tonight and it's just as automatic as it can be where two or three are gathered together in his name there is he in the midst of them also so you can imagine how much of his presence is available to all of you so just get your spiritual long apparatuses all tuned up and began to inhale and exhale the power and the presence of God there's enough of it here to heal cancer the lungs there's enough of it here to heal cancer the liver there's enough of it here to heal every kind of malignancy just get your self filled with the presence of Almighty God and His Christ in the Holy Spirit I believe they're here tonight I believe they're here tonight think of the excitement if the Queen of England walked into this room why some of you would even stand it and pay homage to President Bush if he walked in here there's one greater than Bush are the great Queen of of United Kingdom the Lord Jesus Christ and His Majesty is in this place tonight amen and amen and he's here that we may know him so we we just can't say enough about intimacy when I was a little boy I felt so insatiably in love with Jesus I used to slip out of my bed three or four o'clock in the morning and I'd go out into a lonely deserted field out in the country and I would hide there between the high stalks of the corn or whatever was growing and I would just call out the name of Jesus and adore him and telling how much I loved him and I asked him to speak to me and I fell in love with the name of Jesus I tell you it pays to fall in love with the Lord it pays to have intimacy with him and every one of you have that unique privilege tonight to know the Lord just as much as you choose to know him but not only will it be a church unequal in intimacy which gets everything started first we have to know him first we have to know God there's many people today who tell me things that make me believe they don't really know our God because our God is a God who rolls the waters bag he's a God who specializes in things that people think are impossible there people have come to the end of the way and the surgeons and specialists have said no and but God we have a God and it pays to be intimate with him but let me get back here and start over with the next point of the next category or whatever they call these things it'll be a church unequaled in purity we don't like that type of talk today because anything that is said about growing up in Christ and putting on the Lord and laying aside the sin that so easily beset you it just causes a lot of people to get paranoid but friends the Holy Spirit it's not so naive to command you and me to put on something we've already put on or to take off something we've already taken off and the Holy Spirit is speaking to the church today and before we can have the emergence of the victorious church we're going to have to have the emergence of the overcoming church and the church that's so intimate with God that she'll want to be pure enough to overcome the world of flesh in the devil I see a new crop of young people emerging and some of these young people are so fed up they are bored to their eyeballs with the present structure and they want to know Jesus they want to know God and they are finding him and they're saying no to AIDS and they're saying no to adultery and no to filthiness of the flesh and no to fornication and they are coming into something of an overcoming life I'm not talking about a super race of men and women that are going to be Superstars and all of the I'm talking about a company of over comers and he that overcometh has a new name and he that overcometh has many benefits just read the book of Revelation the first part you'll find out that there's there's many benefits and overcoming and it pays to live cure before the Lord well thank you for your limited response hmm it's not over yet Ephesians 527 Ephesians 527 we're still talking about the victorious church unequaled in purity that he might present to himself a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be holy and without blemish now I understand that people with a relaxed mental attitude can take in more information and keep more divine information than people who are uptight and a lot of you seem to be uptight so I've made a note here to say something to help you loosen up it's been reported in many magazines that I believe in physical immortality and every time I read a scripture like this that said he's coming for a glorious church without spot or wrinkle or blemish or any such thing people said there he goes again there's that physical immortality thing listen friends do you think I'm that foolish you know I'm getting so old I look in the mirror sometimes I say my the face is familiar but I can't place the name and then you know I can't go jogging because when I'm try to jog all of this loose flab that these many chins slaps me on each side of the face every time I go jogging so I don't believe in physical immortality but I believe in the purity of the church I really do and I think I got myself in trouble one time by saying that I only have one wrinkle and they thought that I was boasting but they didn't hear the rest of it I said that one wrinkle makes a thousand turns it just goes around it around but be that as it may there's going to be a glorious church not having spot or wrinkle or any such thing but that it should be without blemish in Revelation 19 seven and eight