Doctor Who Review: Series 3 (2007)

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just before we get into this video guys if you wanted to follow me on social media on Twitter and Instagram the links are here and if you also want to support me on patreon as well and help out my channel that would be absolutely awesome as well but let's get on with the video hey guys it's Winky here and welcome back to another episode of my Doctor Who series review now I've done series 1 and I've done series 2 so naturally then that would mean that this is series 3 now I've got to say from re watching this series I don't really know it's really rare I don't really know what to think about this series whenever I thought back to it because it was such a major part of my childhood I remember distinctly this series coming out I remember week in week out where I was looking what time some of the episodes were broadcast all this sort of stuff it's weird revisiting it now and seeing how its held off series 3 of doctor who was the third series with Russell T Davies in charge of showrunner the second series with David Tennant as the Tenth Doctor and also the first series without Billy Piper's roles Tyler and it introduced us to Martha Jones as played by Freema Agyeman this series was also quite major because it introduced what would become arguably the most iconic villain post 2005 which was the weeping angels it reintroduced us to the master we saw the return of the Daleks and overall it's a bit of a mixed bag I'm not gonna lie so I'm just gonna talk about a few things here and there as I always do I'm not gonna go into massive detail about every single episode I'm gonna sort of pick out ones that I want to talk about let's start off with David Tennant that's the doctor now this is obviously his second series I've got with me he's a hell of a lot bear at times but one thing that really annoys me throughout this entire series is that the doctor his soul lovesick about roles he's so hung up about roles and to be honest it gets really really irritating at times it's just like the sake she's in another universe she's alive she's fine deal with it you can find any other blonde anywhere else it'll be alright but I think his performances as the doctor are definitely better than when he is with Rose Martha is a character who isn't just gonna put up with the doctors she will pull him up on stuff and even though sometimes he does put on it quite a bit and he does sort of not give her the respect she deserves I think particularly towards the end of the series she definitely puts him in his place and I like that dynamic and I think as an actor I think he's definitely more comfortable in the role as the doctor also he gets a new suit in this series which personally I think is his best one I think the blue shoe is amazing i I think he's one of the best doctor new outfits ever personally and I'm not even a big fan of the Tenth Doctor well there you go but obviously we get Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones now laughter like I just mentioned that briefly is a character who is a bit of a breath of fresh air actually because while she's definitely interested in the doctor he's not interested in her and for me that is the dynamic that I prefer well I'm not necessarily just the doctor not interested in somebody I mean to be fair he is he's interested in roles and he won't show up about it but though you are I think when Martha though she's definitely her own character and she's not gonna take any she's very capable in her own way as well and I like seeing her growth as a character it's something that Davros says in series 4 he's like you take people and you turn them into soldiers I think Martha is the prime example of that seeing her at the star in Smith and Jones to seeing her in the end in the finale microscope there's a lot of development there for her throughout the entire series and I like seeing that I like seeing her grow as a character and for her to sort of have the balls at the end of the series to just be like you know what I love traveling with you I think it's amazing we've seen some incredible stuff but enough is enough I really love that moment it's such a satisfying moment as well and you know what a lot of the time you've like oh you you know the doctors got this amazing time machine that can take you anywhere and you're just being ungrateful but actually in that moment you're just kind of like yeah you do you him off he's treated you like a right nob oh yeah John barman's in this series as well I totally forgot and of course we get the return of the master played by both Derek Jacobi and of course John Simm Derek Jacobi doesn't really play the master apart from like two minutes so I don't really want to talk about it but I want to talk about Johnson now as a kid love Johnson I love him as an actor in general I mean I love life on Mars and a few other bits and pieces that he's been in as a kid I was like yeah this is awesome I love the master watching it back like he has moments where he is very very very good but there's a lot of moments where he's quite over-the-top and it's quite cheesy and to me he is very much the antithesis of David Tennant's doctor he is very much the anti tenor and considering that over the years I'm not too keen on the Tenth Doctor that subsequently has men I am not as keen on Johnson's master which is a shame I thought he was great in the Capaldi stuff we'll get to that oh no we walked already review series so I thought it was very good with Capaldi but I think the dynamic with tenon I think this just you need a character who if you're gonna do over the top and just really mental and leather you need to play him off against a straight man and you don't really have that because Tennant whilst he can't do that stuff typically is very soft wet l alamin Z and all this sort of stuff and it's just that dynamic doesn't quite work for me definitely has its moments though but anyway let's talk about some of the standout episodes in this series in my opinion so the Dalek to par dreadful in it again as a kid I didn't mind this one but looking back on it now it's just piss-poor it is really poor like it is an embarrassingly bad Dalek story and I don't wanna go too hard on it because I know people put a lot of work and effort into this story behind the scenes probably the first time I've ever said that but anyway it's a story that I think has a genuinely interesting concept and a really interesting