HIGHLIGHTS - €50k NLH Super High Roller Final Day | MILLIONS Germany 2018 | partypoker

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so here we are Kings casino Rossford off we have the final eight of the 50k super high roller we are 2 away from the money six places paid total prize pool two million three hundred fifty now do you see a chip leader in seat one mr. mechanic with eleven point four million I pick Tony and see eight he's in a tough spot as the short stack with just ten bigs 1.6 million betting into the chip leader i'm simon Trumper and i hope you're gonna enjoy this I'll gonna race are gonna call her phone I'm sure he knew exactly how many chips he had given they've just stopped the final table and Deitrick hasn't played a hand yet I like this play for big Tony it's obviously in most situations you would shove with the attentive live stack but everybody's playing so tight he has elected to raise 350 muster fat he's going to make the call king queen suited surprised he didn't isolate they're looking at big Tony stack size it's the problem I was just small rating with the 88 doesn't buy action if you jam it puts must have been a much hotter position having the cool with all the other players behind him I suppose with a hammer flops so well electing not to 3bet and maybe invite the pot to come off your way but it's slightly slightly curious as the big Tony Whiteley Tony hasn't just jammed all them well I have a theory in most current situations that are lower by and that's exactly what a player would do with ten big blinds I just think the way the first few hands have gone he just felt that that was the best way to play it all right you know it's come under stuff obviously because through muster for just flattened it's allowed timothean on the big blind and he's flopped top pair he's going nowhere to put five million in the middle it's just checking yeah I'm nine makes the call he will be our eighth place finisher no help of the turn and now help on the river so finishing in eighth place big Tony from Italy we are down to seven car on the true bubble next we're out receives nothing here we go again I think you're gonna get caught this time yeah they won't get this one obviously to make sure it can't fold okay eight versus sixes Timothy took out big Tony who had eights with his King nine and is he now gonna win with eights against Patrick and terraces sixes without us sinks here patching will be the Bubble Boy minding chip lead if he were to hold in a spot of course Patrick the one man with less fazed by the bubble quietly breathing put Timothy four five six Patrick will be the Bubble Boy no help on the river and we lose Patrick Antonius in seventh place we are now in the money all six players will get paid today 130,000 for let's player out and a little bit disappointed there haven't played so well to make this 50k soup I ran a final after winning the very first 25k here with Patrick Antonius Patrick I know that's definitely not the result that you wanted but you were short stack coming in what was your mindset coming into this final table yeah I didn't have many chips so I don't know four was second last or third last but obviously make the money first ever was the first goal and unfortunately I just had a kind of a situation but I didn't see any other move than pushing with my sixes and bubbled anyways i played to win these tournaments and it's i know there was one player that had less chips and i had and it sucks to not make the money but you know it's it's poker and you have to take risks and this happened today well you're still walking away a winner here in Razvi table at least you clinch that 25k super high roller so there is that yeah I mean yeah it's good it's been a good trip overall awesome oh I'm sure we'll see you again thank you so much Patrick thanks a lot of things and pack sure they will see quite right disappointed to bust out pragmatic about it and as he says you just got to play the hand you're dealt you can come in with the strategy of trying out allows someone but he got della situation there that needed him to shop yeah it's the Adams once he became trippy there was raising several times in a row that Rick folded his big line term and then move Dylan the next time and was unlucky to actually find into the real hand the third time did struck on the button has an ace yeah and only adjusts a fatwa be blind so this will be a shot for Dietrich suited behind CET arts for account and interesting he looked at muster for trying to get a rates if he's interested in this pot farm or concern about mr. fuzzums in Dietrich unless he picks something up off masseur I can't imagine even folding this and he knows each it's gonna be shoving a very wide range of hands to table blinds and the shortest stack at the table makes the cool muster for folds 10700 Dietrich okay so is Dietrich fast going to be our sixth place finisher chip leader with fourteen point two minute Timothy Adams could be about to go to 16 that million and nothing plot for both where's the teacher left with just the 7 to hit and if it doesn't hit he will be the sixth place finisher felt eaten why sorry he does have a few split outs it was a pair 3 over 5 he does not and we will lose secret sixth place and that further moves Timothy up leaderboard or further improves chippy they should say huge 18 million chip stack now cause only 47 million play each player started with a million chips this final time was being for only 30 minutes and we've already lost three players tip trick fast from Germany they're eliminated in six and he's 100 that looked too unhappy and came to the final table second thoughts that three million chips and he's managed to leave this tournament in profit so we are now down to five players next payout 180,000 here with Dietrich frost do you check I'm sure there's mixed emotions here you did make the money so you are walking away with 130,000 euros which is nice but of course everyone's eyeing that first prize yeah that's true and you have to consider I've paid fifty thousand so it's just 80,000 I maybe yeah so no right payday but if you go to a final tip you always try to win the tournament and it's always no matter what if you even you know get second place you are still not happy with the with the finish because you're always trying to to win so yeah feel slightly better than being bubble but still yeah that's for sure that was my first goal I was I think second last and chip so try to get into the money and then try to go from there and at least at one goal at the small golf small step I I could achieve but yeah I hope for more of it it's not always Christmas you know not always new years either well thank you so much easier yeah thank you so of course at the moment it the logical winner of this is the way it's going is too messy Adams but that can all change very quickly as the blinds increase and one of those shorter sticks doubles up Michael raising up in the color pair with ace nine it's not the most in receipts raising into the two big stacks behind him just over 20 big blinds to know how a Timothy obviously want once they get frisky want to keep applying pressure but Michael hasn't really played a hand yet maybe just let this one go a has decided to call West for a bus fare has to have a bad hand not too cold there as well yeah well we saw how Timothy outplayed Tobias earlier let's see how he plays this little thin to me well Timothy playing the rush Okin Michael will be thinking the kite the kind of hands Timothy's gonna call me with out of the small blind probably don't connect with this tube this with this ball too often you shouldn't be playing small cards has checked back may be going for the delayed Siebert and Timothy knows for well it's hard to represent too many hands in this board and because Michaels check you might have some sort of hand he'd call with like an a side I couldn't see him falling a sigh of Timothy bet