Historical Events You Won't Believe Happened At The Same Time

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welcome back everyone to another reaction video today we're going to dive into a brand new channel that I've never done a reaction to before it's called facts verse it's got about 9 million subscribers so I'm guessing many of you are already familiar with it uh but I was browsing through their videos and I came across this one historical event you won't believe happened at the same time I thought it might be something fun something a little different um just want to give you a heads up if you haven't already had the chance the latest episode of my podcast is now live uh and if you saw my video from yesterday about the Christmas Truce of 1914 the podcast uh takes that information I shared in that video and shares a whole lot more so it's a lot more in-depth a deeper dive into that topic so if you saw the video If you haven't seen the video what are you waiting for check it out but if you have check out the podcast on whatever podcast platform you use or you can just go to vlogging through history.com and you can listen to all the podcast episodes there but let's go ahead and dive into this one as always the link is in the description below if you want to check it out or any of their other videos without my commentary facts verse presents historical events you won't believe happened at the same time [Music] number one 1943 the first wagon crossed the Oregon Trail the same year the fax machine was invented 1940s you might think you're hearing that wrong but you're not the great migration of 1843 okay they meant 1843 okay and I've seen this one before about the fax machine it requires us to very Loosely interpret what defines a fax machine okay so let's keep that in mind and see what they say here occurred this was when 1 000 immigrants went to Oregon on the wagon train on the Oregon Trail the same year on May 27 1843 a Scottish inventor named Alexander Bain received the patent for his invention the electric printing Telegraph this is the grandfather of the modern fax machine that we know today so while people were traveling to Oregon to begin a new life somewhere else in the world a man was taking a huge step towards new technology yeah a couple of things we should point out here number one the Oregon Trail didn't just go to Oregon a lot of people took the Oregon Trail to get to California for example the Donner Party died in Cal a lot of them you know they were headed to California and a lot of them died there in the Sierra Nevada mountains they were taking the Oregon Trail the Oregon Trail had different ways that you could go and things like that fantastic came from my childhood and if you haven't already you should definitely check out my friend Matt beat on his channel Mr beat he and his family took a Tesla along the Oregon Trail and it's a really cool video they put a lot of work into it you should check it out um but yeah a lot of inventions there's a big difference between when something's predecessor was invented and when it actually becomes practically used obviously nobody was using fax machines in the 1840s uh you know the same thing I've seen the same thing said about the cell phone being invented in the 1940s right there's a technology that is a step towards the modern cell phone that you could say was invented in the 1940s but the idea that people were driving around in their cars talking on phones in the 1940s no um so again like I said it requires a very loose interpretation of what makes a fax machine in order to say that number two 2660 BC the Egyptians were building pyramids while the woolly mammoth was still living the Great Pyramids located in Egypt were being built from 2667 to 2648 BC at the same time there was still a small population of woolly men now he said the great pyramids were being built but those three pyramids outside of Cairo the Pyramids of Giza they call them they were not built at the same time in fact I think they were built a long distance from each other I want to look this up because I feel like he maybe misled us a little bit there okay so they were built a little closer together in time than I realized between 2550 to 2490 BC uh again there's a lot of different um estimates on the dates of these uh because we know who these pyramids were made for um and so it all depends on the estimate of when we believe that these men reigned in Egypt during the fourth Dynasty uh but man just ridiculously amazing works that these pyramids were anyway back to it and that's still alive they were living on Wrangle Island which is an island about the size of Delaware the island is located about 90 miles off the coast of Siberia it's a good thing that the last of the woolly mammoths weren't living in Egypt at the time if they were the Pyramids may never have been built due to the danger that these huge creatures possibly could have brought so another way that I've heard this described that really puts it in perspective is that Cleopatra lived closer to the modern times and the Roman Empire is closer to today than to the building of the pyramids which is just nuts to me but really really cool number three 1868. you could take the London Underground to watch the last public hanging in the UK today if you want to watch an execution you have to be invited under very special circumstances this was not always the case in the UK up until May 26 1868 you could watch executions yeah but you know what here in the U.S although granted I mean we still have the death penalty in the UK is like most countries doesn't have it anymore um but uh I think you could see public executions in the U.S up to the 20th century I know that public hangings were still a thing in the 1900s last one was the public hanging of Michael Barrett he was hung outside of Newgate Prison in London really one of those little pet peeves I have is saying hung whenever you're referring to a hanging an execution it's hanged