History of Islamic Spain - Adnan Rashid

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foreign [Music] CE in the year 92 hijri landed at Gibraltar also known as jabul Park and then within four years most of the peninsula was taken by a coalition of barbers from North Africa in particular Morocco and Arabs seven thousand Barbers five thousand Arabs led by Parikh bin zayad they took the entire Peninsula within four years and Then followed chaos for some years leading up to the leadership of abdulrahman the first Prince one of the grandsons of Hisham bin Abdul Malik one of the most powerful caliphs who ruled from 105 to 125 hijri 20 years he ruled from Damascus the first also known as and also known as sacral quraish in other words the hawk the Falcon of quraish he escaped Damascus because the Abbasid Revolution was wiping out the human years the Umayyads were being exterminated was a young man in his early 20s escaping from this Onslaught he made his way to al-andalus long story short and they chose him as the Amir to stabilize the country because the country was going through chaos because there was chaos at the center in Damascus and Beyond it was chaos in one of the provinces called alandas of the command the first arrived in alandalus and he stabilizes the country and he establishes his own Emirate and he ruled from Cordoba the city of kartaba and he establishes a Masjid which stands to this day and now it is a cathedral why because when the Christians took it later on they built a cathedral right in the middle of the Masjid the Masjid pretty much stands intact you can go and look at the Masjid the pillars are there The Arches are there is there so you can see the structure of the Masjid Still Standing to this day built in the 8th Century by abdrahman the first and then followed a period of relative stability ruled Spain from Cordoba for about 300 years and in 1031 the umayyad caliphate fell and Then followed a period of life literally means Petty kingdoms so when the center fell then when the institution of khilafa was abolished in Spain first it was in Emirate or an imara established by the Umayyads then in the 10th century one of the descendants of abdulrahman the first called abdulrahman the third claimed to be the Khalifa The caliph of the Muslims in alhamdulus because the caliphate in Baghdad had declined and there was another rival caliphate in North Africa called the Fatimid caliphate the Shia ismaili Fatimid caliphate which was threatening the state of alandarus so to rival to counter that claim of caliphate as the abbasids had declined by this time in the mid 10th Century of Durham III he claims to be a caliph I am the caliph now of the Muslims and he establishes a very powerful State he invades North Africa to fight the ismailis the caliphate of the ismailis and it becomes very strong so a lot of Muslims start to support him because of this claim and then this caliphate lasted for another Century in 1031 it was abolished when ibno hazam a great scholar scholar of Islam was alive very famous scholar so it was abolished the Muslim state of alandalus or the Muslim entity or principality of arundelus split into Petty kingdoms many Petty kingdoms and this period is called Kings of petty kingdoms right group principalities so a small state for example would appoint an Amir and that Amir would claim to be the king and the King sometimes claimed to be caliphs so this division among the Muslims political division because all of them were fighting for their little petty states to basically protect their Petty interests they were divided and the Christian North the Catholic North by this time had gained impetus to take the land back from the Muslims so they launched a campaign called Reconquista in other words the re-conquest so they started to take land back from the Muslims and this process started in the mid 11th century 1066 one of the major strongholds of the Muslims in the north called babastro was taken then 1085 the city of Toledo also known as taken and then for a while the murabitun or the al-murabitun from North Africa they intervened and they stopped they checked the advance of the Catholics leader he led the armies of North African Muslims from Morocco into Spain to help the Muslims of Spain because there was one of the rulers of the city of Seville his name was he had invited to come and stop this Christian Advance coming from the north came they took the land and they were completely blown away when they saw the the lifestyle of the Muslims in Spain Muslims of Spain had reached the peak of civilization in worldly sense in material sense in material terms they had reached the peak of human development achievement civilization and there was nothing better than that in the world so these desert Bedouins from North Africa when they came in to help the Muslims they saw the Palaces The Fountains and all the the luxury the Muslims they said no wonder you're losing land no wonder you're losing land because look at you how you live how are you going to fight these wild people coming on the North they are battle-hearted they are tougher than you are you're all in your music and dancing and poetry and books and you know all of that which is good when books