History's CRAZIEST Golf Shots (1 in a Billion)

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16 this just moments ago Sam Ryder taking it right at it talk to me come on oh my God there's liquid coming down there's PS going everywhere we are covered in beer and other liquids I believe as well everyone is going insane we might have a slight rain delay here on the 16th gym because that's going to take a little bit of cleanup when you take a look at what is happening right now on the 16th hole we tell you there is no place like it we mean it take one more look at this Sam Rider 124 yards we just talked about how going at it is so tough but it is worth the reward right here bam cocktails s Ryder has a very expensive B tab ahead of him the 16th old take a look at that you will never see anything else like this in the world of golf unbelievable we need showers I smell like beer now C wow what a moment like I said you come here you try to be one of the Legends Sam Ryder is now a legend here at the Coliseum on 16 at the WM Phoenix open this has to be a bucketless thing right what would you like to accomplish on the PGA tour a hole in one on Saturday I mean yeah this is as good as it gets oh here we go I think I was more excited than he was yeah yeah right there you could see that's where the beers start to come in one more time and I'm sure we'll see it plenty more before the weekend is up unbelievable at this doesn't get the people going for the rest of the day I'm going Justin that was the best shot of the day Keegan Bradley at 18 my goodness blocks it way out to the right he's got a little bit of an opening there trying to hit a low cut it's about head high runs up the hill up the slope there and then the slope does the rep left off for shus power contrer coming out of this left rough trying to muscle something up kind of the front left there is it going to hang on oh how lucky is this shot I mean the bunker shot's not necessarily A Hard bunker shot but that was really fortunate okay back it up maintain your position he's made his shot he's thinking that he's making contact with uh enough of the club where and we've seen him do this before he did it a Guster he snapped a four ey of a Guster in the right hand trees on 11 I mean I think I personally think he's going to make some serious contact with this tree on that follow through well yeah he's he's got a nine in his hand and we'll be playing it back in his stance trying to play a low hook he'll be hoping he doesn't need a nine iron for the rest of the round so it's always scary knowing you're going to whack that it actually affects your whole swing cuz you're going to start tightening up before you even get to impact very difficult to commit to this uh with some real trust Hold Your Position wow what a shot this is right at the flag stick oh my goodness oh get away from me [Applause] oh we all spotted that one didn't [Applause] we oh wow oh there you go more more tiger entertainment look at this folks just we just fully committed to that and yeah really a little unlucky it didn't even settle a little closer to the hole part of the green they made a great four and now here today out of the right rough never touches water I don't know what he does to his golf balls I know he talks to him a lot but apparently it's Creek repellent ker with his second [Music] shot co happy with that one though it might get happier he's reeling it in he's he's actually a good deal more cheerful than he was just a few seconds ago wow something happening at 16 now Francesco Molinari sweet swinging Franchesco and I got to say before we started the show Matt gole said watch out for 16 today because you just might see that I no that I didn't call that did I look at that trying to gauge Francesco mulinari makes an ace he is normally very subdued one more time it's going to pitch just slightly right leak down the hill get in beautiful that's exactly the shot I thought was going to go in a little right to left hook in there Frank I told you I had a feeling you did and I loving it there is May him clean up on aisle six yeah it it rained yesterday it's raining P's Blue Ribbon right now or something like that that's a tradition that goes back to Tigers a in 1997 even Harris English is enjoy it that's quite like a ball from a perfect game you know hold he's holding on to it oh God up ahead at the grain little terrain little elevation to cover as well and is for a three unbelievable what a start from the D oh my goodness Hunter really a tough t- shot for fader with the wind blowing across from the left has this one does that count as a hole in one what is what is that how does that even happen I have never seen that I I've seen it in a chair I've seen it in a backpack I have never seen it in a cup holder right at it right at it he's done it again just as he did it to John Deere for his first win unbelievable that sportsmanship right there well add that one to the list the ainger chip in the ol Brown chip in we spoke of and the long P by notay and all these crazy things that have happened here and that might just top them all at this point an eight would be a good score well done there take that for a 12 are you kidding me [Applause] the oh my words so close to the Hole In One Max definitely thinking he has to make this to have any shots oh my goodness can you believe [Applause] that dny will can't believe it oh my [Applause] goodness [Applause] but that was really [Music] fortunate sounded pretty decent sure did my goodness are you kidding are you kidding oh my my gosh well it was worth a [Applause] wait I hope the rules officials stuck around and saw that I mean I'm speechless right now that was that was an outrageous golf shot I mean he couldn't see anything there's no clouds in the sky to aim at there's nothing shot of the day it looks good oh roll my god wow this is Justin Rose in his match versus Adam Scott Rose just won the last hole now one down it's a oh wow Justin Rose remember put his t-ball into