Abraham Lincoln: American Dictator - My Response (Part 1)

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He's no amateur historian. That would be Razorfist.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/ccourt46 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2023 🗫︎ replies

This is the first time I've seen anything from the guy since u subscribing a while ago, the fact that this video is making the rounds is wild, it must be beyond awful.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/burf12345 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2023 🗫︎ replies

Despite my political disagreements with Vlogging through History (the Historian reacting to Razor Bitch’s video here) he does make excellent historical vids and content. He does a fantastic job here as well, immediately cutting through every single historical lie Razor makes and including context that was mysteriously left out in the original vid. Can’t wait for part two. Like razor calming Woodrow Wilson a northerner was…a take

It’s also astounding that Razorfist still has a large audience (vid has like 250k+ views) of idiots just lapping his bullshit up. I really though his channel had died off years ago, but I guess I was wrong.

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/Emergency_Ability_21 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2023 🗫︎ replies

I've seen this guys videos pop up in my recs is he sus?

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/Readman31 📅︎︎ Jan 19 2023 🗫︎ replies
welcome back everyone to another reaction video while the Voting is ongoing for our members and our patrons on what my next reaction will be um I'm recording a few days ahead because of my trip next week to Europe so I want to have content for you so uh after this reaction which is going to be a two-part two-day thing we will get to whatever you guys have voted on so uh if you're a member of Patron make sure you vote and we're going to add those results together and see what the outcome is I'm going to do the top two that you guys vote on so whatever comes in first will be first whatever comes in second will be the next one uh but I've had a ton of people in the comment section requesting that I take on this video it's called Abraham Lincoln American dictator and it's by a channel called the rageaholic who I've never heard of didn't know anything about uh but people have been telling me you need to react to this that this is kind of like the opposite of aten Shay so to speak so I have no idea what I'm getting into I will for warn you I try to be a family friendly Channel but because I don't know the nature of this Channel and I don't know what he's going to talk about I can't guarantee that it's not gonna be less than family friendly so uh it's an hour long video which to me tells me that the guys got a lot to say and that a lot of it's going to be crap just just saying if it takes you an hour to try and convince people of your point of view I think you probably are trying too hard but with that in mind we're going to do the first half uh it looks like there's four parts to this from what I can see um so there's four chapters so we will do the first two chapters of it today and then we'll get into chapters three and four in tomorrow's reaction so with that in mind I'll put a link in the description to the original content if you want to check it out can't say yet that I want you to support him because I don't know what he's gonna be about so um let's dive in you all know the top hated caricature of Honest Abe hell in preparation for this video I consume no small number of primary sources suffused with prey is that lapsed eagerly and often from fawning to disquietingly worshipful worshipful you say of a man whose Monument depicts him on a literal Throne surely you'll just which in and of itself and a nation that created the Office of president for the explicit purpose of forestalling such breathless pronouncements of kingly virtue and our leaders should be alarming all on its own but this video isn't meant to be merely corrective in nature I'll take I'm going to try not to disagree and nitpick every little thing he says but um it's important to point out that when the constitutional convention was going on there was a strong push from people like Alexander Hamilton for there to be hereditary type positions within the government like the Senate being like a house of Lords in in the UK um and there were even some who wanted there to be a king so I would disagree a little bit with the idea that the presidency was created explicitly to avoid that kind of thing because the presidency was actually kind of seen as a stronger executive than what we had under the Articles of Confederation and as I intend to make clear [ __ ] repeatedly this is so not family friendly interpretation this ain't an agreed to disagree situation Sunshine Abraham Lincoln was America's first dictator okay so I'm gonna say right off the bat that I can tell already that I'm gonna have some issues with this guy uh because anytime you start out an hour-long diatribe about your point of view and in the first 45 seconds you say that your point of view is the only correct point of view yeah you and I are gonna have some issues all right let's go a lifelong and a valid advocate of centralized authoritarian top-down government overseeing a nation whose government was repeatedly and explicitly described by its Founders as being derived not from a federal government but it's member states uh no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no you throw up a comment uh Thomas Jefferson quote of course you're gonna get that point of view because Thomas Jefferson was very much of the argument but no you can't say the founders were explicitly against a top-down that's the reason why there were Federalists and Anti-Federalists because the Federalists literally did want a top-down strong central government that's why we have a constitution is because the Articles of Confederation were not a strong enough central government they needed something stronger and so Alexander Hamilton and George Washington and John Adams these guys wanted a stronger Central government this became very much a North versus South thing the the southerners people like um Thomas Jefferson were of that opinion but you can't say that the founders were because the founders were split on what the government should look like who in turn are enthralled to their citizenry and if Andrew Jackson himself something of an authoritarian was the first of the non-founding father presidents Lincoln represents a philosophical dividing line between the limited and enumerated federal powers of the all right I'm trying not to disagree with everything but he just said that Andrew Jackson was the first non-founding father president that would come as a bit of a surprise to John Quincy Adams I'm just saying John Quincy