History of Monster Hunter | The Gunlance

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in the history of the monster hunter games there has been a surprisingly large focus on guns you have the light bow gun you have the heavy bow gun there's even a medium bow gun in one game you have a hammer that looks like part of a gun and even have dual blades that look like two guns but in monster hunter dose early on this was taken a step further what if the design of a weapon wasn't just visual what if a melee-based weapon was taken and turned into a gun have you heard about the lance well let me introduce you to its more ballistic sibling the gun lance taking the defensive state and potential from the lance and combining it with the explosive damage of heavy artillery or maybe more accurately a sawed-off shotgun you're not going to be sniping enemies from long distances with this bad boy but you will definitely be kicking down doors and point-blank firing away to white monsters out of existence it's a seriously ridiculous concept but one with a lot of merit hell you can even fly across maps and rise thanks to one of the weapon's latest abilities it's a crazy and stylish weapon and one that's been requested constantly in the comments of the weapon videos so i'm happy to finally be talking about it today as i mentioned in previous videos i like to take your opinions into consideration when it comes to which weapon i will cover next if you want your weapon to be covered soon be sure to let me know in the comments and please consider liking and subscribing so the all-seeing eye of the youtube algorithm will bless me in return my family i'm currently traveling down the seven levels of hell to try and find them with some weird roman poet as my guide and he's really pretentious and i'm starting to lose my sanity anyway i'm super rad and this is the history of the gun lance you knew this section of the vid was sponsored by nordvpn right right nordvpn is great for me as someone who plays online games see my internet service provider does this thing where if you're 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additional month with a huge discount it helps support me and helps secure you gunlance was introduced in monster hunter dose on the ps2 a game released in japan only but would appear again in monster hunter freedom 2 and freedom unite and while skipping try would appear in each subsequent release after it for the sake of the video when talking about generation 2 gun lance i'll be using footage from freedom unite so keep that in mind with anything that i'm discussing here gunlance is interesting for a multitude of reasons but one of the more unlikely aspects of it is that it focuses more on cutting or slashing damage instead of piercing damage that the lance would see until monster hunter freedom unite that means on top of the artillery or shelling moves that we'll get into shortly this weapon was great for hitting weak zones susceptible to cutting attacks or even cutting tails hunters could attack in succession up to three times with this weapon either with three forward pokes or if guarding three upward pokes this was accomplished by pressing up or down on the right analog stick in dose or the triangle button and the psp releases the upswing is especially useful for reaching the head or tails of monsters that keep them raised while remaining in a defensive state and was considered the bread and butter of the weapon all the way up to a world where the animation was made significantly slower there's also a draw attack for the weapon that can be performed while unsheathed by holding forward while pressing triangle and an upward swinging move by pressing triangle and circle at the same time there is also a quick guard mechanic where hunters can guard immediately out of a draw by pressing r and triangle at the same time the weapon improves on the dodging mechanic by allowing hunters to sidestep after an attack by pressing the x button while holding either side direction alternatively they can even backstep by pressing the x button while unsheathed and not moving this can be used in conjunction with the reloading mechanic of the gun lance's shelling mechanic for efficient play the weapon has a set of ammo which is displayed under the health and stamina bars by pressing circle players can fire off close range explosions for high fixed damage with portions of fire damage for a limited period of time once out of ammo the hunter needs to reload by pressing circle while guarding but by side or backstepping and pressing circle following this animation the hunter can reload much quicker while also repositioning you'll generally be using these shelling attacks in conjunction with the base attacks of the gun lance and they come in a variety of styles specifically normal wide and long long as you may assume has longer range while wide shots cover a wider but shorter range both of these shell types are stronger than using normal and to make up for this normal shots offer 5 shells per reload in comparison to the 3 per reload for long and the 2 per reload for wide using the load up skill would boost each of these values by 1 but seems generally underutilized in early games each gun lance will come with a specific shell type and they aren't interchangeable they