Hoarding Loot To Sell Online ~ Yard Sale Simulator

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what's happening everybody in Room Master welcome back to more yard sale simulator and everybody seemed to enjoy this last time it did well compared to everything else so uh I I mean I have fun with this game I want to continue I want to do more with this we haven't really messed with this we haven't leveled up at all we're still like rank one and I wanted I want to get these things done so did anything change since I played last no I didn't know if it was going to change when I loaded I don't think so anyways uh as far as the stuff that we need H like we have all these new things I mean I guess I can try to go out and get some more stuff or we can try to selling some of these uh I'm going to leave a couple of these things though around cuz I don't feel like think if I have doubles of stuff that's where we'll get rid of things uh but I do want to get them away from this so I can actually take care of this part oh my inventory is cool not a problem so we'll put this one shoe here wait that dirty still what do you mean what okay so we got a TV actually I can put them outside in case I do want to sell them I guess right all right yeah let's just put them out here just to get them out of the way uh under here let's put this thing under there is it's still inside my area so I'm assuming it'll still count we still got to find the the real the real ill Grill this is this is this is the the knockof the cheap knockoff or whatever it says okay uh right there barbell my God there's so much stuff okay uh then I had the fridge I already no I don't okay so yeah no there was still a bunch of stuff that I never cleaned I guess cuz I do remember there's a rusted sword and everything uh the game cartridge we found found this stuff last time but I never actually cleaned it I mean the pillow is fine I just it's not what I needed and the book okay let's pick up you pick up you take all this stuff outside at the very least all right pick up okay there we go can't forget about this wait is this coin good no it says great so this coin's fine all right well I guess we'll just put everything out here I mean I could start selling some stuff uh you no no no no no keep giving me all the rest I have so many things the bad oh yeah isn't that one thing of Rolex or something I'm going to keep the shoe in here I'm going to pick this up I'm pick that up put these over here because I need them over here so I can clean them I think I'm not I think I still have to be near the table to clean stuff uh right right there two wind up clocks yeah the same thing okay so anything that is double so we have a normal wind up clock uh I don't want to sell that then we have the golden Rox I don't want to sell that coin I'm trying to see like what we have cancel there we go cancel okay cancel anything that's not doubled sing basic watch that's fine I'll sell this thing for 300 what we'll ask for 393 okay and then I think I had yeah I had double of these let's sell this up here there you go okay then we have an AC but is this QFC AC all right all right this is going to be fun H SK rabbit Okay so have two of these we can get rid of one there we go all right all right and then we have one more AC which is generic generic okay so we can sell this to all right and then I'm going to open so way eventually we may sell the things we do have okay so does this tell me by the way this is the left shoe that is also love shoe but it's a different kind of shoe right not a problem that's right I forgot I can just hold it I remember I learned that last time thought I had to move it around right there we go you're all good this is the last one I had to do okay there you go and there you go I don't think there's a screw on this one pretty sure I just saw somebody outside NOP four no I got to repair this okay what does this say then oh it's already in great condition hold wind up clock okay well I'll pick that up I can take it outside uh give me number seven hey we don't have a second copy of that don't have a second cop oh the apparently the comic books that's somebody's uh another YouTube channel I guess number six there we go so that's great oh I have that on the ground I forgot all about oh wait great great great great great and great and then I just have this right not a problem there we go and we do number four nothing is it good no it still says it's damage there we go he touch-up paint all right okay so it should be all good is there anybody out here ready to buy yes there is hello hello okay I don't know why so you stop hitting my car I love how people are like trying to get fake insurance claims here what is this you're falling over yeah [Music] sure all right go ahead another the couple items we have cuz why not all right so we need more items uh this is open let's go check actually I think I checked this I don't know I don't I I feel like when I load the game up everything resets I may still have these checked but I don't know yeah okay these are checked never mind never mind so you guys have stuff out here anything particular what is this oh there's new shirts I've never seen those shirts before I mean I knew that there was new shirts I've just never seen them [Music] he yeah you got a bunch of stuff back there right TV and I know they have other things if I talk to them this rookie card okay autograph comic book all right well I think that's fine for now to deal with that I think I'm just going to go it's 10:00 a.m. all right anybody going to come buy anything I mean what else do I have the wind up clock I do have a second one of