Hidden Gem Doctor Who Stories! (Classic Who)

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just before we get into this video guys if you wanted to follow me on social media on Twitter and Instagram the links are here and if you also want to support me on patreon as well and help out my channel that would be absolutely awesome as well but let's get on with the video hey guys it's Winky here and welcome back to a brand new Doctor Who video now I was thinking the other day about underrated stories now I've done a couple of videos on this before talking about you know a handful of stories here and there that I think are underrated and I thought you know what let's talk about what I think in my own personal opinion obviously is every single doctors most underrated story or a hidden gem in their era or just a story that is generally not appreciated as much as it probably should be because we have quite a few doctors now I'm gonna split this up so this one is gonna be the classic series and then the next episode of this is gonna be the new series so starting off with the original doctor William Hartnell I think I'm gonna go with the war-machines for me this is one of those Doctor Who stories that I don't really hear people talk about and then again to be fair I don't really hear too many people talk about William Arnold's era of Doctor Who that much well the war machines for me is just my type of story I really like stories that are to do with computers going wrong or artificial intelligence that type of thing and this story is exactly that this computer Walltown decides it wants to get rid of all humans you basically know the trope it's around in many a different franchise whether it be Doctor Who or terminator or anything like that and then it constructs these war machines to eradicate the human beings the doctor has to stop them now first and foremost the design of the war machines themselves are really cool they're a bit big and clunky but it's the 60s I'll let it pass and I just think that this is a fun story there's not a lot that I can really say besides that to be honest this is just one that I enjoy watching this is one that I find myself revisiting a lot within the hardened Alera thankfully this is Dotel's last story because dodo is quite frankly the most pointless companion ever and yes I to include Clara in there and I think this one has some brilliant moments like there's a moment for example where the doctor talks about how he can feel the presence of something alien and he hadn't felt that since the Daleks that's a really great doctor moment though for the second doctor I'm gonna go with the macro terror now probably because this was released not too long ago the animation of course that's probably wise as fresh in my mind as is and again you don't really hear about the macro terror in the same way that you hear people talk about power of the Daleks all the war games or tomb of the Cybermen or stories like that that often get thrown around when Patrick Troughton Sprott now if you want my full feelings on the macro terror and the animation itself I did actually do a review of that I'll leave a link to that in the description so you can go and check that out because it wasn't just me I had a couple of people on with me as well and we talked about the actual story itself what we liked about it what we didn't what we thought of the animation all that sort of stuff so if you haven't seen it already link is below so yeah that's why I think it's underrated that video that's in the description so we'll move on to portray them now for me this was a tough one because there was a couple of stories that I was just like yeah that's definitely it and actually no it's that one I was thinking maybe something like the claws of axis because I really enjoy that and I recently did a review for it on patreon I was thinking maybe the ambassador's of death but know what I'm actually gonna go with its frontier in space I think the reason why this one isn't talked about as much is because obviously it leads into another story planet of the Daleks and the actual ending to this particular story is very rushed isn't really resolved properly and just kind of goes yeah okay we're into planet of the Daleks now and it's such a shame because even though it's a six-part ER you would have felt that they would have given it some sort of resolution some sort of proper ending and it still feels like it's a few loose threads here and there the joke onehans look great I love seeing extras in Doctor Who or actors in the rubber masks that can actually properly express themselves with their eyes in the mouth because the draconian mask is so unrestricted this story is a really fun political thriller we see the return of the ogron's unfortunately the last performance of Roger Delgado was the master and kind of a poor way to go out they obviously didn't know at the time that this would be his last story but it is still a bit crap that this was his last one particularly because his last moments aren't anything special at all it's just him running away essentially so it is a shame but the rest of the story is really really good and needs to be spoken about more but Tom again this was kind of one where I was thinking like I could be that one you know it could be robot it could be nightmare and Eden it could be the invasion of time it could even be lakopolous but no I'm gonna go with the Android invasion the reason being is because I genuinely love the Android invasion and I'm very very kind of confused as to why people don't talk about the Android invasion in the same vein as a city of death or Genesis or arc in space pyramids sort of like that I genuinely think this is that level of Doctor Who okay maybe not city of death and Genesis level but pyramids yeah Saigon yeah I think the reason why this one is underrated is purely because it feels a lot like does last sort of remnants of the per we era it's obviously set on at the time modern day earth it's an invasion hence the title and also unit is in this now unfortunately the Brigadier is not for whatever reason Nicholas Courtney decided not to come back sergeant Benson makes his last appearance in this Ian Martha as Harry Sullivan he doesn't appear again after this story it's heavily inspired by stuff like invasion of the Body Snatchers but it works there's some really fun scary moments in this well not really scary to me but I can imagine it being scary at the time some really good location work as well and the doctor goes into a pub it's not my dream also there's some crappy looking rhinos in this maybe that's why people don't like it as much so Peter Davison I'm gonna have to go with something like resurrection of the Daleks I've said this on Twitter before I genuinely think that resurrection of the Daleks is the best out of the three 80s Dalek stories I think this is better than revelation and I think it's better than Remembrance all three are great let's not get that twisted like all three Dalek stories in the 1980s I think are some of the best Dalek stories that we have ever had but for me resurrection just pips it because I like the ambition behind it and I like how grim and dark is obviously revelation is probably a bit darker yeah people are eating their own dead relatives that probably is darker but that doesn't mean that this isn't as dark or nearly as dark a lot of people died in this one and some ways brutal fashion as well and I absolutely love that that's what doctor who should be a vow he shouldn't just be like Oh everything is fine and happy we saved the day no it should be people getting killed there should be consequences there and it fully shows how powerful the Daleks are tearing through a crew on a spaceship like that tissue paper I think the plot of it