HIGHLIGHTS - NLH Super High Roller Bowl Day 2 | MILLIONS Caribbean Poker Party 2019 | partypoker

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here we go join us on stage Justin bottom almost 1.4 million in chips giuseppe yatta Sarnia is here David Peters Eric Seidel Makita the milkman bats at Kooskia Bryn Kenney 320k and chips Kilburn's our short stack at 65,000 32 players remain at super high roller ball bahamas registration closed reentry closed our field is finalized our prize pool is set Kenny I'm always curious as to what he's going to wear at a table let alone how he's going to play there we go starts us off with a race to 14k we start our coverage off in level 11 lines three k6k with a 6k or big blind ante those yellow chips are worth 1 K purple chips worth 5,000 orange chips were 25k apiece there is PartyPoker her team pro Makita atsuku ski who also has King Jack look at sharp today everything about a matches the Hat the hoodie even the cup of tea there comes Makita some action to start as he makes it 54k out of the small bot o'clock hmm art dealer o'clock players at 30 seconds to act on their hand each Street at the beginning of the day they're given nine and time banks those time banks are were 30 seconds apiece the winner of the 2018 super high roller Bowl bottommost taking some time off we haven't seen him in the last two majors British Poker Open as well as the poker masters my goodness what a break he comes back surging on fire as you mentioned big chip lead in this event makes it 17 K on the button with the King eight of Spades brink any folds Issei that was a small blind kahle burns on the short stack with the king Queen of Hearts will put all of his chips into the middle Bonomo makes the call and here we go Kilburn's is tournament life at risk in pretty good shape for the double up especially considering we know that brink any folded in eight King in the window followed up by gentleness six no spades so far so good for Kilburn's just needs to dodge and eat I'm not a queen on the turnip I'm gonna I'm out locking out.i stubble for cow burns it starts in the day for hit him to 127,000 burns on his second bullet this was a single reentry tournament so Burns is in this tournament for $500,000 yesterday we saw Kathy Lanie with 60,000 chips she spun that up to now a top five stack Wow is sitting around 675 doesn't write champion goes up and then down perhaps caliber can do the same today that was intense right into the mic Nikita opens with the Queen 10 Bonomo calls behind with the queen jack of spades David Peters defensive game nine of diamonds 9 high flop with two spades yeah this could get interesting Peters bottom Oh certainly two collide you notice the equities bottom Oh a slight favorite here checks to him with 51 K in the pot as you see on the bottom right corner of your screen you see those equities that Brent mentioned on the bottom left corner anticipate obviously a bet from Bonomo and Peter's I don't think will be checked raising this sort of texture with just King 9 perhaps if a diamond was on board he has to understand exactly where he lies in this sort of situation if he were to be up against this particular hand miss holding the bottom Oh has he does call the 15k back to camp clubs comes on the turn no I would recommend to check race Jeff Tom pretty good goodness gut shot and a flush draw for bottom Oh may he elect to use this card as a two-barrel ticket providing he has picked up more equity but if a scare card hard to give your opponent many kings and lets his unless it's exactly King 9 as we can see sizable bet here from Bonomo on the term but 70k see mr. Peters comes with I think we're going to the moon see the stack sizes by our players names those are the amount of chips they have left behind 160k behind for Peters Peter's deciding if he is up against some sort of flush draw how much and looks like we're just gonna go with the going slightly under wrapped very deceptive call Bonomo misses on the river do we make a fair amount of money taking this line as well bottom ou would just queen high here on the river a glance up at Peters 221 K in this pot bottom oh go for something here the bottom oh just can't put him on a hand the strongest it's King 9 he does kept checks it back Wow nice pot for David Peters to kick things off nice check back from Justin Bonham ah I mean that is just top shelf mr. bottom Oh checking back Queen hi waving the white flag understood David Peters was not folding what were we bluffing him off likely to call with a 9 again even if that's all he had there's a look at Seidel now getting involved amazing Seidel you talk about standing the test of time 60 years young the greatest players to ever do it 35 million dollars in career earnings Makita now just sort of I don't know hiding the strength of his hand flatting with ace-queen you'll see that rather than three betting you want to remain in the pot stay balanced we're not always three betting ace queen and ace king should be flattening some of the time races out of the big wine with the King Jack ten in the window 10 hi flop Seidel pops top pair Seidel an impressive super high roller bow resume back-to-back hashes in 2015 and 2016 a seventh and a third place respectively still looking for his first win wouldn't be surprised to see Makita come along for the ride here and flat again we are under wrapped with just a squeen high relatively dry board ten five three we have no reason to believe that you were behind at this point we expect Seidel to be continuing with wool without it I mean it does make the call as Seidel turns to pair set me rockin the coat here's a little cold I'll be a little chilly there on the beach Jeff inside the ACS pumping and what a check here by top to mr. Seidel looking for the check raised certainly and I think that Makita really likely to consider I guess maybe denying equity from a ham like King Queen King Jack if we were to have that or be up against that sort of holding difficult to give Seidel that sort of hand when we have the blocker we have a queen of clubs in our hand unlikely that side L would have any of those tickets if he does bet here they're in a 65,000 potentially designed to bluff all Hart rivers if just called however I don't believe that's going to be the situation Seidel likely dialing up a check race and once again notice how wrong I am just a call with top two we saw it a moment ago with David Peters these guys are just so tricky with how they proceed post eight of hearts on the river what a card here for Makita to attempt to maybe run a bluff everything gets there the nice high hearts comes home Queen Jack gets there very hard for him to think that Seidel is as strong as he actually the way Seidel has played it by just calling on the turn very hard to give him ten nine well Mikey to go for it here and I don't believe that Seidel will find the full button on the river but let's find out what Makita comes with if it's an over bet job that would just be sick and twisted 200,000 over betcha but it's a sizable bed I'll most a pot size bet and like he said looks like it's going to be hard for Seidel to find a fold here I have to believe that that was side ELLs plan yes it is a gross river one of the worst cards you'd like to see but as played we are so well-hidden that was