these I can sell that one all right old wind up clock windup clock I lied we can't that's a different one that's the three levels we got the old windup clock we have the windup clock and then we have the antique wind up clock all right this like three stages of most these things cheap shirts guars oh somebody bought the guitar that's what they bought I was wondering what they bought I honestly had no idea I know one of the books that was the cheap the one I sold right what's up lady going to buy the watch all right cool cool how much is this by the oh that's a good amount of money okay I mean we got $6,300 I'm not really wanting for money at the moment so it's fine all right uh let's go out and do some stuff and we'll come back and by the time we come back we'll probably be good to have maybe one or two people there if I get back in time I may not get back in time all right so let's go to the beach that's honestly that's the place where we get the best stuff so yeah yeah let's just go to the beach over here I'm trying to think about where the best side to go to would be I'm also wondering how my batteries are doing cuz I'm a little concerned about that I didn't even think about that till just now all right oh yeah make sure to keep hitting the like button leaveing comments if you guys want to see more of this definitely definitely uh appreciate the support on that stuff all right you this that give me you sunglass I don't really think I've seen those before either right think I see something over to the right no that's the garbage there is a garbage can yeah right want just come out here and out there all right and then [Music] you go ahead and use it all right give me something good that is a magnet that is not n it's a weak magnet at that I don't need that one all right give me the fishing pole do some fishing all right I mean I got something that's good this I I I really like this fishing thing this I find this to be be super fun oh this is a cool mechanic like just magnet fishing in the ocean apparently this is a very dirty ocean right no there we go what we get got a old VCR all right all right did I already have it out okay there we go I see the thing in the bottom right in my corner of the screen and then I'm like okay cool I have it out we're good good that does seem good um I think I can just pull this one in try this again I have the best magnet on here we should be able to get the best things in here oh maybe I should change it out see if it gives me something different all right one more try we only got one thing out of here feel like there's got to be more right oh yeah we got something so it must just be entirely random I really don't remember I know I experimented with it in the past I think it's random kind of just like the garbage sometimes you get something sometimes you don't right don't know where that braking line is I almost want to push it to that one time but I don't at the same time cuz I want to get the item Crown AC I think that's the best the most expensive one cool uh give me this just put it away yeah okay I don't think we got anything this time it it does seem like it appears right away if there's something there right and do I need a I love how it looks like the cord's over here now oh okay never mind it doesn't work wonder if I done oh okay I was like oh God I don't know where the wait I can't get it I can't get it oh no what have you done oh what is that the one I just had CU it just puts it on the ground right oh no so my second level one is down there on the ground and I can't get all right well that's that what I meant to do equip the magnet okay I see got to equip this first and then change it out well I think this is I'll throw this in one more time I guess we're just going to move down the line because uh yeah oh I got something because the amount of CH times I've found something has not been super great all right pull this up I love being by the ocean right now there's a there's a there's a little crab Souls like game I've been thinking about doing on the channel played a tiny bit of that it's just like I I don't know just looking at the ocean just keeps making me think of that game uh Boop do I have it where I can never tell I'm I'm still pulling stuff out of here so nope not this time all right you know what screw it let's just go further let's just go further there's another one right down here I think they're always in the same place I could be wrong but it does seem like they're always in the same place Boop right there the van's in the way too close here we go right you mag fishing pole give me something good I want to find the like actual actual Grill like that's my goal is to find the actual Grill I will feel like I succeeded by okay so there's like a second level of yellow so I can go further than I have been that's where I need to let go it it's a lot more in right and there we go we got a generic fridge I mean that means I could sell the one I have and I think even just the generic one sells for an okay amount God bless it every time right off and go no then I'm thinking this is a noo oh oh yeah so yeah if you look over here it just stops okay well let's try one more time this has not been the I mean it's not been terrible but it it it's not like last time last time I feel we got so much stuff by doing this fishing tactic this time not so much this time's not feeling great on the amount we've gotten not even remotely yeah all right let's hop in and keep on trucking I mean there's garbage over here oh my yard s's about to close so H it's fine I'm not really worried about money too much I want to advance my stuff more I guess