History of Missions | Dr. Gene Kim

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2 Corinthians chapter 4 please and we're going to cover some very interesting things related to the history of missions in the history of missions we come across the greatest missionary in the Bible where we start out is obviously the Apostle Paul the Apostle Paul he's famously known for having four missionary Journeys he converted many parts of Asia Minor as well as places in Europe he tried to do Israel but his own people rejected him but we know that Paul the Lord mightily used him and he was the best Forefront for Christianity Today in Paul's missionaries Journeys we know that he went through a lot of trial hardships pain the obvious thing to anybody especially Americans when you travel outside of your comfort zone and go to One new place and adapt there and start a work there then you go to another new place adapt there and all that you go through health issues stress issues environmental adaptations and Etc it's very hard to live life that way that's why it's very likely that he was single throughout his life 1 Corinthians 7 kind of indicated that that he was single he went through pain he was Shipwrecked he was out in the middle of the ocean in the middle of the night I believe but what kept Him going you ever thought about that which made him the greatest Christian that ever lived just recently dawned on me and I was such a fool I wish I knew this a long time ago but I strongly believe what will make you the greatest CHR in the world is if you don't settle down with the world that kind of a life and the best thing to do that is to have that burden for Missions Souls it'll dramatically change your life your behavior and everything Paul in spite of the misery he went through he kept going and he was happy why because in his mind all he ever thought about was souls he had a burden for the lost people dying and going to hell but he was very happy in his life in spite of the misery he was living at the same time it gave him meaning you'll notice right here in verse 8 uh verse 8 we are troubled on every side yet not distressed we are perplexed but not in despair persecuted but not forsaken cast down but not destroyed always bearing about in the body the dying of the Lord Jesus at the life also of Jesus might be made manifest in our body but notice the context is verse four in whom the God of this world had blinded the minds of them which believe not lest the light of the Glorious gospel of Christ who is the image of God to shine unto them for we preach not ourselves but Christ Jesus the Lord and ourselves your servants for jesus' sake for God who commanded the light to shine out of Darkness has shined in our hearts Hearts to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ see he had a burden how the devil blinded the lost world and they're all going to hell do you have a burden like that in this area if you have that in your heart you're going to keep going and get involved in anything that this ministry does to reach souls to minister each other so that we can be encouraged to reach more souls out there do you realize how much Darkness the devil has caved in and how many millions or billions are dying and going to hell do you know how fortunate you are to have discovered Bible believing truth and salvation especially what are you one out of how many one out of a million you ever thought about that if you have that burden that's why no matter how much pain you go through you'll keep on ongoing that you're not thinking about that you're thinking about people who are dying and going to hell rather than yourself on having a bad day L dah for you when thousands are dropping into hell and burning and screaming Poor Unfortunate you when those souls are screaming right now in Hell huh see you have to think about that but then verse seven it's not just a heavy burden for lost souls why you keep on going in spite of the pain but verse 7 but we have this treasure in Earth and vessels that the Excellency of the power of may be of God and not of us there's meaning there's meaning you know why you're willing to go through suffering and pain serving the lord Jesus Christ because it's fulfilling to see people getting saved it's fulfilling to see people's lives who were used in darkness and blinded they transform and they're happy they're serving God and that makes you happy what gets you out of your pain and makes you happy is you're finally is when you finally stop thinking about yourself when you think about others in their dangerous plight their condition and how miserable they are and their woes and their sorrows and by the way if you think about other people's sufferings a lot more than your own suffering you'll realize you're not the one who's really in pain so when you focus on that on others but at the same time those others who are going through the same problems like you you're not the only one and who are going through worse problems than you but God transforms their life and they get saved from hell and God patches their home patches their broken lives gives them Bible believing truth and their eyes open you become happy why you're not thinking about yourself here about your comfort your happiness your uh preferred money situation Financial stability housing situation what really makes you happy is you get out of yourself and finally think about others when you do that it gives you meaning it gives you happiness it gives you something thrilling exciting worth living for it's amazing then in spite of a nearly 40-hour flight back from Africa and third world conditions and yeah I drank the wrong water so I was sick the entire flight and in spite of uh how much tiredness me and my wife went through my goodness we were so happy still because of so many little kids and people whose hands reach down and they just grabbed the tracks that we were giving and that made the flight worth it that made the pain you know that made that pain out of there because of what I did what I accomplished it's amazing what getting out of yourself can do when you think about others and you find fulfillment when somebody who's in the dark who's in the need who's spiritually hungry receiv receives light and receives happiness it gives you meaning gives you meaning so we understand that from Paul's First Missionary Journeys but then throughout Rome's compromise Rome started to mingle with Christianity you know those Christians they were spreading the gospel everywhere because of that Silk route that Silk route made them travel through all parts of the world from Antioch Antioch was a headquarters of Christianity uh there are even stories that it reached all the way to China maybe Korea maybe Korea that time some stretch it as far as Japan which I'm not sure if it's true or not but the reason why it was able to spread out is because they had the silk route and Rome could not stop Christianity they even persecuted them burned them at the stake nailed them on crosses children and women were torn apart by lions but it couldn't stop the fire why when you have that fire for lost souls it gives you meaning in life and it doesn't make you think about whatever pain you're going through that was an Unstoppable fire that Rome couldn't solve but how it solved it was through compromising the big key that killed everything was compromise so Rome compromised with Christianity and after that came the horrible mon monstrous Roman Catholic Church it wasn't called Roman Catholic officially with official popes and fullblown Catholic doctrines that we see today but it was growing through the church