High Rise - Playthrough & Review

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hi everyone my name is monique and i'm naveen from before you play and today we are going to be doing a playthrough of high-rise yeah this one's designed by gil hova it's published by formal ferret games plays one to four players in about 90 to 120 minutes uh it is a pretty dense game so we're gonna do it it's actually not that dense pretty straightforward as you'll see in a minute but you may be familiar with gilhova from the networks because also the designer of the networks this is a totally different game it was on kickstarter last year 2019 and it was uh distributed to kickstarter backers this year in march and so this week actually they're going to have another kickstarter for a second basically a second printing of this game with diluxified pieces yeah so i believe it's called the ultra plastic kickstarter and it makes sense because there's a piece in this that's called ultra plastic but basically they're going to be making the buildings plastic and there's also going to be a host of new tenants and stuff like that so we will make sure to include a link to the kickstarter down below so that you can check it out for more information so today we are going to do a full two player playthrough we're going to finish it off with a review but before we get started if you guys can do some big favor turn on your klingon subtitles just in case we make any mistakes we can correct them there and also if you like videos like this please consider subscribing all right so without further ado we're gonna get started so if you please direct your attention to the center of the table we are all set up for our two-player playthrough of high-rise this is our gigantic city it's pretty wide so this is a very a unique game board because it is very wide just like you mentioned yes but just so we can kind of show you around this city is divided into several different neighborhoods it might not be apparent just from the first glance top down view but we have here east gardens you can kind of see the the color differentiation we have the harbor side over here different neighborhoods yeah the different different neighborhoods we have downtown we have bayside heights and the city center right in the middle up here we have the blueprints that are going to tell us how to make our high rises and we each also have our uh construction yards construction yards yes exactly and so if you haven't noticed the theme of this game is we are trying to build high-rises all over the city and we're doing so over the course of 30 years in the standard full game now this city is also notorious for not being the most innocent there's a lot of corruption yes going on all over the place and so we are going to be trying to balance these things and balance our corruption levels as well before it gets the best of us yeah the game has different modes of play in higher player accounts you can play just two rounds because we are a two-player game it is recommended that you always play the standard game which is full three rounds and so that is what we are going to do today so i know that there are a lot of components but the gameplay is actually pretty simple basically what happens is each round is going to constitute 10 years so we're going to start in 2010 and the game is going to end at the end of 2030. yes and so each round we're going to have a new blueprint set out that's going to tell us the formula for constructing these high rises it's basically going to tell us which materials we need in order to construct a certain high rise so for example this high rise here needs one light blue piece a gray piece and a black piece that's just one example these blueprints are going to change from round to round but we can always see the blueprint that is for our current round as well as the one for the next round so if you look at the board the board is actually one big rondelle we all start to round with our pieces in this area here and so this is one of those games where whoever is furthest behind is the person who's going to go next and so on your turn you're going to take your piece and you're going to move as far as you want as long as you are in the next group of actions so these are all the different groups of action spaces they're basically these areas that are all lumped together so these are separate groups suffer group separate group etc so for example red may choose to go in this spot right here and then whatever spot you land on you do whatever it says there are action spots that sometimes have two different things going on and so in this example he would be able to take a red construction piece from the bag and optionally he can take another random construction piece from the bag in regards to movement you're allowed to move as far as you want as long as you're moving always to the next group of actions naveen wouldn't be able to take this spot next because it's still in the same group of actions on that note if we are run into a situation where we have several pieces that are kind of further out if you're familiar with these types of rondelle games that may make it so that one person can take several turns in a row right so like if black goes here and then goes here next just for example i just realized this is blue by the way and so there are two main types of action spaces there are the built-in action spots that are built into the board and then there are the ones that have tenant tiles that look like this these are highly variable this is just a setup that we ended up having for this game but there are plenty more in the box completely random and so these action spots never change so they're always going to do things like giving you materials and allowing you to construct buildings anytime you see that kind of yellow and black hook that is the construction symbol that allows you to construct the high-rise these tenant tiles on the other hand will usually do one of two things they will either give you a unique action that you can do when you land on it or they correspond to a specific kind of power card that you are then allowed to take and these power cards can be used in different ways depending on what it says some of them are one time use some of them you can use once per round it all just depends on the power card and we're not going to go over each of these tenant tiles because we are going to do playthrough of the game so we'll save that for when we actually play the game yeah that makes sense the last thing you may notice is there are these spots here in between kind of in between the neighborhoods as soon as you hop over any of these spots to go into the next neighborhood you're going to choose one of these it's a bonus basically you get to choose one of these stacks to take for yourself in a two-player game it works a little bit differently but we'll talk about all the two player exceptions at the end as well okay so how do we build high rises when you take materials you are going to take them and put them into your construction yard your construction yard can only hold seven yep seven seven pieces if ever you have to take an extra piece that does not fit on this yard then you either have to discard down in order to maintain that max or you can get an expanded construction yard which are these and that's always an option for you if ever you have to take materials that you cannot store and so the expanded construction yard just gives you five extra spaces to hold pieces more stuff yep the only problem is they cost corruption now we haven't spoken too much about corruption yet but it is a big part of the game and this is one way that you earn corruption it's not a good thing but it's a sometimes a really necessary thing it's a necessary evil it's necessary evil in order for you to get sweetened actions and so for these expanded construction yards it's going to gain you corruption depending on the year or the basically the round that you take the yard in so if you take it in the first round you gain three correct corruption quite a bit in the second round it's two corruption in the very last round it's one corruption there you go but that is how that works anytime you land on a space like i was mentioning with that construction symbol on it you are allowed to build one high-rise now let's say i take my blue piece over here and i go all the way over here and now i get to construct a high-rise so let's take a look at this blueprint i would like to construct a high rise with the pieces that i have on my construction yard which means i can construct a couple of these i'm gonna start with the one on the left most all i need to do is literally turn in back to the bag a pink and a purple construction piece which i have right here and so turning these in will allow me to construct a high-rise that is two stories tall so if you look over here the game actually comes with a ton of these different uh high-rise buildings we don't have them laid out on the table because there are a lot of them yeah but they pretty much range anywhere from like a two-story building up to 13 i believe we could maybe bigger yeah i don't remember off the top ahead which means there are a lot of ways for you to gain higher numbers of floors high rises high rises because right now we are only building a two-story high-rise by turning these in if you are the first person to build that type of high-rise during the round you get to add an additional floor to that building so this is not going to be a two-story it's actually going to be a three-story high-rise for me and so what i would do is i would put this on a stand one of my stands here that i have and i get to place it in any basically any of the neighborhoods on the board now the different spaces that allow you to construct they have a kind of like a favorite neighborhood or preferred neighborhood where they would want you to build the high rise right this space wants me to build high rises in east gardens which is all here and these are the spots right here and so if i do not build my high rise in east gardens if i build it say in the harbor side then i actually have to gain a corruption and that's how all of these different construction zones work but i want to build my building in east gardens so i'm going to say put it here i would get points equal to however tall my building is so i would get three points on the scoreboard and then if you'd notice there are these dashed lines attaching the building areas to the tenant tiles whichever spot i put it in i get to take the action of whatever tenant tile it's connected to so in this example if i were to put this here this tenant tile allows me to take the this retail space card if available and there are four of them per stack and so i get to just do whatever the benefit of that card is whatever it says i'm about to use it that holds true for all of these spaces wherever you build a building you get to take the action of the corresponding tenant tile now from now on since i have a building here whenever somebody lands on this tenant tile i get to take a random material from the bag if i am the one who lands on my own tenant tile i can still take a material from the bag but i gain a corruption because i am embezzling yes yeah you're doing it for yourself i'm doing it for myself which is not you know the cleanest thing to do there are other ways to gain extra floors and one of the main ways to do it is by using this wonderful piece of material called ultra plastic so ultra plastic is the friendliest material out there because you can exchange ultra plastic for any of the floors it's a wild piece and also if you notice some of the blueprints do require ultra plastic as a part of the as a part of the building the reverse is also true you can use any building piece in place of that ultra plastic part but if you do not exchange it for a different piece and you actually turn in an ultra plastic piece for that top right there it adds an additional floor to your high rise so if i were to go on a future turn and construct another building say over here and i have all the materials to construct this building right here i'm the first person to do it so i would turn in my blue gray pink and my ultra plastic back to the supply i actually get to build a one two three four five six story high rise and i would put it somewhere in harbor side i suppose yep and so that's basically how that works that is basically the entire game actually yes uh the city center is not attached to any of the construction zones so anytime you put a building here it's always going to earn new corruption and like they've been mentioned any of these spots that have the briefcase it's usually like an additional type of action that you can do when landing there yeah those briefcases are literally gain of corruption yes and there are some areas that allow you to lose corruption so that would look like this anything that has a the suitcase that has a red slash through it means you lose corruption those are nice spots once you get all the way around the board to the very end here you're going to choose one of these spots depending on the order that you arrive at the end and everybody has to stop here this is required it's a must these spots will allow you to lose a certain amount of corruption and do like one final build for the round and those are the building action is optional it's and or yeah and at the very end of the round we are going to score points for having the tallest building in each of the neighborhoods and across the entire city yes so in the first round it's going to be one point for the tallest building in each neighborhood you score differently and in over across the board it's the same kind of scoring parameters and in this game ties are ultra friendly super friendly super friendly which means if both of us have say this the tallest uh three-story building we'll both get one point but also if i have several buildings that are all the same height and they're all tallest i'm gonna get i'm gonna get one point per building