Holiness Unto the Lord conference 1990 #3b

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now I feel strange tonight I do want to say that I believe that if I needed vindication which I'm not asking for but if I said something was going to happen this week that would be very frightening over in Iraq I believe we'd repent I believe we would but I'm not here to scare people you you've had enough of the Hellfire and brimstone preaching and you don't need an American to come over here and you don't need John Wimber and me or anybody else to come over here and shake you over hell on a rotten steak we're not here to do that but I told you one thing if we could scare you into this it'd be one thing but I don't think that would work I think godly sorrow worketh repentance and I've had a recurring vision of God's people repenting of their maligning their gossiping and all of the things that they're doing against one another why just an evil accusation or some accusatory remarks can be printed up and God's people are the ones that will distribute that without even bothering to check it out and I'm not here to defend any one not even myself but I'm just telling you that we have sinned against one another and their people in this arena tonight hundreds of you and thousands of you need to go to someone and and repent and if someone is here that you're sinned against or you have malign you know what maligning is and this isn't even part of my message tonight but maligning is telling the truth about someone you don't even have to lie about them you just tell the truth about them when you know it's going to hurt them that's maligning now how do you feel I'm not trying to make you feel guilty but it'd be a wonderful scene tonight if we before this meeting is over we'll just go and fall on someone's neck and say forgive me if that person isn't here that you've sinned against let's say Oh God forgive me on the credit give me a shot at it and I'll go and I'll make it right and the Lord will honor and I believe that he can correct this evil that's about to come down it's a terrible thing it's one of the first times in history that we've had such a madman with such enormous intelligence and if if America goes into Iraq we are really headed for trouble of the other vision I had was the warheads that were the missiles that were aimed toward Israel and the Lord gave me this revelation of vision before we went to Wales almost almost a month ago our several weeks ago and and so that's already been confirmed and so the Lord vindicated us on that but I'm not looking for vindication I tell you if nothing happens this week and there's no initiation of this thing I will just shout glories and hallelujah to the Lord because I believe there's enough people right here to agree together and repent and to turn this whole thing around and buy some time amen I believe we can do it I believe we can buy some time because the world it's not been evangelized yet in the end will not come until this happens until this gospel the power of this gospel the gospel of the kingdom is preached in all the world then shall the income so that's as far as far as I'm gonna go with that I don't you to go to sleep tonight thinking you're gonna wake up and we're going to be in war October the 24th but it if I said that I believe the Lord would vindicate me if it didn't happen but I'm pregnant doesn't happen what I get India vindication or not you don't know huh you don't know what it's like to be a prophetic person you're always laying your life on the line but it's not my life and it's not my reputation I'm laying on the line anymore I'm free of any ambition to be a an awesome prophet I know I am free of the ambushed I don't know I don't mean I know I'm an awesome prophet peanut oh man and excuse me well I know but I know I'm free that ambition I'd rather go down in history if there is any history about me that probably won't be but I mean if there's any history about me I'd rather go down as a as a father a spiritual father to this generation than anything else well I said all that to say this I'm going to bring you a message tonight and titled God is speaking the second time not that he hasn't spoken more times than that before but there's an analogy in the Bible where God spoke to his men and his leaders more than once but it's recorded in a significant way that God's baked the second time to Moses the second time to Abraham the second time to Samuel and so forth and so on so I'm going to get into that in just a minute but before I do I thought if there's going to be any revelations that I would maybe we just have some of that first just in case the Holy Spirit moves upon us and we wouldn't want to go into any of that that would be totally unnecessary so maybe the Lord would honor this I understand that great Graham Kendrick is here I almost got that name wrong Graham Kendrick the music person where are you Graham where oh there yeah Graham would you stand up let's see your wife Jill is that right all right just stand up for her - Graham there's almost exciting time on the way over here tonight outside of coming close to several fatal accidents but thank God for the driver he had the gift of guidance and and it's really a skillful driver but grandma it was the shortest vision I think I've ever had but it was the most overwhelming thing that's happened to me in some time grim you know the Lord has already revealed to me that you're going to be writing anthems for his glory anthems for God but one thing I didn't realize was that some 109 verse 4 is perfectly applicable or picked applicable and pertinent for you and your prayer ministry and all of that the Lord seldom that you're laying groundwork and building as it were an altar so to speak for prophetic ministry the old days the prophets would call the minstrels are called an orchestra to play while they prophesied awesome things and tonight I saw the most beautiful reflection from the past when a dear man of God who was a degreed person and an highly educated man in an historical church setting would have a full-piece orchestra playing when I survey the wondrous cross on which on which the Prince of glory died and then he and a team of people would go out into the audience and lay hands on people and they were healed while the beautiful words and melody of when I survey the wondrous cross were going forth and coming forth and I saw you and I said it exactly like that where there will be teams Restonic teams if you will revival teams will be going out and it will be an anthem of pray and people will be gun to be healed and only the Lord will get the glory there'd be no Superstar involved or no no structure like that but the Lord has called you Grahame to build those platforms and I know you're going to be doing