Hogwarts Legacy Issues FIXED in March!!!

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welcome guys with me again now I will show you how to fix a Hogwarts Legacy in March like some problem here that you already know like higher RAM usage like uh glitchy or something like that everything is fixed right now not not everything like 95 of the problem is a fixed right now the first one is that you need to update your Nvidia driver like I will show you here you need to update to a person pipe three one dot one eight or newer after your update you need to restart the PC and most of the problem is being fixed and don't forget to check uh [Music] if you can maximize your setting like here I I should be using a dlss but I'll I'm trying to uh using it like a maximum in every uh [Music] setting that I have so I disabled dlss like that but everything is ultra so that's the first one okay after that oh before that uh I will show you my setting here we go 1080p without the access before I should use a dlfs so the FPS is not a Plumbing like dropping but now I can just use 1080p4 I cannot uh like uh super sampling it this is Max out in 1080p I I don't have a HDR monitor so it's a gray out and also I just want a GPU uh RTX 3080 and I can turn on like all the makeup uh setting like motion blur depth of field chromatic aberration and film grain besides of that I'm also here in graphic option I make everything Ultra everything including like a population like population in previous uh setting I I just put it in low and everything is high or mad now everything will drop also I'm using all the uh Ray tracing and the rate I think uh quality is ultra two so it's this is maxed out setting after that you you can check if your FPS is dropping now I'm dropping a bit because I'm recording it like now in 50 but if I'm not recording it it's probably in 60. there is no problem at all it's so smooth I'm recording it in 1440p so it's a bit tasking for my GPU I will show you now in the test manager here we go uh oh yeah my memo before uh ah okay I will I will tell you from very beginning this update is not gonna uh fixing the remuset uh problem the ram is probably like a 95 to 99 percent you said like before but I have a little bit tricks to make it a bit uh like dropping the memory usage like now I'm using a 13 GB before it's just almost maxed out if I had a another program running it's gonna be mixed uh game a bit laggy or even crash so that's the problem but I have a trick I will show you the trick in another video in this video I will just show you the GPU you say here because I'm uh recording it so here in video encode if I not uh recording this video it's gonna be so smooth it's so smooth my usage is around 70 ish but uh if I'm not recording it it's more like a 65 percent it around that uh PRM pyram always being maxed out man I don't know why around 10 gigabyte because I'm using a 30 80 12 gigabyte it's using my uh PRM is almost like all of it here so that's uh the usage system usage when I'm using uh playing this game I will show you some footage in here in February [Music] this map is not too wide so there's no problem in here I will show you uh yeah the Phoenix uh the Phoenix prepario or not this one here this is quite wide here we go graphic is quite good in here [Music] I will show you a while running especially in Golden hour man this place is perfect for uh our Phoenix here we go like smoothie and then I think I will show you another map uh it's just like a sample like a featherium is good for sampling a a setting in this game so we can see when the map is a little big map this one in ashore another one when a night and foggy like here in the shore [Music] is quite smooth there is no like a bit loading or some kind of problem the water is clear too like here [Music] [Music] now we saw how I will show you uh the Knight plus fog [Music] here we go [Music] here we go because I'm using a a hard drive not the SSD you should be using a SSD with nvme npme SSD not the SATA SSD graphic is good the FPS is not dropping even if there is a lot of fog in here and some light in here the Arctic is tasking in this uh kind of map remember I'm using a Ultra RTX here we go a bit dropping in 40 ish but not too bad [Music] remember a lot of people not doesn't using like not using a RTX at all big things you've made marvelous improvements here and also some map is still tasking like a hug mid is still tasking for this game with this setting so depend on your graphics card maybe you should uh turn up some setting like RTX maybe if you are using older GPU you absolutely need to turn off the RTX like 20 series or or like even uh other like 10 series you should turn off the RTX and using a recommended you can use a like a run-based mark after the after you or uh imdriver I don't know I am the driver because I'm not using the IMD one I'm using it before but not anymore in the previous video I'm using uh I'm a ticket in a I am the car the problem is the same with a Nvidia one and also you can just turn off like a blower depth of field chromatic aberration and film grain it's uh yeah I forget I'm not uh turning on the field of view because I don't know and yes I feel dizzy when I'm seeing it here we go it's look like wider everything looks wider I don't know why I just feel dizzy with this kind of uh field of view but when I'm checking it uh depend on the map it can be taxing because uh in your money a few of you there's more uh things happening so it can be a texting for your gpu2 so depend on your preference you can turn it on but I just turn it off it's just for me okay I think that's it for this uh video I hope it can be helping you out you are it's it's this uh this driver update is not uh fixing every problem but this uh fixing some like a graphical issue like glitching or low crime rate like something like that and I will tell you how to lower the memory usage for this game so thank you so much everyone watching this is I will see you again in the next video bye
Channel: PanglimaKegelapan
Views: 440
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Panglimakegelapan, fixing all hogwarts legacy graphical issue, how to fix hogwarts legacy graphical issue, hogwarts legacy stutter fix, hogwarts legacy low framerate fix, hogwarts legacy low fps fix, hogwarts legacy long loading fix, hogwarts legacy all error fix, hogwarts legacy loading shader fix, how to fixing hogwarts legacy error, Tips & Settings For Hogwarts Legacy Complete Edition!, how to fix hogwarts legacy graphical issues, hogwarts legacy update in february 18
Id: qa984T9_hrY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 26sec (746 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 02 2023
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