so uh just keep that in mind in the second round it's two points for the tallest one point for the second tallest two one zero and then the third round is three two one right and then we adjust the corruption board so at the end of the round in higher player accounts it's whoever has the least amount of victory points gets to lose two corruption and then the second fewest gets to lose one corruption and then whoever has the most corruption in the round has to actually flip over one of their power cards yeah that's right whichever one you want and you won't be able to use it at all next round uh in a two-player game this is done a little bit differently but we'll talk about all the two player changes in a second at the end of the game after the final scoring for the third round then you're going to do a little bit more scoring yeah it's going to be one point for every three of these pieces that you have left over in your yard and then you're going to lose points equal to wherever you are on the corruption track yeah so this corruption track can go all the way to 40. if you ever have to gain more corruption than that you automatically lose 40 points and you restart your corruption yes it can be very painful so and if you notice the corruption does not go in a linear fashion uh you'll see numbers go from seven to nine sometimes they'll go kind of a different range yes so you have to be very very careful of that and the very very last thing is whoever has the most corruption loses three points second most loses one point so a two player game it's just a net two yeah so that is the entire game basically um there's a lot of these tenant titles that we didn't go over but like we mentioned it is highly variable depending on the game that you play so we will talk about them before we actually start our playthrough but one last thing we just want to note is the two player game so in the two player game we use a third neutral mogul and in our playthrough it's going to be denoted by the yellow yellow player pieces and so the way that the neutral mogul works is we're actually going to be passing back and forth control of this player it's going to start with whoever is going to go second which in this case is me because it's dependent on your player map when it's your turn to move the neutral mogul then you're going to choose to either block or move with it and so if you choose to block you would take the neutral mogul and you would put it in the first available spot of the zone that's in front of the lead player so you're basically blocking that spot from them going to it and then you would pass on the neutral mogul to your opponent opponent and instead if you choose to move then you can put the neutral mogul in any legal spot that's in its current neighborhood or the neighborhood after and you get to basically take that action it's like you're it's like you are this person right but the downside is you must gain a corruption for doing that it's not free because it's still uh evil i guess to take that extra spot and that is pretty much how the neutral mogul works and in a two-player game when hopping over these bonus spots if you're the first person to hop over it you get to take one whole stack and then you empty the second stack so your opponent doesn't get to take that second stack i suppose wow and that is pretty much the difference in two-player game the only other thing is some of the scoring works a little bit differently but we'll probably just talk about that during the play-through so that is everything we are going to get started so we're gonna clean up a little bit and then we're going to get started now that was a basic gist of how the game is played we did we did uh leave out a couple things mainly uh you could still build if there's no space to build you can choose to build in suburbs and if you do that you just don't get to place a high-rise piece on the board you'll score the points for the value of the height of the building you just won't have that tenant action that's going on and you won't be eligible for like tallest building right you can also choose to demolish buildings if everything if all the spaces in a neighborhood are full as long as your building is taller by at least one floor then the smallest building and so whoever's building is demolished gets to take floors from the bag and so you can technically demolish your own small building so those are just like a few little rules here that we didn't fully describe but we are going to get started our return order has already been decided for us because we randomly distributed these player boards yeah and so naveen is player number one i am player number two but i get to start by controlling the neutral mogul all right so naveen is playing as red i am playing as blue and the neutral player is yellow where would you like to go okay oh this is hidden you don't want to hide that there are two benefits when you cross over there as well as this spot yes right that's it that's it okay i'm gonna go here i'll take the first spot here so i'm gonna get a red um resource and then i have the option of taking a random resource from the bag if i do i'll take corruption uh i'm gonna do it i'm gonna take corruption you're gonna do it i'm gonna get corrupted real early already i'll take one corruption i'll go here and take a random from the bag hopefully it's something you're dirty so early okay that's a gray perfect all right that's good start working on something because now look this is our blueprint here that we're working with yeah so this has red and gray involved this is also red and gray involved there so we got some stuff your turn okay i am going to i'm going to go here i'm going to take that ultra plastic piece and i'm also thank you i'm also going to gain a corruption so this spot is for an ultra plastic and optionally another random tile from the bag but i have to gain corruption which i did so hopefully that was worth it as well i figured if you're being dirty we can do it together yeah purple purple i don't know is that helpful i guess helpful yeah yeah it is helpful any material right now is helpful so now you are the one in control because you have this so where would you like so i can move the neutral mogul to block to block or to actually move let's see if i were to block i would have to put it on the actual firm what does the actuary firm do if you it says if you construct an exact version of a blueprint you gain one extra floor wow and looks like that's like once per once for a round then you can use that so that's for blocking uh if you block you take no corruption that's just the end of it and nobody can go there um and then you can also move and take it as an action and take corruption i want to take that much corruption this early i'm going to i'm going to move i'm going to block okay so i'm moving the digital mogul to that spot now neither of us can go there right which is fine because naveen would have beat me there we'll be controlling it now because the mogul jumped over these bonus tiles that does not affect the bonus tiles yes neutral locals never take bonuses yes uh but i will take away which means i'm not gonna get one so i'm gonna go here and then let's see so we have retail space let's take a look at these so my options if i want to go into one of these two spots is i can take retail space or insurance company over here so retail spaces after you draw from someone using your tenant i get to choose uh any one resource so it basically means if i have a building out and somebody else comes in and places a their piece and uses that action on that spot um then as a benefit i get to take a resource right as a benefit he gets to draw a random material from the back that is just part of the base rules but if i have this a retail space then after i draw from the bag i can then go back and take any type of resource that i want yeah it's choosing additional one but that's not that's like once per it's once per yeah just like all these cards are um so and the other one's insurance company an insurance company is a one-time use card and it says after you lose corruption you get to draw two random materials from the bag so uh you know i'm gonna go for this i'm gonna go for that insurance one so i'm gonna take this spot right here so i take one of these cards uh this in the top right corner denotes how many times you can use it this is a one-time use anything you see with a little green like kind of uh sideways arrow that is every round you can use it once okay so this comes to me right there and if naveen were to have several of these it's quite possible for him to use several of them in one action the only problem is he would gain corruption for each additional instance of the card that he used in that one swing exactly so now it's me oh you passed over that so technically the order is he's supposed to resolve the bonus first right so we'll take these two okay and so this is out yeah there you go okay keep these separate so i think it would make a lot of sense for me to now go here and get a retail space so i get one of these cards to use for later i'm just gonna put it here okay and now it's the neutral mogul's turn my turn so what are you going to do with the neutral mogul um okay so i'm going to move so because i'm moving uh the rules are i can be i can move any space in the same or the next neighborhood which is within east gardens or harbor side or with that harbor yeah but first you have to gain corrections you have to gain corruption so i will go up one and i'm going to take this guy and move them all the way over here wow and that is not this one right no that's this yeah so it's just research firm gain one ultra plastic yep so i gained ultra plastic is it worth the corruption i don't know we'll see oh my gosh i see what you're doing here i see what you're doing here yep i'm going to go oh so i get the neutral you do get the increment okay so i'm actually just going to go straight over here and try to rush in a build okay so because if you notice there are only two build spots here and the very first one does not require you to take corruption so now if naveen were to want to build you have to get into corruption to do so that's true i didn't want to risk that and i only have two pieces on my board which means i can only build the one thing so i'm going to build this high rise i am doing purple for that top floor and i'm substituting my ultra plastic piece for that uh wild the pink floor so this is going to be a three-story high-rise because it's one two and one for being the first for being the first person to build that type of high rise and so i blocked that off and now people can still build that high rise they just don't get that bonus for being the first so here's the thing ritual thank you i'll give you my materials yeah and so i get three points three points yes for this building okay and so this area wants me to build in east gardens which is fine so or i can build somewhere else and i'm going to do it i'm going to build somewhere else okay this is good this is going to be silly i'm taking a corruption so give me a corruption please she's building not in east gardens right i'm building in downtown okay so i'm gonna put this building right there and so this is a three a story high rise and it's connected to this tenant tile which means i get to activate this tenant tile which gives me two victory points and i get to draw a random uh floor wow two vp huh uh-huh and so now anytime somebody lands on that tenant tile i get to draw a floor from the bag so that is my floor i got a purple so it's a one time two points is that what that is or every time somebody lands there you get two points anytime somebody lands on this tenant tile they get two points that person gets two points but you as the yeah the person who lands here will get two points but me because i own the building that connected there i gain a random resource a random floor here okay so that's me that's you now back to you back to me all right i will well since i have all this space here i can just kind of yeah drop it in so i'll just drop in here and take this uh light blue tile are you going to take the optional i will not do that no okay this is light blue yes this is likely so light blue and gray are a little tough to see but this is light blue this is gray uh and then i'm gonna go again because i'm the furthest back so i'm gonna they all have they also have shapes like the light blue is square and the gray is circle oh yeah yeah yeah that's right that's right yeah so just for anybody who is has difficulty seeing uh color differences yes okay so then the next thing i'm gonna do is i will not go here i'm really going to move i will well so okay so now this question here is when i when i cross over here i'm going to have extra things here the order of operations is i must take this place on my board and then complete the task yeah you have to resolve the bonus first and then do the pass after the task okay so i'm going to move all the way over here and before i go there i'm going to take uh one of these so i'm going to take this one now i only have space for seven total resources um okay i'll take that ultra plastic so i do have the option of discarding down so i can take beyond then discard down you can also take an extra construction yard i could but it costs three corruptions it does which would be then minus two corruption so it's kind of like yeah so i will take well the ultra plastic is a wild right so might as well yes yeah okay there we go like this is a tough decision here real simple real easy and then they're gonna take this spot yes which is lose two corruptions yeah these two corrupted there we go and now back to me i'm out of the corruption game so this spot this senate title says uh you could pay zero one or two floors to lose one two or three corruption or i can go here and take a high-end condo card which is this and that's a one-time used card that allows you to just discard two additional floors when building a high-rise you could also go beyond that