High Voltage Without DC Power Supply II

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okay so we've got the sauce boxes we have a little holster this is the one standard motor that was running that I have on the other video with the output rental tool is there will be some high poles and we're running it with the winter and we help Mandie oh I always wanted to do this okay I have here the same parts that I use for the video on Bedini high voltage without a DC power supply how does it look and I just said this that I feel too silly with so here's the same motor that I used on the high voltage video and I'm going to run it for well on this window motor I was using a dremel before if you remember on the video this way will keep some constant RPMs on the motor and I'll take some measurements from it and we'll look at how it operates as a generator and the purpose of the video is that somewhere down the line I hope to clear things up a little bit the the other video was really confusing and I apologize for that so on this one we'll just go over some of that material again if you don't mind watching and waiting and going through a long video but we'll look at the window motor running the standard motor as a generator and we'll look at the difference of running the Bedini SSG circuit or simplified schoolgirl circuit from a pulse circuit as opposed to a mechanical oscillator circuit and I hope to clear things up as to whether this is a motor a generator or mechanical oscillator maybe by the time we're finished you will say you can call it any of the three so let me get some things ready and and we'll get started well first of all we'll start looking at the components I'll try to explain them a little bit so that those who aren't familiar with the Bedini patents are or his little circuits and what intents intended them to do we'll understand a little bit better so let make us something ready and we'll talk about it so here's what we have a little closer this is the one standard motor that we're running on the other video with the dremel tool this time we're running it with the window motor the power for the window motor is 12 volts from the lambda power supply and we're using the Bedini full wave bipolar circuit to run the window motor although I'm only using one trigger there for half the circuit we have the Bedini SSG circuit over here and if you remember right we've we hooked this motor generator oscillator whatever to that circuit and ran high voltage spikes off the circuit and coils while turning this mechanically as opposed to having a battery plugged into the SSG circuit which would have been over here so we're going to go back to that experiment later but let me talk about the motors a little bit first this is what these motors look like if you pull them off on office machine or if you order them online you can find these online if you type in a search for printer motors or office machine motors printer drive motors printer mains motors anything like that and you'll find these motors I've I've seen this Louis Ford so what they have is a typical sort of an out runner like you see on a model airplane motor they usually have a some drive circuitry on them these chips happen to be a NPN and PNP Fe T driver circuit and there's usually some other components on there but anyhow these are let's see here let me go back to something else when you start to take them apart you you get something that looks like this a stat ER a little casting here that holds bearings and you can see that you almost already have a motor mount on there I like these green ones because they have thin legs and you can wind a lot of wire around them as you can see the magnets for these are a like a solid ring magnet around here and they're actually eight poles to North I mean for north and for South if you measure them so it's an eight eight pole brushless motor and the way these motors actually work is there's some Hall effect sensors on the board's underneath the magnets so they allow the motor to run in this three phase operation if you look at the way the coils are while they're on a typical a typical three-phase configuration you take one of these apart store one hand but this is what the windings look like on the stock motor you can see under here somewhere there's there's some fault Hall effect sensors if you can see one under there or not I think you can but there is there's three looking at the back of the board we can see the three beginning of the phases this is this would be the beginning winding of each of three phases and over here we can see that the each end of the three phases there is tied together so that indicates that this motor is in a Y or star configuration and so it will run as a three-phase motor if you can figure out a way to do it now you can do that with a regular RC brushless motor control so if you take those three wires attach them to those three phases get yourself a little servo tester here to run the speed control you can run this as a brushless motor the way you would our model airplane motor and I'm going to make a video about that at some other time so I don't want to go into that too much I'll pick some other motor and try to make something useful there's there's some other things you can do with these motors here I've actually taken made some connections to the Hall effect sensors that are under the rotor so what I did is actually use the Hall effect sensor along with the job at the Indy circuit and ran the motor that way so there's a lot of things you can experiment with motors come in a lot of different sizes shapes forms there's some pretty good sized