here I'll be interesting to see here Timothy puts a bet out now he knows that no there's no chance that Michaels got a spade my TDD check the flop he would if he would have put a little bit in on the turn yeah as interesting Mike obviously took the decision to try and take a slight height to show down this river here we go a very small bet but by betting so small he opens up the value bet range to include lots of spades this is a something Michael B thing else if he bet bigger he's trying to say I've only got very strong flush this way he's saying I've almost got any flush making it more likely he has a value betting hand than a uh Wow water cooler Michael credible cool the first time we've seen Timothy we lose a pot so the blinds are up young one over 200 new dealer and we have most of a can it in seat one to buy a cigarette see - Michael sang from the UK and c3 Felipe Ramos in seeked four and Timothy Adams our chip leader in seat six these players part of the 47 entries that played the 50k super high roller here at Kings Watford off Cuban 18th 2.35 million and first place is 800,000 runner-up gets half a million sounds good doesn't it three hundred sixty two thousand five hundred for third 264 four and ex-player out will receive one hundred eighty thousand and this is an interesting spot for Michael who knows must oppose raising a lot of hands and with just 22 big blinds Queen ten suit is an attractive proposition of a free bet Jam this one if he had 16 big blinds so much easier to do than were 22 and the small ante comes into effect as well just that little bit less than the pot to fight over well I kind of play it as a call a lot of good flops for Queen ten suited and Philippe will not the defender was subdued surely so heads up to the flop Michael with coin that ten of hearts and muster with Queen nine and we'll interesting plot for Michael he has popped a pair well there are three diamonds and the nays on board must suffer with a Niner diamond so a lots of equity he might not necessarily be wild about imagine a good spot for continuation bet there aren't many a sex hands that Michael will be flat crawling with out of the small blind and as before same as Timothy his seat back is smaller than the preflop raise Michael probably gonna call once give it up if a diamond comes probably go check check on the turn if your diamond doesn't come that's a perfect blank I would like to see my stuff up continue the pressure here really he knows Michael doesn't have a strong ace he may have flopped a flush unlikely Michael did consider raising preflop didn't they yeah but it'll have to be almost Queen Jack of Diamonds you can't see him calling people with eight nine eleven see King Jack of Diamonds he's probably gonna Jam 10 diamonds on the board so he can't have a hand like Queen Turner diamonds or Jack ten of diamonds they just aren't that many hands Michael can have here 650,000 this time about a third of the pot and well worked out Ephram yes he now believes that most of it did have a nice after all and I just says the spot where he's leveraged to stack very well he might not have made that play against another big stack but because he knows I've been that 62 there's such a significant proportion of Michael's chips really puts in a tough spot yeah exactly oh that's that's exactly what we saw to do earlier against the buyers and here we go with our chip counts you can see Michael and Philippe the small sacks 19 big blinds Timothy close to a hundred big blinds and I'm very happy to announce that I'm just waiting for Tim if I enjoy now in the booth by Marcel risk party poker pro and ambassador we should bless you to be in the bulletin especially it's awesome to be watching a 50k super-high roll and seen the card these guys play next that will receive a hundred thousand euros for 264 362 so these guys the short stacks really playing a a weird secondary game to the big stacks to see you know that they double their money if they just I lost two more spots Multi so Michael and after 16 big blinds in this room blind here just him and Philippe left in my hand really played with a very similar stack when you have winning it's almost like winning a pot off of the other short stack is is so much more valuable right because you you you make him short on yourself bigger sympathy lose free relax a dozen he straight up to the well if he wins this to me and maybe Kim may become the workout of choice for players before a final table but I go in your stay a little bit longer this this looks like trouble for Philippe we stuff of raising it up with a screen under the gun fully played with under 20 big blinds a nice Jack's hops in doing anything but going all in here this is great news for Michael for countless see it's short stack I'll cheer Poland know but Felipe is probably a loving life when he gets asked for account he's thinking they're on oh yeah he thinks requests hands he might end up with the best Graco bastard yeah I'm surprised mr. person already he knows how tidy plates right still you still cannot fault that Philippe sees the bad news and when I see master Jack straight or flush he will be the fifth place finisher what's a big pot if he were to win by whacking the game with eight million its Mustafa wins then you very solidify his position and second and six seven ten plot no help but if it does pick up back to a flush draw but most upper has a higher club would be an agent of course you can make ignorant that God makes interesting because he can now hit a tenner or seven for a chopper which I'm sure fully it would take at this moment in time which turn or which seven surprise surprise and a queen will seal believe this fate and like it to leave us in fifth place but he will pick up a hundred eighty thousand euros for his efforts I see the smile on his face there but all these players as he as you rightly said they all want to win titles money and secondary once they reach the final table is the discuss now that you're not just like they take their time to know the situation here with Felipe Ramos felipao and v taking home 180 K clean I know it's still upsetting but what's so beautiful about your stories you have so many people railing you and you have so much support back home in Brazil it's about three or four hours back and everyone got up early to support you right yeah first of all very nice talking to you and yeah very happy about all the support from my my countrymen actually it's like carnival in Brazil and it's very early so it's like really hard to compete like put people to watch us while they're fighting and having fun but that's really a blessing like so many pictures I got so many replies people actually like watching the stream cheering very hard for a Brazilian right here in the -3 today called very far from home in a very blessed to live this life to have these people with me like this is like my true blessing yeah well you've been to many a high-roller final tables and it's your wonderful attitude that brings you back to many more so best of luck in the future Thank You Felipe thank you very much my pleasure so mr. Phil you see there with 86 big blinds now Timothy with around 90 so these two by far and away the biggest X at the table yeah but you know how quick that get through sure look at somebody the short at the table gets the more it depends on the hands coming out you have to be really careful of course we'll see with only four players at the table you have to play a lot more hands right now and so I'd like to Botev a great end now because he hit second pair yeah Timothy has limiting for this moment stupid check the big blind which I get suited the flop is Queen eight for Timothy top pair must first second pair and Timothy coming straight up bedding sole obviously no way must have [ __ ] do anything here but cool right I called and see a turn yeah you can eat it just call to to see the net shot cause if he really no way he had an you