His Life Altering NDE - Scott Returns To Answer Questions

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[Music] so thank you so much for joining us today and again i'm grateful to be with scott um i think first of all we can't say anything except we're humbled and grateful when we got together and we shot that first video we had no idea in a million years that it was going to have the reach and the impact that it has and it's truly truly been humbling people all over the world sharing the experience and being inspired so thank you so much for that and thanks good to see you again good to be here so first i wanted to start off there's been a number of questions there's been some trends and questions and we'd like to address a couple of those today but i wanted to have the opportunity to share the experience on how we even got to the point of making that video i started it off by saying even that has affected me and it truly did and now that so many people are watching it i'd like to share how we got to that point and first off i just want to say it's really important too to understand that this whole thing is not some big crazy production we're just a couple of regular guys in fact we live in the same neighborhood but yeah if you'll allow me i'll just take a sec and share some of what happened and how we got to the point of actually making the video so i'd say probably in about mid 2019 and sorry i don't have exact dates i never thought i'd be telling anybody this in fact i haven't told anybody maybe my wife i've been deeply conflicted for a long time because i have these different parts of my personality one i am super interested in film and music i am a filmmaker and a musician and i've always been trying to do those things but it's always had to be pushed to the side i've had to work in the tech industry for many many years and i've been able to support my family of five by doing that and i've been grateful that i've been able to keep a roof over their head and take care of them because of that but at the same time i go into work and feel dead inside i'd like to be involved in different things and in art and making films and music and doing things that really move me on the other side i also went to school to be a counselor and i've always wanted to do things to help people so where i've wanted to live is the space somewhere in between creating art and music and film but also helping others and so it's 2019 and i'm having one of those pity days where i'm just feeling bummed that i have to go to work and it almost became unbearable and i didn't go to work i wrote in and i said i'm gonna work i have this little space downtown that we rent out super cheap and i went down there and i just sat in there just staring at the wall and just thinking and one side note here too we're under the assumption that there is some kind of a higher power if you don't believe in that if that's not your thing that's okay i have tons of friends that don't we're still buddies and we still respect one another so i hope that you could show us that same respect we are coming from that basis from that foundation of that there is a higher power that exists so i'm there and i'm having one of these terribly awful moments where i'm just like pleased like i don't know what to do with my life i can't take it i can't go into work another day and i had a very calming impression that came over me and it basically said everything is going to change and it was strong and i felt at peace and i also felt like what does that mean everything is going to change but i held on to that thinking like okay i'm not going to be stuck in this i can change my life and just like always i kept working hard on the side to try and do things trying to make films and do things after my kids go to bed and doing all these things to try and pursue my dreams so a little later in the year i don't remember exactly where we were it might have been a church group or a neighborhood thing scott briefly briefly mentioned that he had an experience and again i had a very strong feeling and impression that said you need to help him share his experience with my background in film it just was like that you need to help him um then interestingly enough i'd see him like again we live close by and i just never had the nerve to do it i just i would see him i'd be like oh that's kind of weird i don't think i can ask him like i'm not going to do it in hindsight i honestly feel like that was a part of the plan too because i honestly think he would have said no back then i haven't got to know you now i you're not trying to do anything for notoriety the real reason i think that you ever agreed to share your story was because of the world condition there are a lot of people that have passed away because of kovid anyway so we'll get we'll we'll get to that so but then yeah covet happened the pandemic happened and i lost my job because of it and i'm a little bit frazzled but i'm i'm trying to be determined to figure figure things out right around that time as well i'm i'm praying and i'm thinking what can i do to change and prioritize things a little bit better so that i can make it through this and yet again i had this really strong impression that i need to prioritize my life and i thought okay well what does that mean and so i actually made a life plan i wrote down the important things and i started again we're assuming this this knowledge what's most important if this life is not it and there is a god then we have to put first things first and that's family and god so that's right at the top of my list those are the most important things then down on you know physical health financial health passions health and i make this list i'm like okay this was really cool i'm going to print it off i printed it off i put it up in my house and i called it prioritize your life in fact i even shared it with some of my best friends the guy running the camera i shared it with him i was like i had this cool experience it's like a life plan thing i'm going to call it prioritize your life and then that was it so then again i get laid off time passes uh i start going out on a river trail that's close to our our neighborhood uh every morning