also come with shell levels from one to five with the maximum level changing between different games in each generation for example in freedom unite some lances have a shell level of five hunters will see higher damage at higher levels however spamming this ability may seem advantageous but comes with a large downside and that's the fact that it will eat through your sharpness gauge like it's a two bite brownie specifically it will eat two points of sharpness with the normal and long types and four with wide though wide was changed to two as well in the devil joe patch for monster hunter world making it highly useful in generation 5. overuse of the shelling mechanic will ruin the sharpness of your weapon and lead to a lot of down time with whetstones and getting tossed around by whatever you're fighting it's more useful to attack up to three times with a generic stabbing mechanic and then fire off a shell which will reset the combo and allow you to keep attacking while not infinite it can lead to very long combos ones that will almost definitely be cut short because you would end naturally due to the movements and attacks of the monsters that you're hunting it should be pointed out that the shelling comes with a small super armor effect to prevent flinching from weak attacks and while hunters could spam the shelling attack and freedom unite future entries would see more of a recoil effect making this impossible in monster hunter dose and freedom 2 this mechanic of shelling even had iframes but whether or not that was intentional i'm not sure i should also point out that while in red sharpness the hunter couldn't shell at all and would see penalties to damage based on how low their sharpness color was yellow and orange saw a time 0.85 damage multiplier and anything from green onward was the normal damage value but that's not the only way to completely obliterate the sharpness of your weapon on top of having the ability to fire off shells gun lance can obliterate monsters with a special cooldown mechanic known as wyvern fire and is potentially the key aspect of the weapon that makes it so cool and appealing to the players that mean it by pressing the triangle and circle button together while holding guard the player will begin to build up a large amount of energy at the tip of the gun lance barrel before firing it off in a short range large explosion that both deals almost quadruple the normal amount of damage and also sends the hunter sliding backwards from the recoil hunters can even aim this attack within a 180 degree angle it's ridiculous and seriously looks so cool and fun that i found myself wanting to solely use this mechanic when possible but it's not possible to spam it for a multitude of reasons for one it has a cool down effect something like two minutes or lower before the hunter is allowed to use the mechanic again adding to that it absolutely rips through your sharpness gauge and leaves you susceptible to incoming attacks due to the long recoil animation while there's no timer to let you know when the wyverns fire is available again there's a visual change on the barrel of the various gun lances to indicate this and the sound effect will play once the cooldown period is over it also has a huge stagger modifier so could often be used to force flinch monsters and interrupt them guarding with the gun lance is one of the strongest defensive options in the game along with the lance and will allow you to safely block most attacks many of which can't be blocked by other weapons like the sword and shield this allows the weapon to follow a very slow moving but methodical state of play where you utilize things like side steps and back steps to stay as mobile as possible while getting damage where you can and that damage will count for a lot in the end utilizing mobility options and extending combos with shelling made this weapon much more versatile than it may have seemed but even though those options were available most hunters would be better off performing shorter combos like the poke poke upswing or upswing into poke into another upswing let's move on to portable 3rd and monster hunter 3 ultimate to see what generation 3 added to the equation as i mentioned previously the gun lance along with many other weapons didn't actually make it into monster hunter try a decision that we wouldn't see happen again in any future release and all the changes we see in portable 3rd are carried over into 3 ultimate for that reason i'll be using footage specifically from the wii u release but everything i talk about is representative of the weapon in generation 3 as a whole one of the more noticeable changes is how the traditional three-step combo has been changed i guess now instead of a final third stab during the combo the hunter will instead perform an overhead slam attack that requires additional build up and animation time but there's a lot that can be done with this move before that we need to talk about an additional new mechanic the quick reload if you remember from the previous generation the hunter would run out of ammo after a certain amount of shell usage forcing them to reload on the spot or a reload after a sidestep or backstep maneuver this is still possible but with the added opportunity of quick reloading after firing off a shell shot hunters