His family didn't realize that this kid had inherited the abilities of the billiard god

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The movie began at a prestigious pool championship  held at the Calcutta gymnasium in 1994,   at that time, there was a semi-final match  between Burman and Toolsidas, Toolsidas   himself is one of the most talented billiard  players who got many fans and in every match,   he is always accompanied by his small family  who never tired to support him. Furthermore,   Toolsidas’ second child named Midi is very  enthusiastic when he sees his father competing.   Before starting his match, he had a habit of  flipping his glasses first just to comfort his   son. But despite his ridiculousness, Toolsidas  got such an extraordinary ability that he is able   to defeat Burman casually, and after winning  the match while holding his son confidently,   Toolsidas told the son that the next day he got  his victory, Midi would bring the trophy for him.  Then before Toolsidas and his family returned  home, he was invited by his partner to go to a   bar to celebrate his victory which was opposed  by his wife, considering they had to go to the   wedding invitation immediately. But because  Toolsidas himself is a person who likes to   consume alcohol, he immediately promised his  wife that he would go home soon. Therefore,   Toolsidas asked his wife to wait for him at  home wearing a red sari to look more beautiful.  Shortly thereafter, when Toolsidas' wife  was waiting for her husband's return,   her first child named Goti, insisted on asking  her mother for money to use to go to the night   market with Midi, but because his mother did not  give her the amount of money he wanted, Goti also   used Midi so that they could get more money by  asking her mother for money for various reasons.  Then after successfully getting the money, the  two of them immediately went to the night market   to try a balloon shooting game and if they managed  to hit the balloon three times then they had the   opportunity to get a very attractive prize. But  when Goti had succeeded in shooting two balloons,   the man immediately acted fraudulently so that  Goti failed the third attempt. But it turned out   that Midi had realized his cheating, that is why  when he was given the opportunity to play he also   pointed his gun at the man which ultimately made  everyone there angry because they felt cheated.  When they arrived home, his mother even looked  gloomy because until late night, Toolsidas did   not return home. Soon they got a call from  someone informing them that Toolsidas could   not return home due to drinking too much. After  hearing this, his wife ordered Goti to immediately   pick up his father, but because Goti refused, Midi  finally went to pick up his father. Then when they   arrived at the house, Toolsidas' wife immediately  expressed all her disappointment, but because   Toolsidas was already drunk, he didn't really  pay attention to his wife's words and instead   immediately left her to sleep. The next day,  Toolsidas felt so guilty, he tried to persuade   his wife by complimenting the tea she served. It  seems succeeded in making his wife smile again.  Long story short before the final match started,  the players and the committee first had a photo   session in the courtyard of the Calcutta sports  hall and at that time Goti confirmed to Midi   that their father would not win against Jimmy  Tendon in the final match because Jimmy was the   defending champion who would never be defeated so  his name was always recorded on the championship   board every year. But this statement was  immediately denied by Midi, considering   that his father had promised that he would be  the one who would get the trophy this year.  However, during the break time, Jimmy took  advantage of Toolsidas' weakness by inviting   him to drink alcohol together. This made  Midi feel very anxious then he immediately   returned to his mother with a look full  of sadness. Soon the match continued and   because Toolsidas consumed too much alcohol, he  was no longer able to play as usual, which made   him have to suffer a very embarrassing defeat. Toolsidas immediately broke his billiard stick   to vent all his emotions. Meanwhile, with the  victory Jimmy just won, now he is getting bigger   and bigger with his record, which is becoming  champion for 6 consecutive years starting from   1989 to 1994. It seemed that Midi couldn’t  accept the defeat of Toolsidas considering   that his father had been defeated in a  fraudulent way, that's why Midi felt so   sad that he could no longer hold back his tears,  but from that, Midi already had the determination   to take part in the game of billiards. But unfortunately because of his young age,   he was not allowed to play billiard in the  Calcutta Sports Hall. Soon, an amateur billiard   player named Tutu came, a unique and funny  man so no one was willing to play with him.   