fathers and through Roman leaders who mingled with Christianity now you know what happened through this compromise what happened through this compromise and how Satan doused the fire was because of head knowledge oh I know Doctrine I know Doctrine you know they you can get so deep into right doctrine that you lose the fire for Missions this is good on so it's not just compromise the second issue that killed missions was head knowledge you want an example we believe in the basic Doctrine called the Trinity that's pretty obvious but do you know how deep the church fathers went into to debate about the Trinity over stupid stupid nitpicky stuff so so much in stupidity in nitpicky stuff that they started to critique and call some people Heretics and separated from their own Brethren over stupid issues regarding the Trinity well how how stupid was it it was incredibly stupid that they would accuse them of being Jehovah's Witnesses when they weren't Jehovah's Witnesses of denying the deity of Jesus Christ when they didn't deny the deity of Jesus Christ it was so stupid that if you study the doctrine of the Trinity it goes so deep it's actually who cares right right so it went full-blown deep that now there's even uh so many different terminologies aryanism gra uh gradational level versus um subsidiary levels and blah blah blah blah blah it was so stupid that it went to a point now they're debating and still today it's not really well known but it's they're debating today if Jesus is really subservient to the father for all eternity and if you believe in that then you're a heretic or full-blown aryanism Jehovah Witness if you're not careful now who cares about that all right we believe Jesus is God the father is God and the Holy Spirit is God We Believe believe the son is subservient to the father but they make it a big deal if you make it where he's subservient to the father for all eternity you make him Lesser God so see that's like Jehovah Witness you know you believe he's a Lesser God shut up but that's what happens see when you get nitpicky on a right Doctrine now doesn't that sound like us Bible Believers okay on what happens after that then you take advantage of right Doctrine listen and you can become you can go deeper into that that what happens with this head knowledge you become abusive in power and then you think that you're the real Bible believer around and everyone should follow what you're doing and they want a big name for themselves I'm the next Jack kiles I'm the next Peter Ruckman right right and then what they do with that power because they have the control over right Doctrine and they nitpick so deep into that then they cut off their fellow Bible believing Brethren do you see what men learn from history is what and don't we see that repetitive pattern but this is first centuries man how come stupid Christians never learn and Incredibly stupid Bible Believers as well and then what happens is you will eventually teach wrong Doctrine okay when you do that you nitpick on the right Doctrine you eventually teach wrong Doctrine then with that abusiveness and wrong Doctrine you become to a point where with that abuse abusiveness your practice becomes wrong sins come out wrong Spirit why do you think the popes had so much corruption scandals why do you think from Hiles these sad cases happen with their pastors for example yes yes and it's getting to yeah give give time because history repeats itself it's going to happen to our crowd one day yes yes amen yeah amen I'm going to take a long time if I keep parking it right here but you see this repetitive pattern the Bible Believers those days knew better and they're like not getting into that head knowledge stuff and they're like we got to think about the law of souls out there yes so noorus came to the scene and none of the the people during the early centuries would get their doctrines right because we don't blame them because the reason why is they didn't have the whole word of God in their hand that time where they can study CU all that time was manuscripts right and the passed along through oral tradition see how reliable that is all right you can slip in wrong teachings given enough time with information passed upon different information but during that time they did the best that they could and the best that they could people that time we see one example was noorus and noorus the he was disowned and separated by official Church fathers who wanted the title for themselves as Doctor to be known as the next Jack kyes or Peter Ruckman and Etc and they nitpicked on the doctrine of the Trinity on the deity and the humanity of Jesus Christ and then call historious a heretic but most historians and theologians will agree that even though noorus was in the wrong and he was controversial that it was still politicized and the church fathers did it all for political power all right that's that's currently our Bible believing crowd it looks like you want to get the name and become you know the next guy and then control people through that and then give it time with that flesh as you abuse that flesh has no limits and you're going to be caught with wrong spirit and certain sins and God for bit a scandal all right what men learn from history is that men never learn from history anyway noorus knew better he was trained from Antioch Syria got his people going because he was kicked out by his Brethren who cares that's what evangelism does you spread out the gospel all right you get rejected by your crowd you go concentrate on another crowd who will accept you and just spread it out around the world and that's why these stupid Church fathers they were like dead Calvinists and dead Bible Believers excuse me and okay forgive forgive me for giving that comparison CU it's really true studying books and all day debating about stupid doctrinal stuff and oh Augustine is such a good guy how many tracks did he pass out okay how many Souls did he win to Jesus Christ these deadbeat idiots and all they did without a burden for so what good is all that Doctrine if you don't spread it out so in historious and those guys they were spreading it out while these Church fathers were saying I'm the real Bible believer I'm the guy that you should look up I'm the real Christian I'm the doctor blah blah blah who stinking cares you you hardly led a soul in your life while these while the noorus and the nestorians they were spreading it out and they were reaching Muslim countries before Islam came in and there were thousands getting baptized thousands of nooria churches planted reached all the way to China and even Korea that's how the Lord mightily used them to spread out Christianity they you know what they were doing they were following what their ancestors did following the silk route they followed the silk route and they were able to make it all the way there the other one is while those Church fathers were arguing stupid stuff about Doctrine all day long Here Comes Patrick in Ireland and Patrick in Ireland he was up against those Druids I mean those Kels You' seen the Stonehenge satanic stuff going on but he went against them and he was known as the more powerful Druid than those Druid priests that's what those Celtics those Celts saw him as and he spread the gospel and then won many to Salvation and Patrick just kept planting churches and he kept on going you'll filus was the other one one of the earliest evidences of manuscript for your Bible is the gothic Bible thanks to eilus the Goths were the one who changed Roman culture that time when the Goths came in Rome was losing its power it was mingled with barbaric tribes