have you loosened up a little bit you know you see I'm not asking you to come with an open mind and your mind so open that your brains fall out I'm just asking you to open your mind enough to believe that there's going to be a victorious church unequaled in unity and here's some more scripture revelation 19:7 and eight let us be glad and rejoice and give honour to him for the marriage of the lamb has come and his wife had made herself ready and to hurt was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen clean and white which is the righteousness of the saints normally the two passages of scripture that I've read do not refer to the saints in heaven I believe that they refer to the condition of the church from the Lord Jesus Christ comes back together and I believe the Lord Jesus is coming to the church before it comes for the church that's a little play on words but kind of go along with me now I have to enjoy this too you know this is my last shot and that my last chance to get to you and it's gonna be hit and run tonight and let me tell you something I'm encouraged what the Lord did today I'm encouraged with what he did last night I'm encouraged what he did the day before and and Tuesday night let me tell you something I'm so encouraged that John Wimber I told John Wimber yesterday I said this is your fault this is your fault the shape I'm in you have provoked me to good works you have just stirred me up so much that I'm going on for excellence I'm going to go for the whole nine yards I'm gonna shoot for the whole pot I'm going all away when I heard what he did today I just can't hardly wait to finish this message but listen some of you think I'm not as wound up as I was the other night but I'm not as unwound either it's just don't don't tamper with me because I'm I'm getting too well I'm feeling more excitement all the time well I mean I lost a pager but not only would it be a church unequal in intimacy and unity it's going to be a church unequaled it's going to be a church on equal that's all there is to it that's my point it's going to be a church on equal as you go now I'm just a man and a man well let me start all over again it's not it's not only going to be a church unequal in intimacy and purity but it's going to be a church on equal in unity now we've got it already God a st. John 17 20 and 23 neither pray I for these alone but for them also which shall believe on me through the through their word that they may all be one as thou father art in me and I am thee that they also may be one in us why that the world may know that the world may believe that thou has sent me and the glory which thou gave us me I've given them that they may be one even as we are one I am them and thou in me that they may be made perfect in one and that the world may know that thou has sent me and has loved them and has loved me this high priestly prayer of Jesus is going to be answered I know if I ask you how many of you in this auditorium have had prayers answered surely almost everyone would lift your hand some of you have had many prayers answered you know I've had some of my prayers answered really I have and I know you've had your prayers answered but can you imagine Almighty God refusing to answer the prayer of his holy righteous endless spotless majestic son Jesus Christ not on your life he's going to answer this prayer and I tell you whether you're anglican or Baptist or Methodist or Episcopalian or Catholic or charismatic or whatever God is going to make us one before it's over no matter how uncomfortable that seems to you tonight God is going to make us one because going to answer the saintly prayer of Jesus Christ the priestly prayer of Jesus Christ and we're going to be one one and we realize that even though we're encouraged that this prayers being answered to some degree it has not been answered fully as yet because there's going to be such unity that will be one even as the father and the son are one and again this passage is not referring to believers in heaven rather it's referring to the unit that we have here on earth you were here the old cliche that person or those people are so heavenly minded they're no earthly good well I'd say we ought to be say heavenly minded that we are some earthly good but there will be something of heaven this side of heaven I tell you people are more concerned about life after life than they are life after death if you would just show people life after life they would believe there's life after death and so he's going to be a church of such unity there will be the very life of God bringing us together and the purpose of all this of course is I've already said twice let me say it again that the world may know now how on earth the world going to know that we have this unity once we make it to heaven well that's pretty good point that the world may know that thou I sent me but is that this present world may know that this present world may know so that they could look at Christians and observe the very fact that we love one another by this token by this shall all men know that you're my disciples because you have love one for the other I tell you talking about signs and wonders that would be the the criteria for you and me tonight to get that kind of love and that kind of respect and that kind of unity and I'm going for it you're my brother to my sister and there's a unity spoken on that has to do