Hodgdon VARGET through Powder Measures | Will it Flow? | Guns N' Reloads

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welcome back to the channel it's good to have time to finally be able to make another video this is going to be the first video of a series i'm going to make called will it flow what i'm going to do is take as many smokeless powders as i can get a hold of and run them through three different powder measures and see how they flow the first powder i'm going to test today is going to be vargat and what we're going to do is throw 10 charges at a desired charge weight of 44.0 grains we're going to run 10 charges through the dillon 550 on the dylan powder measure then we're going to go over to the rcbs charge master light and drop 10 on there and then last but not least we're going to drop 10 on the lee perfect powder measure i'm going to measure all 10 of them get a standard deviation get an average get the extreme spread all that good data nerd stuff and show you the results like i said this is the first time doing this video so please if you have any feedback at all leave a comment below i'm doing this for my own knowledge and i just figured if i'm doing this i might as well make a video and share it with you guys i know there's a lot of powders out there that will flow through a meter like water and some you're lucky to get the drop you know one out of five charges so this will be interesting at least for me if you think this is boring and a waste of time leave a comment and let me know as well without further ado let's get started and i'm going to start with vargat so first let's take a look at what vargat powder looks like here's a close-up of the varga powder you can see it's an extruded powder which is known to not flow very well so we'll see how this fares against the three powder measures that we have today stay tuned all right let's see how vargat is going to meter on the dillon automatic powder drop i've got a 550 here with 308 case the desired charge is going to be 44 grains so let's see how it does we're going to drop 10 charges 43.9 forty four point one 44.1 43.9 we're all around that 44.0 and 43 points point eight let me empty this out and we'll do five more there is 44.00 44.00 three in a row 44.0 43.8 and another 43.8 so not too bad for vargat in the dillon powder measure next up we've got the rcbs charge master light and we're going to go ahead and do 44 grains just like we did on the dillon powder measure and dispense it and what i'm going to do is double check it with the frankfurt arsenal scale and the reason for the double check is because i've noticed a handful of times on the charge master light it will read 44.0 and say stable if you wait a few seconds or if you take the pan off and put it back on sometimes not often but sometimes it'll be a tenth or maybe even two tenths of a grain higher so it'll say you know in this instance 44.1 maybe 44.2 so that's why we're going to double check it with the frankfurt arsenal both of these scales have been calibrated with the provided check weights so instead of making you guys watch 10 powder drops on here what i'll do is just do a handful of these in real time and that way you can get an idea of how fast the unit actually dispenses and then i'll speed up the footage and show you the results so first charge we have 44.1 we'll go ahead and tear that out you can see here it dispenses pretty quick but once it gets to the trickle stage it slows down quite a bit so like i said the trickling can get quite slow so after this one i'll go ahead and just speed up the footage and get the full 10 charges [Music] um i'm going to let that settle down just a minute this frankfurt arsenal scale sometimes it can drift a little bit but i think the one before this read 44.1 and it actually evened up to 4.0 so we're going to call that one 441 so uh um okay there was the rcbs charge master light you can see it throws very accurate charges you may get a tenth of a grain here and there but overall it's uh been a really good machine been very happy with it so next we're going to move on over to the lee perfect powder measure and see how that does all right next we're going to do 10 charges on the lee perfect powder measure i've got the same charge dialed in 44.0 so let's see how that goes forty four point zero [Music] 44.3 43.8 oh 44.00 [Music] 44.1 44.2 up crept up to 44.4 all right let's empty this out and do five more 44.2 43.9 43.7 4.0 let's get our last charge here spilled a couple 44.2 so there we have it for the lee perfect powder measure not too bad at all okay here's the results of the three powder drops i'll leave the data on the screen and you can make your own conclusions but there's a few things to note the dylan only had a 0.3 grain extreme spread whereas the lee perfect powder measure was .6 which depending on your type of reloading may be perfectly suitable the charge master light as expected came out on top that is the only one in this test that was not a volumetric powder dispenser but all three did reasonably well with a powder that's known to not meter very well at all so i hope you liked this video please give me some feedback if you think 10 charges is too long and boring let me know if you'd like to see me do it a different method a different way just leave a comment down below i'll continue to make these videos if it's something that you guys are interested in thanks and have a good day
Channel: Guns N' Reloads
Views: 1,001
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: varget, hodgdon varget, dillon 550, dillon powder measure, rcbs chargemaster lite, lee perfect powder measure, varget powder measure, varget meter
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 57sec (657 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 13 2020
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