that in Scotland and everywhere in the United Kingdom and I hope you come to America and do that but he just gave me that and I was praising for it because that's the team ministry that I saw so on you know we're in the vineyard believe and team ministry and John River is known for for doing that and so it's it's a little hard on me to get into that model because I ministered along long and not say administered alone so many years that I'm just now able to move into a team ministry because there's no more one-man show anymore and anything I hate it's the old cliche let's get the show on the road Jesus is the whole thing now and the mystical body of Christ are the ones that are going to be ministering in these life stays well Lord showed me that many marriages are going to come together tonight and there will be a lot of healings in the domestic circles and a lot of men whose prayers have been hindered because of the way they're treated their wife is going to be healings there and Satan is attacked the home as never before but the Lord is going to come to the rescue and wonderful things are going to happen I I wouldn't be surprised if a couple of a hundred marriages what would be healed tonight and I believe that's going to happen I wish you could feel enthusiastic about it but it's gonna happen whether you feel it or not and him it's gonna happen I believe that a man so I just thought I'd announce this and get some faith in the air hmm there's also going to be a I do this in order because I think if we do everything according to the pattern if we're just simple in our obedience the Lord will honor him but I saw him healing a number of people who have sugar problems and that is low sugar and high sugar like hypoglycemia and diabetes so I believe that some people are going to be healed and if you're healed tonight and you experience some phenomenon in your body like you feel like somebody just wrapped a an electric blanket around you and turned it up full blast then you could very well be healed or you it just really could be or that would just be that would just be one manifestation of healing or it could be some other but anyway whatever it is whatever you feel no matter how ecstatic the experience might be when the Lord touches you tonight whatever you do just stay on your medication it won't hurt you the Lord will you know if you don't need it the Lord oh just neutralize it so you go to the doctor and have him do the glucose test and see if you're out of the woods and either he'll tell you to reduce the medication or the insulin or it's a you're scot-free just for you the whole thing then you'll really have a testimony we're gonna be wonderful we're just having some more wonderful things like that so [Music] accidentally you that have a diabetic problem are you that have hypoglycemia why don't you just stand up right now and let's get this started so I can preach would you do it as oh my there's quite a few look at this quite if you keep on standing everyone that has low blood sugar or our diabetes stand up now I want the team ministry to be ready now to pray for these would you just move out to the aisle you that are standing and you haven't stood yet and you have why don't you come forward so I can see I'd like to see what God does a man just come forward every one of you that's comfort let's take a little time let the world do something tonight [Applause] so this is quite a need isn't it I mean there's the quality the for some reason I didn't start with heart trouble tonight it started with this because I felt there's going to be a real need in this area amen now you're close enough I could read your badges but that wouldn't be fair would it I really can't yeah my faith that's not gonna be necessary but anyway the lawyers going to do marvelous healing tonight look at this and there's something now the team I want you to come and back back us up here that's right you that have a diabetic problem or the hypoglycemia lift your hand so the team will know or might look at that the team will know who totally hands on there you go good father in the Masters name of Jesus we're following due order and I thank you that you're going to heal magnificently well the majestic Christ is more ready to heal than we are to be healed and thank you Lord that your presence is here to do that and for every person who will give glory and honor to the Lord Jesus Christ may the the team be used to pray the prayer faith and may you heal these people and lift them up above these problems just heal the pancreas this one lady here with the tumor on the tail of the pancreas has caused her so much pain lord I pray that you'll just heal her and take away any possibility of her shifting to diabetes and all of these who have this spirit of lethargy and fainting and all of these syndromes dear God raise them up above all the effects of diabetes and all the effects of pantry itis and all kinds of pancreas problems and all the associated problems like lady here also has heart trouble right in here yes you Father and he Jesus name he learned that romantic heart condition and that murmur in the name of the Lord the words going to heal a lot of heart trouble tonight so the father's hands are laid on these I pray that they will experience your power experience your healing let them feel that that manifestation and what we just believe that you want to we believe that you want them to feel for you that happily they might find you're not very far from them now heal them as we pray and we don't care who prays the prayer of faith just so it's prayed and Jesus we give you praise and glory and honor for healing for healing many diabetics and for healing many with hypoglycemia and in Jesus name without any hype there it is I mean many of you are experiencing that right now you're experiencing that right now some of you're literally experiencing warmth and and heat or almost electricity's that were and we don't mean to be spiritually vulgar about the things that God is doing but this is really really marvelous there's a young lady over here with severe hypoglycemia and the Lord is healing her he's just moving all through here it's a wonderful thing he's doing let's praise Him in the audience let's go find it's just a wonderful thing you said he would do in Jesus name [Applause] verse of Jesus [Music] there are other things involved a night spirits of infirmity and all that don't don't get your eyes on them just let the Lord be God however you Jesus Jesus take every spirit under your control right now in Jesus name Amen I said well praise the Lord while the Lord sing how many of you realized that God doesn't get confused he knows the number of the hairs of her head doesn't he and he knows my thoughts from afar and he knows the number of the head but think about