High Performance Budget NAS Build - 50T Network Attached Storage. Two ways: FreeNAS & ZFS on CentOS

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there are computer parts all over my desk in fact there's eight 10 terabyte drives i think we're going to build a storage server cue intro all right i don't have one of those cool intros yet i haven't bothered to make one but let's get right into the meat of this this is vertical scale media and normally on this channel i am producing film video content narratives commercials anything in the creative art with a camera however all that stuff takes up space today i'm going to show some of my it routes here and talk about how to build your own storage server rather inexpensive everything on the table here you see is less than three thousand and that is as of september 16 2020 prices and computer stuff always fall so you'll be able to get this stuff even cheaper uh later on however though we are going to have a storage server with eight 10 terabyte drives in here providing about 60 terabytes of space uh usable when we're all done with this now if you do the math on there and you see that we have 8 times 10 that does not equal 60. we're going to lose two drives to parity and that's so we can withstand a drive failure and not lose all of our data but let's get out of the technical here and let's jump into some of the the nitty gritty on this i've been working with lennox since 1993 and professionally for over 20 years we're going to build this system in two different configurations and i'm going to have the video index so you can jump ahead if you want to we're gonna go through the server build here why i chose some of this stuff then we're gonna talk about doing this with a awesome package called freenas free network attached storage uh that is probably the closest thing you can get with more power than that synology or qnap or one of the other many new drive enclosures you can just slap on your desk and have a lot of storage available on your network very quickly those are great devices if you just want to plug it in and go and not have to worry about too much if you want to tinker a little bit more and get some more flexibility on what you can do especially when you start getting the large capacity like this even less cost free nasa is a great solution personally being a linux guy i'm not going to run freenas this system will get reloaded with cenos eight and i'm going to show how to do that as well and get that configured there's a couple more configuration things that we can do with that to take advantage of these m2 pcie devices i have here that we can't do with the free nas package just because of the way everything's structured for me that's how i'm going to run it but i want to show both i'm going to show how to do it with free nas i'm going to show you how to do this with linux or specifically we're going to do with the cenos 8. but any modern linux that can run the zfs package on it should be capable of doing what we're going to show today the reason i chose them is hardware let's go through this here everything i said is less than 3000 the time i purchased here we have a chassis that i got that not only has good amount of airflow through it but it actually has eight three and a half inch drive bays built right into it so we don't have to worry about doing adapters for five and a quarter inch drives everything's right here that we're gonna need for the hard drives i picked up two m2 pcie devices now the reason i did this is one i want these drives a spinning disc to be used just for the storage array the other reason is that one of them is going to be booting the os and the other one is going to be cash in the freenas setup in the cenos setup though we're gonna do it a little bit differently we have a little bit more power and control on there so we're actually gonna split these drives up because this motherboard and the reason i chose this board is that it can support two of these at one time we're going to split it up so the os is definitely on one but we're going to do a mirror zill or slog on it which is a essentially a right cache but don't confuse it with a traditional write cache it's only for specific synchronous operations so we're going to do zill on these as a mirror you want to have that protected you don't want to have as a single drive but that doesn't have to be very big and as you can see these are 512 gig drives or was it 512 500 gig drives close enough we're also going to use the remaining space on this as read cache so that can definitely help out in performance too depending on what you're doing what you're working on having all this available on solid state drives will be very fast memory was actually pretty cheap so i did a 32 gig rather than 16 because it wasn't that much of a cost difference and file systems will take advantage of this as well for caching i will also be running some virtual machines and my setup on this uh for other devices that i want to do being a computer guy so that memory comes in handy for that best bang for the buck as far as performance and cost is the amd six hundred one thing not picture on this table is because it's actually in my existing server i just upgraded all that made sure my cabling was all good uh is a 10 gig network cards so we're going to have a pair of 10 gig pcie network cards one in my desktop which is my primary connection to this even though this will be available on