Hogwarts Legacy Complete Poppy Sweeting Relationship & Friendship

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welcome everyone I see you've already met some of the many beasts we study in this class though be advised none of these creatures should be taken lightly they are all in their own way dangerous the especially if one does not know how to handle them properly it seems men were out of practice let's take some time to review the basics of how to care for a beast shall we miss Sweeting would you please assist our new student with the lesson today yes Professor Howen hello I'm poppy poppy Sweeting don't worry about Professor how in speech she over exaggerates sometimes I think hearts are perfectly safe the tongue of a puff skin can be a slippery devil uh yes professor here she's on Gerald [Music] you can use my brush just be gentle oh and think pleasant thoughts I like to think it enriches this experience [Music] that's lovely I'm sure he feels much better he might be hungry would you mind giving him some Beast for you [Music] what do you suppose the pellets taste like to Gerald pudding I like to think I think we can safely say that Gerald likes you he's very nice he is kindness is one of his best qualities right after ambition and cleanliness good work everyone now let's make our way to the pens and select another Beast and please do be careful as you feed and groom them Miss Sweeting why don't you show our new student to the nasals in the farthest pen this way the needles are over here [Music] oh coupling these or whiskers or to get me a few Canucks at least enough to buy something from honeydukes [Music] stupid thing [Music] what are you doing a poppy worried about a worthless little rodent her name is Persephone her name is Persephone that's really not funny [Music] let's go [Music] those two don't belong anywhere near this class training Persephone was onto them instantly thank you for your help let's carry on feed and brush the measles just as you did with Gerald [Music] her knees was really took to you they know a good egg when they see one let's do I [Music] out now where is our new student ah there you are I would like a moment please [Music] do you need something poppy thank you again for saying something to those brutes so that I didn't have to you weren't all Gary at noon in the desert I certainly hope that's a good thing it's something my gran and I say it means that something or someone is a welcome surprise at least that's what we decided it meant I couldn't stand there and watch them harm the poor thing we're of a similar mind actually in light of that there's someone I'd like you to meet in the forest you've intrigued me very well lead the way I'd hoped I would [Music] I wouldn't take just in fact you're the first really well thank you think as I said we think alike pleasant surprise [Music] like the weather we're having do you think poppy where are you taking me it really is much better if I just show you don't worry we're nearly there it's just ahead [Music] stand back [Music] [Music] please meet hiring isn't she just magnificent go on introduce yourself to her but be careful you must always show hippogriffs the proper courtesy before you approach them [Music] I knew it I don't think I've ever seen a hypocrite take to someone this quickly you can feed a brush over you'd like I come and check on it every once in a while and their pasties tell her what's going on in the castle you wouldn't know from looking at her but she's a dreadful busy buddy [Music] all right foreign [Music] [Music] thought she was brilliant can't believe you introduced me to her I suspected you two might get along are you the reason students have been seeing hippogriffs flying above the Forbidden Forest perhaps did you know that once you earn hippocrite's trust they'll always be there for you I've seen it firsthand with her how exactly did you and high wind cross paths it's a longer story but I rescued her from poachers a few years back got her to safety and well she was fine until recently you may have noticed that poachers are something of a problem in the area so I worry they could get her again and I might not be there next time Professor howin mentioned the poachers as well she seems to imply that we couldn't rely on the ministry to help I don't often agree with Professor howin but on that I fear she's right poacher's influence is growing I see them every day in the village lingering talking to people they're up to something I'm just not sure what that does seem strange sounds as if they're planning something exactly me I think I'm going to look into it find out what's going on what they're doing I think that's a fine idea information is power and the more I know the better I can keep hiring safe you seem undeterred will you let me know what you find out oh very well I will I should be going but we'll speak again soon I hope being all right Natty told me what the two of you did High Wings fine I'm keeping an eye on her she's safe Poppy I promise good whatever the poachers are up to I want hiring far from it you said you had news about the poachers and that some of it had to do with me it did I overheard them talking in the hog's head and did you know that they have orders