11 Less evil facts about Hitler - Mitsi Studio Reaction

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welcome back everyone to another reaction video I just got back from Vicksburg where I led a tour we had a fantastic time I really enjoyed hanging out with everybody and talking history together for a couple of days the weather wasn't the best but we made the best of it regardless of some rain that we dealt with and I'm looking forward to doing it again so be uh paying attention uh for future announcements here on the channel about upcoming tours that I'll be leading down the road uh probably here in the state some more American Civil War battlefields but we also have our big tours coming up I'll be heading to Italy in just over two weeks for a week in Rome and Florence and uh cassino and Naples so looking forward to bringing you a lot of content from that in the meantime though we're going to take a look at a new channel today this one's called MIT studio and they use a very unique uh 3D Graphics that they uh kind of U put together themselves and they tell historical tales in doing so so I'm excited to check one of their videos out for the first time this one's called 11 less evil facts about Hitler now it's important to note that when we're talking about these things we are not in any way saying that he is somehow less evil it's just important to note that even people who do absolutely horrible things can compartmentalize that and live very relatable normal human lives outside of the horrible things that they're doing so I imagine that's what we're going to be taking a look at today in this video I'll put a link in in the description so if you like what you see from this channel I would encourage you to check out their Channel subscribe watch some of their other content let's uh get them all the likes and Views that we possibly can I want to give a shout out and a thank you to Elizabeth in mcken Pennsylvania thank you so much for your support on patreon could not do it without the support of our patrons let's go ahead and dive into this [Music] one y before his rise to power in Germany Hitler was an artist trying to sell paintings and postcards to earn himself a living he applied to be accepted by the Vienna Art Academy but on the admissions exam he was told his work was lacking emotions and empathy for the human figures surely no pun intended there by the admissions bought Hitler became very frustrated after replying and being rejected a second time that probably in later life did not contribute anything good to Hitler's overall chill factor after the war the few remaining art pieces of Hitler sold for relatively large amounts of money he could have exploited these late artistic successes was it not for World War II and a Bullet to the Head okay so we'll pause right there I'll let each one of these play through and then we'll talk a little bit about them yes uh he was an artist if you've seen any of his artwork when it comes to I mean granted I'm not an artist so the the bar is pretty low here as far as what I find to be talented uh but I've seen some of his work like he did no fonstein Castle uh in Bavaria there I actually went to one of the sites of something he painted in Munich um everybody says that it was really like his his attempt at painting people that was the problem for him uh but from what I've seen of his work when it comes to Landscapes and buildings I actually thought it was pretty good um and I I actually have a friend who owns one of the surviving paintings of Hitler's um I don't know if he's made that public so I won't say who it is but um interesting yeah and and obviously a lot of people point to the fact that him not getting into art school maybe led him down a dark path and had he been accepted to art school maybe none of the other stuff happens I'm not sure if that's necessarily the case because I think even if he gets accepted to Art School When The War breaks out World War I he probably still joins the war and maybe ends up going down the exact same path anyway so I'm not sure I think maybe we over overstate that a little too much the the the factor that him getting rejected from art school has in playing his future life hi you did love movies American movies this brutal dictator was an absolute film buff especially in the evening making him a super binge Watcher mench there were many Hollywood films that he liked King Kong Snow White or snow Aryan white in his mind and on top of that he was also a great fan of Lyal and Hardy if you still believe that is not weird enough consider he was also a fan of Disney's Mickey Mouse I guess after a hard day of work coordinating the destruction of Europe and some occasional mass murder in between nothing beats a good jolly Mouse to keep the spirits up this resulted with Hitler organizing his own Cinema nights with his guests binge watching all the way into the late night hours so I I love the animation first of all they have a very unique style that's all their own but it works and it's it's a kind of a cool way to be able to tell the story uh and talk about history so U my understanding is because remember a lot of the the BigTime Hollywood actors did end up serving in World War II some of them served in in like film roles like Ronald Reagan for example uh who wasn't necessarily the biggest Hollywood actor uh but he ended up narrating a lot of uh government films that were made uh if you watch the video of uh George S Patton and Jimmy dittle speaking at a rally in Los Angeles in 1945 it's narrated by Ronald Reagan uh but my understanding is in particular he was a big fan of Clark Gable and because Clark Gable actually flew some combat missions over Europe uh he had given some pretty detailed instructions that if Clark Gable were to be captured exactly where he was supposed to be brought because he really wanted to meet him uh so kind of interesting when you think think about that that's true Hitler is often considered to be the first national leader to Advocate non-smoking being a heavy smoker in his early life around 40 to 45 cigarettes a day really joke he realized the Aran super race could not be associated with smoking so Hitler made sure a nationwide non-smoking campaign was set in place to keep the German people from smoking understandably you do not want to be called a Nazi only for people to think you are a smoker that would be awkward they even went as far as to construct separate non-smoking rooms in their bomb shelters what a luxury to have your own non-smoking bomb shelter while the city above you is turned into one big ashtray priorities yeah that's absolutely true he uh he actually had a number of uh very specific things when it came to to his health a lot of people who knew him