Adams was president before Andrew Jackson he was the son of a founding father he was not a founding father if you're going to get simple things like that wrong I'm gonna have some issues with you saying your Viewpoint is the only correct one the original plural United States and the globalist goddamn empire were suffering the adverse effects of it present and that I believe more than anything is the explanation for why Lincoln is the sacred cow to end all sacred cows it's not about who he was the war he fought or even about him getting domed at a [ __ ] theater for his trouble it's about what he represents philosophically top down governance to cut a novel into a novella if Lincoln was wrong so is our ruling class and they're every illegitimate edict will come tumbling after which is why it's so very unfortunate that he absolutely [ __ ] was ah but I can hear you already criticizing Lincoln what are you a lost cause or chapter one [ __ ] commenced the Lost Cause may be the single most towering straw man ever erected the idea that the Civil War was not principally waged over slavery but was like most any other war primarily economic in nature does so he's saying that there is no lost cause all right I'm interested doesn't come from lost causers it doesn't come from me it comes from [ __ ] Lincoln upon ascending to office in 1861 Under The Cloud of War secession and foreign interference Lincoln stated outright what the most important objective of his administration was not bringing the South to heal and certainly not freeing the blacks he'd repeatedly referred to as inferior up until that point no are you ready for the great emances Peter's primary preoccupation raising [ __ ] tariffs all right time out he said shortly upon he said upon taking Office Lincoln said this first of all 1860 Lincoln wasn't in office yet he got elected in 1860 he takes office in March of 61. so already you're off base number two if you're going to use a quote he says in the days of Henry Clay I was a Henry Clay tariff man and I've undergone no material change on that subject all he's saying is that he's in favor of Henry Clay's view on tariffs that number one as we stated before the the primary income for the federal government up until this point in history has been tariffs and so tariffs are a major point of contention because uh much like arguments over taxes are today but saying this does not equate that being the primary means of the Civil War saying you support a certain kind of tariff does not mean that is the most important thing you stand for that is a completely out of out of context quote that does not argue with what he is saying it does quite contrary to the caricature of the South is rural Bumpkin Topia and the north as the economic engine of the country the reverse was true in the 1860s every time a conservative comes into contact with an obnoxious cat wait let me back up because I think is he arguing that the the economy was fueled by the south the south is rural Bumpkin Topia and the north as the economic engine of the country the reverse was true in the 1860s every time a conservative comes into contact with an obnoxious Californian and audibly incites God to carve that state off into the sea socialisms of all hair colors inevitably fire back with some variant of most agriculture comes from California or better still the Old Chestnut if California were its own country it would have the sixth largest economy in the world any of this have to do well if the Southern United States of the 1860s had been allowed to peacefully secede in avoidance of a civil war it would have boasted the fourth largest economy in the world more than 70 percent of the world's tobacco and cotton crop at the time came from the south and as high tariff Lincoln came to power with Thaddeus Stevens and the radical republican Congress in tow the southern states who were primarily funding the government through skyrocketing tariffs time out all right so according to financial failure and the Confederate defeat by Douglas ball in 1860 as of the 52 million dollars in customs collections Southern ports paid 4 million that's 7.6 of the tariffs now it should be considered that because some supplies from overseas were landed in New York and then carried South Southerners as Financial consumers indirectly paid bigger than an eight percent per portion of tariffs but by no means 75 to 80 percent most likely South paid no more than proportional by white population share of tariffs and probably less according to contemporary eyewitnesses now I understand the point he's trying to make is that when you increase tariffs at home on imported goods then the countries you're exporting to they're also going to raise tariffs in a kind of a tariff war and that's going to increase that cost and because the South most of their income was coming from exporting things like cotton and tobacco that that was going to necessarily impact things but again that has nothing to do with the income of the federal government the income was on tariffs on imported goods not on what was being exported now I understand the point he's trying to make is that the tariffs necessarily hurt Southern exports and the Southern economy is driven primarily by exports of cotton and tobacco and because the north even though 90 percent of manufacturing is in the north the north is much more producing for home for domestic consumptions so those things are immune to tariffs which is kind of the argument he's making here I guess because the Tariff of 1824 that was one of the main arguments against that and the Tariff of Abominations which is the one in 1828 because they did hurt the South more than they hurt the north but again this idea that somehow The South was generating more money for the federal government than the North was is absolutely ridiculous had never been represented less what's more thanks to a slow takeover many Southerners weren't feeling particularly well represented by their own majority party the Democrats either at the risk of becoming convoluted before I can dismantle the myth of a civil war over slavery we need to tackle another omnipresent falsehood the myth of the partisan flips stop me if you've heard this one before it's some indeterminate eternally ephemeral date sometimes the Civil War sometimes the Civil Rights era hell I've even heard Nixon Republicans and Democrats pulled the old partisan Switcheroo Republicans had been central government statists and suddenly switched to the party of personal responsibility in small government while the minarchist southern Democrats became the Progressive Party the details of why this happened are left hazier than Ted Kennedy's I I've been through all of the stuff on the party switch in other videos so I'm not going to deal with that here I'll just kind of let him get through his rant on this and we'll continue memory on the night of July 18th 1969 but