race him but then he might pop into a track right so here's a backed off faster as well makes a bit more tracks a proposition right now cool and a lot of guitars oh it has indeed actually come for raids not surprising it does surprise me because now he wants to know if you have a queen right this is what he actually look at you don't know if you have a better creature its it like the decision you made to find out now where he had to get if he calls who gets a turkey right he can check back the turn then he can have terrific guard as well okay and of course on a board like Queen eight forward two diamonds part of it and any protecting case Timothy has a gutshot over cards right so so it's a protection and also to see what's going on and an interesting card but that's a great part to rusev I actually don't you get the flush buttons protected now against if he ever Queen right so you think because he's raised he can get this river for free I think he's like at the check back here which I think maybe he knows he's up against the Queen now and now I need to bluff him trying everyone's trying to make it Bluffs like acting like he as a king like you had a diamond draw now he's going to go for the free right and it's the Queen but obviously a kind of unfortunate car from stuff alright because it makes it less likely Timothy has a queen when he can see to and the poor to me make him think his his ate a little bit stronger than it was it might core is Timothy bad said that goal can tell you about it right obviously you could put them on a lot of drawers and and these are the two chip leaders but run away chip leaders much more interesting dynamic when you're playing a final table and two of you got huge stacks you don't particularly want to play a big pot to each other you're gonna use the other players still in the game to cut positions get advantage right you're gonna leverage the short stack see hands see how they play try to get your opponent to expose because he says biggest and sometimes you put them in a bad spot by betting between you and a third person using the phone to squeeze play to get them out or to let them get into danger Timothy with a huge fight have more than pop probably maybe make it look like a busted draw oh this is now puts him on the test to think about it you know right make it look like it should lock lightly yep gives you the best chance to get a call from a weaker pair a very tough optimists all right yeah this is not nothing to do with all you play that well because you call it or you're folding it's just like the decision you make feeling Europe feeling like you try to bluff himself most of us here just trying to work out I think it's going to fold it yeah haste on knowing that you don't have to lose big money here at the end like this you get the other opportunities and you have to give him credit for calling the flop ready that's right yeah he's cool he's called a race I guess would be a minor extra to give him a loose 50/50 decision yeah he knows Timothy would play every Queenie house this way right he'd bet the flop he'd pull arrays and he bet the river with Trevor kind you seniya cousins team consideration over it's not always so easy when you're in the seat oh it's easy when it's dan displayed now everybody's gonna say he should fold yeah you understand yeah this is why I don't like to commentary when the cards are open right at the time when players don't explain what's going on in their head sure it's easy to see what's going we know who's gonna win and of course socially as well he knows it if he were to call this pot that in his mind he's like well done I'd be chip leader and if I win and I position on the other guy maybe this is this is something that's going through his head on the flip side if I call and lose I give Timothy even even more my chips he gets further ahead as Jimmy I guess we're done here is the small percentage that torture that he virtues for yeah and it's because these players are so experienced and no makeup divided the dead thing with the purpose welcome back to the kings casino rosid off and the party poker live millions Germany super high roller event where we are down to just four Felipe Ramos the last man out his ace Jack busted by Mustafa Dan eats ace queen Felipe goes home with a hundred eighteen thousand euros and perhaps a sense of what could have be the winner here in Rosewood loft will take home 800 thousand euros when we are yeah and we are decided Connecticut of course with Felipe's exit it means we are down to just these four remaining players and it will be one of these walking away with that 800 thousand euro prize and of course the title of super high roller champion Timothy raising up a king ten suited under the gun here Michael ace Queen in the big blinds and looks like 16 big blinds so imagine and all in here and Timothy with with somewhere the decision King since it's a great three-point seven okay it's Michael's paid very snug so as we can see Ward equals inequity against some of the handy shopping with five six protect the situation is in right dozen want to give anyone a cheap double up damage you step to remand us yeah he wants to he wants to keep that lead over mr. Poirot there's nothing wrong with playing a hands that point you in the situation - hi so nice had to shoot a Brazilian [Music] maybe thinking a Michael had a small pair see I cannot see him calling yeah no I agree it's gonna make sense and the player years later awkward he's painted right he's he's winning pots without without contesting it would really surprise me I better call yeah there we go so wasn't the portal entering which obviously he knows Michael now is by far the shortest stack maybe a bit more liberal with the handsome my goal in with maybe played into his wins his thought process so I'm going going but na yeah yeah when the two of them left in the pot any sure and going yeah he brings yes ever rely on I can't be just not here we have a Tobias raising up in seven suits that just over thirty plans on the button Timothy with ace ten in the big blind obviously gonna play the hand could could we raise could flat good equal to raise you good like just like you said and it's not like we wait for him to do about its decision yeah I should I'm not in my zone I want to see I know maybe it was if it does come in so it looks a bit more deceptive because he just scored and Tobias has taken a lead on the Queen seven five a rainbow top it's gonna jerky so I bet he's gonna fold it he will fight your finger just volley maybe see road fall okay I think based on the fact right you think maybe Tobias as well less likely to bluff Timothy because he's such a big cheerleader defeat does decide to call may be feeling a size the best and now a reason browsed and Tobias may be less likely to bluff him so he thinks he can get to showdown very surprised and now an interesting spot for the boss is he does he think here's the best hand does he/she jolly wit Chu shade hey did go check check Timothy maybe thinks he himself as the best Android maybe Tobias took one step ahead and given up in his position now he could get out all right then he actually like he does have to agree okay but maybe think he might think he put him off and discard there's an argument maybe thinking Tobias has no hand he can check and Tobias can't really Bluff him see me imagine Tobias for just a check back here and it's going to win the pot okay I was surprised he called about out of position looking for what to get a shot to inject getting nice and Timothy opening up with chapter 7 suited definitely be the most active player at the table right yep okay right both raising into the short stack so he doesn't want to that for the position who's cursed and messed up obviously calling with ace 10 they know how careful and now a really interesting spot for Michael right he knows Timothy's raising a lot hands most of us just called so maybe you can remove