with the fivefold ministry Ephesians 4:11 and 13 and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and teachers for the completing our our perfecting of the Saints for the work of the ministry for the edifying of the body of Christ until we all come to the unity the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son of God unto a perfect man ma n unto the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ I want you to notice the key word here is found in verse 13 until as John Wimber would say I looked that up in the dictionary and I found out it means until yeah let's say every time I say that doesn't go over like it does for him but until we attain to the unity the faith the knowledge of the Son of God to a mature man to the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ that's how long we must have the fivefold ministry now if all this is already done and I'm trying to be smart aleck or cute but if all is it been accomplished then we don't have any need for fivefold ministry but has the church come into the unit to the faith yet the church is not coming to the union's of faith yet we're not all that close but we're a lot closer than we were and Paul is speaking of an extraordinary unity here it's the unity unto a perfect man ma in singular not m en plural but ma n its singular here so the church is going to be complete I believe that I had a wonderful vision from the Lord of many streams coming together I think it's going to make up the river in Ezekiel 37 the church is going to be so unified and so as it were flowing together that there will be a healing ministry like you've never dreamed of because everything that comes near that river everybody that comes near that river will be healed I believe that I believe that God is going to give us completion he's that kind of God in history and I believe it's going to be that way but before it's over the whole church will look like one complete man we say Lord how perfect how complete how mature and he answers by under the measure of the stature which belongs to the fullness of Christ now it will be a church unequaled in power and I've just been waiting to get to this because this is what I usually give a take off on first we usually but this right at the head of the list this is the number-one point it will be a church of unequal power but the Lord has shown us that we can't have a church of unequal power until we have this intimacy and this purity in this unity but we're going to have a church of unequal power all right get your safety belts on because every time I read from these passages I feel a mini-ramp sure and then I don't want to go up I want to I want to keep and the pattern here so I can stay here and say see I told you so there's going to be a church that's going to have power over the part of the devil there's gonna be a church that's gonna have power over all the power of the devil and nothing shot shall by any means hurt you in that good news our st. John 14:12 and here it is verily verily I say unto you you know Jesus is the only one that can say amen amen before ever says anything it is true it is true before he ever says anything I was telling John that there's a precious man of God in the southern part of the United States of America and he will not preach until his audience says yes Lord and they're not called him Lord I mean they're saying yes to the Lord and his cries and he then he'll he'll preach they believe that he's going to say something directly from God and he does but I'm not asking you to do that but Jesus said verily verily it is so it is salt amen and amen I say unto you he that believeth and me now all he'd have to say what I meant for me I'll have to say one verily but he's really serious verily verily I say unto you he that believeth on me the works that I do shall he do also and greater works than these shall he do because I go unto my father the word works is translated miracles the subject is miracles so when Jesus says the believer will do greater works than he did now let's back up a minute I'd be satisfying for a little while if we could just do these works let alone the greater works it would be wonderful get somebody healed of a headache get some ingrown toenail to outgrow just be wonderful and we're not talking about all the super gifts you know that we could hand out I remember that got so out of hand one time they ran out of gifts to give and they gave a lady the gift of housekeeping so when Jesus says greater works in these showed you do now here we are way over there now we're just kind of looking at a preview coming events isn't this exciting the preview of coming events the works that I do showed you do also he's not talking about what Betty Graham is doing oh how we love Billy Graham and how we Revere him and respect him and safar is a Salvation and so far and so far is getting millions of people and to a place where they can have a saving knowledge of the Lord Jesus Christ but just because Billy Graham preaches to more people than Jesus ever preached to that is not greater works because Billy with all of his wonderful Crusades he has not seen the greater works than Jesus did nor have we we have never seen the greater works than Jesus did we do well to see a fragment of these works but I would be remiss if I didn't tell you that greater works in these are coming maybe maybe if we realize if we are faithful in a