Hip Impingment: 2 Exercises for ALLEGED Bone On Bone Hip Pain

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hey it's matt true from upright health today we're going to talk about bone on bone hip pain especially as it pertains to hip impingement so you might be concerned about it because a doctor has told you that your bone shapes are incorrect they're totally wrong and they're causing the bones to prematurely jam together when you do things like squat down or try to bring your knee towards your chest and because of the way doctors look at this problem it sounds like the only thing you can possibly do is cut the bones to create more space so that your bones don't collide before you go too far down that path i want you to realize that the space between bones throughout your body is tiny and many times like when you do things like jumping up and down your bones are going to collide and you'll notice that children adults teenagers none of them really feel pain when bones end up colliding so when you're thinking about hip impingement you might want to put that in your mind and think about how can i address something else how can i dress the muscles that help keep the bones moving correctly and one question to ask yourself is whether it's possible that the muscles that are deeply and completely surrounding the hip joint could be the things that are generating the pain since bones themselves even when you do things like this don't really hurt that much what is it about slow motions where you're bringing one body part towards each other that creates such intense pain and what we've seen in case you're asking that question is that muscles are not functioning well those muscles need to learn how to function properly so that they don't feel like they're jamming and they don't complain that you're too weak or too shortened or too tight so in this video i'm going to show you a couple things you can try if you're experiencing some quote bone on bone pain especially if you get it in the anterior hip so a lot of people with the fai diagnosis they find when they go to squat down they get this jamming feeling up front and this can be because of muscles in the front so i'll link to some videos where i show you some exercises you can do for your anterior hip in this video i'm going to show you something you can do for your hamstrings and also for your posterior butt so both areas are going to influence how much flexion you can get in your hip if the muscles here and here are too stiff they're not able to lengthen you're going to find it difficult to actually bring the knee towards the chest this is a problem i have had and it's taken me time to fix and then the problem came back because i didn't keep working on it and then it took more time to fix that problem so i have experience with this and we've seen a lot of clients have the same experience so one thing i want to have you do first is get some sort of a strap or a band and then you're just going to lie down now this is a simple hamstring stretch a lot of people have tried something like this and what they do is they go and try to pull it as far as they can and either their knee bends or they do the thing that i've seen me do which is you go and then you start cheating the angle or your hip the pelvis starts to move to get a weird angle on the stretch so that you get farther without actually feeling it in the right place so when you're doing this i really encourage you to go slowly start way down here if you need to and start coming up like this and slowly pay attention to where you're getting it you should feel this in the hamstrings but if you feel you're like twisting like this or turning or you feel your pelvis hiking or you feel your back arching a ton then you may be cheating this so one thing that i noticed with myself in a cheat i would do was i would arch my back a lot and hike my hip so then i could get farther and i thought like wow my hamstrings are so so flexible what's the problem but if i didn't allow the pelvis to turn and tilt and i actually flattened my lower back which is very counter-intuitive for me then when i started to pull i would run into oh man lateral hamstrings that is really stiff what is going on there i thought it was flexible also i had to pay personal attention to the angle so some angles can be really flexible other angles may not be so so you want to be playing around with which angles actually are stiff and tight on you and recognize that you need to clear it all up so this is something we talk about in the fai fix program when we coach anybody who's a client we want to make sure that they explore angles explore positions because maybe maybe you're flexible in one angle but that's not the position that's going to challenge muscles correctly to improve things like squatting so maybe you have to be stretching your hamstrings more out at an angle maybe you need more adduction and across the midline you're going to have to experiment and for a lot of people especially if you're a weight lifter of any kind you're going to need to do it all now another great exercise that can be helpful is one that shane my partner on the fai fix program is a huge fan of and it took me forever to really appreciate how useful this was but basically you want to work on trying to get the posterior hip to stretch out so what you can do is just post up on top of one knee and you want to start out way over in front of with your your upper body way over and in front of where your knee is and then you kind of shift over like this okay so you're shifting over and then you're shifting back so you're trying to get stretch deep around the hip now you might think oh isn't that just going to smash my bones into other bones not any more so than what's happening at your wrist or your elbow or your shoulder it's