Hogwarts Legacy could be incredible in 2024...

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I love Hogwarts Legacy and I covered the game extensively in the run-up to launch and post its release but after a year since it hit our screens I think it's now the right time to go through 10 specific things that I hope the developers will consider implementing future updates expansions and of course Hogwarts Legacy 2 to make this franchise even better and let's start with a storyline and what I feel it was lacking which was a strong morality system throughout my playthrough and what I mean by that is in the game playing in a good or evil way has next to no narrative or World impact in terms of restrictions or incentives to do so that is until you come to the end of the storyline and even if you've played as a well- behaved witch always wizard throughout the game you can then suddenly choose the evil ending if you want to with no surprised reactions from NPCs in that regard I would love to see a reputation or morality system implemented in the next game where our decisions during quests give us a clear option we can either be a hero become a villain or be somewhere in that gray area in between and that will then affect how the game reacts to you positively or negatively depending upon their own specific backstories and moral compasses a good example of this in my opinion is Star Wars kns of the Old Republic where you can choose a dark or light side Choice during quests where you're then awarded dark or light side points that then fill up each reputation meter respectively with your facial features actually changing depending upon your own choices in these quests such as becoming a Sith Lord as you can see here now this could play into the grander vision for the game where using unforgivable curses will give you world penalties such as not being able to visit certain areas as your reputation with that specific Wizarding faction in that area will be so reduced that they will be legitimately angry they will react to you negatively due to your actions and your style of play I'd even go as so far far as to say either create a main story narrative with no dialogue options as they don't actually really matter or allow us to choose the dialogue ourselves and truly create our own character where our in-game choices matter in the wider game where we can become an aura or a dark Wizard and the NPCs recognize that in their own reactions to us in game and once we're on the topic of Wizarding factions and reputation I think this is a great segue onto the house point system which was left out of this first game installment citing time constraints by the game director Alan 2 which was fair enough as there was a lot to cover for the team in terms of development in such a dense franchise you just can't get everything in first time round unfortunately Five Points from Gryffindor however back in Harry Potter and the philosopher stone Game Boy Color version game they included a house point system and that game released in 2011 as an FYI so over 20 years ago so this is definitely doable in a sequel where it can be created inde dependently from the main story line and could act as an incentive to complete side quests in and outside the grounds building the reputation with your own house that could then offer specific rewards that could encourage you to become immersed in the Rivalry between each hogwarts's house that I actually felt was missing quite a lot in this game incidentally houses are a very integral part of the Wizarding World law as I'm sure you know with their own set of specific values and principles and I think that the next game should really flesh out what that really means for specific house Quest that delve deeper into the meaning of what makes a Hufflepuff a Hufflepuff and not just a brief visit to as gaban which was a great Quest and I did love by the way I'm not criticizing it it would just be great to learn more about each house and their traits this could also work really well in a co-op and multiplayer setting with CEO of Warner Bros David zaslav stating in a recent Financial call that live service will be a main focus for their games going forward and what better way to create online engagement than in-game competitions between players and their own respective houses now alongside this one of the things that did surprise me was enjoying classes in this game in fact I'd argue that it would be good to see more of them incorporated into the next game where these class quests or assignments with the majority being optional as I know some of you don't like being in a class simulation well done de and to be fair I didn't think I was going to enjoy them but what I'm saying here is that they wouldn't just reward you with new spells but perh perhaps a new found resistance to a specific monster or boss out in the wild which would then help you defeat it more easily or maybe they could allow you to upgrade your own offensive and defensive spells so they become more powerful after completing these optional class quests such as increasing the range of your lumos spell whilst you're running around in darkness in fact one of the recent game mechanics in Avatar frontiers of Pandora from Ubisoft which released Before Christmas implemented a random crafting and cooking system which means that you could combine find different resources that you had collected and harvested from around the world and then cook them together at random just to see what you'd actually get out of them you'd subsequently learn a new recipe with unique Buffs in that game and I think this would work perfectly for classes because you could learn or invent new potions or spell Buffs as a reward for engaging in that mechanic you'd also have more time getting to know the teachers and other students in this game building more of a relationship with them and that's a nice segue onto them now because one thing I think the team did try and do but just ran out of time is create a fully fleshed out companion system where after befriending certain characters in the game through their own specific quest lines that would then allow you to learn more about them and their proficiencies and interests in terms of magic this could then transform itself into a really immersive experience going forward because I think it would be really great to take an NPC companion with you on your adventures as they could offer you a specific bonus in combat as perhaps they're really talented Jewelers or