Priests React to The Chosen, Season 2

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It is such a good show and, believe me, I am not easy to impress.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/maggie081670 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies

It's like all the actors were chosen to do this. They are perfect.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Arise_Merry_Glad 📅︎︎ Sep 10 2021 🗫︎ replies
did you think i was just going to come here and say hey everyone just uh keep doing what you've been doing for the last thousand years since it's been going so great [Music] [Applause] [Music] shalom i'm father casey and i'm father patrick and this is a pawn fryer review yes it is back in the saddle we are back but a very different saddle father patrick what happened to our studio we're on the couch yeah yeah it's a little more casual this time we're at desk and talking at you and now we're just kind of like two guys sitting on the couch watching tv so you're gonna tell me your feelings well let me not not this time not this time maybe another time not the feelings are bad but we've got important business important things to get you father patrick we're talking about the chosen season two ah love the chosen yeah so the last time we talked you had never heard of it and so i got to show you the first clips and then you fell in love with it yes my jesus you're jesus i love my jesus so now you have seen all of season two you were right on that even before i was but i picked a few clips that i found pretty meaningful we're gonna jump into it and see what we think it's not gonna get better than today all right so continuing with the first season we're we're starting off with a calling because the uh the disciples aren't quite fully assembled yet since we got a few more to pick up and this is the struggle of discernment that nathaniel goes through he's just gotten fired his life's work's been thrown away the architect yes big failure the world hates him now it's a tough day yeah it's a dark day everything he's worked for is gone his master plans this was done for you oh where are you god king of the universe do not hide your face from me in the day of my distress pulling out all the prayers incline your ear to me and certainly speedily in the day when i call imagine if the papers were your child gone wrong or rejecting you oh no you're not gonna answer this was done for you do not hide your face from me do you see me god can be very quiet sometimes yeah so very raw very well yeah painful it's interesting for me in that time of rawness he had the psalms to go to and so he's just wrote prayer wrote prayer wrote prayer but they're not working and then then from the heart do you not see me yeah they work for the feeling they certainly describe the feelings but the results aren't there you have to wonder are these god developing him further refining him further or is this uh god saying no your ways are not my ways yeah ever have those discernments where you just he says twice this was for you right he thought his whole life was for god but it didn't work out did you ever have those moments what do you do in those times oh yeah i mean i was part of a very significant very well developed ministry and i thought everything was going well and the whole thing got turned upside down and thank god it's still god's work but my whole sense of it is gone just like that what i love and so you know spoilers that's the whole show you know by the end of this episode he meets jesus and he realizes maybe like saint francis you know go rebuild my church maybe that wasn't the type of building he was supposed to do he's supposed to be a disciple in fact he gets to use those talents in different ways and so his vision may have been just too small yeah rebuild my church is what francis heard or the words similar to that and i'm i'm sure nathaniel is going to be called upon to be a fisher of men not a fisher of bricks yeah no it's tough though sometimes we we struggle with the way our lives do not go the way we want but i really do think it's sometimes our vision is like this right i'm focused on this thing god look look at this and god's like yeah i know look at this do you not see this hey mcfly yes exactly so one of the big themes i've seen throughout this whole season is the disciples not getting along oh my gosh they have been fighting it's such a hard thing for me to watch that yeah so we've got two clips in a row here that touch on this tension that we're we're seeing here in the season so in this first clip they're sitting around the campfire and they're all talking about the the destruction of israel the oppression of israel how they've suffered for many many years when will salvation come and then they look to matthew who has sort of turned from israel who has not lived the faith and now is all of a sudden reaping the benefits and they're a little jealous yeah what about you what do you mean has it been difficult for you all this time the occupation following jewish law it's a jerk sometimes snarky life has not been easy oh it hasn't what was more painful for you escaping roman persecution by working for them or escaping your guilt with all the money and now you're catching up on torah and wanting to follow the law why not all of the sudden why not all the other times you had the chance simon no no john i want to know mary had horrible trauma she didn't choose all that happened to her what's your excuse innocence matthew's not innocent so therefore does not deserve our mercy i don't know what you want from me an apology what he's not alone simon's not wrong he could be more delicate about it yes simon could be more delicate you did choose to understand the gospels and it made my life even harder than it already was and you haven't apologized who are you to forgive or not to forgive well now we unravel no of course not but you've had your problems too back and forth what about apologizing for what you almost did to us with didn't go through with it i was trying to save my family's life and i love you john