MORPH Speedrunner VS Hunters! (Minecraft)

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it's more Hunters versus speedrunners today I'm going to be the morphing speedrunner and jelly and Crainer are gonna be the hunters now I can morph into anything that I kill so if I morph into a spider I can climb wolves if I morph into a chicken I can fly if I morph into a squid I can swim super fast and my goal is going to be to mine the trophy but it can only be mined with a diamond ax well pickaxe so I'm gonna have to get that as well the hunters their entire goal is simply to kill me very mean but if you want to do something not mean head over to and check out the new merch and also if you want to be extra cool click the like button anyway let's get into the video you ready guys I'm about to move into my first thingy there we go guys call me oh my God call me Spiderman that is just gross they're fairly easy to kill people running okay one minute from now am I running or am I crawling Spiderman oh my God I'm good I'm good I'm good actually I'll be seeing you guys later all right up we climb oh yeah this is actually pretty useful oh look llamas I don't know what the point of being a llama is they're still looking at me okay we're just gonna keep going so we have our compass that is pointing Us in the direction of the trophy that we need to mine with our diamond pickaxe now on the way we can kill mobs to become them although do we really want to become a sheep probably not um oh I thought I was gonna say full damage there okay spiders take full damage question good question I'm not going to test it but I am going to climb this thing ready hey oh a village Perfect all right well we'll head over there and see if there's anything to find are we gonna need food I don't really know actually well first things first we'll grab some food none of it's really grown carrots nice carrots are my favorite and we should probably check the um Smithy while we're here man I can't fit in the doorway and let's morph back into a human there we go what do we got oh wow just for fun I'm just gonna do that for no reason now let's see if we can make ourselves a pickaxe already that's Gonna Save Us a ton of time and we have ourselves a pickaxe now we should also make ourselves an ax ax so that we can slap him with when they get too close there we go and now let's kill this guy sorry buddy but we need to become you we need to turn into you and there we go morphed all right so now we're a villager should we do some more farming while we're here we do need to eat some more wait why can't I eat it's a villager why can't oh wait I've got full hunger what okay that's that should we check if there's some more Farm wait it my hearts are still low so I definitely do need to eat hmm that's problematic okay what is this potatoes we're fine if they get potatoes it doesn't matter oh wow this is really growing here okay we've got to be careful if they spot us as a villager it's going to blow our cover big time we should actually just morph back into a human and eat for a second I guess because villagers don't have usable hands maybe there we go there's a snack and back to uh villager okay oh I see name tags I see name tags okay they are literally here let's listen in what block this place off with obsidian he's done what now okay all right he's been here wake up Mr screen no does that mean hey guys no easy you're somewhere okay how are you doing of the villagers I do you guys see me on a roof up here wait no that one just ran over here this one looks odd this one could be Josh I think no this one is planting seeds unless Josh is also doing that that would be pretty impressive this one it's this one okay get him Josh do you actually think it's him yeah he's not reacting he would have definitely screamed if that was his walk away because it's been fun hanging with you guys wait really wait the compass says he's this way he's one of the cows uh jelly I don't want to be that guy but I feel like we should go he's one of the cows good luck catching me uh [Applause] Telly you want to go loot The Village there we go I'll be out of here oh I'm so lucky I survived that okay well I'm actually kind of Lucky to survived that that was very risky I see another Village over there uh and now I can suddenly eat which is good oh wait if I change into a horse do I get to go faster let's do that okay which horsey do I want to become does it does it come the same color as yeah we'll go this one there we go come on come on stop fighting stop fighting there we go all right and horse abilities I think I got more Hearts okay this looks good it doesn't really go faster but hey it works Sarah spiffy oh look at my arm this is weird there doesn't seem to be a Smithy here which is a bit annoying well the trophies in this direction I kind of want to mess with them again I mean I can probably outrun them quite nicely with the horse all right let's go back to my flock or it's not really a flock herd of of horses oh we should probably make a sort of boat as well I think we're gonna need that no we should become a squid oh squids squiddies hello um I just need this all right and Bam there we go okay so now we can turn into that when we need to so let's head back to our flock and try and mess with them a bit why do I keep saying flock it's it's a herd I think right yeah okay and nay nay wait so the village is over there but he ran over there I'm following the tracker I think it's more do you think he could be hey wait jelly do your do your sheep sound maybe we can read him maybe he will expose fellow sheep man yeah I'm I'm wondering how you guys didn't see that I just ran off right in front of you guys you know that you know the horses go name right that's not a sheep wait I thought I just said hey that's a horse no a horse goes no and a sheep goes bad what are you okay you know what all right well I'm a squid so I'll see you guys later bold time yeah I'm pretty sure I go faster bye I think it's him right in front of me right Telly squids don't have tails okay oh he's diving tentacles well there are so