the best fans from his range and it's just aggression and this he knows he knows too much you've all get some people hate and it's a it's a it's a mr. boo right he's just flat Cumbre maybe it looks weak he knows Timothy's IP lot of hands Michael probably gonna so she's like oh the home display yeah but mister for now this is probably wrong a tough spot for him at least 10 right all for him of course because you have to give him a made hand the best you can find him with is like king-queen o98 but you can find it with a shack a screen but could eat that is there something he's thinking he's little shop with any ice here does he think no Michael would I don't think you can give my kid my age right who's a bleep idiot obviously it after instantly cool right on the right discipline lay down michael manages to make them fold the better hand we are now four handed here at the party poker live million super high roller event final table that is a mouthful I'm here with Timothy Adams Timothy you're sitting with a pretty cozy stack right now how are you feeling oh good I mean I've been in this spot before so yeah I'm comfortable and I'm used to this yeah and how'd you get ready for today I know you're really into meditating getting focused doing some yoga any of that actually last night I was so tired I just passed out woke up this morning went to the spa just like jump in the pool came here that's it nothing more therapeutic than actual sleep all right she in the very best nights Michael definitely uh gaining some momentum on this final we saw the first couple of orbits he didn't really play a hand but being the most active player in the last sort of 10-15 minutes lowest stack of chips you can still be in charge right yeah this is what I feel like right even's leading okay see it's very like a strong play he's very commanding yeah for Timothy raising it up green six suited to bias in the big blind with pocket eights elects to call and they will see a flop of a 65 watt huge flop er Timothy a pair and a flush draw Tobias still with the best hand a pair of eights and a decision for Tobias Marino's better rope because he can't just assume Timothy has an eighth Timothy's raising so many hounds on the button they he has to check all I guess yeah and again good a call Timothy with a very small continuation bet so the boss thinking here what we know we know he's not folding so he think he maybe of raising sometimes here we'll just of cooling like this makes it better for Tobias a much stronger obvious so now he feels like okay that's an improvement if you had me beat already with yes there's now there's less combinations of hands but if you would have 9/10 can you really bet it out now right unknown Timmy's himself HD game interesting tell me themself as coarse wool I think his hands very strongly aside from a nice he would imagine he's probably ahead with his six right here but he doesn't give Tobias too many pair combinations calling so he might be thinking has a name yeah so so you'd expect it maybe to change that's it act like a face which he don't have his hand getting weaker and stronger pressure on him so he's gone for a hotpot sighs bet because he's got protection that's the choice you make many players would check it now and it's part of this bet thinking he might be behind but he doesn't expect to buy as necessary to check crazy does have an ace he'll it'll just cool think I'm Timothy my bath the river so he gets to see his clubs because obviously he wouldn't wanna bet clubs here and get raised and not get to see the river right so does he make this bet knowing Tobias weren't raisin even if he has the ace but I like him the way he calls to bet still evil his position because she knows what Timothy is capable of right okay and of course normally in any game most of the time I don't the opponent falls in the position I wish a medium and now if we put four million in the pot river as a seven and as expected on check check quickly Jabbar's will win obviously a Timothy realizing on the river that Tobias either has a hand that's going to call or he or he has the best time with a six right maybe he he could still beat some flush draws he might have of course yeah he's not gonna pull an ace from the pick line right then he goes like I missed it let's reduce my losses I still have showdown value with my pair of sixes yeah so you can either so some hands he can be right yep so here is our leaderboards Timothy Adams still the chip leader with 15 million most volcanic nipped on his heels at 14 million to buy us comfortable eleven and Michael still the short stack despite his recent run of cards on six million 31 big blinds but you see Howard Howard is out sure Michael I mean if you look at it Michael doubles up right he's roaring the Mexi beyond 12 million gift of a run for the money and here you can see our payouts 800,000 for the winner and a 260 for the next person out obviously Felipe Ramos left us in fifth place four hundred eight thousand and Dietrich busted out in six for 130 this is interesting most of us played a lot of hands from the small blind in his courtroom so far and he continues that strategy it's good to see you don't be just raising up with your good hands and limb from the balance you'll get exploited so because he's let me throw up a hand he can I have to live this hand Tobias interesting I would expect him to raise the King 9 they're given the hands that mr. Furr has limits but luckily for him he's a elector to check and not fall into the trap but unfortunately for him he has caught a piece of this board and it's hard not to see him losing some chips here Tobias no real option here ovens are cool and too weak to raise too strong to fold he does indeed make the call this pot is there 1.4 million and a bad card for tobias both players will well both modes will like that card yeah mrs. Farrell will know pretty much where he is there we go that T has flopped a pair his opponent so we'll try to extract a bit more value yeah it's a question of how strong the things Tobias is how much he's mr. structor for these pair of jacks also there was also the chance he could be behind you wouldn't normally think on a board like this there is but Tobias just check the big line so you can have hands like ten for ten three nine four nine three but yes has to play against his entire range which he's well ahead of yeah but having Knox raised he's not likely to be having Jack Queen suited King Jack King Queen precisely Isis so it polarizes his head he's going to get another 850,000 it has to have to call this one really in a least see one more card I hope the rivers is it's an option no nor a king though Wow Jack the list of oh it's actually a bad card for my stuff as crazy as it sounds Tobias with Bing but a lot of the hands that muster furs bet twice that he is beating her hands like Queen Jack King Jack you know jack eight seven eight fact the only worse squadron really could have been the the Jack of Diamonds most developers he will know now he's he's almost certainly got the best I know losing the seven eight king queen of course would have most certainly raise preflop because it because of that Tobias also knows that most of us least likely to bluff this God he must have taught Tobias with it so it looks like he might have a hand like Queen Jack to see how much you Betsy bit half the pot that I bet a third of the pot looks like 230 pot this time three to five on the flop 850 on the turn and there are two point one [Music] that could save to buy us a few chips here because any undercard you probably would have caught and it's interesting because these guys have played quite a few pots small went to big blind limped and must suffer has this is the first time we've taken this line of progression every other time he's checked the flop so he does piece it all together and a little bit fortunately where that river didn't made the decision a lot easier and as is