the point of just calling on the turn not revealing the strength of our hand Ernest yes I tell does make the call he'll see the good news my goodness Eric Seidel eight-time bracelet winner here he comes on moving day Jeff now top 5 and chips in the super high roller Bowl the poker Hall of Famer inducted in 2010 one of the absolute legends just a gorgeous hand what a well played hand that was I expected the check raised on the turn uh uh not so fast thank see we're just gonna check call set the trap and we are calling clearly all rivers strong effort by Makita there yeah you know Paquita did all he could to win that hand took a very creative line just flatting for you with ace-queen yeah and eventually turning it into a bluff starting on the turn following through on the river when really the perfect card came home for heavy yes Queen Jack there a lot not flush certainly a candidate question is how often is betting just the nut flush draw on the turn rather than checking back his equity I don't know things that are running through their minds folks at home can think about and try and get to the bottom of it now Makita less than a hundred thousand pocket threes there's a ton big wines says nope not yet can afford to stay patient one our levels of super high roller goal Bahamas blind versus blind settles Queen high still best nine on the turn for both Peters leads for 6k this is interesting Seidel finding value here with a race with his Queen nine just recognizing sensing his intuition telling him that he has the best hand this is capitalizing on value and its finest this is what a dynamic this is Eric Seidel versus David Peters they are so so good at this game two generations colliding really makes the call there for ten doesn't change anything quickly goes check-check Seidel shows down the winner Erik Seidel over 800 K now back nine hi we do have the jacket clubs just not many chips behind problem is we're not very deep you know we're way too shallow yes it's going to go check Jack a very high percentage of the time on the turn and we can find a little bit of maneuverability on the river let's see if Nikita comes with something quite then how about this oh the check raised from Nikita and this might get it done as well Seidel certainly does not have to believe Makita but what do we do with just King high something would he ever check raise a queen no way would he ever check raise the queen would he check raise a seven maybe a flush draw perhaps but how about the times that he would just check raise err what percentage of the time would he do that and look at this here comes the four bets this is just sick psycho hooker from Seidel reads right through it and if Makita pulls the trigger here Jeff headsets off on sensational from Eric Seidel just a non-believer boy is he dialed in Eric's ID a lot I think he's taking some time off as well haven't seen him in a ton of events but he's certainly been studying watching the film inside the minds of so many of these young players and he has still got what it takes to play in an elite high level well you sent at sixty years young and he loves competing with the best of the best Sidell opens with the jack ten of spades exit 14k Justin Bonomo makes the call with threes bottom oh so deep right now over 1.2 million chips in his stack he can pretty much maneuver any way he chooses I got a look at young sands there was [ __ ] careful couple spades for young Peters with Jack 9 in the big blind you know come along and he will flop a 9 while Seidel flops an open ender they both immediately check over to bottom Oh who checks as well Ehsan the turn I have to believe Seidel will use this card as leverage representing a lot of the aces here obviously we just that back for you with the open end or this should just be bet and over I don't think Peters is going to continue with just a pair of nines he will lay it down boy hesitant yeah so he just sort of I don't know it's got his instincts told him that maybe he has the best of it but Seidel picking this table apart nothing huge no big pots but we've seen such crafty maneuverability there comes he's got raising chips in hand no reason to believe that ace jack is not the best hand makes it 20 mm until Giuseppe answers the phone hello he continued to trap and just come along look at this yes just make the call keeping a stack alive guys where's Brent have their lip folds correctly clearly well it comes King deuce 3 all space juice at the top pair top kicker young with the nut flush draw and yadda Sarnia leads here for 23 K very unorthodox John this could get ugly in a hurry does young feel like gambling and young folds wait a minute does he know he had the nut flush draw I don't think he may perhaps he didn't recognize it he had the nut flush draw yeah if that was I think he read his hand wrong he must be shoving worse we saw kington earlier and now he's just in a great shape to get back into this thing his ace jack hold up here for the full double Richard young looking to bust Makita comes East Jack six all claws that's a good one for Makita bats at Kooskia some chopped outs remain for young could go for for King ball on the turn a king could pop up on the river for a chop instead it's a four for a little bit of a needle aces and Jack's beat aces in force Giuseppe opens things up here with these three of spades young calls out of the small bond with the ACE 5 off Peters after defending in the big flops a gut shot it's aces for both young and yatta Sarnia Peters also with a backdoor flush draw he may elect to peel a clean nine obviously it would be the absolute nuts up against Giuseppe and young understanding that this pot could be massive if he were to connect Jess peel that's hit a ten he finds himself another Avenue worthy of some equity all of a sudden 20% and we'll get to see right now exactly now we're gonna go check check so on that's like that river there you go that's how it's done well executed by disco David Peters do a little dance right now a little shimmy how many chips can I wiggle in with 122 at about 2/3 spot that's 85,000 and just nothing but a bluff catcher here yeah there these guys obviously a one-liner to a straight we only can beat a missed flush draw Richard may look him up I just I don't buy it man yeah young will play the role of bluff catcher it's no Bluff from David Peters he shows the straight with that pot he moves over the 900k mark foul going on the other may be on your big screen fire up the grill got your set here the big race 234 K out of the small blind with tens heeda has an ace I keep that thinking about going with this huh my goodness this is yeah they're stolen and the call he's gonna need to get lucky here just not a stay for Makita that milkman if he can't get lucky to be back to starting stack all the way up from 49,000 but its yada Sarnia in good shape here with the tents to bust the party poker team pro comes queen jack six opens up a couple out for Makita the back door straight draw as well but for now he needs an ace or six three of clubs on the turn not going to do it can Makita patio Kooskia find the ACE or the 6-2 double he cannot it's another jack on the river that'll do it for Makita that'll do it frustrating day for him overall yeah very frustrating and honestly I just I think he'll be disappointed