Hobgoblin Rulebook First Look

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hello and welcome to Planet Smasher HQ bit of an exciting 24 hours at headquarters if I'm honest first piece of news is that Hob Goblin has won judges choice for best new miniature rules at ukge 2024 it's very exciting isn't it the second thing is that I have just received a number of boxes containing what I believe to be hobgoblin Rule books Let's Take a look [Music] [Music] here it is let's take a look inside here it is my hobgoblin look at that beautiful front cover artwork from chro it's much more detailed than I expected it really looks fantastic all right let's take a look inside now here is a poem called the Gil valden oh I'm really excited I'm actually kind of nervous to uh have a look through this is the thing that I have made that I the most excited and proud of this is the guild valden translated by aalan Ki now avalan turns up later in the fiction of this book as well all right oh the print quality is so nice yeah look at this it looks fantastic look at lovely clean layout hobgoblin is a game of brutal fantasy battles here's some beautiful Miniatures I think those are some onepage [Music] rules oh this is exciting here is the map of Rott falden I'm trying to see how clear all the details are they are very clear this was the initial moment of World building that I did I tried to imagine what a fantasy world that I could get excited about making different uh would be for this game so I first Drew this map that was sort of the wrong way round so that it was descending down into the Earth rather than showing a big plan of the earth I'm really pleased with how that's turned out the rot valden is a Subterranean world of claustrophobic corridors connecting cavernous voids that house Mighty cities lightless underground oceans and yet stranger sites is valden the Frozen catacombs this is the up is referred to as Eastwood and down is referred to as Elwood you've also got east west north and south but those are sort of in and out of the map and sideways here is the cold Frozen dead surface of the Earth and so this top layer the isalon is very cold and icy filled with skeletons and uh all kinds of unpleasant Undead nastiness and then we have the Sten Hall which is the sort of biggest chunk of the map the Sten Hall is the sort of temperate region that's coldest in the eswood Realms uh and gets kind of warmer as it goes down before it meets this sort of tropical Zone which is the Nats Vamp the Slime forests where you get warm hot humid conditions and giant fungus forests all kinds of nastiness and then towards the base of the map are the infernal Realms the ELD valden uh which is this area here that's nearest uh the core of the planet and so here's the ELD Hall which is the sort of fire realm where the demons live and there are some walls constructed here uh to keep out the demons uh which has explored a bit more in the Poetry of the of the World building wow this looks great it's interesting because these are not illustrations by crom and so they kind of begin to set a a slightly broader tone for the book which I actually I wasn't sure about initially but I really like it because it kind of is is pulling the world open so here's a chrome picture Shu fantastic that spread is just great that looks fantastic some beautifully painted miniatures by Shan Sutter thank you sha some diagrams that I hand Drew I'm really pleased with how they turned out and so these are keywords this is a thing that we did throughout the book where um special rules that you're going to need in a number of occasions will appear multiple times through the book so that you have access to it and here is some various flavor text as well I went much deeper on World building and flavor text in this uh game so here we have the different unit types light infantry ranged infantry the different cavalries monsters chariots I love these models I really need to buy the stls from best Arium and get some of those printed up for myself because they look so good here's the core of hobgoblin the target number chart little bit old-fashioned when you first see it but it really does make this game lightning fast to play on the table this is one of my favorite bits of fluff the hollow man of malman on I like it and that's one of my favorite little Doodles that's that's a Shan Sutter image so these here these gray these sort of icy looking ones these are um terrain uh rules that are formatted differently to the strengths and weaknesses another fantastic R there I really like this kind of rolled Ink Effect so here's the magic system this is a magic system where you get a number of resources uh depending on the size of your Army and the number of spell casters you have you get uh Mercury tokens to spend and the Spells just always go off uh it's how where you choose to spend your your tokens is what matters shooting that's pretty much the only typo I know about revolve shooting attacks oh well you're always going to have one moving rules for engagement and outmaneuvering what happens when people get around the back of you a note on the gobs combat Doom phase some more World building here cave dwelling lizard folk and silsi the Red King he's one of the Abyssal gods that you can use as your spellcasting school rules for terrain it's pretty much all the rules for terrain just on that page and a half although there are there is a half page of cover rules there as well and then the fortune cards I'm still waiting to receive my fortune cards they are on the way um so I'll show those when I when they arrive building an army there's a awesome hobgoblin Army Builder app linked