truly I do need to have my yarts out going to get like the sales skill up but it's fine we got so much stuff I really want the computer thing going that way if tomorrow it's like hey we want this item and I got all those items outside guess what we're totally set oh that looks like got a big old wave coming in it's over there but we got this thing right here I got to check this this is bigger than normal I feel where's my cursor you are there you are all right give me the monies it's not good all right take this first and we take this then we dig that what do you mean there we go I mean it's a watch not the worst but it's not that great either so isn't it like right over here feel like I passed it no there's the river spot over here which is is where we're actually having great luck at nope not you bring this out what is happening right now okay I still have this thing in my hand a used ho not like sound like something I want all right boom go hey all right we got something come on something good I really want to Max this thing out like I want to know does it turn screw it i'm was okay it does turn red before it runs out so I okay okay that's as far as I want to push it I don't want to like lose something but that does let me know that I can go pretty far hey purple purple fish brand fridge okay I don't think I've even seen that a purple fridge I'm already digging just for that fact alone it's purple all right TOS in all right hey we got something again yeah over here is doing better for sure I mean I could pull in a good amount then that I Happ to stop three two oh it starts it starts climbing really quick there towards again though like this one kind of slow and I felt like it was just boom level up yes stamina level oh I didn't even think about this taking my stamina wait do I have right or left back there oh I have a left whispered it over my shoulder all right all right I need a right shoe cuz I mean that that's one of the things that the orders have asked for is pairs of shoes we do not have pair shoes right now there you go I think I'm going to have to go back in a minute take what we have I mean I could sleep to tomorrow it's just it's the matter of As Days Go By we have to pay rent so I don't know I got mixed feelings about that one about skipping days okay looks like there's another thing over here too though can I do it here too H yeah okay I did get something maybe that's the thing maybe I should I should throw it closer okay what we got got a luxury fish VCR all right cool cool right boom it's like there's multiple levels of humor to me in that we're we're we're getting uh getting fish fish brand you know pulling this out of the water that aspect humors me and I'm pretty sure it's like isn't the game made by Queen fish isn't it that's at least one of the developers I believe my brain is Sleepy not fully remembering right now right boom and there we go got we got a purple fish stove brand okay cool uh I'm going to try one more time and then to going back cuz these I got to clean all these things now you well I still want to fish one more thing up do it find the goods okay what if I do this instead you this and we just go oh you can't even do it on the low level oh here we go no all right all right are you right here you want more here yeah yeah I'm not I don't think we're getting anything okay that's fine check these two places over here as we go back home and then uh yeah I think we're good I mean we got a lot of stuff I'll just sleep till tomorrow and we'll see what we can find tomorrow and pop out let's go check you I can still find some good stuff in here I don't and there's lots of new items that have been added we've still never seen so very possible I could fish some of these things up I don't remember exactly where we can get the train from I want to say it is from digging through the trash we can find a train and I think there's like a train there's like parts of the train we can get to mirrorless camera I think that was a good one uh you NADA all right it's fine right hop here and we'll just head home and clean off what we got go to sleep till tomorrow and uh hopefully something that we have they're going to want I would love if it was just like we want five of these things like yeah what what is this just like a random decoration okay just I I just saw something I didn't recognize it's just grass it's everywhere now I see it but I didn't I I don't think I've ever noticed it before all right oh there is still one more vehicle out here I don't know exactly where but there is still one more vehicle out here I think I can do a job for it that I've never actually done I could be wrong maybe we did it I know the van was one of them but I want to say there's still one more but it's like a random chance of the job popping up and I don't know exactly where the job pops up I mean the van we just kind of happened across you cannot turn to the left I don't know why CU my controller's on could be I don't know tried to make sure that's off but I did not turn it off this time all right and Boop let's not get too close no no no no we got to make sure people okay you're fine make sure people don't walk into it because people are dumb okay use new battery from your inventory and yeah okay right use new battery from your inventory boom there we go okay so these are all done I have all these to clean off bunch of these are really big it looks like this going to be fun to fit on here okay that's just going on the ground got the multiple fridges now you're you're placing it there we go another VCR go got the stove so many big things here here this camera used [Music] hoe teddy