the case in a fan so with every every pot a big pot and these these are ships moves mr. fer further out into the lead take some out up Tobias so we're 45 hands into the final table and it must affect on it leading the way the 16 million 47 million chips on the table in front of him the top three though are all pretty evenly spec it's Michael Zhang who needs the double up such a big character in the poker world we live in to a lot of people have been on watching supporting him you may think well of course they've been quiet they're paying for a hundred thousand euros but these guys do this fairly regularly I just need you need that catalyst sometimes I disable the talkative guy the character okay easy folks with the past m4 in the small blind Michael King 3 there are times when you just I would let this go actually it's you can't always defend the big bird from our 2020 three big blinds sort of hanging I think a first thing I'd like to on go just basically playing one car doesn't look too well I know obviously a lot of time you'll have the best hand this is of course the other option put it on him well we would have both folded Michael decides that he's gonna race but he gets it through this is obviously a better than calling yeah well for sure absolutely is he taking their dish that most if is going to raise with a lot of hands from the button incident the two shorter stats okay so I must sell raising it up to bias 30 big blinds a stroke of sue on the button this is a spot Simon where Kulik you know he almost certainly has the best hand is it strong enough to 3-bit call a for bet with probably not especially when there's been no dynamic establish so far over like three betting so going for a call and you're just placing props with this we haven't seen like three betting gaps with it it allows players to open more hands they're just not getting exposed be a bit costly dream flopped Mustafa top pair backdoor flush draw okay so we can see him and stuff a continuation bedding Tobias this is obviously the problem with the if I advocate what he did for that cooling but you do get these awkward situations now you don't miss stuff I could have any of this Tomas will make a call see a town card hoping that mr. Furr was just see better with a week race or king.queen Wow what a turn cards Tobias takes the lead my stuff it proves to a flush draw yeah I mean I would've done the same mr. Bursch there there's you can't just give up on the pot No I think some of the reason that he didn't raise on the button is because he's just seen mr. fillet down to a 3-bit for Michael and they're quite a firm players a bit stubborn yeah it's just three bets he doesn't know if he gets full bet it's a real hand or a bluff it it's just he pays a guessing game and you don't want I guess a hundred thousand euros so on the flop listen to Phil went ahead with his jacket catching top pair Tobias has caught up on the turn with the ACE if he bets that we know that most of his calling is a pair with a flush draw it could improve two pair trips or a flush and must suffer with probably the more interesting decision on this street having improved to a flush draw decides to check feel like he probably feels like he's either way ahead away behind Tobias having a worse hand on the flop coronae see feel if you were to proceed so check here allows the by stupid while Tobias the mnship Magnum has a terrible claw heading saving graces obviously the better to about 86 86 as a straight it's something that may save him he's like he's not like to put my stuff on a flush draw on a flush at all because if my stuff of raised preflop bet the flop and improved a flush for almost certain he's gonna bet the Turk was tough is checked and that's pretty wide my stuff is doing this he's praying somehow Tobias has a six please bet if you've got six and I myself I can put big raisin and it's really hard for Tobias to piece together a hand that most of us somehow has a flush it would have to be eight something of diamonds and even then he pretty bets the turn seven seven of diamonds what's the thinking gosh I hope II hope you flatted on the back was sixes yeah I mean tobias asked about here he has to think his ace is good and then he's gonna get horrible check-raise when he does bet 2.6 million the pot he's counting it up was going big yeah 1.5 million it's a Christmas for us the [ __ ] he's trying to make it go like he's got a sticks or nothing you know there's not that many hands he can value-- bit with device will think it doesn't like he's got an ace because he would have bet it on the turn so he's really saying I've got a straight know if you was must play would you would you go for the all in put him under maximum pressure and hope that he has got six yes when you raise the you've got a go all in you've got a hope your own eyes or six really tough for it to lay down a six not many other hand is gonna fall a check raise with so you may as well go big yep last five million behind will be put to the test in a second what's the Fed just waiting to announce those two words look at the dealer and say falling who knows exactly what's next sighs - bio says piecing out slightly less than order 4.2 million but just threw up a little business are you surprised at that back there do you not think it would about this I mean it would have possibly worked better for him all in I think is the is the standard play there but there's all sorts of stuff going on right I we don't know the history of these two players two and a half any situations he's he's obviously try to say something with this slightly less than all in it could be saying it could be trying to make it look fake stronger trial could make fake weaker we just you know to second-guess someone like a muster for his is all time money winner and over ten million dollars in it live earnings so this days now Tobias has to read piece the whole hand together doesn't he yes Danelle go through the whole head so what happened being raised on the flat I called on the button he bet the flop I called I caught the ace on the term we we both checked his check raised me on the river what has he possibly got that and and I tell you what he's gone through that worked it all out very quickly and that's why these guys are set playing a seek a super high roller a lot of players would have gone broke on the hunt 50 K super high roller in Kings casino Rossford off we had 40 several entries in this tournament we got down to 8 at half past 1:00 this morning they came back twelve o'clock six got paid we lost two players winning 130 and 180 respectively we're down to the final four I'm here Tobias with a bit of Muschamp 15p blinds now first time any level and a pair of sixes no doubt he'll move all in says you're saying these players always always take a bit of time considering you don't want to you don't give off too many time Intel's for these spots here it goes sure enough the double-handed he's got a lot chips under so it's just all about Oh interesting spot very interesting I can't see him broke out Michael's got six point nine Tobias has got four point five he knows her Tobias he'll be very aware that Tobias is shoving exactly the kind of hands he shoots up with 15 big blinds these guys all know they're their shop Rangers perfectly and ace nine of clubs definitely falls into the cool here he'll go all in with it yeah yeah yeah handle play either he has to go Lynn have a little look at Timothy and see if he can pick up anything see how interested he is just in case he will be playing this it's not as clear-cut as saying that some people will maybe watching or say are Tobias it's an evil because the Michael has got all it as we expected now Timothy hasn't really got I only could call would say volt Tobias at riskier these pocket sixes are in front at the moment this is for a pot that could elevate Michael into close second in chips and would lose device if he wins this will really even