really important for you to get over the fear that the medical system has instilled in you because it will stop you from being able to move at all and then you'll get a surgery and then you'll still not be able to move properly because you will have to do a lot of rehab to try to get all these muscles functioning again so let's just work on getting these muscles to ease up there are deep deep muscles in here they wrap all around the hip joint they can feel intense you can modulate the intensity so it's not crazy so you don't feel super scared but you want to be making sure you're making progress and gradually going into deeper and deeper hip flexion if you feel like you're getting jammed in the in the front of the hip you're going too far keep the sensation back here you also notice with this leg i'm just blocking my ankle and then blocking it so that my leg is in a little bit of internal rotation that's because for me that's a big challenge and i like working on hip internal rotation you could also change this and we mentioned this in the fai fix program too is go into hip external rotation right turning or even like that more right and it's the same exercise you're still trying to get still trying to get stuff in the posterior hip by leaning into it moving over you can move to the side right so these angles or these angles all these things can help you find really stiff parts of your posterior hip which will then once you've loosened those things help you bring the knee up towards the chest a lot of people myself included find that when you try to lift the knee up you get this external rotation happening some people will cheat and go this way either way you want to be clearing it up so that you don't feel the pull and the restriction from the posterior hip so for example if for me i lift up and i get this for me i found that is because i had insufficient internal rotation so that's why i like blocking my leg into internal rotation and then going deep into it going deep into hip flexion stretching out the lateral and posterior hip now if you're the opposite if you find when you go up you actually go into internal rotation you definitely want to be working on external rotation but that's actually pretty rare so most people got to work on both a lot of people are have just really really really bad hip external rotation and hip internal rotation because when do we ever do that stuff the only time we would ever be required to would be if we were doing like dance moves and since very few of us dance in the very acrobatic ways in modern life we just don't get that get that uh that stimulus for our hips so anyway you've got these two two different things you can be working on i would pair them up i personally do pair them up and what you can do is work on them between i would say 60 seconds if you can gut it out don't do it so intensely that you just like can't stand it you just have to get out after 10 seconds that said if you're somebody who is really really stiff you've never been in these positions before you've never really tried these it's going to take time for them to feel even remotely comfortable so set a timer for a minute go into a level of intensity that you can stand that you can you can folk that you can still maintain a regular breathing pace with and as you're just hanging out breathing see if you can let those muscles relax a little bit more and more and more right if you can't keep a straight straight straight knee then do it with a little bit of knee bend but always be focused on feeling the right muscles in there getting challenged same goes for this little glute stretch right that can be really intense and if it feels like you're then you're in a panic you need to just back out of it a little bit and take your time get used to it breathe hang out there for a minute and get familiar with the position you're in doing two sets seems to be a pretty sweet spot for most people it's been really good for me we've seen it be really good for clients too it's enough to gradually make some change and it doesn't feel overwhelming and it doesn't get too boring so doing that two sets those two exercises twice a day can be really really helpful for restoring some of your range of motion and getting this stuff to clear up so when you if you have this kind of issue if you've been told like oh you've got bound on bone i really encourage you to dig deeper into that story i'm going to link to some helpful resources in the description box and maybe drop it in the comment section too that will help you understand where the medical perspective comes from and why it can mislead you so badly and cause so much harm in the long run be sure to check out those links if you do have the fai diagnosis and you're feeling really scared and you don't want to get the surgery and you want to look for ways to help yourself be sure to check out the fai fix which i'll also link to down below and if you found this video helpful click the like button subscribe and as always i hope you remember that pain sucks life [Music] shouldn't
Channel: Upright Health
Views: 166,540
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bone on bone hip pain, bone on bone pain, fai exercises, fai fix upright health, fai hip impingement, femoral acetabular impingement, femoroacetabular impingement, hip arthritis exercises, hip bone pain relief exercises, hip exercises for pain, hip external rotation, hip impingement, hip impingment, hip joint pain relief exercises, hip pain bone on bone, hip pain exercises, hip pain relief exercises, hip strengthening exercises, hip stretches for pain, upright health
Id: XsoQ00a8cgM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 58sec (718 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 21 2020
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