but that's not something you have to worry about when zeb and salome are looking out for you hmm another day you put me in a desperate position where i did things i would never have done otherwise and i've repented for them and john and james i am sorry but i didn't go you know the point that strikes me very significantly about this is jesus christ's own feet have touched the sand they're sitting on he's with them like this i mean really really with them he's right there like we're together right here and yet they still have these little pride fits yeah a little bickering it makes you wonder you know we've got the transcendent we've got the imminent with the eucharist and and the word but we're not i never i don't know what jesus toenails look like they do you know they they have intimate union with jesus christ and they're still fighting you know it must make you say what hope do we have well it is a major theme of the gospels mark makes it clear the disciples just don't get it jesus is right there and they don't get it they're sitting around bickering all day while jesus is working hard it's a little longer if we hold tight just a little more we'll have rescue because we're chosen all of us and you betrayed that and you spit on it i can't forgive it i'll never forgive it all right you said what you needed to say sit down simon you sit down first gloves are off now they're all standing ready to fight each other perfect timing and here comes a man who's just served the people of god for 12 hours straight thank you lord thank you for just walking by good night can i just i can't be bothered with your problems right now and their disposition changes how little are bickering matters in the grand scheme of things thank you lord i'm better than them i can't believe they're they're just showing up to church now where were you before really i see it all the time yeah you see it all the time and it it wells up inside of me you didn't hear me say that it wells up inside of me sometimes too i know it right we always want to feel confident in ourselves comfortable defend against those who are different and it goes down this road it's something i love pope francis has talked a lot about this ill in the church that when we wall ourselves off and we get security and they're worried about who's in what pecking order and who's comfortable and what the structures are we become a sick church but when we go out we come back bruised and broken like jesus is here and that's when we're healthy we realize what really matters perfectly said but there's something to this and that's why it's so interesting because what simon is feeling is not wrong right the way he's expressing it is wrong that he feels betrayed by his brother yeah i mean they we they say we suffered and you left yeah it's like a samaritan you know you stayed behind we we went on the journey yeah so i don't think that's that's wrong and when we feel that in church they say someone in our family maybe leaves the faith like that hurts right i don't want to say that we should dismiss that but it just might not be the right thing to go pointing fingers and asserting ourselves as more better you know like yeah you're looking for an honest contribution to the family by each member of the family yeah if they're not present to make the contribution the whole family's weakened but not weakened if if we're centered in the lord for me as long as we stay centered in him we have everything we need i know that sounds very pious but i i feel that way i personally feel that way i just looked at him and everything like you said just goes you imagine if they spent more ships with jesus that day if they would have been with him right there serving people in the middle of the night they wouldn't have ever experienced this yeah they're idle aren't they they're idle you know what they say devil's workshop that's right so moral the story never stop working no but the moral of the story is what jesus shows them is that you should spend more time with jesus spend more time in prayer more time serving yeah mary finished the notices they're leaving to spread the word i hope they can find a way to work together what do you mean i can't seem to agree on a single thing lately myself included sometimes oh i've noticed that's you get snitch in some ways it's to be expected but not desired surely no no but it's what's bound to happen when you start something that's open to all truly all people zealots even tax collectors that's the absolutely right people both hesitant and skeptical as well as bold and confident people hungry to learn as well as those learned and knowledgeable let's get back to work yeah so the essence of christian life really oh the crucible is your family and i really think what he's saying there is look it's going to be wicked hard because everybody's in a different place everybody's under construction but my father and i are one and we're going i'm going to get you to be one unless you resist it yeah no i prefer it not to be it doesn't have to be but it's to be expected when you bring together people who have completely different world views completely different histories that's going to be a challenge and i i what i love about this season is they are showing that challenge they're not they're not irredeemable right you they're still people that i look to like wow these men some of the women are good people and i like them individually but you bring them together and you realize the kingdom of god is not going to happen like that at least not if we bring our egos with us good thing there's no bickering among friars absolutely not no no we're just a perfect community because we're all the exact same person no actually i think that's the beauty of our franciscan life is that we're called to live the gospel and i'm gonna you know toot our own horn i think more than any other community we are the most generic it doesn't sound like a brag but i think it is like we are the gospel we're not the teachers we're not the the the commanders we're not the organizers we live the gospel and anyone can do