How to OVERCOME front of hip pain | Hip flexor tightness RELIEF

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do you experience pain in the front of your hip does it feel stiff and tight when you try to lift it into the car when you're going for a walk this is a very very common scenario if you have hip arthritis knee arthritis you are dealing with back pain degenerative disc disease and it's mainly caused by two reasons so we're going to go through those first and then I'm going to show you three movements that can help you tremendously to find not only pain relief but to relieve that stiffness if we haven't met before my name is Alyssa I'm a doctor of physical therapy and specialize in helping people specifically with osteoarthritis not only find pain relief but find Adventure now there are two primary reasons why the fronts of your hips can become tight and painful the first one is actually a positioning of your hips primarily in a standing posture what can happen is because of pain changing the way that you're moving because of some muscle imbalances and or if you're carrying a lot of weight in your midsection you can be pulled into this anterior pelvic tilt it's also called lumbar lordosis essentially just means an excessive curve in your lower back so your hips come from a neutral position and now they're dumping forward and when this happens the muscles in the fronts of your legs become shortened the muscles in the backs of your legs become lengthened but they're taut and they can also become weakened as they're just in this extended stretched position now the muscles in the front of your legs since they're in that shortened position they can become very irritated because they're not able to perform as well so when you're walking and using these muscles they're working on overdrive now in this position it can also inhibit some other muscles from doing their job primarily the glutes which are a big proponent when you're walking to help Propel you forward the second reason your hip muscles can become tight especially in the front is from prolonged sitting so when you're sitting in a certain position especially for a prolonged period of time these muscles can become tight because they're used to being in this position we're not getting a lot of blood flow because we're not getting a lot of movement but then when you go to stand up and you go to walk you're abruptly asking those move those muscles to work right away coming from that tight position and then automatically needing to work can cause some irritation now let's look at these three movements that can help for this first one you're going to lay on the ground if you don't feel comfortable getting on the ground you can go into a bed or a couch but find a firm surface if you can you're going to bend your knees up into this bridge position feet are flat on the floor and bring our heels about 6 to 12 inches away from your bottom as close as you can get them comfortably from here you're going to focus on the hips you're going to push through your feet and rock your hips back slightly and when you do this you should feel your hamstrings the muscles in the backs of your legs contract as your lower back and middle back are now pressed into the floor both parts of your back are making contact with the floor hold this for about three to five seconds and then relax up bring your hips back down so now your lower back is in contact with the floor this is something I want you to get really good at we're working on that posture working on controlling that Arch feel what your body's doing here feel where your muscles are doing here and relax try anywhere between 10 to 20 repetitions this is a great warm-up movement especially to do in bed before you get up while exercises on the ground are great we also need to train our bodies in a standing position if you're trying to get better at walking trying to get better at standing we need to also train our bodies in this position too so this movement I'm going to show you is in standing you're going to need a blank wall you're going to come to this wall stand up tall and then walk your feet out about a step now I want you to focus on tilting your hips back so your mid back and your lower back are in contact with the wall practice this hold this for about 10 seconds relax and repeat just for a couple repetitions to really get the feel for it because if you don't get this part then you won't get as much out of The Next Movement so now we're going to do you're going to maintain that position lower back in contact with the wall I'm going to alternate taking one arm overhead and then the other now your body's natural inclination is going to want to be to arch your back as you raise one arm overhead so this exercise is giving you feedback of the wall touching your lower back and preventing that Arch we don't want all these accessory muscles working this can actually lead to back pain and some hip pain so we really want to focus on keeping those hips stationary as you're raising one arm and then the other you're going to complete anywhere from 10 to 20 repetitions making sure your back does not Arch away from the wall now the third movement once you've mastered the arms we're going to actually move down to the legs because the legs is a little bit harder you're going to maintain the same position on the wall except I'm going to have a little bit of a wider stance now what you're going to do find the wall with your lower back and I'm going to alternate lifting one heel and then the other toes stay on the floor try to maintain your stable hips try not to have any leaning side to side try not to have any coming off the wall or that Arch come back you're really focusing on quality here trying for 30 seconds 60 seconds seeing how far you can push this one while maintaining this good form we want this to translate to walking and when it comes to walking you need endurance you need stamina you need to maintain this posture not just for 10 repetitions you need to maintain this posture for a prolonged period of time so I want you to approach this as that in order to make long-term change to hip flexor tightness front of the hip pain it's important to be consistent trying these three movements every other day to start with can be a great place to begin these movements should not increase pain so if they do your hip flexor tightness may be coming from a different source trying these once a day twice a day at most can typically be adequate enough these movements make a great warm-up if you're going to go out walking if you're going to be on your feet for a while especially in a standing position also if you do sit for a prolonged period of time trying to take breaks and incorporate one two or even all three of these movements throughout the day can really be helpful to set your body up for Success if you found this video helpful if you could go ahead and click that red subscribe button down below so that way you can follow along for future arthritis tips and tricks I have coming your way and trust me I have quite a few
Channel: Alyssa Kuhn, Arthritis Adventure
Views: 244,175
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: front of hip pain, hip flexor pain, hip pain, front of hip tightness, hip flexor tightness, hip stiffness, dr alyssa kuhn, front of hip pain after sitting, hip flexor, hip tightness, hip arthritis, hip pain walking, hip pain exercises, hip osteoarthitis
Id: wdTu0AQfAA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 42sec (462 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 11 2023
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