Hogwarts Legacy - NPC Comments About Professor Fig (Voice Clips)

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I noticed you and Professor fig seemed to have developed a friendship I hope he isn't getting you into too much trouble fig was a close colleague and a dear friend I only hope we can serve his memory well I could do with a cup of tea and the conversation on magical Theory with Professor fig brilliant wizard such a loss to our school and to wizard kind Professor fig was a good friend and a gifted scholar I hope you know better than to let Professor fig take on one of his foolhardy Adventures I'm very sorry to hear of Professor Fig's passing Professor fig should keep a better eye on you Professor fig was a man of conviction he will be missed Shame about Professor fig Hogwarts won't be the same with her professor Pig Professor figs magical Theory class May appeal to some but I find facts to be the most useful content to master who's gonna who's going to suffix class now that he's gone nor I I hope Professor fig isn't keeping you from your studies just what are you up to Eleazar oh Elias are at least you'll be with Miriam now you seem to have found a mentor in Professor fig I'm sure he has much to teach you I'm terribly sorry about Professor fig he was an extraordinary Wizard and friend I know you are quite close with Professor fig oh eliazar if you'd have only come to me sooner Professor fig was always so kind to me and to all of his students I shall miss speaking with him about magical Theory and herbology what a brilliant mind Professor fig seems consumed by his research it is a wonder he has time left to teach the aura of our school has darkened since Professor fix passing terribly unfortunate about fig truly but now we must move on learn from his mistakes what a tragedy Professor fig was a good man difficult to carry on without Professor fig but carry on we must I shall honor Professor figg's Sacrifice by looking after this school to the highest degree Dick had hoped Professor fig would be around for much much longer off to see Professor fig Ferdinand tells us the two of you are quite close poor thing was always stopped to feel like a shadow unfortunate news about Professor fig he was certainly a man of conviction your Mentor is a peculiar one isn't he I'm terribly sorry about your Mentor Professor fake though his fate had been sealed for quite some time I see that you and Professor figure close you must be learning a lot from him it is one of the hardest things to lose a teacher Professor fig was a brilliant man must be nice to have a mentor like Professor fake Professor fig is a bit of an enigma since you seem very close my mother and I were wondering what does Professor teach Professor Victor the hero nothing more honorable than that did you know that fig and his partner used to be World Travelers about Professor fig well I know the two of you were close I am so sorry fig has taken a liking to you I've tried asking about his subject before but he was always too busy I'm sorry about fig he was fortunate to have you I can't believe figs gone never even got to speak with him why do such awful things happen Professor Fick has some strange beliefs about magic if you ask me Professor fig died defending her skill doesn't get more noble than that I do wonder about Professor fig he's hardly ever in his classroom most strange I hope for other figures now that he's at least with his wife poor old Professor fig I feel as if I hardly knew him tragic about Professor fig you're quite close to Professor fig aren't you I've always wondered about him never see him actually teaching I suppose it's a good thing Professor fig wasn't teaching any classes sad what happened to Professor fig I'll miss seeing Professor fig around he always knew how to urk Aunt Matilda Professor fig killed right here in the castle always liked Professor fig never once gave me a detention Professor fig may be gone but we'll never forget him I can't believe Professor think's gone that he gave his life as he did such a pity I never even got to speak to Professor fig it's a wonder Professor figs time to teach a class at all he never seems to be in the castle can't imagine how the other professors must be feeling after losing Professor fig or flange to the air I never had the chance to take fixed class he did teach one didn't he poor Professor fig to think Hogwarts was supposed to be safe the memory of Professor fig will live on with all of us Eleazar fig was an Odd Fellow but a kind man he died honorably Eleazar fig is the kind of Professor one rarely comes to meet you have my deepest condolences I heard that you lost your professor to a terrible accident my deepest condolences losing someone is always difficult I'm truly sorry about Professor Fick poor Professor fig to shame I was told that your professor died my condolences as of late you're always with Professor fig next time I see fig or that student I'll give them what they deserve if only I could get my hands on fig or that student why in the world do I always see you with Professor fig I'd say far away from that man if it was me it's a shame about Professor fig I didn't really know him myself but still I'm very sorry how is it that Professor fig always seems to be away I keep hoping the professor fig isn't dead after all that somehow he managed to survive never quite sure about Professor fig I can't believe he's gone Professor fig will be sorely missed apparently fig teaches comparative magic what is that exactly I'm so sorry Professor fig was a good man I haven't seen Professor fig in a while now I hope he's all right Professor fig seemed so unshakable I can't believe he's gone Professor fig must have some fascinating stories for you to spend so much time with him I'm sorry to hear about Professor fig I never even got to take his class never knew fig well but it sounds as if he was a remarkable man rumors are swirling about what you and Professor fig could be up to I suppose no one feels the loss of Professor fig as deeply as you I'm so sorry to think I just saw fig a few days ago you and fig seem quite close is he tutoring you Professor fig was a true teacher he'll be sorely missed I know that Vic teaches magical Theory but theoretically does anyone take it poor Professor fig I didn't know him well but he always greeted me kindly in the Halls why would you want to spend so much time with fig do you feel sorry for him professor fig was a good teacher though I'm not quite sure what he taught are you doing some sort of extracurricular work for fig I'm sorry about Professor fig I know you two are really close is Vic trying to get you to work for him or something I never minded fig he was one of the good ones I can't believe figs so interesting that you have to spend so much time with him puts me to sleep you must be sad about fig I know you spent a lot of time with him I don't know what to say really I really should ask Professor fig about his class pity about Professor fig
Channel: GrandTheftDiamonds
Views: 2,207
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Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, NPC, NPCs, chatter, comments, remarks, voice clips, audio files, voice lines, voicelines, Professor Fig, Eleazar Fig
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 49sec (469 seconds)
Published: Sat May 13 2023
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