that and anybody wearing a wig too nice a double count he knows both that's right I mean he knows it's all right the Lord can heal in fact if you have a relaxed mental attitude the Lord can do more work tonight so the Lord is doing it anyway I said oh brother you'll get in the flesh but what do you think I live in all the time it's I'm trying to get in the spirit don't worry about that you're already in the flesh but it's the Lord that's going to do it we can't do any of this anyway the Lord does everything he can to establish my mill I might not make humility about my humanity and so I help him out if I establish it it's not nearly as severe and it's not quite as embarrassing so I'm just trying to establish that we're all human here tonight and God is healing in spite of some of us amen hey brother in the green sweater there say what's your name Richard I tell you you come over across the pond just witness to Malachi for six the word told me that your daughter had already been saved and she'd already walk the aisle and accepted the Lord Jesus and Trudy is already back in the presence of the Father and you're happy about that aren't you and so her birthdays in June isn't it there's somewhere along there's that right so all right so now this is a wonderful birthday present for you and your wife God is saved to her and he's just reestablishing the fact that Malachi 4 6 is going to come alive that's praising for it in Jesus name that's right yes now and the Lord also says duties in the safety box listen there was a young man standing over here his name was Nicholas and you asked me to minister to you then you moved out somewhere where is Nicholas there your Nicholas that's pretty good thank you Lord Nicholas this is your night the Lord says that he would do exactly what he revealed to me he would do and he showed me and then you were suffering from divine boredom and for many and varied reasons there's boredom in your life and you believe that's a revelation for the Lord if it is way both hands both hands if that's right all right not only is the Lord going to be here in such you're free but he said tell Nikolas that he and his wife are going to walk and new rims of faith and you're going to be connected with this older man's ministry who has a father's image and a father's type and the Lord does shows me that that blessing is going to go on his wife tonight he's not here but his wife is here I think his name starts with a B or something like that doesn't it where's his wife you know him yes all right you accept this for your dear husband your husband is suffering from more divine boredom than this young man is and the Lord says that he's going to heal him of this divine boredom and though the vision tarry it shall come to pass you go home and tell your husband though the vision tarry it shall come to pass and don't give up because things look black and bleak and they don't look very good but there's a new father's image and father's spirit emerging and the vision the Lord said he had a number of years ago it's been some time in the past but it's coming to pass in the early 90s and he lived to see the fulfillment of this vision so you tell him to get over the boredom and arise and shine for his lighters , the glory of God is already upon me by the time you get home let's praise the Lord for the you're talking about time he gets home it's going to be that way amen all right you folks can return to your seats if you oh I want to get this out of the way because we have to we have to bring the message in and you know and let the Lord do his work and then leave the auditorally just as a token you that were up here and the team's praying for you and ministries going on you that experience any of the presence of God or the heat that we're talking about or any kind of token of your healing just wave your hands and let the people know what's going on just there you are wave your hands and this those I believe may be a healing there so it's been worthwhile whatever's happened there's another one there's another one this is a real deliverance from a spirit of infirmity praise the Lord amen amen [Music] this this little girl here in the stripe hood shirt would you look at me just a minute I hate to interrupt your joy because you sure need it see now yes you the Lord says he's making up for lost time because you've had these swings depression and the and operations upon you but now that joy the Lord is going to be his strength and the Lord inhabits the praises of his people and so you have been praising if you have had a breakthrough and praise you're going to be able to praise him and maintain your your healing this time and so that that your feeling in there is like like a heat lamp just going all through you there isn't that right just right in here your heel right now I believe that with all my heart in Jesus name let's praise him for it that's fire holy very a man I hope this gentleman here's this large Swedish brother from Sweden of course he'd be from Sweden on em sorry I've been to school lately either but where is the brother the great big brother from Sweden where is the tour you know tour what's his name where are you oh well you're supposed to be over there say a few people if I'm minister again you stay where you are tonight I mean you can go home tonight but you come back and stay where you are because wherever I see you you ought to be there again you're supposed to be over here all right brother where's your wife there well she was covered up that there you are now I want to tell you something beautiful something beautiful is going on and I also have a word from the Lord for you that may sound like a controlling word but I don't mean it that way I just have to tell you whatever the Lord speaks are you willing for me to lay it on the line and just speak whatever the Lord tells me to speak all right the Lord showed me that you are really enjoying yourself here because this this part of the country means something special to you isn't that right I mean it's kind of an anniversary of something that happened to you well it's kind of an anniversary because something wonderful happened in in this area 20 years ago or something like that right wave your hand that's right because get me off the hook here alright and so it's an anniversary of that and it must be your marriage because your marriage was made in heaven or the Lord wouldn't have revealed it to me so this is your marriage and and the Lord is is honoring this honeymoon of the century you're just really having a wonderful time now the Lord says your children all your family is in a safety box you're not going to worry about the enemy attacking your family your family your family is in a safety box I hope that means something to you is and yet that should answer a