bear actually I think somebody wanted the teddy bear one of those days that's good no no no no no no no cancel that I'm not trying to sell anything right now I mean honestly I'm just going to drop this here for now oh it's over there I was like I don't even know what happened to it oops I mean I guess it's fine going to clean off you holy freaking wow that one took a long time little fish right there okay didn't say didn't say was oh I mean wait it did see purple fish right it's a purple fish it's not an actual purples I'm sad it's a purple fish a all right uh no I still need these got a bunch of other stuff we got to clean off real quick too right we got the this one I mean there's a few things that I can sell again then but a lot of these are again they're just new products that I don't have uh I don't already have out here I'm pretty sure the VCRs were even different ones right okay off the Golden Bear nope not golden it just looked like it all right is that it yep all right uh number six give me this I can fix these ones first okay and number six wait did I finish it I guess so shoe where is this there it is is the shoe fine oh the shoe's already great oh no it's this shoe I didn't even clean the shoe off it's fine knew I had a shoe I just didn't know where it was go okay so that's great already uh we got this nothing on you nothing on you nothing I feel like these are not there we go all right not on you you're [Music] fine bridge is fine stove is fine bridge is fine microwave is fine F okay apparently none of this stuff needs this thing they all need the screwdriver though okay and then you [Music] you right there did I do it there it is oh I got too far away okay like I put it away I was very confused but there's one here somewhere apparently in the back all right uh [Music] damaged see I'm assuming I got to do a bunch of this number four number four no that's just touchup paint that's okay oh my God go there's so many see where here it's right there there wherever works okay the entire front I think this is the last one glasses are fine that's fine shoes I can't okay back here not the microwave the microwave is fine each touch of paint okay so then it's just a matter how I got to paint everything and we're all done with all this stuff and everything here can now take outside and we can figure out how we're going to sell this and where we're going to sell this okay touch up all the paint [Music] everywhere he so that's in great condition love how much it changes when you paint it like it's all dull and gross and then just nice and good looking again all right you and then this kind of going around in a circle here okay that's fine right I think that's fine it's Rusty sword I guess it's meant to be rusty did I get the ones behind me I honestly don't remember great great great great great great everything is great except for this wait this is still dirt hold up I never even no wonder nothing seemed right I was like I thought it was weird a bunch of these things weren't going on here they were supp supposed to oh my gosh all right damage you're still damaged what are you damaged by oh there's a screw on there it's a tiny little screw right there okay now they're great great great great everything here is great got time that we can pick these all up go ahead and give me all the big things I'm G to take these first so we're going to do this we're going to start lining stuff up here here's our fridges put this fridge here it's just normal fridge it says okay I have a snoring cat on my lap so if you hear snoring that's uh that's what that is he's very loud right now very comfy generic fridge generic fridge so we can sell this generic fridge okay so that's all the fridges I have right yep that makes it easy then we'll go to the next big thing we have the stove only have one so it makes it nice and easy wait no I have two don't I I thought I had two no it was I'm thinking of something else okay I have the VCR I want to get the big stuff so grab this TV uh got the other microwave all these AC's and stuff okay right there so the next big thing would probably be these TVs we'll put that there so that's all I have right now that and we got the crown AC it turn you around is that the front I don't even know Crown AC boom we got that AC and we have the generic AC so we have all three kinds of the AC's a microwave and another the exact same thing so we can sell one we go uh really trying here to figure out the best way to do this put the barbecue on this side get this barbecue put this over here turn you around is there a faster way to turn this showed something when I picked it up but I don't know what it said I didn't get a chance to see it okay so we got ourselves a chair that's fine I'll put it on this side then facing the wrong way all right all right the amount of debris of stuffs we have okay this this is these are the things I want to put up here these small things like this is what should go on the tables okay so we have vcr and luxury VCR uh I have the old phone put you right there there okay watch watch watch so every one of these things can be sold besides one firm confirm confirm no we don't want to sell this one this is fancy one she's squeaking sorry I'm so distracted right now I keep on making his noises right now all right uh so we got the old wind up clock got the antique wind up clock and we have the antique windup clock okay so that one could be sold oh I didn't mean to pick it back up again all right and then we have the windup clock itself right there the generic AC so let me just put this over here and I can sell this one too I'm trying to keep everything together