History of Southern Rock

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the South was the setting for a lot of fighting and a lot of a lot of racial world sudden here's some music something positive something good it's something that southerners can be proud of southern rugs like saying rock rock rock'n'roll was born in the south this rock its rhythm blues his country during its James knows gospel influence when you trace the roots you'll find it's all got a southern accent to every deadline bitter end and story the South has been praised for generations tennessee now lynyrd skynyrd that's a girl mustang muscle shoals that was the hot spot we were noted for the black music we've cut and people loved what we did all kind of people were coming to make records and muscle shows why because of the Muscle Shoals sound so the Muscle Shoals sound is basic funk R&B a big round a lot of bottom a lot of bass we caught it dirt and so here's these guys playing on Wilson Pickett records Mustang saddle and 1000 dances when a man loves a woman all this stuff right and we were all white boys one thing you gotta realize we come out of that period of the fifties and sixties there when all that trouble is going on in Selma Little Rock Jackson Mississippi Oxford Mississippi and Birmingham Alabama there was no friction or problem with blacks and whites playing together in the studio in fact we never thought of attack Wayne tallman came to Muscle Shoals to meet with me and wanted to be a session picker he was a freak at that time around here because we were all wearing our region's and our khaki pants I said I don't have need for a station player he said well do you mind if I stick around anyhow I'll just pitch my pup tent out on the parking lot and I'll just hang around and I had never really truly met a free spirit person until I met him we were recording Wilson Pickett and he just showed up come down with a great engineer from Atlantic and Rick did a joint production on this 1030 back then it was a little touchy for a black guy to go out with say five or six white guys feed and blames is in a precarious situation he had long hair and people had long hair that went out with us got worse looks than the black guys and so the two of them stay back and that's when Duane talked him into doing Hey Jude he started play the guitar don't make it back I think it started working with him on the guitar and it started sounding better and better so pick it cut in food and started getting into it more I don't have to tell you how much fun we have we started running the tune down and Duane had this little guitar riff starting on the veil we had an incredible groove here we go any Allman Brothers it was the record i mean the lily and that particular part that Dwayne play chains music it changed music to the point that southern rock was was introduced when on sent why sort of the record of hates you don wilson pickett he called me back on the phone with his heavy New York Jewish accent he said Rick a stroke of genius of course it was Duane's idea but I thought credit part I told fellow all about it he said I want to play you're the new wilson pickett session fell walt and owned capricorn with Atlantic fails started out as a manager and a booking agency and he ran out Megan charge and I said Wow who say utah played long-haired hippie boy he sounds fabulous azure city's unbelieving skies unbelievable that's what I'm going I'm gonna Alabama I more southern run for vandy yo Phil Walden wanted me to go down to Muscle Shoals to meet with Blaine he said you got to hear this white boy died missing he's a hippie van see you gotta hit his you gotta hit this guy play guitar he wants to know if you play in the bandwidth and I remember this friend of mine he said if you want to make money he said go play with them white boys I little light but went off my head bing Oh make some money huh so I walked over this guy and I said hey man you sky me at this Wilson Pickett gave him this name Scott man because he's the plate of that bottle and he plays so how when we get out we can all those birds kind of sounds yo J Johnny Johnson I said yep from that day on it was what it was Twain came to me he said I need to ride around and and jam with some people who play and see who's out there and see who thinks like I think and and come up with something and he goes in you little punk it's wayne walk to the door and said okay anybody in this room not gonna play in my band here to fight your way out of here well I'm was gonna gonna take very oakley out of our banner and so it's gonna be j.lo and Barry oakley and Dwayne Dwayne would be sitting in with us alot and he and I were making his magic you know just right off the cuff so they came to mince it why don't you join her bad not so well okay there's a knock at my door at his Twain and Gemma and in Wayne came inside there for five minutes got up walked on their table Cynthia and II just sitting there like this giant muscles and a tank top on and it beartooth cloth thing around his neck and god damn a militant he's gonna kill me we've been 35 years best friend I have him in the world so truck sheriff and as soon as he daughter with me and Barry and shame you know all of a sudden we're starting to see a ban we started out this shuffle and about four hours later we stopped there was a lot of freedom and stuff in what we were doing I'd be crying one minute chill bumps the next minute if we were in a direction it made sense then everybody just gotta win them all in support it it was just magic Duane walked to the door and said okay anybody in this room not gonna play in my band you gotta fight your way out of here we wanted Muscle Shoals going used to tell me they ain't one person that can sing in this band that I got my head he's saying that's my brother the phone rang it was my brother and he said man I got these guys together I got tired of being in the studio I need you to come back here round up