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how's it going to the HODLGANG? it's Crypto NWO here and today we are gonna be reviewing the hidden files that were on the dark web harddrive. so if you guys don't know what happened recently inside this dark web mystery box, I got a hard drive from the dark web and this hard drive contained ONLY ONE FIlE (it was a 500 gigabyte hard drive and it only contained one file and it was such a small file really really small file) and I thought that was really suspicious so I took the hard drive and I gave it to my team my team examined the hard drive examined the hidden files cuz I don't know how to do that sh*t. they found some hidden files that were on the hard drive so I wasn't able to do it they were able to do it they finally sent me a folder over here called hard drive recovered files and now we have over here one two three four five videos that were on the dark web hard drive so before we get started ladies and gentleman go ahead and subscribe to the channel if you haven't done so already put on the notification bell and smash that like button without any further hesitation let's go ahead and get this started all right so over here you can see that we have five files and one of them is titled zero one zero one zero five zero one zero one zero six zero one zero one zero seven zero one zero one zero eight zero one zero one zero nine so we have files going in a sequence right now I don't know if they were recorded in this sequence but we're gonna go starting from five all the way to nine first file 37 seconds long Oh as e @ CL OSE close you are you are close what does I say at the top No I know you are close a boogie board the body board I've got a boogie board off I've got a boogie board off my I swear to god I've gotten a boogie board out of my dark web mystery box I'm home 100% sure a boogie board like over there right beside that little black button right there I don't remember if it was a black button I don't I don't know but when you press it it erases everything that's on the screen it's actually pretty damn cool um I haven't seen mine in a pretty long time I got mine from a dark web box so okay the next file we're gonna open up is titled zero one zero one zero six and that looks like screen recording crypto you recorded a screen chat two minutes and 30 seconds there is no ideal plane you finally added me back I get that message every time I add someone back or oh my god you added me back not you finally added me back use this as your clue crypto use this as your clue use this as your clue you finally added me back use this as your clue use this as your clue seven times eight times chill bro do you have a clue I feel kind of clueless right now this man added me on my snapchat so this is what happens when I promote my snapchat like crypto and w/o snapchat this is what happens when I promote the damn snapchat I mean what happens is I get a whole bunch of weird people adding me on snapchat use this as your clue do you have a clue do you have a clue do you have a clue do you have a clue I have no clue what's going on right now to be real with you buddy use this as your clue how long does this go on for thank you goodbye okay hey it's about to end thank you goodbye why was my score blocked he plucked me as a friend and why why was my score blood all right so the person that sent me this hard drive which is the person that sent me this mystery box is also a person that has me on snapchat okay the next video we're gonna open up this is the vo of me inside this is the video beside Walmart two minutes in 39 seconds why are the lights like that I don't remember Walmart's lights ever being like that he's like 10 steps behind me turn around it okay I get this volume there's volume I didn't have the headphones on for the earlier part of the video let me know if you guys heard anything on in the early part of the video what am i holding what the Potala big oh gloves ah I don't wanna be this I stopped I saw clothes and I was like dark mailboxes nah I mean it is but today buddy oh I look at the person do they look at the person did I see the person no I'm the most oblivious asshole that lives on this planet the jacket I'm looking for a standing man I got the mirror didn't I get them here no I'm looking for a standing near oh this was this was in like late February or early March this was a law this was like radio this is I was going to go get star be a bedsheet oh I got stone especially I have the receipts I think will pinpoint exactly with his wife oh that's fucked up the next file is titled zero one zero one zero eight again Walmart okay this had to be before the first footage because I picked up the bedsheet for storm I don't have the bed sheet with me my whole thing it no I'm not what is that in my hand what is that in my hand Oh what am i holding oh this is blowing my fucking mind okay so this footage that we just watched right now this was before the first footage of me in Walmart because I am holding something in my left arm and I'm holding something in my right arm I forgot what I was holding my right arm I was holding something in my right arm I had to just one look at my receipt but I'm holding something on my left arm my right arm in that video and then the first video we watched I went at the end and I picked up the bed sheets from the bed sheet section first or because I got a new bed sheet for storm and his crate I was holding three items in my hand in the total when I was leaving so that is the second video we watched was recorded before the first video we watched thinking thinking that's what happens when you use a fraction of your brain the next video we're gonna be watching is titled zero one zero one zero nine the last video on the hard drive alright 48 seconds lunge not that bad let's get it started we have a very glitchy it looks like it was pulled out of a VCR what is this what am I looking at I hear a card about I see a garbage can a pile on a bag of money Oh a bag just a bag in general okay wait what the fuck was that it was a garbage can and it said the garbage can there was a bag and inside the bag there's a if you guys know what that is let me know in the comment section down below if you guys can like see anything that resembles just let me know in the comment section down below I have no idea it looks like a paper just a paper regular paper what's the significance of this okay those are all the files that were on the dark web hard drive now just a reader a back for that mystery box that I got just comparing all the items that I got in the mystery box comparing it to the stuff that was inside this dark web hard drive I don't really see any correlation I don't know if I don't really see any correlation I did get a mystery box a month back and it was a whole bunch of snapchat items it was definitely somebody that indicated they had me on snapchat I don't know this is the same person or I don't know this is a different person at this point especially at this point I don't know what's been going on I don't know how many people are like a part of this but I have to indicate that this hard drive that I pulled out this hard drive I'm reviewing right now this is not recent I got this from a mystery box and I thought there was only one video on it however again there was a whole bunch of hidden files just to give you guys an update me personally I haven't gotten any word from the stalker I haven't find any update from the stalker I haven't find any item from the stalker that indicator any storage device that indicated they've been around lately or indicated they've been stalking me or watching me I'm assuming it's because of this entire thing going on globally like you know there's a lot of more like strict precautions I don't know what these precautions are gonna stop a stalker but I don't know I don't know but then that's all for this video maybe jump if you guys made it this far into the video thank you guys so much subscribe to the channel you guys haven't done so already put on the notification bell and smash that like button if you guys enjoyed the video please smash the like button if you didn't enjoy the video you know what to do dislike the video but thank you guys so much that is all for the video and remember to stay off the dark web
Channel: Crypto NWO
Views: 115,533
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: crypto nwo, dark web, stalker, dark web hard drive, crypto stalker, creepy pasta, deep web, ask reddit, reaction, shocking, hard drive, dark web mystery box crypto, dark web mystery box unboxing, mystery box
Id: wDkOjjbKbp4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 35sec (815 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 11 2020
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