entire neighborhood you don't have to stop that that would be such a waste it could be i could just go there and lose one corruption and then go again okay i am going to go here i'm going to take this high-end condo card because i feel like in the future i might feel like oh i should do this yes it's a one-time use and that might be useful so now it is uh back to the neutral mogul who i control and i'm going to use a neutral mogul to block because i don't want to take an additional corruption at the moment sure so that means the neutral mogul will go here to this first construction site um blocking it from naveen yeah you can still build it just cost two corruptions right this goes to you so you have control of the neutral player next okay so it's back to me and i'm gonna go here to this spot this spot allows me to swap floors from my construction yard with those from the bag so i'm going to do that i'm going to swap this and get a black black and then are you going to take corruption yes and it's the bottom action says additionally i can gain corruption to take another tile from the bag of my choosing which would you like let's go uh light blue light blue thank you so you're making a mess over there i am making a suit and then i gained one corruption so i'm going to move myself that's not good so now i'm at minus three and it is back to me again yeah enough so too much action oh a lot of action i'm going to actually hop all the way over here and in doing so i get one of these so i'm gonna take this this uh bonus and so these both go away and so now this spot this tenant tile is the analytics firm it says i can construct once anywhere and i do not gain corruption so with these three floors i'm going to construct this high rise it's the light blue purple and black blue purple and black and so because i am the first one to construct this type of high rise i get an additional floor so this is gonna be a four story high rise there you go thank you i don't think there's anything no i don't have anything else that helps so then i can i can put this anywhere and it doesn't gain me any corruption so this is going to be awesome i can even go into the city center i'm going to build this high rise here in bayside heights and so i get four points four victory points because it's a four-story high-rise right and now i get to activate this tenant tile because this is the one that it's attached to and this is a lobbying firm it says i lose one two or three corruption and all others gain zero one or two victory points depending on how many i choose to lose i am going to be friendly okay and i'm gonna lose three corruption and i'm gonna lose all of it so i get two points then yeah there you go very nice i'll take it and that's my turn so it is back to you what are you gonna do all right so this is getting spicy because i know that you need to build i do need to build and the areas for for building are getting a little worse yeah well since you forced my hand i guess i will take corruption and build here okay so that's gonna cost uh that's gonna cost me two corruption mm-hmm because of that briefcase symbol uh and then it is gonna cost i'm gonna be building this one right over here the biggest one cool so it requires a gray a red a purple a black and an ultra plastics and you're the first one the first one so it's going to be one two three four five six because that's the ultra plastic plus one seven yes okay that's because he used he truly used an ultra plastic for the ultra plastic part yeah not as well because he matched it perfectly it gives him additional floor so seven wow that is the your one building is as many points as i just earned in my tubes a lot of work i had to be corruptable okay so uh now i have the choice of building here for no corruption or somewhere else on the board for corruption uh i think i will build you know i think i'm going to build right here so i can take this action okay you're going you are putting in the hardest harbor side so this is a seven so i can take this same uh card that monique had it from earlier the high end maybe i will be able to use it at some point and that goes right there for me did you give yourself seven points no easy to easy to forget that yeah there we go seven so i know it's hard to see the heights of these buildings from the top down so we'll just try to keep saying them as we play okay so now the furthest behind is a neutral mogul who you control yeah are you going to use it to block or to move so if i'm to block then i would put it right over here yeah this spot which is because the next available space in the zone in front of the person who's in the league or i can use it for corruption huh to yeah to do whatever you want either uh well you can only use it for um moving here into that in downtown yeah into the same neighborhood which is at the very end of the same neighborhood or the new neighborhood right over yes the reason why is because uh you cannot go backwards so none of the spaces in harbor side are now legal okay i'm going to use it for the move you're going to move yeah i'm going to move i'm not i'm going to move it right over here gain corruption yet what's that it's the incorruption first oh yeah so i'm moving it i gained corruption so i moved it i used it it's gonna go back to you your control but let's go ahead and resolve this so this is the theater so i'm gonna gain two points plus draw a random tie off in the bag and this is monique's tenant tile because she has a building connected to it so after i finish my action she'll be doing her thing so i'm gonna get two points and i will take a random from the bag and then monique has the option if she would like to take a random from the bag she'll take a corruption no it's your building but you moved it if i you know that's right yes that's right this is not technically embezzling this is not embezzling yes yeah yeah she doesn't have to take the credit nice try okay here we go oh red i don't know if i need red okay so because i don't know when this is gonna happen again i'm gonna draw my floor because uh naveen moved on to my tenant tile that's attached to my building yes and i'm going to now also use my uh retail space card because it is once per round that says after i drop in the bag should have been ready i can now choose that was not smart at me flip that over so i can now choose a floor to take what floor hmm because i'm looking at this one too this is next that's the next round the blueprint yeah this will be obsolete after this uh this full cycle so i'm gonna take a a light blue i should have known what your card was i would not have done that okay it's just one floor it's nice though i would have rather you had that card and lost out on it for a whole round i mean yeah of course okay so it's my turn again because i am the red player i'm the furthest back i'm gonna go right into this spot right over there this one yep so i can not this one yes for sure okay so that is i get to draw a random and then i get to take what i want so i'm gonna draw a random first okay you wanna just draw a random for me no no go ahead okay i'm not gonna take that joy away from you oh god what do you want it's not joyful i'll take a gray gray yeah i'll take a gray there you go that's your gray floor and this spot also gives you an optional um another floor if you want to take a corruption you get to choose the color for a corruption i'm going to say no go no no go all right you snooze you lose i did lose okay so so it is you again because you're still the furthest one um behind yep on the board all right so i know what i'm gonna do i'm gonna go ahead and construct so we're gonna go right over here okay i'm gonna construct into the downtown area for no corruption and i am gonna construct this one right over here so it requires a light blue a gray a red and an ultra plastic so it's going to be one two three four five because the ultra plastic and then six because i'm the first one to do it oh my gosh you are building high rises maybe it's as if that's like the goal of the game maybe this goes into the bag for you oh thank you and you need a six there you go cool all right that's your six and i will construct it in uh well stay in downtown you can take a corruption and go somewhere else i know you said that you were going to stay in downtown i thought i was going to stay in downtown now i'm looking at it because if i build here it allows me to take this action which requires me to spend floors but you don't i don't have enough to do not not good so it would put me there but it's not that great this one is a trade union okay so yeah i'll go here i'll just put it right there so that's gonna get me six points so 11 to 17. and you gain a floor gain of floor what color would you like it's coming down to the home stretch here uh let's see the first round i'll take a oh gosh i'll take a purple purple yeah it's too purple keep it safe suit yourself all right i am suited okay now back to me yeah back to you okay where are we you're gonna go twice in a row here i am i'm gonna go here let's just keep it simple i'm gonna take an ultra pleasure nice yeah keep your options open thank you and then now the neutral logo goes and i have to decide if i want to i'm going to use the neutral mogul to block okay so you're going to put it right over here i'm going to put it right there and i keep it full so i don't gain corruption nothing nothing bad happens okay and now i'm going to go again a true move this time and i'm going to move my piece i'm not going to construct anything let's just forgo constructing for the rest of the round maybe but oh there is a last opportunity to construct out here yep okay i'm gonna go to this spot what does that say this is a super high speed elevator so it's this cards correlates to this power card and it's a one time use card that says after construction i get one victory point for every two floors it's in my new building oh wow so this might be like a good late game if you were to couple it with this one that'd be great yeah that would be huh because i jumped over that actually i was supposed to resolve this first i'm gonna take this ultra plastic so you're not gonna take the mayor's office i'm not taking the mayor's office so this one actually can come out and then the one that's tucked on the right side over there also we passed over it that can come out all right now back to you where are you going to go well seeing is i'm going to be able to go multiple times in a row i should probably just go right over here to the metal importer which is get aspire so aspire is a special piece that basically you can put on top of a building that adds plus two floors to it yes so you don't i don't think you get to i don't think it counts towards the points it just counts towards um the area control yes so at the end of the round when we score points for whoever has the tallest buildings then that that's when that counts exactly yep okay so you are going to go again with the new chemical yeah uh interesting so i could move this neutral mogul into here and take its action or i can block i could technically go right here and just block that out um okay so this is what this is where it gets kind of interesting here because if you use this the neutral vocal to block then you are going to be hurting yourself right because that's a good spot for you yes but if you use it to move you are required to take this spot correct which would gain new corruption and me a floor a floor uh depending on what you choose there but i'm going to get a floor this is my building it's my highest oh a floor yes i'm sorry yes sorry i thought you might you're going to add to it so that's not how it works it all just depends on what is more important for you at this time most importance okay what's interesting is i could also move the mogul and i can move it gain a corruption and then lose a corruption and then just net neutral nothing so if you ever move the neutral mogul into a spot that allows you to lose corruption you get you lose a victory point that's right okay yeah that is something that we haven't mentioned they did think of it yeah good call yeah because they forgot about cheating because like you you need to feel the burn correct yes yeah the benefit that's right if you're neutral mogul when you move it makes you lose corruption you lose your point okay okay i guess i can afford to give you a floor okay okay i'll be nice i will move the corruption i gained a corruption i'm gonna move it on in right over this is gonna be really good for you this is gonna be great i'm gonna put it here and i'm going to lose i'm gonna lose two corruption here this is the same spot that i took earlier correct when i uh when i built this building so this allows naveen to lose up to up to three three corruption but he would give me up to two victories i'm gonna lose only two okay okay so i'm gonna go down one two and because i went down two you go up just one okay and i get a floor and you get a floor random floor nice that was nice thank you that is my floor black one nice and then it's back to me so now the reason why i only accepted three corruption losses because i know i'm gonna be able to go right over here lose two corruption so my negative two goes to zero so instead of giving it a point i might have to do that and you can construct and now i can construct so i have these two these two right here uh it'll be nice to i'll construct okay so we're gonna go ahead and construct and i can only construct here or i can take a corruption so i'm gonna go ahead and construct here in bayside heights these two go out what are you constructing you have this spire that i could put right on top and then ties are are uh ultra friendly ultra friendly you're probably gonna come in here with all your stuff cause that's so that was a two-story you're building this right correct and there and i had already built it once you don't get that benefit so it's literally a two-story little baby one yeah so but you are constructing next so i think i will save this fire for the future so