History of US-Iran Conflict Explained

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30 minutes? Toooo loooong. Got 9+ minutes in, it's fairly accurate afaik :-)
The people of Iran are really nice, almost every source says so: the folks there are good folks. It's the leadership that's outright terrible.

And yes, the current bunch is much worse than the Shah who at least was modernizing the country and trying to bring prosperity and peace (while lining his own pockets of course).

And yes, they are a huge exporter of terrorism, are currently attacking ships of other nations, holding hostages and still working to get atomic weapons in violation of their 'agreement' which outright allows them to build nukes in a few years... they cannot wait!

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/R5Cats 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2019 🗫︎ replies

Good stuff.

Iran after cultural revolution and before Ruhollah Khomeini https://i.pinimg.com/736x/e2/c9/20/e2c920ed86431f4f353b0ad3e50cadc3.jpg

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/_lonegamedev 📅︎︎ Sep 17 2019 🗫︎ replies
look a lot of people asked me off and they say Pat I know you're from Iran I know you were born there you lived there from 78 to 89 how do you feel about the way media paints Iran to be you know there there must be bad people it must be just bombing all the time going on how do you feel about the way they penne run out to me but the reality is for me when someone asked me that question I said listen I lived in Iran for 10 years and I remember every time I watch the two channels that we had u.s. is the evil empire death upon America America is evil all they care about is capitalism and money and greed and all this other stuff right but but at the same time for me you know I was born there so for me it's almost like you know our parents get a divorce and you're in the middle one says it's all your dad's fault the other says all your mom's fault whose fault is it really so today I'm going to take a complete different angle on how I view what's going on between u.s. and Iran and we're gonna go way back and some of the stuff I talk about you can agree with some of the stuff you're not gonna agree with some of the some even upset you but the reality is if anything about this video makes you want to go research about what is going on with US UK and Iran this video did its purpose so here's what we're gonna cover in today's episode number one is current iran state of economy how bad is it over there is it as bad as people make it out to be number two relevant countries that have to do with everything that's going on with Iran continuously then timeline because a lot of times when we look at what's going on today how do we get to where we are today so we'll kind of roll back all the way back to 1908 and then what presidents in u.s. did well with leaders or prime ministers up Iran and then my final thoughts on what I think's taking place and how some things will change and some things may not change and the one thing you don't hear a lot of people talk about it keeps cap it into Iran and there's a reason for we'll talk about that at the end of the episode so let's get right into it current state of economy in Iran number one unemployment rate currently for young Iranians is 27 percent and those graduating from universities 40 percent so that's not a good thing right there when you're looking at that because people cannot find jobs especially the youth number two inflation is estimated to be at 40 percent although professor Steve Hankey from John Hopkins University who was a senior economist to President Reagan says there's no way in the world it's at forty percent it's at least at 250 percent but again 40 to 250 percent is still terrible for any country on top of that families who want to go feed their kids today in the last 12 months meat prices are up 57 percent milk and egg up 37 percent vegetables up 47 percent that's basic shopping outside of that their currency the rial has lost 60 percent of its value against the US dollar in the last 12 months today a dollar equals 42 thousand riyals some are even saying they're spending over a hundred thousand reals per dollar and last but not least in this category would oil they've lost 10 billion dollars of revenues and oil in last 12 months I'll give you some data for you to be thinking about it from May of 2018 to October of 2018 comparing that five month run to November of 2018 to March of 2019 here's how many barrels they sold in the first five months versus the second five months ready first five months to China they were selling 590,000 barrels a day to China the second five months only 360,000 to India 563 thousand barrels per day twenty three hundred thousand Japan was buying a hundred and forty-nine thousand barrels per day to fifty thousand Taiwan was doing thirty two thousand barrels a day to zero turkey was doing 120 thousand barrels a day to 73,000 Greece was doing 85 thousand barrels a day to zero and Italy was doing a hundred twenty-one thousand barrels a day to zero this is real stuff here I mean imagine you're selling a product and you're selling so much of it all of a sudden everything flips nearly 50 percent 80 percent no one's ordering oils from you anymore why is that so if Iran was a business they're about to go out of business if they go out to space I mean you cannot go all of a sudden what all these customers are buying your