ones that's a big end and some of them even have gear boxes on them now what I usually do is melt this soft ring magnet off of here and replace it with something that looks more like this and from there we're going to go on to trying out one of these motors and see what we have so we'll get this running and hooked up in and talk about that I want to explain what started this whole experiment at one time there was a lot of people on the forums taking these fans apart or buying a kit and rewinding this theater in here to work with the SSG circuit or a modified circuit of that and they were making their their little Energizer's or chargers or pulse motors this way so I thought I'd try it but the first thing I did was lose the bearing in the center so I wasn't going to pick up another fan so what I did was I had these other things so I took one of these larger standard motors and I wound for the legs similar to fan motor and that worked so I thought well I sure would like to see if I could do with all the legs so that's how they started I decided that I was going to do whatever I could to get one of these status to work with all 12 legs wound and the way I did that was the way I explained with a trigger circuit and then the power coils so start this all off by I wanted to make a modified version of this and actually see if I could make a motor that would run from this little Bedini energizer circuit or a pulse circuit and so let's hook something up here and we'll take a look at it okay so we've got the power supply set on 12 volts going into the SSG circuit I have a bull ball poked up to the output is there will be some high voltage and let's spin er up all right so there you go it's running up around somewhere between three and four thousand rpms and it's pretty cool I mean so the motor works its weak but don't forget it's got those little bitty magnets in there and you could replace that with big ones and actually get some power off of it I may do that somewhere down the line you can see we've got some high voltage coming off of that and if I can get a little pinch off of this but it's wimpy so that part of it was a success and you know that's what started the whole thing finding out that the circuit can be activated mechanically rather than with this power supply hooked up was was an accident and I just wanted to show it to my friends on the Internet so there you go I think this is cool this is a brushless motor running off of the simplest circuit one transistor circuit so putting all else aside this is worthwhile just in itself as far as I'm concerned you can have a lot of fun with that so let's go onto some of the other tests though okay I'm going to try to take care of as many things as I can with this video before I use the scope for the next part of this project this is for the guy who insisted for days that my videos were no good because I haven't showed that my scope is calibrated so you'll see the probe here is on x 1 the divisions are set at 1 volt per division and the probe is hooked up to the standard and so you can clearly see that there's one point one volt per division and a good square wave so so much for that I'll hook this up and we'll do the motor test at this point I've hooked the scope up to the windings that are on the ten legs of the stat er which is my largest windings and we have the window motor turning the Stata motor-generator oscillator at 1000 rpms I've adjusted to 13-point 914 boils over to the scope and look at the pattern coming off of the motor right now and I have the divisions set to 5 volts per division you can see that so we're getting about 8 volts plus an 8 volts - or 16 volts peak to be peak AC it's not outstanding it's it's kind of a small voltage but remember this stat are here and the rotor they're equipped with those little bitty tiny magnets and my goal wasn't to make a strong generator it had nothing to do with the experiment it's doing just exactly what I expected I'll show you a little bit more about this DC current in a second or actually the AC I'm going to rectify it and we'll take a look at it moving on I've hooked a little bitty full wave bridge rectifier up to the motor and hook the scope to the other side of that and you get just exactly what you'd expect now everything is on the positive side and so I've got a pulsating DC current it's about 8 volts now if I rectify that I mean if I filter it with a capacitor which I'll try to do with one hand I'll just hold the capacitor across the output from the full wave as you can see the trace goes up to about seven volts and it's smooth if I disconnect you can see what happens so there you see the pulsating DC being filtered eight volts now do you think this 8 volts will charge a 12 volt battery not and it's a far cry from 402 isn't it so so much for the concept that oh you can get high voltage anytime you spin a DC motor spin it and the voltage comes pouring out the other side not quite now when it's running like a conventional mode of generator like this is you can see what it can do with this rpm so now we're going to hook it up to the other circuit all right so far what we have in this video is something that I let's do dumb to explain or the other one or didn't have enough time in a 10 minute video is we can take a salvaged office printer or copier machine motor and turn it into a motor it can be a three-phase motor running from a three phase circuit of any kind even a model airplane brushless speed control it can be modified the clothes can be modified on it to run from a pulse circuit the motor also can be used as a standard generator even though this is a weak one