many squids down here this one get it you guys are doing great by the way excellent work from the homies I'm control and what's jelly doing well he's just yelling at me classic jelly doing nothing excuse me excuse me there are so many squids I'm gonna go to land now cause Josh is being lame and just swimming around in the ocean I mean I'm supposed to morph and get to the trophies you're not getting closer to the trophy Josh unless it's underwater well no what I don't think you guys understand okay what is this okay see you guys later okay they obviously have no idea where I am now wait what the heck is going on so we've been lucky so far that we haven't had to go down into a cave but we still need to get diamonds so we can probably do that later on there's no other mobs that I think we should become at least right now unless we can and we become a polar bear oh my God a bunny rabbit come back your buddy route oh that's so good should we become one of these anyway or am I going to get insta killed by this thing I feel like I'm gonna I'm gonna kill it what's a rabbit got for me not really much I have not spent this much time in a snow biome for a while there is just a lot of emptiness it's like no mobs here I really need to find some sort of Ravine now to get to Diamonds because this is annoying I like Pig hello sheep wildlife I haven't seen you in years oh I see him I see you guys wait what two actually you know what I'm not going to do that I'll do what I was gonna hide but I've decided I'm not gonna hide printer yeah you guys can make a snack chill out sit back furnace cook it Josh you'll be my snack what well that's kind of cute yeah because you're calling me a snack too Josh thanks guys uh okay so does that look a bit suspicious to you guys because it sure does what the these are weird looking rabbits they're definitely suspicious to me so I guess this maybe is the trophy we're kind of uh making a risky bet that we're gonna be finding diamonds here and I really hope we do now it's often the eight way in is not actually always the best way so let me just investigate the area a bit what's around the back of this thing oh we've got ice at the top and oh no I can't get in here oh wait no I can what is this wait the trophy yeah we definitely don't have diamonds okay this is problematic first of all let me change into something with more Health yeah I can't see anything we're in big danger what if I become an Enderman is that a good idea okay let me let me do some killing first now I'm a Zombie should we try and kill the Enderman I guess we can ow come on take that take that there we go killed the Enderman okay well we're gonna need to dig somewhere or something ow ow ow wait what I'm just going down into a creepy dark cave right now guys what where what are you doing here already what are you what do you where is he crazy is me this is problematic for me um jelly Joe never mind I'm coming never mind this is fine oh we got some coal that's kind of good that that's that helps at least okay we don't have much stuff at all we don't even have like enough wood to do anything okay well at least I can see stuff now okay I don't think that they're following me I hope that I'm not gonna fall into a lava pit right now because that would be problematic they haven't found the hole that yet though so I could use this to get back up again oh okay well this works maybe I should become a spider now it seems like a good idea all right let's see if I can find me some diamonds okay well we've got a ravine we're definitely at Diamond level um I feel so low down it's a rabbit let's just work our way through here and just hope that they don't follow us anytime soon hi well that's convenient let me grab please don't fool yep and you okay well we've got our diamonds that's nice and now we just need to make ourselves a pickaxe and then hopefully we can win this one I'm very oh I've only got enough sticks for a pickaxe I can't make a sword as well okay well maybe I could distract them by throwing diamonds at them all right well let's head back up all right go through this Gap and up we go I could go under the ice that's actually kind of smart uh oh that was not what I was meant to do oh keep your carpets out oh there's also a bet here hello guys is he I'm rather close and I am terrifying guys you guys are gonna be terrified when you see me get back I wish I was a bat yes what have you guys done to the trophy it looks like you have in the corner I saw something spider where spider oh he's a spider it's going up he's throwing at me snowballs um it's not working I thought it would damage why would you think that that would do anything I don't know how can I do this then see it works on mobs that's why I thought it would work on you Josh we're giving same time can I what do you want can I attach myself to a ceiling I mean he could he pretty much punch us off he just fell down why don't you jump down and protect them you protect the floor I protect the patrol wait is he over there now then he's gotta say in the sky this is difficult um you want some diamonds some diamonds buddy oh the spider is speaking to me speaking what else have I got here probably nothing what is he he's a horse he's a that means he has a lot of help that's the idea yeah well I guess I'll jelly you attacking my bridge hang on let me just have a snack horses like carrots by the way I know you wanna jump Crainer I know you want it I know jelly wants to come on excuse me I actually like don't have blocks anymore yes horses don't swim in lava horses horses suck and I actually got the diamonds too thank you oh this is great thanks for watching the if there are videos on the screen go and click those and it'll take you straight there enjoy
Channel: Slogo
Views: 3,526,789
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: slogoman, gaming, slogo, minecraft, hunters, speedrunner, morph, mod, jelly, crainer
Id: 96zu_YdS3Lk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 7sec (847 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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