Highway Patrol 106 in Runaway Boy

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me [Music] whenever the laws of any state are broken a duly authorized organization swings into action it may be called the state police state troopers militia the rangers or the highway patrol these are the stories of the men whose training skill and courage have enforced and preserved our state laws [Music] the highway patrol because of the nature of its work comes in contact with two main types of people first the lawbreaker either careless or deliberate second the innocent victim of an accident or a criminal act occasionally the patrol must deal with a third type of person often the most difficult to handle someone who while not guilty of a crime becomes through his own immaturity and fear of fugitive or fall friend give the password oh come on open up jimmy it's me what took you so long eddie i've been waiting here i had to go to the store for ma oh i sneaked out before my folks got up it's always better that way hey wait you see all the swell food i got it'll last us a week apples cookies candy bars and half a pie what did you bring i'm not going jimmy what do you mean you're not going why we had it all planned i've been thinking it's all kind of sudden now if you could make it next week next week you know where i'll be next week if i don't get away now yeah i know it's gonna be fun remember what i told you about lake dawson dad's got a cabin up there my real dad i mean and we can go swimming and hiking and all right eddie don't be chicken who's being chicken maybe you ought to go to the hospital anyway what for i'm okay sure my eyes act funny sometimes but they don't hurt it'll all go away nobody's gonna get me in a hospital come on eddie i'd sure like to but my birthday's coming up and dad promised me a new chemistry set you aren't sore are you jimmy no i'm not sore but you won't tell anybody where i'm going will ya no i won't tell wait here five minutes before you come out then nobody will see us together that's the way it's always done okay so long eddie so long jimmy [Music] you've just got to find it mr matthews before something happens well it's still early in the morning he can't even go on more than two hours what makes you think he's run away from home oh i found this note on the kitchen table when i got her to get breakfast thank you dear mom i know you mean well but i don't need an operation don't worry i'll be all right i won't need my catchers mitt give it to kenny fisher love jimmy what's all this about an operation it's his eyes that's where you've got to find him and he took his bicycle and we told him not to ride that he could be killed you better let me explain mrs west you know dan i'm an ophthalmologist and i specialist yes i know well last week jimmy was accidentally hit over the eye with a baseball bat it didn't seem too serious at first and then he started stumbling and bumping into things and complaining of flashes of light mr mrs west brought him to my office two days ago after a thorough examination i discovered a traumatic stabism just a minute doctor you just lost me well that is the blow on his head impaired the coordination of his eye muscles he couldn't focus properly judge distance that's why he was bumping into things yes we also found evidence of a detached retina that would cause blind spots in his field of vision and he's riding a bicycle in that condition it was all i could do to keep my husband from getting out of his sick bed to go and find him it is serious dan the boy needs absolute quiet now ordinarily i would insist that jimmy go to the hospital immediately while i arrange for an operation jimmy's afraid of hospitals we thought we'd made him understand how necessary this operation is tell me doctor is the boy in danger of losing his eyesight yes there is a danger a slight blow or a minor accident could increase the retinal detachment i'm afraid i couldn't be optimistic of an operation under those conditions i'm afraid we're just gonna have to try and find him oh thank you are there any relatives in this area he might go to just his father and ridgely his father i thought you and mr west lived here oh mr west is jimmy's stepfather jimmy's real father is james adams but jimmy wouldn't go there how can you say that jimmy knows his father would check back with me if he showed up there all of a sudden i'm sure he would if you were on friendly terms oh we are we take jimmy to see his father three or four times a year we're quite good friends with jimmy knows his real father's away on a business trip we got a letter just last week well if he's going to run away he might want company maybe a kid his own age well i've called the parents of all the children jimmy plays with none of them have seen him why don't you give me a list of all these pals in these playmates and i'll check them out [Music] one by one the highway patrol questioned jimmy's young friends and their parents no one had seen jimmy adams that morning and no one knew of any plan to run away parks and playgrounds were covered with negative results then for the second time that morning a patrol car stopped before the home of eddie streeter a close friend of jimmy's so [Music] all right you eddie streeter uh-huh i talked to your mother about a half hour ago i said i'd call back mom's next door yeah i know but i want to talk to you oh by the way i'm dan matthews highway patrol you want to check