lot of things for you and also there is a warning the Lord says the timing is off you're thinking about some kind of prophetic training or prophetic school the Lord says to put that on the show that it would interfere with the present dealings of God how are you willing to do that is that the confirmation from the Lord for you our Lord says to lay that aside because the Lord is going to bless the state church and for you to be patient with present authority structures because God is going to honor the state church and making a decision that will open all of Sweden to the prophetic ministry and it will have credibility and the impact and authority and then some so I see you joining hands with hands H ans and Lauda L o TTA and your joining hands and praying you've been praying for the will of God in this and you haven't told me that if the Lord shows me that you've been praying for the will of God in this all right lay everything down for right now no promotion the Lord says now you can take this and do what you want to with it I'm just dealing out divine information but if you will act accordingly the Lord said that all of Sweden starting with Stockholm will have a divine visitation where Malachi 4 6 will come into operation and the Lord will vindicate all that you have written in a book and all that you have talked about and prayed about and been embarrassed over the Lord said he will visit his people and vindicate your mother and your wife and hands and Lanka and everyone involved with you and so Sweden is in for to bind visitation for the prophetic ministry let's praise the Lord for that in Jesus name a man tonight the Lord is going to put hundreds of marriages back together again and I hope that every one of you who are married will just fall in love all over again and the Lord will heal many situations but I looked at and the face of Patricia from the States where is Patricia from Fort Worth Patricia where where is she just something someone helped me find her where are you way in the back well that's pretty good I'm pointing right at you that's good I take the fingers are not in it but the mind is going Patricia I don't want to embarrass you but I have to say this where are you again let me see all right Patricia I don't embarrass you but I have to say this even though you across the pond across the way the enemies at work and you and of course you haven't told me this for the minute that you landed here in the minute I looked at your face I saw despair and I had a vision of course you're standing before the mirror completely depersonalized and you say woman who on earth are you and what are you here to do and the Lord has given you now revelation of what you're here to do but the devil has come to destroy your family but it can't have them not one of them not a one of them your family will all belong to the Lord it can have them but he's trying to do a number on them and the Lord showed me that there is some domestic problems right now that could be explosive and I don't mean to embarrass you but I just have to say this because gonna be healing over this and it's going to be blamed on your love for Jesus and you're going to be called fanatic you're going to be called crazy but the Lord is also going to visit you during this conference and he's going to touch the heart of Thomas and don't ever call him doubting Thomas again because he's going to do something to this man to change him and help him to see the of Jesus and changed his intellectual mind into a heart of gold and the Lord is going to help him to respond with his heart and not be listening with his mind God is going to appeal to his heart because he certainly doesn't appeal to his mind thus says the Lord is surely visit you and vindicate you and then let's praise the Lord for that [Music] well would it be embarrassing to you if I just asked you if all of this is true because I know God should have just waved your hands both hands but it's true so it's true friends it's really true so it's the Holy Spirit and also someone here from the US survey and I think you may be from the Kansas City Church I'm not sure I'm positive I don't think I've ever met you your name is Martha you're 50 years old about Martha I think the last name is Stevens where is Martha where are you Martha stand up who are standing up okay would you pray for the healing evangelists that he might never need glasses Martha the Lord loves you very much I want you to know that because he spoke to me and told me to deliver a message to you here it is he will be your husband in the interim in the meantime but he said that he's going to visit you and touch the heart of your husband who is a backslider and he said that Donald is coming into the kingdom of God and is going to give all of his life to the Lord Jesus Christ and make your heart glad and that's why he said that amen and I just keep standing keep standing and all of your children all of your children are going to be in the kingdom of God like Debbie and every one of them will be used of the Lord I also had a vision of I guess it's Deborah Debbie moving from the home but God is going to use that God is going to use that to speak to Donald and he shows me that all of your prayers have been heard at acts 10 for buying arms and my prayers have come up as a memorial before God and he truly wants to know this is what the Heavenly Father is like he's healing your marriage let's praise the Lord for that [Applause] [Music] was there someone named Ryan that was sitting right over here over here Ryan would you stand Ryan were you from where is he from okay do I know you or that's what you think all right okay now I won't tell you I have a lot of impress me whatever I saw a Baldwin piano and so I put it all together and that makes Ryan what what's your last name pardon good alright [Applause] oh this is for me here I've started to say something and I'm not going to say it the Lord's saying why do you try to explain something that you don't understand yourself I just tried to explain how I saw blowing piano forget it all I'm going to tell you is Ryan that you've been chosen from your birth to be a man of God and I see the makings of a man of God in you and the Lord gave me a revelation to speak to you he says if you will humble and come of yourself and keep humble before the Lord he's going to baptize your brain with a Bible dictionary you're going to know the definition for things that you have never known the definition for before your interest level and the things of God are going to skyrocket you're going to make Jesus Christ your magnificent obsession follow the lamb whithersoever he goeth and the Lord said in return for this he's going to make you one of those walking Bibles and you're going to be able to meditate on his word day and night