products and suddenly 50% 70% it's down this is not a good thing for a business let alone a nation that needs to figure out a way to feed families and support and create jobs right but every time you see a story like this you got a look behind closed doors to see who's pulling strings is there anybody that's influencing this and here's some of the countries I want you to be thinking about us obviously UK Israel Saudi Arabia and any God Russia Venezuela and Lebanon obviously Lebanon because Lebanon and Iran share a common enemy which is Israel an enemy of an enemy is a friend so Israel is an enemy to Iran and Israel is an enemy to Lebanon which means they're allies and I think in 2008 the president of Lebanon went to Tehran and struck a deal economically in military and you know they both kind of have things that they like right so you got to kind of look at some of these countries but let's go back in time line and see how this whole thing came about obviously there are certain things that are causing this but let's go back to 1908 1908 anglo-persian oil company gets started right people find that iran's got some oil oh my gosh what if and you know every time this happens money opportunity greed we gotta get a hold of this what if we can get some money here and at that time Iran doesn't have all the technology to be able to get the oil and UK did Britain did so they came in will help you but they struck a deal with them in 1914 they came in and they say we'll help you but we want to own 50% of all of it imagine you are Iran it's your country it's your oil but Britain strikes a deal with you to own 51% of it and this is the whole anglo-persian oil company we're talking about which later on in 1954 they changed the name to BP British Petroleum you've heard about him right so that's 1914 now let's talk about some of the leaders 1925 to 1941 Reza Khan Reza Shah Pahlavi who is Mohammad Reza pal of his father becomes the Shah of Iran from 1925 to 1941 then in 1941 he appoints his son his son becomes the Shah and he stays from 1941 to 1979 this is very important to know why this is taking place from the father to the son the father had a very strong military was a great general he was a warrior tough guy would push people around everybody respected him from his military you know or record that he had and his son was a little bit his son spoke six or seven languages he was more of the better well-spoken politician a little bit gentler a different kind of approach he had but it was in his father's shadows he comes and takes over right then in 1951 Mossad death who in Iran comes out and becomes the prime minister of Iran he comes out and says we got to nationalize the soil situation why are we giving it to Britain why are we giving him so much money Britain gets upset and similar to sanctions Britain imposes the embargo and halt exports which is now really good because again Iran cannot make money because people are not buying products and most others to kind of make a comparison of whom were saw that was Mosaddegh was a socially similar to like a Bernie Sanders with the communistic party in Iran today really liked him and they supported him so some say he was a communist he says I'm not a communist but some said he is a communist so it was kind of that going on and Britain's obviously not happy about it so in 1953 CIA and mi6 which is the British intelligence they team up together to create a coup and what happens they kick most others out and most other ends up going to living in a small town away from everybody in a place doesn't bother no one they just kind of wanted to get rid of him and he goes out there and he's gone right so then the Reza Reza pal if he comes back monitors up Hal avi they liked him because he was good with the Western nations goes back and starts creating commerce money all that stuff goes back to where was that before by the way CIA document released six years later validates that the coup did take place influenced by CIA and the mi6 these documents are not public you can actually go look at him so 1963 the Shah he comes out and says look he gets inspired he sees what's going on in America with capitalism with education he says I want to do a similar thing he admired what the West was doing and a lot of Iranians didn't like his level of admiration for us right so he comes out with launches this program called the white revolution and here's what some of the things happen from 1963 to 1978 because of him launching this white revolution number one Iran students the illiterate in rate was very very high in Iran people couldn't read people couldn't ride and it was something everybody talked about he took it from 1.5 million students in 1963 in all of Iran to over 10 million students by the time 1978 came around total schools multiplied 3.2 four times schools all over the place because he understood the value of education in order increase the economy of a nation education wise they were spending 45 billion riyals from 63 to sixty-seven raised it 273 billion reals from 68 to 72 and eventually 551 billion riyals from 73 to 77 the one thing that he did that he didn't like that was taking place in Iran he wanted to give a lot of women's rights back to them so woman's right to vote you know woman's right to run for office be a lawyer be a judge be before that they couldn't do it and on top of that this one's gonna sound strange to a lot of people I advise you to go actually research this