Goths are a major bunch of that before Roman Catholicism came in but God used uus where he was translating his Bible and that was able to spread abroad through all the Goss as a matter of fact even Pagan Goths were had access to eup files's teachings and Bible because of that that's how pervasive and God used it the other person that God Mighty mightily used was Columba went to Scotland and the king would not allow Columba to come inside but Columba would prayed outside of the city's Gates until the Lord answered his prayer and the King kept seeing him pray day number one day number two and a long time and the the Lord smoked the king's heart and then the king let him in and Columba gave the gospel over there spread the gospel in the British Isles at time in Scotland the Lord was mightily spreading out his gospel while these Church fathers were saying I'm the next Jiles I'm the next Peter Ruckman I'm the one you all should follow anyone who doesn't agree the way I do things with my own church with my own way you're separated from me when you do that then the Brethren that God will use who are separated from them will spread the gospel while you're not okay so here goes Patrick yilis Columba and theorius during the early centuries then though then the Protestant Reformation came in Roman Catholicism won with its darkness and Empire spreading and then Martin Luther came to the scene with the Protestant Reformation that changed everything the problem however with uh Martin Luther's Protestant Reformation is that dead beat head knowledge again and and him came the calvinist and the calvinist came to the scene and then that H noled just just made a dead gospel from spreading because they believe that God elected that certain people to get saved so why bother you reaching them with the gospel because God will reach them here goes the dead be calvinist due to the Protestant Reformation and then guess who took advantage of that the Jesuits they came in with their Counter Reformation to attack the Protestant Reformation and they spread out missions where the Christians failed the devil's crowd took advantage of that the Jesuits sent in their missionary through Francis Xavier Mato Ricky and others nestorians did such a pervasive work that for centuries long the Vatican tried to send out missionaries over there but they paled in comparison to the nestorians when the historians came in one person came named alipin and he had what the Buddhist called sutras or scriptures but it was 27 in number can you guess how many books are in your new testament makes you wonder what they were alipin came into the scene and taist and Buddhist attacked and want didn't want Christianity to spread but alipin W the ruler allowed him access and there and there they were able to plant out churches and spread the gospel over there as a matter of fact genus Khan when he came to the scene he married nestorian princesses and through his conquest of different nations he unn he unconsciously unknowingly spread out noorian Christianity so for centuries the Roman Catholic Church was at a setback but due to the deadbeat head knowledge of these of of these Calvinists and Etc the Jesuits were able to finally take over and put a foothold into the country another fall that you're going to notice right here and this is why balance is so important is remember it's not just head knowledge that's the problem it's what compromise unfortunately noorans compromised and mingled with the Buddhist culture so because of that their movement eventually died out to Extinction and when the Jesuit missionaries came in no signs of nestorianism why because when that when your church becomes a part of the world's culture okay come on see that Doctrine is not emphasized preached and taught so it's eventually going to die out and be replaced by culture that's why it's so dangerous when your Doctrine compromises with culture when there's a comprom there's a compromise of Doctrine but there's also a danger of hidden knowledge it makes you to a point where you become abusive of it and nitpicky on stupid things and then separate and divide the body of Christ more and you die out and you become more nitpicky and right Doctrine you will eventually teach wrong Doctrine and before you teach wrong Doctrine you're going to be living your life in wrong ways in the wrong Spirit that's going to come out first before you teach wrong Doctrine when you emphasize so much and get it deeper into right Doctrine and then uh anyway so see that that balance is important what men learn from history is that men never learn from history but anyway when we continue on Jesuit spread out they reached China they even reached Korea and unfortunately in spite of persecution in Korea against the Catholics those Catholics survived and continued but the Christians they didn't the Bible Believers didn't why do to compromise of Doctrine Doctrine is very important very important the Calvinists actually believe it or not there were Dutch Calvinists that got Shipwrecked all the way up to juu Island Korea two of them two of them God did it twice but no Mission movement why cuz they're Calvinists they hardly do evangelism work see that see that but thank God there was another Branch from the Protestant Reformation there were a bunch of lutherans who were known as pietists and they couldn't stand the deadbeat work they believed in spreading out an evangelism and they were called Heretics by their own crowd who were nitpicky on H knowledge and Doctrine when you get that you must be in the right crowd then if you're focused ing on evangelism that's good see that see that there the psts they were called Heretics they were called false Lutheran and uh they were to they were disowned by their own crowd but the pus had a burden for souls and evangelism and they wanted to spread the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ that they were called Priests of Baal they were called dangerous people kind of sounds like us right kind of sounds like us but they had a burden for Souls eventually the Lord mightily used this other Branch from the Protestant Reformation and it eventually reached the schools it eventually even reached the noble rulers and because of that that's why even the people themselves the Believers started to be influenced by the pietism Spirit of spreading the gospel eventually it reached the Moravian people and a significant rich person who was influenced by the PST was count Nicholas Von Zinzendorf Zinzendorf was a part of royalty very wealthy man uh owned lands estates had a lot of money but Zinzendorf when he was school when he had an encounter with pietists through the schooling system system and other places his heart had a burden for uh reaching and evangelizing people he became part of an association called order of the grain of mustard seed a Christian fraternity committed to loving the whole Human family and to spreading the gospel the Lutheran pietists who were uh mainly responsible were uh Frank and uh let's see if I can find the other one philli Jacob spenner and August Herman Fran those are the two main people from the PST that started it out Zinzendorf was influenced by Fran in the end he kept on going for the lord and there was a painting that he viewed that changed his life forever and he started to give his money to missions he even from his estate he sent out Moravian missionaries it was a painting with Jesus enduring a crown of thorns with Anri with an inscription that read all this I did for you what are you doing for me because of that people who were suffering persecution by the Roman Catholic Inquisition