that so you look at us we are all over the map and sometimes it may not seem so but our life is difficult and that that's important yeah we have to be there no matter what stripe or what mood or what level of integrity or particular character formation people are in we're bringing the good thing we received everywhere we can and that's what i see happening here he's got the everywhere on his hands and i think what he's saying is it matters it matters that we try it's not okay that we stay in our little silos and say well you people go over there and you people go over there no there's no you people it's my people have you ever seen a catholic church become like a country club yeah a lot of churches not just catholic of course but yeah i've seen catholic churches for sure us and then very exclusive they make lots of little private parties everyone looks the exact same sounds the exact same once the exact same and that's in itself sounds great like that is what saint paul says of one one mind and heart but i think sometimes it's one mind and heart exclusive of other people someone walk in the door and everybody goes what oh my remember remember my mum not as tough some would say as the sermon on the mount which if you read matthew 5 through 7 and you really look at your life you're going to have a reaction like matthew is right here no truth you know i won't be offended he's asking for feedback it's whoa very striking striking but if i do the math in terms of good news and bad seems like there's not a lot of good news anyone who looks at the woman with lust has already committed adultery doesn't that make everyone an adult or check if your right eye causes you to sin gouge it out oh gosh wouldn't that lead to an entire population of people walking around with only one eye oh and this one if anyone were to sue you and take your tunic let him have your cloak as well trees that bear bad fruit being cut down and torn into the fire the gate is narrow and hard that leads to life depart from me i never knew you do you realize how heavily laid in your sermon is with these kinds of ominous pronouncements i haven't even ended half of them it's a manifesto it's a manifest i'm not here to be sentimental and soothing i'm here to start a revolution well love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you that isn't exactly he said revolution not revolt i'm talking about a radical shift did you think i was just going to come here and say hey everyone just uh keep doing what you've been doing for the last thousand years since it's been going so great buddy christ glad jesus has some sarcastic side to him you guys have been doing great yeah there's a lot of cool snarky parts in the gospel yes but i think what matthew describes here is what i've experienced in in christian life i've experienced in christian academia where this question was legitimately asked in a number of sermons and essays can anyone actually live the sermon on the mount if we tried every single day to live it literally and some theologians say it's impossible and so whether or not we agree with that what do we do with the difficulty of these these challenges to never look with lust to never have an evil thought yeah it's a tall order it's a tall order but i mean he can't not give you the ideal yeah you would never grasp you never reach for something your your grasp has to your reach needs to exceed your grasp or something like that do you remember that sounds right quote where it's got someone will tell us in the comments it's got to be farther out than you can reach or you won't grow my thought always is you know if he were to just give the practical i had a friend say this once you know why are the ideals always what's presented let's do what people can do and i think well if this is jesus is that what we want heaven to be just you know what we're good like we can just accept it no we want it to be the perfect that we're striving for and that's what matthew captures in his gospel righteousness what is necessary and maybe we don't get there on our own but it doesn't mean we don't try it's like the squirrel and i hate squirrels i mean i really hate squirrels but it's it's like a squirrel he's going to work or she's going to work on as many nuts as they can find and bury them for the winter and they're not going to stop and they're not even conscious they're just hitting it hitting it hitting it i think jesus wants us in the spirit of saint francis who looked at the animals as obeying their nature perfectly yeah wants us to be like them uh keep at it yeah i mean i think there's there's a balance you know we don't want to hurt ourselves if we fall you know an inch short and say i'm the worst and god can never love me i mean there's there's some level of understanding but that also doesn't mean well close enough i guess i'll just hang out and sin some more no what are you gonna do yeah i think that's the attitude he wants to get rid of like no strive as hard as you can your life depends on this yeah it really does the kingdom of heaven yeah and how horrible it is when i don't because then i become a counter witness an antichrist i become literally a leader in another direction well father pat's not doing it so we don't have to do it yeah which leads to the beginning of matthew 5 the beginning of the sermon on the mount which is arguably the most challenging part but i think the essence of christianity is something we overlook and they just do such a great cinematic job with this the beatitudes blessed are the poor in spirit for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are those who mourn for they shall be comforted blessed are the meek for they shall inherit the earth blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be satisfied blessed are the merciful for they shall receive mercy blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see god blessed are the peacemakers for they shall be called sons of god blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness sake for theirs is the kingdom of heaven blessed are you when others revile you