the network as a whole and then one in the server too so we will have 10 gig connection between here and the desktop for all the video editing so we should have really good speeds network wise between this and then depending on what we can get out of these spinning discs we will probably have some pretty good performance to edit over the nas rather than having to have things locally attached to the desktop finally the motherboard the reason i chose this motherboard was that this motherboard by itself supports two pci express devices which is kind of rare the other thing that this motherboard has on it was eight stated uh connections built right on so no no need for an additional hba host bus adapter to run on these drives so that's my reason for choosing what i chose i'm also recycling a power supply i have but even with having to buy like the 1x pci express video card and buying the power supply you still come in right around 3k for this entire setup and that is including the two network cards to um put here and in the end of the server or sorry into your desktop to get 10 game connections between everything so let's get um putting this together and then i will do the free nas one first demo how to do that show the configurations how to get that out all up and attached and then i will also show the cenos eight installation now obviously these are gonna be pretty basic setups for how to get this done i'm not going to go into all the intricate details of how i would do all my setup and tuning is just to get you up and running and get you up running quickly definitely look at the documentation for either direction you go if you have no idea about linux don't do that option do the free nas option that is the easiest way for sure to get up and running on a stable reliable platform but let's jump in so the first thing we're going to do here is just mount these what i like about this caddy here let me check my overhead yep i liked about this caddy here was that it's tool-less you just kind of pry the edges apart a little bit there's little pins that line up where the screw holes normally would go and there are little rubber mounts which is kind of cool gerald undone did an excellent video where he built an aurora system from gigabyte and that was an excellent walkthrough of him building his new desktop workstation look we have in here hmm eight sata drives and they give you two cables not very optimistic about what you might be doing with the system huh these are not normal screws i don't know if you can see that or not not sure what these are for i guess i'll find out on that one let's pop this back plate on here oh that's what those screws are for i think those are for the m2 device yeah this looks like a standoff and stand off and a screw to screw it down problem with this though is that this is not a standard phillips number two so be right back take this back out all right first one's in now the next one for some reason that one has a heat sink all right this one on the back of it here has remove this sticky stuff all right that's a snug snug fit there it is right up against that pci 1x slot and 1b i guess we'll find out when we turn it on if that was correct should i put the sticker on my case now this is a lot of little pins you want to make sure now when you line these up you line it up so it's right there's the arrow that's on the board and that is the arrow here and you also tell this one's a square corner the rest of them are diagonal corners you can see here this is a square corner as well true story when i was very young i was at a computer store working in the back room we had this lady that came in and was applying to be one of our techs she couldn't figure out how to get that cpu in there it just wouldn't line up so she actually did this anyone looking wham smacked it in there well the boss saw it and uh when it came time for lunch she told her not to come back so they do line up and there's a reason that they fit in there a certain way so that's in there let's put the fan on [Music] this one does not require these little brackets to be there so we're going to take those brackets off [Music] but make sure you save those brackets because if you ever decide to upgrade this or change something out you're gonna need these depending on the style of fan that you may end up with depending on the style of the motherboard the back side of this that's that these things thread into may actually just be loose and it requires the tension of the screws actually hold that on so i would advise just to leave the board alone not to pick it up because that might pop and then just screw this in there i like to now these are actually it's too fat of a screwdriver you know thinner shaft to get down into this i like to go corner to corner and it's a little bit of the time so we get equal pressure on the cpu [Music] okay that one's tight that one's tight that one's that one's tight all right you might want to find that's a cpu fan there cpu fan optional so put an alarm for the cpu if you care about any kind of the monitoring that might be present in the motherboard bias for that then you'll want to make sure it's plugged into the right spot so we can keep track of it and also cycle the fan if you use intelligent fan functions in there make sure you can cycle that properly too time to put the board in the case all right i could do a visual here we have one screw two screw there is not one up here it needs