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right now I was pulling this blanket out and there's a freaking jewelry box in there what the heck what the heck okay and there's the safe I'm bringing that home we're going to bust it open guys that's going to be F just like old times all right what's up Locker nuts we are in windy tur lck California today and are you guys ready are you ready to party like it's $1 1999 why because this Locker has been sitting for 25 years or at least that's how long the previous owner had this thing I paid $2,000 $700 at the auction to get it to find out what's inside and some of you saw the sneak peek a couple months ago because I've been renting it for a couple months and you are excited to see it I'm excited to see it let's get inside it's Locker time oh yes oh wow okay Dusty as can be Dusty is anything we buy I think wowza so about 2 months ago we bought this as well as two others that were just as Dusty if you guys remember that they were just so dusty both of those units the previous owner had passed away different owners both of them deceased uh this one that's not the story I think he moved out of state but he's had this for 25 years the dust the dirt the spiderwebs suggest he hasn't been here for a very long time very very long time wow wow wow what do you guys see let's see it's been a while I'm actually I I've forgotten how terrible it looks I really have I forgot um but I do remember this pitching machine right here this looks pretty interesting to me because those can have some good value radio controlled Rawlings right there radio controlled that's interesting so if this thing works that's that's some good money that's some good money right here it looks like we got a tank with some kind of a torch right there that's interesting a little interesting some of this stuff so D Dusty I don't even know what it is nice size Jack right there Jack likes Jack because they sell good at the market we opened this and that is a typewriter it was actually cleaner before but couldn't get it shut so the dust crept in and boy I'm glad I brought my gloves today I didn't just bring gloves I also brought this blower we'll see if that'll help get some of this dirt out and uh that's the first time I ever brought a blower to the job but yeah bins Galore guys bins for days and I I kind of like that I like that I like that I don't like the mattresses but for some reason in my head I thought there was like five or six mattresses I only see two maybe this one's stacked on top of each other but there's not as many as I thought what was I thinking I don't know I almost thought oh I should probably go back and watch the video where I pre uh sneak peek previewed this one but um I just didn't have time so I didn't do it I'm kind of glad I didn't cuz right now it's like I'm seeing it almost for the first time the first time in a while anyways see some computers right there computer there a golf bag right here all around but in the boxes I don't really see I mean this books this looks kind of junky this books this junky books and back there I don't see anything but you know what guys the fact that this has been sitting for 25 years that's what got me they hooked me and I had to have it I got the big trailer with me today wow the wind oh my goodness the wind's pulling it up it's so strong and I came more prepared than I normally do I brought it awning but I'm not putting that up today uh the wind will just take it away tons of totes tons of garbage cans I keep prepared for garbage and then of course I got tables and some more empty boxes and stuff back there you guys ready you ready I'm ready let's start digging all right guys I closed the the trailer up so we don't get dust inside let's give this a shot oh no we're in trouble dang it all right well that was a great idea bad implementation all right guys got as got as much out as I can that big box is blowing down so it's got to stay in there for now it is really windy really really windy okay I think this thing is some sort of a heater I believe this is where the fuel goes and this thing blows uh heat out oh look at that oh my goodness wow this is going to be interesting with this kind of stuff I have no clue what to value that at if I had to guess I'm going to say like maybe 30 bucks at the market okay oh yeah good thing I got a broom since my blower is not working since my blower idea blowing it only reason I'm cleaning up now is to save me time cleaning up at the flea market oh this is cool this is a winch right here yeah yeah that's cool that thing is some sort of a lathe that's a light there it's got a little magnet right here um yeah but that's cool this a small one I think could that be for metal working maybe like Machining parts or something it doesn't look like a woodworking one Central Machinery made in China mini lathe all right this thing's got a B bike lock on it guess they didn't want someone to steal it oh man unfortunately these wheels are a little seized up oh man this stuff's all hooked on each other oh man okay all right now then that looks like a pretty nice thing right here Rawlings Advanced power pitch and hit um I have a feeling that these go here yeah these are little legs all right we put all this stuff aside dang looks like a broken part right there definitely need to clean those up wow okay where's the power plug that's my question oh charge connector connection so let's hold the charge huh okay here's some sort of other heater right here and you see inside there's just so much debris in there it looks like it's been sitting outside for a while okay let's see what we got here some golf clubs oh my goodness this thing's ripping apart that's some old clubs there Wilson woods and oh it's a whole Wilson set right here no there's some Spaldings in here Spaldings and Wilson's this all moldy in here or corroded yikes that's in bad condition okay let's take a closer look at this typewriter W Remington quiet Rider huh what's there's dictionary right there all right pretty cool pretty nice little typewriter I don't think typewriters have value um I don't think they're like coming back or anything I don't I don't know though what do you guys think do these things have any value Remington quiet Rider huh okay there we go 80 bucks this for a quiet Rider 80 bucks this one's 230 but it says it was serviced and a new ribbon in it 50 bucks 163 that looks like it too 125 but then there's 29 there's 20 bucks 50 bucks H I don't know guys I think I'm going to leave it to the side just for now we'll figure out what to do with it 1117 my goodness day getting away from me already okay this old computer monitor I'm going to put that to the side for the moment that will not sell on the market that's probably got to go to E cycle all right but then this thing oh what's in here this is heavy oh wonder what's in that case right there behind is some sort of workbench I think it's maybe could be like a shopsmith or something or just a big lathe probably just a big lathe oh this is nice this