as I alluded in a prior video America's homegrown political binary is the small government states rights of Thomas Jefferson and the Democrats versus the status centralized pseudo-monarchist government of Alexander Hamilton and later the Whigs themselves not coincidentally named after an English political party this is crucial to comprehending the political motives of Lincoln who prior to being persuaded to forsake them for the ascendant Republican party had been a lifelong and avowed quig when considering the cause of a crime in this case the Civil War before you can begin to look for Evan so now the Civil War is a crime okay you need to look for patterns places the victim frequented people that had motive or opportunity that they had a pattern of contact with the problem with the narrative that the Civil War was caused by slavery is that a civil war is a symptom not a cause an end result of a crisis of secession when a state or several begin exploring or enacting articles of secession to separate themselves from the federal government most Defenders of the north and Lincoln then fall back to the position that the secession crisis was caused by slavery but the problem with that is that it doesn't fit the pattern there was a prior secession crisis that fell just short of the Civil War in a completely irrelevant why someone 40 or 50 years earlier wanted to secede has no bearing whatsoever I'll let him get through all this and then we will just destroy him on this one team 28 when Henry Clay Abraham Lincoln's self-professed political Idol passed wait I haven't seen him show me a quote where Lincoln said that clay was his political Idol all we saw was a quote of him saying that he agreed with Henry Clay on tariffs that does not make the person your political Idol the Tariff of Abominations a sky-high tariff rate shoved through by Lincoln's previous party the Whigs placing a disproportionate financial burden upon the South who accounted for over 70 percent of all exported goods and boasted the fourth largest economy in the world at the time as we've already established South tariffs happen on Imports too so you can't just say that because the South had 70 of all exported Goods they necessarily paid more in tariffs because the north was consuming way more of the imported goods Carolina held a special session of state congress and voted to nullify the Tariff leading the nation to the precipice of outright secession no mention of slavery no because that was a completely different crisis that had nothing to you can't go back to 1828 and say well because South Carolina because of the Nullification Crisis South Carolina thought about seceding in 1828 that automatically that means that they were using the exact same argument in 1860. no moral Grand standing about abolition particularly is Henry Clay irrelevant slay ing High tariffs followed by a secession crisis sort of like the exact same thing that preceded the secession crisis that sparked the American Civil War and Henry Clay is an important figure to research if you want to understand the many lies about Lincoln many of which he spun himself clay believed wholeheartedly in what he called the American system originally generated by Alexander Hamilton Speaker of the House Henry Clay fighting champion of American Liberty it lies within our power to create a system by which our institutions make us free let us become real and to Americans and build an American system that nothing shall ever destroy the American system essentially means government subsidies a nationalized bank and high taxes and tariffs in short mercantilism it became the entire platform of the Whig party and Lincoln subscribed to and enacted every word of it when they call Lincoln a liberator and freedom fighter back to the exact same quote which again is not making your point at all understand that these are the very lies Lincoln told at Henry Clay's funeral at which he delivered a famous highly politicized eulogy and like Lincoln Henry Clay was quoted numerous times not only calling blacks inferior but once he became okay I know I'm nitpicking here but he said Henry Clay's funeral Lincoln spoke at an event that was organized to remember Henry Clay it wasn't Henry Clay's funeral minor point but still same Secretary of State his statements on American Indians raised eyebrows even at that time lovely little bits like he did not think them as a race worth preserving unquote what does this have to do with why the South seceded in 1860 it doesn't or that there their breed cannot be improved or there's all he's trying to do here is is tell us that Henry Clay is a bad guy and Abraham Lincoln liked Henry Clay so that makes him a bad guy too disappearance from the Human family will be no great loss to the world unquote when President Andrew Jackson fought and won in an attempt to dissolve the National Bank it was Henry Clay who served as the primary antagonist hey tell us what Andrew Jackson thought of Native Americans probably won't go there will you but historians rarely acknowledged that little Lincoln was riding in the sidecar there Henry Clay and his Apprentice Abraham Lincoln would excoriate Andrew Jackson as Un-American and Abe even echoed his mentors calls for quote future Vengeance against the American South wait but you told me a little while ago that Andrew Jackson was an authoritarian figure uh and now you're telling me that Abraham Lincoln opposing Andrew Jackson makes him bad I'm confused hmm But he may have been in the throes of passion after all Lincoln lurved his nationalized money supply so much in fact that when the National Bank was killed by Jackson and States had to print money from their own treasuries Lincoln adamantly opposed every attempt to audit it and hey you know what all those people who crawl about how we went off the gold standard thanks to tricky dick Nixon yeah well here's a funny story about Lincoln you're never likely to hear from a history Professor Lincoln's home state of Illinois had all the votes to pass a law requiring the Illinois State Bank to switch from paper to Gold money Democrats knew Lincoln and the Whigs were trying to avoid a vote they were guaranteed to lose so they barred the doors Lincoln and the Whigs jumped out the [ __ ] window so they could keep printing paper money again what does this have to do with why the South seceded in 1860 because that's your whole argument right now is why you're trying to convince me why the South did not secede feed over slavery I'm not hearing that newspapers at the time lampooned Lincoln and his quote flying wigs see also Howard Stern on a windy day as episodes like this illustrate the Whigs were in their death throes Democratic country in the South where the words of Jefferson still resounded through the halls of government were understandably inhospitable to the hamiltonian statist thought and Whigs had no hope of holding office below