Hiking 05 19 2024 Malans Peak

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all right we're doing Ma's Peak haven't done it for a couple months hopefully most the mud is gone but it may be a little muddy as we get close to to top I know the river is running really good so we'll see what it's like today doing M's Peak getting ready for the Wind River hike [Applause] okay we're at the first bridge that bridge almost looks brand new I think they replaced it water's running great and we're going to continue up Taylor Canyon we normally walk up the river bed but we're going to go up the side of the mountain here to get around the water that's overflowing so we got a good flow this year all right we got through the water a little bit there was a few places it wasn't bad and uh here's the trail to continue up to Taylor's Canyon uh to do the loop maybe I should have done Loop today but we're going to do M haven't done M for a while we say goodbye to the Rushing Water and pro proceed to do the switchbacks all right here's the first Lookout looking [Applause] beautiful still got a little snow on this back side here even on the trail in May yeah here you go at the corner here got a little more snow right here all right we just passed the MA's Peak so to speak and we're going to head up to Ma's Basin today got a beautiful view of the valley there's reer state college right down below us that's a growing concern it just keeps growing the ogan airport uh the uh White uh uh grain coop is missing down below it used to be down there and they're tearing it down I can't see if it's all gone or it's a little bit still there I'm not sure but uh that's been quite a landmark for all these years and then further on you see Hill Air Force Space and further than that it's fair Peak which what I was going to do today but decided to do M again as I haven't been up here for quite a while and we'll do Fair Peak maybe this week but right now we're going to go to M's Basin add some miles to our trip now we're coming around here and the mountain is just still covered with the snow it's so so pretty up there and this is May and there's the ski resort up my behind that Ridge there that I spend my winners dropping down into uh Basin here got snow up in the mountain in the trees and such we are mland the Basin got a couple guys up above me got a few people today there's the famous sign [Music] water's rning pretty good just off the trail here here's a great Camp spot do want to bring a group of Scouts up here something I did years ago but we didn't have this great Camp spot but this is really kind of cool you got some different areas that you camp out some flat spots here and there so that's pretty cool that uh it's here and it's uh not so cool that I never found it cuz you could put a tent here you put a tent there over here there's another spot over here little campfire spot there my gosh there's stuff over here all kinds of spots and over here yet another spot so if you want to come up here camping you have to hike a little bit ways to get some water but that's no big deal all right we're coming back out here see the valley again after we went back to M's Basin had a few two or three people back there camping this time so we didn't stay very long but uh we're heading back to M's Peak all right we're coming down to M's Peak from M's Basin so M's peak's not really a peak it's more of a a point on the mountain that people hike to you can certainly go higher if you go to M's basin but it's a nice spot to stop and look at the valley and turn around go back down and we'll be there in a couple minutes all right found a nice little spot here to sit out and eat a sandwich all by myself and enjoy the morning up here on M's Peak or M's look out over here on the North side you got a view of Lewis Peak over there straight over there and you got a view of bentman peak and Willard Peak and then out towards Willard Bay and the great Saw Lake which is somewhat dried up out that way and down below the Bonville Shoreline trail that we've been going on recently all right well and there's snow basin Resort on the other side of Mount Ogden there snow slowly melting should be gone by the 4th of July maybe continuing our track down still have snow hasn't melted yet all right we're coming down the last switch back here looking up at Mount Ogden there and this rock formation right here in front of us looking across to the other side where uh the Hidden Valley is up there beautiful day to be hiking a lot of hikers today all right we are getting down here to Taylor Canyon the water's fling good and it's going to get noisy for the last little while we're heading down here you can go back to the pond Trail you can go to North Canyon Taylor Canyon Trail which is the top of 27th Street and that's the way I always go used to go to 29th Street all the time but I always do this Trail now here's the old water pipes here's the wooden ones with the metal wire that was around them long since deteriorated and the Valley's coming up here all right we're down here here to the Bonville Shoreline Trail as you can see we can keep going that way to the 2020 22nd Street Trail head and that's the Bonville Shoreline Trail or we can actually go towards the South to uh waterfall Canyon and such and follow this Trail over which is the Bondville Shoreline Trail but we're going to head down to 27th Street we'll going to take a little right hand turn right down here instead of going down the Bonville Shoreline Trail so right here we're going to head back to the starting point but if we were to keep going south we would be going down the Bonville Shoreline Trail and we could eventually get to buuse Canyon where it ends
Channel: John Sorensen
Views: 27
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: UzOU3syF_OQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 56sec (776 seconds)
Published: Tue May 21 2024
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