is nice okay yeah look at that for turning the soil right this is going to sell at the market I can almost guarantee it all right yeah now we're able to get in a little bit h I don't think that's a shopsmith I think it's just a lathe or something like I said all right let's see what's in here though oh heavy super heavy oh nice look at them tools Craftsman yeah baby good sellers that one's made in China but it's decent stuff oh yeah what's this Craftsman okay some more more Craftsman right here feels maybe tools behind it okay all right nothing too exciting here it's a little bit of copper right here yeah little craftman the pickers at the market are going to grab them all and then expect them to for like 25 cents each and then they tell them my price which is not going to be 25 cents each they're going to just throw them in a box and walk away that's what they do unfortunately but I just don't have the time to pick them all out all right nothing too crazy exciting in there look at this dust already guys look at like Pils of real fine dust it's crazy I really don't want that to go in my trailer but can't keep closing my trailer all the time takes too much time all right when we make well let's get this out I want to get into some of these boxes I want to start getting some of the flavor o what's that that looks cool what's this look at this H this is some sort of medicine cabinet or something that's what it is all right all right guys I'm making a dent got a nice little space cleared here and this is not too bad I mean this is this not really very uh organized you know but I'm hoping I can just stack the bins on top of this stuff it's all sloppy odd shaped stuff hard to stack all right let's get in here see what we got the wind is incredibly strong right now sorry guys if it's Wrecking my audio like I said just stay tuned stay tuned we'll try to make our way inside here as much as we can stic pencils I bought a couple of those it's a little camping stuff right here okay let's see what we got oh jeez that's horrible really that sucks this is just a junk box dang it well that's not junk is it Chicago grinder Wheels that's actually pretty decent oh man man maybe they left this box outside or something that's a nice screwdriver but wow wow wow this is a lot of garbage all right guys I'm going to go through this and try to sort out as much sellable stuff as I can but this obviously a big time suck to do this kind of thing but I I think I got to do it a little bit didn't find too much good stuff but I found a knife let's see what that looks like China that's what it looks like all right whatever and then I saw this knife but this is part of a it's like a multi-tool and then I found this so it looks like those probably go together I'm not that impressed with those really but try to sell them that's some sort of a part for something right here yeah still this is probably the best thing I found and I found this book right here it says Beyond Pyramid Power obviously the book is thrashed it's got wet at some point since I wrote my two previous Publications on Pyramid energy in 1971 I've had over four years of additional experience with these unusual energy Fields So it's talking about pyramids and them being energy Fields I don't know that's kind of cool I like the subject matter what's in here o oh that's nice okay we're putting that aside yeah all right all right guys first bin not not a big not a big uh money maker on that bin right there that's actually probably cost me more to dump that than I will sell out of it but we probably have 150 more bins to go so my hopes are still high huh K9 Coral that's what the box ISS psychological containment system I wonder if it's like a shot collar with a wireless fence K9 Coral okay huh oh here's a little flags with metal stakes right there this is kind of interesting yeah maybe we put that aside put over with the typew riter Bundy it says Bundy so what does that make you think of Ted Bundy serial killer kit or Al Bundy shoe salesman oh ah interesting what is this a clarinet or something I think that might be a clarinet ooh this is good guys this is yeah this this could be a little bit it's Bundy so wow what's it inside's kind of gross inside of this case is a little gnarly but it can be cleaned up that is uh that is something a little bit better right there Bundy this got a number 5 9448 I don't know if that's going to be a model number or a serial number hopefully we can look that up somehow but very very cool piece right here this this I like to find this this has some value that could be 100 bucks it could be 300 bucks it could be I don't think it's less than 50 bucks okay nice nice nice nice okay let's get in some more boxes dirty boxes all right more tools yeah this is good flea market stuff oh show this is a heavy box and that's why just uh yeah I I like it I like this I like what I see I see money here guys I see money I always talk about what a tough Market Stockton is and how the people there are just so cheap they don't pay much for stuff but the one thing that does sell very well out there tools we can still get decent money for tools yeah okay next box that's so dirty I think the the deeper in we go it should get a little bit better all right yeah and as we can see through the side it's books and I don't see any good ones either and by good ones for all you book snobs out there buy good ones I mean ones that are worth money I don't care about content I don't care about nothing I just care about resale guys this is not it's not I'm not I don't run a nonprofit Library I'm not looking to add books to my collection or you know we don't need the comments about how they make you smart I just want to know how we're going to pay our mortgage this month that is not it that's not it look at this right here guys taxes a moral issue good luck with that I mean I think it's a great conversation piece but um yeah why don't you ask Wes Wesley Snipes how that works out not paying your taxes I don't think uh I don't think it's a good good strategy is to not pay your taxes but I do agree I don't know know why we need to pay taxes I mean if the government's printing money they don't seem to have no problem printing money why don't they just print enough so we don't have to pay taxes I mean what we pay is like a such a small percent of what they spend it doesn't really make a difference claps 8 and N ball rack Oh okay little billiard stuff owner built Dome home blueprints that's kind of cool step by step did you see that the wind almost took that just throwing it right into the box and it's a heavy book The Wind almost took it right out of my hands crazy crazy windy today oh there's some amp oh jeez that's crushing something that is really cool look at these pieces I think this a big cuckoo clock right there oh that's really neat oh guys this stuff starting to get a little more interesting hopefully the audio is okay standing right in this right in the doorway barely inside the threshold here I'm trying to avoid the wind Chicago