HIDE and SEEK at the new ROYALTY PALACE! | The Royalty Family

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and the winner of this challenge is gonna get $1,000 someone has got to be in here hey where are you I think we got a buddy we gotta [Music] she [Music] well superlative fam how you doing yeah today's gonna be a good day we're gonna be doing a hide-and-seek challenge at the new royalty palace and for all you guys that haven't seen the house make sure you guys check out the last video we posted a house tour this house is amazing so make sure you guys check out that video first also we are doing the iPhone giveaway in the next video if you guys want a man if you guys if you guys want to where all you have to do is two things hit the subscribe button get this video big tooth up in three two one yes y'all better subscribe because we are one of the fastest growing channel it's all because of you guys so make sure you par this family we're on the road to 10 million subscribers yo that sounds good 10 million subscribers guys goes cruising all right let's do the handshake of five four three let's go hi guys let's get into the video so today we're doing a Highness seat challenge at the new royalty palace this place is huge it's beautiful so it's gonna be fun [Music] [Applause] so first things first let me introduce you guys the contestants how many contestants do we have we have one two three four five yo we got five contestants and their amazing contestants so first we're gonna introduce contestant number we got six four four and a half five and a half okay my bad how do we get a half oh oh okay okay okay all right guys we got five and a half contestants let's meet the contest season right now [Music] our ladies and gentlemen we are proudly ready to introduce contestant number one she is all the way from Cali Colombia and she is mighty fine and she also brings with her a beautiful newborn son we have mrs. Andre Espada are you ready for the challenge well I would think that he would be awake if he wants to participate he was away like a couple of seconds ago okay first things first what do you think about the new royalty palace okay so we would like to talk about your strengths and weaknesses so Andres strain is that she's really beautiful therefore if I catch you you could convince me to leave you alone because you're so beautiful that's our strength that's a strain all right Andreea your weakness you pretty slow I'm just saying you're you're kind of slow when it comes to running okay all right I'll turn next contestant Milan strengths and weaknesses his weakness is that he'll do whatever for milk so if he's hiding somewhere and he wants milk he'll just come out of nowhere if I walk around with milk bottles he's gonna come out his strength is that he's here to save the world and change the world and I'm gonna be able to hide with him yeah I think you'll be able to hire him all right we'll see how you guys do I got if you guys think that they're gonna win get this video big thumbs up all right off to contestant number two he comes all the way from the Gucci store at your local mall for I keeper on are you ready for this are you guys are you gonna win alright everyone's probably wondering your strengths and weaknesses his strength is that he's super fast because he's small so he's a fast runner I just might not catch you your weakness you laugh a lot you're laughing you're doing it right now you laugh too much so I might just be walking around in caches so don't laugh okay are you ready for this hey you think you think you're gonna win okay bro you're doing you're showing me your weaknesses right now I ought to contestant number three your next contestant his name is well all the way from Colombia I like the headband I love the headband you know what I love about it the fact that has backwards yeah yeah what's up with that bro that's a bad start so far could you fix that okay that right there cool right there it's cool woohoo so let's go over your strengths and weaknesses so will strength is that he's got abs like 12 of them and it's got huge muscles and he could do five thousand pounds of lifting is that true bro is that true okay yo my grandma could do that alright your weakness you know what your weakness is right you're easily distracted by pretty woman so if I call a pretty girl and I have her walk around the house you would come in an instant alright that's the weakness message strength our buddy on to contestant number four all the way from Colombia she goes by the name of eat Emilia which means Andres mom aka Ferraz grandma Miller like former stars bienvenidos al casa muchas gracias nos Lester okay two strengths and weaknesses okay I don't speak too much Spanish mama try my best your strength your strength or muy rapido it's not a rapid I know muy rapido if we're there and your weakness is that you're claustrophobic right you can't stay in one place for too long that's tiny right right just say yes yes you're gonna lose this challenge right yes yes yes she knows that I'll try a chicken okay can we get all the contestants here I want to see everyone come over here please guys let's have all the contestants burn Mila is gonna kill it watch he's gonna do such a good job all right so here are the rules guys first of all you cannot leave the premises which means you cannot leave the front yard and go to a different house okay you have to stay within the house or the back yard or the front yard cool all right second rule you get three minutes to go hide three minutes three minutes I do for four minutes 4 minutes to hide okay lastly okay the last person that I catch is gonna be the winner and the winner of this challenge is gonna get $1,000 $1,000 I shall out chill out chill ah are you guys doing you go hide M'Lynn it doesn't look like Millan is trying to be a part of this lie he's just chilling already you're really confident you're gonna win are you gonna win any last words any last words unless we're all team up palabras okay last words sir last words perfect any last words know what to spend my $1,000 oh boy he's saying that his guarantee knees gonna win all right I want you guys to leave in 5 4 3 2 1 4 minutes you guys got 4 minutes go go go go go go go I'm going up the stairs right now Gucci do you want to hide with me okay probably not looking at you no okay no I told you you were the slowest one that was one of your weaknesses good luck I really hope it's honestly I really hope you guys win