Hidden Secret Tunnel Entrance FOUND! 🔦

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it's time to explore some brand-new secret hidden tunnels my goodness guys we have a real-life miss fee of the hissed of these today and we have something to show you something special and you're just purchased something online Andrew why don't you show them what you bought you just can't let everybody know about it oh yes it's very important what is that what guys you know we love the hidden secret tunnels and we had to get some resources and evidence to find more and this lo and behold somebody wrote a book about all these hidden tunnels in Colorado I can't believe you even found this a person literally wrote a whole book about the tunnels in Colorado what I'm alright so today we're in Denver because there's a lot of tunnels here that we're gonna try and see if we can explore currently we are right outside Union Station it's the big train station here in downtown Denver Colorado Union Station there's a page for it yes no way okay and guys look this even has a map so this is where we're steaming wait a minute are we close to the house dude it says Oxford Club right there no way the Oxford Club that's way too suspicious if the hotels around here somewhere but guys look base off this map we have Union Depot seems to be the hub for these tunnels so we're gonna start here see what we can find to me a lot of exploring today guys because we don't know if some of these tunnels can actually be explored because the lady who wrote this book was able to get to some of these tunnels but some of them I think some users didn't want right some yes some no we're gonna find some sort of tunnel today I guarantee it [Music] let's go find a seat according to our book it says that the tunnels might have been filled in in 2013 so there might not be available to going but we're going to ask around anyways I think a good place to start would be the hotel because people work at the hotel kind of know the system a little in and out rather than just some random coffee shop so this is great guys a great first start that's why it's always important just to ask because if you don't ask you'll end up looking around for a while but if you ask the employees usually have some insights so this is cool so where did they fill up the wall so we go here or what as we go in boss did she say that rats well she did say the elevator so let's go get take the elevator down down we go I'm always suspicious when places have lower levels to me that means tunnels this looks super secret I know this is awesome dude this is super cool look up the safe is nothing like opens now you have to get the right code hurry you'll be surprised what's the code I'm trying to seven dang it guys look at this glass so you can see through it at an angle yeah look at this it's blurred right when you walk in front of it I could see over there now about is that this is some weird science to me Tom all these walls Lee well that might be something I feel like if it was some like down here it'd be like a sealed up wall like this maybe yeah what is that oh I wish they didn't seal it up this is a meeting rooms you know we found a wall that looks like it was closed off we went down the stairs uh-huh-huh that's for exactly where we were god buys me oh you be like maybe hit up these hotels down the street yeah this one's literally right across the street which we saw in the beginning oxford hotel it has a lot jeremy standing in the tunnels so that might be good place today the Oxford hotel opened in October 3rd 1891 it was Denver's first luxury hotel this is fancy guys so we got some good Intel that this is the oldest bar slash speakeasy here in Denver this opened when the prohibition ended which is pretty crazy look at it in there alright so we are here with ions through pen and I've worked it off for hotel since August of 96 and [Music] actually tunnels elongated anyway it's a coal chute tunnel that runs from one building to the other but not any magical tunnels that go to other worlds or the Capitol oh okay well thanks for that info all right we need some scooters for our next location it's a little bit of a walk do it ever since we did our last career video lift lifts we saw it dude not even joking over there there's a razor they have electric scooters now we were joking last video like razor because it was like a you know a normal scooter electric not anymore razor saw it was like oh no we got to get on this so are we going so we're like right here and we're gonna go all the way down here to this hotel okay all right we finally made it up to the tramway powerhouse the author of this book said that she wasn't able to get into the basement so maybe we can glide but is this wall one top-secret lunch box well that's for male-male there it's very curious down here it's like a parking garage guys where's the basement oh my goodness dude these look like doorways oh just a whole village here I need some white-washed nothing in there just dirt fine store rats you guys hear that try that doorway oh okay so we're walking around but we can't find this other a hotel it's on our map what's it called Windsor Hotel it says Barclay hotel is like right next to it which this is an apartment complex this is like a office building so I don't know where this is but that may be a hotel with him okay let's go check do you know if there any underground tunnels here you know around here if there are they're looking for 1526 what is all these 1530 all right we're right here - I found it Blake Street vault this is it oh no it looks closed why man remodeling no tunnels this time the book said that this place had tunnels and the owner usually gave a free tour but if the remodeling that closed at least we can show you guys pictures this is what the telling you say I look like I just figured and that's in here but they're closed thanks a lot guys so what about another one is there any other ones near though they have this one listed there Rio Grande 1525 this is 1526 hey that's right there go look both ways she's letting us see where this tunnel actually used to be oh that's cool yeah I wonder what this like tunnel used to be for look at the door handle right here but looks like yeah you can even see the dirt right there connected to other tunnels a lot of tunnels went to the capital yeah we're trying to find tunnels that are actually still working so this is cool dolphin [Music] [Music] well guys we found some pretty cool stuff exploring around but nothing super super tunnel eyes but we did get some intel that the tunnels used to go all directed to the Capitol I don't know what that means goodness I think we have to go to the capital the Capitol is a governmental building there must be secrets we will find these secrets it is in mystery of the history but thanks for watching guys don't forget to laugh daily and we'll see you next time bye
Channel: MoreJStu
Views: 879,592
Rating: 4.8480701 out of 5
Keywords: morejstu, more jstu, tunnels, secret tunnels, morejstu tunnels, hidden tunnels, tunnel, family channel, family friendly, kid friendly, exploring, exploring tunnels, underground tunnels, underground, explore, hidden, secret, mystery, funny, adventure, hidden secret tunnels underground, hidden secret tunnels found, jstu, comedy, mystery tunnel, tunnel found, found tunnel, underground exploring
Id: v8QdGshJ-o8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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