at least are good not the rest right but this is why you're losing land or what happens with these people they also become victims two generations down the line of the same problem also become you know accustomed to that culture then come from North Africa again another Dynasty they also take land in alandolus they remove the al-murabitun from power and they take power it is then when the greatest disaster takes place in 1212 the year 1212 a battle takes place between and the Spanish kingdoms are a coalition of Northern Christians Spanish kingdoms they fight a battle called The Battle of Las Navas di Tolosa okay last navasa 12 12 this battle took place and lost the battle the king of Seville also known as ishmaelia loses the battle against a coalition of Christian Kings and that loss resulted in the loss of three major cities or principalities of Muslims in alandolus Valencia Seville and Cordoba all of these three cities fall to Christians one after another in 1230s between 1230s to 1250s okay 12 30 to 12 50 Within These 20 years Christian kingdoms from the north that take these three major principalities of Muslims initially the Muslims who came to live under Christians or under Christian kingdoms they were called mudigers and this term was taken from the Arabic word basically meant people allowed to remain the population of Muslims in Spain in the 11th century was 5 million people five million people so imagine now these Christians have come from the north and they have taken cities after cities for the Muslims due to their weaknesses their political divide and their Petty gains and the petty you know concerns and Ambitions they are divided they are broken the Christians take advantage and they come and they take all this life and this is what they were waiting for for centuries the Catholics from the north the the popes ruling from Rome were always pushing the Christian Kings from the north to take as much land as possible their goal was always to exterminate Islam from Spain to destroy Islam completely or expel Islam or any traces of Islam from Spain this is what the papacy had been doing and it were the popes who launched the Crusade as a campaign and many crusades took place from northern Europe to the Middle East and many crusades were launched against the Muslims of Spain as well so al-mudajas which was the term used for Muslims living under Christian Kings initially they were allowed to live with that Faith the Christian Kings who came to rule Muslim territories initially were very much inspired by the Muslim civilization Muslim civilization was one of the greatest achievements of humanity at that time there were great achievements in Spain when it comes to Christians Muslims and Jews all three faiths prospered in Spain they lived side by side they shared knowledge with each other great libraries of produced great Scholars who produced great scientists philosophers intellectuals thinkers imams theologians the list goes on all sorts of subjects and Fields of knowledge were taught in alandalus in Spain during the Muslim period and Jews and Christians benefited immensely from this knowledge in Spain so this was the Golden Age of not only Islam but the Golden Age of the Jews also the Jews prospered under the domain of Islam for almost seven to eight hundred years so long as the Muslims are ruling the Jews prospered every time the Christians took the land from the north the Jews started to feed you threatened in fact they were expelled from many places repeatedly so the Jews found Refuge with Muslims Muslims are protecting the Jewish people in Spain for hundreds of years and these are the most civilized Jews in the world they were the most sophisticated Jews in the world and they found protection with Muslims in fact one of the Jewish rabbi's rights in 1180s writing from Cordoba when the city of Cordoba is still in Muslim hands he writes that our living conditions if if not the same as Muslim living conditions were even better in some cases even better all living conditions in some cases even better so when the Christians came in they saw that the Muslims have established something amazing their libraries their palaces their civilization their scholarships their books okay the universities the institutions they kept them as they were in fact they started to translate these books these Works into Latin and they started to shift this knowledge to the north then slowly this attitude started to change more and more land was taken 1250s onwards there was only one stronghold left in Spain called varnatha also known as Granada or Grenada lasted for nearly 250 years as the last stronghold of Islam in alhamdulus in Spain and they kept a good relationship with Northern Christian territories but Islam was very strong Islam was the way of life the law of Islam was still applied Scholars continue to flourish in many books from the northern regions Muslims had authored written transcribed they ended up in varnatha because garnatha was the last stronghold many Muslims were actually immigrating to arnata from the north because this was Muslim territory it was easy for two for them to live with Muslims so it was a very strong place and he was naturally protected if you go to