can now automatically reload their shells with a quicker animation and even immediately fire off another shot following this meaning it's possible to fire quick reload fire again and quick reload again indefinitely as long as the hunter has the opportunity to do so but the hunter doesn't have to fire a second shot after the reload in fact it's actually a second way to enter into the overhead slam attack and there were actually many ways to get into the upswing which would allow you to follow up with the new slam so there's many ways of going about this either through the traditional triple combo or weaving it out of a quick reload or many other opportunities but what's so good about the overhead slam the main advantage is that it leads into a brand new attack called full burst where the hunter can perform said overhead slam and then follow up with an explosive attack that will expend all of their remaining ammo dealing damage based on how much was used further the hunter can combo into the wyvern's fire attack out of this slam instead of a full burst if they have it available charged shelling is another new mechanic that helps weave shelling into normal combos as i mentioned previously hunters could throw a shell into their combo to extend it now hunters can press r and circle after any attack to actually charge the attack before firing it off for extra damage and this combo can be performed after a multitude of attacks that change its behavior slightly basically allowing the hunter to either charge forward slightly upward or almost vertically these attacks have about a 20 increase in damage but can be affected by shell type as we will see in a second oh and you can even combo charge shots into charged shots if you want to and can unload some quick damage within an opening and you can cancel advancing thrust or unsheathed attack into a shell or charged shells starting in this generation shelling causes the player to lose less sharpness than the previous generation making it a more viable option than ever before in fact something that i didn't mention yet is that shelling ignores hit zone values and has fixed damage meaning no matter where it hits it's going to have the same effect each one of the shell types is a bit more unique than before due to the normal shells having a higher number of total shells available before a reload this type is actually more effective for full burst it even gets a modifier when using set ability meanwhile the long shell type actually has a stronger wyverns fire in comparison to the other two options and wide shell types get a 45 damage boost with charged shells rather than a 20 boost on top of a stagger boost fun fact there was actually a glitch in portable third that required an auto guard talisman reward that you received for completing the village quests by equipping the talisman the hunter will begin to automatically guard during a quick reload as if it was a guard point and this would only be possible with the talisman specifically having auto guard through other means would not allow this to happen it's hilarious because this would be added to the gun lance purposefully in later generations overall generation 3 looked to up the viability and damage output of the gun lance in comparison to its generation 2 predecessor but overall fell kind of flat unfortunately for the weapon the design and damage output forced hunters to rely more on melee gun lance outside of very specific matchups but with all that out of the way we can now move on to generation 4 to see what monster hunter 4 and generations brought to the table there's not too much to talk about with 4 and 4 ultimates specifically but it did introduce a few new mechanics for the weapon including an entirely new move and ways to create finisher opportunities through jumping attacks as with all weapons in monster hunter 4 and 4 ultimate gun lance now has the ability to perform aerial attacks that lead to mounting damage the gunlance specifically gets the ability to perform its overhead slam attack that was introduced in generation 3 and upon doing so follow up with a full burst or wyvern's fire attack wyvern's fire's cooldown mechanic is also more noticeable now as the weapon begins to smoke during the cooldown period there's even a new move that hunters can perform where they dash forward before firing off the shell by guarding and pressing the shelling button this move can be implemented into a jumping attack by performing the dash off of a ledge leading to the shell being activated mid-air which can be then followed up by an aerial overhead slam allowing for the hunter to then perform a finisher overall there isn't much here the ability to use aerial attacks really didn't do much for the gun lance and monster hunter 4 was another game where melee gunlance remained the king of the weapons options there was also the introduction of the artillery god skill which was a third tier for the artillery series and was a good start on moving the weapon forward in terms of shelling strategies one final thing to note for monster hunter 4 is that every entry before generation 4 had the hunters start with empty shells and required them to reload monster hunter 4 changed this to have all shells loaded at the beginning of a hunt it makes sense since there's no reason for