few things we'll have a whole lot of things to rule over we'll have a lot of works we ought to begin to thank God for every headache he heels and just praise him hidden habit he inhabited the praise of his people let's praise Him every time I get a headache healed let's praise him every time a toothache is healed let's praise Him every time some my new thing is dealt with and corrected and then the other things will happen the disciples didn't have very much going for them when they were in the boat they were fearful and all that but when Jesus got in the boat with him immediately they were there through the other side if you just occupied till he comes he's going to get in your boat one of these days and you're gonna be to the other side immediately and then immediately quickly and suddenly God's going to start doing things really the book of Acts is filled with those three words immediately quickly suddenly greater works there'll be no need for greater works in heaven you're not gonna find any demons to tackle you're not gonna find any cancer you're not going to find any terminally ill people to heal so I better encourage you to try this out here so the Apostles did not fulfill st. John 14:12 they did not do greater works than Jesus they did not do nature miracles like Jesus for example they never fed 5,000 and they never really walked on the water like Jesus revelation 11 verses 3 through 6 but before I read that I'd like to say that signs and wonders affirm the gospel let's get that down pat signs and wonders affirm the gospel unfortunately they draw attention to the person who is being used of God to any degree and signs and wonders they draw attention to that person but they do not affirm that person if God elected that great miracle should happen through John and through me tonight that wouldn't mean that God affirms us the power is in the gospel for I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ for it is the power it is the power it is the power of God unto salvation salvation to the uttermost for the healing of the body the gospel has power to save and to heal there's no two Gospels there's one good news and it saves heals delivers which is easier to say thy sins be forgiven thee arise take up thy bed and walk the good news is deliverance Jesus came to save and heal Jesus came to heal the brokenhearted he came to set the captives free came to preach the gospel to the poor it's an all-inclusive gospel in fact some people even call it a full gospel a complete gospel it is a complete gospel you can't preach the full gospel without preaching whole wholeness wholeness I mean healing may be a part of the whole but salvation and healing are one message Jesus Saves jesus heals jesus delivers is one message Jesus cast out Devils one message Jesus deals with causes and effects a cure miraculously Jesus knows you he knows your frame he knows the dust from whence you came Amen so now that's alright you had your chance I'll need that I'll need that more than you know in just a few minutes but I want you to give it to the Lord revelation 11 chapter 3 but here again before I read it let me tell you what first Thessalonians 1:5 says for our gospel came not unto you in word only but also in power and in the Holy Ghost and in much assurance and I want to also say that our goal should not be to just have a full manifestation of signs and wonders and the miraculous in our midst to glory and to revel in that but we should want power from God and miracles from God and signs and wonders from God that the name of the Holy Child Jesus might be glorified and magnified and exalted that the word of God might be magnified that the word of God might disseminate and grow we need it we need it to affirm the gospel and we need it for world evangelization amen now we're almost at the close of this message I would say now in closing but it doesn't mean anything I should have warned you before when I start out I say now without further ado and then 30 minutes later I'll say now I'm closing those two things don't mean anything but now listen friends I'm going to try to close and minister some people but if I can't please forgive me I warned you revelation 11 3 through 6 please don't anyone leave because at this point you don't know maybe I'll just put a but appear here there now at this point you don't know whether there's gonna be the greatest service you've ever been in and all your life or not you don't know you don't know but what God will stretch forth his hand and open his hand to this just satisfy the desire of every living thing the psalmist said he can do that and yet he does do that but I believe that if we develop that intimacy that we talked about earlier he will do that but first let's seek his face and not his hand and let's begin to look to the Lord tonight but revelation 11 3 through 6 gives the most outlandish description of endtime ministry and the victorious church emerging unequaled in power it's the greatest backup that we could ever use and now we're just bridging all the way over to whatever happens in between now and and then and just use your own imagination this sounds like science fiction but it's greater than that it could happen that God is going to do something between 9 then because Jesus Christ the same yesterday today and forever Hebrews 13:8 so if he ever raised anybody from the dead what do you know he can do it today