When he invited Midi to accompany him to play,  Midi also felt very happy considering that it   was a great opportunity for him but unfortunately  before Midi could hit the ball, Jimmy had already   come to stop him with the excuse that he  didn't want a child to ruin his pool table.  Despite his ridiculous behavior, Tutu turns  out to be the committee member in charge there   so he could easily grant Midi a playing license  according to the time he had set. But when Midi   had managed to get his license, Goti even forbade  him to play billiards because Goti believes that   Midi has talent in other sports that's why Goti  wanted his brother to become an athlete in a sport   that could make a lot of money later, while  he would support him by becoming his manager.  But after enrolling his younger brother in  various sports such as cricket and tennis,   it turned out that none of them were able to  be mastered by Midi until finally there was   a number one equestrian coach in India who  was willing to train him, it made Goti feel   very happy because he was sure that soon they  would have a lot of money. But the next day,   when Goti picked him up to started the training,  Midi deliberately avoided by allocating to help   his teacher carry books into his car, even Midi  also asked the teacher for help to deliver him   to the Calcutta sports hall because that day  Midi had been scheduled to play with Tutu there.  Midi immediately came to Goti to tell him  that he would be able to make Goti rich   by playing billiards because in that match  there would be many people who would bet,   that's why Midi begged Goti to register him to  become a member of one of the Pap billiard so that   he could practice the game. Upon arriving home,  Goti immediately explained to Midi that there   were 2 billiard paps available in two different  locations, namely in Wellington and Chowringhee.  After making a decision, the next day  they immediately went to Chowringhee to   register for Midi, but because they did not  get good treatment, they finally decided to   go to Wellington even though they had never been  there. It turned out that Wellington was a slum   inhabited by middle-class residents, that's  why the billiard pool there is very different   from the billiard pool they often visit. When they went inside, Goti immediately   looked for information on how much it would cost  him if he wanted to register his brother there,   but the most important thing for Goti was how  much prize he would get if he won during the   match. Then after knowing that they would only  get one egg and bread, Goti asked his brother   to leave there immediately. But because Midi kept  insisting, the next day when Goti returned to pick   up Midi at his school, he also brought a surprise  in the form of a registration form so that Midi   could become a member there, even Goti also gave  some money so that Midi could go there alone.  Then, it was at this moment when Midi explained  to Goti that their father's billiard stick had   been repaired. Therefore, he would need money  for repairs and after taking his father's   billiard stick, Midi went to Wellington alone.  However, upon arrival he was not allowed to play   because only the seniors were allowed to  play. Therefore, he was advised to come back   tomorrow morning when the condition was quiet. But the next day when Midi was there, again,   he was not allowed to play because the place had  already been booked by someone else, namely a man   who always sleeps with a cloth covering his face.  The man was not an ordinary man because based on   the workers there, it turned out that he was a  former Indian national champion named Muhammad   Salam. Then, along with the explanation that  already said, finally Muhammad Salam woke up with   a very sharp gaze, looked at the billiard table,  and before he played, Muhammad Salam had the habit   of enjoying a betel first which he kept in a box. Then, at the same time the man on duty there   explained again to Midi that Muhammad Salam would  always play for 1 hour then go back to sleep for   1 hour. In fact, during the time he was there,  no one dared to fight him. Long story short,   after seeing Muhammad Salam's greatness in  playing billiards, Midi felt so amazed that he   was even more excited to come to the training  ground but it seemed Muhammad Salah was not   a friendly person where he could just slap  others when he felt disturbed while playing.  But even so, Midi still admires him. That's  because in order for him to understand how to   play billiard correctly, he chose to follow all  of Muhammad Salam's movements but unfortunately   he still couldn't practice the basic tricks that  Muhammad Salam did until soon Muhammad Salam   came to him to improve Midi's hand position  when he wanted to hit the ball. It proved   effective because Midi could immediately  practice the basic technique very well.  