i have the two building here and now i should see which one do i think will be uh better for me so this is the same card that you have right the super high elevator or i can put it here and gain another metal spire uh that'd be kind of nice so the super high speed elevator is after construction gain one vp per two floors in the new building oh i'm gonna do that one let's do it so i'll put right there and i'm gonna take one of these cards just like monique did earlier and now we both have a super high speed elevator two yes uh-oh oh uh by the way i can play this card anytime uh insurance company after you lose corruption draw twice so i'm gonna be doing this okay it's a one-time use correct as part of this whole thing where i lost corruption i'm going to use it and be done with it and it's out of the game it's a one time only nice there you go all right something i can work towards the next set of blueprints that's what we're looking for here oh you're planning ahead i have to doing some future planning okay purple and gray okay ah oh you oh and you are now in control of this person oh yes thank you which won't be very useful that's right because that person has to stop in here and then she'll just pass it back that stinks and you get to go first oh stinker so i am just gonna go get some good real estate though i'm just gonna go right there i'm not gonna build i'm gonna lose uh corruption but i think i'm already at zero zero so what where are you going to build are you going to build in this area i'm not going to build you're not going to build when it decides not to build nope and then i'm just going to pass this to you and it just goes to the end okay perfect so that is the end of the first round of the rondelle all right that is the end of the round we are all done with 2010 so we are going to score uh we score one point for each of the tallest buildings in all of the districts in the neighborhoods so the only neighborhoods that we have are these three that have buildings in them so red is gonna get one point for harbor side you also get one point for downtown and i don't get any points because we're in the first round then i get 1.4 bayside heights and then you get another point for having the tallest building across the entire city okay and so the way that you adjust for corruption in a two-player game is you look at the difference in the amount of points and if the difference is only five points or less then the person with the least amount of points loses one corruption if it's greater than five points which is what we see here then technically i'm supposed to be able to lose two corruption but i don't have any i should have planned for that oh what a shame yeah so and then whoever has the most amount of corruption is supposed to flip over a power card but if you are tied then nobody so everything just stays as it is that's good and so now in order to prepare for the next round we flip over our power cards that we use any used cards yeah and we are going to set up some of these bonus tiles okay so to prepare for the next round we are going to remove these blueprint blocker tiles this blueprint goes bye-bye we are no longer using it right and then we are going to expose the new one so this is the current one that we're going to use for the next round and then this is the one for the last round the buildings are much taller and now we are going to take the bonus tiles for 2020 are these shuffled they are shuffled the other random someone give you half okay sure and we're going to put them out and do the same thing that we did for them last time 12 is that everything i think that's it these then all the unused are just out of the game and then for all of the spaces that have tile question marks on them can we put two random ones this looks like it's requiring a specific card yeah i'll go grab that i'll find it so this is a floor and a can i have an ultra plastic piece please oh yes another ultra plastic for that's what over there yeah yeah these three those two thank you and it looks like the rest of these are our power cards oh look nine is back so the same one we used in the previous ah there we go so we have nine here uh this one and twelve great all right all set up we are all set up and now naveen is going to be the first player for the second round and you are also in control and you're also in the lead you're on top of the world no we'll see whatever you're doing well so i think you know what red seems to be very common throughout all the different uh blueprints so i will go right over here and i'll take a red and you know what i'm going to take a corruption as well get another one and get another one so i'm going to go corruption see if we can pull it off well it's a random oh it's random so i would like the best possible outcome so what could it be something not light blue would be kind of useful i guess give him another red gray double gray okay okay okay i'm going to oh well yeah i'm going to hop over and go to the actuary frame so wait before i take the actual card i get to choose one of these bonus spots so i can take two floors or this spot or that's the power card just archive refresh one card or discard this instead of a one-time card which would let me use a one-time use card more than once hmm i'm gonna take the archive i'm doing it very nice so that means these get cleared off they do no uh no bonus for you those go back in the bag some of those things oh yes sorry these two go back in the bag yeah and then now i can reap the benefits of the spot that i landed on which is the actuary form so this is a card that we blocked last time and this says a one-time use if you construct an exact version of a blueprint i gain one extra floor so we are going to amazing do that and now it is the neutral mogul controlled by you so if i block it would be blocking here because you're out in front you know what i'm gonna i'm going to move the mogul and use its benefits so i'm going to take a corruption from moving it and i'm going to move this mogul and put it right over here on that insurance company the same card i had last time and so i take one of these cards and that's the whole thing that uh if i ever lose corruption i could spend this one time to gain two random floors so i will take that for myself nice and now i get that neutral you get that also and you get to go uh for your actual the true turn here so i'm a little nervous here uh you have a lot of stuff to build so i'm gonna i'm gonna jump pretty far ahead and i'm gonna build right over there okay so what i'm gonna build is where was it there was something i was looking at oh yeah is this one right here two grays uh red and a purple so i got two grays a red and a purple and i am the first person to do that so that's gonna be five and then i'm just gonna stick my little spire on top of it my plus two the one that i bought earlier so it's only gonna give me five points the spire is just purely for having reach i don't get the extra two points for that from what i understand that we block off you built this one right the second one correct yeah okay so where's it gonna go well so i can put it in here for no corruption or i can put it out there uh i don't like the fact that you are here but if it doesn't matter yeah i'm gonna put it here so because i was torn between taking these two actions here okay so i think i will do it here and then take this retail space card which is um after you draw uh from somebody who goes and visits like we talked about earlier then i get to choose to achieve something that's like the one i have right here correct did you give yourself five points already no i always forget points are the game okay there we go nice thank you okay so back to me i need to get some points naveen is uh doing a little well here i got nothing in this in the storage tank here though so that's a problem okay i'm gonna move to this spot right here because there's no uh point going too far so i get a purple floor and then taking a corruption i am going to take a corruption i'm going to take corruption to take a random floor random floor so purple first okay and then randomization do you have one in mind yes maybe i can yes oh i think i know what you need no what's wrong that wasn't it that wasn't it i think i know what you need luck was not on my side for that draw and i gained a corruption for it okay so then i get to move the neutral mogul okay i'm going to use this neutral mogul to move move so you're going to gain a corruption i'm getting corruption and i'm going to put it right there so that i can go next wow and i get a so i'll take this now light blue and i'm actually going to take an expanded construction yard i'm just doing all these like okay bad things this is the first time we're doing this you're taking one of these yeah okay so that's gonna cost you two corruption in this decade 20 20. wow i know suddenly i'm gonna be like super corrupt very corruptible very corrupted okay maybe so i get a light blue a light blue floor and are you going to take the random draw i'm going to take another we're just going to go all corruption you know we've been managing our corruption too well this is good you should go so we're gonna do it ah red all right so needed uh and then now i get to actually go my turn where can you get more corruption money you can construct and get two more corruption i don't wanna do that i'm just gonna hop very far and go all the way over here oh my gosh so i get to take one of these and i think i'm gonna take the penthouse so what does that do the penthouse says at the end of the turn at turn end add up to three floors from your construction yard to one of your buildings it's a one-time use card so again i'm sorry i'm confused i guess at the end of the turn i can take three of my floors from my construction yard and add it to one of my pre-existing buildings wow yeah so as a reminder the penthouse is not going to give me additional points for the building it's just going to help me um secure that tallest building bonus it's so you can stand out so you can see literally okay i see so because i took that power card these go out so i'll take the ultra plastic no more in the and also take the other one as well oh thank you no more bonuses for you you haven't taken a bonus in a while huh no trying to rub it in points okay so i moved here which means i get to construct the building i'm going to construct where is it this one all these things nothing no idea what to do okay that's nice so it's going to be light blue light blue black red i'm sorry red black and then the ultra plastic sorry light blue gray red oops black ultra plastic and then you got some cardboard i've got some card stock here you got something brewing over here so during construction add up to two floors of your choice so i am going to do the high-end condo which is a one-time use okay and i'm going to i'm going to discard these two floors there's going to be random floors out they're going to they're going to add to this correct building to make it a little bit taller and i'm going to actually use the archive i'm going to discard the archive instead of the high-end contacts that i could use it again later it's a dirty combination and then um this requires corruption in my opinion going to use the actuary firm because it says if you construct an exact version of a blueprint gain one extra floor so it's gonna gain me an extra floor so let's review i'm doing this one so it's one two three four five six seven eight nine eight nine because of the high end condo ten ten because of that toss a penthouse on today you might as well go for it um and then i'm going to use my super high speed elevator it says after construction well let's do this first so i need a 10 yes this is my 10 high rise so if you can put these back in the bag and this goes ultra plastic just thank you and so this is going to get me 10 points let's just do that now to 21. where's my month and then i can place it in harbor side to not take a corruption so i will put it here so i can get an ultra plastic i have an auto class please because that is a tenant tile that it's attached to and then now that i'm done with construction wow this is this is really tall now that i'm done with the construction i'm going to use my super high speed elevator that says after construction gained one victory point for every two floors in my new building rounded up so five points so i get five points five points well monique is now out in front and this is out and i think that's it i think that was it well that was amazing that was just a really and i have no building but you get to go next time with the neutral mogul so um so i could block where you at you know where you are and i have a bunch of corruption you go i should probably go move i should probably move yeah you should probably this corruption tracker goes up to 40. so we have some wiggle room to be uh dirtier than we've been doing go ahead and be an embezzle okay so i'm gonna move and take a corruption so we're gonna go like this and i will put this one right over there and i'm gonna take an ultra plastic since it's a universal building material and because he landed on a tenant tile that's attached to my building i get i get to draw a floor you do i might as well use my retail space now because who knows when i'll be able to use that oh yeah i totally forgot you have that so my retail space says after i draw i can now choose and it doesn't yeah i don't get any corruption so that's uh once per round let's see what do i want well that didn't seem smart for me to do that but that is what it is purple all right oh you got an ultra plastic piece out of it i did i did it doesn't seem juicy enough and you gained a corruption i did just checking fortunately here but you control this guy now oh yeah thank you sorry so i'm gonna go ahead and move right on over here and so this one is um the masonic lodge pay zero one or two floors to lose one two or three corruption i'm going to pay zero to lose one corruption nice and i have the insurance company here so after you