one those two are present and the third one it can use and those two are present also a third one they can use so there are one two three four five six seven eight nine holes on this one one two three four five six i'd like to make sure there's no other standoffs that i might be missing because you really don't want to have your motherboard ground out and then you ruin your motherboard zip ties second only to duct tape and holding everything together there's standoff there's a standoff should be one more standoff there it is bare minimum of standoffs they didn't give you a whole lot extra here time for motherboard insertion all right they're fine threads it's a little unusual all right i like to go through here and get them all started so they all lined up perfectly and then go back through and tighten them down also the note one thing i thought was a little odd the back corner screw here there you go one way back here that screw was a coarse thread not a fine thread all the rest were fine i don't know why they did that it was not one of the ones i put in there that was already existing so they had one that was coarse so if we look at the back of this let's pop this we can get to all the drives and we can run the cables here and run them down inside so i will go ahead and cable the rest of this up if you were to use one kind of cool feature here if you want to use some ssd drives as well two and a half inch there's two more spots back here for those um so you have a lot of flexibility with this case for how many things you want to plug into it so i'll get a little stuff uh wrangled up here and then we'll jump to a power on and then i'll go through the loads we'll do free nast like i said and then we'll finish up with sun os eight thanks for sticking with us so far and uh staying tuned i'm gonna call it quits for the night though cause uh it's gonna take a little while to do the rest of this and i'll just film tomorrow you'll see like two seconds pass for me it'll be 22 hours or so oh yeah one more thing let's see well we have us open here here's the case and three big fans and there's this little mesh grille here to help with dirt and dust intake so i like the design of this case i think it'll be good for good for the file server all right sayonara all right welcome back to the free nas portion of this so we have the machine assembled here now and we have just booted it up so you can see here on the bios screen um we have a blank bias so we're going to go in here where we can configure this a little bit it's a few things i like to change on here when you first turn this on it's going to tell you that the bias is not configured but if it doesn't you can continue to hit the delete key to get into the bias either way though it's told us here that it can't continue without the setting it up so we're going to hit f1 to go into the bios and the first thing that we're going to do is we're going to turn off this stupid interface because we're setting up a storage array not a gaming platform we want data not pretty graphics so went into advanced settings here we're just going to go down the list and change things that need to get changed um the time there looks like it's in utc time which is correct security everything's fine there i'm going to go over all this ai tweaker we're going to leave this alone we don't want to overclock this thing we don't want to mess with ram timings everything that you bought on the list that i had should be sufficient for this machine uh if you want something else in the machine and you don't want to use some of the hardware that i have then go ahead and feel free to change these if you need to but i would leave all these alone for this tweaker stuff here because we want the stable machine we don't want to be pushing every little bit of speed it can out of this so go into advanced we don't have anything to do here with tpm device cpu configuration we do want to turn on svm mode um that is in case you want to do some virtual machines which both the sun os version and this free nas version do support so we will turn that on just in case you desire to do that i desire to do that with mine so it will be turned on for that uh under the configuration for sata we are going to leave everything here alone this comes up default as it should for everything is configured here onboard device configuration this can only stay on the same as well all default you want to make sure that our at least for me i'm going to be booting off pixie boot uh if you're booting off usb thumbstick or you're going to attach a dvd drive to it you can turn you can leave this alone but for me i'm going to turn this on because we may be pixie booting no need for a serial port go ahead and you can disable this free up that resource from being uh consumed by a machine i like to have my file servers always on so if we have power loss the power comes back power on um you should have your storage array especially one this large that has critical data on it uh backed up with a ups so you should not be experiencing a power loss if that's all properly configured sriv can turn this on too this is part of virtualization i'm not sure if you're going to need that or not for what you may want to do with it but it doesn't hurt to have it on everything else here is default this is all timing as well that's all going to be default this is the monitor for the fans you can have an alert on fans if you want to have things uh