idea but it is executed in such a way that it comes across as really lackluster really boring I'm really stupid the idea of a Dalek human hybrid is quite an interesting idea and I think the design of it as well is fantastic but it's all the other stuff it's the pig slaves it's Tallulah it's the saying of new New Year not new New York the old want old New York it's the stuff at the Empire State Building and you know Hooverville and all this sort of stuff it's just it's bogged down with so much crap that it doesn't focus on the interesting stuff and when it does finally get to the interesting stuff it's very few and far between like the stuff with the Daleks where this off conversing with each other having doubts about dialects sec that's some really cool moments I think the doctors a bit of an idiot in this story as well like there's so many times where it's like that's obviously the Daleks that's very clearly then by how are you not aware that they're here yet but overall yeah this is probably the first two-part story knew who days fly crap speaking of two partners we'll go to the next step two powers which is human nature and family of blood no this is a story that I think everybody can agree is amazing it is one of the best Doctor Who stories post revival and I recently did a review of this on patreon and one thing that really stuck out to me was the fact that it's really dark in places the way that the stuff is handled including the doctor and it's interesting that this novel that is based on was originally written with the Seventh Doctor as the doctor because there are things in here that I genuinely can't see the Seventh Doctor doing I haven't read the novel so I don't know but as in the stuff with John Redfern and him falling in love and you know we could have had this life together I can't see the Seventh Doctor I mean I know it wouldn't be him technically but I couldn't see McCoy doing that sort of stuff what the stuff towards the end where the doctors you know locking him up in in breakable chains and the Scarecrow and throwing her into a black hole yeah I can see McCoy doing that but it was amazing to see Tennant's doctor do that sort of stuff because we know that he is this damaged lonely God and you really saw the wrath of a Time Lord come out there tell it's acting throughout this entire story is phenomenal both as the dr. Anna's John Smith because you really feel this guy's pain anguish when he realizes that everything he thought he knew was a lie his dreams were actually in reality but for those dreams and realities to come true he'd have to die and you'd have to give up a life that he had always wanted it Martha is great in this story as well and this is a story where I was sort of talking about like she doesn't take any the way that she conducts herself throughout this entire story where she's getting offered you know just being like a maid or something like or for being black all this sort of stuff it's handled incredibly well and Martha conducts herself with such class as well where she's just like oh well you know women couldn't possibly be doctors in the future but even if they are not people of your color and she's like right okay bones in the hand and then just list them and it's such like go on tell her the Scarecrow's are really cool bit generic but they are pretty cool villains but then the family of blood now son of mine is to stand out one and I think everybody agrees with that he is such a well cast character swatch a well cast character throughout this entire thing he's the one that you draw your eye to he's the one that creeps you out the most there's something so unnerving and alien about his performance that you were just hopped on it definitely one of the strongest guest stars of the entire series without question the one thing I don't like though about this 2 episode story is the fact that it is a bit melodramatic the stuff with John Smith and John but I understand why it's there I understand why it needs to be there but I'm not somebody who's asked about romance or anything so for me I was a bit like yeah alright I like each other sweet next up I've gotta talk about link because of course I've got to talk about link this for me is a very good episode massively overrated though I think there's a one-off idea for Doctor Who it's a great story I think as a benchmark for how doctor you should be don't direct people towards that doctor who is not at all like blink on a weekly basis so if you say people like oh this is one the best officer episodes they'll be like oh okay I want to see more of that it's nothing like that is very good though don't get me wrong I really like Sally Sparrow I like the way that the story builds itself I like the way that at first the angels are just there and then slowly throughout the story you see what they're capable of and so you get to that climax at the end where you know Larry's just looking at it it's like I've got a lot behind me because what if there's one behind me I also like the idea of the DVD extras the Easter eggs right and they build the script up later on it's really efficiently done it's aged well but I think there are definitely in my opinion a lot better doctor news stories and so that's why I would say it's overrated but it's definitely not a bad story by any stretch of the imagination it's definitely a really good Moffat script and there's a lot of Moffat isms in it as well which I found quite funny watching it back we believe wobbly timey wimey stuff and then of course I've got to talk about a finale because I always talk about the finales utopia phenomenal episode absolutely phenomenal episode this for me was such a jaw-dropping moment as a kid and I know that the master has recently returned and I have seen the clip of it I've not watched the episode so I'm not going to talk about it but that reveal in spy fall compared to this reveal can't even hold a candle to it like utopia was incredible I remember sitting back watching it because I hadn't how do I seen the master at this point I think I had I was definitely aware of who the master was anyway when you get that slow reveal of the fog watch you are not alone and I just knew it was the master and it's like you hear the voices as well as Roger Delgado and I think Anthony Ainley I got so excited because I was like oh my god they've done it they've brought back this character at this point I think I'd only seen Anthony Ainley and so to see the master back in the new series with the current