and persecute you and utter all kinds of evil against you falsely on my account rejoice and be glad for your reward will be great in heaven yes how is it a man if someone wants to find me those are the groups they should look for people want to find me those are the people they should look for it's why i'm where i am right now yeah i love the way after we just talked down on the disciples how they don't get it they're struggling all the things that we look from the outside there's that little montage of every beatitude he says he shows how one of his disciples are living it and they're not living it perfectly they're not doing all of them but there's something in them that truly is blessed and maybe we could look at our own lives like that maybe maybe you're uncomfortable so i don't do that one really well but maybe you do another one really well maybe god is found in you in that way how much i enjoy blessed are you blessed are you blessed are you like waves of the ocean blessed are you do you get it blessed are you are you understanding what i'm saying blessed are you i am here and fantastic how counter-cultural i mean it doesn't say blessed are those who are rich blessed are those who are comfortable blessed are those who are in power none of these things are people that i think the world would pick poverty hunger righteousness i mean these are not blessed are you when your sports skills are beyond anyone else's not on the list i mean that's what i think about myself but jesus didn't include that come on jesus where am i in that that's what i think about myself yeah there's something to i mean each and every one of them is an affliction right they're things the world says not to do blessed are you when you're persecuted i think that it's so challenging but there's such truth and beauty if we can accept that and meditate on that's your homework for tonight you'll meditate on those things what good might we find from experiencing a little hunger in our life i have found the prison the hospital and soup kitchens places where people are raw honest true very very up forthright uh easy to get along with because there's no fakery there's no machinations there's something about the raw humanity when things are really down where you're your actual self it's the strangest thing a little more dependent yeah and the more stuff i put on the more i'm relying on that instead of the relationship with god or relationship with another person one of the things i love you know we think about blessed are those who cry blessed are those who mourn you know it's not something we'd ever think of as good but there's this great line that is attributed to oscar romero i don't know if he actually said it the internet it says there are certain things that can only be seen through eyes that have cried meditate on that a little bit you know there are certain things you can only understand if you've been through them yourself if your heart has been broken and i think that's what the beatitudes help us to do is get better empathy greater dependence on god yeah you think of these folks who are pro-abortion and and pro-life and you can talk to them all day long and they'll fight with each other let's sit down on this very couch with a woman who's given stillbirth or a couple that's trying to conceive and they can't conceive and they've really tried a long time and they can't conceive and and then they do or uh the value of that to them it reorients everything to a deeper truth i think what i love most about it really is th this is what's essential jesus this is what he gets you into heaven and in a lot of ways it has nothing to do with what you do you know it's not the best preachers it's not the one who saved the most christians not who baptized it's not about action it starts with who you are how you live in a normal interaction with god and ultimately that will lead out to good ministry that will lead out to evangelization but it starts with that that humility before god yeah a person of integrity walks in the room it's ministry without the person saying a word yeah all right so the last clip here uh we've got mary magdalene who was healed in season one and she's a new woman she's loving jesus and she is on the right path until she's not until she has a setback and she has self-doubt and she slips back into her old sins and she has to face jesus again so it's good to have you back it's a good start i'd like to hear that i don't know what to say i don't require much i'm i'm so ashamed you redeemed me and i just threw it all away well that's not much of a redemption if it can be lost in a day is it that's pretty good i owe you everything but i just don't think i can do it do what live up to it repay you how could i leave how could i go back to the place i was and i didn't even i didn't even come back on my own they had to come get me i just can't live up to it well that's true you're right you didn't you don't have to but you don't have to i just want your heart a father just wants your heart give us that which you already have and the rest will come in time did you really think that you'd never struggle or sin again i know how painful that moment was for me i shouldn't someday but not here yeah i'm just so sorry look up i can't you can look at me [Music] i forgive you it's over [Music] she so wants the right and the good and the the pure love the desires all there i think he's working with that and i think he might be in love with her yes we were getting hints of that yes there's some romance beast stories going on here yeah but it's such a relatable almost tactile experience i can feel it in my bones of knowing that i want to follow jesus but then uttering those lines of saint paul i do what i do not want how do i do this i'm feeling ashamed spirit is willing the flesh is weak so many poems plays major dramatic question will they be faithful will they receive all the good and stick with it or will they fall what's their achilles heel all these kinds of questions yeah i think the only answer is the one we just saw look at me yeah if peter would have