if he's ever gonna raise anybody from the dead he can do it today I told you this story but a couple of thousand of you may not have heard it in Africa last week or so there was a pastor I think from London here he went and ministered to a segment of people in Africa and one of the pastors there said how many dead people have you raised the last week in your church and that was quite a question well of course none was the answer well he said we had a bad week too we only had to raise from the dead last week they are such a problem in Nigeria in some of the places in Africa that the Apostolic people have to teach their people to raise only young people from the dead they say the old people maybe you should just leave them along they maybe maybe they should be with the Lord and don't bother them raise the young people so they can preach the gospel and heal the sick themselves and last a long time he said we don't have that problem in the United Kingdom don't you wish you did amen well here it is I've been waiting for it oh my it's only 753 I wish you people wouldn't look back there's no clock back there revelation 11 3 through 6 and the I will give power unto my two witnesses and they shall prophesy a thousand two hundred and threescore days clothed in sackcloth these are the two olive trees the two candlesticks standing before the god of the earth and if any man hurt them fire proceedeth out of their mouth and devoureth their enemies and if any man will hurt them he must in this manner be killed these have power to shut heaven that it rain not in the days of their prophecy and have power over waters to turn them to blood and to smite the earthís to smite the earth rather to smite the earth with all plagues as often as they will these two witnesses go beyond anything that Moses Elijah or Elijah ever did for that matter they go beyond everything that the Apostles ever did for that matter they go beyond everything that Jesus ever did don't you see that Jesus said is expedient for you that I go away if I go not away the Holy Ghost to not come so here we are so busy trying to make the gospel more palatable people and try and train people with better basics and all of that and we have better basics teachings we have better basics but we don't do the basics better and we're just hung up on that all the time and God wants you to know that the only thing that will bring you to completion the only thing that will bring the church into all of this is visitation and that's what's been going on this week there's been a revival there's been a visitation going on behind the scenes and there's been a revival and a visitation going on here in this auditorium and I don't care what you say you can try and deny it but you're gonna find out God has come to visit his people and God has begun to fight for us tonight goes into full maturation he did not bring them into all the maturity that he left the Holy Spirit to bring them into you say well that means the Holy Spirit is more glorious than Jesus no don't you see what that means let's learn a lesson from the Trinity God dumps the glory on the son the son dumps the glory on the Holy Spirit the Holy Spirit dumps the glory back on the son and and so it goes if we could only learn how to dump the glory we'd have so many healings here tonight and we wouldn't say look what happened when I laid my hands on them look what happened when I gave that word of knowledge look what happened when I pointed to that person I tell you if we could learn to dump the glory and not care which church it's happening to or not care which vicar is doing it at which pastors doing it or which evangelist is doing it or which priest is doing it let's let God be God he's gonna prod his spirit on all flesh anyway and he's going to not only let them do it but the sons and daughters will do it the little children will do it a little child shall lead them and it's just going to be that way so the beloved the Blessed Son of God is in this place tonight he is affirmed in the old testament and he is affirmed in the new but he is speaking to you and me tonight to bring us to fruition he's speaking to bring us to some completion he's speaking and today after so long a time will you hear his voice Hebrews three and Hebrews four God is still speaking today as in the book of David today after so long a time harden not your hearts is in the day of provocation and the gospel is given the good news is given the good news of salvation the good news of healing the good news of deliverance the good news is being presented tonight and after so long a time what do you know the Word of God is still alive and Jesus has left the best for the last he'll send the Holy Ghost and he'll teach you all things that I've said he'll call things your remembrance so the work of the Holy Spirit is here to teach us holiness to show us the holiness of our God to show us the purity of our God to show us the intimacy that we can have with him to show us the purity and show us the unity and show us the power and we're going to give it all back to him anyway because just as Sarah prayed o God if you'll give me the Sun and Samuel represented the last state ministry represented the corporate Church of Jesus Christ in the last days she said Lord if you'll give him he represented revival if you will if you'll give him to me I'll give him back and God granted her that son and he