this whole thing and send it somewhere about halfway through that rehearsal Greg showed up and they started playing me it just knocked me out what bike against the wall he said Jesus sort of band you he's what's the matter acid man i don't think i can cut this and he goes in you little punk makes it shut up you behind your organ and I just met some lyrics and I did my best to sing it my best sometimes up feel like I'm down you we all piled into a ford econoline i went to Macon Georgia moved up there we got chased out of Jacksonville finally buttons long because we're having like 10,000 people shook these Sunday afternoon I'm sorry but it was some drug dealing going on to you know it was in a sense of Macedon some pot he finally called he says we got it together fixed us up a place to live in making in we hit it that way moved into a two room apartment we call the hippie crash pad and one had 12 mattresses and it nil had all our gear only furniture in it was a Coke machine full of beer and we would get up in the morn have old breakfast or take some mushrooms and start playing next thing you know it would be dark we did this for about six straight weeks they were the first long hairs anybody had ever seen him making sometimes they would sit out in the front and playing guitars were not in cars would literally screech to stop people break their necks looking and staring at them one Sunday we just decided to go to Atlanta and find a part and just said I'm start playing you an hour two there's two or three thousand kids standard writing and all the damn hippies were hanging out that week and the underground newspaper called the great speckled bird that discovered the new panned of the revolution for the south they're just that's kind of thing one happening here but as we travel around and you know everybody else started getting it except the record countries the people at Atlantic we're telling him you know hey you got a white band from the south to stand in there playing what are you crazy see get that kid out behind the organ put some velvet pants on him stick old slow me down his pants let him jump around like Robert Plant maybe you got a chance and Phil said no I believe in these guys and they said well then you pay for it I moist everything for this thing I believed in it that much they never would have spent the money that's man oh that next two years I had several hundred thousand dollars in and it's been talking about late sixties early seventies money that's like millions of dollars today there was unheard we went up in Adrian barber i engineered and produced the first record phil alden had a thermometer on the back of his door to fill up the bottom would be like a hundred thousands like that and then you know two hundred three and four and five hundred thousand he just thought you know this music was so good that everybody would immediately figure that out and we just kind of go through the roof the red part ended up at 32 thousands was it was not a whole lot of red in the thermometer it was recommended by landing after the first album that we break the band up because nothing was ever gonna merge from the south by this time we were making a little money and so we rented this little farm so there was so much traffic and in and out of there you know we're friends and musicians and everything we should we started laughing be calling at idlewild south after I'd wild Airport in New York we rehearsing for I De La Salle and Tom's out of frozen who the hell is that and feel so that that's the only buzz he said get them out of there and get them in the studio right now they're ready they are ready to go we need to get the criteria in Miami so it's what we did otherwise south kind of hit the dirt and we didn't really get discouraged disappointing but not disheartened by the whole thing because there were enough of the right people that were attracted to this man we were down there playing Tommy dad was there recording a band called derek and the dominos my brother asked dad for garbage maybe he came down and just watched for a little while and clapping said wanna tell come on down play when we're down there to the studio they play this Layla but it didn't have the fitting it in you Layla was Tom doubt knowing that Eric needed some help they were floundering around down there with all this music but they had no spark in walks plain almond and he set fire to those guys I'm Eric Clapton was calling him the greatest guitar player in the world and he was the guy it was just all bad brilliant tasty playing so twine say you know we need we need the freedom of a live album and that they'll give people that don't see us in person an opportunity to really hear what the horn bro is all about it was a brilliant idea together we wanted to make it a double LP Jerry Wexler said releases this nonsense you get cuts on this thing of 25 minutes long you've got to edit this thing cut it down to a single album and otherwise we're not gonna put it out that's it that limite the other part of this saying I said you know our image is that this is the people's pain music is for people and therefore we want to make this especially product season especially priced what do you mean I said we're gonna sell it for 698 is it you are crazy when that album came out it was here but it was a massive massive hit there are many critics that wouldn't rank that is one of the best live albums in the canada this was really a an expression of their region of their vironment their culture for the first time in Rupp something guys were making the music and living in the south he has died he is dead now all we knew is we needed to get back to work or we're gonna go crazy I'm just gonna start taking a bunch of dope until he died we had a little time off from her and I was in a nightclub some of jam Scott walked over and sat down we have an emergency phone call for you in the it's telephone station and it was Carolyn and she said I've got