my credentials they're okay don't you come in thanks eddie tell me how's your friend jimmy jimmy oh he's okay uh jimmy who jimmy adams i understand you're very good friends yeah i guess so when'd you see him last um uh last night yeah last night well you know the jimmy's going to have to have an operation on his eyes don't you now it's not going to hurt him a bit eddie but it's very important to him because if jimmy gets a bump on the head or hurt his life will have trouble seeing for the rest of his life that would be pretty bad wouldn't it uh-huh well there's one thing he can do for a palace jimmy tell me where he is what will you do to him when you find him arrest him for running away no no won't be anything like that we'll just make sure he gets the operation that so will you tell him i told you not if you don't want me to i where is he come on eddie where's he going he he's going up to lake dawson lake dawson on a bike that's 75 miles away yeah jimmy and i i mean wait a minute how is he going to get there what highways are gonna take do you know i don't know mister he didn't tell me a thing i don't know one thing when did you see him last uh about a half an hour ago i don't know eddie you've done jimmy a big favor you won't tell him i told you will you mister that's the way you want it that's the way it's going to be is that a deal thanks kids on his way to lake dustin on the bike he can't be too far away what rousey taking i don't know he's got three choices so we we might be able to pick him up before he gets too far out of town call headquarters [Music] uh you're right kid are you hurt look what you did to my wheel are you okay i tried to stop it what happened i just got dizzy look at my wheel it sure is smashed where are you going kid lake dawson that's about 60 miles from here where do you live kid in parkview just outside the city well we're not very far from templeton i could put your bike in the truck and drive you into templeton and get your bike fixed and you could call your folks you you'll fix my bike sure come on grab your stuff i'll take the bike [Music] [Music] oh doctor this is matthew's highway patrol no we know he's headed toward lake dawson his father's cabin we've got all available officers searching up there i just left the boy's mother at home she's quite upset if you could possibly let me know at the first opportunity well i've notified all hospitals in the area if and when we find him we'll bring him to you right away i'll have everything ready thanks doc look kid i was just thinking we're not very far from parkview why don't i call up your folks they can come and get you uh we haven't got a phone or a car either how about a neighbor or a friend if my bike is fixed i can go on to lake dawson you said you'd fix my bike sure sure that's why we stopped here look kid i'm gonna go look up a place to get your bike fixed you sit here in the truck okay hello hello operator give me the highway patrol this is an emergency he admits he lives in parkview he's headed for lake dawson then maybe he is the runaway you're looking for well what do you want me to do [Music] mr hasting you started the gas station i think that's our boy i'll send a car to pick him up okay [Music] so [Music] the movements of an adult criminal can sometimes be predicted at least law officers can be sure of certain moves a fleeing criminal will not make but a frightened runaway boy like jimmy adams presented a more baffling problem knowing that he was being sought by the highway patrol jimmy decided on a simple strategy a bus trip to his real father's home in nearby ridgely there was no way of knowing whether or not the fall from the bicycle had further impaired jimmy's vision any accident could cause permanent injury to his site the search efforts were redoubled [Music] sergeant contact the bus station at templeton and all surrounding towns haven't reported anyone i repeat anyone buying a half fair ticket to lake dawson now the kid might get caged you have somebody else buy it for him what no keep the units working in that area he might even be hitchhiking we don't know right so hey jimmy this is a surprise hi dad sure it's nice to see you son hey how did you get here i come up on the bus all by myself mom said i could stay with you a while sure why not come right on in i'll be glad to have you you know you caught me just in time i was just on my way back to work hey i wonder why your mother didn't let me know you were coming she was gonna send a telegram at least i think that's what she said maybe she forgot it's typical of your mother hey jimmy hey everything all right at home oh sure except my stepdad is sick i hope nothing serious i don't think so he's home in bed mom's taking care of him oh so that's why she sent you up here and probably why she forgot the telegram i'm sorry about ralph but i'm sure glad to see you jimmy hey is this all the luggage you brought huh luggage well sure you're gonna be here for several days it isn't like your mother to send you off without some extra clothes and things oh my suitcase dog on it i i must have left it on the bus gee dad i'm sorry it's all right forget it i'll check with the bus deep for later but i better call your mother and tell her you got here all right no dad i mean i've already called her from the bus station oh say that was thoughtful of you well i better write her a short note and just tell her that you can stay here just as long as she