looked at him on the water instead he looked down into the water if he would have kept his eyes on him he wouldn't have sank yeah it's that simple and that hard it's such a subtle little thing but i liked how they did that there where she starts crying and i think in a lot of movies my first impulse would see the character hug them like reach right out and i think that would been fine but there's something about resisting that temptation right away and giving it a few seconds and then saying look at me you're not ready it almost feel like cheap grace like you have unearned grace not that you know all grace is unearned but in a cinematic way there's something about jesus saying i want you to get this right look at me i don't want to just give this and you not understand it yeah her believing in him in that moment has to be stronger than her self-doubt yeah and if you would have just went right in with the hug and said it's okay she probably wouldn't have accepted that and self-doubt is easy and self-doubt is familiar it's easy to go there so so many interesting themes very relatable this season between the fighting between the religiosity between the scrupulosity here accepting jesus they're starting to get it but they're also starting not to get it uh it's been very very fascinating so well done yeah any overarching thoughts now that you've seen all of season one you've seen all of season two what do you take from this well it's fascinating actually as a preacher of the word as someone who leads people in bible studies and as someone who's trying to get a sense of the real presence of god from the word this is the word made flesh this is the word made cinema you get faces on the characters the quirkiness of uh simon's head you know i mean uh peter's head yeah simon simon simon peter yeah yeah there are two simon's now yeah and uh matthew's autism and his counting numbers all of a sudden you say these are real people in my life and i'm just so thankful for the way they're doing it they allow all the complexity and uniqueness of all the characters the downside of the human family and the only upside is that they're chosen by him yeah it's the first jesus depiction i've ever seen where these disciples are distinguishable they're all just kind of an amorphous blob maybe peter sticks out you know maybe judas but for the most part they're just guys but here i kind of know their personalities yeah yeah like you said the reconciler the sons of thunder yeah the mathematician yeah the the cocky and character developments which is really nice you have a number of seasons to let little things grow and little difficulties start to unravel and re-ravel in a different way i i love that um it gives for the believer and the one who studied a lot there's still something there to interest you i watch a lot of jesus movies that just quote from scripture and it's just kind of blah like it's devotional it's nice i'm glad they have it but it's for beginners this is not for beginners i think it's a great encounter with christ it's very powerful in the heart but there are so many little lines throughout every scene where i think i'm not sure if everyone picked that up i'm not sure if they got that oh wow that's complicated that so much is going on and so i applaud them for the way they weave together a lot of different stories yeah i've been leading a chosen review session with the members of the parish and we read the scriptures and then we watch it and then we come together with notes of our senses of the highlights or things that confused us or the interaction of people in the things it's been rich that's the way you got to do it so rich i mean lots of levels of things going on this person who always sits in the back never says a word all of a sudden anyone else chimes up says something we're like oh my gosh none of us saw that but she did it's fascinating to watch it unfold in the hearts and souls of people i'd say to all who had anything to do with this bravo thank you and especially thank you for as father casey said allowing it to have so many levels that it's not going to be a finished thing oh that was sure was nice you can go through this and get different things each time it's definitely coming from the right place well we could argue about details of decisions you make and obviously there's a lot of imagination here but i i don't care about that i mean i care about the the nuggets in here you know i'm not going to defend every single line in the whole thing but the climax of of every episode that the great moments are good enough yeah it's like a quality piece of art in a very fine museum you can go there and sit in front of it and it will speak to you each time for the for your entire lifetime yeah yeah well well done yeah well father patrick would like to close this in prayer sure the father the son of the holy spirit amen grace giving god thank you for your freely giving unmerited favor which we see play out in this wonderful expose of the gospels and the early church community we ask your grace upon us as we review these things that we might be touched by you our chin might be lifted up to look you in the eyes that we might find you in the quirkiness of ourselves and the people around us and allow some manner of things being under construction i praise you and thank you for our time together and i ask you to bless us with a closer uh a better capacity to be a mirror of you and we ask this in your holy name amen amen mother son and holy spirit amen well thank you so much for watching to the end if you haven't already please subscribe to these channels we got lots of great content for you and check us out every week great to be back peace [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: Upon Friar Review
Views: 73,097
Rating: 4.9520383 out of 5
Keywords: React, Catholic, Christian, priests, Franciscans, trending, popular, Church
Id: gPr-4_mUcSw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 10sec (2110 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 27 2021
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