he increased woman's age legal age of getting married to 15 because it used to be 38 and by the way I think today it's back down to 13 and even some making go petition to even marry younger than 13 he raised it to 15 so you're looking at some of the stuff and people are saying that really took place yes go do your own research you'll see it for yourself obviously Iran's personal income the citizens went up tremendously and oil revenue went from 555 million in a year to 20 billion in 1976 so you can see Iran's becoming stronger and stronger and stronger with this white revolution that he announced right so even though at this point shots getting a lot of attention because economies do good people are making money there is still a community of people that don't like what he's doing extreme conservatives were why are women getting so much power you know why are they taking down their scarf you know they're loose a tea why are they taking it down I don't want that this is not what he runs about we're becoming too American our kids are losing control they're too free I don't want to see any discuss so the spiritual leaders were not too happy about the Shah right and the Shah had a his own method of secret service called the SAVAK and the SAVAK sometimes was pushing around the today party and he had three thousand political prisoners that he was hanging onto and at this point the Shah is doing interviews on TV and he's coming across a little bit too confident okay and he's saying stuff about blue-eyed people and the brah brown-eyed people are teaching the blue-eyed people stuff and you know all this stuff is taking place because the blue-eyed people are taking too many sleeping pills and you know they're not really as focused as we are and one day we're gonna be one of the most powerful nations in the world top five passing possibly UK he's saying this in interviews and you can tell when you're looking at him he's a little bit proud about what's going on and maybe to the point where it's rubbing certain people the wrong way right is what he's doing so whenever you do that sometimes there's gonna be some people that are secretly creating a certain rising right they're getting a little bit upset with you and they're not happy about about the kind of power you have so in nineteen seventy eight here's what happens while this is going on Jimmy Carter December 31st of 1977 he comes and they do a toast okay hey Iran's an incredible Empire and Jimmy Carter says some nice words about the Shah with the toast Jimmy Carter leaves the moment he leaves slowly things start happening in Iran and it gets started with a Ayatollah Khomeini who was an exile for 14 years from Iran and he first went to Iraq and now he's living in France in Paris and he starts making tapes and they record these tapes and they bring it underground to Iran and they distribute it to ten people than a hundred people then a thousand people then take hey go keep keep copying it keep copying and give it to people keep copying and giving it to people and it goes 200,000 then all of sudden millions then suddenly an event takes place I believe August 20th 1978 in a city called Abaddon Abaddon was where the refineries were at it's like in Peninsula type of a place really nice place and they had a movie theater called cinema Rex the reason why I know it's around August 20th around that time is because I'm Toby 28 1978 so I'm posting MRX file that's when I'm born so this theater has 400 people there wives mothers kids fathers they're watching movies in around like movies was a big deal and everybody is at the movies it was always sell selling out there at the movies so somebody comes and closes the door locks it puts the place on fire 400 innocent people died that night across the street is a police station by the way so Khomeini and his people blamed Saavik for doing it which is Shahs secret service the shots people like we didn't do this and they're blaming it on home a nice people to create a blame now no one till today can 100% say whether it's a bach or whether it's how many people but all we know is this took place and the group that was able to get the most mileage out of this wasn't sure it was home any and all of a sudden there was an uprising he's killing innocent people he's now worth a billion dollars he's so powerful and chars like what do I do about this he calls us oh don't worry about it kissing hey don't worry about it it's okay nothing's a big deal I need help it's nothing and in all of thunder was too late way too late by that time Jimmy Carter calls him and says I think you need to leave your country and what ashhadu January 16th Shauna's family leave Iran and they leave completely leaving Ron and a couple weeks after that on February 1st how many shows back up to Iran first time in 14 years and when he shows up he lands at the airport they had to move because people couldn't even let this guy get out and bothering my family I had a group of people in my family that were so glad the shot was done because no man she'll be worth two billion dollars and the Shah was rich at that time no man should be worth two billion dollars he lives on 10 different castles why should somebody be as rich as this man and look at the celebration he put for the 2500 years of pala V and spent all this money for Iran and prestige and fame it was like a party and it was the country's money why should he do something like that it was an uproar people we're not