I know it doesn't sound like proper English but it is in fact he was hanged that is the proper term it front of about 2 000 people in 1865 the Barbican London Underground Station was built near Aldersgate street it's actually only a 10 minute walk from the new gate prison chances are that one of the two thousand people in attendance actually took the underground train to watch the execution number four 1940 many prisoners arrived at Auschwitz a few days after McDonald's was founded many people believe that McDonald's first opened its doors after World War II this is because the chain didn't really take off until the war was over the founders of the fast food chain Richard and Maurice McDonald opened their first restaurant on May 15 1940 and it was located in San Bernardino California it was just five days after the opening of the restaurant that the very first group of concentration camp prisoners arrived at Auschwitz yeah um fascinating movie if you ever watched the founder with Michael Keaton um he plays Ray Kroc who was the guy who uh bought McDonald's off the McDonald brothers and turned it into the national chain that we see today um yeah it didn't start out that way and the McDonald Brothers had nothing to do with McDonald's as we know it they just founded a couple of restaurants uh it's pretty cool to kind of study the history of some of these chains that are all over the world today here where I live in Northeast Ohio we we are aware of the founding of Arby's was have you ever had an Arby's roast beef sandwich Youngstown Ohio I actually specifically Boardman which is like 15 minutes from me is where the first Arby's was we actually had here uh in the town that I live in we had the oldest existing Arby's because the original one doesn't exist anymore but the second one was here in our town uh and up until maybe five years ago it still had the old look and they just remodeled it which was really disappointing this was a wonderful time in history for those who love a McDonald's cheeseburger and a terrible time for the prisoners number five 1908 the Ottoman Empire existed the same year the Chicago Cubs won the World Series yeah but the Ottoman Empire existed longer than that I don't know that's a really weird correlation to make um between the Cubs because you know the world's I don't know weird the Chicago Cubs shocked the world when they finally won the World Series for the first time since 1908. yeah and I don't want to talk about that because I'm in oh it's Guardians now but an Indians fan at the time and Indians had a 3-1 lead in that series and blew it when they won in 1908 it was just 10 years before World War One when the Ottomans were defeated six years before the start of World War One ten years before the end of World War One this would mean that the 1908 win from the Cubs was older than turkey after that win in 1908 the Cubs went to the World Series seven times and uh this one's a little interesting too because I I want to say that by that time the Ottoman Empire was being referred to as turkey um I don't know exactly when that term started being used somebody who knows the history better than I do use the comment section below and let me know before 2016 the last time they made it was in 1945. number six 1889 Nintendo was founded before Jack the Ripper was caught many people everything I was born before Jack the Ripper was caught my kids were born I'm making this video before Jack the Ripper was caught because Jack the Ripper was never caught a better way to put this would be that Nintendo was founded the year after the Jack the Ripper murders took place people believe that Nintendo was a relatively new company when the Nintendo gaming system was released Nintendo's popularity exploded the Japanese gaming company was actually founded September 23 1889 their first item was obviously not a video game it was actually a deck of handmade playing cards called hanafauna at the time just a few weeks after Nintendo was founded people believed that Jack the Ripper was still on the loose they thought well the Jack the Ripper murders happen in the fall of 1888. uh now you see here the ninth White Chapel mystery is at the work of Jack the Ripper I've made videos on this so I won't go in too much detail but they're canonically considered to be five Jack the Ripper victims Marianne Nichols Annie Chapman Elizabeth stride um Mary Jane Kelly and Catherine eddos and there's some debate about those five but there were other murders happening in White Chapel before and after that that may or may not have been the same killer um but yeah that'll happen the year before this thought this because an unidentified woman was found and she was called the pension Street torso this is because she was found on pension Street and police only found her torso the rest of her body never surfaced number seven 1977 Star Wars came out the same year France had its last Guillotine execution Ally was Boris last Guillotine execution in France blogging through history was born for years France used the guillotine to execute the most horrible criminals the last person to be killed this way was Hamida pimp killer John dubi he was beheaded on September 10 1977 for torturing and murdering a 21 year old girl so uh Nazi Germany used this form of execution during World War II for some people um there's actually before France ever had the guillotine there was something called the maiden which was popular in places like Scotland it was used all the way back in the 1500s for executions it was a very similar Contraption to this a little a little shorter in terms of the drop and things like that there's actually if if you find the need to see it there is available a video uh recording of from a distance so it's not real gruesome but you can see what happens a guillotine execution I want to say back in the 1930s is when it happened but it's a amazing how quickly it all happens like how quickly they just walk them up drop them boom body goes into the