Meanwhile, because Goti assumed that his brother  already had the ability, without thinking, he   immediately registered Midi to participate in the  match in the hope that he would get benefits. But   unfortunately his expectations were too high so  when Midi suffered defeat, Goti felt very angry.   In fact, he even confirmed that he would never  again spend money on Midi’s training. Then from   then on, the relationship between them began to be  bad and because the savings he got were still not   enough for training, he had asked his mother for  extra money but unfortunately Midi did not get it   even the rest of his savings was forcibly taken by  Goti as compensation for the money Goti had spent.   It made Midi feel so desperate that he could only  sit on the side of the road mourning his fate.  Then there was one of Midi's neighbors who  asked for his help to carry his luggage.   And after hearing that, the man was  willing to give him money for that.   Midi immediately helped him, remembering that  it was his great opportunity to earn money.   But what he did was known directly by  Toolsidas so he was immediately interrogated   by his mother. But because his mother didn't  want Midi to do the job anymore, finally his   mother was willing to give the money he wanted. Long story short, at the training ground Midi   began to dare to come to Muhammad Salam to ask  what was the reason he always slept before playing   billiards. Hearing this, Muhammad Salam did not  immediately give an answer and instead asked   Midi to try it so that he could know the answer  himself. Then without thinking, Midi immediately   practiced using a piece of cloth that he had  prepared in his pocket and an hour had passed.  When Midi woke up again, he immediately tried  to play billiard which turned out he was able   to enter some balls well enough and it made  him feel very surprised. After the incident,   Midi always followed Muhammad Salam so that he was  willing to be his coach, but this actually made   Muhammad Salam feel very annoyed because he could  not concentrate on playing. But after hearing that   Midi's reason for wanting to play pool was to  defeat Jimmy's cheating, Muhammad Salam began   to change his mind, so he immediately asked Midi  to come back tomorrow to start his first training.   Hearing this, a smile of happiness began to  shine on Midi's face because now he has the   opportunity to become a professional player. Then the next day when Midi said that his game   improved after falling asleep, Muhammad Salah  finally explained that when they were in a dark   room and then moved to a place which is full of  light then their vision would be much sharper,   which is why he always covered his face with  a piece of cloth when he was asleep. In his   first training, Midi was able to attract  the attention of everyone who was there   because it was also the first time Muhammad  Salam was willing to train others in detail.  But when he arrived home, Midi was surprised  by the words of his mother who had planned to   vacation out of town for 3 weeks and after knowing  that it was Goti's idea, Midi immediately came to   him to ask what was Goti's reason for doing that.  But it seemed that Goti didn't really care about   Midi's words because his gaze was on a beautiful  woman who was there. Midi felt very annoyed which   resulted in him not being able to focus on  practicing, until the next day when Midi was   undergoing exams at his school, he deliberately  crossed out all the answer sheets he had filled   out in order to get bad grades because then Midi  had an excuse not to go on vacation with his   family because he had to take extra lessons. Meanwhile, in order not to cancel his family   vacation, Midi told his mother that Goti would  leave to replace him. Then when Midi wanted to   deliver a letter to the Calcutta gymnasium,  one of the officers who was there explained   that in recent days Goti had always come to swim  throughout the day and after hearing about it,   Midi decided to go inside to prove it. Then when  he saw Goti was swimming together with a woman,   Midi immediately took a photo of them together  so that Goti would obey all his requests.  So, finally Goti was forced to go on vacation  with his family, while Midi had the opportunity   to continue to focus on training during the school  holidays. In his training sessions, Muhammad Salah   told that in playing billiard there was no such  thing as luck. Therefore, Midi only needed to play   well, so Muhammad Salam trained him again by using  a different trick where he had to enter the ball   in the corner using his left hand because every  hand owned by humans always got many benefits.   