Cutlery that's kind of nice yeah that almost looks like cut code ni is not I wonder if that has a little value though fore it's New Old Stock right there that's kind of neat Corell by Corningware this is nice stuff this is decent stuff oh yeah look at that piece that's really nice total mid-century coffee pot right there okay got of plans there what's that oh look at this the hose is disintegrated falling out in pieces this some sort of a tire inflator right there I think it's done it is done it is finished ooh that is a neat piece right here yeah that's like a hunter's thing got the guns the deer luckily they pulled these out so they didn't break cuz the Box did fall down on oh those are real antlers too I think H maybe not they sure look real that is a cool piece right there I like it it's not for everybody Jan would not let me put that up in the house but I I I'm sure I could find a room for it to go in what's this stuff what is this that's some sort of a lens or something H yeah it says Tasco right here erecting eyepiece I think this is for like a telescope or something okay we're going to put that aside don't want to lose pieces oh that's neat 4ot lighted inflatable spider oh that's brand new too yeah baby I like it I like it we put the spider aside I got a little stack over there a little bit better stuff okay so this side over here has got the mattresses and a bunch of Funky Junk here I should probably start here but I don't know I was feeling like if I could clear this space I get on I can work in there okay there's I think that's like pendulum for this cuckoo clock now those other pieces might go to that too I'm going to leave it there for now Sportcraft oh look it's a croquet set H that's funny croquet set guys old and crusty but I might put that aside we look for things to do with the family in the backyard I'll probably change my mind on that and it probably won't take me very long so this is plants and Designs BR books bedroom books encyclopedia bedside books that does not sound good not at all man this is terrible it's not only a box of books okay I know a lot of you guys are not going to like this but this book right here probably is worth some money oh jeez these witchcraft books so stupid in my opinion my opinion my opinion so stupid but value you guys values there for whatever weird reason these actually have some value I got some old stuff in here the greater key of Solomon whatever okay these are books I do not want to move those right now my plan here guys just to Loop you in a little bit here's my plan I know some of you watch it and say a terrible plan others go oh that's a great plan yeah I don't know what it is you don't know what it is until we get a little bit more into this thing but my plan is to load this this uh trailer with the good stuff meaning sellable Stuff books I'm probably not going to sell those those either get donated or dumped those may be more likely dumped because of the bad condition those are in they're just tossed in there they look like they're wet they're all bent um those were not put in with any care this is nice o Dickies right there overalls for what I've said this many times before for whatever reason overalls sell very usually very quickly at the markets maybe not this one cuz the that stuff going on right there is oh wow it's barely hanging on but uh overalls the pickers are after the overalls but um yeah I was going to go through this maybe pull garbage out and then put it back in then the next trip I come here empty trailer load all the garbage as quick as possible go to the dump here in town then come back and finish the load that's the plan we'll see how it goes I'm thinking there's going to be a lot of garbage here a lot of garbage so all right so wow these blankets are really really dirty and then these canisters here looks like they got all seeds in them seeds Galore man seeds are expensive all of a sudden too there it looks like all these 1 2 3 4 5 six of these full of seeds I know seeds go bad after a while but not really bad just makes it harder to germinate or whatever um H these lemonade containers here are glass too it's kind of nice oh there's another one right here there's seven and then look what's below it right there nice looking bike what's that es Elite I don't know what that is but we'll get it out man this one's nice right here this blanket oh nope never mind it's got holes chewed in it that's not a good sign that's a sign that there's some Critters in here dang it all right but look at this magnetic toll light kit good ooh look at this central pneumatic okay okay got some good looking stuff in there let me move this junk okay right here that's what I want Canon this is the case is thrashed what do we got ooh oh ql17 Cannon it looks pretty pretty rough condition but I don't know put it aside that's a nice one turbo pliers that was a nice piece right there what we got here that's rough condition too dang H okay Brahma let's see if they're in here oh they are but they're definitely used yeah Brahma Brahma uh Ste they are steel toe and those are good workday boots um 40 bucks brand new but I think that was probably a while ago still we might be able to get 10 bucks on those all right it's a little outdoor barbecue yeah okay I like that blanket it's got a nice pattern on it but it's not a it's just a print it's not woven or anything but still kind of nice okay what is this jumper cables electric stuff oh engine analyzer yeah all right timing gun right here what's that for some sort of a hook right here all right what do we got in here A bunch of electronics speaker storage protector [Music] Mouse yeah headphones kenwoods and they look kind of thrash but they're kenwoods h n I'll let him go all right we got a nice little cord here extension cable I like that and then a hose okay air hose what do you guys think 2700 bucks paid on this unit did I get hosed one thing you guys can't tell oh from wo this is heavy uh is the smell here this Locker smells like oil oil and grease it's got a very mechanical smell and that's not unpleasant definitely prefer that smell to other smells that come with storage lockers what do you think this is oh portable power hydraulic equipment what the heck I'm assuming this is some sort of a Jack or a lift of some sort don't really know cuz I never I haven't found one of these yet central hydraulics 10 ton wait model number s 32746 I'm going have to look this up because I have no clue guys no clue at all if I had to guess I'm thinking 100 bucks at the market here we go uh 300 bucks on eBay and then uh that's used and then here's one for 161 it looks like only has a couple parts yeah but those are the listed ones let's look at what sold if any sold that's all it really matters no nothing nothing found but still I think at the market yeah being said it's stocked in and they're so cheap I think maybe we're going to start at 75 for that and I'd be happy to get 75 $75 is is a definitely higher end at that market it ain't easy to get 75 bucks you got to have something