the Mason-Dixon line and so Whigs made the same calculation as Southwestern Democrats when they transmogrified into Arizona rhinos in the 1980s and 90s if you can't beat them become them reformed Whigs turned Democrats soon arose to the highest stations of Southern power their focus on state subsidy of industry and the economy LED them to be commercially interlocked with plantation owners and it's likely for this reason that every one of the small handful of States was cited slavery as one but not all of the reasons reasons for seceding just so happened to be in the hands of former Whigs turned Democrats so you just acknowledge that the states said that slavery was an issue but this whole rant has been about why slavery was not the issue the wig wing of the democratic cited a civil war that they that their fursonian Democrats during the post-war period by entangling the valid Arguments for secession proffered by Jeffersonian Democrats with the falsehoods perpetuated by former Whigs not to mention the post-war Northern academics largely responsible for promulgating the Lost Cause myth Defenders of the dictator Lincoln have intertangled vitiated and discredited by default the very arguments that disprove their faulty hypothesis with a snarling scapegoat that was not in fact invented in the South it was invented and espoused overwhelmingly by Northern academics case in point probably the most prominent Exemplar of a lost causer in the 20th century was waspy Whig Democrat and all-around [ __ ] du jour Woodrow Wilson who famously said on that we can agree at the White House what was Woody Wilson prior to being president a Jeffersonian sharecropper Deep South Croc Wrangler perhaps oh that's right he was a northern academic I can't remember no he was wasn't he was at a school in New Jersey but he was a southerner he grew up in the South he was born in Virginia he was raised in the Deep South there's nothing Northern about Woodrow Wilson except where he happened to be living when he got elected president I mean again who until only recently the Public Policy Department at Princeton University was named after it's a cute little bit of rhetorical Aikido ain't it but the Lost Cause is a lie all the same I will not be falsely labeled a lost causer particularly he's the most vocal critics of Abraham Lincoln in the modern day generally hail from rothbardian libertarian political circles where accusing what of supporting something like slavery is just absurd enough to be mistaken for Modern Marvel movie dying Okay so to sum up all of this ninety percent of what he said was completely irrelevant when he got somewhat close to the real argument he kind of wrote it off as well yeah some Southerners said that slavery was a reason for secession but there were others too no no no no no no no no no time out Georgia this is the beginning of their secession document right their Declaration of causes for seceding the people of Georgia having dissolved their political connection with the government of the United States present to the Confederates and the work present to the Confederates and the world the causes which have led to the separation okay so this is like the Declaration of Independence right in the Declaration of Independence they say these are our causes which impelled the separation right so you would think you'd start with what matters the most right for the last 10 years we have had numerous and serious causes of complaint against our non-slave-holding Confederate states with reference to the subject of African slavery they have endeavored to weaken our security to disturb our domestic peace and tranquility and persistently refuse to comply with their Express Express constitutional obligations to us in reference to that property so it's all about slavery right on off the bat and you can go on and on and on and that's what it talks about all right Mississippi here's the beginning of theirs and the momentous step which our state has taken of dissolving its connection with the government of which we so long formed apart it is but but just that we should declare The prominent reasons which have induced our course right off the bat our position is Thoroughly identified with the institution of slavery the greatest material interest of the world it's labor surprise supplies the product which constitutes by far the largest and most important portions of Commerce of the earth okay that's Mississippi all right now who else do we got here let's go to South Carolina they started it all they were first okay and now the South state of South Carolina having resumed her separate and equal Place among the nation's deems that do herself to the remaining United States of America and the nations of the world that she should declare the immediate causes which have led to this act let's take a look at what those causes are so they go on and on about how South Carolina entered into the agreement to become one of the 13 states in the first place why they ratified the Constitution and so then they argue that uh right in the constitution was written a protection against uh the abolition of slavery the Constitution of the United States in its Fourth Article provides as follows no person held to service or labor in one state under the laws thereof escaping into another shall and consequence of any law or regulation therein be discharged from the service or labor in other words this was the defense of the Fugitive Slave Act Right other states could not free the property of someone in that state and it says that that stipulation was so material to the compact that without it that compact would never have been made and so their argument is we would never have signed off on the Constitution were it not for that clause and now because the north is trying to violate that Clause we're out same thing with Texas they're immediately going to go into the same argument which is here the States of Maine Vermont New Hampshire Connecticut and a bunch of other ones have directly or deliberately directly or indirectly violated the third Clause of the second section of the Fourth Article the Fugitive Slave Clause of the Federal Constitution so their argument is we are out because the north is not abiding by the Fugitive Slave clause and the Fugitive Slave Act every single one of these Southern States is making the same argument slavery as front and center at this the heart of this issue dialogue further as if it even needs saying even if it weren't a world-rending lie the South don't need to be the good guys for Lincoln to be a piss stinking Tyrant I'm not from the south I have no sympathies with the Confederacy save the perfectly valid grievances they had for Desiring secession such as disproportionate taxation under representation an astronomically High tariffs but I share those very same sympathies with the New England secessionists of 20 years previously in short if you're