check for speed this particular system really only has the cpu and the motherboard fan there's not much else they can actually control because those fans are actually 5 volt fans and 12 volt fans off of the actual power supply rails not offering motherboard headers if you go into boot boot configuration i turn off fastboot i want to go ahead and do an actual mem test at least a quick one i don't care about this logo again again we we are setting up a server here not a gaming machine [Music] and setup mode is which mode you want to go into when you first boot up this bias this mode that we're currently in or you want to go back into the pretty graphic mode i'd rather have it go back into advanced if you go back into it also to note i have the usb stick plugged in currently as i'm going through this here and there's a reason for that we need to make sure that we can boot off that device so see here boot options we're going to do this general udisc 5.0 that is my usb stick yours might be called something different but that should be the first one to boot off of for the free nas installation if you follow the free nasa's guide and put it on a usb stick that is the easiest in my opinion so you should probably go ahead and follow that follow suit with that as well so now we wait all right so it sees everything there as it should it should boot up on the usb stick here yep it is so it's going to ask us what do you want to do we want to install free nas so hit one through the power of editing you don't have to wait for all this i'll be fast forwarding through some of it here all right we're going to install an upgrade so hit enter we're only going to select one of the nv amita devices here now this is one of the things that you have a little bit more flexibility with when you do it with cenos or any other type of linux you can do by hand for nf for a zfs file system but here using freenas it's a little less flexible so we're going to just choose one of these devices and hit ok we're going to perform a fresh install we're going to format the boot device yes and we're going to go to the password test and we are going to boot via bios we uh have no need to boot with uefi with this hardware in fact i can't boot with uefi with the video card that i have selected out of my old stock of video cards i had laying around but there's no benefit to booting ufi with this so if you can be a bias boot via bias you may only have one option available depending on what other hardware you may have inside the system a different video card may affect that we don't need a swap all right and now we wait for it to copy the configuration onto the drive i wonder how much time over my it career i have sat and waited and watched and waited oftentimes to be let down when something didn't work right and have to start the whole process again [Music] maybe the machines already own us sitting here waiting that's a lot better than my first time installing slackware back in 93. i had the x video system back then too x gui not x3 but x and that was not fun to set up hey we're successful so hit enter and then we can reboot and pull off that usb stick all right it sees the devices usb is missing now again if you don't have pixie turned on you won't see these messages but if you do you can hit escape unless you want to boot pixie for some reason but we want to boot off that nvme we just installed onto there it goes starting to boot [Music] and we want to boot free nas go ahead and hit enter or the number one two roads that lead to the same place [Music] he has a youtuber who is making this kind of stuff you get to sit here and wait and watch kind of play along a little bit with your late night radio dj voice something to keep yourself entertained while you're waiting could watch that gerald undone review of his auris system that he built i do have multiple monitors all right this is a lie this is not going to take a long time it may have if you would have installed this on like a pentium 2. i'd call that a medium amount of time all right so the first time around here it'll pause for a little bit and wait to bring up the 10 gig link which is the ix0 it's looking for a dhcp address on that link and in my configuration it plugged directly into my desktop editing machine my desktop is not running a dhcp server so it will eventually time out with that all right just about finished here hey now we go okay so um for the most part you're not gonna touch to touch the keyboard anymore on this system once you put it in place where it's gonna be you're gonna leave it alone but you see here that the web interface picked up a dhcp off of my router my home network is 192.168.3 yours is more than likely 192.168.1 if you are the vast majority of people out there who have a home router from your internet provider or just a crappy little link session plugged in go ahead and open up chrome firefox whatever you want to use hopefully not ie and browse this off of your desktop all right we are to the login prompt now so we're going to log in with our username of root and test which is our really crappy password all right so first thing we got to configure here is the network now i wanna assume that you've already configured the network in your windows or mac or other linux system that you have that you're gonna connect to this nas device so for purposes of this the desktop is already configured i'm going to set up this 10 gig network interface here with another