some bad news Dwayne was in a accident on his motorcycle and they had him in surgery for several hours and they would bring him around mm partially and but he's he has died he is dead now I mean the duane allman death was so unexpected you know I don't know how to describe it's like losing your brother or your sister he always looked out for me and believe me i felt that money when he died you know I felt like my crutch broke you know and that further pisses you off at yourself and he makes you further makes you look like just some kind of weakling and you don't realize how much you're leaning on people and be like that death is so final be strong just bear yes now be I waited added about 152 pounds six foot on half boy had to tie knots in my legs and make knees I i was i was in pretty bad will over we kind of all just um around and her dog sitter for well we were gonna take six months off and just kind of regroup but after about six weeks we started going nuts all we knew is we needed to get back to work or we're gonna go crazy or just gonna start taking a bunch of dope until he died they went out and then they played horribly long island the first night they had put down boys guitar I'm span I've been in the spotlight on from this place and so they totally destroyed the place you know all our finish was encouraging us you know you guys just have a great band and of course Atlantic Records didn't think so they let us go son of a [ __ ] I don't ever remember anybody doubting whether they would go on or not we got about three quarters of the way through the album that's where we courted Melissa Melissa was my brother's favorite song that I'd ever written can sweep melissa and nishant album's called eat a peach for peace and we dropped the for peace and if you look on the record still says dedicated to a brother and it'll say eat a peach and then for peace he named the thing because I returned Vietnam right Dwayne was being interviewed he was asked what are you doing for the revolution Duane said revolution this man ain't no revolution it's all evolution times are changing that's what it's all about anything i'll tell you what i do for peace you can't print this problem he says I eat a peach for peace Jamaican George God Warner Brothers picked us up we had your biggest record in the hand you that was the same year that I cut laid back my first solo record got Johnny Sandlin onion said man was let's go cut this right here Johnny called me and said would you like to play on Greg's record yeah I was unemployed at the time so I told the other guys in the band about it I said you know this guy down here that really plays his pin I went in there one night to record yesterday man I would like to come John bows oh he's just taking a big drinking coffee I thought he's gonna choke on it we're still kind of finishing Greg's record and then starting a new record with the almonds and we had gotten a week into the sessions when Barry Oakley had his untimely unfortunate accident he ran into the side of a bus on his motorcycle and I don't think he was wearing a helmet and he said you know I'm fine I'm gonna call and then he started having really bad headaches and I took him to the hospital anytime the only thing that helped us with that it would be kind of see it coming cuz oakley just couldn't get over the blues news buddy and so we can't see oakley going downhill with the rim you know just grief and booze and drugs by this point I'm real I'm sitting I'm thinking oh god I better make my will because I'm gonna be next by that time we stir damn tough we think yeah there's so many people in the serious play um let's keep yo we sat down we had some meetings we discussed bass players Lamar was the first person that I suggested and the Mar and I grew up together so we carried on with Lamar we finished the record and then prepared to go out onto her some particular critic was doing an article owner Allman Brothers and it's a full wall in should be credited for being very clever in having an integrated band from South know what that two black guys Ned man I don't have a starter back we also happen to become the number one band in the country we were drawing more people to concerts than any other band in the u.s. we were selling more albums brothers and sisters that I went number one first week of release it was unbelievable but that hadn't rammed him out what Oh I got a nobody down here so cowboy he would say well Digby how you doing playing your music doing the best you can I guess you know what cowboy them and always that line is stuck in my head we're at end of the obvious that we need one more song so I said well I'd like to sign us that I think it's too country I was gonna you know pitch it in Nashville and all of a sudden it's a smash hit and now all of a sudden that's southern rock we were run this is the country version of the Allman Brothers and it was a great freedom in this music and I wanted handle it bands that we're trying to get signed with play grants and then we'd all go down there and watch it and it was just a little hole-in-the-wall a nard being kind of lounge there was a bear from South Carolina came down in audition shut up wait Marshall Tucker came in about midway from the first step now man this is the country version lon brothers I'll be back we had energy that was coming off each other cuz we've been high school together been bad mom and they were unbelievable toyko well play had a style of playing with his thumb didn't use a pick and a brother Tommy oh well was bass player played the same way they all were fun play Paul middle the drummer played like nobody we had ever heard before I mean it was just really amazing George McCorkle he was the backbone of the band kept him driving and dug Ray's incredibly powerful vocals were like I cannot do this I really taking care about what kind of music you wanted to do as long as you took some chances with it we did improvise a lot and we were on