the hunter to start without having their ammo loaded now generations brings with it an obviously large amount of changes with the inclusion of hunter arts and styles but that's not all the biggest change in mechanics was the introduction of the heat gauge arguably one of the more unpopular changes to a weapon imagine if you took all of the destructive power and by destructive power i mean slightly more than hunting horn of the gun lance and for you and locked it behind an arbitrary mechanic that required you to watch over and maintain it regularly just to do the damage that you were given for free in previous entries within the series ass that is the heat gauge by shelling regularly you build up a gauge value from yellow to orange and finally to red when in red your damage would be at its highest but by raising the gauge too high you'd find yourself overheating and be locked to yellow for around two minutes which is highly detrimental to efficient play this meant hunters had to work up to red gauge and keep it balanced by using a combination of shelling to raise the gauge and lance attacks and dodging to reduce it mechanics like wyvern's fire were useful as they would lower the heat gauge but then lock it in place for a short period of time meaning the hunter would have more free reign over what abilities to use while hunting a monster shell types would also directly affect the size of the gauge meaning different shell types would require different amounts of attacks for reaching the next level to help with this people would often slot in artillery novice as it gave a 10 damage boost to shelling and also affected how the gauge was raised and depleted a move like wyvern's fire would decrease the gauge less if the hunter was running artillery novice meaning that there were more opportunities to use it and lock it into red gauge on a more positive note the gun lance gained the ability to backstep or sidestep at a full burst meaning hunters could cancel out of the recoil animation to quickly get back into the fight and stay out of danger out of all the hunter styles adept and valor were probably the most used for efficient play a depth style was particularly useful hunters that used this would sacrifice the ability to quick load but gain the ability to adapt guard most weapons in the game will allow you to adapt evade but weapons with large shields like the gun lance are a little different instead guarding at the right time functions as a guard point and allows the hunter the opportunity to counter-attack with an upward thrust that reloads the weapon making it highly useful for damage and resource management the first attack in this counter would do additional damage if the hunter had full shells this guard point is great for abusing full burst as well but was more useful for the built-in counter attacks as the motion values were so absurdly high on them by hitting the guard point and getting the counter attack the hunter will now have full ammo pressing x follows up the counter attack with an overhead slam maneuver meaning that each guard point can lead into a max ammo full burst and this is highly abusable for great dps there's a large recovery animation on the burst so again simply counter-attacking was usually best valor style is also highly utilized due to the fact that the quick reload now has a guard point similar to what was seen in a depth style gunlance benefited a lot from valor sheath because it was a quick way to put away the weapon while also having a defensive option in a weapon that lacks both wyvern's fire and the ability to fully reload are activated through the valor sheath cancel mechanic but the quick reload seems to now be possible at any point by pressing r plus a meaning that you have the ability to quickly replenish resources while also potentially countering an attack pressing x out of valor sheath will perform an upswing and also perform a quick reload but there's no guard point with this mechanic when the valor gauge isn't full the reload will only offer one shell but when full it offers four for normal three for long and two for wide additionally the hunter can press a during valor sheath to perform a quick shell attack once in valor mode you unlock the ability to perform an infinite with the normal x combo meaning players can poke twice perform an overhead slam and then begin poking again over and over and over and over and over and over and over on top of that the quick reload isn't just for a single shell but will replenish a number of shells depending on which type you are using hunters can spam shelling attacks one after the other by pressing the a button and each successive attack will be stronger and faster than the last meaning it's a great way to output a ton of damage in a short period of time this is called rapid shelling and can only be started after an initial attack or from a stationary shell small note but the striker style actually brought back the triple poke combo from generation 2 and world would later reintroduce this as well moving on to hunter arts some of the more popular options included dragon's breath anti-air flare and blast dash dragon's breath specifically is great for keeping the heat gauge high without having to worry about it as a mechanic it also boosts the damage to shells themselves meaning