the penalty area so this his third shot from the Drop Zone from 97 yds let's see if it feeds off that Hill it does that's fast and it's in two what's that rich do so Justin Rose would par the hard way boy this is some par here just put it up there on the hill let's get the ball spinning towards the hole and we'll see what happens a sudden now Adam Scott still has a the match Oklahoma State Cowboy Victor havland going to chip this right off the edge of the green and that's you know with those little Knuckles and bumps right the knew genius this is Brian Harmon in his third par five fit o whoa wow say the rough grab that club what happened there hit hit the tree look at this you're kidding well all right wow that is the craziest line of holes while we were away this was what just happened in the Bahamas off the club of Alex noren at the par 3 1781 [Music] yd it's hard to be unhappy after that one and you talk about capping off one of the craziest Four Hole stretches in golf history he went birdie at 14 Eagle at 15 triple at 16 ace at 17 for Alex noren he bounces from six to 8 to 5 to seven under in a span of four holes I think they got to give him that yacht parked out in the arena absolutely at least I mean that is just a beautiful shot just takes that little check there couple of hops and in for Alex noren 36-year-old 18th ranked player in the world and there's a look at what we're talking about David look at the craziness there from 14 through 17 unbelievable it's uh there should be a motorcycle at least yeah yeah at least one of those one back on the te make something happen he's going to make it to the weekend of the power five remember the water is short who oh look at that my that's making something happen Steve that's like 16 at a gusta trick shot artist shot and he's the Bubble Boy came in at 100 this is six9 Believe it or Nota 207 yds today a little assist off the bank yeah and a Tango for the Argentinian he made a 40-footer just to make it to the deuts bank Championship that putt doesn't drop on the last hole last week he doesn't have that hole in one you can get it back on the have a great chance of saving he's trying it no no that is shot of the year one of the great scram lers of our time going be very very precise here is that any good is that any good from 198 yds a hanging lie behind the tree and theist carves it in close yeah the whole key he kept the angle and he just trusted it trust that you make the appropriate swing that'll make the ball uh work from left to right landed it perfectly yeah yeah yeah as you said yesterday I mean yeah yeah never had an ace before on the golf course and out at the ninth where chz reevy had one a few days ago well as good a ball Striker as he is it shocks me that this is his first [Applause] one and he didn't know what to do and then Ro's like is that your first one really yeah the cad had any is something this is a cherry lie whoops ohed it wow he missed his spot completely what a shocker not guaranteed a par yet well he might have just made a birdie wow how good is that Stallings on the te here at 30 Adon from 200 y this was just a moment ago very difficult left hole location but no problem whatsoever for Stallings there's the hole how about one one bouncing in Frank how many hold ones you had new Korea sir single digits but I never saw them go in like that straight down the drain pot that was awesome what about you cig uh I had six what are you talking about diffic difficult so at 14 we saw maxom lay up Billy hor went for it he may use that back slope as well let's see oh I think he was trying to look at the back stop out the back board no kidding see he was pointing like I was trying to use the back stop y abber just trying to fade this into this pin it's tucked away on the right what a shot you can have that take that one [Applause] away oh no oh oh what a shot I mean that is that is outrageous a nice clean contact trying to cut this what a golf shot this is if this is the right distance wow we want to see that again because you will notice on his back swing he actually catches the tree and any play that ever played the game knows when you catch something in your back swing you panic and he was able to pull that off Brown Deer 14th hole 202 yd par three with with a six iron bring it in there the ninth H and one of his young life yeah that's yours and there's the scramble can't keep him out of the Limelight no [Music] you oh my goodness move it never looked like it was getting there so in with the honor here it's always nice this other group gets to see some extra shots and speaking of extra shots we're going to make Gary Christian call all six of these here oh go in man how lucky are you well call it will you we'll take a from here that's a whole in one for sjm perfect shot well that was worth the wait wasn't itob he just needed an audience thanks for that to the 12th Max Homer with the American second at the par five over the tree just see the flag to the right of the trunk of the tree underneath the branches [Music] hello [Music] hello what a magnificent shot from Max Homer Paul Casey on the te at the par 3 15th dislocated shoulder at the start of the year so he's not played much this while we're in commercial break and Casey over par how about the ace Fitzpatrick on the back edge of the green maroy now Club 12 this looks fantastic oh my goodness hit the flag there my goodness it's only going to get better what a shot that landed like a n let's go to the 18th and but collie having a good day oh my another one a second Ace of the day quick and Loans you don't pay everybody's mortgage another fan gets their mortgage paid for a year and Bud colie has a new fan [Music] enough it's plenty of Hub it's in my gosh this is unbelievable isn't it what a shot from John Ron
Channel: Tee-Rific Shorts
Views: 787,900
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: qQJylMoJXDg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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