with my boys trying to get in better shape and keep them healthy and not losing their mind too because of quarantine and everything and there scott is um one morning uh just standing this probably would have been in april um not too long after i got laid off and i believe you're looking at some fish that were swimming in the river and again a very powerful thought just like this is it you have to ask him to help him share his experience and i was like okay i can't back down from this he's standing by himself don't be a wuss just just go up and ask him that's what you're supposed to do um so i did and uh we had a really uh not neat little discussion and but even in that moment you didn't just say like yeah sure let's go i want to talk about this um you're like yeah i'll think about it um i'll go home and and talk to my wife connie about it and i'll think about it and then i don't know how many days passed after that but then uh you got back to me and then the rest is history on why we made that video so anyway all of that was a pretty incredible experience and it just goes to show that i really feel like the timing was exactly when it was supposed to be that you were supposed to share that experience well cool and thank you for the opportunity to share a little bit of how how we got there the other couple things that we wanted to do one i wanted to give scott the opportunity if he feels there's been a few questions to to well really both of us can kind of answer some of those uh and then um if he has anything else that that he would like to share with what's going on and having so many people uh watch that first video the first question which i'll go ahead and let let you answer and stop talking because everybody i'm sure that they're done listening to the long-haired beard guy um one of the questions that keeps coming up is whether or not you're a christian um because you mentioned that you know there is a god and i think for some people maybe that there just that just wasn't enough for them about whether or not you're a christian i thought it's fair it's a fair question to let you answer that yes i am a christian and i'm very proud to be a christian i became a stronger christian because obviously what happened but i do believe that there is a god and i know that jesus christ died for me i know he was a great example to all of us and will be for the rest of my life thank you scott i i truly believe that there's there there are forces and and and i i've mentioned it too i've answered some of the people that have been asking questions but just i don't like to get in any of any bickering arguments with anybody because everyone is welcome to have their their opinion but i know one of the guys was talking to me about evidence and facts and things and i just told them the feeling in the room that day was enough evidence for me because it was palpable that day and i feel the same i feel the same way today the other question that comes up a lot is just related to the time frame of things happening and this is again something i don't feel like we're not out to prove anything to anybody we just wanted to have the opportunity to share your story we felt like we were supposed to um i think maybe two people should probably realize this happened before i was born this was over 40 years ago and it's clear that the thoughts are are there and you have these experiences but you know you mentioned the doctor afterwards said um you know that you were all over the table um so and there's been there's been some bickering back and forth but i mean the exact moments in sequence you know you weren't trying to say this happened at you know 110 and this happened at 1 15. we don't we don't necessarily know we know that you experienced what you experienced and after that you know you don't know if you started seeing yourself after you had already had some kind of cardiac arrest for a while but i do think it makes a world of sense for any surgeon if you had passed away you'd want to finish the job there's going to be a funeral and if there's something open or going like that i mean you're going to want to clean up whatever was happening so i mean that that makes plenty of logical sense and anything past that obviously if anybody's looking for proof well there's there's there's very few ways that you know we could actually prove anything to you aside from you feeling it out in your heart yourself and i don't know if you want to share anything on that i know you've been interacting with a couple people that have mentioned kind of their thoughts because there's been there's even been some nurses that have said like well i understand that like 20 minutes they were probably trying to get him back there was people that were trying to save me there's no question that there were people there trying to bring me back it was a kind of an unusual experience because an anesthesiologist was supposed to be on site at that time and they were called away so the doctor actually did what they called a local which were he put something on my arm right here that wrapped around my arm and then it had two valves on it the timetable at that time was it was almost like it was timeless i don't know how to explain that it when when the when the nurse did what she did which i don't fault her for she was being talked through it by the doctor was she opened both valves by mistake at the same time and i felt it starting to go up my body and i i remember making mention of that and that's when she ran out of the room um i felt so bad for her today i feel bad for her having that something like that happen to you it was as it was traveling at my arm and across my heart is when i i realized something was wrong the doctor knew something was wrong and obviously the nurse knew that there was something wrong i can't tell you the time frame of all this had happened because it seemed like the next thing i knew i was just sitting up above my body and i was i was watching what was going on i wish i could go into a lot more detail other than i was just sitting there with somebody else in the room um time period i don't know um it was in a way it was the most beautiful thing that i've ever seen why the doctor kept operating