up three-way I don't think the rest of the players are too worried about that I've done the 2000 jump you but we'd like to see what happens here's the flat and Wow see there Michael smashed it pretty hard Tobias though backed off straight back to a flush draw and they can still hit a six here comes the turn mr. foot too busy as fish by the looks of it to really care what's going on no improvement other turn that's pretty casual isn't it sir Minister 100k jump and one guys just eating his food and watch six on the river or we lose to buy a cichlid in fourth place no it's a king and fourth place for Tamar Sigler he wins two hundred and sixty thousand euros and we are down to three and at this point I'm going to leave James and the pepper hands of Jack's and Claire's gonna join us Jack we don't already know he is I'm surely lose himself and hopefully this short hand player Michael having started with four point eight one of the shorter stacks now get himself in a position where he could win this tournament okay look at all pouts as we just went through eight hundred thousand for first 500 second 360 2004 third and you can see we lost Tobias and fourth Felipe and fifth and Dietrich in six and of course if you weren't with us the time mr. Patrick Antonius was our Bubble Boy I'm sure the 425 thousand euros he won for win the 25k the other day will help soften that's below here with to buy a Ziegler it's a bias pretty nice payday for you 260,000 obviously I know that's not the result that you wanted but at least you got to sit at the table with your idol Antonia yeah I mean I'm a little bit disappointed obviously because I lost the flip and it's still a nice outcome I'm at the end yeah well you are sure you made your move you know that you had to make your move I I had to yeah it's fine I think it's it's uh you don't look too upset though but I do think it's that's pretty cool that when you were playing to sent by scent watching Patrick Antonius now you're sitting at a final table see my roller feels like a video game no obviously it's great it's my first televised fan table and playing against all the great players here it's amazing I'm a little bit disappointed but still it's a nice experience and I enjoy well disappointed with a great smile on your face we love to see that thank you so much by us thank you okay welcome back everybody to this 50k super high roller final table there are three players left they are playing for three hundred sixty two thousand euros for thirty five hundred thousand euros per second and a first prize of eight hundred thousand years I am very glad and very privileged to welcome mr. Jackson cleared the box with me I know we'll see for for those of you like me I've not come across Jack before myself it was made famous made famous by as World Series of Poker four on table run and I noticed you've won a super high roller here yourself yeah good venue for you then did you do you play this event yourself this one this one I know I didn't yeah I didn't say anything super hairos Ontario yes if we have messed about raising on King Jack on the button Michael s8 suited in the small decision here or do you think he displaces as a call probably just a call here yeah I mean this the three bet is totally fine here but I'd probably prefer to do it with something like you know a wheel a sigh a straight or five well he has he has pumped it up and it's 4x2 Wow and this is why I don't choose the Sam because you always run into a big there are certainly finds it to be about this hand I get you know when you play three-handed live there can be quite a lot of you know its image and metagame considerations which you know a lot of players you know kind of don't kind of ignore and with with Timothy in the situation where he's from 6:15 and 2.5 does he have options on his for bit size here you just got a jam I bought I mean I guess you could go less than all-in with the plan that if the other two goal in you could maybe fold Wow okay I mean but that's that's pretty extreme I mean you'd have to you have to be really certain what I mean ISM house Kings races is there any way he can make a smaller bet here to induce Michael or as Michaels about sizing so big that Timothy Paul bets he knows that he's not getting it through no I mean you're not gonna I mean yeah in general you're just not gonna induce yeah people to go go bananas here I'll just be too optimistic right well Timothy would have to be able to fold after making a four bet here I mean he would have to have such a bad hand because you know he's going to be getting two to one pretty much yeah you know unless he makes it the absolute minimum so Michaels a three bit size kind of stops him getting Bluff not that that would be as consideration but it does stop Timothy bluffing and of course Michael does fold and Timothy took it up and that's that's a big part the stage subtree onion chips as that is a big book that's the other reason you watch out I mean a skit you know you might want to if you're gonna try and induce you want to do it with that stone-cold aces you know and not like Ace King sits just not a great hand you know ace king is fine taking down the for free flow you know when you get chords you know it's a flip most of the time and then occasionally it's occasionally you get into vs. ace queen as we can see they're so tight at the top fifty-five big blinds are to making the chip bleed and Michael with 48 is the small stack [Music] scenarios I guess you'll information we need we are at King's casino in Rostov Czech Republic and this is the party poker live super high roller 50000 euro by the 47 players three remain battling for an 800 thousand euro first prize here it is easy game you just got for bet with this guy now he opens and you find the aces always a 3-bit here or this sometimes you can call with these stack sizes I guess it's always a 3-bit right it depends I mean the Aces is the best hand to trap with always just because the flop is you know so you so infrequently get out flow like aces are just massively better to trap with Ben Kings right because anytime there's an ace your you have to slow down a lot yeah he has elected to three bet you can see 2.5 million which yeah I mean obviously both options are fine he did just get caught you know well it's a caught he three better than folded you know which doesn't necessarily mean he was bluffing but you know if if we want to go down the sort of leveling leveling tunnel in this spot Timothy's probably gonna be thinking that he's not gonna through that to like here yeah because he literally just got caught but then he might go the other side think oh he just got caught so now he's more like he doesn't think I'm gonna be doing yeah this is this is the fun I guess a lot of it comes down to how well these players know each other yeah and I don't know Michael too well but he might my impression is that he doesn't seem like the kind of guy that that goes to that next level and he used you surprised by this call from Tim with the Kings exuded yeah a little bit seems a little loose to me but King yeah the the King in your hand is pretty bad you dominated a lot it's you know I mean it is suited but it that's pretty much the only fuse okay it is Seward I was suited yesterday but yeah it's a big three bet and it's a big blind three bet which you know always a little bit stronger right because obviously they're gonna continue with most the hands of cool exactly yeah it's yeah the big blind it's just you know you you have to make a conscious effort to find the bluffs in the big line because you can always just call you know something I know person I don't do enough I very rarely 3-bit out the big blind so any concern for my reading on this full opera is that it's it's a pretty good one right Jeff nine-nine yeah there shouldn't be too many nines in Tim's range I guess he can have some jacks again we see we've seen a lot of this all day in and the