Zinzendorf they fled to zinzendorf's estate Zinzendorf uh gave them a a family living situation but these moravians they were not content to stay at their homes they had a burden to spread the gospel to other places as a matter of fact their whole lifestyle and Li living was that according to this book this is from Jerusalem to Iran Gaia by Tucker It's a book about missions it's a very good book the author writes the Moravian missionaries were single-minded their Ministry came before anything else wives and family were abandoned for the cause of Christ young men were encouraged to remain single and when marriage was allowed the spouse was often chosen by lot so I'm I know that's pretty extreme I'm not saying that we practice that but the point is is that these people they made sure that their very own living and everything their careers was involved with as when it connected with spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ another one right here was all of his missionaries that's zendor missionaries were lay people who were not trained as theologians but as evangelists okay as self-supporting laymen they were expected to work alongside their prospective converts witnessing their faith by the spoken word and by their living example always seeking to identify themselves as equals not as superiors see very different from the church fathers those head knowledge Calvinists Etc their task was solely evangelism strictly avoiding any involvement in local political or economic Affairs their message was the love of Christ a very simple gospel message they made sure that the jobs that they chose the schools when they were going to undergo and the marriages that they were going to choose it would all connect to spreading the gospel how's your American lifestyle when you choose your marriage when you choose to raise your family when you choose your job when you choose where to live see that that's why those moravians were the real deal as a matter of fact um Leonard Dober I believe that's his name the first Moravian missionaries who went out they heard that that there were slaves in the Caribbean islands and they had a burden to reach those Souls so they heard that in order to reach those slaves they must become slaves themselves so it was said that Dober and his friend sold themselves to a Master to become slaves themselves and as they went on their ship and the Brethren were waving goodbye to them uh Dober and his friend cried out victoriously uh and let me get out that quote before I don't do it justice I forgot to pull out that quote but it was very touching uh what they said about being sold off as slaves the very first Moravian missionaries it's uh pretty touching let's see right here I got the quote as the boat pulled away from the shore Dober lifted his hand up to heaven and remember they it is said that they sold themselves as slaves he cried out May the lamb that was slain receive the reward of his suffering wow that was good can you say that I know why you're comfortable you're already adapted to this lifestyle in this area you know what a missionary mind is see it's not stuck in one area adapted uh normalized in this culture do you understand why this pastor preaches very hard against this culture you remember that that the reason why is I believe when we're stuck in this localized culture it influences our flesh it meets all of our fleshly preferences what we're used to living it's very dangerous that thing we got to get out of that we got to be active we got to learn to adapt to new situations to suffering okay new trials that come up and find fulfillment while doing that and the only way that can do that is that if you have that mind like Paul about burden for Souls who are lost in darkness and you find fulfillment in other people's happiness so the moravians were the real deal then you get uh Christian David and Hans and Getty who were able to reach all the way to the eskimos they traveled by sea from Europe all the way to to the Americas when America was hardly getting planted by that time up to Greenland and then up to where the regions were where the eskimos were at and they were able to spread the gospel Christian David he W he lived his life helping persecuted Christians during the Roman Catholic Terror where he was able to help them escape and find refuge in zinzendorf's estate but he wasn't content living his life there and he in life in Solace and comfort finally from persecution he says no there are lost souls out there that need to get saved and then he left his land and then started ministering to those Eskimos giving them the go El of Jesus Christ George Schmidt reached all the way down to Africa as he reached down to Africa one of his first labors uh that helped him immensely fell back into drinking and to sin his church was so small he hardly got anything done for the Lord there was a old there was a lady he was able to get baptized and give her a New Testament Bible then unfortunately he had to be called back and he had to leave his small fledgling Church 50 years and unfortunately he couldn't go back there to minister to them and died but 50 years later when the moravians came back they thought that there was no church but they were surprised to see an elderly woman with a new testament in her hand I was the one who was baptized by him and I still got this new testament in my hand that I'm reading ravians were the real deal they spread out missions that time praise the Lord the gospel was spreading out it was reaching uh parts of Africa and it was reaching the Americas as the as the Americas was getting ministered to with the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ you know what happened the Great Awakening revivals came in and as the Great Awakening revivals came in and they were spreading out all the fruits the Native Americans there they were called Indians that time they some people still do but that's Politically Incorrect so I don't know anymore what you call them all right anyway I'm just going to use them interchangeably but in North America now those natives they had to be ministered unto David brainer had a burden for those Natives and John Elliot was the first one to minister to those natives as he first came in and they started to colonize America it was still fresh the natives here they were going into the town but none of the white so-called Christians ever gave them the gospel so John Elliott as he was finally living his dream life in America settling in for years and years finally he got a burden on his heart somebody's got to minister to those natives so he went out preached his first message and those natives rejected him they weren't interested in his preaching fell back came back defeated but he was determined just like your soul winning right worked hard kept improving his skill went to preach to them again and this time those natives were interested and then they listened to him he was able to give the gospel and the thing that bothered him the most is that the natives who were so interested in the gospel into the Bible asked him why didn't the why didn't your fellow white people told us about this a long time ago David Brainard he was successful uh I think it was at Yale I'm not sure or it was Princeton but it was an ivy Le school that time where he was a successful student but David brainer even surrendered all of that at a very young age I think at the age of 18 he was a teenager to the mission call the mission field and ministered to the natives he would pray all night and if you read his diary it's amazing what kind of sufferings he went through he would pray so hard that the