lose corruption draw twice right yep so that goes out out of the game and then you choose to draw two place or you get to draw around draw randomly too for us so it'll kind of lead me into some direction yeah i don't know black okay it's black useful yeah black is universal and most of those i think any any color you if you don't have anything then any color is going to be useful double black well that's kind of nice okay well that's not funny nothing requires two black i guess it will over here if i want to wait till 19 or 20 30. yeah you should that's a good idea just wait you should just wait okay my turn again huh interesting so i could go right here and lose two corruption yeah but i won't i will go okay right there so i'm gonna draw a random first and then after i draw my random i'm gonna select which one i want that way it gives me some options oh yeah that is a good this is a good spot so i'm going to take a round so one random floor and one floor of your choice and then optionally he can gain corruption to get another floor of his choice that's true this is true okay so we have red we have double black i have an ultra plastic i think i will go i'm surprised you didn't go here what is that swap yeah you know what about that black floor for something else i'll be honest your big behemoth 10 was completely blocking it and i just kind of noticed didn't physically like literally from where i'm sitting it's completely blocked i can't see it good call i should have done it okay i'm going to take a purple as my selection and then i do have the option of taking a corruption and grabbing whatever i want uh so i will you're gonna do that yeah i'm gonna do it i'm gonna take oh and oh i passed over these oh we didn't even notice that i totally made a boo-boo yeah i will i will sorry i'm supposed to take i'll take these two right here okay and that would have influenced a lot of decision making here but uh and i will take this bottom right here i will take a corruption so i'm going to go beyond right over here so i'm going to take a corruption and then so you're taking the option the optional yeah action of drawing a floor yeah i'm debating do i want to take one of these and so i can just house it yeah do it that's two extra corruption i don't wanna i don't wanna get in that corruption game so i'm yours forever it is i'm gonna take a gray so i'm gonna overshoot here i'm gonna take a gray and then kick back one of these blacks right there okay all right and that's that by the way before i move the neutral mogul we i just noticed that we are different uh we're different companies i'm brad and bryn enterprises i'm thought apparatus inc yeah oh i like that better thought apparatus ink yeah that's cool okay okay so i'm going to use a neutral mogul to move and i'm going to move the mogul over here so gosh monique that's not good it gains me a corruption just for moving just removing and then again another one for taking this spot wow but it gives me a random floor and a floor of my choice would you like the random first or the floor of your choice first um i'll take the random first that makes the most sense there you go yeah oh thank you random floor is pink and then the floor of my choice i'm going to take blue that's blue okay there you go and now the neutral logo goes back to you back to me but i'm the one who's going to move next and i'm going to move over here onto the analytics favorite spot it's a good spot every time we play this game monique somehow finds that spot it says you can construct any once anywhere and do not gain corruption how good is that right i'm going to build i'm going to build this high rise no not that one so it's you weren't working on it i was totally working on it oh well then even better so light blue uh this is going to be in place of gray two purples a black and an ultra plastic at the top so this is going to be one two three four five six seven because i matched it eight because i'm the first one to do it so that is an eight floor eighth floor high rise okay very nice so now i'm going to construct it somewhere you give me eight points you said right i did yeah where do i want to put it i can put it anywhere so it seems it could be a waste if i don't put it somewhere cool you know so let's go to the tax office do i get any benefit here is this am i just completely sol you are going to i get to choose the floor yeah it says each player gives you one floor draw until you've gained three floors wow that's horrible so one floor from you and then two floors from the bag okay so i'll take yours first i've done that let's figure out what i want to do well you don't have eight yeah i'll give you a red here yeah perfect yeah take this red thank you i have two red when we do a two red and then i get to draw two more floors over there thank you that was a good good choice of floor to donate i have a blue and a black okay all right so now on to you yeah um boy not good so i think i will go ahead and move on to this one right over here you getting two victory points i gained two victory points and then i get to draw one from the bag to replace this little hole yep and because this pendant tile is attached to a building that i have built i get to draw as well okay thank you and then you get to move the neutral mogul i do get to move the neutral muggle so i am going to be moving it for its action so i'm going to go ahead and construct you into corruption i did yeah okay so that's that and then i'm going to build this thing the one that monique did right before me so blue gray purple this will represent the other purple okay black and then the ultra plastic so i think it's gonna be seven so it's one two three four five six seven yep yeah let's see if we can get you a seven here there you go and you get seven points seven points so we're gonna be tied with you 34 34. and then now my choice is where do i want to build it do i want to build it where so the problem with building it here is it allows me to then build again which is not good so i might not build it there here we go take that over there thank you and i might just put it i'm going to be building it outside of the downtown so i'm going to be taking a corruption unfortunately for doing that and i'm going to build right over here into bayside heights which is going to allow me to get a metal spire like i did earlier nice and so i cannot put this out right now it's on the next construction i can put it out or any construction after that right right right hey that's me and that was with the yep that was that exactly okay so i get the new logo thank you uh so now it's back to me oh i'm gonna go here okay swap and so i pass over this uh bonus face and i'm gonna take this fire okay and so this goes out and then i get to swap a floor and additionally to gain a corruption to take another floor i think i'm just gonna swap okay so this spot according to the rule book it says you can swap floors from your construction yard with floors from the bag so it said floral pretty powerful with an s so plural so i'm going to swap out um my pink slash red and blue for a gray and a purple that makes the most sense i see what you're doing do you i do you're looking ahead to 2030 i see well you got to plan ahead um you got to plan ahead okay so it's my gray and purple and i'm not going to gain a corruption to take another floor i'm going to leave it yeah we're not going to do that now back to you well it would be nice to be able to do the exact same thing she just did but i only have one tile so well you can gain a corruption to take another tile or i can take in just an ultra plastic which represents a tile that's true so i'll just do that and it's true you know what i'm going to do this i'm going to i'm going to end my turn that's me oh sorry i'm going to end my turn i'm going to go here and then i'm going to lose to corruption and you get to construct i could construct there's nothing to construct based off of what i have here so i'm just going to wrap it up there okay this is kind of like a weird uh there's a weird position to be in so you control the neutral mogul yes and so the reason why it's weird is because if i choose to block with the neutral mogul it's going to go straight here blocking me from losing a corruption or i can choose to move it but i would gain a corruption but that would leave that spot open for me so i might as well move move it move it okay um i'm going to move it here okay so that gains me a corruption so you gain a corruption i gain a corruption for moving it removing it and then it says it can lose up to three corruption to give you two victory points because this is a spot that loses corruption you would gain a uh no i would lose a victory point correct so that would be a wider spread i think that maybe it's worth it so i'm gonna lose three corruption you're gonna lose three corruption one two three and i get uh you lose a victory point for doing that mm-hmm and then i gain two victory points yeah okay and this goes to you which means that your only move is going to be to bring it home that's true and i'm going to go home so well i guess i could go you could why not and i'm not i'm going to forego that tenant tile by the way because it's just gains me another corruption might as well get a spire okay so you get aspire because you're visiting me i also get to draw which is nice thank you and i have a retail space which is nice so i'm gonna draw from the bag and then after that i get to choose a tunnel from the back yeah i got to use my thing well look at that look at that okay black all right what are we working towards in the next era so you're using your power card as well i i mean yes i'm definitely going gonna use it so because monique landed on my uh my location i'm gonna use this because it's gonna re-flip anyway so you get to choose yeah choose a tile i do a floor interesting because blue and black are there okay i'll take a let's take a purple i'll take a purple okay why not okay why not he says there we go okay so i get to go again because i am furthest behind and i'm just going to go slide into right there and i'm not going to build but i'm going to lose a corruption okay and now you get to move the neutral mogul i do i can construct technically you can let's see shall i uh let's take a look i didn't think about this until right now that's funny i could technically do this and i'd boot you out are you going to oh i boot myself out which would then okay so if you boot yourself out you get a you get the consolation prize which is i think it's two floors two floors right two yeah yeah yeah i might as well okay so corruption i gained a corruption why is this because you're you're building with a neutral moment uh yes that's correct okay so that goes there and then uh what do we do here i will build doing this one so we got light blue this will represent red we got purple and black so it's one two three four and then that's gonna be five right there yep because you were the first and only person to construct that building yes yes round so here's your five okay five story high rise okay so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna spend this one this card right here as i'm doing this so after construction gain one vp per two floors now this is a question i have so you have to build this first and then use that card after construction right okay so then i'm gonna build this and the way we overbuild is you take a look at the smallest building which will be my building right over here uh and that one gets demolished and there will be a consolation for me for doing this as well to be clear when he says overability he wants to build his new high rise in a neighborhood that's completely occupied so your building just must be taller than the shortest one and that's the one that gets demolished it happens to be mine so he's kicking himself out okay so i'll keep this here so i don't forget so that's going to go there that's going to get me five points so one two three four five nice and i guess uh we'll just put this as a 40 here now so we'll know okay yeah so i take this but before i uh take that i'm gonna be using the one i had earlier which is a one time use so it's after construction game one vp for two floors rounding up so this is five floors uh so it's gonna be three points okay so that's out and we go up one two three and then now as a consolation for getting rid of this guy right over here i get to draw two tiles from the bag do i get to choose the two random random that's the con compensation for uh one of your buildings gonna demolish this is gonna go back to you since i used that thank you all right let's do two randos so you got some some black floors to start the last round yeah i figured yeah so spent four to get two back plus all those points okay it's good that's it all right so we are at the end of the round we are now going to score for tallest building bonuses so let's start with east gardens uh that's you so it's now two points there's no second there's no third place where it's gonna go clockwise um i get two points for having this ten story you get one point for the seven story in downtown you get two points for this one i get one point for this three okay in the city center i'm the one with the tallest two points two points and then in bayside heights you get two points for the tallest and one point for the second tallest two three there's no third place to me yeah there's another place and then overall all together monique has the tallest building with the 10 right over here so she gets uh two points and i also have the second tallest oh that's right at one point yes yes that's still quite a bit of a pretty of a difference so now we're going to modify our corruption and the point difference is larger than five points in a two-player game so whoever is behind loses to corruption but we're tied no whoever is behind in points whoever has the fewest number of points whoever's losing the it's going to go game up so i lose two corruption there you go and then now whoever has the most corruption oh i don't like this