they could be a complete green thumb and have a top quality proficiency for hology allowing you to collect more plants when harvesting with them out in the wild if you're interested in Plants you'll be better off with G shar's guide to hology you could also befriend and recruit these students and companions to then come back and work in your room of requirement passively whilst you play where they could look after your magical creatures and autoc collect the resources is generated by them as well as collect your potions brewed at your potion tables making the whole experience a little bit more enjoyable and building friendships actually that just give you more of a connection to the world they've also already implemented the game models for owls cats and a host of other magical pets and creatures so being able to have your own owl or pet on your shoulder whilst you run around the scottich highlands has to be in the next game for sure bloody birds and Menace now a big highlight like for me was the exploration options and as someone who has spent a lot of time in the Scottish Highlands as my mom is Scottish I was super impressed on how the game turned out as it really felt like I was actually there in Scotland in certain areas however I think that having a smaller map which would be a lot denser and more detailed maybe a better way to go in this next game as the amount of work and attention put into the castle was tremendous but the thing is we actually spent a solid 75% of our time out inside the castle grounds so I'd love to see a deeper Focus around the development of the castle hidden passageways corridors Mysteries nooks and crannies you kind of get the point I'm making here as expanding that exploration itch for The Wizarding World but in a smaller space would prevent these gaps or moments of time of just kind of aimlessly running around for several minutes to get from point A to point B where there just isn't much to do there inside and outside of the castle but perhaps that's my own personal preference refence there as open World Games just seem to be getting bigger and bigger each year and they're just kind of been filled with nothing that's actually very immersive and several of them could have been a lot better if they were half the size in my honest opinion 10 in nothing special but I reckon it would do and I also think having development time spent on creating other locations rather than just expanding the current map size would be more beneficial from The Players Point of View where we can see new environments by using the night bus to travel to the or perhaps we can learn how to create a PK key to then travel to diagonale after visiting it in the story meaning there isn't such a harsh blending of environments next to each other on the world map additionally I think it would be superb to have a school rule system where if we're actually caught roaming the castle out of ours by a prefect you on the other hand have no business wandering the corridors at this time of night we get a reduction of house points that we spoke about earlier and receive a debuff of some kind as a the penalty of sorts contributing to that kind of risk and reward versus stealth option in this game now one of the best things about the Wizarding World in my opinion is all of the awesome sweets food merch and magical items that contribute to the law and I think Hogwarts Legacy did a great job showing us what's possible in the future a good example of this is the newspapers at Hogs me that comment on recent developments throughout the world invariably Quest that we ourselves have been involved in and been at the center of and I'd love to see more detailed stuff like this going forward we already have zono's joke shop in the game as well so perhaps we'd be able to purchase cosmetic items that altered our appearance temporarily in some sort of way or we'd be able to use them against NPCs that could cause a similar reaction like throwing a dung bomb at their feet which could cause people to run away or incapacitate enemies in certain areas where exploring or you could set off fireworks in the corridors as a distraction bread I've been thinking exactly the same thing purchase gillyweed tonic to swim underwater or buy a sneaker scope which starts whirling if it detects someone doing something untrustworthy nearby which could be an awesome hidden mechanic to find some secret stuff in the game speaking of which perhaps we could visit stores like borgan and Burks to purchase textbooks that teaches dark magic or if a Co-op multiplayer game mechanic is added in the future maybe we'll be able to buy gifts like a new broom or chocolates from various shops to then give to our friends adding to that immersion in this Wizarding World speaking of which will we finally see quidditch added into Hogwarts Legacy in the future especially as the flying mechanics are already solid and we can even see an actual mini Quidditch game taking place at various points around the castle now we can presume as to why this wasn't included in the game which is because WB are releasing quiddit champions in the next 12 months pending any significant changes I don't know what you're talking about as they have been play testing the game since April 2023 and let me tell you it's definitely playable and I would be really surprised if it's delayed any further until 2025 so with that in mind I reckon WB will let this game try and breathe as a free-to-play model over the next two years until anything major is then added into Hogwarts Legacy expansions or even in the next game as you'd risk splinting your audience across both games and we haven't actually had a proper Quidditch game since 2013 since Harry pottered the quiddit World Cup so yeah I'd love to see it as I think the flying physics are excellent in SP Legacy but I doubt that we're going to see it anytime soon but again I'd love to be wrong there now as for wizards chess gobstones and even card games these are all small details but necessary for immersion in my opinion especially as you can kind of see the fullscale wizard chess board in action in the Hogs me Quest so being able to play against NPCs or other players in Co-op would be awesome fun and actually be able to sit down in game and play these mini games in a chair would also be great as we can't actually do that in game right now now as for spells I really hope that whatever storyline the development team decide to take on in the next installment that we're not in the same scenario