happy about it anyways Khomeini shows up well Khomeini shows up immediately he gets rid of a lot of the internal military a lot of people get killed a lot of people get killed they were trying to run away a lot of shots general get killed you can see a list them that get killed anyway it's fast forward November 79 you got 52 hostages that get taken under Khomeini from u.s. US hostages are kept 1979 November then in 1980 Shah dies in Egypt of cancer 1980 to 1988 war starts between Iran and Iraq I live when this war happened in Tehran Iran that's why they never I never forget us getting bombed 167 times in a day I'll never forget the whistling sound our glass windows all of them were taped up with X's okay imagine four at two x's like this they were all taped up because when blasts would drop the glass broke many times when a glass would drop you didn't want the glass to shatter everywhere you want it to drop right there so your kids you don't get all this cuts and all this stuff every window imagine all your windows have tapes like that that's what our windows look like my dad would come with black tape and it would tape everything up right no one's trying to be pretty at this point there's war going on and you would hear all these tammyjo tera Joe Allah attack Hermes you know the fact that a plane has crossed our borders so that goes for eight years 1.5 million lives by the way you know who supported Iraq us did u.s. supported Iraq going against Iran why US was funding and helping out Saddam Hussein they weren't hoping Khomeini on at this time and in 1981 January 20th Reagan gets a like that the day he gets elected they released the 52 hostages and it comes to us Khomeini said hey you know what I think this guy's gonna go to war with us let's just release so he wasn't afraid the way he behaved Khomeini was not afraid of Carter but he was afraid of Reagan he said I think Reagan's gonna do something to us I don't think Carter's gonna do anything cuz he's too nice of a guy nobody was afraid of Carter in Iran but they were afraid of Reagan that's the movement when you're looking at 88 Iran's Airbus plane gets shot down by US ship and they said it was an accident but it costs 290 people's lives innocent 66 were children that I mean if it happens to your country you're gonna say it's an accident you're not gonna believe it so Iran the u.s. is saying it was an accident we're sorry Iran saying what do you mean you're sorry 290 people you're sorry sixty-six kids what sorry these are not military this is not a war you didn't bomb a place you shot down one of our planes so that's the confidence till today no one really knows 100% it was an accident or intentional then in 1995 Clinton puts all these sanctions on them 1995 2003 Iran suspense their uranium enrichment project that they had okay no problem we're willing to agree to this because they wanted to go back and forth negotiate they want export oil again hey we gotta sell this stuff because our country's got to stay put and in 2006 to 2010 US succeeds with four rounds of sanctions against Iran stop enriching uranium stop exporting weapons you know banking restrictions and trade and travel restrictions this is to Iran for them so things are tough so Iran's used to all this stuff over the last two decades because the constantly happens to them 2012 Iran's currency loses 80 percent to the dollar record lows they ever experienced I was just seven years ago by the way and then outside of that Obama strikes the deal with John Kerry and Joe Biden where they give around 150 billion dollars some states fifty billion dollars and some say was only one point eight billion dollars in cash but regardless they strike a deal with hopes of them no longer creating the uranium nuclear bombs and in 2018 Trump comes and he says nope I am NOT gonna do that deal he withdraws from the deal with Iran and then a couple months later after that boom new sanctions and Iran sitting there saying wait a minute what's going on over here and then Iran's experiencing this okay so this is a bit of back story of what's going on now let's talk presidency does it match what happens with certain presidents so when Mohammad Municipality was president from 41 to 79 this was during FDR Truman Eisenhower Kennedy LBJ Nixon Ford and car to keep this in mind he got along with Eisenhower he got along with Nixon he got along with Ford he didn't get along with Carter and JFK wasn't a fan of him and LBJ wasn't a fan of him so he was kind of like going back and forth trying to figure out so Eisenhower liked them Nixon liked him you know certain Republican presidents like them but Democratic presidents didn't like him so you know it was a battle when one president would come he could strike a deal when the other person would come he couldn't do any kind of a deal so it's important to know that and then after that you know how meny shows up 79 to 89 with harmony being the president of Iran and and after that then you have rafsanjani from 89 to 97 and hot MA hot to me from 97 to oh five then I'm an ad job is from 2005 to 2013 and an Iran's current president is Hassan rouhani who's been president since 2013 to present by the way the Supreme Leader went from being home a knee to them being Khamenei here's the one thing you gotta know about harmony while Shah was ruling Iran from 41 to 79 a lot of people complain about the fact that the Shah was worth 1 billion dollars according to Reuters Reuters Khamenei