from Victor Rookwood to capture you on site does this have anything to do with Rookwood and Harlow coming for you in the three broomsticks after the troll attack it does somewhat but at the moment I'm more concerned about what else you heard the poachers are up to fair enough but I hope you'll let me know if I can be of help especially after what you did for high Wing does the name horntail Hall mean anything to you I'm afraid not why what is it the poacher's best kept secret apparently the name came up twice but they never went into detail I also overheard one of them bragging about all the gold they're making at the expense of innocent creatures undoubtedly the poachers spoke of this area and I thought if we searched around a bit it might give us Clues as to what they're doing if you ever meet my gran this trip never happened not to worry poppy if I ever meet your Gran I shall not speak a word of this I normally tell her everything she might be my best friend after hiring but she knows how I feel about the poachers I think she worries I'll do something ill-advised whatever gave her that idea this way huh a center tread carefully an entire Castle to Rome yet you choose to wander here please we don't want any trouble we're simply passing through do you take us for fools that we do not notice more and more of your kind around here in League with the poachers we aren't involved with them if anything we want to see them stopped I hope for your sake that is true Our Kind is swiftly losing patience with the poachers and those they work with he was certainly a charmer I've gone worse sandals aren't exactly fans of wizard kind and the poachers aren't helping matters but why would he think that we had anything to do with poachers I did notice the poachers talking with a few villagers in hogsmead I'm not sure why perhaps that's why the centaurs are suspicious and a dog board behave that violently it seems that a lot of beasts have been more aggressive than usual lately I've noticed that too it's almost like there's something in the wall this is odd what is it not entirely sure but look around so we can find out why poachers were here all sorts of evidence but I found something else it's Goblin made I found Goblin armor let's keep searching but carefully Merlin only knows what's going on here [Music] foreign fighting ring this is horn tell Hall the name makes sense wonder the poachers were in hogsmeade so much likely taking bets and spreading the words given how crowded it is here how could they possibly enjoy this the centaurs have every right to be disgusted with wizard kind must be more dragons here the poachers are far too greedy to run a fighting ring with only two dragons we should take advantage of most guys being on the fight and look around be discreet you especially can't afford to be spotted it's a dragon egg heppardine from the looks of it here not with the plans they likely have for it all right I have the egg ready let's make them count we don't have time we need to free her now before more so up here this may have been a bad idea I suppose we'll find out oh [Music] Nintendo [Music] this way [Music] [Applause] that was hebridian black I'm guessing the egg we have belongs to that dragon I don't think she knew they had her egg she wouldn't have left without it what now she didn't exactly leave us a calling card I I don't know nothing about this day was expected not the goblins and definitely not the fighting ring the last thing I planned on was a dragon egg and the poachers saw us which cannot be good foreign flew off does that mean we get to keep the egg I'd much rather we have it than the poachers at least for now but I don't think we should keep it indefinitely it'll be hard hiding something like this from Professor Weasley for long should we expect trouble from the poachers given the trouble we just caused it would be foolish not to expect it then not a forgiving lot I'm sorry to say that you likely have a larger Target on your back now because of what we just did we aren't helping ourselves standing here let's get to safety we can sort this out later you're right if there's anything the poachers are good at it's tracking their prey and right now we're it this is a change of pace for my last outing don't remind me the thought of that tent still makes my blood boil I've been thinking about those poor dragons in the fighting ring the collars they were wearing they appeared to be Goblin silver I think a collar is precisely what we found at that poacher camp I've never known poachers to use anything like that before the dragon that attacked my Carriage was wearing a collar and Professor fig was genuinely baffled By Its Behavior that attack always did strike me as a little strange seemingly coming out of nowhere surely you aren't suggesting that the colors somehow control the poor creatures exactly Merlin I don't think the dragon we set free was wearing a collar but we should check and if we can find her we can return her egg that's a good idea we need to see this through I'll start looking into it right away there was something else that I wanted to discuss with you I didn't want to press it before it seems I may have caused you more trouble with Victor rickwood why is he