Reaction to Iranian Protests Over Murder of Mahsa Amini - Will This Lead To a Revolution?

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so an innocent woman in Iran named Masa amini was murdered last week September 16 2020 to in Iran that's led to civil unrest with a major Uprising by the people who are sick of the oppressive theocracy taking place there and many millions around the world are asking the question will this revolution happen again where Iran will once again have a democracy of course had a monarchy before but will they have a democracy in Iran so people can live freely so I got a timeline of stuff I want to talk about many have been asking me questions about Pat what are you going to talk about this just so everybody knows full disclaimer we're shooting this today today is September 24th which is my son's birthday everyone's waiting for me at the house but this is a very important message because I was born in Iran I lived there for 10 years we escaped six weeks after Khomeini that it was a very emotional moment I'll never forget the last day I left Iran and we went to Germany lived there and finally made it to the state so let's just get right into it so Masa amini who on 9 13 she is seen out there wearing her hijab but not fully she's wearing it Loosely well the morality pulley sees it arrests her there's videos of thrawn her in a bus her head hits the top of the bus she falls in there and then three days later she dies the government says she died from a heart attack who 22 years old dies from a heart attack but many are investigating and some are saying that while she was in the bus she was beaten she was hit and you know concussion many different stories that she has and then three days later she dies so this created a major major momentum to the protesting that was taking place but the question becomes why all of a sudden the anti hijab you know protesting I mean did something change was there a different ruling yes recently so the answer is yes let me get right into what happened with this ruling so the hijab originally came March 7th 79 two months after Khomeini took over Iran so the revolution takes place I'm a 78 baby October 18th revolutions going on in 78 the Shazam Exile in January of 79 Khomeini comes in from France there's a whole ceremony all this stuff that happens March 7 he says moving forward every woman needs to wear hijab by the way it was like this they're not Loosely back in the days because he considered any woman that was showing her hair in public or workplace naked that's what he says now keep in mind that's March 7 1979 what does that have to do with today because over the years they got a little bit looser and you know you kind of wore it but it's not like fully covered like it used to be well 2021 president raisi gets elected now what you need to know about President rice he gets elect acted on August or 2021 lit over 12 months ago 13 months ago on August 15 2022 which is only five weeks ago you're going to realize how this momentum is getting created he enforces new restrictions I want to read it to you introduction of surveillance cameras to Monitor and find unveiled women or refer them for counseling think about if you're a lady watching this right now if you're showing a little bit of your hair you got to go for counseling on why you should wear this hijab and mandatory prison sentence for any Iranian who questioned or posted content against the hijab rules online the restrictions led to an increase in arrest but also sparked a surge in women posting photos and videos of themselves without headscarves on social media something that has only intensified in the days following Miss amini's death so you kind of see now what's going on with the momentum now who is raisi let's kind of see this right you see guys just so you know just a few days ago he spoke at United Nations about trusting U.S in the negotiation with nuclear you know the whole new nuclear negotiation they're having he just talked at United Nations while this has taken place his background for some that don't know uh he won last year in the lowest election turnout ever since the revolution of 79. let me say this one more time 43 years lowest election turnout since 79 many many many Iranians don't believe uh it was a fair uh election that they took place now this guy a couple things you need to know about him as lineages through Harmony a lot of people are thinking he's going to replace common a and in 1988 he participated in the mass execution of political prisoners this is proven this is something everyone knows about in Iran everybody just kind of looks away because it's kind of normal uh uh in this context so that's raisi so the momentum with women is because of what he said on August 15th so ladies are like women are like what are you talking about we're not going to be doing this so the courage of women pushing back and saying no so what do they do they start cutting their hair many of them protesting they're taking it off they're burning it if you go watch some of these videos they're burning their head scarves and they're just throwing it in there and this protesting is going and going and going and then is wearing it Loosely she goes in there and she becomes a martyr now why is this tragic event uh extremely important for us to consider a few things we got to keep in mind history of Iran so I'm a revolution baby in Iran when Jimmy Carter came December 31st of 1977 and did a toast with the Shah and he said Iran's a great Ally at that time there was no issues in the Middle East Middle East was peaceful obviously not perfect but it was peaceful because there was strength in Iran good relationship with Israel and nobody could go around bullying taking advantage of people it was fairly peaceful so now Iran is out there Khomeini sending his tapes to Iran and saying it's not fair that this man is so rich it's not fair that this man is so rich why should Iran have why should the Shah be so rich why should the Shah be so rich all of this stuff that they're talking about for the monarchy and then all of a sudden an event takes place in abadan South Iran it's where the oil refineries are it's a peninsula it's actually a beautiful place a movie