Hide and Seek in Your Color!

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- So guys, today we're playing hide and seek and as you guys know, I'm the queen of hide and seek. - Wait, wait, wait (record scratching) Karina. You know that, you already forgot that we are only supposed to hide one color today. (dramatic music) So, you're gonna get red - But I was preparing hiding spots! - No, no, no, no, no! Mhm, I'm gonna find you so easily! - What if I get like purple! What in the house is purple? - I guess those diapers over there! (Dramatic sad music) - You want me to find in diapers? - Sure! - All right so guys so I guess were going to be hiding in only one color and the winner of this challenge is gonna, (In unison) get the Mystery box! (Dramatic music) - We don't know what's in it but it's very mysterious so we want to know what's in it. - Who's gonna get red and hide inside of it? (Both laughing) - All right so, let's begin, bring out the mystery wheel! - Karina there's no mystery wheel were gonna be picking from the bowl! - Oh, okay. I thought there was going to be a- - But first we need to do Rock, Paper, Scissors of who is the hider! - Awh, okay. (In unison) Rock, Paper, Scissors, shoot! - Yes, yes! - No, no! (Screaming) - All right, so I'm gonna pick my color. - Okay there you go but you have to tell me! - Please get a neutral color, all right... (Heartbeat) - Just get red, red. - Blue? (Laughter) - Yes, yes, yes! - Karina's like in the swimming pool (Laughter) - W-What's blue? - The swimming pool, I don't know! - You can see right through the swimming pool! Uhg, that color's so hard! - Yes, I can get an easy dub, oh yeah! - Oh no, guys pray for me I don't know what in the house is blue that I can hide in! - So guys, I'm going first and I only have three minutes to hide but Ron has two minutes to find me. - Hahaha! - Very nice fancy headphones, Ron's gonna go in the bathroom so he can't see or hear me. - Mhm. - All right, lets do this! - Bye! - Bye bye Ronald! - Okay guys I have no idea where to hide. There's nothing in the house that's blue, so I gotta be looking everywhere. Um, Ronald, let's check Ronald's room first. Okay he has a blue bed, I could hide behind it? I can't really hide underneath it. Uh, hmm. He's got some blue clothing I can hide behind maybe. What's in the bathroom? Nothing blue, okay. Um, Let's check in this room. It's a blue bed again, I don't think I can hide behind it. Uh, blue boxes, think I can hide behind these ones? I don't think I could All right, I'll go upstairs then okay. (Heavy breathing) All right, it's been one minute long. Okay, I'm gonna go to my parents room. They have a lot of blue clothing maybe I can hide behind. Another blue bed. Blue curtains, maybe behind the curtains. (Gasp) Maybe this a perfect spot right behind the bed, this bed thing. I just have to move it closer to the corner and hide right behind it, right behind the curtains. That's perfect! Ron will never hide m-, find me there. The only thing is it's gonna be really hot because of the sun, that's right there. Hopefully I don't over heat. Oh gosh, I don't think I'll be able to fit here. (Rustling) All right, I'm in my hiding spot. I don't know if it's great but I don't know how it looks on the outside, if it looks really obvious on the outside, hopefully I'm gonna when though! - So guys, Karina's three minutes to find something blue is over and I know for a fact she's in something blue so that should be easy to find. Timer starts, now! Okay, blue, blue, blue. Karin- Karina are you in something blue? Yes you are, obviously. Um, in the pool? No, okay my room has all the blue things, let's go there. Okay, Karina? Blue, blue, um, behind here? Um, Uh, what else could be blue? (Heavy breathing) Okay, um, in here. No not in there, um behind here? No! Karina? All right follow upstairs. Karina's room. Oh Karina! That's not blue. This should be really easy! (Heavy breathing) Oh, this is technically blue! No. Karina! Oh wait that door's open! (Dramatic music) - [Ron] Karina! Are you in here? Those are blue. (Rustling) Karina! Lets go! - [Karina] Oh no you found me! (laughing) - I saw that this, the door to this room open. I was like oh I- - No I should've closed the door! - I was gonna check there anyway, and then I saw your shirt so I was like ooh! - Ron found me, he has one point! - Yes! - So guys, Ronald just won the first game and he's one step closer to the mystery box! I mean, I'm getting really nervous cause I really, really want the mystery box! So I better win this game. I'm gonna be searching so fast but you won't even see me. - Well I'm gonna get white, gray, or whatever is a good color! - Please get red! - Okay, time to unfold. - Red, red, red, red! - Purple!? (Karina laughing) - I only have one thing that's purple in the house! In the guest bedroom there's purple curtains and that's it! - Oh God, what else is purple! - There's nothing else purple Ron! - Wait, I can hide in the diapers! (Brah sound) - I don't think you should hide in the diapers Ron. (Laughter) - All right, I'm going to go into the bathroom and I'm gonna look at all the purple things, there's only like two purple things in the house. I'm gonna win for sure! (Groan) - You are over confident, I know the best purple spots ever! - Ron, name three things that are purple in this house. - No, I don't want to tell you my secret hiding spots! - Ron, you can't even name three! (laughing) I'm for sure gonna win. All right I'm gonna go into the bathroom with my