considering writing the words lost cause or in the comments section consider more constructive activities like cartwheeling through traffic ah but if the Civil War wasn't primarily about so in other words if you disagree with me go kill yourself that's what he's saying there free what about old a being the great emancipator here's where we get spicy the accepted mainstream narrative surrounding the Emancipation Proclamation is without question the wildest propagandist fiction ever penned by political historians one upping with ease all the most Brazen Bolshevik reframes of the Cold War combined to hear history teachers tell it Lincoln the lifelong atheist laid hand to the Bible Lincoln was not a lifelong atheist holy cow where did you get that from all right these are quotes from Abraham Lincoln 1846 Lincoln's in his 30s right I am not a member of any Christian Church is true but I have never denied the truth of the scriptures I've never spoken with intentional disrespect of religion in general or any denomination of Christians in particular um let's see in Peoria Illinois in 1854 nearly 80 years ago we began by declaring that all men are created equal but now from the beginning we have run down to the other declaration that some men to enslave others is a sacred right of self-government they are as opposite as God and Mammon Mammon is like when you're greedy and you want you know to gather things whoever holds to the one must despise the other what else does he have to say certainly there's no contending against the will of God but there's still some difficulty in ascertaining and applying it to particular cases he says here I think if anything can be proved by natural theology it is that slavery is morally wrong God gave man a mouth to receive bread hands to feed it and his hand has a right to carry bread to his mouth without controversy there is no evidence whatsoever that I have ever seen that Lincoln was an atheist let alone a lifelong atheist his first inaugural address in 1861 intelligence patriotism Christianity and a firm Reliance on him who has never yet forsaken this favored land are still competent to adjust in the best way all are present difficulty he talks in his second inaugural about uh God all over the place in that one he says here in 1862 meditation on the Divine will the will of God prevails in great contests each party claims to it to act in accordance with the will of God both may be and one must be wrong God cannot be for and against the same thing and it goes on and on and on look at all these quotes that have to do with God men are not flattered by being shown that there's a difference of purpose between the almighty and them to deny however in this case is to deny that there is a God governing the world it is a truth which I thought needed to be told and as whatever of humiliation there is in it falls most directly on myself I I thought others might afford for me to tell it Lincoln believed in God never expressed any other opinion una laterally declared black men free and so the shackles of Untold thousands suddenly shattered in unison no the problem with this assertion is that the Emancipation Proclamation didn't free a single slave process that for a beat not one not true but and I think most anybody who has studied history even a tiny bit understands that the Emancipation Proclamation was a war measure but this is Lincoln the pragmatist this is Lincoln the politician he knows what he can do and what he can't and he uses this opportunity to hit the South economically but it also gives him an opportunity to start the process of freeing slaves and there reason why is simple and admitted by both Lincoln and his entire cabinet it only applied to the South Rebel territory which Lincoln did not at that point control in fact at the time of the Emancipation proclamation's issuance the union didn't control a whole hell of a lot the war was going poorly the the union controlled the largest city in the South by far New Orleans New Orleans was like seven times larger than any other city in the Confederacy and the union controlled it so yeah the union controlled some important parts of the south at this point despite outnumbering their Confederate adversaries in most major engagements the Civil War to that point could best be categorized as several months of occasional victories bracketed by a ceaseless Deluge of double-dong defeat and given Lincoln's legendary pension for micromanaging the military the failure was disproportionately his and the Foreign Press were beginning to speculate that if he suffered another Fredericksburg scale defeat the Confederates May well have the opportunity to demand concessions or outright surrender I say this to provide what your history professors most likely did not here's the problem throwing Fredericksburg out there Fredericksburg happened months after the Emancipation Proclamation was issued so irrelevant Proclamation freeing slaves in the growing number of territories Lincoln did not control is like the Pope the growing number of territories Lincoln did not control ing abortion cannot be banned by saying the Mormon church like sure that's Nate Francis but we ain't exactly on the same Christmas card list here about something that actually affects the [ __ ] most of us more tellingly the proclamation specifically stipulated that northern states which already held slaves got to keep them and at least we all know this but the argument that it didn't free any slaves is ridiculous because every time the the union armies moved into new Confederate territories they had hundreds and sometimes thousands of what they called Contraband runaway slaves who ran to those armies and as those armies took over those territories those people who had formerly been enslaved were now free under the Emancipation Proclamation so yes it did matter and yes it did Free People one state West Virginia was read admitted into the Union as a slave state that would be surprising by itself for most but even those long since red pilled on Lincoln may not be aware that Not only was the the north Exempted but what few Confederate territories Lincoln was still barely hanging on to at the time were Exempted as in by name as in by [ __ ] County even troubling himself to specify the exact borders of the area Lincolnwood very much like to continue keeping human beings in bondage but here's the thing there were ways around and there's a reason for this and those of us who understand history know that politically speaking he had to do it this way but this is more than anybody else had done to that point and he also understood it was temporary and it was a war measure and that's why they so aggressively pursue the 13th Amendment in 1864 because he knows as the war is starting to be won there's got to be a more permanent solution those who have read the actual text of the Proclamation will note that there's an entire section