is a power card you know what i'm never using this card so it's gonna go i'm just gonna get rid of it right there yeah i think you technically like flip it over for one round but there's only one one left so that's that yeah so now we are going to set up for our final round which is 20 30. flip over any used cards yep flip over these used cards oops and let's set up these bonus tiles okay so we have a set of these are specifically for 2030 so we'll see if you want to take the whole stack there you go all right we will see what they give us so the mayor's office is the team used there we've got these two all right okay so this one's gonna get an ultra plastic in a random so the mayor's office goes out where's that two card that you use this is two random floors this is a random floor and in ultra plastic can you pass me an ultra plastic tile please where does it go here so one on the floor is perfect thank you and then we are going to remove the blueprint yeah that's right and put in the new one this is our only blueprint now we're looking at it this is what we're working towards the final round the biggest big final push this is the last time you're going around this board i know i know make sure gosh make sure darn sure huh yes okay so i'm gonna i'm actually gonna bypass this part right here and i'm gonna overshoot into this part right here the actuary firm so i get one of these cards okay and i get to choose one of these benefits here so i think i'm going to take i think i'll take this combination right here so this goes out of the game and this gets wiped from the game that goes into the bag nice blocked me that's it no bonus for me no bonus for you so then i guess i'm gonna go here yep get myself an ultra plastic are you gonna take a corruption um let me think about that how much corruption do i have right now you have uh negative two to my negative four hmm i'll do it okay let's do it so corruption floors okay so you get a corruption and i think around the floor there you go it's blue okay so now the neutral mogul will move and i can move basically only to one of the spots in the east gardens yeah here or here right okay i'm going to move the neutral muggle so i get a corruption okay and i'm going to move it here so i get a and this is going to go to you so i get a gray floor and then i can choose to take another one for another corruption but i think i've been corrupt enough okay for one turn very nice yeah so i won't do that so now it's my turn with the mogul so i can either block here or move basically anywhere in this space these gardens so i think i will okay i'll move in for corruption okay so i'm going to gain a corruption i'm going to gain a corruption so we don't forget yep i'm going to put it right here into this spot can i get a purple yep would you like to gain another corruption to take another floor let's do it i'm going to take another corruption for floor purple and then you can go ahead and reach in here a random random one come on something good what do you want i don't even know oh purple purple nice and this goes to me that does go to yoga all right and now i'm gonna go and i'm going to go here construction construct we're constructing okay so i'm going to construct this high rise okay so it requires a gray pink or red whichever color you choose purple two black floors and an ultra plastic and so it's going to give me one two three four five six seven because of the ultra plastic eight then the first one to build that high-rise and then i'm going to use my high-end condo to add up to two floors of my choice i'm adding these two floors to make it a 10. tanner 10 10 floor high rise and actually i constructed an exact version of a blueprint from my actuary firms it gives me an additional floor so it's an 11. eleven do you have anything else before i hand it to you um i think i'm gonna put one of my penthouses on it maybe or what are you building i don't know right now i'm gonna no i'm not gonna use the penthouse the spires i mean yeah this spires exactly oh so it's an 11 yeah it's an 11. okay there you go so thank you so it's 11 points yeah and i think you and i are now officially tied so actually go to this 10 11 12 yep there yeah and then i'm going to place the high rise building in east gardens because i don't want to gain a corruption i'm going to put it right there and it's going to let me take this tenant tile power card which is the insurance company the one i've been using yeah so this is a one-time use after i lose corruption i can draw two random floors this high-end condo is done because i that's a one-time use right so that's me very nice so now back to you yeah we are really neck and neck in this game which is not good because you have all those floors and uh i had nothing you built the one thing that i was looking to build though so let's see now so it really just depends on where you want to put your high rise okay i'm gonna move right over here onto that spot so i'm gonna get a get a blue and then you're gonna gain the corruption for another random i don't know here's blue that's that's the tough part right now is do i do that all right i'll take a corruption let's do it and then because i'm doing that and i'm going to be adding to this so i'm going to take another corruption oh you're taking an expanded uh i don't know if this is smart this is probably not smart but what can i do i took one and i never looked back yeah purple okay more purple than i can do okay well that's that okay so now i get to move the neutral logo you do i'm gonna block okay so i'm gonna take this it has to go on that spot right there so now nobody can take the maize sonic lodge that should have been good for you it could have been but i know that you were gonna get there first i was thinking about it that would have allowed us to pay what zero one or two floors to lose one two or three corruption and now that is no longer viable for the rest of the game because that was it okay so i'm not gonna construct right now i think i'm just gonna well do i want to construct give me one second here that's that's too expensive okay i'm going to overshoot this i'm going to land on this one so and i'm going to clean these two up do you take those two buttons two bonus tiles and then because i'm landing there i also get a one of these and because this high-rise is my building it's connected to that tentative i get to draw a random floor one floor and i'm going to use my retail space that allows me to choose a floor now because um i got to do that so let's get i don't know what i'm going to be capable of by the end of the game so i'm going to take a i'm going to take a purple there you go done yep so now back to me back to you uh where shall you go i'm gonna go here yeah that makes sense so it just lets me lose to corruption so can you move move me down to corruption uh you down to corruption yes and because i lost two corruption i'm going to use my insurance company it's a one-time use card and allows me to draw two random floors so i really needed to find a place that could let me lose corruption early especially since we moved that tile out so i got a red and a blue okay so it is back to you i can block that construction zone that doesn't seem smart uh if you want to construct there or do that if you want to construct there don't do that why to block it if you yourself because you're like oh sorry i was like what okay so i might do that that exchange everything this one yeah i think yeah can you okay so i'm gonna move i'm i'm a corrupt dude over here so but yeah so now you can exchange floors the perfect swap wow you have so many floors i know i look away for one second so i'm gonna go again so i'm just gonna lay all the cards out on the table i'm trying to construct this guy right over here okay so without ruining it so i want to keep this blue i need another blue so let's get rid of wait let's see what you have so you need another blue and you have a gray i have one gray you need another gray you have a red slash pink i have a red place you have two ultra plastics now with the rest of them are you planning on doing something else uh let's get rid of one purple for a blue okay there you go okay we'll just put everything that's on the table there that's your gray for whenever uh yeah the one i'm gonna get rid of one and now that's like where it gets i'll get rid of one [Music] yeah this is tough you need to think about what are you gonna build next that's that's exactly what i'm looking at so so depending on which one you want to build next because this is almost impossible because i'm doing this right they kind of nullify so and i'm looking at what you have you're working on this so maybe can i beat you to it probably not so but there's no shame in just scoring the same thing you just don't get the one extra floor true yeah so i will get rid of i guess i have to get rid of the red so the great goes to you and would you like to gain a corruption to take a another tile a rant uh let me see what my situation is here real quick i just want to see how many i can afford to house i gosh you can house one more and if you're going to construct then you're going to have more space so the problem i'm having is this corruption is getting real expensive but maybe i will i'll take you up on it let's do it okay so again your corruption i will take you up on it i'll be a sales person i don't know what i'm doing i mean luckily the your gain on the corruption board was only up by one exactly if you gain another corruption you're gonna go from 13 to 15. correct so be cautious there black okay cool usable so now i get the neutral mogul yep that was initial that was a neutral mobile and you get to take your action i will go ahead and construct yes exactly all right all right so we're gonna do it so we got which one are you constructing this one right over here the far right so two blue uh-huh two gray yep uh a red mm-hmm two ultra plus wow so it's gonna be one two three four five six seven eight nine ten and then i have an actuary firm eleven eleven yep so flip that over because that's uh you constructed an exact version of a blueprint exactly 11. anything else any other tricks up your sleeve no that's it i believe that yeah 11 and then i'm gonna i'm going to use this one right here the retail space oh sorry not this one the super high elevator so i'm gonna score two vp per point rounding up so another six wow so it's going to be 11 17 points 17 points yeah so these all go out so casual it's so casual it's a lot of work there you go and you have and i have floors yeah oh my gosh uh yes so let me do that right now so so 1929 and then now i could add this fire to it if i wanted to it's true this doesn't give me points though it just gives me height yes you would have the tallest building in all the land you know what i don't think i will because i'm just going to construct it right over here so i'm going to construct it like we said right over here and because i did that now i get to use this one the masonic lodge lodge which could help me get rid of some corruption so i can get rid of one corruption for free or i can get rid of two tiles and get rid of three corruption which would be one two three so instead of having 13 i'd have nine so i'd negate four negatives oh so i use this tile this card by the way so it's out of the game okay because i got that six points extra yep gosh this corruption i don't know what i'm doing okay i'm just gonna go down one corruption and not discard any floors and not discard any floors because i'm hoping to build some other things a good there's still time for you to lose corruption right okay that's it okay so back to me with the neutral mogul i'm just gonna adjust my tiles here to make it make sense in my head okay i'm going to use the neutral mogul to move so one corruption for me please and i'm going to move it right there yeah so i get a random floor a floor of my choice and i can choose to gain a corruption to take another floor of my choice let's go random first so let's see what you get another blue all right what do i want to make those are nice yeah i'm going to grab a purple okay and i can take a corruption to get another four of my choice take it so you have you have a big corruption gap here you should take it okay i'll take it okay so one corruption please one corruption i'm going to take another random oh no another blue yeah i don't know and then uh now you get this and i'm gonna take my actual turn which is going your favorite spot is going to my favorite spot of course i get to construct once anywhere i do not gain corruption but first i choose one of these what are those so the penthouse i already have a penthouse here which lets me add up to three floors from my construction yard to one of my buildings i don't think i'll have enough floors to do that twice so i'm gonna take the super high speed elevator which is after construction i gained one victory point for every two floors okay round it up nice that's good these are that yes okay so now i'm going to construct it's done over there yeah this starts out now i'm going to construct and i'm going to construct um which one did i have stuff for i think it's this one the third one right yeah so it's blue pink red purple purple and black and i do this there so it's one two three four five six yeah so i'm gonna so it's not that impressive but are you gonna build it in the correct area or are you gonna be taking corruption oh no you can build it anyway that's right yeah i can build it anywhere with no corruption so let me just see if i can find a six thank you uh so this is gonna give me six points yep six so you're gonna be at 18. and then i'm not confident that i can do anything too spectacular before the end of the game so i'm going to use my super high speed elevator now which gives me 150 point for every two floors three more points one two three okay yeah and i'm going to put this i'm actually going to put my spires on it this is the first time that we're seeing more than one spire used because i'm going to put them both and they