and your ways going to be very prosperous you're going to have good success in the ministry from here on out your family is going to be protected while you go forth your desire has been to please the Lord and the enemy would like to derail you sidetrack you and make things more attractive on his side of the fence but there will not be infidelity in your life or there not be major sins that you'll ever succumb to you're going to walk on with your head up high and your gaze fixed on Jesus and you're going to be a prototype of what the making of a man of God should be and then you're going to come to fruition let's praise the Lord for that to happen so [Music] last night I thought someone named Taylor was up there Taylor is a last name I believe Taylor whatever that is Lord would not time to wait for the response but bless this man of God I pray that you will move in that home and move in that life as you showed me you would and Lord you're going to bring many many people together tonight who have been having problems domestic problems a lack of domestic tranquility and you're going to speak peace to them in Jesus name I I'm just gonna have to go on with a message and then if the Lord gives us time for this fine if he doesn't do you think your attention level maybe just a little bit better now knowing the Lord's in the room he's here as a Heavenly Father to really speak to it all right Bobby I pray that you will anoint me to speak this message tonight and that if you should care to or if it is your will for us to come back and minister to people without and without interrupting anything that you have planned and purpose then we'll do it but show us what to do give us divine guidance and for the many revelations you have for the other ministry time well please keep that on hold and give me the authority and give me the permission to deliver these 50 or more messages that you've given me to Bush your people with and Lord there's some people sitting out here thinking right now what benefit is this and why should we tell all these things to individuals before everyone well father you've shown me that if you have commanded us to rebuke those that sin and expose those who sin rebuke them before all then what kind of a heavenly father would you be if you wanted to bless your people would you not want to bless them before all if you rebuke those who have sinned before all that others also may fear then you would be a wonderful heavenly father to bless these people before all that others also may be and others also maybe blast because if one person is going to get their marriage together again and the Lord's going to turn a stony heart of a husband into a receptive heart of flesh then that gives others faith that you're going to do the same for them so let every thing that was said to this the the making of a man of God here this young man let that be applicable to many many young men and let that blessing be edifying well amen I thank the Lord for it and the rest of you are a lot of people are out in the spirit and all that or were I guess they're gone now but we're just going to let that alone and I've got to get well they get your hiking shoes on because we have to get through a three-hour message in 15 minutes and that's that's the truth God is speaking the second time God often calls a man or he speaks to a movement or man more than once and as I said earlier it's recorded that God speak to Moses a second time to Abraham the second time to Samuel the second time and so forth and so on Steven and acts 7 is preaching an apostolic sermon and he's talking about God speaking to his leaders and sending them out the first time only to be rejected and then he's some of you New Testament ministries he's speaking the second time so take heart God is going to see to it that he restores you the second time restoration is a good word in America understand it's had his problems over here but God is not concerned with the problems you have with a word restoration God happens to be a restoring God and restoration is a scriptural biblical phrase and anything that's scriptural and Biblical including speaking in tongues deliverance our discipleship or anything else I think we ought to treat it with care and with integrity of heart because it's in the Word of God and it's the Bible so let's forget about all the horror stories that you know about latter rain and let's let her rip tonight let's let God move if he has any rain we wanted a man well thank you again for your wonderful enthusiasm but Psalm 69 4 is one of the most remarkable scriptures in the Bible here's something in a way of a paradox the Lord says I will restore that which I took not away can you imagine that God is going to restore something that he took not away now God never took the gifts of the Spirit away he never took signs and wonders away he never took joy and blessings and all those things away but here he says I will restore that which I took not away I have a good idea what this means I'm not gonna elaborate on it but you just get your own idea about this that God's gonna restore that which he took not away and while men are saying that's no longer for us I was just on the opening day or this died with the last apostle I don't know where they're getting that stuff for Jesus Christ is the same yesterday today and forever and anything that he ever did he'll do again and he'll do it better and the second time around is better than the first time around and the second time is bad there's going to be a harvest in these last days and the quality of round two seemed so much greater than round one Jesus I believe speaks of this kind of harvest when he says except a kernel of wheat fall into the ground and die it abideth alone but if it dies it bringeth forth much fruit and I believe there's another analogy when the disciples were toiling all night and they did take nothing jesus said now cast a net on the right side of the ship and when they had this done they enclosed so great a multitude of fish that the boat began to sink and they had to beckon to their partners and they had several boats sinking loads of fish and this is something to do with harvest as far as I'm concerned I believe that there's going to be an ingathering of souls in a world evangelism type effort that will be apostolic and will be accompanied with signs and wonders to affirm the gospel not the messenger the message is going to be divine and the message is going to be apostolic and I believe that every creature is going to hear I believe that there's never going to be anything like this kind of gospel preaching from one end of the things to the other God is promised in the book of Joel the second chapter that there's going to be an army that there's never been anything like it from Adam clear down through