for one to three minutes you'll be a complete powerhouse and it ignores if you overheat locking you into the max red gauge value blastdash was a great gap closer that propelled the hunter forward and could be followed up with an overhead slam it was so popular that it ended up being reworked into monster hunter rise so we'll go over it more within that section new to generations ultimate specifically is the anti-air flare which is an incredibly powerful combo maneuver generally designed around knocking enemies out of the air but can be used without caring about that specific tactic on activation the hunter will guard point into full reload into aerial full burst into wyverns fire into a second guard point where you reload once more this move is useful due to the high damage it outputs while managing to keep a full set of shells after all is said and done and this wyverns fire doesn't actually lower your gauge and will instead lock you wherever your gauge is at currently it's worth noting that this move cannot overheat you so it is very very useful overall the gun lance in generations was limited heavily and most of its abilities seem to attempt to subvert this arbitrary limitation due to the insane power creep of this generation of monster hunter gunlance suffers greatly and just becomes a turtle standing in one spot adept countering the harder monsters but with all that said and done let's finally move on to generation 5. monster hunter world generally either completely reworks a weapon or brings with it a lot of changes whether they be advantageous or not and the gun lance isn't an exception here for one quick reload was made much more viable and could be activated after all melee attacks and reloaded all shells instead of some arbitrary amount one change to mobility is that the gun lance has the ability to forward hop on top of back and side hopping and hopping in general is much more fluid and advantageous hunters can perform up to two backhops consecutively and follow back hops with side hops similarly to how you can side hop after an attack there's also a brand new melee attack one that is potentially the most powerful option outside of shelling after an overhead slam hunters generally only had the option to full burst or wyverns fire but now by performing said slam and pressing triangle afterward the hunter will perform the wide sweep maneuver which has great horizontal range and high damage it can even be performed after a full burst if desired moves like the forward dash thrust are still available and the overhead slam can be followed up out of it for an easy means of leading into your new wide sweep or your traditional finishers additionally the charge shot has been streamlined slightly only requiring you to hold down the circle button after an attack in order to begin charging it now all of those changes are fairly massive and useful the gun lance is more mobile than ever and has the ability to perform high damage infinite combos with the lance when possible white sweep adds a massive motion value and a combo finisher when the weapon lacked both before and the forward hop addresses the issue gunlance had in every other game that being mobility but what about the big mechanical changes well there's a brand new attack known as the wormstake cannon shelling has been given a more traditional combo within this entry hunters can press the circle button up to three times performing two shelling attacks and finishing off with this worm stake mechanic as a finisher the attack will connect for decent damage but more importantly will leave a shell attached to the monster's head to deal damage over time before exploding this was situationally good at best in base world due to the long animations and long reloading times this attack can also be used as a finisher at a full burst or out of the new wide sweep attack the attack would also scale with raw which is pretty big for damage and an interesting point as the scaling was removed and rise this new mechanic has its own icon underneath the sharpness gauge to let you know when it's possible to use it basically it'll turn red once used and can be reloaded along with your normal shells through the full reload animation meaning quick reloads will not reload the worm stake finally the hunter can perform a jumping attack while sliding and either follow this up with an aerial thrust maneuver or an aerial full burst that covers a wider area aerial attacks can also be completed by performing a dash attack into a runnable surface similar to the other weapons that have this mechanic now iceborn really added one major mechanic for the gun lance that being the worm stake blast attack which allows the hunter to load field slinger ammo into their weapon by holding l2 and pressing triangle and circle together this attack was the first time shelling became the best option gunlance had for damage its explosions also had massive stagger modifiers which benefited all gunlance styles excluding slap the point of this mechanic is to offer a target on the monster for shelling generally where the hunter shells the monster doesn't matter but now the hunter can target wherever they mark the monster for additional explosions on each attack this means attacks like normal shelling charge shelling full burst and wyvern's fire