very very special for those guys that shell out that kind of money as I've said recently it is a buyer's market that is the uh that is the nature of the Beast out there so for sellers like me it's hard to get money for buyers they got to pick through a lot of garbage but they get some good deals out there that's what makes it worth it all right guys you probably saw it I'm not seeing it everything starts to blur together there's so much to look at and everything's so dirty and jumbled up but look right here there's our telescope we found the lenses for it and there's the telescope itself um it's a Tasco I think it's a little decent one I don't really know much about telescopes but um I'm definitely going to put that aside just for now I don't think they sell terribly well at the market of course anything will sell at the market if you give it away you know so that's $5 it'll get sold Tasco 302675 and we get a comp on the screen I will look it up later here's where all the little lenses go right here and uh we've got those secured over in one of these bins so there they are all right good good good good good good H all right well we're we're cutting an aisle in here and I do like that there's another tool perhaps port a cable profile sander oh nice oh this is this is cool what are these hm Porter Cable okay that's that's a that's a decent piece right here I think H all right 25 bucks used there's a 80 bucks in the Box 60 bucks best offer 65 best offer 20 bucks okay not not terribly expensive on this piece all right all right if you can tell the sun is creeping in on my table here and that's another reason to carve out an area to work in here cuz it's going to be 89 today I know it's not that high it's not like it's crazy hot but um a dang um we we just had very mild temperatures lately so I'm not used to it I'm not acclimated all right there's just three piece of luggage nested inside each other that'll sell and then this outside one's a little bit more funky but the inside ones look all right okay woodworking book little bit of pots and pans Pyrex Tupperware H those are kind of neat Silver Plate what's it what's this oops this fell out what is this guys wh what is this this oil and vinegar maybe like for camping or something what are these things I don't know oh my goodness this wind is ridiculous that's cool all right this is neat stuff I'll put this aside Atlantic luggage good good luggage very dirty okay more blankets inside ah dang it oh jeez K9 surgery K9 surgery H all right ecoin medicine and surgery anatomy of domestic animals huh all right that's not too exciting okay what is this it says FS Elite but it's like looks like stickers Cascade Ridge huh it's really light like surprisingly light I think this might be a decent bike I don't know it feels feels light obviously needs to be cleaned up a bit somebody left it outside for too long oh wow okay look at this guys I thought this was a lathe or something it's a heavy duty Band Saw right here uh huh I wonder how that stands up I don't know okay got that out and I think this is some sort of a welder right here and then over here I think that looks like a generator that's great man that is great jeez look at the wheel on this thing yeah I think it's a welder cuz he got this leather apron here yep okay all right there's our load so far it's not pretty but it's getting there oh man dream games look at this a journey into active dreaming huh oh dream Gates I thought I like dream games it's nice ashay right here Indonesia I see some interesting stuff in here okay look at this energy ecstasy and your seven vital chakras and then this one right here goddess guide me the Oracle that answers questions of the heart oh that's funny that is pretty funny am I a good luck the answer is in the palm of your hands this is getting kind of an interesting Vibe out of this Locker right now if you ask me um there's another ashray same one Indonesia International Silver Plate right help let's see what it looks like that's a bell sounds nice Silver's got such a nice ring to it even though it's just Silver Plate what's this huh all right it's like a candle ER here we've got some incense does not smell really I think it's all dunky this is a tarot card a coming of wizards the wizard secrets of the Palm I thought it looked interesting in here but it's not it's not getting better what's this Reno oh jeez someone little metal thing that's all corroded out though huh you're getting sleepy listen to my voice send $20 to Locker nuts just kidding what was weird though 1987 H all right well that's a miss mysterious box all right guys I'm going to take a little break from filming just so I can start moving a little quicker it's not looking great I mean this stuff that we're pulling out it's not not amazing definitely we going to see some some money we're going to see some sales the market like this generator I'll have to research that hopefully oh jeez it looks like it's is it missing wheels and stuff gosh this guy there's a nice big compressor right there that might be 100 bucks um and then we see some furniture back here and I did not want to see that I saw the chairs up here but um but yeah but I mean guys I'm really still holding on to hope there's something good in here like what I was my my fantasy my fantasy like what I dream about being in here is that in the back there'll be a big stack of comic books of course there there's no evidence of that at all if we saw like Marvel figurines or something in here I'd say oh maybe there's a chance I ain't seen nothing I ain't seen nothing so uh but there's so much so much to go through still so much and we are finding older stuff for sure guys this definitely is a time capsule so 25 years old is not that that old but it is vintage and I think so far everything we found has been vintage that doesn't make it good just makes it old that looks like a a big toolbox right there I hope so cuz we have found Craftsman tools but these boxes look really junky I'd even be happy with finding boxes of clothes but I see boxes of there's VHS and there's books over there so we'll see I will update you guys for the cool stuff I find but right now I just got to start moving we haven't done that much really this is this is my load this stuff takes a long time all this funky odd shaped stuff takes a long long longer time than it should but boxes and bins will go faster now that we've got got some room to work all right let me get going all right I'm going through I've gone through a few bins got them off of that they're stacked up there and then I'm starting to work this pile down right here to open this area a bit to work and the couple things that I saw that I liked I don't know just some hunting and fishing uh books here so that makes me a little optimistic right you know what I mean and then I found this right here 50 cartridges okay and these are 9 mm nice if you guys watch my videos for a while you know I just found a 9mm pistol not too long ago of all the years I've been doing this never found one and