Hide & Seek But Everyone Has SUPERPOWERS!

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in this video I hired 10 professional hiders to beat me in hide and seek but there's a catch every player has one ability like infinite health invisibility and even infinite rip to goes yo this is broken he just keeps riting all right so I'm group with 500 health and I'm hiding behind a tree where you guys at I'm I'm seeing a lot of bush bombs around here check the basketball court okay looks good there's no way he doesn't see me he's right behind me you're joking right all right this is the first house I'm checking this is the closest house to me under stairs oh he's checking under stairs okay no I'm going to move I think this house is 100% clear there's nobody in this house 100% [Music] oh I think I have the worst spot in the game but because it's so bad it's going to work there he is there he is there he is okay he's going to the houses that's good I think I hear someone in this house it's right there I think I hear someone in here we just escaped we just escaped where you guys at wait there's like no one in here wait there's no one there's no one in the house house we got to start checking bushes checking bushes oh dear I have to move up there but I should wait my 13 seconds all right we're checking this house this like broken down house Nick a30 did a Meme here once and he said some famous words Never Back Down never give up okay who's throwing this smoke bomb guys I bet it's coming from this gas station right here I just see something break over here someone's definitely over here I just see something break no way he's coming towards us he's coming towards us we just got to get inside the house get inside the house wait what no they've got to be close by W this is actually really hard are youall really in trees on I'm flying to check trees I'm flying to check these trees bro oh no all right I don't think anyone's in the trees I think we're chilling there okay I don't think he's going to check me guess you guys really are the pros guys I think I hear Tex I hear by me wait I just feel like somebody has a phase ability they can phase into places I can't oh my God he's right there oh my God I hear him I'm going to keep throwing Bush Bombs over there oh my God calm down a dude nobody's in here bro and yo somebody just through a bush right from over [Music] here somebody just went invisible I hear him I can't see him though just go this way just go this way am I stupid I hear him I'm just going to keep following his footsteps I swear I hit him he's right here I see his fo steps I see his fo steps oh there he is there he is there he is come here oh I see you come here Aqua come here I'm going to murder you bro no you don't can't escape me with your fancy ability keep invisible again wait oh my God what just happened how am I alive oh my God bro come here I hear you I hear you oh I see the footstep there's like a little smoke Trail there's no way I'm cutting him off he's up [Music] here he not in the freaking Bush no I see a bush oh my god oh shoot oh shoot oh shoot I said I found you again Aqua I found you again okay he went invisible this is so stupid oh my gosh we just juked him he just ran right past us my God okay Aqua you got away bro he actually got away this is so stupid a it's so hard bro is someone in this bush ye no oh my God yo I see someone running I see someone running there's no way come here bro come here Crouch rocking somewh did you just make a full circle where are you going it's a tree skin no who's the tree skin bro where you at he's outside he's outside I hear him I see him yes come here no no no no no no no oh my God come on where is he going he just keeps disappearing I'm just the best hider in the world what is this ability am I just bad at the game do I just suck oh my gosh this is so stupid bro oh shoot oh come here dude the smoke nades no I'm right behind him oh I got to dash I hit him I think I hit him did I hit him I can't see oh no oh my God I'm full blind I'm full blind bro and I I don't have a single kill where am I I need to fly out I I I'm actually suck oh finally bro they they escaped they escaped bro how is everyone escaping me right now this is actually so lame but as you guys notice storm is closing in so there's going to be less and less spots for you guys to hide somebody ried what no way where is he where'd he go he just ripped it again yo this is broken he just gets ried no way he just landed in this tree right here bro no I actually lost him like I actually actually lost him I'm not not even kidding anymore oh I got away oh my God I got away at this point I was really struggling if I didn't kill everyone before storm fully in closes then I lose but things change when someone threw one smoke bomb wait that smoke bomb came from right there somebody's got to be right here boom Oh I was actually right oh my God come here I'm not letting you escape again bro oh I lost him bro yes 50 50 oh oh my God finally I got my first kill oh yeah no more smokes oh my God that's so refreshing let's go I see something break over here I see something break over here oh my God come on Tex is right underneath me time we go time we go ni talk again dude I can see him I can actually see his footsteps oh but it's the bushes that throw me off the most he's just going push the bush he's going push the bush where is he we have to run we just have to run just keep running just keep running how am I supposed to do to kill someone I can't see bro he can't see me I'm genius we