the end of the age there'll never be anything like it again so God's gonna have some evangelistic people who are going to be so fiery that they'll preach the gospel wherever it's needed on every point of earth and every place on planet Earth every cave every cavern every crevice every foxhole I believe the Joel 2 describes some of the most fiery preaching in the last days that you have ever seen now you don't have to go along with this if you don't want to I only hope I live long enough to come back and tell you see I told you so this is it this is the army and you can call it anything you want but I believe that God is going to get the devil a run for his money I believe I believe that and I believe them the Feast of Pentecost represents the what the winter harvest and the Feast of the tabernacle the Tabernacles represents the summer harvest and the greatest of the harvest of course is the second harvest I truly believe in Jeremiah 33 as the restoration chapter verse 1 of Jeremiah 33 goes like this moreover the word of the Lord came unto Jeremiah the second time while he was shut up in prison while he was shut up in the court of the prison the context here shows us that Jeremiah was in a place of bondage and restriction for prophesying judgment but what the people didn't hear was the prophesies of restoration and usually when prophetic people come on the scene that's all people can hear is the negative side they never hear the positive side if you listen carefully Jesus said 15 times he that hath ears to hear let him hear he had to say it 15 times he that hath ears to hear let him hear if you listen closely you'll go past the judgment of the prophetic people and the proclamation of judgment and you will hear something wonderful you'll hear that restoration is coming you will hear God saying I will restore that which I took not away I will restore all that the cankerworm Caterpillar and polymer worm and all of these worms is eaten away I will restore all that politics lunatics and heretics have eaten up we're going to see a restoration of God in these last days amen so here he is shut up in prison for prophesy judgment but they didn't hear the beautiful restoration that he was prophesied now I'm going to pick up reading at verse 2 Jeremiah 33 thus saith the Lord the maker thereof the Lord that formed it to establish it the Lord is his name and he goes on to talk about all kinds of destruction and the end result will be there will neither be man or beast left according to the negative statements of the people but we'll get right with it again we'll pick up at verse 11 for this is the total restoration after he promises to bring cure after he promises to bring healing and all these wonderful benefits in chapter 33 verse 11 don't forget three or rather at 33 3 everybody knows what that is call upon me and I'll answer then show the great and mighty things which thou no it's not but hear the voice of Joy's going to be restored and the voice that gladness is going to be restored the voice of the bridegroom and the voice of the bride the voice of them that say praise the Lord of Hosts for the Lord is good boys mercy endureth for ever and of them that shall bring the sacrifice of praise and to the house of the Lord but I will cause it to return I will cause it to return the captivity of the land as it was at the first saith the Lord so things are going to be restored as they were I believe that the animal kingdom the mineral kingdom every bit of the human Kingdom is crying out in travailing and begging God pleading with God to restore that which is damaged and taken away and the Lord's going to do it we don't even have self safe food to eat safe water to drink all the time but God is going to restore something these last days I don't get too grandiose about this but I just believe the kind of God that is so outlandish in his blessings and he's so ready to show the world what the a father is like I believe the greatest endtime revival of all will be when God will show what the father's like st. John 14 8 Philip says show us the father and it sufficeth us I believe the whole world of particles will be waiting to see what the father is like in these last days and you talk about megachurches my friends you won't have to worry about them all of these arenas and places like this are going to be forced into a place for mega church because when God's particles come running I'll tell you when they see the father in his house and they see what the father is like in my father's house are many mansions if it were not so I would have told you and you realize that Jesus didn't go up there to build a mansion for you and me the father's house is right here you're looking at it we're the father's house we are we are the glistening stones we are the lively stones and the Lord knows that he didn't go up there just to bring us up there right away he goes up there to come to be with us and you'll find that in the latter part of that verse so the father's house is going to be revealed to the people can you imagine someday the glory the father the love of the father the care the father the beauty of the father coming through every one of his dwelling places and people walk up to his people and look at you before they can say show us your God they'll say never mind we see him living in his house and they'll fall down on their face and worship God and report that God is in you offer to a man and a man to that now this isn't just a lot of hype this is what the Lord is revealed to me if you like the earthquakes and you like the snowstorms and you like the wars that are predicted surely you like this what is going to have a church of glorious church without spot or wrinkle or blemish or any such thing and God has a testimony to protect and just as Moses pleaded with God if you don't go with us forget about the angel if you don't come and go with us there's going to be a testimony of your majesty lost out there that people are going to say you were a big enough God to bring us out but you were not big enough to bring us in I tell you in the last days God says I will not only show you I have power to bring you out of Egypt I'll bring you into my presence and I'll take Egypt out of you and I'll give the devil something to woo well I run away a little wild for make him too angry but I want to glorify God and as long as the Lord's in my corner I'm saved but I tell you they sought to get the devil a spiritual mental hernia because God's going to have a church that's gonna outdo him did you think that that army there was going to be the devil's army and the evil army well that would make that army greater than God that would make that army greater than God's army no God will not leave a testimony to a fallen race of people that he could save them but