Historian Reaction // Epic Rap Battles of History (Stalin/Rasputin & Edison/Tesla)

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welcome back everybody to another reaction video and uh i want to get back to the epic rap battles of history and this has been the most suggested one that i watch and i haven't seen it yet um i just pulled it up a minute ago epic rap battles of history joseph stalin versus gregory rasputin so let's go ahead and dive into this one and see what it's all about [Music] [Music] your daddy beat you like a dog and i'm your evil from georgia sweet georgia and history books on folger as a messed up [ __ ] bit in the mind not a superpower but it paid the price we're the endless just watching the russians you're a man of steel i spit kryptonite so all right we're gonna pause right there uh most of what he's done so far is he's talking about stalin he calls a man of steel joseph stalin's real name was not stalin i think it was jukashvili or something like that uh he was from georgia which is you know it's a state down there near armenia uh kind of the the southern southwestern part of what became the soviet union so he's not russian and so he kind of re talks a little bit about all of that stuff talks about stalin destroying his own people and and uh absolutely true all of that so far and now i can see and if i didn't say it already heads up this is not family friendly um the the size of rasputin's manhood is something that was talked about quite a bit uh and he was known to have been very well endowed in that department with a whisper to your eyes okay so i i gotta i should have waited until the end of that verse but he talks about a whisper to his wife because um rashfutin's in with the uh russian royal family was through the uh zarina it was uh czar nicholas ii's a wife uh and she just absolutely was smitten by rasputin loved him especially because rasputin seemed to somehow have the ability to cure their son's hemophilia this hemophilia was something that ran in the descendants of queen victoria and their son was a descendant of queen victoria it seemed to be something that got passed on to a lot of the royal families of europe especially because of all the inbreeding stuff that happened nobody knows exactly how he did that but he apparently somehow had did something that caused uh the zarvitch to not um suffer from hemophilia when he was perverted around see the soul of the man who made mother russia is [ __ ] you think i give the [ __ ] about my wife my own son got locked up in prison and i didn't save his life to get off easy when they pickled that loose car i'd leave your neck [Music] okay before apparently we listened to what vladimir lenin has to say it didn't know he was gonna show up um a couple of things that jumped out at me that stalin talks about one of them is uh his son and the fact he didn't save him he had a son named yaakov i'm assuming that's jacob in russian and yaakov was captured during world war ii and died in a german prison camp the details are kind of sketchy about what happened the official story i think was that he ran into an electric fence and got electrocuted it was also possibly committed suicide and it was also possible that he was shot by the germans uh but those are all possibilities and then the other thing he refers to are people being crushed during his funeral people were in such a kind of a rush the the crowds to go pay their respects at stalin's funeral that that some people were crushed to death and all of that um one thing while i'm thinking about it too that i would highly recommend if you want something that's that's funny and a little off color but also kind of historically accurate in a lot of ways the film the death of stalin is absolutely hilarious jason isaac's playing marshall zukov is so over the top it's amazing um you've got i think nikita khrushchev is played by steve buscemi uh it's just really really well done if you're into that sort of dark humor it's worth your time let's see what lenin has to say no pride for you who ruined everything my revolution was doing to stop [Music] all right so and he talks he calls him frankenstein and i mean i don't know if that's just a reference to how he looks or if it's a reference to the fact that uh there was this kind of this reputation that rasputin just wouldn't die the night that he was killed uh it started by him being given poison in some food that he was given the poison didn't kill him then they shot him and when they shot him they thought he was dead and they took him to a river where they were going to dump him and apparently he was still alive when he went into the river and then he finally died either by drowning or freezing when he was in the river but um so maybe that's what the whole frankenstein's about i'm not man but sure loyalty shriveled up like your right hand man my whole future was bright you let your heart grow dark it's not the greatest revolution since the birth of mark so uh yeah when stalin dies or not when stalin dies when lenin dies lenin did not want stalin to be the guy that replaced him he knew by that point that stalin was not the person with whom they could trust the future of the soviet union uh but stalin in his position as general secretary was able to maneuver and and kind of do all this stuff uh to to get himself in position and to eliminate any of his possible threats uh to being able to take over [Music] oh now who's here is it gorbachev [ __ ] made a mess and the war got cold shook hands with both reagan and mcdonald's no doubt so stalin uh lenin rasputin and again lennon just like stalin lennon was not his name uh i can't remember what it was but uh it was definitely not lenin i was another one of those things where he changed it so gorbachev somebody i remember well i think he's still alive actually to this day uh but he completely changed the future of the uh of the soviet union in fact he kind of eventually led to their downfall um by kind of opening things up and and starting to kind of push them toward more like what china has today that kind of a communist government where it's a little more open to the west and and he and reagan had a great relationship let's see what else he has to say like the kool-aid man oh yeah you two need yoga you need to shower and you all need to learn how to handle real power did somebody say is that putin oh my god [Music] it's gotta be it's gotta be putin because he's not wearing a shirt and there's this famous thing where putin was riding around on a horse with no shirt on kind of showing off how manly he was that's when i'm crossing these beats while i'm falling in cuba doing judo moves at school in every community i'm a president my prime mind don't distract me so he said live to half-life because there have been these people who have spoken out against style or against putin that have mysteriously been poisoned with radiation uh so i think that's the half-life reference there you'll find that the