snow would melt around him when he prayed he prayed all night one time and then even though he wasn't sweating drops of blood he was sweating profusely and when he went up and then he went to preach at those natives who were doing their Pagan celebration they all of a sudden stopped and they felt like the power of God was in him and they listened to him preaching he was engaged to Jonathan Edward's daughter but never married he died at a extremely young age in his 20s Just For What burden for Souls burden for Souls that's how the gospel was spreading for the Lord Jesus Christ during that time so many missionaries gave up their uh Lifestyles just for the call William bordon he was a graduate of Yale University but he left one of his family's greatest family fortunes why to become a missionary to China what a waste of life but in spite of that he started to minister and he wanted to do the work of the Lord Lord he got as far as Egypt and died of cerebral menitis so couldn't be that missionary in China successfully and by the way he was only in his 20s what a waste of life but in the end his last words were no Reserve when he gave up his worldly possessions the second line no retreat that means in spite of the lack of fruits he wouldn't go back he kept going and when he died he wrote no regrets no Reserve no retreat no regrets that's William bordon died in his 20s Standard Oil company they offered an enormous sum of money to a miss another missionary in China and they said you know come over here and help us but the missionary turned them down they doubled the salary offer now this is a Standard Oil Company all right connected to you know Rockefellers that time who was one who was probably the richest guy that time so he was going to be wealthy but the missionary in spite of a double portion of salary turned that down again so then they asked him what do you want we can't give more money than that you know what that missionary replied the money doesn't have anything to do with it the job is is too small did you get that you know what the High Calling is not a double portion of your salary and then you make a living and you get a name it's what you're doing right now when we read the bulletin how many tracks were passed out how many Souls were won now how many of you are going street preaching how many of you are taking the tracks and passing them out how many of you are soul winning Henry Martin he was a distinguished scholar Cambridge University student honored at only 20 years of age for his achievements in mathematics unheard of but you know what he felt an emptiness inside he said that quote unquote only grass a shadow that's what he felt like he only grasped at Shadows but then he evaluated his life's goals again see goal right motivation he realized that uh it was Souls it was Souls again so when he switched his purpose in life to souls then it became an eyeopener to him and then as he entered the mission field and Martin he stepped into India and as he stepped in there he gave one quote to God at the age of 24 only at the mere age of 24 Lord let me burn out for you next seven years that preceded his death he translated the New Testament into three difficult Eastern languages next seven years that preceded his death after that can you imagine that Lord really burned him out those notable achievements were certainly not passing Shadows India you can see how many Souls were dying and going to hell how the God of this world had blinded them so not only in China you go to South Asia and India and there were women throwing their babies to the Ganges Rivers because they think that's where they can receive forgiveness of sins and they can offer sacrifices one woman she actually did that and when she she was sobbing and she was heartbroken she her name was alila and she clung on to her baby loved the baby so much and then all of a sudden threw her baby into the Ganges River and she started to wail uncontrollably after that then a missionary approached her sawing her saw her weeping and wailing and then told her and asked her what her condition was and she told him that the problems in my home are too many and my sins are heavy on my heart so I offered the best I have to the goddess Ganges that's the river my firstborn son the missionary was heartbroken witnessed to her about the Gospel of Jesus Christ about how Jesus can love her and her sins can be forgiven through him she looked at him strangely and said I have never heard that before why couldn't you have come 30 minutes earlier if you did my child would not have had to die William Carrey was a poor man just making shoes but he had a burden for the lost and his fellow Christians deadbeat Calvinists told discouraged him to go some of them even said that paganism should uh some of them even said that the people in India they deserve the hardships that they had due to paganism but Carrie had a burden then when he was teaching geography to a geography class and then he used his pointer and point out different countries tears wed up in his eyes and he would said and he would say in this place there are people who never even heard the name of Jesus before so he went to India his wife went insane and the wife never was a supporter for him in his ministry he went through hell he lost several children but he kept on going for the Lord out of a burden for the lost and he found fulfillment in winning souls in India he became known as the father of missions father of modern missions he deserved that title Gowens Walter Gowens who was the founder of s and that's the that's a location in Africa that's known as Sudan interior Mission Walter Gowens had a burden to reach the Lost over there in Africa as he went down over there trying to win the Lost we re we press rewind into his life and there was a mother a mother who had a burden for lost souls a mother who believed that the Lord called her son into missions and it's just a quiet little Scottish lady and then she pointed out uh she believed that God had called her eldest boy Walter Gowens to the Sudan it was known as Sudan at that time when uh Gowens Walter Gowens grew up he died in Sudan I believe it was due to malaria when the missionaries came back to the mother of the deceased son she actually told the missionary well I would rather have had Walter that's her son who died as a missionary who believed that her son was called to be a missionary she said I would rather have had Walter go out to the Sudan and die there all alone then have him home today disobeying his Lord no we're not living real Christianity folks no your life is not really suffering for Jesus Christ I think we should word things carefully when we talk about our own woes and Sorrows we don't really understand that now don't get me wrong I'm not putting that down I go through my woes and sorrows and I tell you that you guys go through that and we pray for each other we empathize we don't judge you but I don't want us to normalize it do you understand normalize it to our cultural level our cultural understanding of what real suffering is you don't know and I don't know that until you get out of this place and do something Hudson Taylor he was mocked by his fellow Christians as usual due to head knowledge and their own ways of what Christianity is no different from today because he was thinking about the Chinese culture he even had a pigtail dyed it black but oh you know that's unchristian and whatever but Hudson Taylor had a burden for the Chinese people he lived his life a lot of times in depression because that's what happens when you're in a new lifestyle when you separate from all Comforts