Hindu nationalism explained rationally in 5 minutes | François Gautier ji | The RSS, Modi & Hindutva

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[Music] as a hindu yourself uh what does hindu nationalism mean to you i'm talking from a historical perspective uh why is the rise of hindu nationalism and the rss significant for india you see international is a must because most hindus are not proud to be hindus we see hindus in the us i have seen so many i've given lectures in american universities like recently i gave in atlanta there are 3000 students indian students in atlanta university most of them hindus if you give a lecture on i gave a lecture on the need to rewrite indian history 10 out of 3010 turn up so lack of internationalism lack of hindu pride is a another cancer that's eating up india so it's important that national growth and i think the rss and other bodies in india have tried to do that but they have been marginalized they have been accused of you know it's a crazy thing that you know people have been equating hindu fundamentalism with islamic fundamentalism i mean no hindus will no hindus will hijack four planes and ram them on towers full of people no hindus will think of that you know yet you know they have they have put on power the same thing hindus as dancers even mr mr rahul gandhi said the same thing to the american ambassador you know hindus hindu fundamentally as dangerous of islamic phenomena it's an absolute absurdity because the facts contradict it every secreted religion in the world found refuge in india because of hindus not because of muslims or christians from the christian syrians to the passings to the armenians to the tibetans today every religious person and found refuge in india and they practice freely their religion here in india so you know as a lover of india it angers me you know it makes me furious to see that hindu themselves cannot in a current manner defend you know their tolerance their their acceptance of the others and accept to be put on par with you know islamic terrorism so it's important that nationalism goes to india it's important that hindus feel proud to be hindus it's a huge task i think only mr modi can do it you have to change the curriculum system you have to teach your young kids about rani g you have to use them in a pan where all india you know all injections about the heroes and urine and feel proud that i'm proud to be hindu but it's not happening unfortunately it is not happening so and again only mr modi can do it and my hope my prayer that this man came for this purpose for this revolution that needs to happen but it cannot happen from delhi no it cannot happen from delhi unless you know i've been saying that again and i even tried to tell mr money that unless the capital of india is shifted to the center of india where it will be more you know in touch with the rest of india you cannot govern india from delhi it's okay it's okay you know for the british before they went calcutta out of that it's okay for the british but it's not okay for an indian government you cannot govern with bureaucrats who make orders without understanding the psyche of tamil nadu or the psyche of kerala or the psyche of madhya pradesh you cannot have your crutch you know make decision in far away daily sitting on the desk isolated from the rest of india and i thought mr murray would because he's a man from gujarat from central india but you know he's just ordered a new parliament in delhi so you know shirobindo i'm a disciple of shirobindo and he was a nationalist he was one of the first nationalists who thought that the british should be evicted from india by force if necessary and indeed his brother manufactured bonds in the basement of sherman's house now of course left politics and then retired in pondicherry where he worked on his yoga but when he saw you know in 1946 1947 1948 what happened to india the the past that india was taking away from its psyche away from nationalism away from you know the true values of hinduism he was i think as greater yogi was he was shattered the the photo of him the last part of him and the mother of pondicherry's companion said that you know he's suffering you know that so i i am you know i am not a yogi but i am suffering to see that you know indians do not want to recognize their own value their own greatness and stand up to the enemies that are fighting against them whether it is the chinese whether it is marxism within whether it is western you know hostility toward mr modi and the bgp government which are democratically elected it pains me it pains me but what to do this is karma okay namaste we hope you enjoyed this chitty media content please remember to subscribe to us and switch on the notifications for this channel for our other social media links more content and to support our work please visit cidti.net namaskar
Channel: The Festival of Bharat
Views: 7,522
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Keywords: festival, bharat, festival of bharat, nationalism, Hindu, Hindu nationalism, François Gautier, Francois Gautier, Ojasvy Chandhok, Rss, Modi, Narendra Modi, Hindutva, upsc, upsc preparation, upsc video, upsc free, upsc study material, upsc free study material, upsc explainer video
Id: 5RZkCS88adk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 14sec (374 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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