range that i already have assigned um the interface on the realtek is and the 192.168.3 is the network that i have on my router at home so hold a dhcp address for that you may want to leave it at dhcp you may want to assign the static address either way though there is a bug in the interface here where we configure this and we go to configure when you turn off dhcp it turns off dhcp for both interfaces which is not what we want um so my desktop is configured for 4.2 we're going to configure this as 4.1 hit apply and it's going to say we have to change these to uh test these changes so we hit test confirm test now we lose connection because it just dropped the interface off of the real tech so now we gotta browse to 4.1 in the web browser advanced connect log back in again test and we're going to save the networking so now we have an address here on our tangent link we don't have one over here on the real tag so go back into this and for simplicity we can set this back to dhcp um it is a bug if you set this to dhcp it will set it here but not on the other one which is what we wanted the first time around but unchecking it off of the 10 gig unchecked it off of both plug with the installer we're going to go ahead and just set it to the address that it was given 3.222 we're going to apply that we're going to test changes confirm test changes now we didn't have to reconnect anything because nothing went down this time um now on your 10 gig link it is advised that you configure jumbo frames which is your mtu i have on my desktop configure jumbo frame so i'm gonna go ahead and set that on this um if you have not done that don't set that option because it will cause problems with your network all right so we have that configured let's go configure storage we're gonna go to storage remove the pools there are no pools currently so i'll go to add create pool we're gonna select all the disks except for the last nvme device here i'm gonna call my pool storage and add those here it's going to default to raid z2 which is essentially raid 6. we're going to lose two drives worth of parity data roughly to strip across all this that means that we can lose roughly two drives in the array and not have catastrophic data loss we're also going to add this nvme as a cache drive so now we have a raid z2 which is these drives and we have one cache drive and we're going to go ahead and create confirm create pool all right so you have one storage volume here a data set roughly 50 terabytes of space which is kind of a bummer that it is slimmed down like that when we um have 80 terabytes of space in this thing but that is what happens after you format it and have to lose two drives to parody so let's go to edit options here you can see it's storage ld4 everything looks good lz4 is recommended for performance reasons and it does save some space as well on rare instances but doesn't really hurt your processor at all so definitely turn that on or leave that alone i should say we're going to add a data set now and we're going to call this one homes for the home directories actually we're going to call it home home directories we're going to save this and then we're going to add another data set and i want to call this one vol 1. it is advised that you don't share the root because you can't change acl permissions on the root um but adding a sub volume off of the root which are root of storage allows us to actually set acls and give users access to this for samba nfs or other things like that easily through freenas so those are all set so now we are going to go to accounts users and we're going to create a new user and we're going to create bob and bob has the dumbest password in the world it is test similar to our root user we're going to say his home directory is in home and he's a microsoft account this will allow him to actually share from a windows pc so we have that all set up everything looks good hit save so bob has a home directory now now we can go to sharing and go to windows shares and we're going to add a share and we are going to share file one hit save it's going to ask if you want to enable this service yes i do samba has been enabled do you want to configure the acl now yes we want to enable that and it asks that twice i don't know why if thanks has to ask it again we're going to configure acl i like how it changes that and bob open at acl user and the user is bob permission is full control save there's our vowel one i'm going to map the network drive and you can choose reconnect to log in let's do it as z finish there is the z folder and if you go to this pc see there is the 50 terabytes free and for fun i am going to grab some stuff to copy over there all right so that is the conclusion to the free nas portion of this there's a lot of other options in freenas there's a lot of things they can figure in there but this is the nitty gritty to get this hardware up and running with freenas and have local storage available to your desktop at 10 gig and to your network at large over your other one gig link so the next part is doing this with cenos welcome to the cenos portion of configuring your new network attached storage device this tutorial here i am pixie booting this off the network more than likely though you'll probably be installing it from usb or dvd all right so depending on where you're at and choose english continue a lot of this is pretty straightforward here if you've configured a linux system before