casket they're done and uh it's like all within like seconds it's crazy nobody has been executed again after that and Francois midorand abolished the guillotine in 1981 around the same time as the last execution in France children in the United States were lining up to see the first installment of Star Wars I had those toys they were amazing the United States May 25th 1977 and in the UK on December 27 1977. number eight 1971 women in Switzerland received the right to vote the same year the United States drove a buggy on the moon like many countries in the world women in Switzerland weren't always allowed to vote it just took Switzerland much longer than most countries to allow this they started allowing women to vote 51 years after the United States allowed it pretty interesting now it's interesting to note that in the U.S when the U.S passes the Constitutional Amendment that allows women the right to vote early in the 20th century there were some states that were already allowing the vote in fact there was already a woman in Congress uh when women got the right to vote because Wyoming had previously already allowed this and they had elected a congresswoman um so kind of cool to see how that overlapped and 65 years after Finland it was the same time that women in Switzerland were finally allowed to line up at the polls that United States astronauts were riding around on the moon in a moon buggy it was men driving the buggy but it was a huge step for women in Switzerland it wasn't long after that women started joining the Space Program he keeps saying number nine 1975 Microsoft was founded and Spain was under a fascist dictatorship true in April 1975 friends Bill Gates and Paul Allen founded Microsoft which made them more money than they had ever imagined at the same time things in Spain weren't going so well the fascist dictator named Francisco Franco was presiding over Spain using Terror and brainwashing by controlling the media and the State education system yeah it's pretty interesting to think uh you know most people think that fascism basically was this like fad that rises up in the 1930s and then gets destroyed in the 1940s at the end of World War II uh but it didn't disappear everywhere because remember Spain kind of largely stays out of World War II um and so it was never really dealt with fully there other countries such as Italy and Germany ended their fascist politics after World War II but Spain didn't follow suit it wasn't until people started having Microsoft computers in their homes that the fascist regime ended number 10. 1876 Brooklyn Bridge Brooklyn Bridge was being built at the same time as the Battle of Little Bighorn this is one of the yeah in fact the uh the guy who uh was a Russian Washington Roebling designs the the Brooklyn Bridge uh was a Civil War veteran and in fact he often gets quoted in Ken Burns's series on the Civil War the craziest historical events you won't believe happened at the same time in one part of America laborers were working hard to build the Brooklyn Bridge which was the first ever steel wire suspension bridge at the same time in the eastern Montana territory the Battle of Little Bighorn was being fought the bridge was still six years away from being finished when General Custer and his men were defeated by a Crazy Horse and members of the Arapaho the Lakota and the Northern Cheyenne tribes two completely different events were taking place at the same time in different areas of the country at some point we're gonna have to do a video on the Brooklyn Bridge because it's a fascinating story uh yeah there were people who died Washington Roebling I think it ended up being a woman who oversaw the completion of it and uh just incredible techno technological breakthroughs and design and just a Marvel of engineering it's really remarkable number 11 1945. when Hiroshima and Nagasaki were bombed Orville Wright was still alive I'd go way further than that I understand where they're going with this right Orville Wright uh is one of the Wright brothers who invented planes planes dropped these bombs but you can go way back further than that I mean let's remember that there were plenty of Civil War veterans who were still alive in 1945. Orville and Wilbur Wright are considered to be the inventors of the airplane sadly in 1912 Wilbur passed away from typhoid fever in 1945 airplanes were used to drop atomic bombs on Nagasaki and Hiroshima later Orville was asked how he felt about what had happened since he invented the airplane and airplanes were being used to drop the bomb he said he didn't have any regrets about inventing the plane because it would change the world forever he did say however that he found it deplorable that someone used his invention to cause such great destruction yeah they were causing great destruction long before those bombs were dropped and here's the thing about the plane there were so many other people who were working on a lot of inventions that we have today we attribute to one person the Wright brothers with the plane um Thomas Edison the light bulb and the phonograph and things like that uh Alexander Graham Bell with the telephone but most of these things were either also being invented by other people at the same time and they just didn't get credit for it in time or didn't get the patent for it or the inventors we credit were building off of other people's work that other people were also building off of that most of these inventions if they hadn't been invented by those people would have very quickly been invented by somebody else if the Wright brothers hadn't come up with their flights at Kitty Hawk in 1903 other people were doing it too some people may have done it before that but it definitely the plane was gonna get invented one way or the other the telephone was getting invented one way or the other the light bulb had existed for a long time Edison just perfected it and he wasn't alone in doing the research that made that possible number 12. 