with his performance not necessarily certain that was the play there obviously with a six against Giuseppe he was raising it up from a small blind no reason to think that you know discerning is getting out of line yeah he's played pretty tight throughout the course of the day yeah sort of surprised young reaches for chips fires more into the middle makes it 140,000 now right now alarms going off inside L said he knows that Richard Young's for betting range is quite narrow fortunately for him Queens might just be too good of a hand let's see how he proceeds perhaps just a call if we give him a lot of ACE Kings and maybe jacks plus we're holding two queens we're only now and our mind ahead of jacks and flipping against the rest here goes he's gonna put it in yeah your dong is willing to oblige Queens against Kings Richard young in fantastic shape to double up an 850,000 chip pot can the Kings hold guessing that answer will be yes as it comes King Jack for back door straight draw for Seidel back to work Watts turn is the five of clubs that'll lock up this one for Richard young and just like that Seidel we've been watching accumulate all day long gets completely cooled off and it's back to work for one of the greatest to ever do it mr. Seidel he's still healthy four hundred and thirty four thousand chips fifty big lions he's fine speaking of healthy and young has Queens again oh my goodness and he just calls here that could have been some major fireworks it young 3bet there instead it comes seven six three with two hearts and it's Bonomo flopping a king I flush draw it's checked to him with 97 K in the pot I could this potentially be a massive pod Richard young with 900,000 chips bottom oh our chip leader how about this knuckles behind the King I flush draw the ace of hearts rolls off on the turn it's the nuts for Bonomo its top pair for that man right there juice Fe yah discerning jack great check by giuseppe does young has the Queen of Hearts by the way Wow there we go I suspect something on the meteor side from bottom oh he has to suspect that one of them has an ace he'll come after at 30k snap call from young how about not just one customer how about two all of a sudden just shy of 200,000 in the middle it just cleaned dousset diamonds how much will Bonomo look for here with 187,000 in the middle is there a world in which they could both call again richard young maybe a non-believer and Giuseppe depending on the price may just feel obliged to come along with top hair and top kicker bottom on taking literally his time here that time bang grants him an additional 30 seconds to act it's gonna go for 150,000 that might be too much for young but Giuseppe now if he is just a complete non believer in the story that mr. Bonomo was trying to tell may feel obliged to make this call and frankly I don't blame him what a masterful masterful hand for Justin bottom all the way he's played this checking back the flop with the nut flush draw or excuse me the king-high flush draw connecting on the turn making the nuts so hard to think that he has a flush here Giuseppe pained by this one there's another time thank you give Giuseppe a lot of credit taking his time absolutely concerned yeah here comes makes the call I'll see the bad news and not be thrilled with it Justin Bonomo extends this chip lead right back to work for Justin Bonomo at the king Jack sort of a quiet day for Bonomo and still the chip leader now 1.5 million after that massive pot just picking his spots to perfection Richard young calls on the button with the Queen ten flops a ten and a gutshot the bottom of flops top pair a couple backdoor draws those check-check queen rolls off on the turn so it's two pair for young it's Jackson the open ender for Justin Bonham Oh Bonomo we'll check again I'm just gonna get a great price down - with his King Jack you will check all mrs. on the river now he has a bluff catcher young I suspect well certainly he's gonna check it back Wow lets him off the hook young goes showdown the winner I think you know the image we could see an all-in pot here Sidell gives him may perhaps some flush draws what do you ever consider peeling taking a safeguard and and then proceeding but I suspected this morning yeah he just gets it in now all the chips now you do right now there's a hesitation now we know we had the goods and Giuseppe is sort of forced to calling it off for his tournament life gonna need to get lucky assuming he does make this call it could give sitout credit for just having a flush draw okay time to gamble with that top pair uses a time bank there it is yeah makes the call with the King ten reluctantly you'll see the Queen's he'll see he needs to get lucky it's on his feet for this one if Seidel doesn't hold then he'd be in some trouble down to about 100k another nine comes on the turn Seidel just looking to dodge a king or a ten and that would result in the elimination of giuseppe yatta Sarnia the river is another six and that will do it for juice a fee no do it really unlucky for giuseppe just the way that that ace king hand unfolding I'm gonna go against Justin Bonomo and then here flopping top pair with a king kicker once he check raised he certainly had to commit comes the tractor as you would say Jeff just pedaling along going over as much still not sure how you move on tattoo on a tractor yeah there a gas pedal yeah there is Jeff throttle yeah throttle throttle it up put it in gear yep watch the tractor plow put the Queen Jack of Hearts and the gear here makes it 22 K folds around a carry on the big blind lays it down on our first pot of this feature table goes to the tractor I can't tell who's on the button I thought it was focal say no it's he its he know he'd is on the button okay I apologize so what about mobile yeah goggle saying three bedded out is the three better which you know again he may think that a shack is good enough yeah but in here's a pin and there's the complex it's a flip for Ben Heath's tournament life it's a fair fight happen absolutely is ace Jack for he 9s for Christophe Vogelsang looking to move past the 1 million chip mark comes 888 an additional out half for that eight ball the heath bar is an ace Jacaranda eat and it's a queen on the turn that's a queen who's chopped outs he needs an East jacker and eight to double the total blink on the river and that'll do it for Ben he he 27 years young out of the UK force to be reckoned with he came out and played the poker masters as well very impressive young man we'll be seeing him plenty in these High Roller fields when his first bracelet this summer and the 50k High Roller one point four million dollars Wow we don't advise buying into a 250 K if you don't have two bucks to your name at least give him one of your orange hoodies I don't I've changed I do have 368 poker code orange hoodie fingers raised called in three spots everyone with the suited ace except Shaun winner who is the king ten of Spades so everybody represent in a different suit here inside down was the one flopping a flush draw iving her with the gut shot Koon appear in a wheel draw winter with a backdoor flush draw checks over to him queen of clubs on the turn the deuce is our best checks all the way again to Shaun winter who checks and after another queen rolls off somehow some way Jason Koon as