Historian Kate Lister Rates Historic Couples In Movies

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[Music] oh see she's being all shy and coy here i don't buy that about mary belin personally were they gay were they not gay were they gay were they not gay they were totally that's enough it's just it is a freudian nightmare isn't it is your mum turning up only that was the only bang that was going on that night eh hi i'm kate lister i'm a sex historian and the host of the twixtor sheets podcast with history hit and i'm here today to talk you through some love and relationship and sex scenes in movies and to see what is right and what is wrong and what's a historian's take on that so let's get into it [Music] the favorite oh now he deserved that in the 18th century there was and beyond there was actually this kind of idea that when women said no they really meant yes which might be kind of what you see in here thankfully that attitude has had no negative repercussions on our own culture oh hello yes go on give him a kick i've just now decided to marry imagine i cannot uh she's trying to get him to marry yeah don't you give it up emma i know it would ruin you to marry me i'll fix i mean this it would have been really common wouldn't it for masters to exploit their female servants but she's playing playing a dangerous game there oh queen allen and lady churchill were they lesbians again we don't know we don't know there were certainly satirical pamphlets written at the time that said that they did dark deeds at night loads of miscarriages and dead children as well really sad i hope she was yeah you get your lesbian on and you do you it's a dangerous game it's dangerous you want to be the official mistress slash favorite slash love interest in some ways the kind of the probably the safest option is to have sex with them and try and get a nice necklace and move on but the second they start exerting political influence like lady churchill definitely did with with queen anne then you it starts to become a bit more serious and then other people are involved because there's a political influence and they were widely satirized in the press at the time so people kind of knew it was like an open secret i mean she didn't have she had a huge amount of power she did so she played that game quite well but other royal mistresses and favorites do come to sticky ends they can be bumped off they can be um deposed they can be chased out of the country they can be locked up in a convent it's it's a dangerous game but if you play it well yeah the rewards are exceptional yes queen anne um for my money she probably was a lesbian i would i'd say so she was she did have gout she was in a lot of pain and i think that olivia coleman plays her absolutely brilliantly um yeah i think i'd go for a nine for that one actually i think that was that was a good a good job that one alexander [Music] i've been in nightclubs like this what are we doing sexy time sixth time greek person he looks impressed alexander so this is where alexander meets bergoas who was a eunuch that's a feisty and there's a whole west certainly one of the great kings feathery and there's in some of the sources it does actually say that like alexander openly kissed him and hugged him and so they were pretty confident that they were lovers where does he come from they're not saying [Music] you speak our language good i'd like to learn yours i bet you would probably what you're not seeing here though is bogois was described as being in the flower of boyhood which probably means he's about 14 years old which is not what's happening here so alexander's is a bit of a nuns and that's the same with every person in the hareem but he's definitely having fun isn't he and there's a lot of debate about is was examined a gay was he bisexual there's some reports about sex with women some with men quite a lot with eunuchs with pagoas here oh look at this fun lad lads lads to babylonia alexander terribly hungover after night on the town okay he's on his deathbed and that's bhagava's tending to him and he really did stay with him throughout his whole life so it was more than just a quick shag down the hareem you [ __ ] me up a little it catches me amber goes was actually the lover of darius iii of persia as well so the boy got around i've never been so high the fleet will never get out by strength i must go oh look at him his hair's not blonde anymore look at that tonight 34 when he died you have given me all and you have given me the happiest times in my life as kenda alexander like he conquered the known world haven't in his early 30s i think i was still doing beer bombs in the park and why was my early 30s look at this dramatic dying oh because don't worry you're still pretty go get yourself another king i don't think he did actually i think he died quite young as well so yeah so there's a lot of debate around alexander's sexuality as there is with all historical figures actually because they're not here they're not here to explain themselves and all we've got is like fragments of records so and there's no diary of alexander's the diary where he writes he has a crush on so it's all people writing about him and some a long time after he's dead as well but there's some sources that say that he really shunned the company of women apparently his mum used to like hire really expensive courtesans to try and tempt him and some accounts say that he was he was quite into it and some said he wasn't but he definitely seems to have had these intensely close friendships to men her feisty and was like his is his great love and it said that that when he feisty and died alexander just absolutely went to pieces he was just in and that might have actually hastened his death some historians have even said and they used to compare themselves to the the greek myths um myth figures achilles and patroclus who were also lovers probably so yeah so i think that they were for my money they were lovers definitely but it's always we're never gonna quite know for sure are we um i'm gonna have to deduct some points for the irish accent seeping through there uh but i'm gonna scroll it quite highly because they didn't flinch away from the fact that alexander he liked that he just did and they didn't flinch or shy away from it as i've seen some of them do with again they were just really really good friends just really good mates so the fact that they have bought in begos who was a eunuch and they've gotten there and he's quite sexy um i'll score it harley for that but also they did flinch from the fact that the ghosts would have been 14 so not quite so sexy so i think i'm gonna give that um a seven the other balloon girl [Applause] [Music] the crowds are with her the crowds have no vote and the bishops they do are moses pocket the story of ambulance quite well-known isn't it but mary belina sister