1912 ecstasy was invented the same year the Titanic sank on April 14 1912 the Titanic hit an iceberg in cold Waters and it began to sink not just cold Waters below freezing Waters the water was like 28 degrees when you have salt water salt water doesn't freeze at the same temperature plus it's the ocean so you know it's below freezing the ship was considered to be Unsinkable therefore the designers didn't think to put enough lifeboats on board for all of the passengers because of this 1503 people who were on board died it's also important to note that it wasn't a matter of just thinking it was Unsinkable there were a lot of designs like a double Hull bottom things like that that they felt not necessarily that it was completely Unsinkable but that it would take so long to sink they'd have plenty of time to get there and the Californian was close by and probably could have rescued a lot of those people but that's a story for another day they just weren't required by law to have more lifeboats than they had they were within the law with what they had many drowned or perished after exposure to the freezing cold Waters that same year MDMA also known as ecstasy was first synthesized by scientists in Germany it was originally created to be an appetite suppressant for people struggling with their weight really a year later while families were dealing with the loss of their loved ones on the Titanic Merck patented the MDMA they decided against marketing it however for undisclosed reasons number 13. huh 1428 Oxford University existed for hundreds of years before the Aztec Empire was founded according to historians students were learning at Oxford University as early as 1096 by 1249 the university grew into a fully operational University complete with halls and student housing the Aztec civilization located in central Mexico is said to have come into existence in 1325. interesting most people considered the Aztec again it's got kind of a weird comparison there I don't know but all right Empire to be ancient history but Oxford University is much older I don't know that I ever thought of the Aztecs as ancient I guess maybe we don't think much about how long they had existed before that um because we know the Aztecs were interacting with you know with the Spanish explorers and things like that so we know that they existed up into you know the Middle Ages and Beyond but I guess I never really thought much about when they started to exist not however the oldest university in the world the oldest educational institution is the University of Korean which was founded in 859 A.D and Fez Morocco interest number 14. yeah I mean it's important to note that for a lot of history some of the great thinkers some of the great uh achievements in science and things like that were happening in the Muslim World absolutely team 42 Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton were born in the same year cool the first two scientists of modern science to gain any Fame were Galileo and Sir Isaac Newton and they were born in the same year both men were born in 1642 they both made Leaps and Bounds in science oh yeah well I was born the same week as Tom Brady and I wake up in the morning sometimes I just want to go back to sleep and I think how on Earth is that man still playing professional football I get sore just looking at boxes I need to move sometimes and he and I are the same age it's crazy and they were the same age number 15. 2005. YouTube was invented four days before Saudi Arabia's first Democratic elections really you can find a video on just about any subject to make you laugh or to learn how to do something many people credit YouTube videos for helping them to learn how to do household repairs how to put products that's absolutely true because um like I grew up growing up my grandfather was an electronic technician he fixed TVs VCRs things like that and so I learned a lot of electronics growing up and uh then when his business uh that he worked for shut down he started his own computer repair company and I worked for him in that so I learned how to build computers and fix them and things like that um but yeah I've never been really much of a handyman but YouTube has helped me like like I've learned now how to I fixed our furnace one time and I I've replaced our garbage disposal stuff like that stuff I never would have attempted to do without a YouTube video to show me how it's together and even put on makeup it's also a famous platform for challenges people challenge others to do crazy and dangerous things and then they post them on YouTube YouTube first went live February 14 2005. just four days later something momentous occurred in Saudi Arabia it was the very first democratic election in history for them this was a huge step for the people people of Saudi Arabia since there are so many people who are completely obsessed with YouTube they might find its release much more exciting than a democratic election uh and interestingly I believe that the development of YouTube had at least some something to do with the Janet Jackson wardrobe malfunction incident at the Super Bowl which was a very early viral video and I think the folks who made YouTube were trying like there was some connection between the two of those things so anyway you can probably look that up all right that was pretty cool that was interesting a little different if you have ones that you'd like to add let's use this format use the comment section below and tell me things that you always found fascinating that happened at the same time or that existed at the same time let us know in the comment section below let's learn together thanks for watching
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 95,969
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Id: nf-xGKTszuE
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Length: 26min 27sec (1587 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 16 2022
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