I love you babe love you so much your drop a big thumbs up if you think is cute he's so adorable hi guys good luck hi guys so I'm gonna wait here for four minutes I know this house is big but within four minutes you should be able to find a good place to hide I found a spot the good thing about it is that I can close the door and I can just go up here I'm covered by a wall so that's good I still don't know if he's the best place but I think I have to try this one okay guys I'm gonna hide right there okay okay okay guys are you guys ready give me one second okay just put me to sleep I think that everyone came to the second floor I'm gonna look for something different let's go all right guys there's about one more minute left that I'm gonna go look for these guys I can't wait I'm really good at catching people so watch me catch these guys fast all right my goal of this video is to catch them all within five to ten minutes and let's see if we can make that happen let's go one more minute one more minute I'm in my hangings by right now oh my god it's so hot in here it's like a steam room oh my gosh all right guys I'll get back to you when I hear good noise okay all right I'm coming out because I don't really like that spot I get the chance to get another spot he's over there I think this might be a better spot yes I'm right behind his door if he ever comes in he's not gonna find me oh okay I'm going to the back hands alright guys I think I'm gonna be here okay hello no one is here so when is hiding right here okay I don't know what to go okay oh here the restroom um maybe I can hide in the bathtub and no one's gonna find me here yo ready or not here I come I'm coming for y'all wait I hear me lon I hear min line guys wait Oh Gucci your Gucci do you have any idea where they are man they're upstairs are you sure all right thank you for the tip I love you oh yeah that feels good do it harder I'm a little I'm a little busy right now I gotta go catch him yeah I said do it harder I'll tell everyone you're coming all right is that good enough yeah go ahead with your vlog by the way your child's boring all right thanks for the love I think I heard Milan guys is crying that should have been one of his weaknesses is crying okay all right I hear someone I hear someone already bro what happy we just started you're too easy to catch they left you here really oh poor thing uh here's what we'll do if they ask I never saw you okay I won't even say anything okay [Music] what do I do I wasn't expecting this I gotta put the block camera down and take care of him real quick okay okay okay okay let's do this together as a team hi hi hi you're on my team so we Milan we gonna catch all the other people okay you and Daddy on the same team okay ah he's cool with it ah let's go catch these guys what do you think they are me like what do you do no but we can't cry we can't vlog and cry okay you guys left me with me nah that's not fair [Music] there I know he's not expecting this because right there is where he was counting so I know this place already it has a secret door right here that leads to this is the best hiding spot it's then I'm just gonna have to close this door I saw put me lots of sleep so we're good now so let's go catch these guys okay four rounds bathroom no I already checked here about honestly thought I honestly thought he was gonna be here somewhere because this is a good hiding spot for ass closet could be behind the door oh all right I got suspenseful for no reason anywhere else nope I think I think this room is clear and less and less no all right so this room is clear guys no one's in here I made sure of it this is the laundry room no one's in here unless they can fit in here somehow but I really doubt it all right we good we're good oh wait wait wait wait what no one's in there wait wait could it be no more detergent hi large room is clear oh good some what [Music] [Applause] wait what did you guys trick me it's all good it's all good you thought you were gonna win that thousand dollars all right so you're out I need you to go to the couch okay because you know where everyone else is that you know where there are no no you go you gotta go to the couch you gotta go up to the couch oh so we got one person down three people left guys Milan's room you're almost pretty easy I knew there was someone there the more my open that I over here closets closet could someone be in the closet again is that somebody right there you to know for under you tell me no parental Tuffy you're out you know don't get mad at here no you didn't tell me I'm trying to tell that you didn't tell me no yeah guys don't argue no I saw him no I ain't no me dijo nada all right we got two more people we got will and Andre oh hi where're you guys that open door all right someone came in here the doors open the door is open can someone be in the movie theater well I know you like popcorn you gotta be here somewhere Andre uh let me get some lights where are they they still might be in the backyard somewhere they'd be over here what are you doing I already caught you you just okay I'll tell you what you can walk around with me but you cannot tell me where anyone's at okay let's go find everyone else let's go what another chance I already caught you you did that to me like you did that to me like you said I found you but I won't ask the royalty found me I should give it another chance we're a family should he give me another chance ah you know what I'll tell you what this is so cute and adorable I love you so much I'll give you one more chance but if you do end up winning you can't keep all the money because it's not fair all right so I'll give you 20 seconds go go get out get out of here I'm so I ended up getting fur on your chance cuz you know he's a kid he's nice he wants to have fun so will is still alive Andre is still alive and Ferran still alive let's go catch these three alright let's do it let's do it I'm coming so pretty much upstairs it's good there's no one upstairs Lucci still hasn't moved your lazy butt hi guys I think I'll come into the backyard just one more place to check there's a couple more closets yo is that your boy you lookin fly bro alright off topic off topic alright anyone be here no yo is that your boy off topic on top hi I'm coming oh the kitchen I haven't checked the kitchen oh maybe in here the door was open the door was left open guys but there's no one in here this might be a little bit tough I think it's time to go outside