headphones. Ronald good luck, cause you'll definitely need it. - Okay. So guys, it's time to find my hiding spot, I have to be quick cause I only have three minutes and I have to find a purple hiding spot, but Karina thinks that I'm gonna hide, in these curtains cause she knows that this is like the only purple thing in the house. Along with these things and also some flowers outside she thinks that are like purple but I'm not gonna hide in those because I want to trick her a lot. She gave away the spots that she was gonna look. (Baby crying) Area, don't cry. And I think I have and amazing spot but I have to be in a hurry, I got three minutes. - This, is where we're gonna hide, in this room, the private room. I mean like , Karina's gonna read the sign and be like oh, I shouldn't go in there but little does she know, I'm in here, and you might be asking, "Ronald well what is Purple in here!?" Well, let me tell you little picky person! (Laughing) The purple thing is right here! And I set it up in a way, so look I can hide in there. So if she opens the door yeah, she'll look here, she won't see me cause this is blocking. Little does she know that there's an entrance to go around. But, let's go inside! And we're gonna be facing our backs so if she- she might look here because there's still kinda a little gap and she might be looking at like my white shirt. And then she'll think that it's just something normal and she won't really realize because my white shirt the back of it- - Boring! - We are in place. - So guys I got two minutes to find Ron! I think I know where Ron's hiding because there's very little purple things in the house. So let's go, come on! All right, first I'm gonna run through the kitchen and everything. Okay Hi George, hi Aria! (Baby gooing) Okay. I have to go back. Hello, Ronald? This is purple. (Rustling) Here we go! I'm fast, okay. I think Ronald's upstairs in the room that's labeled "Private" and I'm pretty sure there's a purple bed in there. (Heavy breathing) Ronald I caught you red handed! I found you! - No! - Yes! Yes, I did it! I found Ronald! - That's so like, you went so fast like come on! - I was running at like flash speed like ! - Oh my goodness, I got purple and you knew all the purple things! - Mhm - Well, it's one to one. - All right, next round I'm gonna win because I'm gonna have the most epic hiding spot! - Mhm - So guys, I just got one point cause I found Ronald super fast in one minute. (crying) So that means I'm one step closer to the mystery box! But also Ronald's a step closer. So hopefully in the next round I'm gonna win and Ronald's gonna be like, "Oh my god, I couldn't find Karina!" - Okay Karina, Just pick your red and let me find you! - It's not gonna be red it's gonna be white or gray. - Watch this, watch this, watch this! - It's not gonna be red. - Three, two- (heartbeat) - I can sense- gray. - Yes! (Laughing) Gray, yes! - But like, wait tell me! - No, I'm not telling you you're never gonna find me, never, ever, ever, ever! - The basement's filled with gray things. The only really gray thing in this house is like the walls. - There's plenty- - Oh wait, I know! I'm not gonna tell you. - What? - Nothing, nothing, nothing! - Wait, Ronald. - (Evil laughing) I'm gonna find you! - So guys it's my turn to go hiding, I think I know where I'm gonna be hiding and I don't think Ronald's ever gonna find me. - You wish. - All right Ronald, here you go. All right, bye bye! So guys, timer starts now, I think I know where I'm gonna go hide. I'm gonna hide in the couch, I used to always be hiding in the couch but now I'm really tall so I can't do it. Ya know, but if I squeeze, I think I might just be able to make it. All right, so our couch has these little ottoman things I can take out. I'm gonna try to hide in there. (Crickets) I can try. Okay, um, uh. I don't know if I should going head first or with my toes first or. All right. (Groaning) I fit, I'm fitting, it's a little squished but I'm fitting! I need this thing, all right. Oh, I need the camera too, um. Uh, I don't know if I'm able to record in here, it's really squished, okay I can't even put my arms in. So guys, I'm inside the couch, I'm not gonna be able to record inside because its so squishy. I can barely fit my arms in, so you'll have to stay with Ron outside, what's happening. - So guys I think I know where Karina is and I need to win this cause I really want that mystery box! Okay, time starts now! She's behind the couch, she is! Hi! - What, you found me!? I tried so hard trying to get in here! - You're never gonna find me, never ever, ever, ever! (laughing) - I knew it! Wow guys, that was so easy, that was my fastest find ever! - I might need help getting out. - I think I found some gold! - Uhg, I don't know if I'm going to be able to get out. - What if I extend those? - You can't. - Oh, you shouldn't have gotten into there. - I wanted to win! Let me get my arms out. - Yay, one arm came out! - I knew you where in the thing, did you hear me saying she's in the couch? - Yes - And you're in the thing. - Yay, I found an animal! What is it? Karina! (Heavy breathing) - I'm so hot, it's so sweaty in there. Guys, that was definitely not worth it. I spent so long trying to get in there, my leg hurts now! And I'm so hot, and Ron found me right away! (Evil laughter) - Hopefully next time I'll do better. - So guys, I found Karina that means its two to one and I am winning! I have a higher chance of getting the mystery box, well now I need to pick a color and not be