said he was also a vegetarian um but it is kind of interesting to think that in the 30s and 40s at a time when a lot of people smoked and this is a time before it was really fully understood the dangers to a person's health from smoking I mean so much so that people like King George I 6 in the UK uh his doctors actually told him that he should smoke because it would help relax his throat and help with his stammer so you know it's easy to judge people at a time back then when that was going on but it wasn't fully understood exactly what was going on so kind of ahead of his time I guess it was less about everyone's health and more about just a personal preference on his part though this is kind of ironic when you think about it another unexpected trait on our list is Animal Welfare Hitler took a variety of measures to ensure animals were well protected his own dog Blondie was loved and cuddled by his owner with Hitler having Blondie in his bed in the fura bunker very sweet but not sweet enough to be an episode on the dog Whisperer to enforce better living conditions for Animals the Nazi regime made an effort to seriously restrict the hunting on animals they also went as far as to send people who mistreated animals to concentration camps this was during a time where they were even specifying guidelines on how to properly transport animals a sentence that is very hard to process considering other events unfolding during that time yeah how to transport animals you have to have guidelines but we're going to transport people like animals uh again it's easy to look at this and think to yourself well this doesn't make any sense considering what was being done to people but we're trying to apply reason and sound judgment to a people who were doing some pretty insane things to other people at that time so we should not expect them to have thought rationally about the very clear uh hypocrisy of how they were treating animals versus how they were treating human beings this I didn't know Hitler liked his cakes eair and many other creamy desserts all day long his cook made these personalized treats decorated with Stiers and why not on some days he could eat as much as 1 kilogram of chocolate prings I guess a diet combining sweets and prescription drugs are not going to do you a lot of good in the long run nevertheless Hitler claimed for me sweets are the best food for the NS considering how the war was eventually going it's not weird to see how he ended up eating so much of that during the closing stages of the war with the fura trapped in his underground bunker complex one of the last things he ate before committing suicide on April the 30th 1945 was a cake for the nerves so I didn't know any of that that's kind of interesting uh a lot of people have addictions to sugary sweets fascinating oh this one I don't know if this is March was a popular British war song with one song variant having lyrics describing the missing deformed and undersized testicles of the top Nazi leaders at this point it is safe to say that marketing the whole idea of an Aryan super race outside of Germany's borders is going to be challenging if people are singing songs about your bat and ball TS it's a shame Britain's Got Talent was not around during that time it would have brought us some awesome extra auditions to look at in recent years a medical report from Hitler's doctor confirms the rumors that the furo was fighting a war on two fronts with just one testicle so I I've always understood that to be one of those rumors that we didn't really know for sure if it was true or not so if there's a medical report okay maybe it is true but it's it's fascinating to see how propaganda especially in war time can be so persuasive that even absent real evidence sometimes people will believe certain things it was true with how Napoleon bonapart was described Again by the British who were really good at this kind of propaganda to this day a lot of people still think Napoleon was abnormally short which he wasn't but people say that because the propaganda perpetuated that idea over and over and over again till people believed it uh the same thing was true with things going back to the wars of the roses and how the tutor Dynasty used Shakespeare for propaganda to talk about things like Richard III and describe him as the evil Hunchback Tyrant with a withered arm who murdered his nephews and some of that was based in some truth but that's the most effective propaganda is when you take something that could be kind of true and you make it absolutely true in people's minds uh so yeah was there truth to this sure but it's how it was spun to make him seem weak and less than manly uh to to use a medical condition that probably had nothing to do with his manhood in general and spin it as meaning there were something wrong with him there's plenty wrong with him but that wasn't one of the [Music] things Hitler claimed to eat healthy but never mentioned all the sweets he e in hindsight this should not be the thing to judge him for near the end of his life Hitler followed a more vegetarian diet including a lot of greens like carrots broccoli tomatoes and a lot of Peaks Albert Spear noted at the dinner table Hitler mentioned gruesome suffering and Slaughter of animals trying to dissuade his colleagues from eating meat again it is hard to ignore the irony here with Hitler lecturing people about moral standards basically on any subject [Music] whatsoever so spear was a guy who was pretty close to Hitler he's one of the few people who was really in Hitler's Inner Circle who's going to survive the War uh and and not Escape somewhere also uh so I guess uh we should at least pay some heed to what he says but I've also seen other people debate the idea that he was truly a complete vegetarian and that there weren't at least certain times that he ate meat so what do you what do you think about that let me know in the comment section below I've kind of gone back and forth on that one this one I've heard the fura meaning leader was known also as de fzza meaning F because of his uncontrollable gases Hitler's personal Doctor Theodore Morel provided the fura ferza with medicines to counter these problems Hitler's vigorous speeches might have been less impressive if every other sentence was interrupted by a gassy Melody although Hitler complimented his own doctor for the treatments multiple counter claims were made on the pills he was getting and after many years the farting was still there combined with so interesting here they're actually showing uh you see his hand behind him and kind of shaking the last known video footage we have of Hitler is when he comes out of the furer bunker to inspect some Hitler Youth and that's where you very very strongly