it'll be pretty simple this tutorial does assume some knowledge of how the stuff works so i'm not going to explain a whole lot in here i'm going to choose i don't want to serve with a gui i think a gui on the server is absolutely useless so we are going to do a regular old server now you can do a basic install and this the packages that you want sometimes that's really annoying so we're just go ahead and configure the storage array and i'm not going to walk through all the intricacies of setting up nfs samba and everything else if you are in this portion of the tutorial you i assume you know those things however i am going to walk through some of the unique settings that i will use for zfs when we do this just so we can talk talk about what was different between this and freenas and how to get a little bit more performance out of this setup um doing it on a cenos eight system all right and i'm going to go to my disks here and you will see that i have a lot of different disks so we're going to just play with this first one and we're going to do a custom layout on it i do not like using lvm i like standard partitions unless there's a call for it so what i'm going to do here is just do a center partition we're going to do our boot [Music] one gig is sufficient for boot ext4 i have to give these labels [Music] and then we're going to also add our root file system and my belief on root file systems is that they should be fairly minimal it's enough to hold the os it's enough to hold um maybe some temp files that'll be put on there and logs everything else should be somewhere else that way if you need to wipe and reload your installation if something happens to it you get somebody who compromises your box you have a single point here to get rid of all your system binaries on the system and not have to worry about moving data around before you can just nuke that entire partition so we have a boot and a root this is all that's needed here again changes back to ext4 we're going to call this one root update settings and that is it for this now it's going to tell down here in the bottom it's going to pop up and say you don't have a swap i don't care about that accept changes you notice i also disabled kdump here we don't care about that either again installation and my root user is going to have the lamest password in the world which is test it's going to warn us we got to click on it twice and now we wait for the packages to install at least i wait you don't wait i'm going to fast forward through all of this for you because i love you guys i can't fast forward to this though does that mean i hate myself all right installation is complete go ahead and click on reboot rebooting [Music] all right so here's my system that's all booted up i'm gonna log in all right we've logged in so now we get to have the fun you see our two positions we made here before so we're gonna make a part make two more of them here we can do a primary it doesn't matter what file system type we're going to start this at the end of the other one so 22.5 gig and we're going to have this end at approximately 15 gig out of this 37.5 gig so we got a 15 gig position then we're going to do make part primary this is going to start at 37.5 gig and we're going to make it 100 so those are two positions there and we're going to the same thing to the other nvme however as you'll know here we're going to make a label ms-dos so it is the same as the other one now there's no petitions on this drive so we're going to do a make part we're going to do primary we're going to start this one at starting point of 1 and it's going to be 15 gig and then we're going to do another make part primary this one's going to start at 15 gig and be 100 now we have two of them here another one we have four now one downside is that um we can't really do a mirror or a raid for our root and our boot inside of sonos with this without doing a lot of other trickery this is not worth it um then the motherboard doesn't support it really either the fake raid that it uses is not a true raid but we can what we what we can do here and we can't do with free nas is that we can configure a zill or a slog which is a zfs intent log this adds a level of synchronous write cache to the array that we did not have the ability to create with the freenas now you could have used the spare m2 device as just a zil slog device that's not advisable though because you really want to have that mirrored if you end up losing your zill you'll have data corruption you can't have data corruption so it's a good idea to mirror that so that is why we have two partitions that are identical on both systems we have the 22 sorry we have the 15 gig on the first nvme and we have the 15 gig on the second nvme um the rest of the space we're going to use as the l2 arc which is the level 2 adaptive read cache now we use the entire m2 in the freeness setup of that secondary m2 as just the cache here we're going to add both of them as cache because we don't need to have all that other space wasted as a root file system so to make this easier we're going to switch over and we're going to ssh into this rather than continuing on the console let's go to the zfs upon linux we're going to go to the cenos one here we're going to grab this package copy that do a yum install on this package unlike the freenas one i assume a little bit more expertise with this install you're on your own for configuring networking configuring samba