Hogwarts Legacy: Why the House You Choose Does Matter

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[Music] in Hogwarts Legacy you have the freedom to choose one of the four houses now this choice will not affect the overall gameplay of Hogwarts Legacy but I believe that the house you choose really does matter now before we get into the video I just wanted to thank everyone who has recently subscribed I also wanted to say that I'm currently working on a long discussion video of Hogwarts Legacy that I'm hoping to get done within the next week or so now I know this type of video is kind of late but I really wanted to take my time with Hogwarts Legacy before jumping into a discussion video I'm also looking at doing some videos on old games that I've really enjoyed playing over the years so please let me know if this is something that would interest you please the most obvious point to discuss is of course the different common rooms for each house each common room has their own personality and I think picking the one that suits you best can really help add to the immersion in Hogwarts Legacy to add to this I believe that your pick can really help set the mood for the rest of the game just to give you a rundown on each house Ravenclaw is very bright and blue with plenty of books piled around it looks very stylish and for me really helps set the magical mood in my first run through of the game in order to enter ravenclaw's common room you must solve a riddle gryffindor's common room feels very warm and homely with the colors being red and gold in order to enter the Gryffindor common room you must give the password to the fat lady hufflepuff's common room is very earthy in its personality and color there are plenty of plants with the color scheme being both brown and green to enter you must tap a specific Barrel to a certain Rhythm the final house is Slytherin which I personally picked for my second run through and I will come back to why later on in the video slytherins come room feels very mysterious with its color layout it is also very dark when you compare it to the other three houses but it feels just as magical to enter you must also give a password once this happens a door will open there is one thing that I would just like to add and that is the robe you get from the house chest will also change depending on the house you decide to choose now as I'm sure many of you know the overall story does not really change depending on which house you pick however there are some changes that have to be discussed and one of the most notable changes are the ways in which some characters will interact with you for example if you play as a Ravenclaw you will need to meet in the common room where you are attached with introducing yourself to some fellow ravenclaws this means that your interaction later on in the game is slightly different these differences are minor but ones that I thought were worth talking about now just to add on to the changes in the overall story I want to talk about a more personal point now I really enjoy playing single player games and I always want to get the best out of them I chose Slytherin as my second run through for a very specific reason and that is for the two characters that you will meet throughout the game these being Sebastian and ominous I really enjoyed the Sebastian Quest and I knew that when playing again I wanted the three characters including myself to be like the Hogwarts Legacy Slytherin Trio similar to the Gryffindor Trio of Ron Harry and Hermione scene in the Harry Potter series now I know this is quite a personal point and it might not be for everyone but I thought it was something worth bringing up especially as I haven't seen anyone else talk about this there is however one very specific part of the game that will change depending on which house you choose and this is the jackdaw quest the quest is very important to the story and how you gain access to this will change depending on which house you choose if you choose Gryffindor your house goes near the Heather's Nick will help you to search for jackdaw if you choose Ravenclaw your tasked to find the oliveanda family wand and find jackdaw this way if you choose Slytherin you'll be contacted by Professor Black's house elf if you choose Hufflepuff you will get to take part in what is probably the best out of the four this is because you end up traveling to Azkaban in order to find out more about jackdoor if you really want to go to Azkaban this is your only chance to do it in the game the last discussion point is not really a spoiler but if you do not want to know anything about the game feel free to skip this part of the video the final difference in this game comes at the very end in which the house you choose will end up winning the house cup so if you feel as if Slytherin were robbed in the Harry Potter series then now is your chance to finally take your revenge once again it is a very small change but if there is a particular house you really want to see when the house cup then you know to choose them I really hope you enjoyed this video and as I said at the beginning I am currently working on a long discussion video on Hogwarts Legacy that I'm hoping to get done within the next week or so I am also looking at doing some videos on old games that I've really enjoyed playing over the years so please do let me know if this is something that would interest you I hope you all have a great day thank you so much for watching
Channel: Cameron Williams
Views: 6,779
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, Hogwarts Legacy Houses, Hogwarts, Legacy, Hogwarts Legacy which house, Harry Potter, Review, Harry Potter Houses
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 5sec (305 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 28 2023
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