delineated which individual regions of union-occupied Louisiana were explicitly [ __ ] exempt the Emancipation Proclamation emancipation not included and before you expect to rate the age-old apologist Chestnut he was a man of his time or that I'm applying contemporary critique to a man over a century dead and dusted this was very much a prevailing view of Lincoln even in his own time major newspapers both in America and abroad chided it as toothless posturing and Lincoln's own Secretary of State because those newspapers didn't understand the reality you first of all Lincoln didn't have the power to do more than that if you let me get this straight he's arguing that Lincoln was a tyrant who centralized power in the federal government but now he's arguing that Lincoln should have done way more with the power that he had than he was legally entitled to do he didn't have the power to free the slaves in the United States he didn't have that Authority he did what he had the authority to do or at least that he thought he had the authority to do you're arguing against your own argument here William Seward mocked his own boss and his proclamation in a private letter saying quote we show our sympathy with slavery by emancipating slaves where we cannot reach them and holding them in bondage where we could set them free unquote them for chest popping purposes I assure you it's in infinitely more nefarious than that as I mentioned the north was losing the war badly like 15 straight months of losses interrupted only by one minor Victory and a single stalemate perhaps no uh they captured New Orleans they had taken Nashville they had taken Fort Henry and Donaldson they had won the Battle of Shiloh they had taken Corinth they were starting to make inroads in other places they were starting to move on Vicksburg they were moving up the Mississippi River this idea the North had just a a win here and there basically what he's doing is he's focusing on the East and he's completely ignoring what was going on in the West old battle better typifies the state of miserable desperation President Lincoln found himself in when the document was drafted then the aforementioned Battle of Fredericksburg which happened let's see the document was drafted in the summer of 1862. it was announced after the Battle of Antietam in September of 1862 October November December three months later you get the Battle of Fredericksburg for eight hours on December 13 1862 the Union forces at Fredericksburg under General Ambrose burnside's command had been decimated again this is irrelevant completely irrelevance troops Cambridge Burnside was beside himself on the evening of the battle that nothing had gone right from the outset nothing had even promised the victory that he had hoped for where despite the union outnumbering the Confederacy a hundred and twenty one thousand to eighty thousand the union took more than two times the casualties and were forced into full Retreat under cover of night so when one member of the English press wrote that the Emancipation Proclamation was merely a matter of quote Lincoln playing his final card no one understand they were A1 [ __ ] right I already said it but if it wasn't about freeing slaves in the South because it didn't and Link it explicitly forbade freeing slaves in areas held by the Union what the hell was it supposed to accomplish oh nothing an area's already held by the union not new territories that they took it's on March just government mandated rape and murder see with the bulk of fighting men away fighting for the Confederacy in the South the plantation's daily management for the most part fell to female members of the family wives in particular see where I'm going with this Lincoln wasn't declaring Southern slaves free he was telling them to rise up and murder the primarily female menagerial class of said plantations holy cow dude was that a stretch and a half okay I expected to have some disagreements with him I did not expect that this whole thing would basically just be invented out of thin air and that he would use arguments that are completely irrelevant to the points he's trying to make this is this is pretty pretty ridiculous stuff in the hopes that engineering a full-blown Revolt would weaken economic production enough to give a much needed Edge to the Union in a time when they were losing it wasn't so much a Hail Mary as a call to murder and [ __ ] deflower her a London newspaper The Spectator put it as plainly as anyone ever has while hanging a bow on the true motivation of Every Act in Lincoln's authoritarian oov quote the principle is not that a human being cannot justly own another but that he cannot own him if he is not loyal to the United States the European press saw through it and the few Northern journalists Lincoln hadn't already arrested did too but the cult of Lincoln have long since assured your history teacher never will look if the Civil War was truly fought over slavery no one would be more surprised than Veterans of the Union not because I say so but because when the Emancipation Proclamation dropped they did over 200 000 northern troops deserted in protest over the next few months with nearly as many draft Dodgers if the Civil War was fought over slavery someone forgot there was no draft in 1862. the draft gets instituted later on in 63 long after the Emancipation Proclamation took effect ah okay time out I want to look at these numbers okay so uh in March of 1863 there were 125 000 Union soldiers who were listed as away from their units with or without leave and Lincoln at that point issued a general amnesty for them to return to their units um but there were a ton of reasons why people deserted that had nothing to do with slavery we do know that for example in places like Southern Illinois some of the Illinois units actually kind of tried to Mutiny when the Emancipation Proclamation was issued uh but actually guys like John Logan came in who was a general in Grant's Army and spoke to them and kind of calmed them down and and got most of them to chill so there were units from pro-slavery sections of the of the north uh where a lot of men did have an issue with the Emancipation Proclamation because they saw that as not why they signed up they signed up to preserve the union which was Lincoln's very clear War aim at the beginning but War changes things it sorts them out as Chamberlain says in Gods and Generals but none of this has anything to do with it because the argument is and should be that secession was because of slavery it's not why Lincoln initially fought the War to tell the Union Army Northern soldiers took to calling it The Crow Proclamation and the citizenry and newspapers in the north were no Kinder far from achieving the intended effect not only did Southern slaves not engage in Mass Revolt the immediate aftermath saw a race riot erupt in New York City to protest the proclamation's