could not change them he will change us and he is changing us and right here in Jeremiah 33 11 he's showing what he's doing for the Anglicans what he's doing for the Lutheran's and the Baptist and the Episcopal Xin the Catholics and the Karris Mattox he is giving us all the ability to say praise the Lord there was a time when you never heard an Anglican say praise the Lord in public but they're saying praise the Lord and the acting like Cass Maddox whether they want to be or not and vice versa and the Baptist's have the language of praise and all of God's evangelicals before this is over I believe many of them will come into this restoration and they will see the glory of God and what the father is like and who wouldn't want to have this kind of restoration amen and amen so we're now in a shaking time just like Jeremiah we're nearing the time of the Second Harvest God is requiring righteousness to be implemented in the church and God is now judging the things which the church has embraced that he cannot honor you remember we've initiated a lot of things and God does not appreciate what he does not initiate let's be sure that we're following on and know the Lord and that we're interested in what he has initiated there is a wave emerging and mounting up a great wave of the Spirit new move of God if you will and it will contain all the good I don't care what you think about past expressions of revival God has said it's the new wave is going to contain in it all of the good from every expression of revival all the way through as far back as you can go God is going to take the expression of revival the Reformation and the latter rain and the healing move and in the Cara's Monta and in the Jesus Movement and then everything he has given in the way of expressing himself and his son and his Holy Spirit initiating the power signs and wonders he said I'm gonna give you the best of it all I'm going to trim away and cut away and separate and extract the precious from the vile and I'm giving you all the precious and I'm doing away with the vile and we're going to have all that extract and when you hear that extract a young man like was minister to tonight you get a few thousand of them in a room and you fathers begin to give them the extract that God deals out to you and they go out to a foreign field and even if it's watered down a little by the time they get there it's still going to be powerful enough to turn a nation to the Lord in a day it's still going to be powerful enough to do that well you say that's just really great but what about now I believe we should concern ourself with these works right now while we're doing these works these works they may seem like kindergarten but these works are powerful even these works that Jesus speaks about in Saint John 14:12 even these works are great but if you think that what's going on now is just a spiritual kindergarten let's do continue in spiritual kindergarten for suddenly when Jesus gets with us all the way we're going to be there and let's begin to thank God for the little things I don't know why everybody doesn't walk out of a wheelchair us why somebody doesn't get off a hospital gurney when they come to some of the meetings but I know that some people are healed of diabetes some people are healed of high let's see me as some people healed a heart trouble and some people are healed of a headache or some people are healed of an ingrown toenail so I'm going to find myself praising God for kindergarten and thanking God while we're doing these things while we're doing these things and then when the Lord really comes to his church he's going to see to it that the greater works will automatically accompany him and so let's just be satisfied what the Lord is doing now maybe if we praised him enough for the little things here do big things so you know what I what I'm praising God for I'm praising God for round two you know what round two represents to me I'm 61 years old I almost bought it back there almost wasted my inheritance my spiritual inheritance I almost ruined everything I failed the Lord and for 25 years almost silent years I ministered a lot during that time I've never never known a time when I was out of the ministry since age 9 and I was converted I want you to know that I was saved at age 8 called the ministry at age 9 I want to get that very make that very clear but anyway I never know I've never known a time I didn't love the Lord and I've never known time that was out of the ministry so don't don't misconstrue anything that I might say if I say I've been out and had some almost silent years but you know why round two appeals to me because it's a second chance it's a god of a second chance we're talking about tonight it's its second chance to do it right you have another time you have another round to do it right and boy I tell you we're not going to botch it this time we're going to do it right this time a man and a man we're going to say Oh God if you'll give us the revival we'll get it right back to you we won't take it and run away with it we want to we want to allow any superstar structures to ever be built again we'll just said Lord take it it's yours take your glory Lord take your glory Lord amen I'll tell you when I preach like this it scares some people to death and it scares me to death when I can't preach like this so please leave me alone this is what I'm called to do and I won't I won't hurt you please but here Jeremiah's situation here is Jeremiah's situation the prophets want to kill him because he's Papa saying something that represents change and I tell you some of you people look at me like you don't know what to do with me because you you can't stand change but don't you realize what God is doing in spite of us from glory to glory he's changing us from faith to faith he's changing us and from glory to glory well I grew up in a Baptist Church and for years we sang from glory to glory he's changing me but you just let him change somebody and we had a problem but he is changing people today and I hope we don't have a problem with it because Jeremiah 33 11 shows us that he's restoring all these things well here Jeremiah reached this crisis point the prophetic ministry has hardly gotten off to a start and we find ourselves an embarrassing situation we're having problems we've reached a crisis point before we know it but the prophetic movement will come out of the crisis point do you know why because we'll be vindicated when God visits the people the Lord told Jeremiah if he'd hold steady and that he would believe and hang on that he would visit his people and that he had vindicate him and God will do that and he is doing that tonight he's healing some marriages he's bringing some hell he is straightening out some problems and your callings and in your