I don't see anyone else here hi guys I know you guys are out here somewhere yeah it looks like he's now going to the backyard in apparently he has an idea where am I I think I'm gonna win yes it's been like 40 or 45 million and seven still here I just want a table I'm just gonna put on top of me waiting for you I seen that at this point they already fun everyone in the house unless me I think that I'm gonna be the last one I'm going up to the gym it's pretty hot up here but you never know these guys are warriors they'll do anything it takes for a thousand dollars no no one's here let me try get it aerial view so I can see a little bit better I don't see anyone let's go to the back house guys let's go to the back house all right I can almost assure you that someone's here there's got to be at least one contestant up doors open all right next time don't leave the door open duh Oh real quick if I make this shot that means I'm gonna catch them let's go hello yo I know someone's here can you tell Andre that's way too easy like you're you're not fully covered but then again you're beautiful so you can easily convince me look one of your strengths is that you're so beautiful so you can convince me otherwise like you can tell me hey baby okay let me try one more time no daddy I got you you're out that's good no I still love you though look all right there's gotta be one more person here baby you're the only one in here so I'll tell you what I need you to tag along with me to help help me find the other two contestants will and firaon yeah let's go I found your mom and I found four Ron but I gave him a second try I know he's a kid that's cool let's go all right let's go let's look around hey will there's a pretty girl walking by for Ron you want VBox you gotta come out like I caught me a lot already nope let's go back inside cuz I don't think I don't think they're gonna be able to last that long hi guys two more people we got will and fur on what do you think these guys are oh the garage okay yeah someone's got to be in here someone has got to be in here there are you I know you're in here somewhere where are they no that's on don't be frozen by now yeah that's true there's no one here you got bit by a mosquito will you scratching your butt right now hi guys we gotta find them oh geez look at that oh yeah he's looking outside someone's got to be out there someone's got to be out there okay Shh gotta be quiet guys hi guys we gotta find these we're gonna find them someone might just be here nope no one's here I hate to do this but you never know for $1,000 anything is possible for $1,000 I might even do it hi guys this is game difficult I think I'm gonna have to go back upstairs because I checked the whole backyard I went to the front yard the downstairs area is pretty clear so I think what I'm gonna do is go back upstairs because they gotta be up there somewhere find these guys let's go to the guest room are you serious I would bro you keep to the guest room yo this is this is a clever spot come you've been exposed so the thing is I started here and what he did was he waved for me to leave and he came back here because you thought would never come back you're pretty smart bro you're pretty smart hi guys you guys all ready to help me catch for Ron there's only four run left so we gotta catch him guys huh I don't know the thing is it's too hot outside like he won't last I feel like you don't think he's in the backyard somewhere yeah I came to the makeup room already but you never know you might I came back the thing is people move around right so you know I heard somebody was that you you're making that noise don't it's tougher on don't is tougher on better on there you know tu sabes no in stereo Tony Stark's okay she's trying I think your mom knows but she won't tell us are we gonna find four right guys that's cool we're gonna fight for on are you the McLin for Ron hey he's not upstairs she's not upstairs good tea you have any idea where firaon is Gucci it's not always about money my name is Gucci for everything I love money this is forming I brought you're no help but you're so cute I still love you you know he's gotta be here somewhere I think he's moving around guys he's moving around I'm pretty convinced the target is moving around I think we got a period well how did you hide in there yeah that's a good high spot this is what happened so I found me lunch first crying obviously you guys left me along with him that was a good strategy so so I grabbed um I thought he was gonna help me vlog and he kept crying yeah yo yo if that wasn't strategy that was a really good strategy because he he made it really difficult for me so I found me long first I found for one second I found melee a third I found you fourth I found you fifth and then found you sixth cuz you got a second chance so here's how we're gonna do it here's how we're gonna do it we're gonna split the money so there is no first place because firaon got a second chance so imma grab the money alright so here's what happened if he would have won fair square I would've gave him $1,000 but since I gave him a second chance I feel like it's only fair for me to get on 500 and you get to choose who gets the other 500 all right that's your 500 okay alright so who who gets the other 500 oh you gave it to you go that's true love honestly for this vlog being our first vlog at the royalty palace I think it was a very fun vlog to do the most important thing is that the royalty family had fun we all had fun as one big family once again guys we're almost 10 million we're on the way of 10 million so make sure you make sure y'all subscribe give this video a big thumbs up and one last thing that my beautiful amazing son would like to say [Music] you
Channel: The Royalty Family
Views: 23,939,771
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: The Royalty Family, Royalty Family, Andrea Espada, Family Friendly, hide and seek at the new royalty palace, hide and seek, hide & seek, royalty palace, palace, challenge, hide and seek challenge, hide, royalty family house, house tour, royalty palace tour, official tour, ferran, family vlog, fun challenge, new royalty palace, seek, hide seek, Royalty, Royal Family, The Royal Family, Royalty Fam, The Royalty Fam, Realty Family, Roti Family
Id: KTnhNmaR_TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 20sec (1760 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 16 2020
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