after you is working with ran Rock and ranrock is after something I found at Gringotts fig had a Porky that led us thereafter the dragon attack it's a bit of a long story and fig had asked that I not speak of it yet goodness well that certainly helps help from what we saw at the worry I'll guard your secret my own I sharp press for more details in fact I should probably be going I'd like to track that Dragon down as soon as I can I'll let you know when I have news of her I didn't keep you waiting did I not at all [Music] [Music] kyver perhaps she's busy with her research [Music] what was she sending you only some feed she's been developing I was going to give it to Professor howin for the measles what kind of research is she doing it varies from week to week but it's always to do with creatures last week she was studying leg knots in plimpies what did you find out about the dragon you were tracking I realized that she didn't know the poachers had her egg so when she left horntail Hall she would have headed straight to her nest I went back to the tent and tracked our flight [Music] how do you track a track Dragon along tree canopies burn marks things like that well done you certainly know what you're doing I can't be certain but I have an idea of one place she is now if that's all right I want to see how she's faring if she had a collar on and she's likely frantic about her egg [Music] thank you here we are I do think this is where we'll find her the terrain's typical of where the breed would Nest I suspect it's how the poachers found her to begin with they likely camped here and locked her patterns perhaps nabbed her first and then her egg dragons are hard enough to Wrangle let alone maternal ones you got all of that from Simply standing here you'd be surprised how easy it is to think like a poacher shall we see if she's home we only need to return her egg that sounds straightforward enough we can announce then we can be poachers once and for all suppose you've thought about keeping it have you no it belongs to her keeping it will make me just as bad as the poachers if you're right about finding her here how do we go about returning the egg her nest will likely be in the heart of her Den which she will be keeping God over it might also be more charred than anywhere else I imagine well then let's find our dragon and return her egg wonderful if she sees us flying about she might die of aggression stay on foot oh and one more thing let's not agitate her goodness no she's been through enough already I'm ready there she is above us she did make it home safe it looks as if she wasn't colored like the other dragons quiet on her egg [Music] now if we just return her egg we can hopefully make it out without too much fuss foreign that was brilliant and did you see how clever she left us perfectly unharmed foreign ERS are a lot cleverer than most people realize that's what Gran always says the important thing is that we survived it and we were ridden her egg thank you for doing this with me wouldn't blame you one bit if you wanted to head back to the castle and never think about dragons again [Music] should we head back I'm ready if you are I am after our dragon rescue at haunt our Hall I half expect to be ambushed by poachers anytime I'm not in the castle understandable we did sabotage their fighting ring and steal a dragon egg from them true true why haven't they come off unless unless what unless they haven't let things lie oh no I can't believe I didn't see it we need to leave I need to send an owl oh good you're safe there you are you're in such a state when you left the poachers got to my gran someone recognized me in honto Horn they got to her what do you mean it's you're right she's fine thank goodness but they were at her house our house they assumed I'd sent the egg there she said they took the whole place apart looking for it screaming that we'd cost them everything I'm sorry Poppy I'm glad she's all right I don't think either one of us could have anticipated that I should have known I underestimated the poachers and now another creatures in danger what do you mean the poachers refused to leave empty-handed so they took valuable journals that Grant had discovered when she was researching rare creatures one of them contained theories about a secret hiding place of the snidget long thought to be extinct [Music] exactly what kind of creature is a snidget it's a small bird with golden feathers it's incredible it has rotational wings that allow it to Dart quickly in any direction in fact the golden snitch in quidditch is based on the snidget which barbarically was actually used in the sport hundreds of years ago why would snidgets be valuable to poachers they could make more money with snidgets than they ever would have fighting dragons the golden snidget's feathers and eyes are incredibly valuable that's why they're believed to be extinct they were hunted out of existence by wizard kind the poachers found some now I can't bear to think about the horrific way they'd be bred and killed for profit where exactly are these midgets allegedly hidden Grand says the journals were a bit cryptic which is good perhaps the poachers won't be clever enough to find the birds from what she recalls