the city of arnatha today you will see it just surrounded by mountains it is right next to a famous mountain range in Spain called Sierra Nevada Sierra Nevada is very close to Granada and garnata as a city is naturally protected by the mountains natural fortresses that's why the Christian kingdoms from the north could not take it for so long but then in the 15th century cut the long story short fast forward 1492 is the year actually 1482. because this Crusade against the state of arnatha continued for 10 years for 10 years two Christian States launched a crusade against the last stronghold of Islam in Spain and these two two states were Aragon and Castile Aragon was ruled by a king called Ferdinand or Fernando and Castile was ruled by a queen called Isabella or Isabel both of them joined hands through marriage and they decided that they will wipe out the Muslim traces from alandarus Isabella was a die-hard crusader she was a very staunch Catholic and she wanted to remove any trace of Islam from alandalus and she saw this as a mission of her life before she died she wanted to achieve this a crusade is launched in launched in 1482 10 years the Muslims from varnatha are resisting this Onslaught a massive Coalition is attacking them and they are resisting for 10 long years there are battle taking place from Castle to Castle they are taking fortresses castles cities one after another and they're not stopping and Muslims are doing their best to do something about it and one of the reasons why this is taking place is the fall of Constantinople in 1453 Sultan Muhammad al-fati has taken the city of Constantinople from the Christians and Christian Europe or Christendom was shaken to the Core what we're going to do now the Turks are at our doorstep and then Shivers went down the spines of these Catholic monarchs in Spain and Pope the pope was also shivering so they were in fear that if the Ottomans woke up one day and realized hold on a second we have a Muslim and I in the Iberian Peninsula and we can easily land armies because they controlled a lot of this Coastal area hundreds of miles of Spanish Coastal area was in the state of arnata they had this fear so they wanted to wipe out this last stronghold ten years they started then in 1490 they started to negotiate with the last ruler of varnatha to surrender the city because they couldn't take it they had besieged the city of varnath for one year and this was the largest army ever assembled against Muslims in Spain for Reconquista for the reconquest of the land from the Muslims and this story is very disturbing online if you go to Spain which I did just less than a week ago I was in Spain and it was a very emotional experience for life looking at those palaces those Islamic sites all the verses of the Quran on the walls some people say if there was a fourth holiest site of Islam it would have been and it's not an overstatement it's not an overstatement you go and look at the Masjid of kartava in alandolus you will see why it was the largest Masjid in the world for some centuries it was larger than Haram [Music] it was the largest Masjid in the world the compound still stands for for the last 1 300 years it has stood strong the pillars are there The Arches are there the names of the people who carved the pillars are there you'll see the names of the people who carved those pillars in the 8th Century Omar Mubarak these are the names I read myself and some of the pillars have written the word Lila is inscribed on the pillar why the person wanted to carve the pillar for the sake of all I didn't want his name to be mentioned and it still stands 1490 Ferdinand and Isabella they speak or negotiate with the last ruler of varnatha called Abu Abdullah also known as Bob dyl in Western sources or Spanish sources called bobdale it's a Corruption of the word Abu Abdullah he was the last so Abu Abdullah long story short doesn't stand his ground despite the advice by his generals and his people to fight to death foreign lost hope he knew there is no chance that they can resist any longer long story short he capitulates he agrees to terms and he hands over the keys to Ferdinand and Isabella and now there are hundreds of thousands of Muslims living in Granata in the city of Granada they're not aware what's happening they don't know one day they wake up to Christian armies marching through the streets of Granada and Christians are ringing Bells from the tallest buildings they are firing guns to announce their coming and they're singing songs of Joy while the Muslims are watching in silence in fear they don't know what's going to happen now to them one of the reasons why Abu Abdullah capitulated was that he believed the promise of these monarchs the terms they agreed upon were for example these are the terms that were again before he capitulated before he surrendered the city of varnatha to Aragon and Castile a coalition of these two kingdoms or or a correlation of a husband and a wife both of whom happen to be the rulers of these two kingdoms Ferdinand and Isabella he put these terms forward and they were readily accepted so before the surrender these are the terms that were put forward that both great and small should be perfectly secure in their