for a special purpose it could be a generator so now it's time to go on and explain the Bedini SSG circuit as best I can I'm not an expert but let's have a look at it and it'll help explain things a little bit this is the SSG circuit it was originally named the simplified schoolgirl circuit because it was introduced in a science project and I think a young girl ran a crank generator or bell generator of some kind as a motor for the length of the project on a 9-volt battery something like that I think they were probably charging something else as it was going Cirque is very simple and inexpensive it has one transistor and a few resistors diodes of a little high voltage neon bulb there and and a little potentiometer for making adjustments to the circuit now people are using this circuit successfully to charge batteries let's put aside the radiant energy and everything for for a minute because I have no way to prove whether this particular device is running and successful because of radiant energy or not I can't measure it I can't say it does I can't prove it one way or the other and I'm not here to try to but I can show you that it will charge the battery just the way it is first of all I've left the power supply at thirteen point nine volts where it was to run the other setup because I don't want to change it and I've hooked the scope up to the output of the SSG circuit and it will run as a motor it will take off again but let me show you something nothing is going on when I rotate this at the speed now if I go a little faster you can see this neon bulb flashing which has the capability of blowing out my transistor but do you think this generator which is exact or this motor this which is a almost identical to this one is putting out that high voltage because it's a standard generator I don't think so same small magnets that you've seen before and you can see it takes 90 volts to light that in the end bulb now the scope over here is has the probe set to times 10 which is in this back position by my thumbnail I'm on 5 volts per division which means time stand every then you see a division high is actually 50 volts so when I give this these little pops you can see the trace jumping up there you know that's probably several hundred volts so this is sort of the standard operation of this circuit and some sort of an oscillator now this is the third part of this setup is the reason for the small magnets is I don't need to make a lot of voltage and current I only need to make enough from this little trigger coil the fire of this transistor which drives the bigger coils in here and gets the motor into rotation as it rotates its becomes an oscillator and the coils are turned on and off and pulsed with whatever current you have and voltage coming into the circuit so if I spin this up it's going to run it'll charge something I'll do that nine volts I'll switch it back to where it was before we go on with the other experiments what I need to be able to show you is that we can charge the 12-volt battery with less faults like a nine volt input to this SSG circuit so let me just go back and show you that still if I pop this the high voltage is coming through even at nine volts and you can see it popping up there on the scope at least I hope you can so I'm going to hook the battery up and we'll take a look at it from there I have this 12 volt battery and you see it's plug into the output of the SSG circuit and over here have the clips for the voltmeter on the battery it's a twelve point five five one six so let's start this thing up and see if this eight volts or nine volts can actually charge this battery so there you see the battery going up of course the circuit this circuit here is not tuned there's a spots what they call a sweet spot in these circuits where you can get an adjustment that's really gets the charge to accelerate so anyhow you can see it's a it's not killer but it's charging but it's a big battery for this little circuit I've used this to charge alkaline batteries 9 volts and little ones and other small lead acid batteries I'm not really into this because I don't have a big use for let acid batteries I'm a fan of lipo technology but anyhow let's see what's really charging that I'm going to go back to the scope again I'll unplug this and hook the scope up I'm still at 9 volts powering the SSG circuit and I'm hooked back up to the scope again so I'm going to start this up and you can see the neon light is glowing solid here and the sloped trace is glowing hi I'm probably going to sacrifice this transistor for the sake of this experiment but it'll be worth it so anyhow you can see the trace is actually completely off the screen so that would have to be over 400 volts right now and yeah sure everybody knows that there's no power behind this there's no current and it's not meant to have current it's just meant to have this high voltage and it's good for charging lead-acid batteries that will recondition them and charge them change chemistry a little bit so they charge fast and this can all be done without saying a word about overunity a free energy a radiant energy it's just something that works people are using it and and they're having a lot of fun with it so let's go on to another part of the experiment all right now we're going to get into some of this really highly technical stuff this is going to be about the 555 timer circuit which has been around since the caveman days of solid-state electronics this is a little 555 chip here and it's in a circuit that's known as a motor control circuit or a pwm circuit pulse width modulation and what happens here is if you're