have 3 seconds left and then we can go invisible again oh merked oh thank god dude bro you scared me it was just a trash canid don't worry bro it's a box oh it's nothing just a box what's crazy is Texans just called me trash I just realized toxify is probably just in a box somewhere and I haven't gotten them dude there's no way oh there's more boxes no I love this box nope I do hear someone running over is someone in this bush wait someone is in the bush yes yo see you later talks oh somebody just threw more Bush Bombs over here please be one of them please I need to kill this bush Warrior he's not but I hear footsteps bathroom clear what where are you guys you guys have to be on the outskirts somewhere oh oh my God he's right outside I don't know where he is is that him over there wait I just move over here yes Aqua not again bro you're not escaping me again this will be like the sixth time you escaped me I can see you you're dead lost him is that a is that a balloon yo have you just been in the air the whole time come here yo calm down calm down calm down stop stop stop playing stop Flying you still to kill yo why you dropping where you going dude it's so hard to kill you come down here just come down here let's talk bro no no no I don't let's just talk about it yes 25 no what I'll see you later Trace there's no way after finally killing Trace I got my final rematch versus Aqua Aqua come here no you're actually dead you're actually dead go on yes yes oh my God storm was closing in fast I only have 10 minutes to kill kill someone with infinite Rifts 500 health and a op phasing ability and not to mention I literally have zero idea where Starly is but if I had a guess he's probably somewhere in a bush but for now let's try to kill the rifter thing dude oh my God at least I got Aqua he was so annoying wait that's person no at bro I'm coming straight for you it's impossible it's I I quite I can't kill him he's lost interest in me I'm trying to look I'm trying to see if anyone's over here oh my God Tes is right there he's fly he's flown past me like five times what what was that was I just hey hey buddy hey come here this is the bush bomb guys what oh my God there's no way wait are you just back in the Y chill chill CH chill chill yo come here oh yeah oh you don't have oh my God God wait how are you there's no way you're actually so bad bro what what God oh you're up here aren't you yep y I wonder where he win oh my God yo just die just die already no no no no no no no no no no no no I'm stuck oh my God yes what you just got rifted are you serious come here Charlie come here wait I got someone else who is this no no oh my God it's merked it's merked wait I've I've done so much damage to you no way this is Merk let me go let me go do you have a bunch of Health bro wait this is another guy there another guy yes no relief relief is creeping relief is actually creeping so hard right now he just saved me he just saved me oh my God zone is getting small I got to kill y'all my God oh my God oh you're so lucky he didn't Rift me he didn't Rift me I'm actually safe come on Texas you're too slow come on Starly no no no no come here yes oh my God yes I'm slowly killing you guys what the yes [Music] yes I got damage on relief that's so good he almost killed me wait where where's mer at there's somebody in the no no way he didn't see me where you at bro you got to find mer first bro you got to find mer where is he bro I might be the greatest Hider of all time I can't [Music] lie yes yes come on where'd he go [Music] Bish she just phes through the wall where is Mt oh my God he's got to be right here he has to be like literally right here oh my God he's walking right past me okay no like oh there he is no yes that's 60 that's a lot of damage oh my God I literally found an exploit you better kill mer I'm not taking the rift mer yes how much health do you have maybe I should have taken the rift bro he has so much health how come he's not dying how is he not dead oh he's just running 45 70 oh he's got to be weak I'm chipping down on his health oh I almost got relief he almost killed me oh my God he literally almost got me I have 130 Health should I take the rift now oh merked at the rift merked at the rift I'm just coming up straight up for you [Music] guys I'm out yo you missed oh my God I'm taking so much damage from the storm no I have 35 health I got to get rid of this building oh my God my weapon's so bad yes no he got me Mark is dead that it's the two op items wait I can just go in the air what my God I'm just gliding it's just me and one other guy God yo fishy is going to be the hardest one to kill what oh fishy just died I just died to fall damage it's just you relief come on oh my God I I I got to stop doing that the storm's about to fully enclosed no this is it yes I got to meet him up I got to meet him up come on no I got go down oh my God oh my God you die right here Le yes yes no I Almost Got Away With It Man everyone please like And subscribe
Channel: Txns
Views: 916,313
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: fortnite hide & seek, hide and seek, fortnite og, fortnite, txns, hide and seek on og map, chapter 1 fortnite, hide, and, seek, txns hide and seek, sypherpk, nick eh 30, prop hunt fortnite, tnxs, txns og, og hide and seek, loserfruit, minecraft hide and seek, fortnite battle royale
Id: xa79QAivig8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 15sec (795 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 06 2023
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