I just recently found one so that was a definitely a keeper and so w the ammunition this is a little model right here I don't think that's terribly expensive in fact I think it's probably not worth much at all maybe five or six bucks but just again hope that there might be some toys in here might be some toys and um that's a tool or something right there it's very heavy so rusted these tapes are just these tapes are gone I think too much heat in this Locker all right well the box is looking good turn South very quick that'll probably sell right here just cuz it's camouflage all right guys things getting a little more interesting I found this box here and that's kind of cool machine gun complete machine gun book hydrogen alcohol automobile fuel conversion that's kind of interesting right I mean that's neat and then these Fox Fire books here fox fire and fox fire 2 Fox Fire 3 these are some books on like homesteading Animal Care banjos hide tanning wild plant Foods it's it's interesting stuff but this right here look at this custom built rifles right here this is a looks like an older book 1949 it's from the library um then look at this department of the army incendiaries military explosives this is a war department right here technical manual uh can you sell these guys is this stuff you can sell FM 23-34 tow weapon system yeah explosives and demolitions this FM 5-25 we got a couple of those look at this technical manual for the machine gun mount tripods explosive demolitions this is some this is some very interesting stuff right here but look look how much there is oh he bought these 5.95 right here machine gun technical manual that one's got some mold on it mildew it's mildew Department of the army silencers principles and evaluations dang check that out guys dang that's cool all right Dixie Gun Works rare antique gun supplies right here some catalog I don't know if there's any value on that but it's neat explosives and de demolitions this a FM 5-25 and there's another one right there 1967 and then I see the these signs right here warning trespassers will be shot survivors will be shot again never mind the dog Beware of the owner pretty funny stuff um again it just makes me interested in what else is to come out of this Locker there are definitely signs that this could get interesting all right next box was right there and this one's getting interesting these are some binders with some papers don't care about that but this guys ooh a light I'm liking this though it's getting even more interesting H wow okay we going to find that in here we're going to find that in here I sure hope so and then look at this this is interesting too because oh no never mind I thought this was like a Collectibles price guide but it's it's just a mail order catalog wow look at this though 1984 exchange mail order catalog huh interesting all right guys next box feels empty dang it I saw I got interested ooh we were on the right path there we were on the right path little jewelry box but it is empty nice little kids mitt right there Wilson Wilson all right guys I had to start it cuz this box is getting kind of interesting you see some knives in there it's a lot of junk too but this one's in bad shape there's definitely been rodent uh entry in this locker let's just put it that way I wouldn't call infestation but there is poop and a lot of it's like I se Mouse Poop in here I've seen rat poop I've seen it all we see it all in this business but um it's on the boxes it's in the boxes I almost feel like they got in the boxes before he moved it before he stored it I don't know but this stuff's definitely going to need to be clean before we sell it kind of a neat piece here oh wow terrible shape though real bummer the handles are cool I don't know if that's carved antler that's what it looks like gosh really too bad about the blade got the little baby one to match it there I'm not going to take it out right now what's this this looks like a buck ooh this is a nice one though yep yep that's a buck knife right there number 110 USA Baby and that is in beautiful condition not like that one but I don't know found this little sheath right here it's kind of nice it's got the little tree of life or whatever made in Germany oh wow okay and then look at this guys hallogen Leak Detection owner's manual I I don't know if that's what this is yeah hld 440 that's what this is huh okay so keep that together but I found this little lens right here probably out of magnifying glass or something but I was have some fun with it over here doing this sort of thing I haven't done that since I was a kidoo sun's out today burned a hole right through it and then there's this so some kind of a walkie-talkie or radio of some sort channel 40 this a realistic Citizens Band re transceiver transceiver this is I think potentially worth a little bit of money right there so we're going to put that aside we'll look it up later let's see if there's anything else in here too all right there's a few little cheap knives right there but they look like they're in good condition these two are brand new camp knife 11 function and 22 function look at this oh this a little railroad one it's funny I found one with the Train on it recently elements quartz it's not terribly heavy probably not too expensive there's a nickel you know what that's worth crank FL flashlight and then we got some CO2 or NO2 or n2o what's that nitrous uh we got some BBS here this is a fun little bag oh and there's a nice little shut off valve this is a good box this giv me a little bit of Hope right here H new good Bible uh there has been a bunch of clothes in here a couple of single stick Stitch pieces but they're not terribly interesting there's no prints they're they're not screen prints they're just plain t-shirts um that one's a single stitch I think they smell a little bit to be honest so they're not minty fresh that's for sure electron Electron Beam safety key what's this little metal I mean I'm sorry it's a little leather uh strap for something cool cool probably Silver Plate I'll put it aside there and look at it later all right all right guys check this box out this one looks really good you got a um nail gun here and this looks like a professional one um oh man basic I don't know what this is about but they looks like for a roofer or something and we got these other ones here too this is a staple gun ooh nice another air gun down there but this one's a big boy big naughty boy right there and I think that's probably I don't know 30 bucks at the market I have no clue I'm going to be leaning on my guys that work with me hopefully they know more than I do about that and I found this in there too which I thought was just cool I just thought it's cool trademark butterfly butterfly I think it says how neat is that looks like maybe there's a piece missing right there but it's like an old Lantern or something I like it ooh this this next one looks pretty good too oh yeah uh okay looks all right I saw this some kind of cordless uh saw or something but old