on me i i don't know in fact during this time when so many people questioned what was going on i reached out to find out who this doctor was and obviously he was older than me during the operation and i'm 67 now and when i looked through the directory there was no person by that name still practicing um i can tell you that when it became time to go there was no question that i was moving somewhere else it was a beautiful thing i wish i could explain how peaceful everything was at that time my uh i i feel this every day uh in fact when i think about it it brings me so much peace because i know what's ahead of me someday um somebody asked me who what was that arm who was that whose arm was that well i thought about that for a long time after the after it happened and i know that it was jesus christ whose hand reached out to me because it was the most comforting feeling that that it was indescribable the feeling that i had when his arm came through that cloud it was the voice was felt like it was a voice that i recognized and i can't wait until the day i'm able to see that arm again because i want to be able to experience that peace that it gave me that day and for basically the peace that's given me for the rest of my life time period i only know what was said to me by uh the doctor when he came into the to visit me the the days after that it was it was interesting because there were days after that we would see him in a store and the first thing he would do is to hold my hand and to look at my thumb and and and ask how everything was going and it was it was a very peaceful experience and for that reason it is brought a lot of joy in my life my wife and i have been able to sit down and talk about it from time to time and and it has because of this peace and that it has brought into my life i believe that it's brought us closer together i'm an ordinary man that has an extraordinary wife thanks scott the last thing there there's been a couple people at least one that i saw that have asked if because of this experience if you've had any other kinds of spiritual experiences and i know you answered them and i wanted to give you the opportunity to answer that too and you know whether or not you want to go into any detail on those that's obviously completely up to you if you feel like that's the right thing um but i did notice that you you answered that that person that asked you so i wanted to give you the opportunity to talk about that over the last three months i've been communicating with a lot of people people from all over the world that they've lost their mother their father a friend or a niece or a best friend and they've shared with me their experiences that they had during the process of these people dying and i think rather than talking about me anymore and about my experience my heart goes out for those that are struggling in with their lives been a lot of people that are depressed and uncertain with the way things are going right now in the world and my my response to them was whatever you've done in the past you can make it better you can make it better and so many of them that i've talked to and i've talked to some nurses that have seen this cove in action and and they're my heroes i'm not their hero they're my heroes they have helped so many people get through the struggles that they have and i don't fault the doctor that worked on me i don't fault the nurse that worked on me they did the best that they could and unfortunately it was an unexpected situation one of the problems was in that situation was i'm allergic to lidocaine the the other thing that i've really noticed on in talking to people is i have talked to people from every religion all parts of life really where i've had muslims ask me to be their brother i mean how sweet is that i i was i was honored that he'd want me to be his brother i've talked to hindus that thanked me for for having the courage to share you know i always thought that this was so private and it was private to me because it was tender to my heart what had happened because it was something that is i felt like it was a gift to me um why i was sent back i don't know i don't know uh unless i was to come back and you know be a better husband uh be a better father be a better friend if that's the case i'm going to work at it and try to do better tomorrow i want to be better than i that i am today and i'd encourage everybody to take step back and take a look at your life and if there's somebody that you've offended uh go to them and tell them that you're sorry make peace and move forward that's part of the repentance process in in our lives i'm thankful that that god gave me another chance i i get to see my my kids grow up i get to see my my grandkids grow up and i'm hoping to see a lot more of that in the future i have to agree with some of the comments that we've had that have said maybe one of the reasons why you came back was to share the story and with the impact and the reach that it's had i have to agree with that i i don't think we can question that this was supposed to happen when it did if you would have asked that 2019 version of me that was all conflicted and trying to figure out how to resolve this work versus what i'd love to do self if you would have told me then who was you know interested in music and comedy that i would have been and directly involved in helping bring a story like this to the world i probably would have thought that really but i think that's kind of the point is that sometimes there there's plans for our lives and we need to be willing and open to to those changes and especially willing to to do things that maybe are going to make a bigger difference in the world so thank you thank you again for for being here and for for sharing and for inviting your story into the world thanks for having the inspiration to ask me so [Music] you
Channel: Prioritize Your Life
Views: 528,847
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life after death, nde, scott drummond, prioritize your life, life, near death experiences, god, jesus, heaven, family, priorities
Id: qaA4nQIMdwY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 30 2020
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