uh the woman he was engaged to separated from him so he gave up a lot for the Lord Jesus Christ but as he was going through the test of people who want to be a missionary alongside him in in China that he heard a lot of different answers he asked them why do you wish to go as a foreign missionary when he tested one some of them would say I want to go because Christ has commanded us to go into all the world and preach the gospel another one was I want to go because M millions are perishing without Christ a lot of people gave different answers Taylor said this out of experience of his depression and suffering and everything all of these motives however Good Will Fail You in times of testings trials tribulations and possible death there is but one motive that will sustain you in trial and testing namely the love of Christ no I don't think we understand the love of Jesus Christ as much as we should there was another missionary in Africa who asked if he liked what he was doing you know what the response was it was very shocking usually Bible Believers when they say I will not trade this work for the world right and I meant that and I mean that too but this missionary said no and the people were shocked he said my wife and I do not like dirt as they were ministering in Africa we have reasonably refined sensibilities have a taste for luxury we do not like crawling into vile Huts through goat refuges nobody likes poop right but is a man to do nothing for Christ he does not like God pity him if not liking or disliking has nothing to do with it we have orders to go and we go love constrains us wow that's good as Taylor kept uh interviewing a lot of people who were who want to go in the mission field in came a person with only one leg a one-legged school teacher from Scotland and then Taylor as he was interviewing everybody and then came this one-legged person and Taylor asked him with only one leg why do you think of going as a missionary George Scott the the the famous George Scott who we later know later who we know later on as a missionary who did some Mission work in China replied to Hudson Taylor I do not see those with two legs going that's why he got accepted I trust all of you have two legs how many aren't going well let me tell you then then God will use third world people to do it if you're not I know a Filipino who are going out as missionaries believe it or not why you Americans aren't the gospel was spreading out through South Asia Asia and uh South America Africa North America gospel was spreading out even reached the Pacific Islands where there was Witch Doctor cannibalism M John G Patton came to the scene and then those there were three witch doctors who put curses on him but John G Patton dared them on he didn't Flinch and they tried their curses and spells on him kind of like Patrick what he went through in Ireland Against The Druids but their curses didn't work on him and the people thought man this guy must be God must be a holy man but John G Patton simply replied no it's because my God is more powerful than your God in the end he was able to win a lot of them to Jesus Christ in this became such a mighty testimony that Charles Darwin who thought that that particular population that John G Patton was ministering to were so low in the process of evolution that when he came back he was so shocked here they were civilized singing HS able to read having the Bible to themselves that he even sent a large generous donation to John G Patton society and Mission you know what that is that's Mission you know what that is that's fulfilling in life that's being a good testimony to the lost people too that's something how about you how are you doing huh the gospel was spreading out now you notice one place where it's not reaching did you notice one place it was re spreading out everywhere including South America you get Jim Elliott who flew in over there and then he had a burden in I believe it was Ecuador to reach those people the so-called Savages there to the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ but they killed him they killed him and what could the family do well they had no choice right they had to go back home and they they can't do anything about it no that not true as a matter of fact what happened is that Elizabeth Elliott the wife of the husband who got killed and then I believe the missionaries uh another missionary who died there who was killed by those people there his sister they both went down to the same place to those same murderers to try to give them the gospel you know she was even carrying her baby and there were fellow believers who told her that it wouldn't be a good idea to go but you know what she believed with that baby in her back I mean she was in danger you got to realize she was in danger of her getting killed and her baby being sold off but she said quote as long as this is what the lord requires of me then all else is irrelevant she went down there and those people got saved the ones who murdered her husband got saved no we don't understand real Christianity when we have family when we have kids then we settle down with the world don't we we forget about our burden for lost souls and ministering to people we have to examine ourselves the moravians when they made life decisions now look at yourself certain life decisions you made besides salvation okay besides coming to this church in every life decision you made did it have to do with spreading the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ spreading Bible believing truth see even your regular job career me I was prepared to drive for Uber and lift but still try to be a witness to those people and use the money to support the church to spread out missionaries that was all I had in mind supporting family is just part of it to spread the gospel do you understand marriage decision that's why I didn't get married for years you know that why I don't want anything hinder this ministry she knew that I didn't decide to marry her listen I didn't say yes to her just because she's a pretty girl everyone including I guess people in this church were like were like marry the girl I was the last one to make that decision but I needed to know because I know how painful this ministry is and I knew that I don't want her to be miserable she said when I told her look you're leaving everything that you have and you're going to be miserable because we're not talking about pastoring just in America where it's a different culture for you so that's difficult number one people you don't know number one but number two is that this is San Francisco Bay Area all right that's really difficult ask her in the first year of her marriage life with me see if she really likes San Francisco Bay Area especially during the rise of poverty during covid third I'm on the internet Target me they're going to Target her told her so you you still want to marry me you know what she said it's not a matter of what I want want it's a matter what God wants when she gave that one line I knew no matter how different we were in personalities or even if we would have disagreements or fights or the devil would cause any kind of disruption or hindrance in our life that that thing that is in her heart will and that thing which is in my heart will always bring us back together for life for life that's my marriage decision there's one place let's go back here one place you notice missions aren't concentrated you know why because that's where everything began to break from Catholicism spread out the mission movement that's where it began to reach England and start the Great Awakening revivals