Sebastian Sallow Hating Goblins for Nearly 5 Minutes

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enjoying the view keeping an eye on things feldcroft isn't what it used to be no one has felt safe here since ranrock's loyalists took a peculiar interest in that castle over there Brookwood Castle my uncle Solomon is a former Aura and refuses to look into it even after Anne was cursed by one of them possibly with a wand no less huh I don't see any goblins in these webs too disgusting for even a spider to prey on I know that Coast Round Rock has taken over a huge mine in the surrounding area Marin Wim has suffered for it it's as bad as feldcroft's become should we head there now we should wait why all this time we've been a step behind run Rock I may know someone who could help us get ahead who is that a friendly Goblin he wants no part in vanrock's fight a friendly Goblin you know goblins cursed my sister to shut her up said she should be seen and not heard I do but not all goblins not all goblins what have you forgotten feldcroft have you forgotten the mind we just went through no Sebastian I haven't you're not listening to me why would I listen to someone so ignorant you don't know what you're saying take a breath for a moment oh I know precisely what I'm saying unbelievable Sebastian that Relic you mentioned don't think I've forgotten about your Goblin friend I haven't but I needed to tell you what I've learned nothing Pleasant about this Coast get out of you trespass there they are let's go wait we should have some sort of plan I'm through planning who's there she's impressed okay foreign they got what they deserved what were you thinking I was thinking about dead goblins you could have got us killed but I didn't rocks gonna make everyone pay anything made from Goblin silver belongs to us whether it's a sword or a repository whatever that is did you hear that Goblin ridiculous Notions of ownership Stan wait wait for what why are you so are you so cautious listen to me I know you're angry and frustrated but charging ahead now could undo all the progress we've made lodgok said oh your Goblin friend stop it that's enough not all goblins are like run Rock I am not the enemy we want the same thing to find answers I thought we wanted the same thing we do listen to me Lord God has insights into ran rock that we don't I'm spiders are determined to make a meaning of us I'm sure we taste better than a goblin dinner Sebastian there's something you should know it's to do with Victor Rookwood I heard a rumor that he confronted you outside of olive Anders sounds as if you faced quite a fight the rumors are true and I did but it's not that just before Rockwood attacked he uttered something familiar the same words Anne heard before she was cursed children should be seen and not heard wait what what are you saying it wasn't one of ran Rock's loyalists who cursed Anne it was Rookwood it was Rookwood all along this this can't be it was the Loyalists it's always been them the night and was cursed all she saw were goblins once Rookwood allied with vanrock isadora's estate became of interest to them both that's why Rookwood was there the naitan was cursed he was working with ranrock when he saw your sister well he didn't want anyone to know so he cursed her and she's never been the same so cruel Rookwood deserved what he got thank you for telling me it wasn't a goblin I suppose I owe you an apology all this time I thought goblins were the enemy but it was never that simple
Channel: GrandTheftDiamonds
Views: 2,999
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hogwarts Legacy, Sebastian Sallow, goblin, goblins, Ranrok, Ranrok's Loyalists, goblin rebellion, meme, memes, funny, hate, lol
Id: Ttf8DqjxnIA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 57sec (297 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 25 2023
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