the edge of jazz Capricorn was crazy about the group unless it horns me why don't you take the group in there and work with him about big Fupa cheese and a lot of saltine crackers and a lot of beer in low jack man we put everything we had into this album and they put the Marshall Tucker Band out opening on tour for the Allman Brothers Band which was the greatest audience they could have ever had so with the release of that album and the great audience exposure they had the the record was a hit I can't sing domi have a saturday night in macon on the turntable in your own living room with the Allman Brothers Band brothers and sisters and the Marshall Tucker Band albums and tapes on Capricorn make every night saturday night with capricorn records we were proud of the fact that we had this little record company doing really well from Macon Georgia dad all the racial crowd that went on and and in bad feelings and sudden here's some music something positive something good and it's something that southerners could be proud of we got to be friend Jimmy Carter and he came to see us because he thought we were doing off to the state so we all thought wow this is cool our governor coming down here to hear his play there was a lot of other great artists that wound up being on the same bonnie bramlett for instance wet Willie was hanging around dr. John was a beer rehearsing in another little spot Eric Clapton would come to town quite often people like Hank Williams jr. Charlie Daniels would come into the studio and record there because of the vibe that was there in the studio charleen I've strung up the good friendship and he said man how'd you like to produce my next town so I went to hear his band play in Tuscaloosa first I might hurt him they were heavily Allman Brothers in first Bell burn brothers are not some bands around the country we're just getting started doing things that were outside the pale and it was a great freedom industries 'ok and i wanted it on all the songs were finish the only thing left was this little fiddle buggy song so he came out with these paper and got over by a reindeer and the switch is running right on time and it took her boys are cooking down and here like people Richard I just want to write a song in tribute to my friends but they were home from the south and they're all playing and we were playing together and we were all cooking you know Kiki him on the south I have never seen southern rock genre music I've seen it is genre people the Allman Brothers Band's blues band to me Marshall Tucker Band hit country Lanie's Lynyrd Skynyrd band is as pure rock band as you'll ever find that have fistfights I mean actually this one's supposed to go to a G chord instead of an a chord that's how they settled their disagreement so they just fall and we were all disappointed freaked out and going through we thought well we just don't know what we're doing cuz that's the best songs we can write right now I thought if I could find a great three chord rock and roll band that I could probably make a gazillion dollars now Cooper he heard there was a southern scene going on down here with almond brothers and other groups when I first saw them play at finocchio song that really got me a mystery bird I just saw every young kid in America hearing that song and putting their head down like that and running right into the wall I realized that that was the band that I was looking for the interesting thing was that capricorn records which was the only alternative for a southern band at the time I was owned by Phil Walden and his younger brother Alan Walden was managing his bad Helen wanted Lynyrd Skynyrd on camper corn but wasn't going to happen then we continued our career not really make it up but just still spar and paying dues and stuff coming down I started thinking maybe I should start a record label as an alternative to Capricorn I went to MCA so we made a deal from my label which was called sounds in South ronnie van zant called me uh somebody broke into our band last night stole all our equipment and I'm asking you for a loan of five thousand dollars sorry I said just tell me where to mail the check said let me tell you something I just bought yourself a band for five thousand dollars they basically met at a baseball feeling we're about 13 or 14 years old it was Alan and Gary on guitars and aliana base Bob burns on drums and Ronnie on lead vocals I went to this game to see Ronnie had a badass reputation around town we grew up on west side of Jacksonville and we call it a shanty town Ronnie hit a foul ball and I haven't hit Bob Ronnie came over to apologize we gotta talk and that's when we realized Ronnie it was in a band please take me I had a guitar played a little bit and Bob had some drums we needed another guitar player and back then it was whoever had a hampton guitar was fine so Bob and I knew this guy named allen collins and we saw him and we we screwed out the car hey Alan stop we want to talk to you and he saw Ronnie and thought oh my god this guy's gonna beat me up climbed up a tree so we couldn't get him I said no we're not gonna hurt you come down we want you to play I can remember them rehearsing and my mother and fathers living room and at that particular time they were called a one-percent Ryan myself and Alan we just knew one day and in our hearts and our minds we wanted to make it really big as a band and that was our dream when we formed Michelle sound dude yeppers Allen came up and he wanted to present Skynyrd to us an intersex cannon first came here there high school is I totally fell in love Ronnie Van sounds fantastic voice you what planet allen collins and gary rossington they were doing solos that were twins we signed them is because I fell in love with with those those three guys they kind of taught us and they were like are they had to opt into so to speak they took us in they didn't have any money didn't happen stuff anything but enthusiasm and quite a bit