this it goes to show down with his deuce as you would say brand all somebody had to do with sneeze on the spot nice was going to work although Seidel breaking out on that hand is rather unfortunate look at this how about this winter says I heard you Jeff flat yeah I'm more than sneeze they've got all the quantities I'll bet a little bit more than the pot or a little less than the pot I'm sorry and immediately cone a non-believer look at this Jason kun is he really considering calling with two players behind him with bottom pair he recognizes that none of those guys would check over a queen so Shawn winter has a queen here or absolute zilch going to use a time extension which her winter hates to see I think he's gonna sniff this out I really do why would Sean winter check a queen on the turn and that's what is running through Jason's mind right now and he knows if he calls here even if I Bing or side down upside down least likely but like if they have a four or three they're going to fall now going to the bulb that's right yeah any pair really would consider folding it does lay it down a sigh of relief for Shaun winter his heart first live jack in the window but it comes jack ten eight two pair for Carrie cats back to her flush draw for Matias but for now needs a king or a jack nice and Louie says so far so good nice to dodge a five as well eight outs for Matias I'm a girl five so it's one of them to bust carry cats miss deuce of spades hello El Jefe never attacks what happened does yep just sip some Diet Coke he's good to go cats be jolly I'm sure of it to win super high roll over London 2.6 million dollars a staple on the high roller scene you seemed safer than you are officer I beggar now thrilled with the result of it balls around the [ __ ] in the big wine we will defend with the six five of spades Sidell flops a set Yahtzee [ __ ] flops the gutshot at the backdoor flush draw likely bet call here wants for cone certainly give Eric a number of aces but this sizing is rather milky just [ __ ] considering raising because of that size answer is yes this works out well loves to see this [ __ ] makes it 40k Oh absolutely no reason to move it all in there we are playing for Stax queen of clubs on the turn not a card that Jason Koon will continue with I don't believe would he check raise a club flush drop yeah maybe this seems awfully thin he knows that Eric has at least an ace and now ace Queen would make a whole lot of sense this hand is this hand is over unless for whatever reason it goes check check and he were to make a seven on the river tail checks back another way out for comb could he perhaps try and wrap this for flush now we think we're up against ace queen maybe even a stockings King it's now impossible to have any of those clubs if it is ace queen or ace Jack you can't have a club in your hand can we potentially turn this hand into a winner there we go yeah it's small bet of 45,000 Sydell is just sick about this run-out going all the way back to the flop did he check raised me with a flush draw tried to get the rest of the chips in on the turn the price is just right let's find the call sigh of relief from Eric Seidel vabase king-jack rainbow Justin Bonomo in the big one and checks to Kathy Laney in the cutoff you bet 50k Bonneville made the call five of hearts came on the turn so two hearts now on board ace king Jack five the fauna Moe checks some Lainie bets 150,000 Bonomo calls the deuce of spades the blank comes on the river Bonomo checks Laney goes all-in never any drama for 500 31,000 Bonomo makes the call the Kathy Lanie at pocket jacks for a set of jacks I mean I we believe Bonomo flashed a six maybe eight five you did tell you don't and Kathy Laney now has more than 1.5 million in chips I had it for a long few years also need to do him pretty Oh but yeah it was a it was a rough you everyone Bobo thing flops an AZ on flops a flush draw got chopper [ __ ] twenty-seven what does Jung do now with this sort of equity a quick check back para flush draw and my goodness gets there that way yeah what a river that man this is very difficult now for Vogelsang if the tractor elects to check once again has to believe he's at least chopping if not winning this pot maybe but I like to just simply bet for value you think and now what does Yoda young do a wise one look at this stance America the board smiling let me dial up a race here never hasten would certainly look weird to fogelsang after that stand-up routine rather turn this over and see the bad news I'd love to see Richard raise this up in addition to 100 oh here we go you might get it he can hear me yeah that's the additional hundred the tractor theme what the this might get paid off oh he is close yeah how good its vocal say he knows role is how often is Richard actually bluffing here as well and that might get him paid off reaching for chips taking his hand back can Vogelsang find the fold into the muck it goes them always alive after getting it in with nines against you to extents spiking the nine ball on the river Kathy Lanie what a journey thus far for Kathy Linney by the way second and chips I believe one point six million Wow how about we little action yeah let's wait on the last half a is incoming here we go cards are about to be other soon as Jack's cats with the ace of spades on the all Spade flop it's just going it there it is there's the snap call so Kerry cats will need to find an East actually got got a nice little nice little three I'm gonna get you carry how much is it but Kunis the jacket winter hasn't seen yet it's the reverse counter it's all that vs come back to return it Gary cat spike one to stay alive will carve it out did you wear this in church it smells like it feeling confident it's just too good river card is the five of clubs it's a blank it's good game to carry cats are super high roller volt London champion out in nineteen half a once again just showing us that sort of unique style that he brings with him gave himself a fighting chance in this event how many of us would have already gone broken with my goodness the shorts half a in a pair of short hairy cats must be in the Bahamas Orlando's pama's outfit he enjoys the rest of his time at the Caribbean poker party we will see them in more of those events and certainly more High Roller events one more look at our chip stacks for those players Jason kun more than 1.5 million Richard young Sean winter Christophe Vogelsang an air side out $2,000 he's been talking a lot with Dan cage jungle man a bit of a mentor coach for mr. G here we go to war devorah's peters and bottom are now getting involved from the big and bottom has taken quite the hit since we last saw him around 1.3 1.4 million now at 500 k majority of our chip leader Kathy Lanie clean double up this comes King Jack six it's the open ender for David Peters the gut shot for Bonomo divorced a couple backdoor draws tourists slightly concerned about D Peters what is his calling range on the button looks like quiet excuse me I guess he's in the small blind button confuses me now able to represent that range although it seems like Peter should have some of these middling parts perhaps it could be a small pocket pair see if the Boris can draw up an elaborate bluff line looking to pick up a little turn equity introspective there's the