not quite so well unknown so the berlin [ __ ] strong work catherine wow boom i mean it must have been awful right because like anne boleyn was her lady in waiting so she just had to like go about a day with this woman like you know fetching and caring for it knowing that she's banging her husband and mary berlin was was henry's lover for years before i'm stepped in well i shall not you want me to lie before god and admit my first marriage was consummated i mean that's just she's got balls of steel doesn't she ambling really and what must mary have been thinking you know this has been your lover of years and then your younger sister turns up and now you're trying to overthrow a religion an empire within an inch of my life [Music] i am catherine queen of england the king's one true wife and mother of the heir to the throne beloved of the people and beloved of a king oh didn't work though did it henry was couldn't wait to be shot of her and he would he would just check every anything and everything with henry viii he was absolutely riddled with it apparently that's why he really liked anno is because she resisted his advances played hard to get so this is it where the king of england sleeps oh see she's being all shy and coy here i don't buy that about mary belin personally she was married she was actually so this is an affair because i like you and trust you and she'd been the mistress of king francis the first in france so the girls got form he wasn't very nice about her actually he called her um his english mayor and the great [ __ ] he called her as well so that that's a move isn't it my flattery it makes you uncomfortable oh look at her she's all quiet she's not she knows exactly what she did and her husband knew as well probably that that was not uncommon actually if because you know what you're gonna do if the king wants to shag your wife you can't say no so you may as well give up to the situation and ask him for a castle which is kind of what happened forever in the shadows her face probably would have been pockmarked with something their teeth definitely wouldn't have been that white which was supposed to be quite pretty by all accounts [Music] oh he's carrying a that old move swept off her feet i had a partner who did that once but he buckled and he was quite ripped henry in his youth and when he got older he kind of got fatter and he was covered in swords and riddled with this that and the other but in his youth he was a fine piece of man [Music] it's only in recent years actually that we found what we think is a portrait of mary we're still not entirely sure what she looked like but she did she leave the country fell out with her father and her sister took years for them to be reconciled [Music] she's have a reasonably happy ending no did mary she buggered off and eventually she married a soldier her first husband died there's some debate to whether or not her kids were actually her husband's kids or henry's kids she did call one of them henry there is a significant difference isn't there between being a good lover and being good in the bedroom and being allowed to shag anyone you want which is what henry was allowed to do not only was it like completely expected for kings to have mistresses it was even an official position at court it was absolutely expected um but he is the most powerful man in the country so he can have sex with pretty much anyone that he wants to and he does he has numerous mistresses um not just the berlin girls but like many many ladies in waiting and although it sounds like quite predatory and creepy and kind of weinstein-esque and it was let's not pretend that it wasn't for a lot of aspiring people at court it was also a really good route to getting money and serious political influence he had a number of illegitimate children but they couldn't claim the throne but that was a good way to get money from him and you know and he was he looked after mary's children actually and she got quite a lot of money out of him so if you were power hungry enough shagging the king that could be a good a good route and many many people took it in fact husbands quite often just offered up their wives and and turned turned a blind eye was he a good lover um apparently one of the things amblyn was put on trial for was making fun of the king's technique in bed she said that he lacked potency and vigor so he can have sex a lot of people it doesn't mean that he's very good at it though and even sex for when they've got their own room like henry there quite clearly has got you know his own space but you would have to have there were no texts you couldn't like you couldn't drop into mary berlin's dms and you know 3am you up the up um that he couldn't do that so he'd had to have arranged with her which meant somebody bringing her a note probably and they're being written documentation they'd have to have organized it so people knew yeah i think that that one actually did quite well i think although mary belin was kind of played as this quite koi shy oh your majesty bit and i think that she was actually a bit more active and naughty than that that it did happen they did have an affair they were the berlin [ __ ] and catherine of aragon rightly hated them and henry really liked them so i i think that i'm probably gonna score that one quite highly i'm gonna give that an eight titanic they assumed he was one of them heir to a railroad fortune perhaps new money obviously but still a member of the club oh here he comes apparently he's like over six foot tall and and real life is laying out i don't know what i was thought the best i've seen ma'am hardly any rats [Laughter] i mean the titanic was divided into class like this and it was the absolute height of luxury the most luxurious you have even the third class cabins were considered to be very luxurious third class cabins but i just don't think that he would have been allowed in this atmosphere he just wouldn't have been allowed in third class it's kind of it's it's a very romanticized even if he'd saved her life they just wouldn't have mixed like this i really don't think he knows every riveter don't you thomas i did your ship is a wonder mr andrews truly thank you rose how do you take a caveat no caviar for me thanks never did like it much and where exactly do you live mr dawson well right now my address is the rms titanic i mean he's kind of like being paraded like a novelty here isn't he like you know look we have a paw at dinner so there isn't actually an earlier scene where rose makes a reference to freud and his work on penis sizes but that hadn't been published by the time the titanic sunk so that's a little anachronism a real man makes his own luck archie right dawson hmm and you find that sort of rootless existence appealing do you and the makeup i don't think that the women would have been wearing makeup this heavy not in 1912 