cache can rotate a lot down betting right these guys proceeding with very small bets post flop especially on these Polaroids boards down betting is nothing you turn I don't know if someone told me that yeah I mean this is a little lesson third pot right so I mean the point is was was what 5.3 5.3 that's right here so yeah I mean it's it's small but it's not like outrageously small sure and you know this boards he's gonna bear pretty high frequency I mean it is kind of a good board for the timothy's range you know he's got he's got like a lot more jack X and 9 X right and he has king queen queen turned on hands yeah exactly it's got a lot of continues on this board I imagine he'll fold King six here and you are indeed right so yeah I'm Michael could have got anything smaller that but yeah he bet 1.7 I'm in yeah close close enough to quarter pot there [Music] if I mean if they were to get it all in any combination of these it would leave one pair as an overwhelming she'd leader and the player out as a very as it as a short stack well shorter snack yeah yeah that's right relative will be a so again we're seeing this over off more players at limping from the small with a very strong hand handed game yeah well some players will and in some situations will use a pure limit strategy it is Waldheim which is obviously fine as well you have to do that stuff right when you're playing at this level and maybe against weaker players you can you can be a bit more unbalanced but playing these guys it's level a they're just going to notice when you do stuff right so you have to yeah I mean partially that and also sometimes you know sometimes the situation just calls for calls for limping the shooter if I see em right so Timothy has pounced on it 1.1 million no yeah with the Queen for off I mean this hands you know perfectly fine as a check back it kind of depends on on your opponents limiting strategy but you know I guess I guess Timothy just felt like this was the limo rather nice look there Timothy that's two and a half me in the last pot now Murray's in a race but with Queen four off yeah Michael of course did cool and has flopped middle pair Timothy be slightly wary this board if he knows Michaels nipping a lot of hands Jack nine seven yeah an i7 definitely uh you know a very very wet connected board you know with all the middle cards I mean this board sort of hits every range pretty pretty hard right so the Timothy's raising range as much as Michaels calling range yeah it's his is raising range pot a bit but you know that doesn't mean you can just just go after it because it also hits the calling range by a lot right so when you have such a width as as the Queen for off I think it is it is a good idea to just give up he might he might find a bet on this card he was picked off the gutter and the king is definitely his car yeah I took that's a good card for him to blow up that maybe even hit a straight why not very deliberate these guys they're not they're not wasting time that thinking so many different thoughts of each decision well this is about Timothy actually I mean like sometimes queen-high is gonna be good here you know sometimes and also he needs to think about what he's gonna do on on different River Rivers when he bets right so as we were talking with Marcellus we had an earlier he was saying it's almost like chess these guys that thinking move out to move ahead and even hands in advance if I do this this time what can I do next time it's gonna sell penny has elected to fire a bluff yeah the other thing to think about it's the sizing on this time I mean with such connected board if he has a king he's gonna want a bet pretty big right so so he's just kind of thinking like what you know which hands made sense to to go big with and how big you know like you could conceivably bet like close to full pot here and this was a tough spot for Michael right now Michael does pretty pretty clear check cool here you know with with such a strong hand you know given given that it's gone check Jake and then he's checked again he he's pretty close to the top of his range right okay definitely has to call and now Timothy probably fire through here yeah this is this has to be one of his better Bluff cuts obviously it's hard for him to represent a flush give any checked back the flop right but well yeah except he is checking back flush draws as we saw with the Queen deuce I don't mean a lot of players to check back to flush draw in this spot and you know if he might check back Queen ten sometimes okay not that often but he also represents a lot of two pairs on this run out right you can have behind like King seven or yeah King 79 a Soviet King Jack even could check out the flop although it's unlikely and then you know Ace King and me or maybe even ace Queen Wow yeah there's two x pots this is pretty much like a nut hand to to do this with as well and he has a club or you know not a great one but yeah sure and he has a queen so he blocks like - you know - he blocks the snap calls which is always good you're right okay and all and also Michaels hand if he if he thinks michael has a raising arrangement a small which it which email will do he would put a sign in it right so he's including some to a sees up combos right yeah not too many players are raising ace nine off from the small blind I do it quite a lot but because I'm a fish and yeah we haven't really seen any of them raised a small bone but I mean I haven't seen anything at all right so so this is this literally give given that this is a really strong pound for Michael to have this comes down to whether he thinks Timothy checks back a lot of flush draws on the flop I guess yeah partially that also whether human Jam is to pair here ace king that is right oh I should also fire this as a good board for Timothy to check back asses on the flop just cuz you know where this board is gonna is gonna be really tough to play aces on if you get checked raised okay so if you had red aces you might check back this flop you know so that you can call call unlike most run outs to see a little bit less like whoever micro holds an ace these blocks yeah that's trainee one combo Wow okay so the same applies to Kings as well so yeah sure give four combos of top and second set and yeah they obviously like the flush draws are there as well this is this is a fascinating spot and we haven't really seen anyone get aligned yet huh and this is a this is a huge bet Michael cause I guess he's thinking is pretty much at the top of his range after he checked after he checks the turn he just like doesn't have much better hands than this that's that's crazy Timothy who was our runaway chip leader has just bursted out in the third place running a huge Bluff against Michael Zhang who figured it out made the call so he will leave us in third place with three hundred sixty two thousand five hundred euros for his efforts I know looking at there he looks pretty disappointed and I'm sure at the start the finally he ran up to 20 million straight away he must have been thinking he would do much better than this but you don't think it's he won't feel too bad about that Bluff France he won't feel too bad about his River play does for sure he might be a bit tilted about the fact that he decided to raise the big blind right got himself into the spot B yeah it's very much a it's obviously a very marginal marginal hand to take as a raise there well with that Michael Zhuang from the UK is a huge chip leader I guess two to one ish lead over Mustafa with just four point nine million chips well here we go we can see a lead now sure enough 30 million place 16 million so it is 2 to 1 Timothy confirmed that out in the third place yes Michael's came in as a relatively short stack a little bit less than average didn't get off the best starts at their sore Cup he was bust out and and was the short stack EA had got a three bet Jam through with king queen made a stent fold