old Battery tech it's decent Hammer keystock huh for Key Making all right well I see a ooh skill saw circular saw looks kind of janky a little janky I see some decent stuff in there all right check it out guys I'm making pretty good progress and actually I'm finding a lot of more tools than I thought I would these bins just kind of look junky to me but um once I'm in them they're looking a lot better there's still a lot of garbage but I'm going to start getting trying to get some of this see how everything's leaning this way I'm really worried at some point something's just going to have a junkal lanche I don't want to be cleaning this stuff off the floor those look light also so I pack those light on top of my trailer I like the top of the trailer to be lighter stuff and that's a yarn and stuff he almost feel like maybe we should sell it in our auctions huh I don't know I still got to get it down though and we'll start getting into this stuff right here too no incredible findes yet but I have found like I said more tools a few more cheap knives not good knives but and that definitely looks like a Big Tool Box right there that right there uh looks almost like a military bag huh that's kind of interesting this guy's almost like a prepper you know with all these books and everything on homesteading and weapons and explosives I feel like he's a prepper and um I don't know kind of interesting okay this thing right here is a table it looks pretty nice too it looks like it's decent it's got this cover looks like they lived with the cover on it boy that looks like an old person cover no offense old persons out there just being just being truthful here all what's this H diagnostic medical health systems what what what is this the consultant it says oh my goodness this is a this is an old computer for healthcare huh it's in beautiful condition I'm going to have to look that up see if that's got any value I seriously doubt it yeah I seriously doubt that one but at one point in time I'm sure that was extremely expensive got a little keeper pile right there okay let's see what's in here foot massager what are these D Man OT light what oh okay some kind of light what's this niagar hand unit some sort of old vibrating massager or something what a junky box right here or junkie bag here we got some little tank system T's kind of heavy okay we're getting it done guys almost 3:00 they Clos this facility closes at 5 five they told me I could stay late if I want cuz they're here up in the office but I don't know how much more I can do in a day got a big old wheelchair right here and then uh I'll try to get this compressor on I need to get that sold as soon as possible this uh oh that's a gener 5000 polar plus this is not coming out today wheels are messed up that one's like just completely falling apart um I think this is worth some money right here so I'm not going to I'm not going to move this thing too quick this not going to get brought too uh stocked and and blown out too fast we're going to have to we're going to have to do some research on this this thing right here what's this say I don't know I think it's it might be a Craftsman I'd say this is probably 150 bucks but out there probably 100 bucks made in the USA Baby okay guys uh yeah that's exciting um but the bin that's right in front of it this is also looking kind of interesting I just popped it open and thought oh maybe I should start the the uh camera start rolling cuz look at this laid back Hunters right here hat it's got a a shotgun shell glued in the Hat there'll be no quitters till we bag some Critters that's pretty funny I think it's funny I think it's funny what is this wireless sensor transmitter I don't know what this stuff is but I'll take it to the market okay well it got it got less exciting kind of quick here I saw this bag and then I saw this right here you know what these are ooh that's nice those are are enamel ones right there yeah all right relaxing massage balls or something like that snicker snicker snicker welcome to Locker nuts this is my sense of humor this looks like religious stuff right here where's the ACDC oh my goodness that's such blasphemy but it's true ACDC will sell this stuff unfortunately will not okay what else we got in here nice keychain right there field dressing gloves Remington okay oh I'm seeing some good stuff in here this right here oh yeah what is this 22s [Applause] okay yeah oh yeah yep little 22 ammunition that's a good find we don't sell that stuff guys I mean it's technically against a law but that's not why we don't sell it we don't sell it cuz well I don't know someday we might need it it's so expensive ammunition H oh nice Sterling some little binoculars that's cool little date stamp thing another pocket knife that looks like the other ones that we found found three of them in a bag there's a knife nice American flag pen right there cool bit more film right here I don't think that film is any good mini digital camera funny okay danger do not touch firearm safety products huh what's that for I don't know radionics study course some place in Canada what is radionics that's kind of cool I wonder if this could have some value H I know we'll put it aside for now Trail marking kit that's smart keychain laser I don't know why you need that cats like it but I mean it's with the survival stuff sailboat blueprints there's another knife right here finding a decent amount of knives brand new so $4 knife when it was new but I still like that we're finding knives yeah we found one of these before easy Mount Corp I wish I knew what that was [Music] for Gerber easy zip gut hook oh wow that's like yeah that's nasty that's going to do some damage some nice boots or boot a boot nice boot need two Tango cooking with love and we got three of them y yes all right I wonder what this does for ooh ooh ooh what's that for see that see that what do we got here guys oops that's greasy uh we've got parts to some sort of machine gun I think right here oh what have we got here butt out what field dressing do I don't even I don't think I want to know I didn't want to know Target points oh for arrows nice H oh wow look guys what's this that's some sort of arot tip like razored arot tip right there dang this guy's got some cool stuff game cleaning gloves but look at this right here three more right yes we have six of these I think that's over capacity I think it's over capacity and there's a all right whatever this was the powers come out dang it I'm going to have to transfer this stuff to a different box I don't know what that powder is but I want to take that with me H all right well this is a very interesting box I think we may have found some sort of machine gun right here guys some sort of rifle of some sort okay we're getting this out it's heavy it is heavy uh-oh it's locked oh no h okay well ain't no way I'm taking to the market until I get that open there's the top piece right there I think that sits on top of there and um I don't know sometimes they keep the keys in there so all right