wants you to uh no okay and i'll mail it there's a mailbox down at the corner can i dad sure why not then i can go right on to work dad what i was thinking we could go up to lake dawson you know like we did last summer that would be fine but my vacation doesn't come up for several weeks yet oh gee couldn't we go now i'm afraid not but maybe we can run up over the weekend we'll see yeah that answers the voice description all right what time's the bus get the ridgely oh he must have gotten off a half hour ago if he got off check all units not area with him right come in please sit down thank you is there any word well mrs west we have a possible lead what is it i don't get your hopes up templeton called the agent of the bus depot said a boy answering timmy's description did buy a ticket do you like dawson i thought you said his real father lived at ridgely he's gone to ridgely and james won't be home until tomorrow oh please we can't be sure it's jimmy now do you think there's somebody home at adam's house no not unless he got back a day early i see you got a phone over there bridgetty five two one seven nine dad you promised i could mail it oh i forgot say there's some food in the ice box if you get hungry and when i come home from work we'll go out to dinner and maybe to a movie okay okay okay son see you about six [Music] hello i'd like to talk to mr adamus please he's gone to work leslie what time do you think i could catch him this is matthews dan matthews get on the extension listen don't talk now what time do you think he'd be home please i think he'll be back about six o'clock could i take a message no it's not very important i'll call him about six o'clock yeah six o'clock jimmy jimmy are you all right jimmy answer mother jimmy i'm sorry i i just couldn't help it dispatch 3212 of this address immediately 418 maple and regularly the kid's there do me a favor mrs west go home with your husband and wait please please the patrol learned that jimmy had left his father's home in ridgely headquarters requested that the local radio stations broadcast a description of jimmy to motorists traveling the roads to lake dawson indications were that the boy with his dangerously faulty vision was again hitchhiking on a busy highway hey kid what do you think you're doing just just trying to get a ride yeah well i was here first and i've been waiting a long time and you get along up the highway up around that curve go on get [Music] now what got into that crazy dane hey maybe we'd do better together man you know if there was a guy driving that car to pick this up you uh you want to team up with me just for the next time yeah you back thanks mr okay [Music] lake dawson lake dawson i think dawson's over 60 miles away going there by yourself sure if i hadn't wrecked my bike i'd be there by now i bet you hey you run away from home didn't you didn't please mr grandma don't don't turn me in if i'm with you the police won't ever know so the police are after you oh well that's just great well i'm not getting mixed up with no runaway kid you get going go on get away with me faster here all right off the highway like you said yeah no no wait you want to get off the highway there's an old road off that way about a quarter of a mile highway patrol won't be checking it now you get going straight across cutler thanks mister yeah friend good luck kid [Music] as a result of the radio broadcasts the woman motorist reported a boy of jimmy's description five miles down the road her further mention of an unshaven disheveled transient sent the patrol into action [Music] [Music] foreign afraid of being involved the hitchhiker at first denied having seen the 12 year old boy when told that the woman motorist had seen two persons on the road a boy and a man of gorman's description his attitude changed he agreed to direct the highway patrol to the point where jimmy adams had left the highway [Music] head about that way all right keep an eye on him [Music] how come you know my name well i've been looking for you what do you say we go home to your mom they'll take me to the hospital they'll operate on me i don't need an operation now jimmy wait a minute you got hit over your eye with a baseball bat is that right did it hurt very much a little but i didn't cry well naturally now believe me that baseball bat hurt 100 times more than the operation would i've already checked with the doctor now come on what do you say we go home to your mom [Music] she's probably awful sore no she won't be slower when you arrive in a highway patrol car a real live patrol car a real live one what do you say fella we go [Music] [Music] all right hop in young fella call mrs weston the doctor tell him we found the boy he's okay well thanks for your help we'll drive you back to bedford if you like uh if it's all the same to you i i just assume walk hahaha [Music] next week's case handled by the highway patrol is a very exciting one we hope you'll be with us until then remember the careless driver isn't driving his car he's aiming it this is broderick crawford saying see you next week [Music] you
Channel: Foxeema Classic TV 2
Views: 171,350
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Highway Patrol (TV Program), 1950s, Classic, Oldies, Retro, Vintage
Id: rwGkk65Taus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 8sec (1568 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 16 2014
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