persons families and properties that they should be allowed to continue in their dwellings and Residences whether in the city the suburbs or any other part of the country that their laws should be preserved as they were before and that no one should judge them except by those those same laws that their mosques and the religious endowments are pertaining to them should remain as they were in the times of Islam that no Christian should enter the house of a Muslim or insult him in any way that no Christian or Jew holding public offices by the appointment of the late Sultan should be allowed to exercise his functions or rule over them that all Muslim captives taken during the siege of arnata from whatever part of the country they might have come but especially the Nobles and Chiefs mentioned in the agreement should be liberated that such Muslim captives as might have escaped from their Christian Masters and taken refuge in garnatha should not be surrendered but that the sultan should be bound to pay the price of such captives to their owners that all those who might choose to cross over to Africa should be allowed to take their departure within a certain time and be conveyed there in the king's ships and without any tax being imposed on them beyond the mayor charge for Passage so these are the terms why did I read all these terms to you so that you realize why the Muslims surrendered the city and what was agreed upon and they were expecting good treatment from these kings and queens but Ferdinand and Isabella had no intention to keep these terms they just wanted the territory they wanted to occupy the last stronghold of Islam in Spain and then forth they would do what they want or what they wanted as soon as the city of Granata was taken the Muslims were initially tolerated they were initially tolerated because the new rulers didn't want any disturbance they could see that these are a very deeply religious people and we cannot possibly start changing them straight away and what happened when these monarchs took the city firstly there were two Bishops that came in the bishop of the city of garnatha was appointed and his name was Hernando D Talavera Hernando di Talavera was appointed as the bishop of the city of arnatha a Christian bishop and his approach was to reason with Muslims preach the Catholic faith to them and try to convince them about Catholicism possibly not realizing because many Christian clergy at the time were very ignorant of Islam and Muslims possibly not realizing that these people they are trying to convert some of them are Scholars of Christianity they have written books refuting Christianity so how are you going to convert someone like that someone who's writing books on Christianity there are books upon books in the libraries of Granata hundreds of thousands of volumes in the Arabic language how are you going to convert them so this is the attitude he had Hernando de televaro then what happens is another bigot who takes over from him okay Arch Bishop of Toledo the city of Toledo in the north he has a different idea he comes and joins Hernando D Talavera he comes and joins him his name is Francisco and he starts to arrest Muslim influentials and tortures them starts to torture them and forces Christianity on them and he succeeds by torturing many influential Muslims they convert to Islam under duress under torture and then he reports to the Pope that I am have converted hundreds possibly thousands of people by torturing to Christianity so they are encouraged now they want to change the policy they want to push Muslims so the policy changes Muslims are now harassed in the city of aranatha Muslims are being told to do things they don't want to do Muslims are being told to baptize to live their faith this results in a reward in 1499 literally seven years after the city of Granada has taken there's a report okay and this revolt goes on for another two years until 1501 when this reward is crushed and now all gloves taken off gloves taken off okay now these Christian monarchs they feel that they don't have to keep any treaties they don't have to honor any treaties any agreements with made with the Muslims so this agreement I read in front of you was thrown into the bin it was canceled because of the Revolt The Vault was used as an excuse even though the reward was caused by Catholic Behavior against the Muslims in carnata that wasn't considered and these terms were canceled and now a choice was given to Muslims Spurgeon conversion or death you choose you convert to Christianity Catholicism you get baptized or you leave the country for another country which wasn't easy at the time of course or you die which one is it many in fact the majority choose conversion they pretend to become Christians these are the people who are known as the mariskos [Music]
Channel: Adnan Rashid
Views: 18,464
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Adnan Rashid, Adnan Speakers Corner, Islamic History, Muslim History, Mughal History, Christian Muslim Debate, Islam Christianity
Id: g5Evt__KCsw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 6sec (1626 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 20 2022
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