is a bit convoluted and I will understand if people get put off by that and that's possibly why people don't look at this one in the same vein as something like remembrance for example but for me once you kind of get the general gist of what's going on and the duplicates and returning to Gallifrey and all that sort of stuff then it's just this brutal Dalek story I think it's probably the most brutal the Daleks ever were in the classic series overall I mean they have their moments but I think throughout a story this is this is some good Dalek action and of course Tegan leaves as well in what I think is probably the most genuine and realistic way that a companion has ever left not necessarily the best but I just loved the fact that she's like yes only people have died I can't keep doing this great music as well really good music in this one moving on to Colin I'm gonna have to say attack of the Cybermen no I think I did actually talk about attack of the Cybermen in the underrated Doctor Who series so I'm gonna go into massive detail but you guys know that I love the Cybermen this is the Cybermen's greatest hits again I can understand why that would put people off because it's not necessarily the most original story because it borrows stuff from the 10th planet tomb of the Cybermen the invasion in fact it borrows a fair chunk of it actually but because I am such a big fan of the Cybermen that's why I love it yes the doctor is a bit extreme at the end where he kills the cyber controller and yes said cyber controller is morbidly obese but that doesn't really take away from it because the Cybermen in this are still similar with the Daleks in resurrection they are still brutal they are still powerful and I think that's something that Erik's say what in particular really gets about the well-established Doctor Who villains that they're popular for a reason one of my favourite Doctor Who moments ever is in this story which is where Litton gets his hands crushed now a lot of people think that that's way too far for Doctor Who I disagree I think that is just about right in terms of violence for Doctor Who I also love how it doesn't particularly have a happy ending maybe that says more about me than it does about Doctor Who going on to Sylvester McCoy then and I'm gonna have to say again a story that I think I spoke about in my Under series which was battlefield season 26 I think is generally considered to be Sylvester McCoy his best season people seem to really like survival curse of Emmerich obviously is one of the most popular Seventh Doctor stories if not his most popular ghost like people talk about because it's just weird and I don't think anybody knows what is actually happening in ghosts like if you can shed some ideas about what's happening there please let me know but battlefield is that one that kind of just gets forgotten about which is a shame really because it is a genuinely good Doctor Who story the final ever appearance of the Brigadier in Doctor Who yes I know that he would appear in audios and I know that he appeared in the Sarah Jane Adventures but in terms of just cannon on screen Doctor Who purely Doctor Who because Sarah Jane Adventures whilst in the same universe is not the same Jo this is his last appearance and it's a really good one I like seeing the Brigadier interact with different doctors and seeing his dynamic with different doctors I loved his dynamic with the Seventh Doctor Jean marsh of course makes an appearance as the main villain of the piece who is obviously appeared in Doctor Who quite a few times she's great she's clearly having fun with her role as well it deals with Merlin and the mystery behind the doctor who he really is there's a new Brigadier as well who I think is genuinely a really good replacement obviously you can't replace Nicholas Courtney but if you're going to have a new figurehead I think she was perfect it's just a shame that we didn't see more of her all the nights are really cool as well there's just so much to absorb from this story book it all works the destroyer at the end genuinely looks great I think you could easily get away with the makeup and the mask on that thing today probably on the same level of something as like the Judoon like I say it just feels a bit forgotten about considering the series of this in then last but not least Paul McGann now obviously unless you count Big Finish which I do but I haven't heard enough to properly say oh yes it's definitely this one for me I will actually say the TV movie because I don't think that it gets the love that it deserves now is it great no is it very Americanized in places is Eric Roberts terrible maybe with the better scripts he would have done better but he definitely can't sit before court Paul McGann is definitely the saving grace of this entire thing like Paul McGann is fantastic as the doctor and it is such a shame that in terms of TV at least we barely saw him after this it was literally just one minute old and that's it but he hits the ground running he just manages to bring something new to the part yet still be the same as we've seen with all the other doctors he just embodies something I don't know if it's because he's surrounded by an American cast but he just seems so quintessentially British and I love that I love that this doctor is at this point at least probably the most charming outside of Pertwee probably the most swashbuckling as well the general idea of the TV movie and the general story I don't think is necessarily a bad one I just don't think that the execution was a hundred percent right I think there's just a few tweaks here and there and this genuinely could have been the start of a great Doctor Who series if you've heard some of the ideas that they had for the rest of the series had it gone to it there was some ideas that I'm not ok with but I would have been willing to see them because at least it was something fresh and new and there was some genuinely great ideas that I hope at some point come into the new series I don't think they will what I'd love it if they did especially when it comes to Time Lord Law Time Lord law that's really not easy to say and I'm pretty sure I said it in a different video before and I struggled to say it that I like seeing the master have a companion as well that was something quite new at the time obviously we had Lucy sucks and later on and whatnot and so guys that is what I think is every single classic series doctors most underrated story that was a mouthful as well in the comments below guys let me know what you think are the classic doctors because like I say new series doctors will be the next one what do you think is each of their most underrated stories do you agree with the choices that I made if not let me know they are there's literally no right or wrong answers here if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like on it subscribe for more social media and patreon links will be in the description below as usual and if you would follow me on any of those things I would absolutely love you forever but until next time guys you take care yourselves goodbye [Music] but then again if you say something like city of death is underrated for Tom it really isn't so I guess there is right and wrong answers
Channel: Wingy Media
Views: 13,797
Rating: 4.9322033 out of 5
Keywords: Doctor Who, BBC, TARDIS, Daleks, Cybermen, Classic, K9, William Hartnell, Patrick Troughton, Jon Pertwee, Tom Baker, Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy, Paul McGann, The Doctor, The Master, Review, Discussion, Underrated, Hidden, Gems, Forgotten
Id: X8WvNJLp8Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 22sec (802 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 14 2019
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