Hidden locking mechanism for a box made cheap

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to poo poos what works today I'll be doing I guess you can call it a tip one my wife's friends came over and these these boxes like I got here and these these concealment boxes they wanted one but then she asked me she said wonder what we could do for a locking mechanism and I've had a couple other comments on my on my channel where I built these boxes if you look under my channel you'll see where I've built this from start to finish but so now I'm getting the question how can you lock them or secure them to where they can't be opened up just biting because right now you just thinking and lift it up just like this right here so is so it kind of hit me house in here looking at it and with her I was like you know what we're gonna do this a simple way they've got some fancy magnetic locks that you can spend upwards of sixty dollars or up to a hundred dollars for but I think this is gonna work and it's pretty simple so basically what I'm gonna use is a nail it's just a regular 16 penny nail alright and what I did as you can see here as I cut the flat head off and I cut the point off I just use the rotor zip with a cut-off tool so I cut this now with that said I'm gonna take this is 1652 depends on the size of nail but I'm using the 3/16 drill bit so I'm gonna take the drill and drill bit and I'm gonna bore a hole as you can see I'm gonna put a hole right here in the in the corner and I'm gonna drill all the way through to where it goes to the center of this flap here so basically what I'm looking at is if she'll bring the camera around here this this nail is gonna slide through no more drill it just deep enough for the nail it's gonna slide through and it's gonna stay just like that that way to keep anybody from opening it up then when you want to go remove it you take a magnet stick it to the nail and it'll pull the nail out and then you can raise this up so I'm gonna go ahead and I'm go ahead and drill the hole once I get the hole drilled right all right so you see where I drill my hole and you can see this I got this is actually staying dark walnut so I just took a paper towel and got some dark walnut stain on it so I'm just gonna get the inside of that best I can you try to help hold that I'm gonna get this all I should put plugs on I'm gonna get it all over my hand all right I'm gonna wipe it off and as you see that way it don't make the hole stand out quite as bad so I'm gonna get this off my hands on that right back as you can see I've got to nail it like I said I cut each end of it off and what I did with the drill bit is I measured with the drill bit of how long this is because I didn't want to go too far to where this actually get buried all the way in there when I push it in I want it to be perfectly flush so basically you just take the nail and you slide it in here and there it goes it bottoms out pretty flush it's not really that noticeable when you go to open the box the box won't open so it's completely locked tight so basically all you need is any type of refrigerator magnet like this right here so when you're ready to get into the box there's your locking mechanism and then you can open this up so this is one of those things you never tell nobody about it they'll never notice it and if you can even go so far as where the end of the nail is dip that in some stain and let it sit and dry or either put some black sharpie on it to hide that that fresh cut so you push that in flat a box is locked take a magnet and it'll pull right out and then you can get in there and access whatever you need is hidden in behind the box so pretty simple pretty simple deal I don't know what stuff is out there like this I just come off this top of my head today and it seems like it works pretty well I did it to hers and I did it to this one sounds like hick that actually turned out so good I'm gonna put it on one I got metal on the wall so there it is but anyhow that's the beginning of this video we'll go ahead and lock my box up long as I don't tell my kids about it they'll never know about it if you get any questions shoot from your comment I'll try to answer them the best of my ability this was a short and sweet little thing but you know any just about anything you do with the close the box like these flags people do with the concealments and they put these high-dollar mechanisms in it well oh my gosh you don't get they're cheaper than a 16 PML in the magnet because those things we've pretty much added later anyhow anyway anyway like I always say thank you for watching and it's been a while since I've been able to put a video out but I've been really busy so hopefully you're coming pretty soon I got a couple of beds I got a build I got another kitchen table did I got a bill before Christmas so hopefully here coming in the future I'm gonna be getting more videos out and actually doing some woodworking instead of job working thank you for watching
Channel: Popo's Woodworks
Views: 106,893
Rating: 4.8692808 out of 5
Keywords: hidden locks, locking mechanism, magnetic locks, hide your lock, magnetic key, DIY, do it yourself, how to, how to make a magnetic lock, secret lock
Id: Iy-aFegKZ4s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 9sec (309 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 12 2019
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