the journals only noted that the key to finding them lay in the Moonlight Grant thinks it can be narrowed down to a handful of locations I take it you aren't going to let the poachers anywhere near the snidgets Gran wants me to stay out of it but I know she's devastated that poachers might go after the snidgets if they still exist we had the element of surprise in our side when we saved that dragon but the poachers will be watching for us now we need allies others who hate the poachers enough to help us who value creatures as much Merlin's beard you're genius the centaurs they'd want the snidgets protected at all costs sounds as if we need to go and talk to the centers we'll need to be careful in how we approach them tensions with them are high still I think they may be our only hope let me think on it I'll let you know as soon as I have a plan is this where we're meeting the centaurs well they don't exactly know we're coming so it's less of a meeting and more of a surprise I suppose I'm not sure about this I can't imagine they're fond of being surprised we don't have a choice if we want to help the snidgets perhaps they'll be able to tell that we're sincere there's something about them that's so knowing it's almost unnerving I suppose they are known for having an air of omniscience that's exactly the right word I just never mind what is it it's nothing truly I've weave no secrets to hide that's right well simply be honest with them about what we're trying to do they'll have to help us won't they yes of course you're absolutely right we'll meet with them tell them about the snidgets and I'm sure to all be what do you think you're doing here hoping to speak with you ah I suppose you'd like a tale for your friends of the time you spoke to a centaur and it spoke back no never we're here because we need to help your help you made a grave error in judgment in coming here little witch [Music] we do not harm the yard it is not our way you forget your place old fool I'm the leader of this herd and while you cling to our way their kind continues to slaughterbeast like us without a care from what I can see they have slaughtered no one they will leave here unharmed mark my words Doran if I ever see them again it will be all three of your heads [Music] foolish children do you know what happens to wizards who wander here now follow me decisions are still alive and the poachers are after them they know that the key to finding them lies in the Moonlight but they don't know what that means yet please help us find this midgets before the poachers do could it be [Music] in the South there is a cave within which lies what the poachers seek a moonstone retrieve it and place it in the hinge in the forest I on the other hand must go speak with the herd find me after you have done this [Music] I don't understand so the Moonlight mentioned in the journal doesn't refer to actual Moonlight but to a moonstone what do moonstones have to do with snitches and why was he so certain about where we could find one [Music] I don't know but I am inclined to believe him what with his being a centaur and all I am too it is a shame how quickly he left that's what the leader of the herd called him well if Doran knows something we don't I'd rather act now and ask questions later I can head to the library and start looking into the cave he mentioned I'll let you know what I find at least we're out of the classroom I take it this means you had some luck at the library it took a few hours and some eye-watering maps but I think this might be the cave Doran told us about impressive especially with how little information he gave us well I'm still not sure this is the cave but it did seem the most promising I stumbled across some folklore about a cave in the area that people avoid seemed the perfect place to hide something of value it's a bit of a leap I confess But Mighty mysterious items such as a special Moonstone be hidden in an equally mysterious cave I think I'm desperate for anything at this point did you discover why people avoid this cave ridiculous really rumor was that the cave drove people mad I couldn't find any account by someone who had been in the cave though so either it is a rumor or anyone who went in wasn't in any state to speak of it afterwards well we're here we might as well have a look agreed [Music] voipas I beg your pardon this must be how the rumor about the cave started if the moonstone is here and so if we pass I wonder if it's being protected Merlin it's even more beautiful closer it's got to be here I just know it in Sunday happy to see this many of them I don't know I've been listening to them for a while now and I'm starting to lose my mind I was just thinking how it's proof that poachers haven't been here assuming this is where the Moon which means we're one step ahead of them well we found what we came for now we just need to bring it to the Henge well done poppy this did end up being the right cave after all a good thing too we need every advantage over the poachers if we're to get to the snidgets first we should do as Thorin suggested and bring the Moonstone to the Henge shall we we shall if we leave now we should make it there by Nightfall that's the hinge precisely where Doran said