let's see oh boy guys it's either wedged in or it is extremely heavy can't really tell can't really tell okay got this hand cart I feel I feel things breaking probably some of that plastic snapping off of course the manager Drives By right when I'm doing this she's only driven by twice today there all right we're going to pull on the safe out this thing's heavy okay all right guys well the door's not coming open so that's the good news not going a bunch of rifles aren't going to fall out I don't think I hope not this is really heavy though it' be much better if I go about the other way but I'm worried I'm going to drop this thing a I'm so ticked at myself right now I had one of these things has a little camera and it goes in here to look I mean I could it could put in there to look I think I just put in the Market flea market pile maybe I didn't had it for a while and I was like I'm never using this thing let's just get rid of it okay that's much better this is definitely not an empty safe should have cleared the path okay guys I was not filming cuz I was on the phone with Jana and look what just happened I'm stepping on rings okay I have not found any jewelry in this and then right now I was pulling this blanket out and there's a freaking jewelry box in there what the heck what the heck make sure there's not one in here too okay okay so we've got some jewelry guys I don't think that's anything all right those are tungsten that might be silver right there all right you know what though ooh n yeah that's all right oh man I was not expecting that I just thought that was all blankets I just pulled that one out look how cool that is I love the colors on that I just pulled that one out put it aside and really I was just transferring this stuff I was just going to transfer the blankets see what's underneath cuz I saw this stuff books and stuff definitely want to get that out but as I pulled that out why not spilling this thing all over huh okay yes there's Rings ooh H that might be 10K right there all right guys like I said wouldn't like to do this right now what the heck look at that oh that's pretty okay I'll put this in the car and we'll go through this stuff later I'm feeling a little pressured for time even though they told me I could stay a little bit later I still feel the pressure ooh what's that look like amethyst but I think those are plastic okay jeez guys this Locker is turning turning up a little bit it's definitely turning up so yeah jna called me I was just on the phone so I decided to grab the box right here this one and that's what was in it I thought it was just blankets nope nope I make sure I don't leave any rings on the ground that would be terrible okay and there's the safe I'm going to try to get that on here and then just pray to God that none of those are loaded and don't miss fire as I'm driving and shoot me through the car I just had that visual just right now when I turn the camera on um yeah maybe that should go in the nah I nah I'm bringing that home we're going to bust it open guys that's going to be F just like old times that gun safe was Heavy that was Heavy okay and then some of the Rings did fall out in here so I will collect them and then if you hear me huffing and puffing guys it's cuz that was a heavy safe um yeah and then there's more jewelry right here so wow wow oh I'm in a good mood now The Happy Hooker stitching hook and loop okay that's pretty funny pretty funny there's a vintage bag right there is kind of neat the armored group uh some workout stuff some yarn H what's this oh that's a little canvas bag or denim bag with a very vintage looking flower print on it that's kind of neat actually okay that box with the jewelry was right here so this one's right below it maybe that's maybe that means something maybe it doesn't but it says IV stuff all right I think IV could be a woman or a man I'm thinking it's most likely a woman but you never know there is Ivy from Storage Wars uh so yeah could be right could be could be well I don't think it could be Ivy from Storage Wars but you know what I'm saying could be a guy I'm saying could be a guy hm that's kind of neat it's like for ammo that's what it looks like ITW Nexus fast X sr-2 I think it's the ammo belt I'll put oh my gosh this wind is sucks that with the gun stuff this wind is really starting to get on my nerves get on my nerves yo all right there's a CD player portable CD player H I don't think that's worth anything though okay that's kind of neat that looks older right there it's an older piece well I was all excited well there's some pottery um but my excitement is quickly fading quick quick quick leg Yeah old iron this this electric knife probably no all right more uh cassettes but again no rock on there and Rock's really what we want that's what cells what's this it's broken is what it is it's too bad it's kind of cool all little trivet all right guys I'll go through this is not looking good it's not smelling good either it smells kind of mildewy this is broken right here wait is it no this is broken though it's getting worse theow looks like cleaning supplies all right I'll I'll I'll let you guys know if I find anything really good in here found this there's big old chips out of it but that would have been cool if it was a glass pyramid but the chips really reduce the value oh Winchester right there nice fleece sweatshirt extra large that's actually pretty cool there's a jacket right right there and what's this Liberty rugged outdoor gear huh stuff might be a little too nice for Stockton right here let's see what else we got team real tree oh my goodness this all honey stuff I think wow wow there's a lot of stuff in here flagging tape look at all this florescent orange stuff so you don't get shot oh what's this oh look at that I don't know how to do that but that's copper and brass right there little trumpet H what's the trick ah there it is oh man that's a nice Hatchet right there it's got a great weight to it very cool okay wow guys it's got camo clothing in there and then a bunch of stuff on top here for hunting what's this oh what is this oh my goodness that looks expensive whatever it is H I think it's like a monoscope what the heck is this like it's in Russian or something what it's gotten wet I think this booklet oh it's night it says night vision huh all right I might have to try to steam that apart or something that looks expensive though oo that's cool um guess what guys this whole box not going the Stockton we're going have to put that aside and take our time on it some of this stuff definitely we'll try to get into our live auctions you know our auctions on whatnot we haven't talked about that yet um this thing right here this night vision that that's probably where I would put that and whatnot maybe the hatchet too maybe some of the hunting stuff too is as long as it's not a gun you know there's no guns and no uh ammo or anything but this other stuff I think we could put into one of our whatnot auctions and have some fun with that who knows maybe