Europe Protestant Reformation so where it started with its height with the Protestant Reformation guess what I thought Revival spreading oh oh it basised Jesuits came in Jesuits infiltrated through the universities in Europe see that head knowledge again infiltrated through the universities in Europe and eventually reached the French enl it got into French Enlightenment Catholic Jesuit teachers were going in where atheist Scholars French Enlightenment Scholars were spreading their garbage that was totally anti-christian critiquing the word of God reached to Germany the heart of the Protestant Reformation with German rationalism then reached to England the heart of the King James Bible with English theism then it reached America the heart of the Great Awakening revivals and hence one by one you now wrong Doctrine also was coming into in compromise you see those two monsters wrong Doctrine came in they lost their final Authority wrong Doctrine was seeping in and because of that now let's go back to Korea for example Korea they were now being remember we left off with those Catholics there those fledgling Catholics now the Presbyterians there a branch from the Protestant Reformation they were able to come in give the gospel as a matter of fact one person named chers had a burden and he was only at the age of 20 through 22 I believe and he had a burden and he reached Korea but he was on a ship that was uh destroyed by the Koreans who were scared of the westerners coming in and as one soldier was about to get kill uh Thomas I think his last name was chers he had a stack of Bibles in his suit and he picked the Bible out and he said take this before you kill me it's for you the soldier killed him took his Bible and he actually got saved there was something that was about to start but at the same stinking time revised version wrong Doctrine was being taught at seminaries thanks to those stupid Jesuits and then the Presbyterian missionaries who graduated from those seminaries came in and destroyed everything that could have started in Korea they translated the first Korean Bible into to the revised version Presbyterians with their wrong doctrine of Calvinism and charismatic emotionalism mingled in and they had the pong Yong Revival which was full-blown messed up it wasn't really a Revival Jonathan goer who was a contemporary missionary that time to China who was doing something for the Lord uh when he was contemporary that time Hudson Taylor was contemporary at the time trying to send missionaries to Korea they were one of his people from the mission board were able to pass out Chinese Bible in the border gate of Korea but then these wrong Doctrine missionaries ruined the whole setup then yongo came to the scene mingled see that Shamanism with charismatic wrong Doctrine just like those stupid Church fathers and Catholics that mingled with their culture and killed the Christian movement after that and today's stupid independent fundamental Baptist I'm not going to name names all right but you'd be shocked all right they would have the audacity to say there's a great revival going on Korea bogus that was Shaman that was Shaman Christianity that mingled in with the charismatic wrong doctrines a lot of people don't know that but you see what men learn from history is that men never learned from history that's a probably the best example why right Doctrine should be preached what happens you got to be very skeptical with Korean churches now because they're going to give you the right answers because they're all Protestants they're charismatic see so they're going to give you the right answers but you ask them for their testimony it's going to sound different that's how you're going to find out you're going to find out some elements of Calvinism or charismatic experience in there the main thing is experience you're going to find out it's not based on the word of God the Bible says faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the what word of God you're going to find that out a lot in their testimony so you got to be skeptical of that so that was the evidence of uh Christianity being ruined now thanks to wrong Doctrine and that's why we're in this mess can you believe that where are we Dr upman had a burden for uh missions so he had the Bible Baptist Mission so the Bible Believers uh came to the scene and then Dr utman I don't know if it's true but it said that 80% of their offering goes strictly to to missions started the Bible Baptist Mission and they have missionaries throughout all those areas South America Pacific island Asia South Asia Africa and Europe and uh South America and then some parts in North America so the Lord was able to do that and then you get other Bible believing churches getting involved he used to Pastor I believe in chahalis Washington Pastor Bill Bailey but when you go to his church he supports over 200 missionaries over 200 that is huge so one who graduated from Dr upman's school was able to spread it out and you get Jack chick with his chick tracks and that he became the world's most published author after that he at the beginning he would make phone calls with Dr Ruckman and uh would get some theological doctrines from him and he defended the King James Bible to a te and the Smithsonian Institute re recognized him as the world's most published author because Millions upon millions of his comic tracks were spread out through every of those areas around the world that I've discussed Lord mightily used him then in uh Korea the Lord used my father uh kongan Kim where he had a burden for his Korean people and then he called out yongo he called out that corrupt influence that Shaman Christianity that poisoned all of Korea he even called out the independent fundamental Baptist pastors for their ignorance for their weakness of right Doctrine see uh independent Bap fundamental Baptist think Doctrine is not a big deal no it is a big deal to us Bible Believers it it damned my country so if you don't think dispensationalism is a big deal you're dead beat wrong it helped me it helped I think it's safe to say even the majority of my people here save them from a lot of wrong Doctrine even save their souls oh yeah I'm big on dispensationalism dispensational salvation Etc it rescu it filters out 99% of wrong Doctrine out there pretty much yes sir so my dad was able to start a work and then in Korea praise the Lord when when I went down there it was so pure it was so pure finally here is a broken group and then my father takes them in and then in the baptism I was right there praise the Lord you get people who came in some of them who were emotional and they were some of them were crying some of them were shouting out that and giving their testimony and before they got baptized they would ask their profession their testimony how did you get saved before you get baptized how did you get saved and they would profess because I believed on the Lord Jesus Christ for my salvation as a repentant sinner I called upon him and they baptized I saw 20 to 30 something people baptized in that river that day my father was able to baptize I believe 50 or 70 people before during his one trip and it was spreading out through different provinces in Korea now Bible believing Truth The Gospel was being spread for those Koreans they had a chance when I when I went to Africa and then with missionary Dave Robinson's work it was amazing and before I mention about him campaigns for Christ is another Mighty movement that the Lord has used they've ministered to Brazil Mexico Africa and Lord willing they're going to try to reach out to Zimbabwe Papa guini and other