I don't care since it stay like that so this is a lot easier later on when I'm trying to figure out like what to sell and what not to sell we already sold the other guitar this one next to that one that's fine all right I guess this shoe can be tossed yeah cuz we already have a left okay so I'm just going to stick this thing on here and sell it we go camera give me the bear give me the duck all of you we need to clean this stuff off here so I can actually be able to put stuff here okay it's almost to the point we got to go to bed book book to keep all of them together a little bit the comic books game cartridge uh we have our camera so much there's a lot of items here okay then I have it looks like I do have two ducks so one of these things stuff duck stuff duck all right so that stuff duck can be tossed uh we got our sunglasses which I don't even think I've ever seen that just another watch just the same old watch all right well then I guess all these watches can be sold so tomorrow we should open up I guess uh I'm going to leave the shoes inside no no no no no I know I know I know I know I know like 8:30 is when I have to be in bed by do not want to lose money and then I used toe all right bam there we go so we got everything here everything's laid down everything's organized see what people want tomorrow hopefully it's something we have have oh that's not a race car bed how I manage oh wait isn't that what I have one scape goat I haven't seen that one yet okay so oh no I just want to exit out of that um I how I manage how I manage that's it that's what I got right I actually have one next all right it didn't say autographed what do you mean I don't have an autographed one so excited yeah it's not autographed well freak all right you know where we're going we're going to the dump we're just going straight to the dump we have so many items like we have so many items I'm just I'm just creating a hoarder house at this point my God stacking everything up on it's on a couple things but I mean you know all could be useful all right uh let's do this please tell me you got some good stuff in here for me today the last last time I came to the junkyard I didn't get a lot of good stuff right God stuffed demon buddy what is that thing looked evil why did the thing look so evil right take you up you got something good for me no just got another watch ho so many watches what is hello there's something floating in front of my face I wonder if it's something that I couldn't take maybe right give me all this nothing wow all right see yeah it was it was apparently a a PO poopu card or whatever it is all right hey baseball bat help convince customers to buy our stuff yeah poopu stuff bunny soft cly bunny shaped toy I don't know man that picture I don't know something about that picture looks demonic quite know why because it's just so bright you can't really tell the the details of it so it almost looks just evil all right well we got a vcr and a guitar I mean that right there is I mean MoneyWise this that's not bad but the items that I'm looking for wise that's different story okay keep checking through all of you I'm wondering if it would be worth it to just go to the market and try to see if we can buy one or two of the things we got one plus it's something I've never seen before imagine that thing's going to be huge oh I can't bring it out here that's right uh huh yeah okay I'm pretty sure there's a thing that should be on the ground right generally about the oh no I didn't mean to dig yet no not generally yeah it's not as good of an item generally just gave me monies right you like I missed something but I honestly don't know buies right all of you my God all right I mean we've got an okay amount of items and at least have one of the things that they wanted but it's is hasn't been super great here dild do okay we got that one Umar to God YouTu caption is better not screw me than that oh God all right you there we go oh no no no there was a chair I'm just so used to exiting cuz I haven't been finding anything and then finally got actually I don't think I've ever seen one here you switch to that and then dig this is supposed to be K us better things o it's a special guitar all right so I mean this wasn't a terrible terrible uh incursion of getting goodies incursion I don't think that's the right word for it wasn't terrible though it was pretty good all right uh I don't know where the ocean's at it's okay it is over here I think I'm going the right way I mean there is a garbage can I never go to which is over here I've gotten some good stuff out of it before it's like the one that's like inside that guy the the the the people's house there's one there that you can sometimes get some I think I've gotten some pretty good stuff out of that hockey card all right stuff duck I mean two out of six ain't bad so okay I mean that's that's a way to drive I guess first spot on the ocean feel like I can't I'm I'm like either just I can't look over that way if I just spin all the way to the nope it spins me back okay well I feel like I totally passed something maybe not I don't know I don't see anything out here today right well at least check these things real quick while I'm here if I if I run out of space in my inventory I got the back of the van that's why I have the van is cuz the van storage is amazing if I could find things oh my god really the whole thing it's really bad RNG is not on my side today when it comes to digging through trash cans in the beginning of the game the reason we have so much money the beginning of the game man RNG was on our side so much we getting some like good pools