even some of the camouflage clothes the hunting vest and and that kind of stuff too maybe I don't know it's whatever people want to buy whatever you guys want to buy whatever you show up to whatnot expecting from us that's what we will put into the auction of course also we want to get a little bit of a fair price but uh everything at the auction goes for cheap really it goes for a great value in my opinion some stuff goes for a dollar but not too much but every every week every night that we do it uh we do have stuff that goes for a dollar pretty much so um it makes it exciting it makes it for a really fun auction you can get deals you can get great stuff for sure we save the best stuff for that but anyways if you haven't tried it it's the live streaming app it's called whatnot get it for your phone or tablet and try it out we're on like on Mondays we try to go every Monday we're going to miss a couple this summer cuz of vacations and whatever but I almost said what not but that's not appropriate uh the vacation is going to interfere a little bit with our Monday so we might shift to a different night or skip a week but usually Mondays we're live on the whatnot app and we're selling the great stuff that we find in the locker it's like the best stuff this Locker there's so much stuff in here uh but I have put aside like probably three full bins already of stuff I got to bring home and do a second pass on this will be like the fourth box now the better stuff and and like the jewelry and uh vintage stuff yeah plus we got all those video games we're going through and toys we've got fantastic stuff all we need is you to be there all right if if you want this kind of stuff if you're not interested don't don't bother um you can also just come and watch and have fun and be part of the chat you can enter some of the free giveaways that we do win some free stuff uh you don't have to buy anything you just win something or just have fun and see how much stuff goes for cuz that is exciting but if you haven't signed up yet the one thing I encourage you to do is use our link to sign up initially the link is in the description it's also on our website Locker hit that link when you sign up because that'll get you a $15 spending credit for free and that's what not thanking you for trying them out so 15 bucks for free no hooks no catch nothing it's just a thank you for giving it a shot and uh seeing if you like it and I can almost guarantee that you're going to like it all right maybe too much cuz wow like I said there's great stuff being sold for great prices all right let's keep digging here let's find some more stuff for whatnot all right guys I'm starting to get tired and I think I'm going to wrap up pretty soon I still got time here they give me till 7:00 to get out and uh I don't even think it's 6:00 yet I'm getting tired though check this out I found this license plate it's kind of um rusted up it's just a little souvenir thing wicked witch my other car is a broom I just thought that was kind of funny I did find a lot more witchcraft books uh all kinds of stuff like numerology and stuff and then I found this photo I mean I usually don't like to show the photos of the owners but this one I just I thought was so awesome he's like all dressed up like an Outdoorsman she's dressed up I don't know like a witch maybe I just think that's funny I think it's funny and I think it's uh cool that these guys had their definitely had their own thing going on right there they got their own style so I've been working up here getting these knocked out there wasn't really there's not a lot of amazing stuff I did manage to fill this box find of lots of little knickknacks cool stuff to sell little rocks seashells just nothing high value but lots of cool stuff um not not lots of cool stuff but that much cool stuff so um it's not bad it's not nothing so I've got this bowl full of um sewing stuff I got one box full of books and then I got this one I think half full and that one full and that one's almost full so that's the good stuff that's the good stuff that's the stuff we'll bring home for our auctions and whatever does make in the auctions we'll go to the better flea market but a lot of stuff here is going straight to the dump really I've been putting boxes aside filling garbage cans and um next trip here that's what it's going to be like and you can see right here I didn't I did not make that much progress today oh wow H yeah I got a lot of room still a lot of room look at this is the mess I made I could just start grabbing large stuff I could also grab the toolbox actually I might grab the toolbox and just shove it on and maybe try to open it at home but I could start grabbing Furniture but I'm not going to I've got an opportunity I got a message today from someone it's actually someone who just sold me a um comic book collection recently so if you guys were watching or I went through the books that I found in the toy collection but then also a small collection of comic books that I got for 140 bucks from some a couple that were moving out of state so they sold me kind of their the leftover comic books basically and I want up finding some good books in there um definitely is a great investment but they called me up they've got a storage locker they're now moved out of state they still have a storage locker here and uh they gave me an opportunity to go over tomorrow and take anything that I want cuz they're going to have the junk haulers come afterwards so I'm I'm okay leaving some room on my trailer because well I don't I don't know what to expect they they had a nice house uh they could have some nice stuff in there so I want to leave some room to to take uh take some stuff if we want it so anyways um I'll try to film that all right but I'm going to wrap this video up even if I still go through a little bit more stuff throw a little bit on but I'm about to call it a day so I hope you guys enjoyed this Locker 2700 bucks plus about 420 it was 210 and 210 for renting it so whatever that is we're almost almost 3,200 bucks into this thing and I don't haven't seen the 3,200 bucks yet but um I think we're going to I think we're going to make a profit here so much tools the tools oh what am I talking about the safe oops I almost broke my glasses the safe we'll do that in the next episode all right the next episode for this we'll open that safe and I think it's going to be good good we'll find out together in the next episode until then good luck to you God bless you we'll see you next time here on Locker nuts
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 45,594
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, making money,, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, Found gun safe, Found safe, Survivalist, Outdoorsman, Witchcraft, Tarot cards, Numerology, Knives, Hunting, Fishing
Id: za8MaDGtSNI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 33sec (4053 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2024
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