found. - Ron, you're gonna pick red, I know. - I don't think there is red. Okay, I picked one, brown, or white whatever, just- - Red, red! - Brown, brown! Yes, brown, brown, brown! - No, I'll never find Ronald! - Aha, everything is brown! Well technically if every door to every room is brown can I hide in just every room? - No, you can't do that, that's cheating. - Okay Okay Karina, it's time for you to go in there for three minutes, I might take longer. - I don't know. - Well I can't, well still, okay lets go! Okay so guys, I think I know where I'm gonna hide, cause there is options. So, I'm gonna say all the options, Karina's probably listening and cheating so, I'm just gonna do it really quietly. So, the first option is in here because like no one ever checks in here, maybe Karina did but I don't know. So that's the first option. Okay, next option there's so many options for a brown thing. Next option, I hide under the table but it's gonna be pretty obvious. Uh, where else? Oh yes, in here. I can hide in here cause the outlines are brown. This is a mirror, but these are brown so it kinda counts. If you open it you can see its brown but I probably can't fit in there, so yeah. So guys, I feel like Karina's gonna find me in all of these, but I made the ultimate God spot! I don't think she's ever gonna find me. It's this. Now, you're probably like, "Ronald, this isn't brown." Okay yes, I know, Mr. Coo coo pants but this is and guess what I'm gonna do with this? I'm gonna cover myself with it! So I'm gonna cover myself inside the baby crib and Karina will just walk past me and not knowing anything. Okay so guys I have my brown blanket and first what we need to do is remove the big things, so we don't stand out that much. Put that here and make that look casual. Okay what else do we need? This, it's not really brown. She's gonna complain its not brown but this is. Okay, uh lets get rid of the hard things or just put them in the corner. I don't know why but she has like a fifty percent chance of finding me, that's what I feel like. But this can go horribly wrong or really good. Okay, so, I'm gonna put myself this way. Okay um, I'm going inside. (toy bells jingling) I'm scared. - So guys, my turn and I got two minutes on the clock. So I gotta go find Ronald, let's go! All right uh, I'm gonna first check outside. The door's open! Ronald, I'm gonna find you! (Dragging) No, he's not there. Ronald? I'm gonna find you Ronald! (Frantic mumbling) (Rustling) Um. (Mumbling and heavy breathing) I'm getting really tired but I gotta keep going. Come on Ronald! I'm gonna find you! (Heavy breathing) Hello? (Intense heavy breathing) (Mumbling) Ronald? (Stomping) Ronald? Cat, move sorry. Ronald? What else is brown?! Where can Ron be hiding? No, I didn't find Ronald! (Loud breathing) R-Ronald, where are you? - [Ronald] In the living room! - You're- (Evil laughing) - You're in there. (Loud sigh) - But this is gray! - No, this is brown. - But this is gray. - But I was mostly hiding in this. - Ronald this is gray. - No, but most of the place I was hiding in was this! - Ron, you where hiding in, no, there's actually lots of colors in here, so many colors Ron. - But this was covering me, this was the main concept of covering me. - Ronald- I think Ronald should be loosing points because of this. - (mockingly) Oh okay. - I think we should let Ari decide what color this is. Ari what color is this? - Let's see Aria what do you think, what color is this? - She doesn't even care. - It's multi-colored! - I think she says brown! - No it's not. - (Baby voice) It's brown. - It's not just brown, look at all these colors here! - That wasn't covering me. - (Baby voice) Look at this brown blanket, this is brown! This, right here, yes it is brown! - Admit your fait! - This is gray Ronald! - You won all the past hide and seek videos. I think it's my turn to shine. - But before we didn't have the mystery box and now we do. - (mockingly) Oh mhm. - So guys that means Ronald wins and he gets to open up the mystery box. - Yay! - I've been sweating for this entire challenge running around the place and I didn't win. - Um when I was under the blanket I had to make my own breathing hole! - Yeah but when I was in the couch it was so hot in there. - I caught you right away so you're lucky! Okay guys, it is time! I am shaking, okay count down with me! - Okay (In unision) Five, four, three, two, one! (Screaming) - Look at all that chocolate! Oh my- I love Kit-Kat! - W-Wait, wait! (Inaudible frantic talking) - Wait! - But! (Excited screaming) - What! You got all that? Wait, wait, this is not fair! Look at all this chocolate Ronald! - Okay, okay, you get to have one M&M. - What! - Okay I'm kidding, you can have some but not most. - I guess some is better then nothing. (Inaudible mumbling) - There like doughnuts and crackers and stuff! - Ohh! Okay guys, so I was not expecting that at all but I'm really happy and also Karina gets to have some. - Oh I do?! - Yeah! - What can I have, can I have the kit-Kat? - Sure but not all. - Oh okay. - Well not all of it! Okay guys that is the end of the video we will see you all next time. (In unison) Bye! (Hip-Hop beat)
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 24,249,949
Rating: 4.7176237 out of 5
Keywords: hide and seek, mystery box, hide and seek in your color
Id: JUJ8Ohj0cIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 36sec (1296 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 02 2019
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