out of garbage cans and then everything changed the firtion attacked all right feel like my brain is all kinds of scatter brain today all right you all of this some more sun glasses all right I mean two again two is is at least something thing not excruciatingly bad uh I swear there's ones closer than these ones over here go and give me you let's uh let's go some let's just do some fishing here all right all right already got something that's good Let It Go we only have one meter left to pull there we go man you get a lot of AC's here there's a lot of people that are upset with their AC's and chucking them in the ocean y there you go no that's not a good sign all right yeah I think once it hits four if I don't if I don't see anything that's basically the point where I'm just like nah I mean have I gotten have I ever gotten anything if it doesn't pick up right away I don't think so I'm wondering if like the more often you do this less objects there are we're cleaning up the ocean already I do think there's one more of these if I actually followed the river all right well that's a good sign already let go let it go back down all right come on give me something good give me one of the items I need I mean I have the bed so we at least have that right you it's just left shoe got to left shoe again oh I don't have the space I got to go get my van hit the van and bring it down here so we can put stuff in it there we go we just turn around right over here oh there's even something Okay I lied right there is there any there's got to be a fast way to transfer over right use inventory move item left Mouse button drag know there's there's not it doesn't look like anyways like it's generally my a general rule of thumb is always check shift shift click control click no try to try to transfer it that way but whether or not that works it's a toss up all right wait I'm not over top of it there we go okay golden lamp well that seems like something that's going to be worth a ton of money at the very least fancy gold lamp [Music] right wait am I not directly over it oh really I walk too far I wasn't beeping hey I got another acoustic guitar all right you right here uh nope that's definitely not what I meant to take I want this nothing okay I intentionally tried throwing it close cuz it seemed like that's actually been getting me some good stuff no that's not a good sign all right one more attempt and then we'll just drive further down I mean I got something this time see I don't know I think I I think I never figured out either before if there's a trick to this or not I do feel like the fancier items though do generally do what this is doing where it's climbing up a lot faster than other times like the generic things I feel like goes up slow so it's actually easier to get which would make sense 15 kgr barbell all right oh it was already out every time yet give me something good and that's a no all right let just drive further down the river I'm pretty sure there's another one a little bit further down then we can go back and we can go do the car bed we can at least get a little bit of our reputation experience whatever that sales thingy is we get better deals as it goes so I'm imagining it's going to get good pretty sure there's something else here wait we're right there okay tosia in here boom yeah we got something it's going up quick too right see sometimes it seems like it's going slow and then it just goes and just starts tearing speeds like there oh my God towards the end right there we got one left and boom a luxury fridge all right well that's new don't think I've seen that before for close this close it we go remembered this time I don't need to click on the thing again and we're fine okay okay you like this one feels like it's going up slim never mind feels like it's going up slower the start taking off all right oh water all right you you you you this is this like looking at this water is that was actually making me thirsty all right what we got generic barbecue generic propane barbecue all right we got some more see like I haven't fished up here in a in a long time like not in the last video or this video so far and we're getting a good amount of stuff so I almost wonder if the longer we go without fishing the more stuff will be here cuz this has been good the other ones not so much but we'd fish there already in like the past day or two and last video oh God I just like I just realized like I haven't even looked to see how long I've been recording fish fryer barbecue all right interesting so let's go do the bed real quick because I'm already almost at an hour holy crap time flies when you're having fun and you're not paying when I'm not paying attention swear to God like every time this is it's still early enough that there is okay you got nothing here there is yard sales happening well go over here hold up I'm going to hop out real fast B this friendly Grill cheap barbecue girl okay what you got here is that sapphire ring I don't think I've ever even seen a ring before uh everything you have is what you have to a box of stuff oh I think I remember this oh we're doing it I don't know what it is I think there's like loot boxes now there's like basically storage hustle type of thing going on in this where we basically can buy boxes I forgot all about that I think there's I I if I remember right that's in here what is this model after G enjoy the Grilla peace of the entertainment on YouTube yes I love it I bought it I can't take cuz my inventory is full I found it um put the box of stuff in there for now let me grab this yoink all right I don't know what you just said to me man uh all right