just kind of clip on the top of the building and you are allowed to use multiples so this is going to be a height of 10. where shall you put it city center perhaps i think that's how that works yeah you're good just don't knock it over if i put it here you'll knock yourself out but that's not doing anything for me anymore this is a height of four let's do it okay so you already got the points i already got the points i'm demolishing my previous building because it is uh very short i put that one in its place and now you have the option of losing corruption yes so i can lose up to three corruption and naveen would get up to two victory points how far ahead are you um not too far too much correction i'm just gonna lose the one i'm losing one correct corruption so i get zero points here yeah okay and this goes bye bye and i get two uh two floors as compensation because i demolished my own building you did two floors wow you're right it's the same color all right nice okay so it's my turn uh i might just i might just plop right over here can you move me please so i'm gonna get two points yep and you get to draw a little dial yeah and then i'll go again with the uh mogul but because you are going in a tenant tile that's attached to my high-rise building i get to draw a tile as well exactly purple oh gosh that's the one thing i don't need oh my gosh oh nice okay well perfect uh do i take a corruption to do the switcheroo the old switcheroo okay let's do it so i'm gonna go ahead and well what's the trade union right there what does that say yeah it says uh choose you get to choose a a tile a floor and you can gain corruption to choose again it's just like any any of the other oh that's that's better than switching i could actually just get what i want without having to to do a even exchange i can get more stuff you would date you would gain two corruption though if you want to take two floors if you want to net two floors okay let's do it we're gonna move it right over here so again your corruption from moving great gain the corruption from moving it what color would you like i'll take a uh a red and then for another corruption i'll take a gray probably not the smartest thing but i'm just going for it here here we go that was fine let's do it i think it was good all this corruption so back to me yep all right i am going to go i'm going to take that spot nice so i'm going to switch out some tiles and then decide if i want to take another one this is yours by the way now oh thank you okay i'm going to trade out let's see i'm gonna keep these two blue and i'm gonna trade out these three four two gray and a purple yeah two grain of purple okay here's my purple this is gray and that's great i don't know if i ever actually used this you did after that first time i took it so maybe i took the corruption for nothing but at least it was peace of mind right yeah that's good so my turn that is oh and i can choose to take another for girls or for a corruption let's do it we're at the end of the game yeah right the end of the game um and levine has a lot a lot more content okay so i'm gonna build i'm gonna go all the way from here not too far and just drop off right over there okay and i'm going to construct this one over here so i have the from the ground up we have gray we have red we have purple and we have two black and we have an ultra plastic so it's going to be one two three four five six seven because it's that one so it's gonna give me a seven seven yeah three there you go thank you all right and you get seven points oh my gosh oh wow you're working and then i could put this little two on it if i wanted to and just construct it somewhere else maybe you might as well i think i will so what does city hall do over here lose two corruption if you are the tallest in the city center no lose two corruption if you are the tallest in the city center lose an extra all right let's do it so i'm gonna i'm gonna gain a corruption for building outside of i'm gonna build it here and then i am the tallest so i'm gonna lose one two three for doing that that's it cool yep okay and then new building gets me seven points yeah so we are at 38. nice wow look at that spread oh i don't know we'll see how can you not know okay so it's my turn with the neutral mogul i know build with corruption perhaps i'm going to move the mogul to block i'm blocking okay it's gonna go here so i don't have to lose i don't have to get any corruption for that and then i'm going to take my final turn final turn yeah i'm just going to say done goodbye i'm going there okay and because i passed over one of these i'm going to take a high speed elevator nice please go out and then i'm going to do my final construction the end it's the end um i'm going to construct this building okay two blue two gray and purple two blue two gray and a purple that's gonna get a six two three four one two three four five six yeah yep one two three four five six so the first one here's your six thank you so you get six points six points but i'm also going to use my high speed elevator after construction gained one report for every three floors so you get eight points total points so 21 goes to 29. and i'm going to put my so you never got to use that penthouse huh i'm going to use it i'm going to use it after this i'm going to take a corruption you're gonna take a corruption yeah i'm gonna go here okay so i'm foregoing the tenant tile action uh i lose two corruption or go to that space and now that at the end of my turn i'm going to add up to three floors for my construction gained corruption for building outside of this area yes yes okay yeah yeah so um now that at the end of my turn i'm going to use my penthouse which is my final power card and it lets me add up to three floors from my construction yard to one of my buildings so you're doing a one one floor i see okay so i'm adding this one floor to this building to make another to make it in 11. okay so this goes out i don't know how we're going to represent that uh you just no let's just replace it and make it 11. okay here so what we'll do is we'll just this is a six plus two two we'll just take this completely off and just convert it into an 11 right perfect you're not going to score extra points or anything but not right now it's just the height of it yeah and that is the end of my game i am out done done so the world is your oyster or the bayside heights is your oyster it is my oyster isn't it so i could okay i'll do this i'll move over here and then i'm gonna discard i'm gonna get rid of a three corruption one two three and that's gonna give you two points unfortunately okay and then now it's gonna be this person's turn so this one is gonna go if i move in if i move and put it here then that means i gain a corruption right for doing that yes you wouldn't really do that you would just put it here yeah and then just end up here and then not build anything right did you i mean i i technically use your spot it gives you a tile i don't think that you get a floor yeah i think at the very end of the game every three floors you have unused as a point i'm gonna take it okay uh okay so i get because i know this is such a weird decision in bayside heights yeah in the end whole game okay so then i'm just gonna move it so i don't take a penalty and then that'll technically go to you and then now we're gonna go right here i don't have enough floors to construct that is the game end of the game oh wow you didn't really that's good yeah it's a big big point spread there all right so we are going to go what are you thinking there yeah you don't really oh i thought you were going to do like there was nothing to do yeah i didn't realize there's no floors there was nothing else can't get floors to do so i'm glad that i went there yeah that's what i did okay so let's do uh tallest building points so starting from east gardens this is going to get three points for me because it's 11. you get two points and this is going to now be at 80. wow um harbor side tallest building is yours three so three points second tallest is mine for two points and the third tallest is one point for you then downtown you and i are tied for first so we both get three and then you oh i get two for this one yeah because they're friendly that's unfortunate uh city center that's me for three and and then bayside heights it's me uh yeah three u for two and two for one so it's two for three also and then the tallest in the entire is also city are all of the 11's so i have two of them that are 11's so i get six points that was why i did this yeah so this is gonna go to 12 okay and you get three points the second tallest building is this ten okay so you get two yep and the third tallest is the nine which is me so you get one wow and now oh here we go i don't like the corruption where we're at okay so now that we're at the end of the game it's going to be a little bit different for uh the points you get one point for every three floors which neither of us have i'm shy of one yeah and then um you lose points depending on the space that you're on in the corruption track right so i am at three okay so i lose three points and naveen loses seven so then i'm gonna go down here wow i'm losing oh my gosh and then now whoever has the most corruption loses three points and the person with the fewest this is one one point that's it so it's a three-point spread monique once again did it somehow i thought i really thought you had it ah yeah i think it was this this is yeah that was the final the ultra friendly ties decision yeah got you that extra three points ultra friendly ties do you feel like we were being ultra friendly that was a close game very very close game it was really close yeah we kind of went through periods of large gaps and then yep but uh yeah that's it yeah so the final scores were 87 uh yeah 87 to 90. [Laughter] okay we just finished our two-player play-through of high-rise monique just edged it out yeah didn't look like she was going to but corruption it did it i was surprised corruption corrupted that's for sure so uh what did you think of it i thought it was fun it was uh it was long um but there was a lot of like a clever strategy there like like you said i didn't think that i was gonna win at all but you know the ultra ultra friendly ties that i tried to sneak in at the end of this building right here that's what did it i guess and you had just the last floor to get that 10 to an 11. yeah gosh so it was well done thank you yeah so we are going to us do a full review this time it's been a while since we've done like a long longer game so we're going to start with theme sure and what is what are your thoughts on this theme uh i think it is it's a very thematic board game um you are essentially going around the board and doing different uh business related ventures in order to loosely loosely in order to build up your your you know buildings and then you know just like in real life there's a lot of corruption going on and so sometimes you need to be a little corrupt to get ahead but then it can bite you in the end so i think it is pretty thematic yeah yeah you yeah i agree so the designer of this game gilhova and his company or the publishing company formal ferret games they did the networks which was also a highly thematic game so i feel like that is like part of their thing they make these games with a lot of personality and this game is no exception even when you read the rule book uh i really like that it's very embellished as if he's speaking to you you know there's there's a lot of personality in the rule book and so yeah this game is highly thematic it's been a while since we played a game that was systematic i would say yep right because we're used to more of like the drier drier euros strategy games but yeah very thematic very good uh in terms of components what are your thoughts uh the components are great they're they're very nice um and there was a lot that was kind of lost in our place yes because of the top down view but this is what the each building looks different like this is the eleven this is the eight you know and they're all they're all different sizes the six so it's really it's even distinguished one you know when you actually have them in front of you right um but yeah the components are great i don't know much about this new printing that they do that they're going to be doing which is going to have the ultra plastics so um i think the building some of the the buildings i believe yeah i can't really speak on that but in terms of this particular production copy um everything's easy to see easy to play with uh no real issues there for me yeah i agree the components are really really high quality so all of the cardboard is it's really nice like thick cardboard the uh their wooden disks and the colors are really really nice really easy to see they did make the shapes you know for these tiles in case people have difficulty differentiating the colors and the the shapes are like bold like you can see them it's not like in other games where when they try to to fix that or not fix that when they try to compensate for that it's like a really tiny yeah shape the backdrop is clearly yeah yeah so those are really nice the only thing is the game comes with a ton of components like you're gonna get a box and you're gonna open it and it's just gonna be a ton of components so it could use an insert um so if you are preparing to get this game i would suggest yeah definitely gonna figure a way to store the pieces or else it's just like a lot of pieces in the box i will say that the rule book because i'm the one who reads the rules and digests them i had a hard time learning the game via that rule book and the game is very simple in terms of uh you know play structure and turn structure and all that so i feel like um it was really quite wordy and not really like organized in a way that i can digest it easily so i did struggle with that but like i said the rule book is full of personality so it's not like uh it's not like a boring read or anything no it's not a dry read it's