which looking back and now is a is a pretty good result for him he goes on to win this tlemen we are heads up here in rasa da for the PartyPoker live millions super high roller event I'm here with Michael Zhang otherwise known as Qi you are sitting pretty as a chip leader this is a special moment for you this is actually your first High Roller final table yes it's I mean it's all I ever dreamed up I played these four for the thrill of it and it's it's finally haven't played many but I'm blessed to be here so lovely how are you feeling going into this final table I was feeling fairly good heads up I've had a fairly fortunate final nothing was to add one key flip and was short for the whole time so I wasn't wasn't like I've always been building ships quite but it's looking forward Ted so puds up is probably one my favorite game sir wishing you the very best thanks so much to you thank you much good luck one woman right there and then and a philip i think i think you typically well i mean in my experience you you forget about it pretty quickly to be on this site especially when you're playing heads up like if you're playing full ring and you lose a big part and you got some time to stew you know i think while the players are playing hands you'll just think about it miss you're just can't see in action so yeah you've got to think about the next board you know when I when I played Tony G heads up here we had about I think it was three or four limbs and cause you know for the title and you know before we finally ended it and you know yeah I don't remember you know thinking about it for very long afterwards right see that the mindset of the top pros don't stew so that hand must vote reverted over no variety but continued the limp stretching the button Michael raise it up with 87 next time Michael with a bot McQueen 9mr over the jack for suited 1.1 and we may well see a return to the you know button or raises standard yeah although he's is it's added an extra hundred K then when he was playing against my staffers shorter stack right so just over a min StuffIt xle Michael with second pair was over some chips down this pot yeah pretty good spot for Michael to check back though on this exact board just as loads of stuff going on in your hand this medium is mediocre so you definitely you know this board kind of encourages you to check back quite a lot imagine the stuff will go for a value about here he sounds not good enough to check raise and you know you know but it's definitely good enough to bet for value right of course it doesn't want to check in I don't know the time it's come up for free right yeah yeah exactly you don't really want your opponent to to check back a lot I know as we were saying earlier Michaels term betting frequently turn betting frequency seems a little low to me just you know sample size but as you're alluding to earlier so six million in the pot going to the river Michael obviously has no decision on the turn and another diamond but we were stuffed time he'll just check and and just close his eyes and calls and call if I might words about but I don't think Michael will bear right because my stuff was gonna check all with so many diamonds and and he hit a house showdown value right with his night yeah the nines one of his I mean he's not checking back the flop with a Jack you know very frequently at all so in terms of one pair hands this is like close to the top well he is reaching for chips just so it might be a head and might be behind but I can definitely make some better hands bold move yeah pretty much stuff falling because he lives a big bet that is a big million for showing no signs of slowing down here we go they must offer a Stein suited on the button Michael error falls in the big blind you saw my life graphic there you're now playing 36 bigs effective okay interesting stopper limped Michael Wynn this was saying earlier that a lot of players just have a massive amount of twos threes and fours when they go for the big all ends right I mean it's most upper looking at this thinking Ron really any hands that gonna dominate me does he expect to be jammed on by ace ten plus and now he's turnin ace jack-off specifically might be in this range this is it this is a real decision yeah this is a very tough school and he has he's gone for it so for the second time we are all in in a flip for the title Michael with the chip lead will win if his pocket Falls going to be at the eight nine if not most upper will take a commanding chip lead for the first five minutes heads-up play so it will be pocket falls of Michael looking for his first super high roller title my stuffer looking for pretty about 20th to the flop Queen five seven one Spade Michael feeling pretty stoked my stuff it needs an ether nine running spades or running six eight because there are some two pair counterfeit options yeah five seven pretty gross stuff they're not looking quite as happy as the last time turn ten of diamonds changes nothing missed up a wall needs a hit in a so nine or Michael Zhang will be our super high roller champion well he actually loses two outs you're the because Michael has the diamond you're quite correct you can no longer hit the X or minor diamonds so drawing thin here just the four outs ninety one percent for the title here's the river the Queen of Spades Michael Zhang is all winner of the 50k super high roller here in Rosewood off second place most of the canít a valiant effort good game it was a fantastic game I test it match we saw some pretty a pretty fun poker vehicles three bet on the with a say on the 75 dues flop probably a highlight for me yeah that was nice so he deserved after that thing Michael looking pretty happy like a man who's just won eight hundred thousand euros as he should be there is mister for second place Felipe Ramos will see his good friend who he knocked out and fourth place Michael Zhang winner 800 thousand euros mr. [ __ ] its second for 500 timmy having conferred Tobias Sigler fourth Felipe Ramos fifth Dietrich first six and Patrick Antonius the man himself was art bubble-boy enjoys every bit of it I mean I come to play these moments for the and what better than the 50k I mean tough opponents I just enjoyed every aspect of it I had a short stack for basically most of time I had a few key hands and paddock key double up all the flips with Tobias and then after that had a had a few tough decisions with them with Timothy Jam 2 times the Palm Pre handed I made the call because basically the best hand I had and yeah from there had heads up everything kind of went fairly smoothly I'd say given a dash or slack I mean I think I've doubled my toe ashes and it's by far the biggest is the second based on server blades I've only played a few high rollers I mean - winner which one of my first menses [Music] congratulations to Michael then the biggest win of his career to date you get the impression there's plenty more to come from him plenty more to come from rosanoff that's for sure following the super high roller event we have the main event where the winner is set to take home a cool 1 million euros keep them peeled for more action from the keys Casino rosewood off and we will see you next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: partypokerTV
Views: 100,389
Rating: 4.625731 out of 5
Keywords: poker 2020, millions, partypoker live, party poker live, super high roller, poker, pro poker, poker party, party poker, partypoker, nlh, texas holdem, texas holdem poker, mtt, tournament poker, poker tournaments, poker tournament, poker highlights, highlight, shr, final table, millions germany 2018, Patrick Antonius, Michael Chi Zhang, Felipe Ramos, Timothy Adams, Dietrich Fast, Mustapha Kanit, Tobias Zeigler, Big Tony
Id: nnfFWmiecwU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 86min 33sec (5193 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 29 2020
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