parts of the world but campaigns for Christ they came up with a brilliant idea where Christians who are in danger of stuck in their own local area in danger of compromise and head knowledge nowadays the the the solution was to get them out and do what other missionaries do are doing that was the number one solution that they desperately needed campaigns for Christ filled in that for them offered them an opportunity you pay for this much money and we'll take care of your food boarding and everything else and then and uh all we're going to do is go around town pass out hundreds to thousands of tracks do witnessing invite them over to the evangelism gospel campaigns and brother and sister in Christ it is phenomenal I have seen it with my own eyes and then I praise the lord we get Bible believing missionaries who came out and one great example is missionary David Robinson missionary David Robinson having a burden for the people in Africa he focused on those Souls down there and he witnessed did evangelism campaigns with partnered with campaigns for Christ and Brethren hundreds came down on the altar during that evangelism campaign and they would have to vet them out at the same time as well they would vet them out to make sure of their salvation they would also vet them out to the extreme of their commitment in discipleship classes now if it were any of us we probably failed at them right but they went that much to the extreme and they concentrated very heavily at the end of the campaigns the Lord has blessed where praise the Lord I was able to see with my two eyes and I mean the seats were people were leaving their seats and as they were were leaving the seats the ushers would stack up the chairs and clean up and fold the tents while they were traveling down and I couldn't believe it it's phenomenal over 1 million has now been passed out over 1 million John and Romans have been passed out for campaigns for Christ in this trip they passed out the most material than they ever had in this recent campaign's trip in Africa with missionary David Robinson around I think it was 29 90 something, John and Romans how many people signed up for discipleship 500 wow and then here I am you know away from America you know the San Francisco culture never left me right that American comfortable culture never left me even though I was enjoying the fruits what the Lord did for me and then here I did you know I was dehydrated I was about to drop but man seeing all that rejuvenated me kept me going it gave me new meaning in life full meaning in life and I accidentally drank their tap water which is not recommended and was sick throughout the entire nearly 40-hour flight but all I can think about was those Souls that got that I ministered to those little children that I saw and I it meant everything in the world to me and I was saying Thank You Lord thank you Lord thank you Lord and when I I landed at the plane I got a message from uh missionary Dave Robinson where there were teenagers Americans American teenagers who joined our campaigns and there were teenagers to little uh early 20s about I think eight of them I got a message that they decided to stay behind when I saw that I was so happy here I was miserable in the plane hurt and then and you know running ill and then just leaning on my wife and then when I got that message oh man it was gone and I was rejoicing saying thank you God thank you God in this layout to say an age of apostasy let's change the way we live every head bow and every eye shut the altar call is open you are not even asked to go to China or to a Muslim country here here yet how are you working well and soul winning how are you living your life as the sufferings of a missionary really really are we repeating what church fathers have done and being nitpicky and so much doctrine that now we if if we we're not careful it's going to produce a wrong Spirit abusing its power and falling into sinful scandals if we're not careful where compromise has now become so pervasive Doctrine is not a big deal anymore and now souls are damned because of it because we lost its strength its roote and right [Music] Doctrine Have We Become quote unquote normalized by this culture we live in I refuse I absolutely refuse to live like this culture [Music] here there are too many Souls dying and going to hell so many people hungry we're so lost in our woes and our suffering and our sorrow in my own need my own need my own need we don't think about the billions of other needs needs out there and if we would only think and if we would only think about that make that our life goal oh it would transform our very own living our joy would remain because we're not thinking about our own selfish comfortable Joy our choices in life the careers the decisions we make even marriage would change dramatically change [Music] do you realize church we are in the greatest work ever the greatest opportunity ever we have campaigns for Christ that we can partner with any of you watching I'll put the link below but support them if you're attending a local independent fundamental Baptist Church sign up and apply for that fill it out send them the money donate to them I'll even uh put a link uh to the missionary in Africa if possible if you want to give to that give to that one the the youth over there they'll probably need more money to stay so you can give to that one too we'll try to put a link there give to that one give to missionaries can I assure those who are watching online that the money that you give to this church majority goes for Souls we strongly concentrate on that Lord willing we will soon support every missionary in Bible Baptist Mission I'm happy to announce that Lord willing within a few weeks will you please pray about that praise the Lord thanks to your giving thanks to your giving that's encouraging isn't it [Music] church do you realize that the internet that we have is reaching worldwide too that's our silk route that the early Christians had that the channel to carry it through so yes I will carry that on for the Lord Jesus Christ those of you who recommended our Channel spread it to others praise the Lord let's spread the gospel of course we are not telling people to be just internet people if you do that then again you're in your localized area right you're in your comfort zone get out of there I've 10 day local Bible believing church we got a church directory there go out SE in and tell people about salvation people in my home church here we are we have the greatest opportunity ever in this lean apostasy before the Antichrist sets up his one world government and Kingdom and everything's falling apart we are in the greatest opportunity ever to spread Bible believing truth we we're spreading the internet we partner with campaigns we and wow in one of the most liberal wicked places in the world this is our mission field stop spending time on yourself stop thinking about yourself stop making excuses stop thinking about what's making you un uncomfortable or comfortable or you're suffering there's so much work precious work that needs to be done let's pray
Channel: REAL Bible Believers
Views: 5,144
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: dispensationalism, bible study, end times, revelation, king james only, bible believer, once saved always saved, rapture, kjv only, how to understand the bible, debunking false pastors, false preachers, right doctrine, satan, antichrist, mark of the beast
Id: G6tZu87dFMM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 7sec (4627 seconds)
Published: Mon May 06 2024
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