issuance along with Lincoln's other unpopular law there was a draft Riot they were rioting against the draft they took it out on uh free black men because of the complications of emancipation but this was a draft Riot it was not a riot against the Emancipation Proclamation awe conscription which basically let Lincoln's wealthy political donors bribe their way out of compulsory military service do you like living in fear of the military draft be sure to thank Honest Abe for the privilege now you contrast this with how Southern soldiers saw their role in why they were fighting and that's the question of what we sudden soldiers taught my friends as a boy I was 16 and a half years old I didn't think about any abolition of slavery Okay so am I to understand that the way you're going to argue that the South was not fighting for slavery as you're going to pull out a random quote from a Confederate veteran 80 years after the war ended and say that that is representative of all soldiers again why soldiers fought does not change why secession happened mine was developed enough this is irrelevant again the politicians right to the freedom of the slaves about half of the figures of my father's [ __ ] left and went to Norfolk to be under as they considered protection but on the other half 40 50 of them remained a damn cultivated wait so Julius Howell is saying that about half of the slaves they had left and went North to get freedom from the protection of the Union Soldiers I thought that the whole point was for them to rise up and kill their masters you mean they just left and found freedom so then the Emancipation Proclamation did work Ed until after the war the South did not fight for the television or extension of slavery generally zero truth to that but making arrangements for free here Negroes and his father-in-law had already grown up a part of his will free his niggress I finished with a great crush on this country that we had slavery and I thank God that I did not bring up my voice and girls under a system of slavery one of which I was brought on what did you boys fight for then here's what great many people do not know that as a young man that way I couldn't understand it fully but I look back now and see my heart in it and so what we struggle for and that was for States right there you go the state's right to what what was the argument what was the issue the states had with the federal government what was it that they were worried the federal government was going to take away from them what right specifically were they fighting over it wasn't tariffs this guy's whole argument is so unbelievably poorly constructed right and as many of you know immediately after the war the rights to the various States well especially in the South were very much curtailed see who's that word to get back to that Revolt dwarfing the scale of the Summer of Love in January 6th what do you figure Freedom loving Lincoln's response was to what Remains the largest civil disturbance in U.S history since thousands of recently defeated Fredericksburg troops to fire on their own citizens in the streets of New York murdering at least 300 although over a century later were still unclear on the true scale of the [ __ ] fatalities now federal troops are available to put down the riots Before Dawn on Thursday July 16th two regiments of the New York National Guard returned to the city from Gettysburg thousands more troops will follow over the next few days dozens of innocent civilians have been killed as well as soldiers and police but no one knows how many rioters have fallen in the street battles families who found themselves confronted with the realization that members of their own family have been involved proceeded to take the bodies bury them in the backyard and one of the most striking things about the aftermath was the astonishing number of bodies that were found floating in the rivers have I reminded you lately that the military is not your friend not that it wasn't without provocation this was somewhat of a heal program and while it would be easy to paint the population as the leering racist bad guys for the lynchings and looting to follow understand that Lincoln all right so first he points out that a lot of black people were murdered and lynched which is absolutely true during these riots but then he's criticizing the soldiers that were sent to stop them from doing that you can't take both sides of the argument and again none of this has anything to do with why the war was fought express the same sentiments both before and after the election the draft riots were in essence a series of anti-black and anti-republican crimes perpetrated by an army of many Lincolns the north was Lincoln having not received a single electoral vote outside of it and thus it cannot be stressed enough that the north hated black people in Lincoln's home state of Illinois thanks to a series of discriminatory edicts blacks weren't even legally allowed to live there and many of those laws were passed when Lincoln was a state congressman and he voted for every single [ __ ] one French writer poet and legend of political science Alexis de tocqueville wrote after his travels as a diplomat in America that he believed slavery was far more brutal in the north than in the South I'm not at all uncommon opinion among observers from Europe might I add now has the Civil War raged European powers who had long ago ended slavery peacefully begin Spain might have something to say about that their empire still had slavery for a long time after this to worry about trading with a slave state so they dispatched envoys to assess the violent nature of slavery Stateside every single one determined slavery was a more brutal practice by far in the north than it was in the South with none other than New Jersey singled out as the worst place in the world to live as a slave and Lincoln embodied all of it hell Abraham Lincoln's father Thomas worked as a [ __ ] slave catcher so now we're going to criticize Abraham Lincoln for who his father was and what his father did man that's dangerous when you start you know attacking people for what people did long long ago that they had no choice in which perhaps brings in a focus quote such as the following quote I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races there is a physical difference between the two which in my judgments will probably forever forbid they're living together upon the footing of equality and in as much as it becomes a necessity that there be a difference I as well as judge Douglas am in favor of the race to which I belong having the superior position this is all very well known about Abraham Lincoln and none of this you could be of the belief that whites were Superior to blacks which I think probably most white people in the north felt that way I'm not defending it but I'm saying that was a pretty common opinion not everyone felt