High Wind Tarp Configuration

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all right good morning so I thought we do today is talk about how to set up a tarp in a high wind situation so here's my tarp let's get started okay so the the truck that I'm using is a DD hammocks it's a non at nine by nine three meters by three meters okay so I've set up my tarp here and you can see it's got it all spread out in a in a square now this configuration it's a triangle it's a pyramid configuration so what we're going to do to do is draw together two of the corners and where you draw together the two corners that's where your door is going to be so you want to think about where your door is going to be and start opposite to your door so I'm going to want my door to be right here by the camera so you can see me go in and out so my back wall is going to be that corner there and that corner there so I'm going to start by pegging those out and when you pick it out needs to be really really tight otherwise it it's not it doesn't really work very well okay so I'm going to pull this as tight as I possibly now I've got my back wall staked out now I'm going to do is these two corners here and pull together and and then I've got the bottom staked out and you can move this down so you can see see what I'm doing here okay and 11 a trick is when you're when you're putting stakes in get your loops right down low to the ground almost on the tip tip of the spike or on the tip of the peg and if you do that it stays tight if you bring them up higher on the tent peg here and try and hammer it in it's going to loosen up so keep them right down low and that keeps it tight all the way down okay now that is the tarp stake down that's all it's all you need okay doesn't look like much right now but in a second you'll see what happens now you need some way to bring the tarp up so you could tie it up there there are loops in the center you could you could suspend it from from a branch or something but again we're thinking of a scenario if we're out on Dartmoor we're at a in a field so one thing I almost always carry with me is a walking stick and it's got a nice smooth top you can do this with a regular stick but this is going to be right against the tarp so you want to make sure it's smooth it's not going to puncture a hole ah okay so the poles in there you have it's a it's a tripod configuration and to get in it's this flap right here which you can see can't the it's coming down right there cross right there that's that's the corner of the tent and all you do is you just lift that up and you can walk right inside and what's nice of course is when you're inside or when you're closing it for the day it folds down and so you've got a complete seal there's no way water is going to get inside the tent the only way water can get in is from underneath or running along the ground so of course you have to you have to pick your location very very carefully so to get in just open it up like this step through and once here in all you do just flip this flap over and then it's all sealed up there it is one more thing you want to do which I which I do all the time is actually stake down this point right here which gives you something you can connect this part to so that if it does get windy that's going to stay down low it's not going to flap around let's do that now you guess we've got that stake down now this is what I do when I'm inside to to keep it all tightened up sometimes when I'm camping I like to have a little mini carabiner which I used to clip that together but right now just going to hook it over the peg and you'll see how you can do that from the inside it's really quite easy there it is so we're going to do is actually to go inside you can just take a look and see what the space you've got okay so just go inside just lift that up step inside okay so here we are inside the tent see how I've I just put that right at the center at the top you can see how it's so you see the three sides now because it's a three by three tarp I've got I've got essentially nine feet either side so let's put my my my head down at one end away from the door but as you can see I could just absolutely loads of room in here to put all my gear if I you know if you want to you can actually have two people in here pretty comfortably you know it'll it'll be tight especially switch down by your feet because that's where you know if you imagine one person's along this this other side it's it's it's a tight tight squeeze but two people can comfortably do it but for one person it's absolutely loads of room and as I say you know there's there's no way that rains going to get in here unless it actually kind of runs along the ground underneath which is again that the other thing you want to think about is you can see where I'm absolutely here at pole on one side and I've got the side of the tent here you can stake that down on the hill but close to the ground but one thing to bear in mind is if you're what while you're sleeping you don't want your sleeping bag to kick out underneath because of course then it would it would get wet so a bivy bag is a good idea or you know steak steak these down so that you're not going to accidentally push a corner of your sleeping bag outside the target okay there it is let's do one more glance around the whole thing and then that's that's a high wind situation tarp configuration done okay so here's the view from the from the outside okay so there's the view from the outside there's your tarp completely enclosed and as you can see because it's a perfect it's a perfect pyramid this is super super stable I've had this in really really high winds and absolutely no problem whatsoever if you wanna make it even more stable and give yourself a bit more room just take a rope here just tie that out and that will give you give you a few more inches on the inside which really makes a big difference so I hope you enjoyed that if you learn something so if you need a top configuration where you know it's going to be windy and it's going to be rainy and you want to stay snug and dry that's that's what you should use I've used it many many times and it's never done me wrong it's a great setup it's very very stable very very secure and and takes only a few minutes to setup you can actually do it while it's raining and actually keep your gear drive underneath it if you wanted to so thanks for watching and see you in the next one enjoy the outdoors
Channel: Wilderness Scoutcraft
Views: 140,590
Rating: 4.8946576 out of 5
Keywords: Scouting (Club Interest), Scoutcraft, Scout Skills, Camping, Bushcraft, Survival
Id: -squTd0TCXI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 18sec (738 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 16 2015
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