x-grade is the best type [Music] so xkj kgb putin was in the kgb and cccp is actually the abbreviation in russian for the soviet union all right so i guess that's the end of that one let me know your thoughts about that i'm sure there's stuff i missed i don't know my russian history as well as i know more western history so i'm sure they're little things that i missed let me know what those are in the comment section below but let's go ahead and take a look at one more today all right so i decided for the second one today that we would dive into nikola tesla versus thomas edison this one should be really interesting let's see what they have to say [Music] you'll be shocked when i spit and start static i'll rip your style and add it to my long list of patterns while you were busy digging digits and burning bridges and pumping out and veggies sacking riches so go back to your pictures you're a geek plagued by ocd you never had sex but you sure got screwed by me tesla there's just no putting it gently i don't alternate my flow i diss you directly okay so uh again if you want to see a good movie uh the current war which stars um benedict cumberbatch as thomas edison is a good way to kind of dive into this topic it's also something they cover a lot on the history channel i think the men who build america deals with some of that as well but um you know edison and tesla actually i think tesla worked for edison for a while uh and was trying to give him these suggestions in edison edison was a brilliant inventor he was not a great dude he was kind of a jerk he was not kind of a jerk he was a jerk he was very ruthless when it came to business tesla on the other hand didn't seem to care so much about the business end of things he just wanted to invent and he wanted to bring things to the world and um so very very different way of dealing with things and they talk about alternating current versus direct current there and one of the things edison did to prove and this is why i say was not a good dude he was so adamant about wanting to prove that tesla's form of electricity was dangerous that he actually helped them design the electric chair using tesla's electricity uh so he could show that it was deadly to people and william kemler was the very first person to ever be electrocuted i think he had murdered somebody with a hatchet he was killed in auburn state prison in new york in 1890 uh and he basically got cooked to death because it didn't work very well and tesla set up or edison set up all these other experiments where they like electrocuted the elephant to the public trying to prove that his stuff was was safe and tesla's was dangerous the difference of course between the two forms of electricity had to do with um how far it could go and tesla's had the potential where you didn't have to have nearly as many power stations but it was potentially more dangerous i see a universe of infinite energy but no potential for threat from this enemy so you can call me tesla impeccably giving lessons in electrical nemesis this will be on the test so confess to your deaths and let the whole world know what the serbian did for the wizard of man know history is getting rewritten and i have read your best invention was a way to steal crap the truth hurts you so he calls him the wizard of menlow um edison was known as the wizard of menlow park which is where he had his uh lab set up in new jersey he's actually from ohio from northwest ohio uh edison is originally um i can't remember the name of the town but i've been by it several times and why stop don't give a speech about your visions if they can't make a buck i conduct business understood things you never could so dope that i even make new jersey look good i'm on the record i invented you got you there i said it number two fifty thousand dollars that you'll never forget it without me here's a taste of what this battle would be no all right so one there i caught at the end he said something about i bet you fifty thousand dollars well apparently one of the things that kindly severed their relationship eventually was that um tesla said that edison offered him 50 000 if he could make certain improvements to his dc power system and tesla came through and was able to make the improvements and was shocked when edison didn't give him the money and edison made this kind of crude uh insult to him and he said well you know when you become a real american you'll understand what an american joke is and he said he was saying it and just he didn't really mean it that he just didn't think tesla would be able to do it and tesla took that personally and i think that was kind of the thing that finally ended their relationship and uh tesla stopped working for edison lights no camera no sound see you're fooled you think that you can touch me with this you couldn't handle my gifts with your greedy little mind i i should say too i want to pause there because he said no lights no camera no sound because all of those things were inventions by thomas and thomas edison uh the incandescent light bulb was perfected by him um the phonograph which gave us sound and then the the first uh video camera what's inside mine was ahead of its own time you did not steal from me you stole me from mankind it's a wireless transmission of truths and it's a shocking real story of a banker with you and if the people knew you stopped me from making power free they would curse the carnedison with every utility yeah so uh you know tesla did invent wireless electricity you know the tesla coil and all that kind of stuff and a lot of our inventions even today go back to things that tesla originally was able to come up with i have to wonder if tesla had gotten the financial backing to really do some things what he might have come up with but let me know your thoughts about all that again i probably missed some things i'm not real deeply familiar with their story only things i've read and watched over time but i definitely know that uh tesla got royally screwed by thomas edison and he eventually ends up giving up his patent to ac electricity i think to george westinghouse so the westinghouse could successfully compete against the dc power so let me know your thoughts if you hit that like button subscribe so you never miss another video i greatly appreciate that check out some of the links in the description below we'll see you again soon thanks for watching
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 328,358
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: epic rap battles of history, stalin vs rasputin, rasputin vs stalin epic rap battle, rasputin vs stalin, epic rap battles, epic rap battles of history reaction, rasputin vs stalin reaction, tesla edison, rap battle edison tesla, reaction channels be like, reaction channels music
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 34sec (874 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 20 2021
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