will all deal additional damage if you hit the marked area i've been told long shell types at level 6 made the most use of this mechanic and yeah you heard that right while the cap in previous entries was a maximum of 4 in high rank releases and 5 in g-rank releases iceborn actually brought shell levels all the way up to six and seven worm stakes blasts even synergized with other gun lance players meaning that you could team up to increase damage output to some pretty insane values moving on to ryze the animation for wormstake is sped up when used after a charged shell speaking of charged shells they now have an additional mechanic by adding an extra charge level all three shell types will have the red charge state which provides times 1.5 damage to the normal and long shell types as well as times 1.4 to wide but wide comes with an additional yellow charge state which provides times 2 damage but they are virtually useless due to how long they take to charge up at this state there's still multiple ways to perform the ground slam maneuver and this can still be followed up as you expect with full bursts wide sweep and wyverns fire a bigger inclusion would be the introduction of aerial shelling which allows the hunters to remain in the air by continuously firing their shells and gaining height with each attack moves like the overhead slam or the newer aerial full burst can still be performed out of this mechanic but it seems like a great way to reach parts of the monster that you may have had a harder time doing so before shell types also received a few additional changes for one wide shell now has the ability to stun via warm stake and long shells wormstake and wyverns fire can do additional damage normal also gets a full burst bonus for the three silk bind attacks they all mostly focus on benefiting your shells or worm stake in some capacity first is guard edge which acts as the full counter mechanic by activating the ability before an attack the hunter can absorb all damage and follow up with a quick worm stake if loaded a slam or wyverns fire on top of mitigating damage and allowing for a counter-attack it will also sharpen the hunter's weapons slightly and only cost one wire bug hail cutter is the second default ability and launches the hunter upward into the air with an initial attack before having them land with the slam that can be followed by a finisher like full burst the slam is actually stronger than any other physical move the weapon has the benefit of this ability is that it will not only completely reload your shells but also reduce the cooldown period of wyvern's fire the downside is that it costs two wire bugs to use and they actually increased the base cooldown of wyvern's fire just so that this ability could lower it nice one capcom ground splitter is an unlockable silk mite attack and is good for advancing on aggressive enemies due to its inherent super armor hunters will still take damage and can die but there's rarely going to be anything hitting you that hard if you've been keeping up with your equipment upgrades though it should be noted that the hunter can still succumb to status effects and things like paralysis or sleep can interrupt the move this attack can be followed up with a slam quick stake shell or charged shell ground splitter will also add a green outline to your shells and worm stake icons temporarily increasing the damage output of both but this effect is both finite being based on time and requires the user to keep their weapon out it's a 20 boost and is used to compensate for the lack of rank modifiers in this game normally your shelling attacks are fixed damage based off of a modifier that's set for whichever rank you are playing in but that isn't the case in rise at least not for gun lance for switch skills the classic charge shell ability can be switched out for a mechanic called blast dash that is similar to one of the abilities from generations ultimate by holding a the hunter can charge their gun lance and propel themselves forward and can do this up to three times in succession while changing directions in between however if you blastash after an aerial shell it can only be done twice it can inflict uncharged shell damage but will mostly function as a gap closer and hunters can attack out of it with most aerial options and the slam out of it has a higher motion value it also costs a shell per blast to use so even though it can be used up to three times you'll need at least three shells to do so considering its mobility it could also be considered a replacement for the palymute and allow you to bring two palicos instead the quick reload mechanic can also be switched out for the new guard reload ability that will allow the hunter to automatically guard while performing a reload out of an attack at the cost of receiving three shells per reload regardless of type instead of a full reload however to make up for this the worm state can also be reloaded in this manner meaning it's possible to perform a guard reload follow up into a charged or base shell attack into worm stake and then guard reload again if one desires the angle that the lance was at before the guard reload is maintained during the process most of the gun lance's defensive options are pretty bad and these defensive editions and ryze are a massive