controlling a motor you can change the speed by changing the pulse width so if you're looking at the scope here if I turn the pot you can see the square wave on the top getting bigger or smaller and when it gets bigger it's turning your mode around for a longer time or your light bulb or whatever and controls the speed or the potential that way as opposed to changing the voltage which has a different effect on your motor it certainly doesn't run as strong so if you look at what I'm doing here if I turn this down I have this little light bulb here which is dim and if I turn it up as the pulse width changes the bulb gets brighter but there is a pulse and you can change the rate of the pulse by changing capacitors and stuff like that so what we're going to do is rather than spinning this standard motor here which created a pulse that was running this originally I'm going to put the pulse from the solid state into this circuit just to show you that this circuit is meant to run on a pulse won't run on anything else so let me get that hooked up and we'll take a look here's what I've done I've taken the output from this PWM or timer circuit I've actually added a little MOSFET or Fe T transistor here which bolsters the signal up a little bit and I'm putting it into the SSG circuit where the trigger from this oscillator was originally I still have the coil part of the motor oscillator generator plugged in to where it should be in the SSG circuit I have the power supply off which I'm going to turn on now hey what ho you can see that this does the same thing that the oscillator did so right now I want to call this an oscillator there's no trigger in there now so it won't it won't run it'll probably just do that and stop because the steady legs are energizing on and off and there's some magnetism and eddy currents and stuff going on there different thing to talk about but anyhow so the scope is hooked up to the square wave circuit right now and you can see that changing the pulse width has some different effects on how the circuit where it works and if you think this won't charge it'll charge or this is probably what I find to be one of them one of the best ways to charge me I can hook that up for a second we'll take a look I hooked the battery back up to the output of the SSG and I have the meter hooked up to the battery again and we're at twelve point five six three two whatever and I'll turn on the power supply which is still set at nine volts yeah sure just what I expected and once again so you're charging 12 volt battery with nine point three volts Nucor settle continue to go up so so much for that now you can see that the beginning circuit works from pulses and it's capable of charging larger size batteries with less input than the battery itself and I'm not saying that there's more coming out in little-endian it's just simple pulse circuitry and there's nothing unusual about that at all as far as I'm concerned this is something that works let's move on before we go on to more boring stuff let's take a look at another oscillator of a kind I mean this is something that probably the younger guys haven't seen before but I have a few of these this is a old forward ignition coil and on the end of it is a mechanical oscillator so what happens is this oscillator vibrates back and forth as the core moves a little Reed and set a contact so on and off and of course when it oscillates that it goes across the another coil in there that has an awful lot of turns and you get some high voltage so let's take a look at that so here you can see the oscillator running cool and on the popular the high voltage terminals and see if I can do this well I get next time I ask so much so you love getting there in a way this isn't a lot different than what's going on over here a little more control over here a little bit different but there you have an oscillator opening and closing a coil that produces high voltage here you have an oscillator it goes into the circuit the circuit turns the coils on and off is just a more sophisticated way of doing it but this is mechanical and that's mechanical so at some point in time this can be called a mechanical oscillator at least I'll call it that so let's go on with with testing this out now we're back to where I started on the other video where I have the little stouter device hooked up then that's better standard device hooked up to the SSG circuit and on the circuit I have the oscilloscope hooked up to the output and on the input I have this little capacitor rather than a DC power supply or DC battery or anything else like that that's normally recovery cry required to run this circuit and have high voltage come off so once again I'm back here at 14 volts the motor will spin at a thousand rpms so there we go and you can see the neon bulb starting to light up let's look at the scope yeah we're we're on times 10 once again whoops I'm on two let's go to five volts per centimeter and I'll turn this other light off so we can see better but at any rate I think you can see there that the spikes are a typical H H wave like people are looking for on these Energizer's or Bedini circuits and the high voltage spikes are way up there as at C 50 100 200 300 about 350 volts while this is turning at a thousand rpms alright so will that charge no let's take a look okay I've disconnected the scope from the output of the SSG circuit and I plugged another battery in and let's see what we're doing here we're measuring twelve twelve point three one two one and the standard device on this board is disconnected and we're going to run the other smaller device which is as the same windings