restart players of 30 seconds left to act their time extensions grant them an additional 30 seconds they were given nine new ones to start day two you could also carry over your unused ones from day one heads up to this turn five of hearts flush draw also now for David Peters goes check check 10 ball on the river this is a very interesting a river card for both players the Queen obviously the key component for having a straight now being ace queen unlikely that Peters would have ace queen flatting from the small blind but dannion of juarez may elect the try and Bluff this one through and Peters is sort of soaking all that up having a queen in his hand as a blocker eliminates the combos that Deanna devorah's could certainly have it contain and I'm wondering if we could potentially see an over bet with just queen eight of clubs here the question is if we think we're up against a jack or a king would it get through can we find a fold look at this here we go yeah you called it he does dial up the over bet 270,000 it is all about texture the importance of having a queen C if d Peters can't eliminate the likelihood of divorce having a hand like ace Queen we have one in our hand so difficult this is just a wonderful play whether he is called or he gets this through by this young man Daniel devorah's Computers find the call just hens lays it down well done Daniel de Porres that is gorgeous poker but Daniel myself yeah incredible stuff obviously Queen 9 a hand that I didn't mention yeah he could certainly have that Queen 9 suitors in fact KY can young with pocket eights on the button worth noting why Kent long and his father Richard young both still alive in this tournament on a 14 left Wow a little father-son combo he could don't need to check the records to know that that would be the first father-son cache and super high roller Bowl history Kathy Lanie looking to be the first female final table list a wonderful position to do just that how about this topping our top kicker as young in dire straits and some equity p7 making a straight clearly oh my spikes the eight on the turn and Lanie will lead right into him this is brutal for Kathy as we can see she is stone dead - just a chop no reason for young to raise here right another 9 on the river very well may believe she has the best hand she peeks at a stack the omen and here's the snap call from why can young it's the full double for him and he said looking forward to it nice that list of winners includes Brian Rast Reiner Kempe Vogelsang Justin Bonomo won the 2018 super high roller ball isaac Axton one super high roller bowl 5 carry cats one super high roller Bowl London so Bonomo and Vogelsang are remaining super high roller Bowl winners back to work for stephen chadwick makes a 35k with the age ten of spades laney in the big blind with five makes the call Chadwick flops top pair at Ronnie Beynon rusty 40 on Twitter asked if Kathy was the only female left insuperable and that is confirmed in fact she's the only female to play in this event and looking to become the first woman to cash a super high roller Bowl event might as well win it calls here with the fives cb8 of hearts on the turn she checks again over to the Stephen Chadwick with the tens going to keep firing that's 50k this time Laney calls again non-believer for clubs on the river goes check check Chadwick will showdown the winner should work just fine with checking that one down on that River and here comes mr. Chadwick continuing to build why can young little tired I guess that'll blame them long days for these guys it's got to be exhausting just because every hand can be so intense feel like you'd be so emotionally drained at the end of one of these days a super high roller Bowl Chadwick raising it up again that davies calls between nine of hearts and the cutoff he's jack for Cathy Laney well change of gears here for Cathy last time she squeezed with ace Queen suited here we flick in a call I like this keeping in the inferiors Jack 10 that chitwa crazed berries the biscuits Eleni flops a pair of aces I've been doing for chitwa canned Davies she checked over to Davies see that glance at the tournament clock perhaps his randomizer checks back and finds a nine on the turn it's no good he's not yet waning will choose to fire here quick fold from chadwick action on davies come along with the nines and I'll spike a queen on the river oh dear queen to the nines for Seth Daisy's brutal how does davies do it wary of that flush that has now come home on the river obviously she has the ace of spades but it certainly still be a hand like king jack of spades out there would make a lot of sense for Seth seven eight suited how much does Davies look for here is River to pare it says 225 just comes perfect perfect and this is brutal for cath yeah this will put her in an awfully tricky spot she does call a new can blame her he shares with fives in the big bond of 16k makes the call we are 3-way to this flop come seven six four two hearts all those things eights are good for now Peters an open-ended straight draw to go along with his fives Devore s king a flush draw little something for everybody here in a quick check this Vogelsang and his mind has to deny a little equity right protect this hand we feel good about it yeah it's like 45 Peter is going nowhere open ender I suspect the call here my question is what is Daniel de Voris going to do with over two hundred thousand chips in the middle and this sort of holding do we ever dial up a check raise and if so what exactly would we be representing even if our hand is on our forehead you can see the equities the players certainly so keen to what those numbers would look like he's 50% favorite in Jeff if he did have a hand like pocket kings or queens for the times that he elected to check and pot control I suspect he would simply just call hitter as well likely to stay balanced and follow suit there it is just call King Queen of Hearts very tough to put him on a hand is it a flush draw is it the over pair Jack the club's rolls off on the turn vocals things eight still good a ton of pressure now on this turn street if you are Christoph Vogelsang where am I in this hand called in two spots on the flop for the times that we are in this exact situation we need to eke out value deny it little equity and still yet maintain pot control checks back so delicate what a fragile situation as you can see eighths holding Peter's just fives he knows he does not have the best of it question is can he represent backdoor clubs come home checks and there it is the mystery had yes the duo Queens pretty or it's the whole time if he did he'd certainly looked at bet on this street I think Vogelsang is waiting for them saying uh you'd play a flush draw just like this 86,000 it looks like he's hunting for value spot-on it's exactly how he would play Kings or more queens see if focal sang was ready for its check back on the turn suggests to me that he was very cautious and concerned about devorah's having the potential over parents taking this exact line divorce doing all he can to tell that story and Vogelsang mouth dropping a little bit certainly concerned a crucial pot for him can he make a huge decision correctly keep in mind divorce could potentially have a hand like how about Jack ten of Hearts yeah now we