it would be but now that we're here I'm not entirely sure how to feel we knew we were at the cave for the Moonstone but Doran didn't tell us what to expect when we placed the stone in the hinge [Music] whatever it is it had better have to do with snidgets the clock is ticking in that regard isn't it let's make our way down we're nearly at the end of this I think that's it over there [Music] how's your grand doing by the way nothing keeps Grand down she set up a cattle rolling charm and threatened to make a coat out of the next poacher that stepped between her daughter surely she'll be pleased you've gone after the snidgets I hope so Gran understands how important it is to put to those who need it I think we can safely say we know where the Moonstone goes [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] whoa that was a moon cough dance do you know how rare it is to see even one they only ever happen under a full moon though I suppose the Moonstone allowed it to happen now is the pattern they left behind on the ground normal all part of the dance no one pattern is ever the same though I'll need to draw this one to get a better sense of it can't wait to tell Quran that I've managed to see not one but two moon golf dances she'll be jealous you've seen this before it was pure luck the first time I was on highway or I'd never have spotted it it was the night I well the night I met High Wing actually I I'd love to hear about how you and hiwing met I'd actually like you to know about five years ago High Wing had been captured by poachers at first they planned to sell her but soon decided they wanted to kill her instead more money I suppose I'd finally had enough I freed High wing and we ran we'd flown for ages when I spotted Moon carves dancing below and we landed to watch them felt like an omen a good one a sign that the worst was over what do you mean you'd had enough and the worst was over you see the night I freed High Wing was also the night I ran away from home a poacher Camp I come from a family of poachers [Music] Merlin I don't know what to say Poppy I can't imagine what that must have been like for you I never fitted in but the older I got the more apparent it became Grant tried for years to convince my parents to let me live with her suffice it to say when I left with high Wing I flew straight for her house How brave I'm glad you escaped so am I so many creatures I was unable to help when I was younger now that's all I want to do from everything I've seen you're doing precisely that I've had a bit of help anyone any of [Music] what was it like growing up in a family of poachers the thing I remember most was how much we moved around always chasing the next big kill it was chaotic and dangerous and nowhere a child should ever grow up do your parents know about the things you do now saving that dragon from the fighting ring for instance we don't speak or rather they don't speak to me last I heard they were in Borneo trying to make their fortunes there acromantulas however I wouldn't be surprised if word has got back to them some days a part of me hopes that it has now that I'm older I wish I could talk to them get them to see sense but sadly I suspect that wouldn't do any good we were around so many poachers in the tent were you not worried about being recognized poachers and a medic and most of the ones in the area aren't any I'd grown up with that said I suspect someone must have recognized me that's how they got to gran I'm glad you told me we should get back to Doran he'll need to see the symbol and we've got poachers to beat if you collect the Moonstone I can make a quick drawing of the symbol for Doran are you finished with the drawing just barely I think the patterns of bird at least that's what it looks like didn't the journal say the key to finding the snidget lies in the Moonlight of course we need to show the show that I'd know where to find him at this hour probably should head back to the castle and we can track him down after a good night's sleep agreed I'm ready to leave if you are foreign and you say they made it after you placed the moonstone do you know why or what it means does it have to do with the snidgets the breadth of one's knowledge can be as wide as the Seas and yet only run so deep it's good to see you again Doran did poppy tell you about everything that's happened she did and I am glad to see that you are both safely returned I did question the wisdom of sending you on a path at a time when that path was unknown at best deadly at worst but the Acumen of the centaurs is neither personal nor partial the skies tell us what is to come and often we do not know what we have seen until it has come to pass you knew the poachers would try and kill Poppy and me I didn't know my young friend but I shall say that I was not surprised it was in much the same manner that I expected our first meeting I don't suppose you'd like to start from the beginning I think Poppy and I could use that of course I find it is often the best place to start is it not many many moons ago I divined a series of events their meaning long evaded me until you brought news of the snidgets and their poacher pursuers I believe the symbol created by the moon calves dance marks the place