help to the weapon with all that said i have nothing else to really mention about generation 5 for the gun lance honestly overall shelling never really seemed to be that much of a factor for gun lance through the early stages of its lifespan the weapon lacked mobility it had poor defensive options despite its shield and overall prioritized the lance aspect of the weapon over the gun aspect which is pretty sad considering it was supposed to differentiate itself from base lance using this new mechanic that being said the weapon began to change more dramatically within generation 5 and slowly but surely shelling became more and more useful and expected for the weapon while still allowing multiple styles of play players that wanted to focus on melee or slapping with their weapon could do so effectively and players that wanted to get more out of the gun aspect could do so as well while gun lance may not be the most effective out of the 14 options hunters have to choose from it's definitely on the path to getting there with many new options and a large amount of versatility added to it anyway that's all i have for you today in regards to the gun lance if you enjoyed this video consider liking commenting and subscribing let me know what your favorite weapon is and what weapon you want me to cover next i'm also streaming regularly on twitch now and our discord is growing rapidly so if you want to join the community and maybe participate in viewer hunts feel free to stop by hey there you made it to the end of the video where i say thank you to all of my patrons this is the patron part of the video if you're if you're not a patron uh you can you can still watch because that's kind of the point you're supposed to see this and be like oh that's cool and then maybe consider you know throwing me a little money throw me a little little dollar bills or whatever you whatever you feel like who knows you should see some uh credits here i believe there should be some credits here i'm watching them right now i'm seeing them slide by and i'm going to personally shout out everybody that is the maximum tier currently on patreon so get ready for that we got knky king i think that's uh i think that's kinky king thank you so much you're a ballin you're faded you're drowning thank you i appreciate it ryan marion thank you so much welcome to the g-rank tier i really do appreciate it i hope you're having a great day thank you for the support cyberworm thank you so much for the support you you know big community member always always vibing always being super chill really appreciate it hope you're having a great day mogbit thank you so much another great community member super super supportive really appreciate them and you know everything that they do i hope you're having a fantastic one mog bit loose tall goose thank you so much for the g-rank tier i hope you're having a fantastic day keep it up friend kathleen medjuk thank you so much i do appreciate it thank you for the g ranked here i hope you're having a great day hope you know the dog is doing great you have a dog crunchy kalru thank you so much for the g-rank tier i really appreciate it hopefully you're having a fantastic day jonathan thank you so much for the g-rank here i hope you're having a fantastic day my friend keep up the good work strangely another amazing community member thank you so much strangely i really do appreciate it and uh i hope to see you in the twitch chat again i hope to see all of you in the twitch chat again ben vb thank you so much for the g ranked here one of my first g-rank tiers honestly so shout out to ben vb for that i do appreciate it pr i do appreciate it ben lu to fumi uh still trying to get that zenoguru jasper hopefully by the time you're watching this you got it but i do appreciate that you uh threw over the g-rank here to try and get some of my good luck you know i try to i try to bestow upon you guys my good luck and i appreciate that lute hafumi rosa leo of course one of uh the other major community members in the discord and uh has done some amazing art for the channel both commissions and just some amazing fan art that i suggest that you guys check them out justin thank you so much for the g-rank tier you're fantastic i hope you're having a great day same to kepler for the g-ranked here hope you're having a great day kepler you're balling you're faded mr janky thank you so much my good friend for the g ranked here i appreciate it and i hope you're having a great one and thank you to everybody that's been supporting the channel so far you know throughout its lifespan it's been going great i hope to see some more growth as we continue forward and i hope you all have an amazing day and an amazing time i will see you in the next video you
Channel: SuperRAD
Views: 118,129
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Monster Hunter Rise, Monster Hunter, Monster Hunter Rise Gunlance Guide, Gunlance Guide, Monster Hunter Rise Gunlance Tutorial, Gunlance Tutorial, monster hunter, monster hunter world, mhw, monster hunter rise gameplay, monster hunter rise chameleos, monster hunter rise trailer
Id: hy3UpFdrMuw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 56sec (1916 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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