with the motor this motor the circuit board the voltage coming into it has nothing to do with what's going on here this is simply now being supplied from anything that comes from the turning of this tattered device so let's get her going and see see what happens well I turn it on so here we go and let's go to the battery voltage all right it's pretty slow but it is going up you can see I hope this other battery up here this this one is sort of depleted and maybe it'll give a better example of of charging without this input being hooked up to a battery or power supply so let's get started here and we'll look at this battery and you can see it'll it'll charge after you doing a pretty nice job so anyhow you get the idea there you can see this is hooked up to the meter to the output of the SSG and there's nothing on the input of the SSG except for this capacitor which is being sort of back charge remember this is an input so this is working without this being charged up ahead of time let's just somehow feeds back through the circuit and that's what I wanted to show my friends and everything that kind of carried away on the other video and I apologize once again for being so confusing you turn this mechanical device here into something that's going to charge faster I will take each of the ten coils and put a transistor on each coil probably change some windings and it would probably work better but I don't know if I want to go through the trouble I'm not that interested in charging lead-acid batteries nevertheless it wasn't meant to work this was just something that I found out by accident so here's what the video was really about besides the the testing of the the standard devices was to show the people that I know on the forums that this circuit can actually be activated without battery plugged into the input of the circuit and what this supports is some of the theory that there's some potential coming back through the circuit from the coils that helps and reenergize the battery or makes the the whole set up while it's running a little bit more efficient how it's doing it I'm not sure you know I have some ideas that it has something to do with the different phasing of the the coils I think one pulse probably runs the motor and I think the other pulse in between the motor pulses somehow gets back to the battery and charges it and it's the same thing that's doing here it's charging the silica pastured or as it runs so the capacitor takes the place of the battery but you know I thought it was significant enough to show to my friends we're going to take one quick look at while this is running and producing something that may or may not be usable I think that you'd have to work on it a little bit to actually turn this into some kind of a real life application where you maybe spend this with a windmill or something else but anyhow let's take a look at why this is is running hold on a minute I've hooked something up here so I hook a meter up to the capacitor here and you can see the capacitor is almost 4 volts so what's happening is yeah part of this is working as a generator right now and the very basic term or sense of the word so it has 4 volts coming back and strangely enough it's coming back through the input and so that's how we're charging up that capacitor and basically then the whole circuit I imagine is working at 4 volts which isn't an awful lot to get anything out of recharging but remember it was an accident I found that out and now that I know it you know maybe I'd rewind this stat or two produce more voltage coming in and there be more voltage coming out and I don't know if it's worth it or not so anyhow you may have a better idea now of what the first movie was about and what some of the parts of the circuitry are doing and hey you know let's call it anything like Waller if you want to call it a motor it's a motor you want to call it a generator it's a generator if you want to call it an energizer it's an energizer whatever but okay so there you have it I hope that this video cleared things up a little bit and be glad to talk about any part of it that you like let me just tell you one thing here these circuits the full wave circuit the SSG circuit you can find anywhere on YouTube there's hundreds of people that that have used them and there they have the the drawings of the circuit and you know I can't post drawings on on my site because I'm a YouTube partner and I have to have permission from the the people like John Bedini and I don't think I'm ever going to get that so I'm leaving the the drawings off but you can find them anywhere just type in SSG circuit or bipolar sequential bipolar Bedini coal Wendell motor circuit any of that stuff will get you there these stata motors you can find on eBay just type in printer mains motor or printer drive motor and you'll find some of those so there you have it how about you RAM you got anything to add besides snoring I know there's probably a lot of people out there snoring right now okay everybody thanks a lot for looking and we'll see you the next time another video comes along take care
Channel: DadHav
Views: 2,312,993
Rating: 4.6275277 out of 5
Keywords: High voltage, Stator Motor, SSG, Mechanical oscillator, Window motor, Over unity experiment, Over unity, Free energy experiment, Free energy, SSG circuit, Sequential bipolar circuit, Half wave circuit, Motor generator, Pulse charger, Pulse circuit, Pulse motor, DadHav
Id: vOldJUHhjnc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 36sec (2496 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 24 2011
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