of talent they taught us how to record we never been in a studio so we didn't really know anything about it that have fistfights I mean actually test fights supposed to go to a G chord instead of an a chord that's how they settled their disagreement so they just follow my own that producing 17 songs oh man that's where we recorded our very first album we had man minute sounds like free burger and one thing I would not do is edit he went out to LA to play it for all these of reckoning Socrates capital and MCA and so I got turned down by every label and and he hurt because the stuff was fantastic and we were all just supported freaked out and going through we thought well we just don't know what we're doing cuz that's the best songs we can write right now you know I was all ready for the band and they they all went to play piano it King joined the band the same day I did he took over Leon Wilkinson's place I happen to meet them on a tour when I was in this band the strawberry alarm clock and Ronnie called me up and said our bass player quit we'd like you to join the band as a bass player ronnie van zant to pick us up for rehearsal every morning like between seven eight o'clock we get out the hell house you know around eight thirty or so it was just a one room little shack and the Sun in Florida would hit it and it was hot as hell but first thing we did was take our shirts off there was something about those kind of conditions that made his crack the whip move the hearse day after day hour after hour and just tried really hard and we're riding a lot of tunes just I deals with flow being out there in the middle of boondocks and the unity at the hell house was probably the tightest that it ever has been since I've been in the band Ronnie said lunch come outside for Matt Ryan was very persuasive gentlemen we can guarantee this will get no airplay but y'all just go ahead you stubborn kids hey they have made three quarters of an album in muscle shoals we had these songs that we've done on that other album and so we played most of those recorded them again took us two weeks to record the album then do these songs very well now there's just one song you go they're called free bird it's too long y'all can't do that one and we went hey man we're gonna do that's on us we love this song we can guarantee this will get no airplay but you're just glad you some stubborn kids we need one more song for the first Skynyrd record so we went up recorded simple man Cooper said you guys aren't gonna record that don't like it so Ronnie said once you come outside for a minute so Cooper and he walked outside he opened up the door to Alice Bentley said get in and I'll got in Ronnie shut the door and stuck his head into the window and he goes well we're done cutting it will call you I have to say they they would pretty much get their way ronnie was a very persuasive gentleman the reason it was called pronounced was because people would see the name and they didn't know how to pronounce that with all the Y's it didn't look like Lynyrd Skynyrd just look like lineart Skynard I went to them and I begged them to change their name and of course they wouldn't do that annales didn't really do real good it's just gonna open some eyes and ears well we put out a couple of singles then we couldn't get anywhere with him so freebird turned out to be a really big cut started getting a lot of airplay on FM radio and at the same time I bumped into Pete Townsend from the who says hey P what are you doing he said oh we're getting out on tour soon it was just a new album Quadrophenia so we're actually looking for an opening act I said have I got the band for you went on tour our first gig was the cow palace in San Francisco of Bill Graham and on the WHO and there was twenty-two thousand people there here's these guys that were playing you know like 500-seat bars now all of a sudden they're playing twenty and thirty thousand cedars every night and that's where we started drinking you go play in front of 300 people took its 22,000 drive you to drink and you know china wrong tree they picked up a lot of the bad habits food to his crime come in and you have Jack Daniel's bottle majors impedance the bag TV blow up catch on fire and now the window would go into the swimming pool one day at rehearsal Ronnie goes man either really the worst bass player I've ever play man he said we're gonna get Leon back in a band I'm gonna switch you over to guitar and the next day we started up rehearsals again you know me eight o'clock the morning out the hell house and the first song we wrote that day was sweet home alabama at the time George Wallace's runs president who was the governor of alabama he was like really bad racism we were trying to cut him down but Ronnie liked his attitude but not about race but about other things he stood the ground for the southern man the song Alabama was cutting down Southern Man he's from Canada anyway what's he know about it and I guess if you're from another culture like the North you could look at that same fluids people are really stupid or ignorant to me the South has a char min a culture like no other entire world it just recorded with muscle shoals swampers all in Alabama and we've been driving all around the backcountry seeing how beautiful was meeting all these great people they call me right after they did it they said we just found a song about you guys and I was going oh that's a nice when second help me came out people really caught on the Sweet Home Alabama so we kind of knew it why this three guitar thing is gonna really work well and then they started buying the first album when those two caught on that was what is really like the overnight success story we were on the road so long we call it the torture to her actually Bob burns had a tough time on the road Bob kind of had some mental problems and went mentally unstable so I say they got a new trouble artimus pyle Saturday night special was the first