Then after successfully doing so, Midi decided to  immediately return to his home considering that   that day his parents would soon return home. But  on the way back home, Midi accidentally dropped   his father's billiard stick, making the billiard  stick break due to being run over by a passing   train and the incident made Midi feel very sad. However, he chose not to tell his family,   while at the same time Goti came to him to thank  him because by going on vacation he could get more   money that he got from winning horse racing bets,  that's why when Midi explained about his broken   stick. Goti promised to give him a new one with  the money he had. The next day, when Midi saw   that his father's match form had been sent home,  he immediately came to the Calcutta gymnasium   to collect the form because he had intended to  participate in this year's championship. However,   the guard on duty there forbade him again because  of Midi’s age, so Tutu tried to help him by taking   Midi directly with the Chief organizer who  is often referred to as Mr. President but   it seemed to be useless because Midi was still  not allowed to participate for similar reasons.  Then shortly after Midi arrived home,  his mother got a call from someone that   was informing her that Toolsidas was now  consuming a lot of alcohol and hearing this,   Midi immediately went to pick up his father as  he often does, while at the same time when Tutu   told that Midi had intended to register for  the game that year in a semi-conscious state,   Toolsidas immediately came to Mr. President so  that his son was given the opportunity to play.   Because although Midi would lose his first  match, at least he would make him happy.  However, Toolsidas' statement even made Jimmy  laugh, making Toolsidas feel very angry. That's   why before he returned home, Toolsidas chose  to challenge someone to a battle in a game of   billiards just to vent his emotions. But in the  middle of the game Toolsidas decided to leave and   give up his money casually. Then after hearing  what his father did, Goti who felt angry without   thinking immediately went there to finish the  match where Midi would replace his father to play.  When he saw Midi's playing ability, Mr. President  finally decided to allow him to participate in the   billiard championship that year. In fact, he  himself signed his registration form where in   the championship Midi named himself as Toolsidas  Jr. While as a form of support for his younger   brother, a few days before the championship  started, Goti had given a gift to Midi and he   also promised to come to Wellington to repair  his father's broken stick because Goti just   realized that what had been done all this time  was just to maintain their father's good name.  However, because Midi always went out of the house  every day, his mother began to feel suspicious so   she chose to follow Midi secretly until finally  when she arrived at Billiard's place she asked   Midi to leave immediately because she assumed that  the environment was not a good environment for   young children. However, shortly before they  left, Muhammad Salam explained to his mother   that for the past 11 months, Midi had always  come to train. So while covering his hands,   Muhammad Salah begged him to allow Midi to  achieve his dream and the words seemed to melt   his mother's heart so he finally allowed Midi to  continue training there without having to worry.  Meanwhile, before doing his training, Midi had  asked Muhammad Salam if he would be willing to   come to see him compete tomorrow, considering  that it was Muhammad Salam who contributed   most in the playing billiard’s training. But  unfortunately Muhammad Salam refused. Because he   would only come if Midi made it to the final.  Long story short, the billiard championship   finally began where in the opening match Midi  was directly faced against a player named Sunny   Kochhar and thanks to the training he had been  undergoing, Midi was able to win his first match.  In fact, he also managed to win in the  next matches. Because in the third match,   Midi met with Tutu whose ability was very  different, but Midi's victory actually made   Tutu feel so proud that he told everyone that  he was the one who had trained Midi. However,   after defeating Tutu, Midi had to meet  a fairly difficult opponent where he   had to face, he is Burman whose ability was  extraordinary. However, on the day of the match,   Burman arrived there past the time limit set  by the committee, allowing Midi to win the   match without having to fight him. In fact, he and  Goti had a chance to mock Burman before he left.
Channel: StoryLine Movie
Views: 923,870
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Keywords: film recap, story recap, storyline movie, mystery recap, mystery recapped, based on true story movie, motivational movie recap, inspirational movie recap, sad movie recap, movie recapped, movie recaps, story recapped, movie review, movie summary, movie explained, recapped movie, movie recapped channel, film recap movies, movie story recapped, movies under 10 minutes, film recap movie review, gangster story recap, action movie recap, drama movie recap
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 24sec (1224 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 08 2023
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