the stigits are hidden and serendipitously I believe that I know the very place please go on I have seen that symbol only once on a rock face in the Cliffs of the forest you should make haste there the snidgets that have been kept there for so many years May no longer be safe foreign s are I do not know it is what I have read in the Stars fortunes play out as they are intended I am merely a messenger I shall say that fortune favors us today that you would show me a symbol whose Providence I recognize is not coincidence but fate if you're right about this place then we should make our way there I shall see you there they cannot afford to lose the snidgets once again I got here as soon as I could did you did you but to see it out there could this actually be where the snidgets are hidden let's find out doran's waiting for us just uphead I'm ready if you are can you believe it actual smidgets I'm glad we seem to be a step ahead of the poachers it is a little strange we haven't heard anything from them if we're lucky they're still pouring over Graham's research there was a fair amount well we on the other hand had Doran to guide us even if the poachers do somehow stumble upon this place we shall be long gone thank you greetings I hope we haven't kept you waiting long Doran not at all then again it is not I who awaits your arrival do you have the Moonstone with you we do good it says it's important to what happens next as both of you are so what does happen next pillars here a safeguard I suspect there is only one way to find out and as for how to go about that two of you may know better than anyone I did it look Doran a doorway and now I'm afraid at least for a Time you're not coming in with us if the snidgets are here the herd will want to see the truth of it for themselves Alec especially go on without me I will join as soon revelio so many folks you haven't seen my grand study incendio fear what makes you say that it's always felt depressed Rebellion he was palpable at least to me the sense I get here is of safety and calm quite the opposite of the poacher camps bombarded of course how clever [Music] I think that was all of them are the two of you unharmed I had hoped to return before it was too late fine but if you hadn't got here when you did I let them here Doran you fought with us against your kind I am glad to have witnessed this I now believe all that Doran told me they are the ones I saw Eric finish your work here brother all the events you divined have not yet come to pass [Music] foreign [Music] Now All That Remains is to break the charm you want us to [Music] I only ever wanted to see them safe which they are you should do it [Music] smiling they're lovely what happens now they can't care for themselves and surely once word gets out of their reappearance no harm will come to them the centaurs will see to that you have my word thank you Doran for helping us to find a fight and to fight for them it is you who deserves the Merit child did what the poachers would never have remember that [Music] you both fought bravely today allow us to carry the mantle from here if it's all right Don I think I'd like to stay behind and spend a little more time with the snidgets [Music] [Music] [Music] I see Doran finally convinced you to leave the smidgets if anyone can keep them out of poacher hands it's the centaurs I wanted to thank to thank when the poachers ambushed us like it was nice not to face them alone [Music] the sort of thing friends do for each other isn't it I suppose so I am glad you came you came to Hogwarts it's already been my best year it I wouldn't want to repeat the whole entire Hall of course but I did enjoy the three broomsticks had no idea how lovely it was there had you never been to the three broomsticks I used to spend most of my time with hiring and well I don't know how sirona feels about hippogriffs popping in for a butter beer High Wing's the only one I would have gone with oh Grand of course High Wing is nice company but perhaps it's time to add a few more friends to your circle I am starting to see the appeal of a human friends it was nice to talk about my parents and Gran with someone and share Highway I don't suppose you've heard anything from your parents have you I haven't but I'm perfectly fine with that does your grand know that know that we found this digits I can hold it in any longer I told her everything she was livid that I'd been anywhere near the poachers but she confessed that she was rather envious about the snidgets it has all been a pleasure Poppy do try and stay out of trouble don't know that I can purchase twice now successfully I'd rather think you've helped me develop a taste for it and was centaurs as allies I might actually go looking for trouble you and I should meet for a butterbeer soon perhaps hiring can join us
Channel: Naughty Gaming SFW
Views: 50,690
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: xbox, pc, naughtygaming, naughty gaming, ps5, Hogwarts Legacy, Harry Potter, Hogwarts, WB, Warner Bros Games, Avalanche, portkey games
Id: ZLS2D9FtTps
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 58sec (3178 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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