careers and your stubborn nature's to resist God's correction is being dealt with by the Lord tonight whatever I'm prison mentor bondages the word of the Lord comes the second time God has spoken to Jeremiah many times but here he has this divine importation for him and that's what he has for us tonight God is saying to us despite the shakings despite the bondages despite the negative things all about you look around and let them encourage you because when you're hemmed in when you are restricted the Lord is moving saying I am fighting for you today the battle is mine and he's going to give you the victory while you're all enclosed there and shut in so the Lord is coming in Jeremiah three are rather in Revelation three and four not just knocking as a gentle meek and mild Jesus like the Casper milquetoast Christ but he's knocking loudly and Jesus is knocking loudly it's a sovereign summons it's a sovereign summons to stand before the king of all eternity you don't turn down the summons of a king I tell you I'm quite some time ago I won't have time to tell you that I want to get right with the meat of this and we're going to to go on with it the reason I can't tell you is because it takes quite some time to tell you but the prerequisites for the last State Ministry of the Lord Jesus Christ are being met I believe they were being met in Wales the other day in Scotland and definitely in Ireland and they're being met here in London this week and the Lord says don't worry about those that are coming against you he said I will vindicate you because if you are doing something that really represents me and the prophetic is representing him Isaiah 49 25 I comes alive I will contend with him that contended with thee and so let's leave it there and then of course in humility Hebrews 12 7 we will take our judgment and we will receive it with joy because we know the judgment of God is is precious and the truth of this hour is that Jesus Christ is revealing that the church will have a greater in than her beginning I want you to get that the church will have a greater end than her beginning that's the kind of God we have historically you'll find thats true all through the Bible God will do greater things in round two than he did in round one we're never going to see a mature endtime Church just by continuing the way things have been but God is going to give us an endtime Church I'm going to call by saying there will be an endtime company of people who will exhibit his overcoming victory as Authority as power is anointing his righteousness his compassion is love and his delivering power he will be glorified in the church before he comes for the church and I believe the Bible teaches us that the last enemy to be conquered is dead but we're going to be able to say no to deadly sins in these last days like this young man over here and hundreds of young men were present tonight you're going to be able to say no to adultery no to fornication no to AIDS and eventually some of you'll be able to say no to cancer as you lay your hands on the sick and the die and begin to say cancer die they should live because God's going to have the kind of people are going to do that I believe in the closing hours of time there will be communicable diseases there will be viruses cancer forms of virus forms of cancer that will be communicable and God is revealed to me that the day will come when the medical community may be bankrupt I appreciate doctors I thank God for all doctors some people are always asking me do you believe in doctors do you appreciate them oh yes I do doctors are keeping us alive long enough to trust God for this endtime revival that's what I believe I believe doctors and physicians are keeping us alive long enough to trust God for miraculous healings and divine health I believe that and I don't believe in physical immortality I have evidence that it's not working even if I did believe in it but anyway it shall come to pass as it did in the days of Solomon when the Queen of Sheba came and saw all the grandeur and all the beauty of Solomon's wisdom and she exclaimed the Hat has not been told I thought it was going to be wonderful but it's greater than anything I'd dreamed of I tell you God would have to a cause Sodom and Gomorrah to be brought up before him and repent to them for what he did if he dozen if he doesn't judge the nation's and if it doesn't sin revival in the last days to justify everything that's happened don't you ever forget it the second time is going to be rather wonderful because there'll be a prophetic Church and I'm going to close now but there will be a prophetic church just like the Queen of Sheba came to see the wisdom of Solomon I believe that kings and queens and presidents of countries I believe that they will come and knock on the door of the prophetic church and ask you for answers because the church will once again become the first line of defense the church is only marked today not feared but God is about to take care of that I'll tell you that some of you here you don't know what God is doing right now but he's about to change you from glory to glory and he's going to get some good out of every one of us and we're going to be a prophetic church the prophetic people and that they're those leaders I guarantee you in cooperation with a spirit of prophecy the day will come not too far from now they will come with our governmental questions political questions economic questions and yes even their spiritual questions and Solomon minister to her truth and wisdom and the church is going to minister these things because the church will have the Spirit of the Lord upon her and the church will have the spirit of wisdom the spirit of knowledge the spirit of living understanding the spirit of counsel the spirit of might and the reverential fear the Lord that alive the church will be in the smelling and the delight of the fear and the awe of God and the church is going to rise to power and glory and honor in these last days let's praise Him and rise to our feet and get the importation of God tonight come John amen God is the god of the second-chance Paulding said that there are many here who are struggling in their marriages I know that it's awkward to make a public statement about that but I believe that if you'll do so God will bless you I want you to come and stand here in front of me if you're struggling in your marriage and you want
Channel: Ashley Collishaw
Views: 2,251
Rating: 4.8857141 out of 5
Keywords: Holiness, Paul Cain, John Wimber, Christianity, charismatic christianity, pentecostal, vineyard ministry, prophecy
Id: lPRVXjfjyP4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 12sec (4092 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 15 2018
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