have top pair I would value bet there as well though will sang in a tricky spot win or lose I am once again so impressed by Daniel divorce we very rarely see him play on live streams he is a tremendous talent born in Russia resides in Canada a filthy resume over 11 million dollars in career earnings and he is telling a very believable story and he's gonna get Vogel's saying to throw the best hand into the muck reluctantly Wow Peters folds as well divorce gets it to that time my goodness ladies and gentlemen Daniel Tavares a contender 1.4 million all right Brett we're gonna race the blinds on you again is that okay please you ready enough yes okay since we're gonna bump them up to 10k 20k with a 20k big why Nancy we're gonna color up these yellow one kid chips who needs those anymore it's a quick break according to our tournament director Paul Campbell so we'll take a quick break as well before we do is take a look at our chip counts from our feature table there is Daniel divorce after winning that pot up to more than 1.3 million in chips Seth Davies why can young Seth Davies Christophe Vogelsang Cathy Mulaney wynken young David Peters Daniel divorce and Stephen Chadwick at our feature table at our outer table Eric Seidel weilong Chan Tony G Richard young Justin Bonomo Jason Kuhn and Steve O'Dwyer never heard of those guys that surprises me rim lo Vogelsang rev it up 40,000 ago what are the levels now Jeff 10 20 thank you men race you got it David Peter says the Kington hearts will make the call on the button Stephen Chadwick in the big blind Queen nine hearts all over two pair for Christophe Vogelsang as it comes ace nine six Chadwick flops a nine there could be a little blood hair between Vogelsang and chit wick Jeff these two Vogelsang of chadwick have collided over the course of a number of recent streams most notably and super high roller Bowl London where they played one of the most outrageous hands I have ever before seen I expect nothing short of these two to constantly battle and Stephen Chadwick pulled off one incredible bluff filthy one of the disgusting lying race I've ever seen yeah nothing about the Bluff made sense that was not as the kids would call it GTL that was just straight from the streets and then a hand or two later chadwick bet three times the pot on the flop after some major preflop action flop came Jack I Chadwick had the ACE Jack Bogle saying is a full house here oh boy this is again a pretty brutal card for mr. Chadwick focusing had it eight nine on that Jack ten five flop back at super high roller bull runs data fold yeah two hundred hey in the pot Chadwick just bombs 600 K in there like I knew exactly where Vogelsang was at what see if he knows right here or Vogel's saying is that look at this help keep on Benny with another ace on the turn it's just somewhere so much more unlikely that Vogelsang can have one in his hand should wake we said it earlier he does not like to fold uses a time extension that grants him an additional 30 seconds to act I don't know if I've ever seen [ __ ] wick from all the coverage use a time extension and then fold it does make the call it's the big one developing here oh this thing is the lock on this hand oh boy oh another nine comes in on the river nine full for chid wick now absolutely devastating for Stephen Chadwick we can assume that he will once again check maybe not I never assume anything yeah look at Walker of sorts where is he trying to induce 55,000 we certainly know that Vogel's saying is gonna be taking us to the moon brace yourselves here it comes see if Vogelsang tries to hide his entire face when he does this there was a thought throughout super high roller Bowl London that [ __ ] which might have had a physical tell of sorts on Vogelsang and he has gone cover-up mode in this hand 275 if CH it wicks bet was designed to both be a blocker and of course to induce all missed flush draws would not be surprised to see a call and here we go 275 does lay it down wow great fold from Stephen [ __ ] away looked like he preferred that route versus checking and having Vogelsang bat up 300 cash you noticed also we mentioned Vogelsang the last time we had a month stream at super high roller ball in London whenever he would maneuver on rivers or returns with large value hands he would take his hands physically and cover him yes it's in Justin Bonomo having the three of spades in his hand has taken the jelly right out of Tony G zona devastation for Tony gr captain down to 185 thousand chips in it is Justin Bonomo now at seven hundred and eighty-five thousand the legend of pinky continues painful one Tony G under 10 bigs look at this chitwa crazing 240k with aids davies calls on the button with the ace 10 Cathy Lanie just calls in the big wine with the ace Queen maybe laning a little gun-shy from her downward trend thus far and little equity here queen-high flush draw comes King seven six all clumps for now Chadwicks eights are best Chadwicks bets 40k about hello the check raised from Kathy Lanie I think this just gets it done chitwa quit out of club in his hand gonna be hard to continue this is a wonderful check raised by Kathy Lanie putting the Riddler in the blender should have accuses a time extension it's amazing isn't it I mean this guy just doesn't believe anybody he is so relentless hates to fold and so often is he correct in these situations and look at this he just does not believe Kathy lanius you've got two eights without a club King seven six all clubs you've been check raced and he is somehow sniffing out this Bluff a non-believer 350k now in this pot turn his a 10-lane he picks up a gutshot Chadwicks eight still best and well Kathy continued to tell a story adding more equity to her hand I have to believe it one more aggressive barrel and this hand would be over so difficult to do guess a player like Stephen [ __ ] wicked-looking and go for it attorney or she comes Kathy Lanny my goodness 200,000 that's gotta be it right I'm hesitant to say anything when Stephen Chadwicks involved it's gotta be it should we picked up a gutshot as well I just I can't believe we're still in the spot this is in America please lay it down how good is he and how could a see Bravo Cathy Lanie won't play their aging Bluff really is just impressive play from both in that hand tell you what you check raise Stephen chitwa Kwan of the greatest if not the greatest tournament player in the world then you fire a second shell Cathy Lanie that's how that was the cult leader at one point she is rebuilding you see it more than four million dollars for first almost 2.7 million for second lost one point eight for third on this one point three for fourth more than a million for fifth takes place $510,000 51 entries created a 12 point 7 5 million dollar prize pool [Applause] ace ten for two pair for Peters aces for Kathy Lanie a pair of 10s for Seth Davies a piece for everybody pretty significant pieces for Lanie and Peter's could be trouble for Laney here as she bets 75k sort of texture where I anticipate David Peters to be check raising look at this he's actually just going to set the trap let's call let's peel Seth knows one if not both of these players has an ace in their hand so very draw heavy board pretty difficult to feel good about any time we make perhaps another ten or a nine a