see that shake that he's got in the one hand that he's holding behind him and uh Bruno Gant the uh the Swiss actor who uh portrays him in the movie downfall does a tremendous job of recreating that uh he was just brilliant in that role in general any new health problems for all the criticism Hitler took over the years it is hard to say anything good about the man without raising eyebrows but to be fair in a few cases Hitler was out mashed in evilness by one certain individual to be a general serving under Hitler's command was actually a better position to be in than being a general serving Stalin you might be guessing where this is going yep if you up with Stalin breathing down your neck you could be pretty sure to end up in a ditch with a skull looking like a bowling ball in contrast Hitler mostly just sacked his generals for being dumbasses not executing them in Mass numbers just to make a point however it did not make him employer of the month just yet P guy yeah and I'm sure there were people who worked for him who absolutely loved him of course you didn't get that close to him unless you were a DieHard believer in the same cause that he believed in uh so chances are you're going to see him through some very rose colored glasses so we have to keep in mind that anytime we are reading sources of people who are close to him we have to understand their biases so someone like Albert Spear for example uh who after the war was doing his best to kind of repudiate a lot of that stuff may have been more likely to say things that maybe were negative about Hitler uh whereas others who were Die Hard To the End may have been singing his Praises all the way up to their grave yes Willie Willie Hitler it is safe to say that taking over the world was not a family-run business entirely his own nephew William Patrick Hitler was serving in the United States Navy from 1944 to 1947 if you think that is not awkward enough before he fled to the US he blackmailed his uncle for years by threatening to leak embarrassing family stories to the Press when he suspected a trap was set up for him he fled Germany and eventually obtained US citizenship and joined the Navy afterwards after the war William changed his name William Patrick Hitler Stuart Houston although it would have been more fitting to change it to that William who with Hitler so Hitler's brother who was Will's dad I think it was his half brother actually lived a substantial portion of his life in the UK uh so there were already some divisions there between the two parts of the family uh and so Willie does end up I think living on Long Island after World War II after he serves in the Navy and he did change his name I think he had three sons a couple of whom may be still alive and last I was aware none of those three sons had any children uh and so at least in some ways the the the Lin's dying out here in America what's fascinating is how many of these people who were on the opposite side of history from the United States ended up having their families in the United States Stalin's daughter ended up in the US I've talked about this before I've met Nikita Cru Chef's son who became an American citizen um you have the heir to the Romanoff Dynasty I believe lives in California uh crazy stuff wait what this I didn't know there are multiple theories that the introduction of the sex doll has its roots going back to the Nazi era According to some it was the furer himself who invented the use of sex dolls for his Frontline troops so they were less likely to contract non- Arian transmittable diseases on their own with many German troops deployed in France the biggest threat to the German vac was not Frontline action but streets filled with prostitutes swinging legs around their men turning every French town City into one big French St defense this was unacceptable to Hitler who came up with the idea to design special sex dogs all with blue eyes and blonde hair difficult to swap your doll with your friends though if you prefer something else from time to time yes life was hard for a German soldier stationed in France in 1941 in the end the dolls were not a very big success mostly because of the embarrassment solders hand with carrying the dolls around to which duh how weird is that seeing a German Vermax Soldier gearing up his mous hand grenades mg ammunition and finally his inflatable sex doll very Superior Master race kind of stuff eventually the factory where these dolls were made was also targeted and bombed by the RAF wait we sent strategic bombing runs on sex doll factories I'm wondering if we knew that's what it was or if it was just one of those things where it's oh hey a factory let's hit it destroying the entire building and taking the lives of over 200 innocent Inflatables innocent Inflatables wow join our community on patreon and get your own Bad Boys in history stuff print your own Bad Boys in history collection every month we give you two STL 3D print fonts to print your bad boys in history Collectibles that's pretty cool I think I might have to become a patron of these guys because I really like what they do let's take a look at what some of their other videos are about so they at 653,000 subscribers we've got 74 videos in total got one about World War I we might have to do that one at some point life of a gladiator the battle of the Atlantic how C countries fight their Wars interesting so these are just some of their latest Let's uh look at their most popular ones that was one of the most popular ones got some uh life uh what else we got how to survive on Mars says they have 74 videos but we're only looking at some of them here so um pretty cool pretty cool okay that's because a lot of their videos are shorts that's where most of their videos are so they don't have that many long form that makes sense I mean would take a lot of work to put something like this together all right so I really enjoyed that I hope you did too let me know your thoughts in the comment section below anything you'd like to add to the discussion about the topics that we talked about there if there's another one of their videos you think we should definitely check out let me know that and I encourage encourage you to check out their channel for yourself when you get the chance so I want to give a shout out and a thank you to Kyle in Bandon Oregon and David and Fairfax Virginia thank you both so much for your support on patreon could not do it without you we'll see you again soon check out some of these other videos when you get a chance
Channel: Vlogging Through History
Views: 51,372
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 30sec (1290 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 19 2024
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