that other sequel games have implemented to their own detriment in my opinion which is when you lose all of your powers in some sort of accident and have to spend a third of the second game relearning everything that you just learned from the first game and thankfully there's hope for us there because when I was kindly invited down by Warner Bros to their Harry Potter Studios in London last year to meet the developers and get hands on with the game I asked about Hogwarts Legacy 2 before this one had even actually come out by the way where I received a hypothetical response where if there was going to be a second game if it was going to be greenlighted because they genuinely didn't know at that point a good example of what it would look like is how Jedi fall in order progressed into Jedi Survivor I've spoken about this in previous videos but just to kind of quickly summarize that would be where Cal was a Jedi Padawan learning the ways of the force in the first game and in the sequel he was expanding his powers and lightsaber stances which allowed you to perform different offensive and defensive actions depending upon what gameplay stance you preferred and this is why I mentioned earlier around the idea of upgrading your spells as it would make sense to have a very powerful Stupify stunning spell that could instantly take out a troll if you like using that spell a lot in the game and decided to spend a lot of time doing side quest to then upgrade it the same could be said for stances we could have a Healer stance a damage dealer stance or even a tank stance where we can then absorb a lot of damage and not die where we can interchange these stances quickly in combat improving our own specific spell Buffs also Avalanche please include the petronus charm in this game and please allow us to pick our specific Avatar animal for it that would be so sick thank you very much expecto patronum now whilst we're on the topic of patronises that's a great segue onto new enemies being added into future expansions and updates like like Dementors which could perhaps be seen as random patrolling groups of very difficult Elite enemies throughout the game where you'll have to avoid them until you're able to defeat them picking up high value gear when you're able to do so I'd also love to see certain enemies disapparating when they're critically low on health if you're not quick enough to disarm them or kill them resulting in no XP for you as well as No Loot we actually can already kind of see these kind of features in action in certain fights where the enemy will apparate around the area or disapparate so I think it would add an extra bit of Challenge and difficulty here when you're not guaranteed a kill or reward unless you burn down that last 20% of the enemy's Health which I think could work really well for certain world bosses that drop significantly solid loot as for NPCs I'd really like to see better dialogue animations when interacting with them in game as sometimes it did feel like a a little wooden a little plasticky which then pulled me out of the game kind of stopped that verion for me but as Hogwarts Legacy 2 will be built on Unreal Engine 5 whereas this game was built in Unreal Engine 4 and according to Jose Veta director of software engineering at Avalanche we can expect the team to take advantage of the new character creation animation upgrades in that engine so fingers crossed there now I've briefly spoken about potential Co-op or multiplayer updates in the future and I do plan to make a really big video about this topic soon so definitely worth subscribing if you fancy watching that but I really do feel like Warner Bros and Avalanche will give this a solid go in the next years to come as a game mode which is then independent from the main game and in a previous video I did compare this provisional idea to that of GTA 6 where you have a full story mode for those of you who only care for the single player format and to the next of that you can have a online option where you can visit your friend's room of requirement go side questing and exploring together or take on a cave troll boss in a dungeon in the Scottish Highlands I think there's a lot of potential for consistent Revenue here for the company which the CEO is clearly directing the company towards but I just hope that the main focus remains with the main storyline or narrative game with the online or Co-op feature building upon it and not the other way around just to chase the bag so to speak as it's been clear as day in recent Warner Bros game releases such as Gotham kns and The Suicide Squad that heavy microtransactions are implemented from launch and I think I'd be a bit naive to say that they won't appear in future Hogwarts Legacy content but as long as they don't allow you to purchase XP boosts for the main game and it remains cosmetic items only then crack on all I say because if that means that the revenue then funds the team to then be able to create more frequent expansions that are potentially free for us to play an experience as well as having continual online updates with new challenging content to enjoy like a tri wizard tournament DLC for example where we can kind of compete against each other then that is also fine by me but what do you all think of this what changes or additions do you want to see in future updates or in the next game share your thoughts down below as I know the awesome developers do watch these videos and also check out this next Hogwarts Legacy video on your screen or it should be on my face right now because if you enjoyed this one you'll probably enjoy that one as well big thanks to NAA for helping me make this video but a beer is on her and I'll catch you in that next video in just a moment
Channel: AndyReloads
Views: 10,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AndyReloads, Andy Reloads, Hogwarts Legacy, hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy news, hogwarts legacy new info, Harry Potter game, harry potter game 2023, Hogwarts Legacy update, harry potter hogwarts legacy, hogwarts legacy harry potter, harry potter, hogwarts legacy info, hogwarts game, hogwarts, Hogwarts Legacy 2, Hogwarts Legacy 2 release date, hogwarts legacy update, hogwarts legacy 2 update, hogleg 2, hogwarts legacy 2024, hl2, hl2 update, hogleg 2 update
Id: gzKBfOuSljI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 26sec (1046 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 17 2024
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