time that Artemis played drums with the band and I'm trying to show the band this this thing i'm working on his dad up dad why he's over the corner room keep playing keep playing he sings to me to feats they come my creep in like a black cat dude and I just my whoa stop isuzu me first I'm I'm asking nothing fancy we did was give me back my bullets we went back their original two guitars that cane left man it's written about the music industry it's about the bullets on the charts I'm leaving and you will not hear me after give me back my bullets didn't a goal we decided we need to go and get three guitar players out Cassie was a backup singer at the time so Cassie suggested hey one take a list of my brothers this we got Steve games at that time actually we also had just quit drinking I've just gotten a wreck in my car oh dear there's too much noodles you Ryan was hip so that's what happens if you keep messing with stuff like that ruined did Street survivors it was going to be their greatest album and with always like a brand spanking new beginnings so take another town the whole tree something must've hit Ryan his head and broke his neck I was a sad day for not only southern rock but for the van zandt family we're going to do it lame when you're running for political office where do you go you go to your friends first of all I'm running for president he said well I've decided that I'm gonna run for president and I said present would say girl in I'm gonna be elected we have been through the Nixon era the country needed somebody who would not lie third isn't very important I need your help will you help me he said uh we're gonna be broke before our caucus and unless we can raise money and he says can you do some concerts I'm here to you my friends and your friend it wasn't going to you Oh they raised million stars and indigo had matched them and it was all the so-called bad boys of southern rock and jimmy carter came along and announced that the days of segregation were over in there was the first governor that you ever done that in georgia at that time period jimmy carter it restored George upon the Dark Ages when he asked us to help him out boy sincere you know because of really what and I think you are very interested in on the interested enjoy conversion that so it all started with a bunch of southern rock and rollers helping a friend raise some money but giving him credibility at the same time this was um all leading up to a grand climax of Jimmy Carter get him elected president hi jimmy carter do solemnly swear i jimmy carter do solemnly swear he may not that electrical of that here we have some southern rock and rollers who were so proud of Jimmy Carter one of their own going to Washington I think Carter was proud of the fact that you had the top where I can roll bands in the room from the South not the Beatles from Liverpool or the Rolling Stones from England somewhere the Grateful Dead from California you've got southern rock and roll wait Greenville South Carolina a way to Baton Rouge something happened in the flight where it was up leaking gas we were playing poker and smoking and walking around nobody was buckled copilot came back some guys we have a problem weird i'm afraid old beat-up Sherman tank like thing guys sit down and buckle up and put your head between your legs cuz these jars there was no gas so we were just floating you know we heard that stirred something in that was hitting the tops of the trees you know what's going my mom Bam Bam Bam Bam Bam go back gender it was so loud and it just and now so dramatic and traumatic it just stopped everything to smile buck alert lockdown comes for like a bullet so this tape players and TVs and cards and guitar cases and soup everything came for we were in the swamps and there was playing on fire and you were here all your buddies and best friends screaming and crying and I was yelling for ding he came over and through that door for me and it's a fact that Dayton Kilpatrick was killed at impact these people heard the crash and hardens up this hill he found this guy that the shot of his head with a shotgun to you some kind of damn swamp moths monster or something the other people to come out there with her sheets and blankets everything plucked us out of two feet of swamp bug something must have hit Ryan his head and broke his neck I knew that ronnie was gone I knew that he was gone I knew where they were sitting and I wouldn't sure about Cassidy till I saw her later men running out on and Dean and Cassie were all up front all together and they all died and Alan I didn't up there and we always wanted why we were not you know God it just wasn't our time Ronnie Steve chassis deanwood one scared he's gone you Roger beg him and said under up this thing it was the way I viewed my relationship with run and then we spent late nights together and then we had travel miles together that we're friends it was a sad day for Donnelly southern rock but for the vans they have family and record labels third almost southern rock movements Dada Dada Dada and you know what ten years after the plane crash leonard skinner got back together and it seemed like i started coming back again and then I think we're god bless that people still one hears as long as that last will be here do I think it's actually ventured into the country market you know you got Montgomery Gentry you got Gretchen Wilson you got big and rich southern rock influence country as it is today more than it ever has and I tell you what the country players so they don't mind tell him don't it to pay the songs will be played on the ready on somebody will be digging it when we're long gone on all new going country
Channel: RandallTSkynyrd
Views: 219,018
Rating: 4.8545456 out of 5
Keywords: History, of, Southern, Rock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 27sec (3867 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2012
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