from there which you can get to keywords and then here's the Abyssal sorcery the different uh spell lists that you can choose from yeah this layout looks lovely it's very colorful and bright here's the cursed artifacts so as a final piece of list building you choose well you can choose but there's no reason not to one cursed artifact for your general and that will give them some special rules uh which allow you to create a different sort of mechanical flavor to your army different synergies within the Army yeah and this is one of the uh this is one of the final things that we managed to squeeze in during the layout uh revisions this is a uh the lyrics to a song that I wrote I won't be recording me singing this but it does have a tune the two Weavers ah this is nice setting up a a battle this is a really good image for setting up a battle again there's a uh there's an app a web app for generating uh what is here called the chaos of War um so you generate the scenarios which gives you the different objectives one two three four five six seven eight different scenarios little note on magnant I'm not going to tell you what they are now but go read about what a magnant is you can probably imagine oh look at that that looks Brill and then this chaos of War set of charts allows you to generate a sort of random battle where um the first step is that you roll for one or more Battlefield um sort of elements these are kind of terrain pieces then you roll for the deployment type and then you roll um one or more twists uh to see if there's some special rules that apply during the game and this is just to kind of provide a uh a little smattering of variety so that the games um even if you play with the same armies you'll always have different elements that the game is sort of placing in the way to change the um change the Dynamics on the table oh these look great these tables look at that image it's so good chro I love you man and then other ways to play has got a few narrative scenarios where I wanted to do some specific uh undergroundyoutube um battle um and there sort of two two Siege battles here this this one where we have to breach the wall um and the one where you have to defend the breach so you can kind of Link those two together some quick rules about how best to play with um multiple players aside um and then with some different objectives if you play with more players um and then some solo play so this is a little bit more involved solo mode where you get to play against an automated opponent and um the automated opponent uses these charts to manage how they how they attack you and then we get to this which is a essentially a novela that I wrote in the setting um so this is a story about girk the Hobgoblin uh Guard Captain who um he's the calling of uh this cursed artifact and commits a terrible sin and then goes on a uh Blasphemous Quest this looks great this is because I wanted to have a bunch of exploration of the world but I didn't want to do it in a sort of travelog way where we just sort of talk about um Rott valden as if it was the rough guy to Rott valden and so this is the core way that I communicate the setting is through GK sort of traveling down through the world and experiencing some of the some of the different settlements some of the different biomes meeting some characters and and kind of interacting with the core conceit of the world I'm quite pleased with this epilog I wrote it on an aerplane and uh it really ties together the start of the story with a potentially Mythic end to the story which we never learn uh and this takes us forward to sort of the present day where um our Bard who we met in the um in the end papers with her translation of this poem we meet her again here she's in a pub singing and telling a tale of our hobgoblin hero but we never find out whether what she's telling is really what happened or not right and then there's some designer notes some commentary about how I came to the game and uh how some of the uh mechanics are um structured and and and some of the underpinning logic of how they work awesome that is really exciting and then there's an index of keywords so you get all of the rules uh that you're likely to forget they're all at the back here uh along with the chaos of war table and a hobgoblin Army roster which you will potentially never need because of the wonderful Army Builder that we have and then there's a quick reference sheet which has um the points value so that you can build your Army and the uh basically all of the summaries of the rules is here so this is pretty much all you need to know to play and there we go that is hobgoblin or Mike Hutchinson's hobgoblin beautifully printed by elect Studio I am incredibly pleased with that it looks absolutely fantastic thanks Greg you did an amazing job with this but wait there's more here we have the deluxe hardback Edition with its beautiful black cover it's got the same image cropped slightly differently laid out slightly differently rest of the Interior is the same but it's got this unique cover fantastic well there we go I finally got a chance to look at the finished product if you want to pick up your own copy of this award-winning Miniatures game then go to Planet Smasher games.com hobgoblin and click the big button to go buy yourself a lovely shiny hardback cover I'm going to have a game of this with my mate this evening and I will catch you in the next video bye-bye [Music]
Channel: Planet Smasher Games
Views: 3,622
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QX7xmrqMXbU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Wed May 15 2024
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