theater called Cinema Rex fire you can go look this up for yourself Cinema like Cinema c-i-n-e-m-a Rex Rex fire Cinema Rex fire takes place 400 people are at a movie theater watching a movie everyone's trying to find out who did this they locked the doors up where no one can leave and they put they burn the place up 400 people inside burn right across the street from Cinema Rex fire is a police station where there's cops right across nobody comes to nothing Well 400 people die this event also happens in August by the way of 1978 five months before the Revolution takes place six months before five months before the Revolution takes place Boom everybody blamed savak which is Shah's secret police that he had and then next thing you know boom people said this is unfair first thousands showed up for protesting then tens than hundreds to 9 million revolted against the Shah then Shah was in Exile he leaves you ready for this years later years later after this takes place an islamist extremist confessed and was persecuted for the arson it was never the Shah the point is that alone created enough momentum for the regime to fall so now somebody if you're running you're watching you're not Iran you're watching saying Pat who cares about this that fall caused seven words I don't know how many people died we can say half a million to two million people who died okay we can put the number a lot higher than that as well 43 million refugees who left because it had one story that they were able to spend so what's this got to do with massiamini there is no spinning here this is a true story with what happened today verses 1978 there's something called social media where in 1978 you can manipulate and confuse anybody and Gaslight the hell out of him and say this is what happened and you kind of have to believe it you can for yourself go do research and type in Masa amini thrown in a bus watch the video boom our head hits the top end and see what she looks like in hospital in coma for three days and she dies there's a reason why Iran turned off the internet where people don't have access at nights because that's when people are protesting because they don't want the world to see what's going on in Iran the people of Iran are sick of it here's what's so interesting about this thing where they are really taking notice women it's women who are standing up and saying we're done by the way one police officer died three past stars have already died they're standing up to these cops and these people hezbollahs that are coming on trying to bully them and the women women are not scared now youth is rising up artists entrepreneurs businessmen are saying they're they're part people are supporting the protesting that's taking place you're seeing I think 7 000 people yesterday were at the Federal Building in LA or Irvine in Berlin all over the world Iranians are protesting to show support for what is taking place today there but will this be the Tipping Point for the revolution to take place because the reality of it is while this is going on there's a few things that they don't have they don't have the internet so yesterday a lot of people the last few days have been asking uh Elon Musk starlink can you turn it on can you turn it on can you turn it on Boom he says yesterday when uh uh you know Twitter was asking him he says starlink has been activated for Iran he did the same thing with Ukraine which is a very good thing now we're you know verifying to see if the people in Iran have it or not some are saying they have it some are saying they don't have it but the good news is musk has given him the internet FYI I think the guy deserves a Nobel Prize if Nobel Prize doesn't see this as a human humanitarian type of a you know creation where he's given access to people around the world internet access with their government's taking advantage of them I mean that's got to be at the highest level of humanitarian to help those people out but let me go back to this part what do they need what do Iranians need today and who can potentially help them and who probably will not help them they need internet while starlink is hopefully going to help them out they need arms who's going to help them out with arms and they need a leader there's a lot of people that are talking different things apparently last month the queen of Iran Shah's wife said I am ready to come back to Iran and people were so excited her son talks very eloquently very smart guy very educated guy Reza palavi and he said a few words as well Ali Karimi who's a soccer player legendary soccer player in Iran has said many many different things supportive of what's going on there he posted something about Berlin I believe on Instagram yesterday or maybe today on what's going on there he's in Iran he's a very important voice that a lot of people are getting behind things got 11.3 million followers on Instagram 11.5 million followers on Instagram Darius a very famous singer has said his own words as well a lot of people are coming out but regardless of it Iran needs help so what can happen for these folks to get momentum because they don't have guns it's not like Second Amendment USA type of a situation where they have guns so we're gonna we're gonna get their arms from where they're going to get that kind of arms where they can fight back against the government um let's think about some people here number one turkey will turkey help Iran I don't know if they will why because was recently apparently seen shaken hands with pashinian to help Armenia and if Iran helps Armenia turkey has got azerbaijan's back turkey is going to be like wait Iran you're helping Armenia Armenia Azerbaijan we're not going to help you so turkey is probably not going to help they may but they're not going to help Afghanistan would probably sell you know that's being ran by extremists so what they're looking for is money but these people don't have money U.S is probably not going to help because the last time this happened when people like from the conservative not even a conservative side people who want democracy in Iran to be free for whatever reason the current type of a regime in U.S hasn't helped people like because Joe Biden will be compared to a Jimmy Carter