configuring nfs or any other functionality vm hypervisors on this box versus the free nas one which i've walked a little bit more through so we're going to focus just purely on getting zfs on here so i now have the zfs package on here we need to edit though um the yum repro file all right so there's a new one here called repo [Music] now we're going to disable the dkmis version dkms version we're going to do the kmod version this is recommended for the docs on the openvfs project as you can see here talks about turning on the kabi module rather than bkms so now we can just do a yum install zfs yes all right mod probe zfs get the module going all right zfs status oops all right z pool status no pools available so one thing that i would advise you to do this is also in the documentation as well is rather than using sda sdb stc which can change better to use the wwn which is the worldwide name which is a unique global identifier for the device so we're going to use that when we create our z pool instead so we're going to create our z pool so z pool create this is the first option we're going to set here which is a shift equals 12. now this is the option to set your devices as a 4k device so as best i can tell even though that the drives are exported as a 512 emulated it is still better to consider them as a 4k drive because they're 4k native and the way that 512 emulation works is it's still a read copyright if you write something less than 4k blocks so if we can write 4k at a time we don't have to worry about a read copyright operation happening in the on the sectors below level all right so rather than using the device names we're going to use the wwens have those down here already hit enter and we need to force creation on this this is because part of the tutorial before this was doing it with free mass so it thinks those might be part of an act of value now to the z-pool status there is our raid z2 device and if we do z-pool list we'll see that we have 72 terabytes of raw space those drives were slightly more than nine terabytes it's a shame that they do the storage like this now 10 terabyte drive but it used to be 1024 was a bite now it's 1 000 even as a bite so it actually shaves off quite a bit of storage so those 10 terabyte drives end up being something more than nine got eight of them in there eight times nine is 72 and then we're going to lose a surprising amount of storage parity 51 that really stinks but at least we'll have a pretty safe array here so we've added these drives and we have our pool under storage now the other thing we want to do is we want to add our mirror device [Music] all right now if we do a z pool status see we have the slogs there also known as the zill that's a mirror between those two partitions and the last we're going to do is we're going to do is zpool add the storage cache and here we're going to grab the last partition on the first nvme and the last petition on second nvme there's our status for that so now we have cache and a slog device so it should have a fairly fast uh storage array that we were not able to create quite this way with free nas now you may be able to use a shell on freemass and actually shell out and make some of these commands on your own but the web interface is not set up to design a zfs pool this way um again don't share the root system out like this you can if you really want to um it's a little bit more free to do this on sun os if it is on the free nas device i still highly recommend that you create [Music] um data sets underneath this and export those out via your whatever method you're going to share those and not actually the root of the pool other things too that we can set on this volume is compression i highly recommend you do not use deduplication on zfs it's not worth it for the amount of overhead that you have with ram and this general speed but there you have it cenos and how to do zfs on your senate west pool so thank you for sticking with me on this build of this very large and inexpensive network attached storage uh 10 gigabit network interface uh back to the desktop and at the end of it um roughly 50 terabytes of usable redundant parity data so that is hard to shake a big stick at i don't have any sticks in my my youtube area here but i'd shake it if i had one um but this build is not official until we apply the sticker so sticker has been healed let's see how not square i can get this to line up down here at the bottom that's a toughy there we go all right now it's official so get out there and get creating we have a lot of space now to be able to store all of our video and our footage um hopefully like i said you found this beneficial i'd love some comments and know what you guys have to say about this um especially if you have some experience doing this as well i've been doing learning since 1993 but there's always new things i can learn so i would love to know what some of your experiences are if you've done anything like this as well and any questions you have thank you for tuning in to vertical scale media my name is jason and have a great day you
Channel: Vertical Scale Media
Views: 42,806
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: NAS, FreeNAS, ZFS, CentOS, Storage, Technology, RAID, linux, bios, hardware, diy
Id: xxZkbaLanN8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 56sec (2876 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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