it was very no makeup makeup very natural any makeup was this kind of only painted ladies and harlots and actresses had makeup so they wouldn't have looked like this who i'm gonna meet where i'm gonna wind up just the other night i was sleeping under a bridge and now here i am and there's a whole like thing going through isn't there about how like you know the upper classes yes they're very privileged but they say restricted life and it's very and and the poor people may be poor but they're having fun i'm not so sure about that one i think that being poor would have actually been a bag especially about the titanic because most third class passengers died [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh look at the little baby faces [Music] i don't i actually don't think that rose and jack would have ever met because third class was just not allowed on first-class decks at all so the idea that he'd be invited for dinner even if he'd managed to save the life i don't think so oh but this is just this is a lovely scene isn't it oh here we go here we go the iconic although why are they knobbing in a car when they just had like the bedroom there fair enough written not the first i think i actually did read somewhere that that make of car wasn't actually available at the time so the whole movie's ruined now thank you and a fashion historian did once tell me that rose would not have been in this perfect pristine white because running through all the about the bowels of the ship there it was steam powered and so she'd been covered in soot so she wouldn't have been this kind of pristine white she'd have been a mucky pup would a high-class girl have done this would she have shagged him in the back of her car made did happen didn't it it did [Music] put your hands on me oh bless him jack and rose everyone hmm if only that was the only bang that was going to happen that night eh i mean class it still affects us today in ways that perhaps we're not entirely aware of like we are more fluid now but the idea of social class when the titanic was around it it was really really rigid i mean there was some social mobility it wasn't completely unheard of but rose we're dealing with like the real cream of the cream of the aristocracy um lots of money involved you know you say like today class doesn't come into it but like how many lords and ladies do you know that you hang out with you know so it still is very much a part of it and jack is at the completely run of the spectrum like he's homeless when she when she meets him isn't she so we're really talking about a super super wealthy woman wearing diamonds the size of a fist shagging a homeless guy in a car on a ship so it's it's a real clash isn't it it's a it's a lovely love story but i think that the actual classified would have been so strict that i really don't think that in real life they would have met in fact i think that rose probably would have used jack's body as a lifeboat if she could in real life because they just no i just don't think that they would have met at all well i love titanic i i love titanic i do i love titanic it's very visually pretty and i know a lot of research went in as well to making it as historically accurate as possible but i still i just can't get past the fact that i just don't think that it would have it would have happened um but i do like the costumes and it's pretty um seven i'll give it a seven out of ten robin hood yes i know but it's my mother just it is a freudian nightmare isn't it is your mum turning up no i will not have you in my presence mother soon to be king john and his mum eleanor of aquaton and he's banging isabella of france oh that's his poor wife amusement her uncle is the bloody king of france get down i mean she was a hard-ass [ __ ] with eleanor of aquitone i don't know if she'd have done this though excuse to cross the channel with an army and you have given him that i can tell you this much king john was described as being um barrel bellied and he was quite short and he had red hair so this sick glistening six-pack thing going on you who honored your husband with eight children so that even now when death has taken the rest you have a king and yeah he was he was actually the youngest son of like four he wasn't supposed to be on the throne at all i've asked the pope's man to arrange an annulment and do you think the pope will favor england's royal runt over the king of france he might see his way for the son of eleanor of aquitaine and for the future king of england richard the lionheart is 40 years old so if that's king john's second wife to be that he did get his first marriage and knowledge he could marry her she was actually either 12 or 14 when she married him but so this oh she's a sexy strong independent french lady with amazing skin no she would have been 12 14 and that rather puts a different spin on this particular scene whether or not actual royals would have found it really easy to meet up and have sex even if your mum walked in on you to shout at you probably not because these people are surrounded by guards all the time their every moment is watched like you were talking about a serious international incident kidnapping a princess and then shagging her before marriage although by it does seem that that was actually a reasonably good way to ensure a marriage if your parents said no because if you've lost your virginity before marriage you now have to marry this person so but no it wouldn't been that easy to do that so it's difficult because i quite like that scene i think it's quite good and i think the guy playing king john is quite sexy but king john was not sexy he was a redhead and he was short and he was quite chunky and i don't think that his mum ever walked in on him and his wife second wife would have been 12 at the time i have to give it a 4. thanks for watching this video on the history hit youtube channel you can subscribe right here to make sure you don't miss any of our great films that are coming out or if you are a true history fan check out our special dedicated history channel history hit dot tv you're going to love it
Channel: History Hit
Views: 361,728
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: history hit, history hit youtube, movie review, how real is it, expert review, historical movies, movie review channels, expert reviews, movie reviews funny, history movie reviews, how real is it tudors, historic couples, love stories from history, henry viii, kate lister, titanic, titanic best scenes, titanic best moments, robin hood, the other boleyn girl, the other boleyn girl movie clips, alexander, alexander movie review, the favourite scene, the favourite best scene
Id: w0q3yhQXNE8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 54sec (1494 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 03 2022
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