three on the turn oh my Laney with the better two pair now how much Cathy and just moves in all of it's just an over bed this is the 2x over bet there it is Peters does make the call more than 1.5 million in the middle oh my goodness David Peters tournament life on the line is going to need to find a tenor of for max value for Cathy Lanie with her aces and threes Computers get lucky he cannot a seven on the river and that will do it for David Peters and just like that Kathy Lanie moves up the leaderboard to second and chips Wow just like that Kathy Lanie how quickly it turns what a roller coaster level had spent for her dynamite performance how about that the over vet shove on the turn Peters thinks that he's got her right where he wants him ah perfect so now we are at two six handed tables Seth Davies Christophe Vogelsang Kathy Lanie why can young daniel divorced even should work here as divorce flops a set of two's Eric Seidel weilong Chan Richard young Justin Bonomo Jason kun and Steve O'Dwyer at our outer table 12 left 8 make the money should wick just 10 high not going to get this one through becomes the check raised from divorce on this all hurts flop makes it 65k should wick quickly out of the way down to about 15 big blinds take me with you Jeff to our outer t1 here we go let's travel they can't developing between Jason Koon and Steve O'Dwyer really there are some chips in the middle here let's recap it hi this is Richard young right now this is blind versus blind preflop kun limped in Steve O'Dwyer made it 90k in the big [ __ ] made the call flop came King eight for rainbow and went check check that turn is the three diamonds kun checked O'Dwyer bet 65k kun made the call another King shows up on the river kun checks and I believe that's where we're at right now all business for kun look at that posture comfortable is going just immediately sits back betting 235,000 again King eight four three King a couple hundred thousand in the middle there it's a good look at the board so no flushes no straights time extension being used by Jason Koon looks like an Oprah bet here on the river it'd be close to pot I can't exactly tell that's probably close and thing isgetting call that [ __ ] makes the call which wire shows Oh ha ten eight and ten eight is good max value with that eight for Steve O'Dwyer as [ __ ] flings his cards in the mock but potentially ace high maybe even a four what a tremendous value bet by one of the best tournament players in the world Steve O'Dwyer we saw that hand with cone should be noted he had actually just doubled up moons through Y long chant as well this after losing a big pot to Chan that now down at 750 K that's why he had a decent amount of chips in front of them in that hand against my wire for those of you confused about how kun still has 1.2 he had just doubled up and then that hand immediately happened against Stevenage wire as well bang bang action for Jason Koon here we go the check raise all the chips from Stephen Chadwick with the open-ended straight draw as high as ace of diamonds I can't imagine that we look him up with just a high my goodness can you imagine that call she doesn't bleep [ __ ] wick either look at this she does lay it down well played Stephen Chadwick to get back up to 416,000 and there comes [ __ ] work yeah looky here with the jacks opens 240k Cathy Lanie has AIDS here's the three bet could we see all the chips get in the middle very likely and I don't fault Cathy here going for the throat of Stephen Chadwick says you've got 20 bigs let's play for all of it it's the last hand before players go off on a break Stephen Chadwick and good shape to find a double before that break here is the Shah from Chadwick ten Laney has asked for a count four hundred ten thousand counting it out making the call Stephen should wick a big favorite to double up if his jacks can hold against Cathy Lanie's eights about 840 K in the middle should be right back in business his jacks hold up first Cathy Lanie eliminated David Peters now as the opportunity to eliminate Stephen Chadwick here we go [ __ ] comes King nine for two spades should we cast the spades covered miscellany needs an eight and an eight only to bust even should wick can she find one on the turn no in fact chadwick spikes a jack to lock up his double up the always dangerous Stephen Chadwick blinds are at 1525 K Koon makes the call and here we go Richard Young's tournament life at risk he's got tens Jason Koon as the ace nine Kuhn looking to bust young with 12 players left at super high roller ball Bahamas eat make the money comes King nine five with two diamonds Oh five outs now for Kuhn he also has a backdoor flush draw still smiling turn card young down to just two out queen of diamonds on the river that'll do it for Richard young leaves with a smile on his face an absolute classic I got his money and good yeah nothing he could do there you can go and continue to smile as he watches his son and continue to battle to try and make the final table here at the super high roller ball why can young in our outer table that'll do it for Richard young Oh King 9 8 Kings for Seidel and kun 9s for Chan checks over to kun kun inside del both also a backdoor flush draws and fires 100k sat down makes the call chant out of the way ten of clubs rolls off on the turn open end or first side down discipline little drawn hand too he would have turned to a pair there's a look at him now curious about what develops what a ridiculous turn card this is a strong gut shot now for kun checks back and rivers a flush how much will [ __ ] look for here looks like 150,000 no just dying for a call yeah perfect sizing I don't know if he says oh man first you give me the chocolate now you give me that me up for this you punk there it is let's make the call we'll see the flush spicy meatball spicy meatball thank you apart couldn't finish third in the 2018 super high roller ball one that Justin Bonomo on well Bonomo is still in lucky for hyrule a comment on my favorite this is like the like might feel homey it's [ __ ] nine fans right online tournament grounders snowman you remember snowman for sure for a while this is super old school he played everything i think he was like classifieds number one for a while or like definitely top ten it was like with an eight Ryan Hawkins I believe was his name that is like mm I'm telling you this guy was a highly ranked bar by his player for a few years snowman won the Sunday million taking away back I hope he's watching that be sick he's just like it Eric I have an awesome story about a dealer at the World Series I'll tell you once that dough yes what this call big bet here from O'Dwyer 105,000 just Qinghai [ __ ] with a couple backdoor drawers but that ate seven of clubs just cards in amok where you tell your story I'm surprised when it like I read what my no way y ng man you remember this guy yeah that's funny yeah yeah I don't know what [Laughter] did a hand not just happen did you the last thing was me getting free bet that is correct fives for both apply hurry inside out what's the last and you were dealt Seidel three bet it with the Kings and this time Koon flops top two pair checks all the way around 10 of diamonds on the turn Dwyer picks up a little flush draw Chan picks up a pair [ __ ] checks again checks all