raised him up as a prophetic figure and he was one of the greatest prototypes of prophetic ministry and all the Bible he was the one whom God said he would allow none of his words to fall to the ground some of you tonight are shooting for 30 some of you for 60 some of you for a hundred if you don't shoot for a hundred percent you won't get 60 if you don't shoot for 60 you won't get 30 if you go for 30 you won't get anything let's go for a hundred let's believe that God is going to visit his church and there's going to be a hundred percent of accuracy and the prophetic church will be a church of such power that none of your words will fall to the ground I believe with all of my heart that the prophetic church will fear God and the secret of the Lord is with him but fear him there's a divine recipe for knowing the mind of God and knowing awesome things from God fear the Lord fear the Lord I'm not talking about the scary kind of fear but fear the Lord and Isaiah chapter 11 Jesus is delight is described his smelling his delight his smelling is in the fear of the Lord wouldn't be wonderful if you and I could develop some five spiritual senses God knows the five natural senses in the human psyche has given us a lot of Hell in a lot of trouble because everything we see satisfies the pleasure temps of flashes are at lies to us that it will and it won't well if heaven should open and you had your five senses transformed you would have an open heaven and you could smell the alabaster box right out of heaven you could smell the perfume of God you could smell the incense from the throne of God you could know what's going on because Jesus looked up into an open heaven he walked under the auspices of an open heaven day and night he saw the father doing something and he did it he raised the dead cleanse the lepers heal the sick save the lost knew all the secrets that he needed to know because the father was always telling him what to do oh there is that possibility tonight for you to be baptized for you to be immersed for you to be satisfied with a baptism of baptisms for you to have an eye for God to have ears for God to have hands for God feeling for God don't be afraid of the mystical aspect of the gospel I tell you I've been called a mystic so many times and I used to get so hurt over that that I'm sick of being hurt I'm enjoying it now if a mystic is one who feels the intangible sees the invisible and here's the inaudible then I indeed want to be a mystic the rest of my life because I believe that we can have that now as John as John member says this is what you signed up for the only thing is you didn't know you signed up for all this you're getting more than you bargained for because the Lord is save the best for the last the best wine for the last and it's not me and it's not John it's not anybody else in our team but Jesus Christ coming on the scene and it doesn't know what it is a wonderful I mean it is a wonderful unique privilege to call Jesus Christ on the scene tonight and let him let him speak to your heart and speak to your needs and speak in a very ardent way Heavenly Father we thank you for the divine potential and possibility that there will be the emergence of the victorious church unequal in intimacy unequaled in purity unequal in unity and unequaled in magnanimous power thank you Lord that the glory is yours the honor belongs to you the mood tonight in many and varied ways to confirm your word even with signs and wonders affirm the gospel and bless your people Lord would just step aside off of this platform adjacent here somewhere very possible and said Jesus come on the scene we can't do anything for these people are dying with cancer we can't help them we can say a lot of words over them we can lay hands on them and O Lord is there no prophet in Israel is enough balm in Gilead why then is the health of the daughter of your people not recovered Lord let the church be the church tonight let the church experience the revive occasion let the Church of this day and in this place this segment and this part though we be many Lord there are many many members of the body of Christ in particular here tonight I pray that you will just see us as one and may it be as good as done that we're going to be one before this is over and don't let an Anglican a state Church person no matter what country there from our Baptist Methodist Presbyterian Episcopalian a charismatic or anybody else be distinguishable tonight above anybody oh dear God just let the tags fall off and let us speak call Christians again and Antioch they were first called Christians and the first shall be last and the last shall be first Oh God let us be called Christians again Christians I'm a Christian you're a Christian and let us be called Christian amen and amen I believe the Lord wants to do something different tonight he's here he's there he's everywhere he's omnipresent the same time now you all be happy I can't find that other page of my message because I would preach it I mean I would I'm good mine to preach some more without an outline I want you to check this out when you can revelation 3:1 here it speaks to the seven spirits of God I'm not trying to get you to accept any pet doctrine or anything I'm just asking all you theologians and all all you educated people that know more than me just to check this out in revelation 3:1 it speaks to the seven spirits of God and