the current supreme leader for nearly 30 years I want to say since 89 Khamenei according to Reuters is worth a minimum of 95 billion dollars and no one knows how his word 95 billion dollars a lot of people are saying he took the money from the Iranian people from the government and no one could figure that because Khomeini was all about God and harmony was a little bit about business Khamenei was more business for many was more about hey I love Iran I want to be able to do something harmony was a little bit more the business guy but those are some of the numbers you need to keep in mind about what's going on with Iran well it's got a lot of money Khamenei's family and himself got very what again you can go verify this stuff and look it up for yourself so you got to keep this amount a lot of people ask is this ever gonna stop at in my answers I don't think it's gonna ever stop why here's why the more conflicts in the Middle East the more control who us-uk the big empires the more conflict in the Middle East the more control the less conflict the more powerful they're becoming Iran from 63 to 78 they were grown steadily they became a superpower in the Middle East everything was at peace they're creating their own oil they're creating their own commerce they're creating their own military hey why is it why is Iran getting a little too powerful we can't let that happen hey cool give another cool here's a formula for cool do another one do another one do another one and typically coos are caused by the following formula not all the time but many times this is how it takes place when a Republican president is a president in the US and somebody who's running Iran is pro-israel pro-business pro-america it's peace no issues okay Eisenhower Shah Nixon Shah for cha no it's just we're good to go when a Democratic president is president of United States and in Iran there someone have a little bit of conflict with Israel they're not fully pro-business they're not fully pro u.s. there's no conflict but when a Democratic president is in the US as a Democrat and Iran is being led by somebody who's pro-israel pro-us pro-western Pro capitalism then there could be possible war and when there's a Republican president and it's the complete opposite it's also possible war now this word it's not a war let's go you know jets flying bomb no war could be a you know right now Iran's calling this an economic terrorism okay hey they're hurting us economically is what they're saying this is economic terrorism doesn't necessarily have to cut sanctions I can make money if I can make money and China India all these countries are no longer buying for me what am I going to do now and this is why I put Venezuela because Iran and Venezuela are facing similar problems sanction sanctions this is why Iran in Venice what they get along because they understand each other and they say we understand your pain u.s. is kind of bullying you you're also an oil country used to be on the riches look at the sanctions and Iran so yeah us too yes sir there's there's a little bit that going on there that they get along with that Saudi Arabia doesn't want to see Iran be up there why because they want to compete in the oil and they want to have a monopoly they want to compete in our marketplace right and obviously last but not least Israel is not a fan of Iran because you know the whole thing again an enemy of an enemy is a friend so all of those things taking place so last but not least this boolean thing that's taking place with superpowers very simple formula to bully a country like Iran very simple formula number one is create sanctions with strong requests strong sanctions very strong sanctions you tie him up now I was in what was that I was at the can France I was a staying at their Monaco and I want to can and I'm in the beach and I'm talking to I can't say the name but I can just tell you a very high-profile political leader in the Middle East that is running 21 countries financially I that's all I can tell you who this person is and we're having our and have conversation together and he tells me says look I have a lot of allies in Iran I got a lot of friends in Iran he says but I'm from one of the countries in the Middle East he says Pat I can't do nothing with them we had to cut every business ties everything lending everything because of what US said because if one the bad side of us then a lot of the relationships we have have to go through us because everybody wants to be good with the US so the moment they had the sanctions Iran felt it immediately immediately number two formulate a bully is befriend and support their number-one enemy so what happens Carter leaves how many's in Iran us support to u.s. supports Iraq Saddam Hussein why because remember the president the rule of Romania at that time was anti us anti Israel and the president of us at that time was Reagan Pro us hey this is happening no problem we're gonna be friend you're who we're gonna be friend your enemy which is Saddam Hussein and one and a half million people get killed so so that's the part about befriending the enemy number three infiltrate the nation with opposition internally send people internally to create opposition internally and last but not least it's a very simple formula that's used for long to a very very long time create an internal division when you create an internal division it's very simple they did it with the Shah pinned our people against the Shah