the way through again and it's a king on the river Qian rivers two pair not as good as Coons two pair and this is just dirty filthy stuff by Jason Koon depending on the sizing however he may feel obliged with just a call Queen Jack comes home considering the flush nine seven also a strain I don't know it's Jason kun do we just always find value with aces up sort of part of the plan right that's why we checked remarkably under upped and here is just the call for those reasons we mentioned and chin happy to turn over as king 10 he'll see that he's beat pick pick up for Jason cone now nearing the 2 million chip mark yeah perhaps an all-in candidate for bottom oh I don't know though considering the other short stack well this thing is very short I'm an outer table changes that dynamic blue it comes nine four three top here for both bottom Oh a top kicker rather difficult for Bonomo if he's at all worried about Broadway car it's falling on the turn and having tougher decisions here we go with the check raised 175,000 just maxvalue Seidel with top hair unlikely he's folding come along for the ride 510 thousand in this pot as we approach the bubble at super high rollerball Bahamas Jack on the turn vana Mo's hands still best what would make sense for Seidel to have could it be a hand like ace for suited obviously an entry or nine how about an open ender those drawers potentially be home and if those are the case Bonomo realizes that he can get max value he's also needing to protect for the times we're up against straight drawers bottom oh that's 135,000 very interesting about a third of his stack Sydell wondering alright I've been checked I have Tampere the price is just too good what does bottom Oh have make the call he's on the river aces and nines for Bonomo might be side Del's way out and this is clearly a Djinn card for Bonomo and he is hoping that it is connected both players could Seidel have turned the nut flush draw to go along with his hand and this will obviously just save Seidel money assuming that Justin is dialing up a shove first remaining 335,000 chips likely fold for Seidel the only hand we're now beating is him perhaps six five that would have been open ended if bottom oh I liked it too check raise that sort of holding although I think it's unlikely notice he leaves the one chip behind so that's three hundred thirty thousand yeah and you see this from time to time you're not all-in for the times that you are called and bluffing you are now live for the next hand which qualifies you for the big blind ante that's how this structure works so perhaps a bit of a reverse tell as well for showing like oh you know what hey if you call me it's not over I can spin this thing back up that's why it's a pretty balanced look at this high roller sat down makes the call it's an effective double up for Justin Bonham oh oh my so here we go playing hand for hand yeah everybody has over a million I think I think Eric still got over a million chan raises it up with a 7-6 Bobson open-end or while kun flops trip nines action has been fast and furious over this last hour or so those check check for spades on the turn what a pretty nice check back here by chant considering what we can see the [ __ ] has an oh my goodness how sick is he he's gonna check on their Shack sang please bet I am betting 60 K [ __ ] firing up the check-raise makes it 240,000 chant comes along for the ride [ __ ] fills up on the river how much how you will look for here 640 thousand in the pot [ __ ] has to decide what sort of hand Shan would have checked back on the flop bet turn call a race certainly looks like a number of draws - and look at this again the flush comes home this is just brilliant stuff as Khun knows that it is some sort of draw hoping it's a flush and for the times that it's not a flush how about where we feel obliged to bet something like this seven high amiss draw Jack ten missed maybe even something like Queen ten or Queen Jack for whatever reason that we decided the check back flop he's gonna get max value as she's gonna come with the double check race music - Coons ears 380 you can hear them breathing he's got that mic right next to his mouth right this chinny chin chin that's a clean stream to the nostrils he's a healthy one and here comes a healthy check raise absolutely not a deviated septum this is how intense our coverage is of super high roller bahamas I'm gonna here every round he'll use a time extension granting him an additional thirty Seconds to act we know it's gonna go raisin fold Chan hoping for a fold not going to get it leave some chips behind pushes most of them in in the middle the quick fold from champ and here comes Jason Koon on the flop of Ace for three with two diamonds looks like David checked young bet 60 K Davies with the check raised to 170,000 again young where's the button Davies call out the big one Ace of Hearts three of diamonds four of diamonds Davies checked young bet 60 K Davies check raise to 170 young makes the call the shark darvis is getting after it turn card it's the six of Spades Ace 3 4 6 2 diamonds action on Davies see young is about or under K behind this could be all in here for set Davies it is the effective shove young counting down his stack we are right on the bubble and young makes the call young with an ace with a seven quite the draw for set Davies he has to jack five of diamonds a flush and a straight draw gets there on the river with the nine of diamonds why can young eliminated in ninth place and we have made the money of super high roller ball Bahamas eight players left Cathy Lanie makes history becoming the first woman to cash a super high roller Bowl event not only as she made history cashing this event she was the first woman to play the super high rod ball back in 2015 history has been made my goodness Cathy Lanie what a performance hats off to everybody here that's made this final table we are in for a treat tomorrow congratulatory wishes from Jason Koon to Cathy Lanie and after taking down that pot that Davies will take the chip lead into tomorrow 2.9 million in chips Kuhn is right there with 2.7 million Cathy Lanie enters the final table in third with 2.1 million owed Dwyer in for 1.9 million to Voris right behind him Justin Bonomo looking for a second super high roller Bowl win while on chan has 1.4 million and Eric Seidel has 885 thousand more than four million dollars will be awarded to our first place finisher along with a super high roller Bowl ring two point six seven million dollars to second almost 1.8 million dollars to third one point two seven five million dollars to fourth
Channel: partypokerTV
Views: 108,023
Rating: 4.6025643 out of 5
Keywords: partypoker live, super high roller bowl, poker party, poker 2020, 2020 poker, poker, party poker live, party poker, partypoker, pro poker, nlh, texas holdem, texas holdem poker, mtt, tournament poker, poker tournaments, poker tournament, poker highlights, highlight, caribbean poker party 2019, millions, Justin Bonomo, Giuseppe Iadisernia, David Peters, Erik Seidel, Mikita Badziakouski, Bryn Kenney, Kahle Burns, day 2, shr, high rollers
Id: R2yBNLFEkkw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 123min 38sec (7418 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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