John will be joining me later and we're going to ask God for an importation for a revival tonight that the seven spirits of God as it were would be manifest and would be imparted number one is the all-out distinguishable Spirit of the Lord itself the Spirit of the Lord is upon me Ray's anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor to heal the brokenhearted the Spirit of the Lord can be upon you tonight on this divine importation comes the spirit of wisdom the spirit of understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might and the spirit of knowledge and then this reverential fear the Lord Jesus is delight was in the fear of the Lord friends an open heaven awaits you and me if we could only see what he is doing we would take it so seriously the next time we pray thy kingdom come thy will be done in earth as it is in heaven and one of the Gospels it says in earth now I don't want to carry this too far and I don't want to try and legitimatize something that can't be done but how many of you believe this is an earthen vessel or isn't this an earthen vessel well could we just think of it for a minute that his kingdom thy kingdom come Thy will be done in earth our own earth whatever as it is in heaven now listen friends if his will was truly done all we'd have to do is have an open heaven and we wouldn't find any cancer there wouldn't find any disease there God didn't give you cancer he didn't give you a terminal disease he may be using you and he may be using that to the hilt but he didn't give it you his ultimate will is to destroy the works of the devil if cancer is a work of God that's one thing but if cancer is the devil then Jesus Christ came to destroy the works of the devil and that 27 people here tonight with cancer and God wants to kill the cancer and let these people live so I want you in the team ministry to stand and began to praise God for the killing of cancer and the healing of the patient let's all every one of you who are team members you ought to be red hot for God right now let's just turn around and point our hands out toward these with cancer and lets you with cancer 27 of you have had diagnosed cancer one of you have cancer you have cancer something to do with the throat something you do with the upper respiratory system which is lung cancer no doubt from smoking and some of you have cancer in your bone the Word of God is going to come alive tonight and penetrate even to the era of the bone and it's going to heal you yes it is believe it God's Word is going to kill cancer and heal people wouldn't it be good at the cancer dies and you live that's a bargain the cancer can die you can live the cancer can die you can live I believe in this power tonight I believe in the power of God to kill cancer the Lord has shown me for some time that there would be a place there would be a place where we'd be all together in one place and his power would come and alter change the chemistry of the people and those who have cancer because of a horrible shift in chemistry or damaged tissue they'd be healed those who have diabetes there'd be a shifting of that chemistry and balance and insulin and this could be the night I'm gonna hold out for it that people with cancer will walk out of here scot-free something is registering something is hitting let's pray that God will do that in Jesus name [Music] Oh Gandhi where to zoom agree as John and I agree if its pastor evangelist to whoever it is if it's somebody out there but anyway we agree together on this platform we agree together that the Holy Spirit will come into this room and he will drive out the fear of cancer which is sometimes as deadly as cancer itself God let the Holy Spirit come like a warm blanket and wrapper round every one of these bodies that's filled with cancer cells and drive out every basal cell every squamous cell and every level of melanoma in Jesus name heal the person with cancer the colon heal those with cancer the stomach heal those lord of cancer the spine the bones will give you the praise and the glory the one that has the cancer in the eye that left I believe it is Lord healed that tonight in Jesus name that person hasn't been agitated by the devil and left already you showed me that that person was going to be healed tonight all people if you could just be patient and hold on God would surely visit you God would surely affirm the power of the gospel he's here tonight wouldn't it was signs and wonders for you now Lord is the team praise is John and I agree let the power be released and let it just penetrate as the Word of God coming alive but it go in to the very marrow of the bone the very life manufacturing plant of the body and then be surgical be a laser beam and do the work and let us hear the report that some of these tonight have had documented healings in the name of Jesus amen amen now those of you with the cancer condition I want you to stand and step in the I on the teams will pray for you as Paul goes ahead stand now and step into the aisle
Channel: Ashley Collishaw
Views: 819
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: john wimber, paul cain, holiness, prophecy, vineyard ministries, charismatic christianity, christian
Id: q3jkCpcptps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 23sec (4403 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 18 2018
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