for what everybody's creating jobs people are making money why if you ever go study different revolutions the one thing that you'll notice about the Iranian Revolution against all the other revolutions French Revolution all the other revolutions there's four things all the revolutions have in common none of those four were happening in Iran none of them what a shot why did it take place the word spreading this campaign message has so much influence and again it started with Carter UK u.s. CIA mi6 US UK again let's divide Iran and this is the formula that what history tells us so lucky and close and I want to share my final thoughts hopefully to the people in Iran that are watching is we have a lot of value to news in Iran that watches content and even other folks around the world that are you know watching this unit this thing here this is what I would tell you today I had a former FBI agent who retire two years ago years FBI agent undercover he worked with Russian mafia three La Cosa Nostra families he worked with Sinaloa cartel he worked undercover on a lot of different projects right very decorated Sylvester stones doing a movie on his book that just came out he and I are sitting here in our office were talking and it gets a little heated at one point I said listen you know what's this whole story with Apple you know government telling Apple you should give us all the access to the information because if a terrorist uses the phone we need to know this kind of stuff you know and FBI is going to the DMV to get all these pictures ID to track citizens what's this all about and that just never got approved and he says look I'm not telling you they're doing the right thing or the wrong thing but here's what I can tell you he says technology is outpacing and out advancing our laws the laws that we have today were written 60 years ago the laws are not adjusted to today's times and speed we have to understand the speed is so fast that the laws have to be adjusted because the Christ is no longer a nuclear war it's a cybersecurity war and we have to be prepared for that I'm not saying it's right or wrong and I Saturn a so you know that's pretty interesting thing to say to the Iranian people watch this a lot of Iranian principles worked pre-social media pre-internet a lot of it work Iran has to figure out who they want to be look a lot of woman in Iran look at woman in US and they're like wait a minute it was there really a billionaire youngest billionaire 20 years old 21 years old she's worth a billion dollars running a company generally is that really happening our woman really running multiple businesses and yet everywhere you look at their being how come we don't have that in Iran they're thinking that a opportunity to become an entrepreneur are you kidding me if Barack Obama's the president now a former apprentice he's a president I want those kinds of opportunities well in Iran so either those talents is gonna be inspired to leave and come to America just like my family and many Iranians came over here or Iran's gotta kind of just and say look what do we want to do what direction do we want to go what principles are working and adapt because the same old principles in today's times in today's speed today's technology today's social media are gonna constantly get pushed back and in events you're gonna have to face with some kind of bullies here very soon so it's like a guy who is 5 6 128 pounds fighting the guy that 6 5 280 pounds black belt six degree jiu-jitsu trained UFC it's not a fight and sometimes like Rowhani the president recently in front of a congregation gets up and he says when we say death upon America were not saying death upon the American people were saying death upon Trump and John Bolton and the leaders of America that's really what we're saying and people like oh okay what do you mean oh okay it's still death upon the president of United States that you're talking about in a speech publicly recorded being shown all over the news nationwide so Iran has to also pick their fights and know some of these allies have the right relationship that you need for these other countries to do business with you so I hope Iran is going to kind of make the right maneuvers long term not just right now based on hey nobody can push us around again I'm giving you my thoughts I may be right I may be wrong but if this video prompted you'd want to go to a little bit more research everything I talked about I'll put the links below for you to go look through it and hopefully gonna do your own research by the way if you like the content like this I got two other videos I want you to watch one of them is explaining brexit on how I view it and the other one is explaining the venezuela issued has taken place with their oil and their sanctions would Maduro the way i view it if you want to watch brexit click over here if you want to watch - well click over here if you haven't subscribed please do so and if you got any thoughts comment below take everybody bye-bye
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 1,923,666
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, valuetainment, patrick bet david, us iran, iran conflict, trump iran, iran oil issue, economic terrorism, trump rouhani, us and iran history
Id: d_htudbaqsk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 19sec (1819 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 17 2019
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