actually this would be kind of cool so I could stick stuff on it but how much is it uh 27 2 counter offer for right here hey there we go all right I'm happy so let's leave let's go do the bed real quick I want to definitely clean off that Grill um you don't have a yard sale I love all my stuff being out here all right and we go you this uh I want to put this run Rod there turn turn turn turn bam then I want to get the car bed oh my gosh that thing is huge which I mean I guess I expected and we're going to stick it in a tiny little box to ship it off I love it all right uh three these the ones I'm focusing on right now all right then we got to repair feel like there could potentially be one here no maybe not spackle everything I need this one I I'm stuck it went away okay we don't need this oh cuz it just needs to paint yeah like I this legit this is so cool to me this is so cool to me just seeing like you know an actal 3D model of like the a it Grill little logo damaged wait what's still damag oh I see it okay so we got our car no no no God bless it I didn't I didn't know I could sleep in the bed no I finally had something that somebody wanted oh look things on here both of them now what what what now that I don't need them now that I found them I am so upset because I had it I had the thing I had thing that they wanted and I was so excited oh my God why would you do this game why would you why would you be like this all right you're going to sit right here car bed ah I'm so upset can't believe I can't I can't believe they done this can't believe I done this all right luxury fridge another barbecue of Swords uh oh man I've like not found like pretty much anything of the stuff that they that that people have wanted there has not been good luck on that bur oh yeah and then the weird demonic bunny oh yeah box of stuff oh what has happened oh no did you open it up outside what just happened is it in my inventory oh yeah I got a used hoe and another used hoe and a sword and a stereo are these dirty are they clean already they're dirty oh and I got a shirt too it looks like I've never seen that so there's like loot boxes now though that's I think that's that I I I despise loot boxes when it costs money but when a game just does it it's just like storage hustle you know it's just like it's it's it's almost to a degree of gambling which ain't great but uh I mean it's a game and at that point it doesn't really matter cuz it's not real money you're using and that's when that's when I find it to be entertaining and then we got this I put at the end of my bed and I can stick stuff on here if I really wanted to all right okay and that's everything that I had on me still all the stuff in here give me the shoe give me this give me that all of [Music] you all all all of you there we go did not want to go in my inventory all right and this and that all right I got to clean all these things off uh you know I'll see in a second I want to get all these things cleaned and at least put them out here so we can see like our massive our massive horde of uh loot we got going yeah we got our luxury one I put all the extras like the doubles and stuff behind and then put them on safe sale so I I am selling all like the doubles we have but I mean we have a lot of unique things here like we got quite a selection of stuff today I think this is amazing this has been going great bed oh my gosh that H and then I have bills to pay I need to go back over here to pay for some reason it won't let me pay them at my house which I don't quite understand and I know it's the bill for actually may be the bill for my place over here but I don't remember I don't remember but I can only pay it over here for some reason and I don't know why do not have any mail what do you mean it says I have mail you have mail what I don't I don't I don't get what's Happening Here I love it I love how much stuff we have sitting here and I'm not going to sell most of it I'm going to keep one of everything that's new and I did just stack a bunch of stuff I was just basically stacking so we got three of those we got some of these two of these are for sale one of those is for sale the cards I'm not going to cuz it wants packs of cards so I'm going to not do that uh but pretty much everything that is double I brought this out here too I can put my swords inside here bats on one side basically long things we could put in here I thought was cool but yeah I mean we have a lot of some of these things which is crazy so do I have mail in here like I don't understand where this mail is cuz neither one of the places that I own has has mail in the mailbox oh wait what this I I went to this a minute ago and it said no backyard start pay rent I don't understand I don't know we're good whatever it's $150 every few days and I definitely can cover that but yeah uh I guess I'm going to leave it here for now if you guys want to see more we'll come back and we'll try to work more on the store um who yeah I I don't know I guess we'll just have to wait but yeah so hit the like button comments thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next one bye-bye for now [Music]
Channel: Grillmastah
Views: 2,561
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: early access, game, gameplay, let's play, steam, pc, first look, first, look, new, November, what, is, what is, Yard Sale Simulator, sim, simulator, yard sale, yard, sale, sell, repair, explore, city, 2024, May, home office, online
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 4sec (3544 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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