doctor was so exciting and especially with the whole thing in the time war and the doctors the last of the Timelords it was just such an exciting moment for me and the rest of the episode is actually pretty decent John Barrowman coming back was a really welcome addition I really like Captain Jack Harkness as a character and to be honest I think he works quite well with David Tennant as well I think the old still got really good chemistry I love the scenes with dolls to where jack is in that radiation chamber and they're talking about him being the mother who can never die and all this sort of stuff it was a really nice moment and it's a really nice scene I think the future kinda just like a generic villain but they're sort of there to throw you off the scent that maybe there's something else there but overall that reveal the regeneration and John Sims first scene is brilliant that ending is just total despair like the TARDIS is gone the Masters got free rein to go wherever the hell he wants to go and cause utter chaos however he wishes you've got the futurekind breaking in there at the end of the universe there's literally no hope whatsoever now the sound the drums I think is overall a good episode I don't think it's as strong as utopia but I like a lot of the stuff that is in there and a lot of the settle so jack has got a vortex manipulator so obviously they go back to you know wherever and that's fine I I can live with that it's not the worst thing in the world is a bit of a deus ex machina but it is established so well then the Masters Prime Minister of Great Britain that's a cool idea the most evil man ever in charge of the earth well not earth but England you know he's got political power and that's such a really interesting idea like what would a character like that do with genuine power and I love the set up I love the fact that the dr. Jack and Martha I wanted I love the fact that they're on the run and I love those moments as well the music in all of this is fantastic particularly in the scene where they're just sat and the doctors talking about Gallifrey this is califor is a beautiful piece of music John Simm is pretty good for the most part in a lot of these scenes when he's more somber I think the phone call with the doctor is probably the best scene for him I just love it where he's just like having gun free be gone and you know the time was they wanted a warrior I love how maniacal he gets throughout that conversation like at first you saw think there's gonna be a bit reasonable but then he's just like you're public enemy number one two and three I love the stuff with Martha's parents I must admit I think whilst her mother was annoying throughout the entire series actually gets her comeuppance in these last couple of episodes so that was satisfying to watch the toclafane are an interesting one I both like them and don't at the same time I like the idea behind them I think they are a bit stupid at the same time though I think I think it's that design everything about them the way that they are written and everything great the way that they look I'm not too keen on until we open them all and then that cliffhanger as well where the master just basically takes control of the world and says remove one sense of the population the doctors old because of the laser screwdriver all this sort of stuff again really good cliffhanger and then he it last of the Timelords have had all the potential in the world but I think it suffers from being written so well and so much stuff going wrong beforehand that I think Russell had written himself into a corner to the point where there was nothing that he could do really that would get you out of this in a satisfying way it would always have to be some sort of magical that you isn't believable and that's a shame it really is a shame because a lot of this story is good and a lot of the performances are good but in this episode in particular I mean the doctor's old for the majority of it so he doesn't really do much Captain Jack doesn't really need to be in this story he should have gone with Martha realistically Martha's fine but are you seriously telling me that when she's going around the world telling people about the doctor that they'll just be like right okay well we'd better start chanting not then of course not people are just gonna go I wanna you on about who's this doctor guy I mean the whole thing of the phone networks connected and everyone chanting doctor and that saves the day it's just a pile of one it's really really part I mean the master even says it himself like you're gonna save the world with prayer how does that work but as I mentioned before I do like the end in scene I love the stuff of Cardiff Bay where Jack reveals he's the face of Bowl that was quite cool and they also look the stuff with Martha in the TARDIS where she's basically telling the doctor just do one I've had enough so overall though guys I think series 3 is a bit of a mixed bag I think it has definitely strong episodes yeah it's definitely weak episodes as well like Shakespeare cold dollars dishwater gridlock it's all right really forgettable the Dalek story as I mentioned that's pretty crap the Lazarus experiment is okay I guess 42 is an indication of why people shouldn't miss your honor but it does have some little gems in there as well such as bling human nature utopia I even quite like Smith and Jones to be quite honest with you but overall I'm gonna give series 3 a 6 out of 10 because I think his brightest moments outshines some of the well in the comments below guys let me know what you think do you like series 3 do you not why either way let me know in the comments below if you enjoyed this video make sure you leave a like on it subscribe for more social media and patreon links will be in the description as always so if you would follow me on any of those things and absolutely look at you for ever but till next time guys carousels goodbye [Music] oh it can a kitchen a kitchenette that's not health
Channel: Wingy Media
Views: 5,756
Rating: 4.9446368 out of 5
Keywords: Doctor Who, BBC, Series 3, Review, David Tennant, Freema Agyeman, John Barrowman, John Simm, The Doctor, The Master, Martha, Captain Jack, Daleks, Weeping Angels, Blink, Russell T Davies, Derek Jacobi, Discussion, Wingy Media, Nostalgia
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 45sec (1065 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 15 2020
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