Jimmy Carter had a chance to help you around to prevent this from happening he did not Joe Biden has a chance to happen myself help Iran as well we don't know if he is or not but there's one nation that can help them out and it's the most hated country um in the face of Iranian government maybe the most hated or the second most hated and that is Israel Israel is one that could help because back in the days Israel knew how peaceful Middle East was when Iran was peaceful with the Shah because they had a good relationship to get a decent relationship together so they can help now what's going to happen between now and then nobody knows you have to think what raisi is thinking about right now the only thing in their minds is you know you hear day six of protesting day seven of protesting day eight are protesting all they're hoping is for this to die down and literally go away that is what they're hoping for but the longer this thing goes and the more momentum this protesting catches and the more power they get and others realize that the people are willing to go to the highest levels today I think support may show up somewhere but my hopes and prayers are that one of those Nations comes out figures out a way to a way to help these guys out because a civil unrest in Iran uh it doesn't help anybody it hurts everybody around the world not just the Middle East it also hurts U.S so again these are my thoughts on what's going on we are currently working with some people behind closed doors who also bring more voice to this matter stay tuned on the content uh while we're talking about these issues we're also going to be talking about this on pbd podcast but I got a final message to people in Iran as well as Iranians around the world or anybody around the world that's watching this to the people around the world how you can help is to create more Awareness on this share this content go watch some of the videos on master I may need to find out exactly what's going on there's some really tragic videos I don't want to show you because it's tough to watch but if you got the courage to watch it go do it and raise awareness for it number two to the people of Iran if you're watching this man let me tell you what my biggest concern is and I said this the other day um parents who have kids they're not going to share this video with their kids to watch why because parents know the risk of their kids wanting to actually cause a revolution to happen Okay and these protesting reading to fall of an Empire the risk of parent faces is losing your child there's nothing more painful than that so I totally understand why for the last 43 years even though there have been many different protests 2019 we can go back and talk about different ones that has happened water green I mean I can talk about all of those things but the focus is today I don't blame the parents for their fears of what can happen to their kids kids if you want and when I say kids I don't mean kids like your kids I mean you could be 25 35 45 years old you have to know what you're getting yourself into um and unfortunately if it's not going to be you it's going to be fortunately it's going to be somebody it could be a generation from now 10 years from now 20 years from now 30 years from now there's eventually going to come a generation that's going to say we are done but to say you're done and if you're gonna go you have to fully go um it's easier said than done for me on this side sitting in the camera where I'm not in Iran so some of you may say who are you to say something like that look I totally understand your position to say that I'm just telling you I lived there and I'm in U.S right now because our people fell for a gimmick and the people revolted without any access to Media today you're able to get access to Media to share your story with people around the world are sitting there saying this is not fair where eventually their Congressman you know whoever they push to say we have to help something we have to help people of Iran just like Nancy Pelosi went to Armenia to show support to Armenia while Azerbaijan uh the issue was taking place and they killed a couple hundred Armenians she showed up during a time like this this is where it would be very interesting to see one of the superpowers shown support to the people of Iran so uh I support you man I got a lot of respect for you I salute you uh I think the world who is wanting to see Iran become a democracy and become free again wants to see this become a reality in the room and the truth of the matter is there's going to be some leaders are going to rise up at this time that we don't even know your names but we're going to know your names there's going to be some people that are going to stand up and say this is just not going to happen anymore and for you to choose to do this I salute your courage I can't wait to come and visit Iran one day when it's free again but it happened with a lot of people uniting together and keeping this message going and a few leaders to choose to rise up and Inspire others to say hey let's fight for our freedom because this is enough and history tells us this has happened before and it can happen again uh but it'll only happen with a lot of Courage so my prayers are with you my support is with you and I'm looking forward to seeing what kind of advancement this will make so that's my thoughts in regards to Iran now for some of you guys that are not very familiar with the history of U.S and Iran conflict and you want to know a little bit more I made a video few years ago that I went into details on this if you've never seen it click here to watch it everybody else if you want to create awareness share this video with others take care everybody bye [Music]
Channel: Valuetainment
Views: 436,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Entrepreneur, Entrepreneurs, Entrepreneurship, Entrepreneur Motivation, Entrepreneur Advice, Startup Entrepreneurs, valuetainment, patrick bet david, Valuetainment Media, Patrick Bet-David Valuetainment
Id: IoWegyOK6GM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 30sec (1050 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 24 2022
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