just hard for me to like it was very hard for me to figure out exactly how to play the game before the very end of the rulebook i guess i gotcha and there's no easy access to an appendix you have to take the rulebook out every time yep and uh going into replayability there are a ton of tenant tiles and so every game feels different which also means that you're probably going to be referring to the rule book a lot so i wish that that they had made like a separate maybe like card stock appendix or some kind of a player aide even just for like the basic symbols that you see on the board like cheat sheet a quick cheat sheet so you don't have to like flip through the rule book to find that specific part i would say specifically for the the main symbols on the board and the symbols on the power cards once you play the game like a few times it's not going to be a problem it's something that you'll just memorize and you'll know forever but for me it was pretty much when i was getting going with the game your first time yeah and it can be a little daunting especially you open the box you see all these components you don't see an insert and then you get the rule book you're like oh my gosh okay even just setting up the game yeah it's tough because there are three different modes of play there's like intro there's this standard standard and full yeah and uh depending on how many players you play with it's uh you play a different mode and in a two-player game you always play full so like setting up the game was different and then even the two-player section where the rules exceptions were it's like all the way in the back of the rulebook and like going back and forth like where are the exceptions it was tough but we figured out in the end so that's that otherwise going back to uh player count and replayability what are your thoughts there i actually really like it too the way that mogul works the way the neutral mogul works that's a really clever way um i you know of course i love the mechanisms of rondelles so going into the player account specifically you know the the way you manipulate that what we use is the yellow piece in today's playthrough the neutral mogul is yeah i think it's excellent i think it's a really good way yeah i think that's probably the best uh neutral third dummy player um utilization yeah i guess just roll a dice and just like okay i guess it moves to wherever that is that place is blocked because now that mogul also becomes a part of your strategy you can benefit from it rather than it's just like well it now moves yeah exactly like you could even tuck it into a spot where it's like okay so now i'm going to tuck it here so that it's not as beneficial for modi to use it right or i just i just need it so i'm willing to take the corruption on it so i think it's great that's really really great you're more active in the game than if it was like a full compliment for players because now you're only controlling yourself you get to use that extra thing so it feels like a little more satisfying i guess more fulfilling because i'm getting to play that third dummy character yeah right right i think in higher player counts the game is going to be substantially longer so the rule book does recommend that you play like the standard game which is only two two rounds decades and i totally agree like in a two player game the three rounds this is like this is probably like a two hour playthrough or something and in higher player accounts it's just going to be so much longer and it's just another repetition of the of the actual round yeah you're just going around again yeah so i don't i don't know that you necessarily need to do a full three rounds in higher player accounts but um yeah i know in the standard game which is the two rounds you actually start with some materials i think that's the intro again oh it says three modes three months right so standard game is like two rounds we don't i actually i can't remember exactly specific differences but there's definitely a mode where you start the game with some stuff on the board um in higher player counts i do think that the area control part of the game will be more interesting because and we can get into this a little bit more in mechanics but because of the ultra friendly ties i think that is what one of the things that makes this game really special is you can calculate the ultra friendly ties into your strategy which is what i did with this this one yeah so in in higher player accounts you can really um make use of that i guess speaking of higher player counts i think it's it is a little bit more interesting when people visit your buildings in a two-player game it's clearly you're not going to try to visit my building but when it becomes a little bit more diffuse over the over four different people's buildings you can say okay fine i'll visit monique's then i'll visit james is then i'll you know yeah because then it's like you're not just helping that one competition so um i do think that's a little bit better in higher players probably a little bit more interesting and this game also plays solo so i think that's awesome for a game like this to have a solo mode i believe it also utilizes the neutral mogul we haven't played it solo so we can't really speak on it but i do know that that is a part of it so keep that in mind now into mechanics i did talk a little bit about the fact that i do like rondelles and again this is another really really good one um that idea of if you're last you get to go first uh or go next and then so you get to kind of choose like how far am i willing to wait um so excellent you know there's if it's if it ain't broken don't fix it in terms of the rondelle i really really like that can i just say in terms of that uh that this is the first time that i've seen the entire board use the zarante rondelle and this is kind of going back into components but i really think that the board is interesting the way that that they designed it with the different zones the different neighborhoods some people may have a difficult time differentiating the neighborhoods but we don't really have a problem with that yeah i feel like they go to each specific corner they face outward yeah there's a lot of really clever mechanisms in this game like um using corruption we'll talk about corruption in a bit but corruption as a currency uh the different areas where they strategically place the construction zones on the board and how when you build in those construction zones you must build in the in that neighborhood that it's pertaining to or you get corruption there are some parts of the game because there's so many moving pieces and the tenant tiles are so variable in the way that you set them up the game for us is a little bit daunting to like get into or not not to get into but to set up and decide to play it to pull it off the shelf and be like okay we're gonna play this right now it's yes it's yes it's exactly daunting there's definitely a little bit of fiddliness to the game not necessarily to the design i think it's more to the uh the different tiles like there's a lot of like oh what does this tile exactly mean and then referencing the rulebooks there's a lot of that and that all of that kind of limped together makes it a little bit daunting for us to pull it out and play but once you're in it it's very um it's very immersive it's very immersive like it's really it's really fun like this is a it's a it's a fantastic design i find it to be quite unique in in the scope of like city builders i like the way it makes me feel like i'm on my toes anticipating okay where i'm going i can see the blueprints so everything is fair yeah you can see everything there's no hidden information in this game exactly i even know what cards you took earlier in the game so so that's that's great because usually in you know other games like that the cards are at least in your hand or like you can see everything so you can plan you can strategically plan everything and i have access to the same cards that you did so it's not like you just drew like oh get three free floors you know i'm like well i don't have that card so yeah exactly you have the exact same access as well the player interaction is very strong in terms of where you're gonna build your buildings are you gonna demolish mine am i gonna demolish my own when you land on a tenant tile that's attached to a building that person gets to draw floors so there's a lot of that to consider there are even tiles that make you give players floors like we saw that was brutal that might have been three points right there but it's just it's just so thematic there's so much personality in this game you have penthouses you have the spires uh you know they thought of a lot when it comes to when it came to creating this design so my favorite parts are the ultra plastic that is such a such a funny kind of thing that they included in this design the ultra plastic component where you can it's it's wild it's like it's like a back and forth wild you can substitute it for anything and anything can be substituted for it but you don't get the benefit if you do that yes yeah that's really clever i haven't seen that before it's usually just like one you have a wild piece that's it so that's cool the ultra friendly ties like we're mentioning earlier is really clever because it's ultra friendly in terms of the corruption so you it's ultra friendly in terms of negative things and in terms of the positive side so that becomes a part of the strategy when it comes to putting out these buildings in the different neighborhoods because now that you now that i knew that the number one uh tallest buildings were going to be the elevens then it's like build as many 11s as you can because they're all going to get they're all gonna get three points yep so that's really i find that to be really clever yep in this game totally yeah i agree with all that stuff um the thing that we haven't talked about yet is the the stress of the corruption track yeah that's a big part of the game the corruption you always feel like you can justify when you're right around neck and neck with your opponent and then when you start to separate that's when you feel like i don't think i can justify taking corruption yeah that's true and so that's kind of where where i i went with it i was like okay i'm going to keep going i'm going to keep going so i can try to score some points and then at some point in the game i'm going to try to get one more of those insurance company cards so i can try to knock down uh my corruption but um you blocked out that one space over there that didn't let me get down corruption yeah so it's really clever there's only so many spaces on the board that allow you to lose corruption you can gain a lot of corruption but taking it away is fairly tough cannot go to 37 like 37 40. you got to stay away from that side of the board but gaining corruption is such an integral part of the game or else you're not going to get all the pieces that you need yeah if you're just going to passively just take one or two tiles and not be willing to take a chance on corruption you're going to struggle you need to take it yeah so that balance balancing corruption is is a big part of the game it's a decision that you're going to make pretty much every turn that you make and so i think that that is a very interesting part of the decision making in this game i do like the fact that the the board is like a kind of a wonky scale where it starts like one two three four then six yeah seven nine you know so yeah it's really clever they really thought of a lot in this game and speaking of components this uh the score board i guess scoreboard and corruption board is double-sided so if you're playing the way that we're playing then this is the vertical configuration you flip it over and that becomes horizontal yeah so i thought that was cool that's good because the board is extremely long so it makes whatever you're playing surface uh kind of more in tune with that yeah that was a very considerate design design design decision that they made so all in all i like it it's really good yeah same all in all like we mentioned the little pet peeves that we have with the game but all in all it's it's a really really funny clever design like they they did a really good job with this one it's another one that the more i play it the more i'm familiar with it the easier now i think it's going to be to pull it off the shelf and be like okay just put these styles here this does this this is that yes but getting get an insert yeah get an insert find some sort of storage solution for sure yeah so that was high rise we mentioned at the beginning of the video that they are having a kickstarter that's going live this week i believe at the time of the release of this video it will be going live tomorrow it's tuesday on tuesday on tuesday so if you are interested in this game and you missed out on the first kickstarter last year this is a very good opportunity because it's going to have uh options for upgraded bits and more tenant tiles so be sure to check them out on kickstarter well thank you guys so much for watching the play through we hope you enjoyed the video if you'd like to see more videos like this please consider subscribing thank you bye [Music] you
Channel: Before You Play
Views: 5,834
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: review, high rise, high rise board game, high rise review, high rise playthrough, formal ferret games, high rise board game review, high rise board game kickstarter, high rise board game rules, how to play high rise, how to play high rise board game, high rise board game runthrough, high rise board game thoughts, high rise board game tutorial, Gil Hova games, high rise rules, high rise board game playthrough, high rise kickstarter, high rise game review, high rise how to play
Id: jRf5NHdJBt4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 109min 35sec (6575 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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