that way uh you can be of that opinion and still hate slavery and still oppose slavery and still believe slavery should be abolished and Lincoln was very well known to have once he abolished slavery he was also trying to make plans to deport or to relocate freed slaves to places like Liberia Central America because he never believed it was going to be possible for them to coexist with white people not defending it but again that doesn't mean Lincoln opposed didn't oppose slavery I have never said anything to the contrary unfucking quote unless you argue that that was ancient ass history by the time of the Civil War that quote is from the 1858 senatorial debate in Ottawa Illinois just a couple years before Lincoln was stinking up the White House it's often alleged by Lincoln's increasingly irrational Defense Force that to believe Lincoln was a supporter of slavery you have to cherry pick quotes but truth is when you dig into his personal political history you have to cherry pick the [ __ ] around them to arrive at any other viable conclusion prior to the war Abraham Lincoln supported the Corwin Amendment an alteration of the Constitution that would have made the institution of slavery permanent and inviolable per the founding document of the country with the full support of a republican Congress this amendment had every vote required to pass with ease the South nevertheless seceded almost as if the Civil War wasn't primarily about slavery or something Lincoln's opposition on the contrary that proves that it was about slavery because the Corwin amendment was a last-ditch attempt to keep the country from plunging into Civil War by assuring the South that the north was not trying to to abolish slavery in the existing States it was an attempt to keep them in the Union by promising they could keep their slaves that 100 percent proves that they understood in the north that this was about slavery that's why the Corwin amendment was passed freeing slaves was demonstrated numerous times not only in the Senate but during his own presidency in 1861 Union general John Fremont while waging a war against a guerrilla force in Missouri enacted martial law which as a matter of pure routine and other such instances to that point afforded the Union Army the right of expropriation of Confederate property so John C Fremont was the 1856 Republican nominee for president he basically even according to people like Grant and others said that Fremont basically saw himself as a dictator on the frontier that he could basically do whatever the heck he wanted and he was operating that way he was operating without Authority and Lincoln was squashing that that is not an argument to be made that Lincoln was opposed to freeing slaves that means legal looting Fremont drafted what is in essence a forerunner of the Emancipation Proclamation and he did so mere months before Lincoln himself drafted the very same document not out of any antipathy towards slavery mind you but because in the north as in the South slaves were lumped in with an estate as Economist Thomas Sal once so your argument is that there's an equality that somehow or let me see if I understand this right John C Fremont issues an Emancipation Proclamation out in what Missouri some Rogue General doing what he wants uh that was to be commended but Lincoln Hall he put that down right and then issued his own which you've just spent 10 15 minutes telling me was worthless and pointless and really was just about murdering white women pointed out slaves were taken as part of a plantation property itself hence why Thomas Jefferson who wanted to free his slaves was only able to free around nine of them at tremendous personal cost because if your Plantation was in debt and Jefferson's absolutely was you technically didn't own your own property and thus you could not legally free your slaves only your lender at the bank could do that General John Fremont had to free the Missouri slaves to pave the way for stealing their property contrary to the cultists who will argue Fremont overstepped his authority this had been done a half dozen times in only the year leading up to this occurrence what makes this encounter unique is that not only did Lincoln specifically demand the provision that liberated slaves be removed he removed Fremont from [ __ ] command in fact it was in again because Fremont was operating without Authority doing things he was told not to do and he you know he was issuing laws and doing things like this he didn't have the right to do that and this was a Northern State this was a state that was still in the union and they had to be very very careful about what they were doing or else Missouri could have gone over to the Confederacy in response to criticism over this very act from his own side that held to write a letter addressing it to the New York New York tribunes horror really from which emerged the fabled quote you'll often see fallaciously cited by leering lincolnite's waxing pragmatic about how it was all just really to preserve the union and I quote if I could preserve the union without freeing a single slave I would do it on we know this already all this proves is that Lincoln's primary War aim when the war started was to preserve the union nobody's ever disputed that quote that the union was already dissolved by Lincoln when he made it effectively involuntary under penalty of arrest deportation or death failed to make the [ __ ] article ironically this off-cited quote is an explicit contradiction of Lincoln's Myriad prior statements which asserted that the president has no constitutional authority to act on the issue of slavery which is why he said if if I could preserve the Union by doing this he wasn't saying I can preserve the Union by doing this meaning that essentially with this single newspaper quote Lincoln just publicly declared himself dictator be sure to mention that when the everything you did was to preserve the union yea who's dust this dog [ __ ] quote off and shove it in your face as some manner of facile counter argument it's like if someone asked you for evidence Hitler really dug the [ __ ] out of Jews so you hand him a copy of mineconf and speaking of dictators all right we're gonna wrap it up right there uh I need a break mentally before I blow a gasket with this guy but we will be back tomorrow with the second half of this let me know your thoughts I know this is going to get interesting and I know that some of his people are going to be coming over here and trying to rip me to shreds bring it on all right thanks for watching we'll see you again soon
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 34,132
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Id: XZmQ692aXGE
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Length: 58min 31sec (3511 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 19 2023
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